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Alexandria Engineering Journal (2022) 61, 7605–7617

Alexandria University

Alexandria Engineering Journal


Magnetohydrodynamic and viscous dissipation

effects on radiative heat transfer of non-Newtonian
fluid flow past a nonlinearly shrinking sheet:
Reiner–Philippoff model
Najiyah Safwa Khashi’ie a, Iskandar Waini a,*, Abdul Rahman Mohd Kasim b,
Nurul Amira Zainal a, Anuar Ishak c, Ioan Pop d

Fakulti Teknologi Kejuruteraan Mekanikal dan Pembuatan, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Hang Tuah Jaya, 76100 Durian
Tunggal, Melaka, Malaysia
Centre for Mathematical Sciences, College of Computing & Applied Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Lebuhraya Tun
Razak, Gambang 26300, Pahang, Malaysia
Department of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM
Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
Department of Mathematics, Babesß-Bolyai University, 400084 Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Received 28 October 2021; revised 9 December 2021; accepted 2 January 2022

Available online 13 January 2022

KEYWORDS Abstract Heat transfer is an important process in many engineering, industrial, residential, and
Non-Newtonian fluid; commercial buildings. Thus, this study aims to analyse the effect of MHD and viscous dissipation
Reiner–Philippoff fluid; on radiative heat transfer of Reiner–Philippoff fluid flow over a nonlinearly shrinking sheet. By
Shrinking sheet; adopting appropriate similarity transformations, the partial derivatives of multivariable differential
Viscous dissipation; equations are transformed into the similarity equations of a particular form. The resulting mathe-
MHD; matical model is elucidated in MATLAB software using the bvp4c technique. To determine the
Dual solutions impact of physical parameters supplied into the problem, the results are shown in the form of tables
and graphs. The findings reveal that the heat transfer rate reduces as the Eckert number and radi-
ation parameter are introduced in the operating fluid. However, increasing the magnetic parameter
raises both the skin friction coefficient and the local Nusselt number, which impulsively improves
the heat transfer performance. The suction effect has a noticeable influence on the Reiner–Philip-
poff fluid, since increasing the suction parameter’s value is seen to enhance the skin friction
coefficient and the heat transfer performance. The dual solutions are established, leading to the sta-
bility analysis that supports the first solution’s validity.
Ó 2022 THE AUTHORS. Published by Elsevier BV on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria
University. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (I. Waini).
Peer review under responsibility of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University.
1110-0168 Ó 2022 THE AUTHORS. Published by Elsevier BV on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
7606 N.S. Khashi’ie et al.


a constant uw velocity of the surface (ms1 )

B0 constant magnetic strength (T) vw velocity of the mass flux (ms1 )
BðxÞ magnetic field (T) x; y Cartesian coordinates (m)
Cf skin friction coefficient
Cp specific heat at constant pressure (Jkg1 K1 ) Greek symbols
ðqCp Þ heat capacitance of the fluid (JK1 m3 ) a eigenvalue
Ec Eckert number e stretching/shrinking parameter
f dimensionless stream function c Bingham number
g dimensionless shear stress g similarity variable
F; G; H arbitrary functions h dimensionless temperature
k thermal conductivity of the fluid (Wm1 K1 ) s shear stress (kgm1 s2 )
k Rosseland mean absorption coefficient (m1 ) sw wall shear stress (kgm1 s2 )
M magnetic parameter ss reference skin friction (kgm1 s2 )
Nux local Nusselt number k Reiner–Philippoff fluid parameter
Pr Prandtl number l0 dynamic viscosity at zero shear stress (kgm1 s1 )
qw surface heat flux (Wm2 ) l1 dynamic viscosity as the shear stress becomes large
qr radiative heat flux (Wm2 ) (kgm1 s1 )
R thermal radiation parameter m kinematic viscosity of the fluid (m2 s1 )
Rex local Reynolds number q density of the fluid (kgm3 )
S mass flux parameter r electric conductivity (S=m)
t time (s) r Stefan-Boltzmann constant (Wm2 K4 )
T fluid temperature (K) C dimensionless time variable
T1 ambient temperature (K) w stream function
T0 reference temperature (K)
u; v velocity component in the x- and y- directions Superscript
(ms1 ) 0
differentiation with respect to g

