8-Bit Microcontroller With 1K Bytes In-System Programmable Flash AT90S1200

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AVR - High Performance and Low Power RISC Architecture 89 Powerful Instructions - Most Single Clock Cycle Execution 1K bytes of In-System Reprogrammable Flash
SPI Serial Interface for Program Downloading Endurance: 1,000 Write/Erase Cycles 64 bytes EEPROM Endurance: 100,000 Write/Erase Cycles 32 x 8 General Purpose Working Registers 15 Programmable I/O Lines VCC: 2.7 - 6.0V Fully Static Operation 0 - 12 MHz, 4.0 - 6.0V 0 - 4 MHz, 2.7 - 6.0V Up to 12 MIPS Throughput at 12 MHz One 8-Bit Timer/Counter with Separate Prescaler External and Internal Interrupt Sources Programmable Watchdog Timer with On-Chip Oscillator On-Chip Analog Comparator Low Power Idle and Power Down Modes Programming Lock for Software Security 20-Pin Device Selectable On-Chip RC Oscillator for Zero External Components

8-Bit Microcontroller with 1K bytes In-System Programmable Flash AT90S1200

The AT90S1200 is a low-power CMOS 8-bit microcontroller based on the AVR enhanced RISC architecture. By executing powerful instructions in a single clock cycle, the AT90S1200 achieves throughputs approaching 1 MIPS per MHz allowing the system designer to optimize power consumption versus processing speed. The AVR core combines a rich instruction set with the 32 general purpose working registers. All the 32 registers are directly connected to the Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU), allowing two independent registers to be accessed in one single instruction executed in one clock cycle. The resulting architecture is more code efficient while achieving throughputs up to ten times faster than conventional CISC microcontrollers. (continued)

Pin Configuration

Rev. 0838DS07/98

Note: This is a summary document. For the complete 48 page datasheet, please visit our web site at www.atmel.com or e1 mail at [email protected] and request literature #0838D.

Block Diagram
Figure 1. The AT90S1200 Block Diagram

The architecture supports high level languages efficiently as well as extremely dense assembler code programs. The AT90S1200 provides the following features: 1K bytes of InSystem Programmable Flash, 64 bytes EEPROM, 15 general purpose I/O lines, 32 general purpose working registers, internal and external interrupts, programmable Watchdog Timer with internal oscillator, an SPI serial port for program downloading and two software selectable power saving modes. The Idle Mode stops the CPU while allowing the registers, timer/counter, watchdog and interrupt system to continue functioning. The power down mode saves the register contents but freezes the oscillator, disabling all other chip functions until the next external interrupt or hardware reset. The device is manufactured using Atmels high density non-volatile memory technology. The on-chip In-System Programmable Flash allows the program memory to be reprogrammed in-system through an SPI serial interface or

by a conventional nonvolatile memory programmer. By combining an enhanced RISC 8-bit CPU with In-System Programmable Flash on a monolithic chip, the Atmel AT90S1200 is a powerful microcontroller that provides a highly flexible and cost effective solution to many embedded control applications. The AT90S1200 AVR is supported with a full suite of program and system development tools including: macro assemblers, program debugger/simulators, in-circuit emulators, and evaluation kits.


Pin Descriptions
VCC Supply voltage pin. GND Ground pin. Port B (PB7..PB0) Port B is an 8-bit bi-directional I/O port. Port pins can provide internal pull-up resistors (selected for each bit). PB0 and PB1 also serve as the positive input (AIN0) and the negative input (AIN1), respectively, of the on-chip analog comparator. The Port B output buffers can sink 20 mA and thus drive LED displays directly. When pins PB0 to PB7 are used as inputs and are externally pulled low, they will source current if the internal pull-up resistors are activated. Port B also serves the functions of various special features of the AT90S1200 as listed on page 20. Port D (PD6..PD0) Port D has seven bi-directional I/O pins with internal pull-up resistors, PD6..PD0. The Port D output buffers can sink 20 mA. As inputs, Port D pins that are externally pulled low will source current if the pull-up resistors are activated. Port D also serves the functions of various special features of the AT90S1200 as listed on page 23. RESET Reset input. A low on this pin for two machine cycles while the oscillator is running resets the device. XTAL1 Input to the inverting oscillator amplifier and input to the internal clock operating circuit. XTAL2 Output from the inverting oscillator amplifier. Figure 2. Oscillator Connections

