LP Training

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 Duties and Responsibilities

o develop teaching competence

o meet challenges that will require them to use all of the
knowledge, techniques and procedures.
o Practice standards.
o Preservice teachers will learn to be flexible (adjust the level of
understanding base on students’ capability), curious (ask
questions) and open-minded (not just to students as well as
o Learn from mistakes (admit mistakes, open for criticism),
recognize limitations (take initiative) and adapt to reality (diverse
 Preservice teacher prescribes a variety of demands:
1. Be sensitive to the plans and responsibility of the CT.
2. Disclose confidential information, do not entertain students.
Make distance among students. Do not decide without
informing your CT.
3. Manage expectations.
4. Establish own teaching style.
- CT first period the rest period is for ST’s.
- Make your own presentation.
- 1 week observe before teaching.
- 2 hours extra shift after duty.
- Be punctual
- Monday and Wednesday (GREEN)Tuesday and Thursday (BLUE) Friday
- Concerns direct to Mr. Reynante Espeleta.
- Know your Content and Competencies.
- Cooperative Learning (Ask and Processing)
- Attend Meetings/Conferences
- Observe other teachers in their classrooms.

Lesson Plan Training


- Key stage 1: 1-3

- Key stage 2: 4-6
- Key stage 3: JHS
- Key stage 4: SHS

 Do not rely on books and internet. Innovate worksheets.

 Encourage your learners to speak. (Ask Questions)
 Scaffolding
 Student Centered
 Literacies (visual, information, media, technology and digital) 21 st

Understanding the Curriculum

Salient feature

- Contextualization (General Aspect of Setting) and Localization (Within

the community)
Content Standard

Performance Standard – Notebook, compilations of activity

Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy Action Verbs

Remembering –

Understanding –

Applying –

Analyzing –

Evaluating –

Creating –

Blooms Importance - Breaking down the competencies/ unpacking of


- Allow learners to use the materials

A - Review

B - Motivation

C - Activity
D – Short activity and Questioning

E – Assessment

Put annotation (target competencies)