1. Introduction The ability in unveiling the Newtonian fluid (shear stress

approaches zero) or non-Newtonian fluid (other values of
The progress in the research of fluid flow is rapid growth due shear stress) has made the Reiner–Philippoff fluid model be
to the robust development in industrial applications. This sit- the center of attraction among the investigators. The contribu-
uation happened due to the demand in getting the best output tion on the Reiner–Philippoff’s model has been endorsed by
in certain processes where the fluid motions are having the Kapur and Gupta [2] and Cavatorta and Tonini [3] in the
ability for most of the transport and mixing of materials. Such report under topic; the flow of Reiner-Philippoff fluid inside
a situation is frequently established in food industries, bever- a channel using Karman-Pohlhausen’s method and computa-
ages making, the oil industry, gasoline engineering, pharma- tion of the velocity profiles for non-Newtonian Reiner–Philip-
ceuticals, chemicals manufacturing, and plastics sectors. In poff, Ellis, Ostwald de Waele, generalized Bingham and
the process of excavating the best method to develop the best Prandtl Eyring fluids respectively. Besides, the investigation
end product, the classical fluid like water which is also classi- was also conducted on the flow over a stretching surface in
fied under Newtonian type is no more valid in fulfilling the non-Newtonian fluids owing to their significance in many engi-
industrial demands due to indecisiveness in describing the neering and industrial processes. Prior analysis has been per-
properties of fluid’s material. Hence, the various subclass of formed by Hansen and Na [4] which discovered the
non-Newtonian fluids with different features like shear rate- similarity solutions only exist when the non-Newtonian fluids
dependent viscosity and normal stress, are widely used to (any model) flow over a 90° wedge. Advanced, Na [5] extended
counter the limitation. Unlike the Newtonian fluid model this study by considering two cases which are the non-similar
which is based on the linear relationship between strain and solution for the Blasius flow and the similarity solution for
stress tensors, the non-Newtonian fluid models are observed the flow over a 90° wedge. The report on similarity solutions
based on their behavior either shear thickening (dilatant) or for the boundary layer flow in a three-dimensional system
shear thinning (pseudo-plasticity). The shear-thickening using a general non-Newtonian fluid model was found in a
implies the increasing viscosity with increasing shear rate, document by Timol and Kalthia [6], Patel and Timol [7], and
while the shear-thinning fluid exhibits the Newtonian fluid’s Patil et al. [8]. The exploration on boundary layer flow of
behavior when the shear rate is very low/high values. There Reiner–Philippoff fluids induced by a stretching 90° wedge
are many proposed models exhibit with both shear thickening was dedicated by Yam et al. [9] where the stability analysis
and thinning behaviors like the Reiner–Philippoff fluid, the was highlighted and the final conclusion revealed there were
Sisko fluid, Powell–Eyring fluid, Carreau–Yasuda fluid, the no multiple solutions exist. Another attempt on investigating
Carreau viscosity fluid [1]. Reiner–Philippoff fluids has been accomplished by Reddy
Magnetohydrodynamic and viscous dissipation effects 7607

