Lesson Plan

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Games and Sports

CONTENT Unit I. Module I: Target Games (Batuhang Bola o Tamaang Tao)

1.1: Introduction to Target Games: Batuhang Bola o Tamaang
1.2: Enjoying Batuhang Bola o Tamaang Tao
CONTENT Demonstrates understanding of participation and assessment
STANDARD of physical activity and physical fitness

PERFORMAN Participates and assesses performance in physical activities.

CE assesses physical fitness
LEARNING -explains the nature/background of the games
COMPETENCY -describes the skills involved in the games
-observes safety precautions
-executes the different skills involved in the game displays joy
of effort, respect for others and fair play during participation in
physical activities

I. Lesson Objectives:
At the end of the 60 minutes lesson, the students should be able to:

a. Explain the nature of the target games and Batuhang Bola;

b. Executes the different skills involved in the games and;
c. Participate in physical activities with joy of effort, respect for others and
fair play.

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: Games and Sports (Target Games)
b. Reference: https://depedtambayan.net/physical-education-6-quarter-1-
c. Materials: ball, medicine kit, laptop, and projector
III. Procedure

A. Preliminary Activities

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

“ Good Morning Pupils!” “Good morning Ma’am!”

“Before we start, let us pray.” (One student will lead the prayer)

“I will check you attendance, say (Students raise their hand and say
present if your name is called.” present as the teacher calling their

“How was your day pupils?” “It was great day ma’am!”

“I’m so glad to hear that!”

B. Developmental Activities

a. Motivation

“All right, now I want you to tell me “Hide-and-Seek”

what games do you usually play “Mobile Legends”
during your free time?” “Patentero”
“Tumbang Preso”

“That sounds so fun!”

I have here photos and try to name

what kind of games are they.
“Batohang Bola!”

“Tumbang Preso!”

Are you familiar with these pictures?

What can you say about it?
Are you playing these games?
“Yes Ma’am!”
Did you enjoy playing it?
“It is fun!”

Good job! It seems like all of you are

familiar with these games!

b. Discussion

For today’s lesson we will learn about

Indigenous games in the Philippines
(known as Laro ng Lahi) are games
commonly played by children, usually
using native materials or instruments.
In the Philippines, due to limited
resources of toys of Filipino children,
they usually come up on inventing
games without the need of anything
but the players themselves. Their
flexibility to think and act makes their
games interesting and challenging.
One of the Traditional Filipino Games
that we will learn today is TARGET

What is target games?

Target Games are activities in which

players send an object toward a
target while avoiding any obstacles.
Target games are either played
indoor or outdoor.

Traditional target games would

include games such as tamaang tao,
tatsing, tumbang preso, etc.

In target games, a player either

throws, slides, or strikes an object
with the goal of having the object
land closest too or in a designated

Target games involve different

manipulative skills like throwing,
tossing, rolling, catching, running, “Yes ma’am! Tamaang Tao!”
jumping, hopping, and stretching.

Do you have any ideas that belongs

to target games?

Good job! Tamaang Tao o Batuhang


Tamaang Tao is a game in which

players on two teams try to throw
balls at each other while avoiding
being hit by themselves. There are
many variations of the game, but
generally the objective of the game is
to eliminate the opposing teams by
hitting them with a ball, catching a
ball thrown by a member of the
opposing team, or forcing them to
move outside the court boundaries
when the ball is thrown at them.

These are the safety precautions

before playing Batuhang Bola:

1. Establish medical readiness

1.1 A self-reported health status

1.2 Free form any sickness
2. Proper Clothing
1.1 Avoid clothing that is too tight or
that restricts movement.
1.2 For women, wear an exercise bra
for support.
1.3 For men, consider an athletic
“Yes Ma’am!”
The following are some safety
precautions while playing the

1. Warm up before playing to avoid

sprains. Control your body and body
parts always.
2. Watch where your opponents are
going. Be aware of your
3. Identify and move into open
space before playing.
4. Always observe your personal
space while playing.
5. Tag your opponents by using a
soft tap. Avoid pushing or hitting
while playing the game.
6. Know the rules of the game.
7. Report immediately if there is
someone hurt.

Skills needed in the Game:

Throwing, running, jumping, hopping,
catching, and dodging.

Did everyone listen and understood

the discussion?
c. Application

To fully understand and enjoy our

lesson today, I will group you into 2
groups and we will play Tamaang
“Yes, we are ma’am!”
Are you all excited?

(learners will count off)

All right, so let’s be reminded again

with our safety protocols:

The following are some safety

precautions while playing the
1. Warm up before playing to avoid
sprains. Control your body and body
parts always.
2. Watch where your opponents are
going. Be aware of your
3. Identify and move into open
space before playing.
4. Always observe your personal
space while playing.
5. Tag your opponents by using a
soft tap. Avoid pushing or hitting
while playing the game.
6. Know the rules of the game.
7. Report immediately if there is
someone hurt.

Also, there should be a mechanic in

every game. I want everyone to
listen carefully to execute the game

Mechanics of the game:

1. To play Batuhang Bola you must

first gather 2 teams and get a ball.
2. Players play in front of the end
line, each them must have a space
them(5m). When the player is out
they go and play behind the other
team. In
order to get back in they have to hit
an opponent
3. The first team should stand in the
middle of the court, while the
second team
should be divided into two and
should stand at both sides of the
first team.
4. The second team should hit the
players of the first team. If the
second team could hit a player in
the first team, that player is out.
If that player catches a ball, his
team will gain a “life" and can be “Yes ma’am!”
used to
revive another player or be used to (learners will start to play)
continue to play on if the ball hits
6. The team will win if it hit all the
players and none of the players are

Was the mechanics clear?

All right! Ready and enjoy the game


d. Generalization

Children naturally love to play

outdoor games. One of the most
common games
is dodgeball. Batuhang Bola is the
Filipino version of dodgeball. It is a
game that
children usually play the most
because it is very enjoyable and
exciting. It really
makes children active because it
involves throwing, running, jumping,
catching and dodging which kids
really love. It must be done skillfully
to have more fun in this game.
Dodgeball or Batuhang Bola is a
game in which players on two teams
try to
throw balls at each other while
avoiding being hit.

You did a great job participating in

our target games everyone!

Now, let us have a short activity.

IV. Evaluation

Directions: Look at the pictures below. How frequent do you perform these
activities? Write once a week, sometimes, or everyday on the blank. Use a
separate sheet

1. 3.

2. 4.

V. Assignment

Directions: Let us do the following activity. Ask

member of the family to help you execute the

1. Throwin
2. Running Do all these
skills 5
3. Jumping
4. Hopping
5. Catching
6. Dodging

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