2final Lesson Plan This Coming June 20, 2024 God Bless

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Name of Teacher MELVA M.

BIHASA Section
Leaning Area ENGLISH Time 8:00 AM- 5:00 PM
Grade Level TWO Date JUNE 20 ,2024

The learner demonstrates understanding of the concepts
A. Content Standards of pronouns and preposition.
The learner shows proficiency in constructing
B. Performance Standards grammatically correct sentences in different theme-
based activities.
C. Learning Use personal pronouns (e.g. I, he, she, it, we, you, they) in
Competencies/Objectives sentences. EN2G-IVa-b4.2.1
Write for the LC code for
D. Sub-tasked Learning Objectives a. identify the correct personal pronouns (e.g. (I, he,
she, it, we, you, they) in the sentence;
b. construct a sentence using personal pronouns
(e.g(I, he, she, it, we, you, they);
c. show kindness to everyone.
A. References K TO 12 Curriculum Grade 2 – English page 40-41
1. Teacher’s Guide pages English II TG page 37-38
2. Learner’s Materials pages English II LM page 50-54
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) Teacher’s Manual, Photo credit: Google
portal Images
B. Other Learning Resources pictures, cartolina, manila paper, pentel
Teaching Strategies explicit approach and cooperative
Integratio ESP
Before the Lesson
COT Indicator and
Teacher’s Activities Pupils’ Activities Annotation
1. Preliminary Activity
a. Building Rapport
Good morning Good morning
class, How are
you today? We’re fine
Are you ready for
today’s teacher Yes, we
are ready!
Are you excited? Indicator # 1
Yes, we are. Applied knowledge of
b. Prayer
(The teacher leads a short content within across
prayer) (Students do us curriculum teaching
told.) areas.
c. Checking of attendance
(The teacher checks the -The learners will be
attendance of pupils) able to arrange the
d. Drill following words.
1. Each pupil will arrange the Indicator # 3
following unscrambled words Applied a range of
correctly. teaching strategies to
2. In every student got the develop critical creative
correct answer will be given a thinking, as well as other
reward. higher- order thinking
List of words 1. nounopr - pronoun
1. nounopr 2. nnou - noun -The learners will be
2. nnou 3. lanosrep - personal able to improve their
3. lanosrep 4. ecnetnes - sentence cognitive abilities
4. ecnetnes 5. yeth - they
5. yeth
through unscrambled
c. Review of the past lesson
Before we start our lesson let’s
have a short review.
Who can tell me the past
lesson that we have
yesterday? The lesson that we had yesterday
was all about nouns.
Yes, Jack?
Very good Jack!
Who can tell me what is Nouns are names of a
noun? person, animals, place and
Yes Coleen? an event.

Who can give 3 examples of
nouns? Manila, Analisa, dog.
Lara? No,
Good job, Lara!
Do you have any question
about our last topic? ma’am.
Did you understand our last
Okay! Very good.
Before we start our lesson,
please ma’am
That’s Yes,
d. Motivation
Alright, class, before I tell you
the paragraph, let us read first
some of the questions that we Indicator # 3
must answer later.
Applied a range of
(Teacher calls a pupil to read teaching strategies to
the question) develop critical creative
Motivational Questions: thinking, as well as other
1. Who is a grade 2 pupil? higher- order thinking
2. What did her parents always
say to her? -The learners will be
1. Who is a grade 2 pupil? able to enhance critical
3. Who really likes Anna? thinking with
2. What did her motivational questions.
4. Why her classmates really parents always
like her? say to her?