et al. [10,11], Ahmad [12], Ahmad et al. [13], Kumar et al. [14], Motivated from the existing studies while fulfilling the
Xiong et al. [15], and Sajid et al. [16,17]. On the other hand, research gap, the main strength of this numerical study is the
other non-Newtonian fluid models subject to various geome- contribution of dual solutions and stability analysis for non-
tries have been investigated and analyzed by Kefayati [18– Newtonian radiative Reiner–Philippoff fluid flow past a non-
20], Kefayati and Huilgol [21], Kefayati and Tang [22,23], linearly shrinking sheet with the inclusion of MHD and vis-
Nandi and Kumbhakar [24], Sharma et al. [25], Kumar et al. cous dissipation. A previous paper by Yam et al. [9] only
[26] and Abegunrin et al. [27]. considered the unique solution of Reiner–Philippoff fluid flow
The progress in discovering the model of fluid that can subject to a wedge geometry. Meanwhile, this present paper
contribute to enhancing the flow properties has always been focuses on the observation of dual solutions including the con-
the main focus. The endeavors do not limit to proposing the duct of stability analysis for the nonlinear shrinking sheet with
new model’s formulation but also considering the existing several physical factors. To the best of the authors’ knowledge,
ideas and studying their appropriateness to the proposed the study on the non-Newtonian radiative Reiner–Philippoff
model. Among the available additional extension on the fluid flow past a nonlinearly shrinking sheet embedded with
fluid flow problem, the MHD and viscous dissipation effects the MHD and viscous dissipation has not been considered
are among the applicable elements that should be deliber- and therefore, this endeavor is significant as a future reference
ated. It is acknowledged the fluid with MHD has the capa- for the selected topic. For the methodology, the efficient bvp4c
bility to regulate the flow separation and become the agent solver in the Matlab software is used to solve the reduced ordi-
of manipulating the heat transfer of certain fluids. Mean- nary differential equations. The similarity solutions are graph-
while, the viscous dissipation is attributed during the move- ically displayed and discussed for the skin friction coefficient
ment of fluid particles where the viscosity of fluid converted and thermal distribution including the velocity and tempera-
the kinetic energy into thermal energy. These two effects are ture profiles. We strongly believe that this numerical study
independent of each other and can be considered separately. can attract other researchers from various backgrounds.
As reported in the literature, the term MHD was happened
to be in the momentum equation while viscous dissipation in 2. Mathematical formulation
the energy equation. The simultaneous effects of MHD and
heat source/sink were numerically studied by Seth et al. [28] Consider the flow of Reiner–Philippoff fluid past a shrinking
for a viscous flow. Further, Seth and Mandal [29] analyzed sheet as shown in Fig. 1. Here, the surface velocity is
the electromagnetohydrodynamic (EMHD) flow subject to a
uw ðxÞ ¼ ax1=3 with a > 0. In addition, the mass flux velocity
nonlinearly stretching sheet with variable thickness. Mishra
vw ðxÞ is considered to represent the surface permeability.
et al. [30] observed the existence of multiple solutions when
Besides, the surface temperature is Tw ðxÞ ¼ T1 þ T0 x2=3 with
considering MHD flow with thermal radiation and viscous
the ambient T1 and the reference T0 temperatures are constant
dissipation effects over a stretching/shrinking sheet. Babu
[60]. The magnetic field BðxÞ is transversely applied along the
and Sandeep [31] found that the magnetic and radiation
parameters could enhance the thermal boundary layer. The y-axis with BðxÞ ¼ B0 x1=3 where B0 is constant magnetic
discovery of MHD towards the flow field is once carried strength [14]. Furthermore, the radiative heat flux
out by Asimoni et al. [32] where the focus is under the qr ¼ ð4r =3k Þð@T4 =@yÞ is also considered. Here, k and r
two-dimensional laminar flow of non-Newtonian power-law signifies the Rosseland mean absorption coefficient and the
nanofluid, while Zokri et al. [33] examined the problem of Stefan-Boltzmann constant and given that T4 ffi 4T31 T  3T41
MHD embedded in Jeffrey fluid. Very recent findings on this [61]. In addition, the viscous dissipation and the Joule heating
topic are led by Waini et al. [34] and Pop et al. [35] where effects are employed [62]. Therefore, the governing equations
the hybrid nanofluid is the main focus and the flow is can be written as [10,14,62]:
assumed to stream over a shrinking sheet. Some other doc- @u @v
uments on the MHD discovery are acknowledged in the þ ¼0 ð1Þ
@x @y
reports by Aurangzaib et al. [36,37], Ariffin et al. [38,39],
Nandi et al. [40], Ghiasi et al. [41], and Gajjela et al. [42]. @u s
¼ ð2Þ
A recent topic of interest is the analysis of the dual solution @y l1 þ l0 ls 12
with its stability for the boundary layer flow in various fluids 1þðss Þ

and surfaces. The concern is to choose the physical solution

(s) among the potential available solutions. The dual solutions
frequently exist for the case of fluid motion induced by a
shrinking sheet as early studied by Miklavčič and Wang [43]
for a Newtonian fluid model. The generation of shrinking flow
with an appropriate suction strength contributed to the exis-
tence of dual similarity solutions. In certain cases, there are
possibilities that multiple solutions (more than two) exist
which have been explored by Turkyilmazoglu [44], Lund
et al. [45], and Yahaya et al. [46]. Moreover, the flow analysis
due to the shrinking surfaces have been conducted and dis-
cussed by Yahaya et al. [47,48] for non-Newtonian fluids and
Waini et al. [49–51], Naramgari and Sulochana [52], Anuar
et al. [53], Zainal et al. [54,55], Wahid et al. [56–58] and Bhat-
tacharyya et al. [59] for other fluids. Fig. 1 Flow configuration.
7608 N.S. Khashi’ie et al.