Wednesday – Preparation of Lesson Plan

Thursday Critique

Friday Submission

Collaborative Expertise-

October 07, 2024

Lesson Plan

Make sure you know who observe to you to be greeted by your student

Avoid being distracted when there’s an observer


Domains and Indicators

1. Applied knowledge of content within and across curriculum teaching

o Mastery with no errors, align with content and objectives.
o Intra (within) and Interdisciplinary (across) content
o Provide examples that able to relate concepts from one concept
to another
o Give students prompt to be able to articulate idea
2. Used a range of teaching strategies that enhance learner achievement
in literacy and numeracy skills.
o Support higher level of numeracy and literacy skills in all aspects
of the lesson
o Terminologies are clearly understood by learners
o Activities able to enhance numeracy and literacy skills.
3. Applied range of teaching strategies to develop critical and creative
thinking, as well as other higher ordered thinking skill.
o Show strategies in comparing and contrasting of ideas. (go
beyond the answers of your students)
o Provide the learners:
 The opportunity to synthesis and summarize learned
 Thought provoking questions (how, why, what if) exchange
views and ideas
 To heard all voices during discussion
 Strategies that will give opportunity to everyone to give
their opinion, insights and ideas.
 Enough time for the learner to respond to the question
o Utilize scaffolding technique in giving questions
o Provision of follow up questions.
o Write your questions. Provide Mirrors. Write possible questions.
Make sure to listen the students’ answers.
4. Managed classroom structure to engage learners, individually or in
groups, in meaningful exploration, discovery and hands-on activities
within a range of physical learning environments.
o Sustain proactive classroom structure management. (Instruct
students ahead of time, before the activity)
o Provide enough space for the learners to move during activity.
o Teachers Facilitate (ask for progress in each group)
o Allow group collaboration/ with fully understand concept
o Teachers arrange the classroom based on the needs.
5. Managed learner behavior constructively by applying positive and non-
violent discipline to ensure learning focused environments.
o Teachers well established procedures to monitor learners’
behavior in classroom (Be consistent in you rules).
o Teachers manage misbehavior that does not affect other
students and avoid disruption of classes/activities.
o Teachers responds appropriately and positively to learners’
o The teacher does not disrupt classes to focus on managing
o Teacher is consistently managing behavior of all students in the
o Violation slip/ 1 on 1 talk, student and teacher.
6. Use differentiated, developmentally appropriate learning experiences
to address learners’ gender, needs, and strength, interest and
o Provide:
o Appropriate instructional adaption of diverse learners.
o Opportunity to allow learners to engage actively in various
and effectively learning activities. (Paano gustong
matutunan ng studyante ang lesson)
o Strategy to support learner needs through various
strategies, instructional materials that are suitable to all
types or group of learners. (choose the best strategies)
(learning styles)
o Addresses learners’ developmental level in the classroom.
(Categorized the development of the students. How they
behave in the classroom)
o Showed structured and meaningful differentiated activities
align with the objectives of the lesson.
7. Planned, managed and implemented developmentally sequenced
teaching and learning process to meet curriculum requirements and
varied teaching context.
o Lesson plan shows progression from the beginning up to the
main activity is well planned.
o Each part of the lesson is connected to one another parts are
cohesive from beginning to end.
o The activation of prior knowledge and other activities are
effective in developing higher understanding and application of
the lesson learned.
8. Selected, developed, organized and use appropriate teaching and
learning resources, including ICT, to address learning goal.
o Teacher manages diverse instructional materials that supports
learning activities
9. Designed, selected, organized and used diagnostic, formative and
summative assessment strategies consistent with curriculum
o Let the learners check their activities

Assessments- Mrs. Lunar

Classroom assessment: gathering evidence of what a learner knows,

understands, learners able to do.

Formative assessment: on-going process to provide learners with the

immediate feedback.

- Before – prior knowledge and purpose of the lesson

- During – monitoring progress (motivation)
- and After – Recognize whether they have met the learning objectives.

Summative assessment: measure whether learners have met the standards.

Content: should be learned

Performance: abilities, skills

Learning Competencies: knowledge, understanding and skills

Individual Assessment: enables learner to demonstrate independently-
check-up quizzes

Collaborative Assessment: support each other to produce evidences of their


Mr. Espeleta – 11:28 am

Effective art of questioning:

How do we ask question?

How do you answer question?

To know appropriate and effective questioning


- A great number of questions, great teaching effectively.

- Allow learners to think critically
- Plan essential and effective question


- Eliminate bias by asking All students All question – avoid students to

answer in chorus.


- Open-ended question (description or comparison)

- Clues

Repetition Questions

- Revisit important stuff!!

- Repeat the lesson important points/ to remember


- At least 3 seconds before asking for a response


Questioning Level

- Scaffolding - Most simple to complex

- Bloom’s taxonomy
- ECRI – Categorization – Literal, Critical ( provides details) , Creative
(thinking beyond) and Interpretive Comprehension (Recommended to
develop in classroom)

Knowledge Level

- Remembering the facts (Identify)

Comprehension level

- Retell in your own words.

- What is the main idea of .

Application level

- Use of facts, rules and principles

- Why is significant?
- How is related to ?
- How is an example of ?

Analysis- separation of a whole into component parts

- Classify according to .

Synthesis – Combination of ideas to form a new whole. Enhancing creative

thinking skill

- What would you predict/infer from ?

Evaluation level- development of opinions, judgements or decision.

- Do you agree__________?

The Giving tree

- Friendship and unconditional love

- Differences
- Patience

What is the moral lesson of the giving tree?

What is the positive message of the story?

Mr. Abalos

Child Protection Policy

Primary Legal Bases- state shall protect the right of children

Code of ethics for professional teachers – recognize that the interest and
welfare of learners are first and foremost concern.

Why are there various laws to protect school children? Vulnerability of the
children, address a wrong practice, deter persons from abusing children.

Address students’ behavior

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