Figure 3. External Clock Drive Configuration

On-Chip RC Oscillator
An on-chip RC oscillator running at a fixed frequency of 1 MHz can be selected as the MCU clock source. If enabled, the AT90S1200 can operate with no external components. A control bit - RCEN in the Flash Memory selects the onchip RC oscillator as the clock source when programmed (0). The AT90S1200 is normally shipped with this bit unprogrammed (1). Parts with this bit programmed can be ordered as AT90S1200A. The RCEN-bit can be changed by parallel programming only. When using the on-chip RC oscillator for serial program downloading, the RCEN bit must be programmed in parallel programming mode first.

Crystal Oscillator
XTAL1 and XTAL2 are input and output, respectively, of an inverting amplifier which can be configured for use as an on-chip oscillator, as shown in Figure 2. Either a quartz crystal or a ceramic resonator may be used. To drive the device from an external clock source, XTAL2 should be left unconnected while XTAL1 is driven as shown in Figure 3.

AT90S1200 Architectural Overview

The fast-access register file concept contains 32 x 8-bit general purpose working registers with a single clock cycle access time. This means that during one single clock cycle, one ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit) operation is executed. Two Figure 4. The AT90S1200 AVR Enhanced RISC Architecture operands are output from the register file, the operation is executed, and the result is stored back in the register file in one clock cycle.

The ALU supports arithmetic and logic functions between registers or between a constant and a register. Single register operations are also executed in the ALU. Figure 4 shows the AT90S1200 AVR Enhanced RISC microcontroller architecture. The AVR uses a Harvard architecture concept - with separate memories and buses for program and data memories. The program memory is accessed with a two stage pipeline. While one instruction is being executed, the next instruction is pre-fetched from the program memory. This concept enables instructions to be executed in every clock cycle. The program memory is In-System Programmable Flash memory. With the relative jump and relative call instructions, the whole 512 address space is directly accessed. All AVR instructions have a single 16-bit word format, meaning that every program memory address contains a single 16-bit instruction. During interrupts and subroutine calls, the return address program counter (PC) is stored on the stack. The stack is a 3 level deep hardware stack dedicated for subroutines and interrupts.

The I/O memory space contains 64 addresses for CPU peripheral functions as Control Registers, Timer/Counters, A/D-converters, and other I/O functions. The memory spaces in the AVR architecture are all linear and regular memory maps. A flexible interrupt module has its control registers in the I/O space with an additional global interrupt enable bit in the status register. All the different interrupts have a separate interrupt vector in the interrupt vector table at the beginning of the program memory. The different interrupts have priority in accordance with their interrupt vector position. The lower the interrupt vector address, the higher the priority.


AT90S1200 Register Summary
Address $3F $3E $3D $3C $3B $3A $39 $38 $37 $36 $35 $34 $33 $32 $31 $30 $2F $2E $2D $2C $2B $2A $29 $28 $27 $26 $25 $24 $23 $22 $21 $20 $1F $1E $1D $1C $1B $1A $19 $18 $17 $16 $15 $14 $13 $12 $11 $10 $0F $0E $0D $0C $0B $0A $09 $08 $00 Name SREG Reserved Reserved Reserved GIMSK Reserved TIMSK TIFR Reserved Reserved MCUCR Reserved TCCR0 TCNT0 Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved WDTCR Reserved Reserved EEAR EEDR EECR Reserved Reserved Reserved PORTB DDRB PINB Reserved Reserved Reserved PORTD DDRD PIND Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved ACSR Reserved Reserved Bit 7 I Bit 6 T Bit 5 H Bit 4 S Bit 3 V Bit 2 N Bit 1 Z Bit 0 C Page 10

