Tata SMC 1 Week Course
Tata SMC 1 Week Course
Tata SMC 1 Week Course
Provides opportunities to gain knowledge & skill sets required for the futuristic smart factories
We believe that an all-round development of participants will give a competitive advantage and
help in transforming as a smart industry professional. The program also of fers soft skill training to
enhance the communication and presentation skills of an individual.
Highlights of Program
·Personalized training ·E-learning
·Pre-tests and Post-tests for knowledge assessment ·Hands-on training
·Project work ·Organization working experience
·Presentation ·Networking
·Group Discussion ·International Certification
The Building Blocks for Smart Factory Professionals
Course-1 Duration: 6 days
Day 1 : Basic Peumatics and Electro Pneumatics
Basic Pneumatic System and Compressed Air
Compressed air production, purification and distribution
Explanation of different air filtering, regulation and lubrication technique
Construction and operating principles of actuators and valves
Construction and principle of operation of electro pneumatic components, sensors and relays
Practical exercise with troubleshooting
Course Fee:
The registration and certification fees will be Rs. 5000/- per week per candidate of which Rs. 2000/- will be refunded upon
successful course completion
The number of participants are limited and registrations are dealt with on a first-come, first-served basis.
Booking will be confirmed against payment of registrations fees in advance only.
TATA IIS is a new venture of TATA established to impart skills in emerging manufacturing sectors and functions. The course
initially envisaged will be a series of Short Term Courses targeted towards fresh students from ITI/Polytechnic & to re-skilling
and up-skilling of working technicians from industry.
C. Ashwath, Course Coordinator, Tata Indian Institute of Skills, Mumbai, Email: [email protected]
Training Venue
National Skill Training Institute, V.N.Purav Marg, Opp. Priyadarshini (RCF), Chunabhatti, Sion, Mumbai 400022