3. Who really likes Anna?

4. Why her classmates

really like her?
2. Lesson Proper
a. Unlocking Difficulties
Place the meaning of the Indicator # 1
word beside each picture.
Applied knowledge of
content within across
curriculum teaching

-The learners will be

a. Industrious - means a. Industrious - means able to comprehend
someone who works hard. someone who works what the words mean.

b. kind- show that b. kind- show that

you care about other you care about other
people and want to help people and want to help
them or make them them or make them
happy happy
Indicator # 2
At this point, the teacher will
ask one pupil to the read the Used a range of teaching
paragraph. strategies that enhance
Ana is a Grade 2 pupil at learners’ achievement
Ana is a Grade 2 pupil at Masipag Elementary School. and literacy and
Masipag Elementary School. Her parents always say to her numeracy.
Her parents always say to her every day,
every day, “Ana you must need to be -The learners will be
“Ana you must need to be kind kind to everyone”. asked to read the
to everyone”. Ana always listens to her paragraph, and let the
Ana always listens to her parents. She is one of the learners comprehend
parents. She is one of the most most industrious pupils in the paragraph.
industrious pupils in their class. their class.
They always say to Anna, They always say to Anna,
“We really like you Anna, “We really like you Anna,
because you are very kind. because you are very
ESP/Values Integration: Is it Indicator # 1
good to be kind to anyone? Yes, it is good to be kind,
Why? because it can bring -Applied knowledge of
happiness to everyone. content within across
In what way you can show curriculum teaching
kindness to everyone? I can show kindness through
my actions, but not only areas. Integration of ESP.
Very good class! actions also in my words.

Class, what have you noticed

about the paragraph that There are some underlined
you read? words.
What are the underline words
The underline you, she, they
in the story?
are the underlined words.
Very good!
Do you know what we call
Yes/No, teacher!
those underlined
Okay, those are what we
called Personal Pronouns.
b. Presentation
Today we are going to learn Indicator # 2
about Personal Pronouns (e.g.
(I, he, she, it, we, you, they) Used a range of
Personal Pronouns – a word teaching strategies that
that replaces the name of a enhance learners’
person, thing, or animal in a achievement and
sentence, it is used to avoid literacy and numeracy.
repetition of nouns. -The learners will be
PERSONAL Use in the to read, and to enhance
PRONOUN sentence them on how exactly
is use when the uses of different
I it refers to examples of personal
the pronoun.

1. My name is Shiela.
I am a teacher.
Is refers to a 1. My name is Shiela.
he male/boy I am a teacher.
spoken about.



2. Carlo forgot his

toy. He is sad.
2. Carlo forgot his
it is refers to a toy. He is sad.
she female/ girl who
spoken about.



3. Bella is hungry.
She cooks eggs for
is used when 3. Bella is hungry.
it refers to a She cooks eggs for breakfast.
it thing or an

4. The dog is
cute. It has 4. The dog is
blue eyes. cute. It has
is use when to blue eyes.
we two or
including We

5. I and my classmates 5. I and my classmates

are in the classroom. are in the classroom.
We are in the second We are in the second grade.
is refers to the
you persons


6. You have many shopping

6. You have many shopping bags.

Is refers to two
they or more
persons, places,
or things.

they they
7. They are my friends.
7. They are my friends.

Activity # 1
Choose the correct
personal pronoun in
the sentence.

Indicator # 9
Used strategies for
1. My pet is a dog. providing timely,
love to play with my dog. accurate, and
a. they b. he c. I constrictive feedback to
What is the underline word in
the sentence? learning performance.

What is the personal pronoun The learner answers will

that we will use in the The underlined word is my. be checked right away
sentence? to evaluate

Why is the personal pronoun I We will use the word “I“ in their
used in the sentence? the sentence, understanding of the
given question.
because it refers to the
person speaking.

2. I, and my friend are in the

like to play here.
a. we b. you c. he

What is the underline word in

the sentence?
The underlined word are I,
What personal pronoun are we and my friend
going to use in the sentence?
And why? The personal pronoun that
we are going to use in the
sentence is “we”, because
when it is refers to two or
more persons including the

3. Lily likes to eat cake.

bake a cake for her
a. they b. you c. she

What is the underline word in

the sentence? The underlined word is Lily.

What personal pronoun are we The personal pronoun that

going to use in the sentence? we are going to use in the
And why? sentence is “she”, it refers to
a female/ girl who spoken

4. The kids want to save

mother earth.
start cleaning the backyard.

a. they b. you c. she

What is the underline word in

the sentence?