@u @u 1 @s r 2 l0 ss r a2
u þv ¼  Bu ð3Þ k¼ ; c ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ; M ¼ B20 ; Ec ¼ ;
@x @y q @y q l1 q a3 m qa T0 Cp
   2 lCp 4r T31
@T @T k 16r T31 @ 2 T l @u Pr ¼ ; R¼ ð13Þ
u þv ¼ þ  þ k kk
@x @y qCp 3ðqCp Þk @y2 qCp @y
r 2 2 Note that, k ¼ 1 is for the Newtonian (viscous) fluid case,
þ Bu ð4Þ while k < 1 and k > 1 represent the shear thickening (dilatant)
fluid and the shear-thinning (pseudoplastic) fluid cases.
subject to: Besides,e ¼ 0 denotes the static sheet, while e > 0 and e < 0
u ¼ euw ðxÞ; v ¼ vw ðxÞ; T ¼ Tw ðxÞ at y ¼ 0; signify the stretching and shrinking sheet, respectively.
ð5Þ The coefficient of the skin friction Cf and the local Nusselt
u ! 0; T ! T1 as y ! 1 number Nux are given as:
where q is the fluid density, r is the electric conductivity, qCp is sw xqw
Cf ¼ ; Nux ¼ ð14Þ
the heat capacity, k is the thermal conductivity, T is the tem- q u2w kðTw  T1 Þ
perature, and ðu; vÞ be the velocity components in the ðx; yÞ
direction. Besides, s is the shear stress of the Reiner–Philippoff where
fluid model with the reference shear stress ss , the limiting @T
dynamic viscosity l1 , and the zero-shear dynamic viscosity sw ¼ q a3 mðgðgÞÞy¼0 ; qw ¼  k þ ðqr Þy¼0 ð15Þ
@y y¼0
l0 [9].
The similarity solutions are only existed by employing the Here, sw denotes the value of s on y ¼ 0 and qw is the sur-
similarity transformation as follows [9]: face heat flux. On using Eqs. (14) and (15), one gets:
pffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi T  T1 4
w ¼ amx2=3 fðgÞ; s ¼ q a3 mgðgÞ; hðgÞ ¼ ; Rex Cf ¼ gð0Þ;
Rex Nux ¼  1 þ R h0 ð0Þ
Tw  T1 3
y a where Rex ¼ uw ðxÞx=m is the local Reynolds number.
g ¼ 1=3 ð6Þ
x m
where the stream function w is defined by u ¼ @w=@y and 3. Stability analysis
v ¼ @w=@x. Then:
  The dual solutions are examined to test their stability by
pffiffiffiffiffi 2 1
u ¼ ax1=3 f0 ðgÞ; v ¼  amx1=3 fðgÞ  gf0 ðgÞ ð7Þ employing stability analysis [63,64]. First, consider the semi-
3 3
similar variables as follows [9]:
By setting g ¼ 0, the wall mass flux velocity becomes: pffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
w ¼ amx2=3 fðg; CÞ; s ¼ q a3 mgðg; CÞ; hðg; CÞ
2 pffiffiffiffiffi 1=3 rffiffiffi
vw ðxÞ ¼  amx S ð8Þ T  T1 y a a
3 ¼ ; g ¼ 1=3 ; C ¼ 2=3 t ð17Þ
Tw  T1 x m x
where fð0Þ ¼ S signify the constant mass flux parameter with
S < 0 and S > 0 are for injection and suction, respectively, where C is the dimensionless time variable, and given that:
while S ¼ 0 denote the impermeable surface, and m ¼ l1 =q is @f
u ¼ ax1=3 @g ðg; CÞ;
the fluid kinematic viscosity. Then, on using Eqs. (6) and (7),
pffiffiffiffiffi   ð18Þ
@f @f
the similarity equations are obtained as follows: v ¼  amx1=3 2
fðg; CÞ  13 g @g ðg; CÞ  23 C @C ðg; CÞ
kc þ g2
g ¼ f00 2 ð9Þ Next, based on Eqs. (3) and (4), consider the following
c þ g2 unsteady flow:
2 1 0 @u @u @u 1 @s r 2
0 0
g þ ff}  f 2  Mf ¼ 0 ð10Þ þu þv ¼  Bu ð19Þ
3 3 @t @x @y q @y q
1 4 2 0 0 0 @T @T @T k 16r T31 @ 2 T
ð1 þ RÞh} þ ðfh  f hÞ þ Ecf}2 þ EcMf 2 ¼ 0 ð11Þ þu þv ¼ þ
Pr 3 3 @t @x @y qCp 3ðqCp Þk @y2
subject to:  2
l @u r 2 2
þ þ Bu ð20Þ
fð0Þ ¼ S; f ð0Þ ¼ e; hð0Þ ¼ 1; qCp @y qCp
0 ð12Þ
f ðgÞ ! 0; hðgÞ ! 0 as g ! 1 while Eqs. (1) and (2) remain unchanged. Then, on using Eqs.
(17) and (18), one obtains:
with the Reiner–Philippoff fluid parameter k, the Bingham
number c, the magnetic parameter M, the Eckert number Ec, @ 2 f kc2 þ g2
g¼ 2 ð21Þ
the Prandtl number Pr, and the thermal radiation parameter @g c2 þ g2
R, defined by:
Magnetohydrodynamic and viscous dissipation effects 7609
@g 2 @ 2 f 1 @f @f @2f
þ f 2 M  Table 2 Values of h0 ð0Þ for different Ec and Pr when
@g 3 @g 3 @g @g @g@C e ¼ k ¼ c ¼ R ¼ 1 and S ¼ M ¼ 0.
2 @f @ f @f @ f
Pr Bataller [60] Present Result
 C  ¼0 ð22Þ Ec
3 @C @g2 @g @g@C
0 3 0.97887 0.978932
  2    2 2  2 0.2 0.91586 0.915936
1 4 @ h 2 @h @f @ f @f 1 0.66393 0.663954
1þ R þ f  h þ Ec þ EcM
Pr 3 @g2 3 @g @g @g2 @g 1.5 0.50639 0.506466
@h 2 @f @h @f @h 0.2 0.71 0.35480 0.354736
  C  ¼0
@C 3 @C @g @g @C 2 0.71646 0.716577
ð23Þ 3 0.91586 0.915936
10 1.79029 1.790431
subject to:
@f @f
fð0; CÞ  23 C @C ð0; CÞ ¼ S; @g
ð0; CÞ ¼ e; hð0; CÞ ¼ 1;
ðg; CÞ ! 0; hðg; CÞ ! 0 as g ! 1

