FDH Digital Logic Design
FDH Digital Logic Design
FDH Digital Logic Design
1. Course Information
Course No and Title: EE-221 Digital Logic Design
Credits: 4 (3+1)
Instructor(s)-in-charge: Assoc Prof Dr Muhammad Imran, Engr. Zeeshan Ahmed (Lab Engr)
Course type: Lecture + Lab
Required or Elective: Required
Course pre-requisites -
Degree and Semester BEE-60, semester 3
Month and Year Fall 2024
3. Course Description
Digital Logic Design is a technological subject which is intended to make students familiar with different
types of designs as sequential logic circuits, combinational logic circuits, trouble shooting of various digital
systems, study of various digital systems. It is an introductory electronics course covering Basic Electron
Theory, Resistors, Analog and Digital Wave forms, Number systems, Conversions, Logic Gates, Boolean
Algebra, Combination Circuit Design, Flip-Flops, Shift Registers and Counters. After reading this course
student would have complete understanding about the low level architecture of any digital system of diverse
areas like computer systems, telephony, image/ data processing system, radar, navigation, military systems,
medical instruments, process controls etc.
4. Course Objectives
Upon successful completion of the course, the student will demonstrate competency by being able to:
1. Identify different number systems, their conversions and perform different operations on them.
2. Apply the concepts of standard gates and minimization methods to analyze and design small scale combinational
and sequential circuits
3. Analyze the operation of simple synchronous sequential systems.
4. Design a digital system using modern tools
5. Demonstrate a solution to a real world problem and justify its time line and resource allocation
Military College of Signals (MCS)
National University of Sciences and Technology
6. Lab Experiments
Lab 01 Introduction to Trainer IT 400, Digital Analog Training System
Lab 02 Basic Gates implementation on IT 400 and Proteus
Lab 03 Universal Gates implementation on IT 400 and Proteus
Lab 04 Introduction to Modelsim Simulator and Verilog , a Simple Program in Verilog
Lab 05 K Maps and Boolean function Simplification using IT 400 and Proteus
Lab 06 Implementation of Adder and Subtractor on IT 400 and Proteus
Lab 07 Level of Abstractions in Verilog using Modelsim , Introduction to Xilinx ISE , Spartan 3e Starter Board
, Simple gates Implementation on FPGA
Lab 08 Implementation of Decoder and Encoder on IT 400 , Decoder and Comparator RTL Synthesis on FPGA
Lab 09 Implementation (RTL Synthesis) of Multiplexer and De Multiplexer on FPGA .
Lab 10 Data Flow Level Modeling in Verilog using Xilinx ISE , Dataflow level RTL Synthesis on FPGA .
Lab 11 Implementation of RS & D Latch and Flip Flop on IT 400 and Proteus
Lab 12 Behavioral Level Programming in Verilog using Xilinx ISE , RTL synthesis on FPGA of Latches and
Lab 13 Implementation (RTL) of Serial Shift Register and Parallel Register on FPGA.
Lab 14 Implementation (RTL Synthesis) of Clock divider circuit, Ripple counter and its variants on FPGA
Lab 15 Design of Open-Ended Lab
Lab 16 Lab Final Exam
Military College of Signals (MCS)
National University of Sciences and Technology
Demonstrate a solution to a real world problem and justify its time line 11 A2
and resource allocation