INT0 -


15 15 16

SE -



ISC01 CS01

ISC00 CS00

17 19 20

Timer/Counter0 (8 Bit)






EEPROM Address Register EEPROM Data Register -



22 22 22









24 25 25








29 29 29








AT90S1200 Instruction Set Summary

Mnemonics Operands Description Operation Rd Rd + Rr Rd Rd + Rr + C Rd Rd - Rr Rd Rd - K Rd Rd - Rr - C Rd Rd - K - C Rd Rd Rr Rd Rd K Rd Rd v Rr Rd Rd v K Rd RdRr Rd $FF - Rd Rd $00 - Rd Rd Rd v K Rd Rd (FFh - K) Rd Rd + 1 Rd Rd - 1 Rd Rd Rd Rd RdRd Rd $FF PC PC + k + 1 PC PC + k + 1 PC STACK PC STACK if (Rd = Rr) PC PC + 2 or 3 Rd - Rr Rd - Rr - C Rd - K if (Rr(b)=0) PC PC + 2 or 3 if (Rr(b)=1) PC PC + 2 or 3 if (P(b)=0) PC PC + 2 or 3 if (P(b)=1) PC PC + 2 or 3 if (SREG(s) = 1) then PCPC + k + 1 if (SREG(s) = 0) then PCPC + k + 1 if (Z = 1) then PC PC + k + 1 if (Z = 0) then PC PC + k + 1 if (C = 1) then PC PC + k + 1 if (C = 0) then PC PC + k + 1 if (C = 0) then PC PC + k + 1 if (C = 1) then PC PC + k + 1 if (N = 1) then PC PC + k + 1 if (N = 0) then PC PC + k + 1 if (N V= 0) then PC PC + k + 1 if (N V= 1) then PC PC + k + 1 if (H = 1) then PC PC + k + 1 if (H = 0) then PC PC + k + 1 if (T = 1) then PC PC + k + 1 if (T = 0) then PC PC + k + 1 if (V = 1) then PC PC + k + 1 if (V = 0) then PC PC + k + 1 if (I = 1) then PC PC + k + 1 if (I = 0) then PC PC + k + 1 Flags Z,C,N,V,H Z,C,N,V,H Z,C,N,V,H Z,C,N,V,H Z,C,N,V,H Z,C,N,V,H Z,N,V Z,N,V Z,N,V Z,N,V Z,N,V Z,C,N,V Z,C,N,V,H Z,N,V Z,N,V Z,N,V Z,N,V Z,N,V Z,N,V None None None None I None Z, N,V,C,H Z, N,V,C,H Z, N,V,C,H None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None #Clocks 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 4 1/2 1 1 1 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 ARITHMETIC AND LOGIC INSTRUCTIONS ADD Rd, Rr Add two Registers ADC Rd, Rr Add with Carry two Registers SUB Rd, Rr Subtract two Registers SUBI Rd, K Subtract Constant from Register SBC Rd, Rr Subtract with Carry two Registers SBCI Rd, K Subtract with Carry Constant from Reg. AND Rd, Rr Logical AND Registers ANDI Rd, K Logical AND Register and Constant OR Rd, Rr Logical OR Registers ORI Rd, K Logical OR Register and Constant EOR Rd, Rr Exclusive OR Registers COM Rd Ones Complement NEG Rd Twos Complement SBR Rd,K Set Bit(s) in Register CBR Rd,K Clear Bit(s) in Register INC Rd Increment DEC Rd Decrement TST Rd Test for Zero or Minus CLR Rd Clear Register SER Rd Set Register BRANCH INSTRUCTIONS RJMP k Relative Jump RCALL k Relative Subroutine Call RET Subroutine Return RETI Interrupt Return CPSE Rd,Rr Compare, Skip if Equal CP Rd,Rr Compare CPC Rd,Rr Compare with Carry CPI Rd,K Compare Register with Immediate SBRC Rr, b Skip if Bit in Register Cleared SBRS Rr, b Skip if Bit in Register is Set SBIC Pb , Skip if Bit in I/O Register Cleared SBIS Pb , Skip if Bit in I/O Register is Set BRBS s, k Branch if Status Flag Set BRBC s, k Branch if Status Flag Cleared BREQ k Branch if Equal BRNE k Branch if Not Equal BRCS k Branch if Carry Set BRCC k Branch if Carry Cleared BRSH k Branch if Same or Higher BRLO k Branch if Lower BRMI k Branch if Minus BRPL k Branch if Plus BRGE k Branch if Greater or Equal, Signed BRLT k Branch if Less Than Zero, Signed BRHS k Branch if Half Carry Flag Set BRHC k Branch if Half Carry Flag Cleared BRTS k Branch if T Flag Set BRTC k Branch if T Flag Cleared BRVS k Branch if Overflow Flag is Set BRVC k Branch if Overflow Flag is Cleared BRIE k Branch if Interrupt Enabled BRID k Branch if Interrupt Disabled