Then, consider the perturbation function [64]: The analysis involved discussions on the effect of several phys-
fðg; CÞ ¼ f0 ðgÞ þ e Fðg; CÞ; ical parameters that arise in the proposed model where the out-
puts of the computation are presented in graphical and tabular
gðg; CÞ ¼ g0 ðgÞ þ eaC Gðg; CÞ; ð25Þ
forms. To validate the reliability of the present model, a direct
hðg; CÞ ¼ h0 ðgÞ þ eaC Hðg; CÞ comparative study is performed with the skin friction values
where Fðg; CÞ, Gðg; CÞ, and Hðg; CÞ are arbitrary functions and f00 ð0Þ obtained by Cortell [67], Ferdows et al. [68], and Waini
relatively small than f0 ðgÞ, g0 ðgÞ, and h0 ðgÞ, and a denotes the et al. [69] where the present model can be reduced to the equa-
eigenvalue. Here, Eq. (25) is employed to obtain the eigenvalue tions that once presented in their investigations. Further vali-
problems of Eqs. (21)–(23). By setting C ¼ 0, then dation of the temperature gradient h0 ð0Þ is made in Table 2
Fðg; CÞ ¼ F0 ðgÞ, Gðg; CÞ ¼ G0 ðgÞ, and Hðg; CÞ ¼ H0 ðgÞ. There- between present values and those by Bataller [60] for different
fore, after linearization, the eigenvalue problems are: Ec and Pr. The results of comparison as presented in Tables 1
  and 2 show an excellent agreement. This gives confidence to
kc2 þ g20
G0 ¼ F000 2 ð26Þ the validity and accuracy of the present mathematical formula-
c  2f000 g0 þ 3g20 tion and the numerical results.
Figs. 2 and 3 are presented to get an insight into the effect
2  00  2 1=2
G00 þ f0 F0 þ f000 F0  f00 F00  MF00 þ aF00 ¼ 0 ð27Þ of k and c towards the variations of Re1=2 x Cf and Rex Nux
3 3 when e ¼ 1; S ¼ M ¼ Ec ¼ R ¼ 0 and Pr ¼ 10. An upsurge
  of k contributed to the declining of Re1=2
1 4 2  2  x Cf and increasing of
1 þ R H000 þ f0 H00 þ h00 F0  f00 H0 þ h0 F00 Re1=2 Nu : At k ¼ 1 (Newtonian fluid), the values of Re1=2
Pr 3 3 3 x x x Cf
þ 2Ecf000 F000 þ 2EcMf00 F00 þ aH0 and Rex Nux when c ¼ 0:3; 0:5; 2 remain unchanged such
that Re1=2 x Cf ¼ 0:677648 and Rex Nux ¼ 3:067894 (see
¼0 ð28Þ
Table 3). Further, with the rising values of c, it is obviously
subject to: shown that the quantity of Re1=2 x Cf increases when k < 1
(shear-thickening fluid) and decreases when k > 1 (shear-
F0 ð0Þ ¼ 0; F00 ð0Þ ¼ 0; H0 ð0Þ ¼ 0;
ð29Þ thinning fluid) while the contradict results are obtained for
F00 ðgÞ ! 0; H0 ðgÞ ! 0 as g ! 1
the thermal rate. In addition, the computed values of Re1=2 x Cf
Here, to obtain a from Eqs. (26)–(28), and Re1=2x Nu x with various values of k and c are tabulated
F00 ðgÞ ! 0 as g ! 1 in Eq. (29) is replaced by F00 ð0Þ ¼ 1 [65]. in Table 3 for future references.
Table 4 provides the values of Rex1=2 Cf and Re1=2 x Nux for
4. Results and discussion various values of the dimensionless physical parameters. At a
certain fixed value for the inspected parameters
This section provides a discussion of the results obtained from (e ¼ 1;S ¼ 2:4;k ¼ 1:5;M ¼ 0:01; c ¼ Ec ¼ 0:1; R ¼ 3; and
the numerical computation. Eqs. (9)–(12) are solved by Pr ¼ 10), it is perceived that the values of Re1=2 x Cf increase
employing a bvp4c package in the MATLAB software [66]. for the rising in S and M; while they are decline with the addi-