What personal pronoun are we The underlined word is the

going to use in the sentence? kids.
And why?
We are going to use “they” in
the sentence, because it
refers to two or more persons,
places, or things.
5. Joey joins the contest.
won in the singing contest.
a. we b. you c. he

What is the underline word in

the sentence?

What personal pronoun are we The underlined word in the

going to use in the sentence? sentence is “Joey”.
And why?
The personal pronoun that
we are going to use in the
sentence is “he”, because it
refers to a male/ boy who
spoken about.
c. Generalization
Indicator # 3
1. What is the topic that we have
discussed today? Applied a range of
Yes, Emily? The topic that we discuss teaching strategies to
today is about Personal develop critical creative
Very good
Pronoun. thinking, as well as other
higher- order thinking
3. What is a personal pronoun? Personal Pronouns – a word
that replaces the name of a skills.
Diego? person, thing, or animal in a
-The learners will be
asked different questions
Yes, very Diego! to stimulate thier higher
We use personal pronouns to
order thinking skills.
avoid unnecessary repetition
Personal Pronouns – are of nouns.
pronouns used to take place of
a particular person or thing in a
sentence, we use to avoid
unnecessary repetition of those
4. What are Personal
Pronouns? Yes, Jessa? The Personal Pronouns are I,
you, he, she, it, we, and they).
Very good!
Now, who can tell me how to use
(I, he, she, it, we, you, they) in the

The teacher will call 7 pupils.

I use in the sentence when it
refers to the person speaking.
he uses when it is refers to
male/boy spoken about.
she is used in the sentence
when it is refers to a female/ girl
who spoken about.
it used in the sentence when
it refers to a thing or an animal.
we use when to two or more
persons including the speaker.
you use when it refers to the
persons spoken to.
they used in the sentence
when it refers to two or more
persons, places, or things.
Very Good class!
d. Application
Please read the instructions Indicator # 4
Manage classroom
I will divide the class into 3 structor to engage
groups. Each group will select a learners, individually or
leader and material manager. in groups, and hands on
You have different tasks to do. I activities within a range
have here 3 envelopes, of physical
inside this learning environment.

envelope are the directions

and rubrics. The learners will be able
I will give you only 5 minutes to to engage and make
do the activity. their own action song,
and they will be able to
discover on hands on
learning activities.


Make an action using the
personal pronouns (I, you, he,
she, it, we, they) after that you (Pupils do as told.)
are going to do the action in
front your classmates.
Write 1 simple sentence using
each personal pronoun
(Pupils do as told.)
(I, you, he, she, it, we, and they)
based on the given picture
and underline the personal

it we they

GROUP 3 TACTILES (Pupils do as told.)

Directions: Match the following
picture in column A to the
correct personal pronoun in
Column B.
Column A Column B. 1.
y 3.it
1. A. we 4.he
2. B. he

3. C. they
D. it

5. E. she

H. i

Amazing job! You did great


IV. Evaluation
Indicator # 9

Directions: Identify the Used strategies for

correct personal pronoun in a providing timely
sentence. (5 points.) accurate, and
constructive feedback
1. Please give the book to
1. She to improve learning
Alyssa, so can do her
a. they b. we c. she 2. They -The learners answer will
2. This morning, Allysa, Ara
check after to check for
and Coleen are going to
the acquired knowledge
play in the park. 3. He throughout the
buy some food to eat.
a. they b. we c. she
3. Mr. Carl made a dozen 4. We
donuts. gives the donuts
to the old
man. 5. I
a. he b. we c. I
4. My family goes to the market.
are going to buy
a. he b. we c. I
5. My name is Jessy.
am a policewoman.
a. they b. we c. I
V. Assignment Score (1-3).
Write a short story with the
use of personal pronouns (I,
you, he, she, it, we, they).
Write it in your assignment
notebook. 10 points

Score (4-5)
Read in advance pages 45-47.
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use. /discover
which I wish to share with other

Prepared by:
Teacher I – Elementary Applicant

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