AT90S1200 Instruction Set Summary (Continued)
Mnemonics Operands Description Load Register Indirect Store Register Indirect Move Between Registers Load Immediate In Port Out Port Set Bit in I/O Register Clear Bit in I/O Register Logical Shift Left Logical Shift Right Rotate Left Through Carry Rotate Right Through Carry Arithmetic Shift Right Swap Nibbles Flag Set Flag Clear Bit Store from Register to T Bit load from T to Register Set Carry Clear Carry Set Negative Flag Clear Negative Flag Set Zero Flag Clear Zero Flag Global Interrupt Enable Global Interrupt Disable Set Signed Test Flag Clear Signed Test Flag Set Twos Complement Overflow Clear Twos Complement Overflow Set T in SREG Clear T in SREG Set Half Carry Flag in SREG Clear Half Carry Flag in SREG No Operation Sleep Watch Dog Reset Rd (Z) (Z) Rr Rd Rr Rd K Rd P P Rr I/O(P,b) 1 I/O(P,b) 0 Rd(n+1) Rd(n), Rd(0) 0 Rd(n) Rd(n+1), Rd(7) 0 Rd(0)C,Rd(n+1) Rd(n),CRd(7) Rd(7)C,Rd(n) Rd(n+1),CRd(0) Rd(n) Rd(n+1), n=0..6 Rd(3..0)Rd(7..4),Rd(7..4)Rd(3..0) SREG(s) 1 SREG(s) 0 T Rr(b) Rd(b) T C1 C0 N 1 N0 Z1 Z0 I1 I0 S1 S0 V 1 V0 T 1 T 0 H1 H0 (see specific descr. for Sleep (see specific descr. for WDR/timer) Operation Flags None None None None None None None None Z,C,N,V Z,C,N,V Z,C,N,V Z,C,N,V Z,C,N,V None SREG(s) SREG(s) T None C C N N Z Z I I S S V V T T H H None None None #Clocks 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 DATA TRANSFER INSTRUCTIONS LD Rd,Z ST Z,Rr MOV Rd, Rr LDI Rd, K IN Rd, P OUT P, Rr BIT AND BIT-TEST INSTRUCTIONS SBI P,b CBI P,b LSL Rd LSR Rd ROL Rd ROR Rd ASR Rd SWAP Rd BSET s BCLR s BST Rr, b BLD Rd, b SEC CLC SEN CLN SEZ CLZ SEI CLI SES CLS SEV CLV SET CLT SEH CLH NOP SLEEP WDR

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