Table 1 Values of f00 ð0Þ for different S when e ¼ k ¼ c ¼ 1 and M ¼ 0.

S Cortell [67] Ferdows et al. [68] Waini et al. [69] Present Result
0.5 0.518869 0.518869 0.518869 0.518869
0 0.677647 0.677648 0.677648 0.677648
0.5 0.873627 0.873643 0.873643 0.873643
7610 N.S. Khashi’ie et al.

tion of e; k; and c. The changes in Ec; R; and Pr do not affect

the values of Re1=2
x Cf since these parameters are independent of
the momentum equation. The values of Re1=2 x Nux (thermal
rate) boost with the increment of e; S; M; and Pr, whereas they
are showing a downturn trend with the accession of k; c; Ec;
and R. The dominance of stretching flow, suction, magnetic
parameter, and high Prandtl number tends to release the
energy to the flow while the existence of Reiner–Philippoff
fluid parameter, the Bingham number, Eckert number, and
radiation parameter retards the flow energy.
Figs. 4 and 5 illustrate the variations of Re1=2 x Cf and
Rex Nux against the shrinking parameter e for three different
fluids: shear-thickening ðk < 1Þ, Newtonian ðk ¼ 1Þ, and
shear-thinning ðk > 1Þ. From these figures, the shear-
thickening fluid ðk ¼ 0:8Þ extends the solution’s domain of e
with the critical values of ec1 ¼ 1:1567, followed by the New-
tonian fluid ðk ¼ 1Þ with ec2 ¼ 1:1352, and the shear-thinning
fluid ðk ¼ 1:5Þ with ec3 ¼ 1:0798. This signifies the important
Fig. 2 x Cf vs k for various values of c.
Skin friction coefficient Re1=2
role of the non-Newtonian fluid from the shear-thickening sub-
class in the boundary layer separation. The critical value is
usually distinguished as the separation value from laminar to
turbulent boundary layer flow. Further, both Re1=2 x Cf and
x Nux deteriorate with an upsurge of k.
The plots of the skin friction coefficient Re1=2 x Cf and the
local Nusselt number Re1=2 x Nu x against S for diverse values
of k;M; Ec; and R are illustrated in Figs. 6–11. The suction
parameter is one of the contributing factors in the generation
of similarity solutions. It is noticed that the dual similarity
solutions exist for Re1=2
x Cf and Rex Nux up to a minimum/-
critical value of the suction parameter called Sc where beyond
these values, no other solutions are reached. The enlargement
of Sc is requirable for the addition of Reiner–Philippoff fluid
parameter k such that Sc1 ¼ 2:2215 ðk ¼ 0:8Þ;
Sc2 ¼ 2:2499 ðk ¼ 1Þ, and Sc3 ¼ 2:3163 ðk ¼ 1:5Þ. This implies
the shear-thinning fluid ðk > 1Þ obligates more suction
strength to induce the fluid motion yet produces two solutions.
Besides, the values of Re1=2x Cf and Rex Nux lessen with the
increment of k as presented in Figs. 6 and 7. From the physical
point of view, larger values of k create obstacles to the shear-
thinning effect which reduce the contact of fluid to surfaces
and yield fewer drag forces.
Contrarily, Figs. 8 and 9 show that as the magnetic param-
Fig. 3 Local Nusselt number Re1=2
x Nux vs k for various values eter M increases, less suction strength is needed in generating
of c. the solutions where Sc1 ¼ 2:3422 ðM ¼ 0Þ; Sc2 ¼ 2:3163

