Final Paper Alcantara Org Chem
Final Paper Alcantara Org Chem
Final Paper Alcantara Org Chem
1. Introduction
The abundance and diversity of family (Asteraceae), marigolds are a
the microbes (bacteria, fungi, native of southwestern North America,
protozoa, and archaea) that inhabit tropical America, and South America.
and are on the human body have The pot marigold (genus Calendula)
significant implications for health. and unrelated plants from various
According to the body sites they families are also referred to by the
inhabit, these microbes are thought to name marigold. Beautiful yellow,
have co-evolved with humans. They orange, or red composite flowers that
serve a variety of functions for the are either solitary or in clusters are
host, from immune defense to produced by members of the genus
digestion. Research projects like the Tagetes. On the stem, the leaves are
Human Microbiome Project aim to arranged in opposition to one another
determine the normal range of and are typically finely cut. Each
variation in human microbiomes flower head is supported by distinctive
(which include all microbes, their bracts, which resemble leaves.
genes, and functions), and how this Numerous reports describe its
variation affects health. However, this use for a wide range of illnesses due
task has proven difficult because of to its long history of safety as a
the significant variation in microbial medicine for the treatment of
communities (groups of inflammations and skin wounds (Della
microorganisms that coexist in a Loggia et al., 1994). Additionally, the
common space) both within and stunning calendula flowers are widely
between populations. available and simple to grow in
Originally from the backyard gardens all over the world
Mediterranean region, calendula (Ramos et al., 1988).
officinalis (Asteraceae) is an annual Beta-carotene and vitamins A,
herb with yellow to orange flowers. It B, D, and E can be found in calendula
also goes by the name "pot marigold," macerated oil. It is soothing,
which was historically used in soups astringent, and emollient. Its anti-
and stews to treat worms’ illnesses fungal qualities have also been
(Ramos et al., 1988). An annual herb demonstrated in laboratory studies.
with about 50 species in the aster Triterpenoids and flavonoids are
among the components of calendula triterpene oligoglycosides, triterpene
flowers, and at least eight bioactive glycosides of the oleanane type, and
triterpendiol monoesters have been sesquiterpene glucoside. In vivo and
found in the extracts of dried in vitro tumor cell proliferation of a
calendula flowers. The plant's wide range of cancer cells is inhibited
components have been linked to by an aqueous extract using Laser
pharmacological properties such as Activated Calendula Extract (LACE),
immunostimulating, antibacterial, according to Jiménez-Medina et al.
antiviral, antiprotozoal, and (2006). This plant extract may be the
antineoplastic effects. cause of the cell lines' anti-cancerous
Aztec, or Mexican, marigolds are activity, which appears to be caused
among the most popular ornamentals by the arrest of the cell cycle in the
(Tagetes erecta). Its dense heads of G0/G1 phase and activation of
orange or yellow flowers are Caspase-3-induced apoptosis. This
frequently used as companion plants extract, when taken orally, also
in vegetable gardens to ward off slowed the growth of Ando-2
pests. The Mexican marigold is a melanoma cells that were injected
crucial flower for Da de los Muertos intraperitoneally into naked mice. Two
celebrations in Mexico and other Latin triterpene glycosides that were
American nations. The French extracted from the plant's flowers,
marigold, which is typically classified according to Ukiya et al. (2006),
as a variety of T, is another well-liked exhibit strong cytotoxic effects
ornamental. erecta or sporadically as against colon cancer, leukemia, and
a separate species, T. patula. Several melanoma cells while also acting as
other species are cultivated as garden an anti-inflammatory in 2-O-
plants, and the majority of them have tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate
aromatic leaves. (TPA)-induced inflammation.
Black, necrotic, or sloughing
skin could be a sign of an infection,
Calendula (Calendula officinalis) ectoparasite, burn, or trauma.
plants accumulate calendic acid Because the moisture under dead skin
(octadeca-8:10:12-trienoic acid), can encourage
which can be used as a drying agent bacterial growth that can spread to
in paints, varnishes, and plastics other parts of the body, burns need to
(Beerentrup and Rbbelen, 1987). be treated both locally and
Despite being primarily used as an systemically. Debridement can speed
ornamental plant. Calendula cell up healing and prevent secondary
suspension cultures and in vitro bacterial infections, as can topical
regeneration have both been application of creams like calendula
documented (Grzelak and ointment or silver sulfadiazine cream,
Janiszowska, 2002; Legha et al., 2012; as well as the use of sugar or honey
çü et al., bandages.
2004; Leal et al., 2009; Victório et al., Human skin bacterial
2012). The marigold plant, Calendula communities change as a result of
officinalis, is abundant in flavonol environmental factors in addition to
glycosides, carotenoids, saponins, changes that take place during
development. The body can be evaluate and compare the physical
thought of as an island that constantly properties of soap formulation of
interacts with various microbes over various tests and concentrations in
time. A wide terms of foaming propensity, pH,
color, texture, odor, lather intensity,
and emolliency propensity.
range of environmental and biological
factors affect the variety and
abundance of these microbes. 3. Materials and Methods
Meanwhile, when it comes to
using marigold to treat skin
3.1. Purchasing
conditions, the flower offers a number
of advantages due to its antibacterial Calendula officinalis flower
and anti-inflammatory properties.
Marigold is also regarded as a highly Flower were purchased and
effective astringent and a potent procured locally from Calapan City,
antiseptic. As a result, it helps with Oriental Mindoro. They were stored in
skin issues and improves one's plastic containers before the flower
appearance. were subjected to extraction.
The researcher believes that
this is the best main ingredient to use
in creating a natural organic anti- 3.2. Preparation of
bacterial, anti-fungal, and antioxidant Calendula officinalis flower
soap given its physical properties and to extraction
any other relevant information.
This study was carried out to The flower of Calendula
examine and evaluate the Calendula officinalis was purchased and
Oil from Marigold Flower in a soap collected on January 17, 2023.
formulation of various concentrations. Immediately after collection, the
flower was washed using tap water to
2. Objectives of the remove the dirt and other unwanted
Study particles. The flowers were removed
to its stem and placed into a small jar
and were being crushed using marble.
This investigation set out to On that process, the oil from the
assess the physical and chemical Calendula flower were being extracted
characteristics of Calendula officinalis and mixed by olive oil and stored for 3
Oil from Marigold Flower in a variety days. Using a cloth, the oil was filtered
of tests and concentrations. It from the mixture of crushed flower
specifically sought to: (1) evaluate and olive oil. It was then stored in a
and compare the sensory qualities of room temperature in one area and
the soap formulation of various was put in a small container.
concentrations using quantitative
descriptive analysis (QDA); and (2)
3.3. Preparation of Soap Ingredients
Formulations Quantities