Table 3 Values of Re1=2
x Cf and Rex Nux for k and c when e ¼ 1; S ¼ M ¼ Ec ¼ R ¼ 0, and Pr ¼ 10.
k Rex1=2 Cf Re1=2
x Nux
c ¼ 0:3 c ¼ 0:5 c¼2 c ¼ 0:3 c ¼ 0:5 c¼2
0.5 0.621590 0.571308 0.487759 3.063624 3.049700 3.001094
0.8 0.657721 0.641512 0.610295 3.066347 3.062447 3.049366
1 0.677648 0.677648 0.677648 3.067894 3.067894 3.067894
1.2 0.695334 0.708625 0.737428 3.069294 3.072134 3.081279
1.5 0.718770 0.748420 0.816691 3.071182 3.077117 3.095768
2 0.752030 0.802982 0.929234 3.073917 3.083286 3.111775
2.5 0.780308 0.848005 1.024871 3.076280 3.087925 3.122407
3 0.805100 0.886657 1.108574 3.078370 3.091646 3.130094
Magnetohydrodynamic and viscous dissipation effects 7611

Table 4 Values of Re1=2
x Cf and Rex Nux for various values of physical parameters.
e S k c M Ec R Pr Rex1=2 Cf Re1=2
x Nux
1 2.4 1.5 0.1 0.01 0.1 3 10 1.127876 11.277762
0.5 0.875647 17.059217
1 1.870635 17.490042
1 2.38 1.099379 11.047620
2.35 1.050061 10.666508
2.32 0.974659 10.155402
2.4 0.8 1.161349 11.406684
1 1.153161 11.373878
1.2 1.144044 11.338411
1.5 0.15 1.100107 11.170018
0.18 1.075828 11.076295
0.2 1.052414 10.987043
0.1 0 1.102980 11.239276
0.015 1.138984 11.293718
0.02 1.149432 11.308099
0.01 0 1.127876 12.003672
0.15 1.127876 10.914808
0.2 1.127876 10.551853
0.1 1 1.127876 13.305740
2 1.127876 12.249361
2.5 1.127876 11.751529
3 5 1.127876 4.256010
7 1.127876 6.949639
8 1.127876 8.366637

Fig. 4 x Cf vs e for various values of

Skin friction coefficient Re1=2 Fig. 5 Local Nusselt number Re1=2
x Nux vs e for various values
k. of k.

ðM ¼ 0:01Þ and Sc3 ¼ 2:2901 ðM ¼ 0:02Þ. Moreover, the other magnetic parameter assists the fluid motion, which syn-
impact of M is to boost the values of Re1=2x Cf and Rex Nux chronously drives the hot particles towards the plate. This
with the increasing values of M. Physically, the rising strength active operation augments the heat transfer rate and reduces
of the Lorentz force from the operation of the magnetic field the temperature (first solution) as shown in Fig. 15.
essentially opposes the fluid motion. However, the application The impact of Eckert number Ec and radiation parameter
of suction helps in stabilizing the unconfined vorticity within R are deliberated in Figs. 10 and 11, respectively. The value
the shrinking flow which then tends to induce the skin friction of Sc remains unchanged where Sc ¼ 2:3163 for each value
coefficient and simultaneously, enhance the fluid velocity as of Ec and R considered since the Eckert number (arise from
depicted in Fig. 14 (first solution). Furthermore, the addition the viscous dissipation and Joule heating effect) and thermal
of the magnetic parameter also enhances the thermal rate by radiation parameter does not directly affect the momentum
boosting the heat transfer operation. As earlier stated, the equation (flow progress). However, since these parameters
7612 N.S. Khashi’ie et al.

Fig. 6 Skin friction coefficient Re1=2

x Cf vs S for various values of Fig. 9 Local Nusselt number Re1=2
x Nux vs S for various values
k. of M.

Fig. 7 Local Nusselt number Re1=2 Nux vs S for various values

x Fig. 10 Local Nusselt number Re1=2 Nux vs S for various values
of k. x
of Ec.

Fig. 8 Skin friction coefficient Re1=2

x Cf vs S for various values of Fig. 11 Local Nusselt number Re1=2 Nux vs S for various values
M. of R.
Magnetohydrodynamic and viscous dissipation effects 7613

Fig. 12 Velocity profiles f0 ðgÞ for different values of k. Fig. 15 Temperature profiles hðgÞ for different values of M.

Fig. 13 Temperature profiles hðgÞ for different values of k. Fig. 16 Temperature profiles hðgÞ for different values of Ec.

Fig. 14 Velocity profiles f0 ðgÞ for different values of M. Fig. 17 Temperature profiles hðgÞ for different values of R.
7614 N.S. Khashi’ie et al.

are related to the energy equation, it is found that the distribu- Hence, it can be concluded that the first solution is stable
tion of Re1=2
x Nux reduces with the addition of Ec and R: This and significantly reliable as time progresses, while the opposite
thermal behaviour is accomplished for both first and second manner is for the second solution.
solutions. On the other hand, from Figs. 6–11, it is also observ-
able that the raising in S significantly enhances the distribution 5. Conclusion
of Re1=2
x Cf Rex Nux . Physically, the suction parameter can
enhance the flow including the skin friction coefficient by An analysis of radiative heat transfers in a Reiner–Philippoff
restraining the vorticity generation due to the shrinking move- fluid flow over a nonlinearly shrinking sheet was considered.
ment and simultaneously, helps in deferring the boundary The effects of magnetohydrodynamics and viscous dissipation
layer separation (Miklavčič and Wang [43]). Meanwhile, the were also taken into account. The findings are as follows:
increment of thermal rate is related to the progressive move-
ment of the hot fluid particles towards the plate surface.  Dual solutions exist by exerting the suction parameter on
The obtained dual solutions are also displayed for the distri- the plate surface.
bution of the velocity and the temperature as portrayed in  The Reiner–Philippoff fluid parameter reduces the friction
Figs. 12–17 for fixed values of the pertinent parameters. The factor and the local Nusselt number due to the obstacles
far-field boundary conditions were satisfied asymptotically. In that appear to the shear-thinning phenomenon which
Fig. 12, as k increases, the first solution of the fluid velocity reduces fluid interaction with surfaces and generates fewer
decreases while the second solution shows an increment. How- drag forces.
ever, the temperature distribution as displayed in Fig. 13 shows  The suction and magnetic parameters appears to allow the
a contradictory behaviour. Figs. 14 and 15 emphasise the impact Reiner–Philippoff fluid molecules to gain control of the sur-
of the magnetic parameter in enhancing the velocity profile (first face, resulting in the enhancement of the heat transfer rate.
solution) while depreciating the temperature profile (first solu-  The inclusion of Eckert number and thermal radiation
tion). Previous discussion for Figs. 8 and 9 (impact of M on parameter reduces the heat transfer performance in the sur-
the skin friction and thermal progress) has highlighted the phys- face domain.
ical reason for this trend. Similar results have been figured out  The stability analysis indicates that the first solution is
for the variation of Ec and R as depicted evidently in Figs. 16 stable, whereas the second is unstable, as time progresses.
and 17 where both dual distributions show an ascending trend
of the temperature profile. This reflects the reduction of heat
transfer operation which synchronously, raises the fluid temper- Declaration of Competing Interest
ature. Physically, the heat is transmitted from the wall surface to
the fluid, and as the radiation parameter increases, the heat The authors declare that they have no known competing
transfer rate diminishes which signifies that the fluid tempera- financial interests or personal relationships that could have
ture near the wall is still hotter than the far-field temperature appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
[70]. Meanwhile, the Eckert number arise from the generation
of Joule heating, viscous dissipation and magnetic field effects. Acknowledgments
These effects physically produces heat from the electric current
source to the conducting shrinking plate and simultaneously, The authors gratefully acknowledge Universiti Teknikal
increase the temperature [71]. Malaysia Melaka for the financial support (JURNAL/2019/
Fig. 18 presents the variation of the smallest eigenvalues a FTKMP/Q00042). The financial supports were partially
against S where the positive eigenvalue stands for the first solu- received from the Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Project Code:
tion, while the negative eigenvalue for the second solution. RDU210707).


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