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School Grade Level 11


Department of Education Teacher Learning Area
Teaching Dates and Time WEEK 4 Quarter Second Quarter | 1 Semester

Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4

The learner demonstrates understanding of different resources of media and information, their design principle and elements, and selection
A. Content Standards
The learner produces a living museum or electronic portfolio or any other creative forms of multimedia showcasing their /his/her understanding,
B. Performance Standards
insights, and perceptions of the different resources of media and information.
Describe the different dimensions of:
a. text information and media
b. visual information and media
C. Learning
c. audio information and media
d. motion information and media
e. manipulative information and media
f. multimedia information and media
A. References
1. TG’s Pages
2. LM’s Pages
3. Textbook’s Pages
a. Begin the class by asking
students to recall the different The teacher will begin the lesson
a. Reviewing previous lesson or types of media that they have by asking the students what they a. Greet the students and review the previous lesson on audio, motion
presenting the new lesson encountered in their daily lives. remember about the previous and manipulative information and media.
b. Briefly discuss the importance lesson.
of media today.
b. Establishing the purpose of a. Informa the students that the The teacher will explain to the a. Explain to the students that the purpose of the lesson is to
the lesson lesson will be focused on students that the purpose of the describe the different dimensions of multimedia information and
motion information and lesson is for them to understand media.
b. Tell the students that by the end of the lesson, they should be
the different dimensions of able to identify the different dimensions of multimedia
b. Explain the importance of
manipulative information and information and media and understand how these dimensions
understanding motion media
media. affect the creation, interpretation, and dissemination of
and its impact on society.
multimedia content.
The teacher will present various
a. Show different types of motion examples of manipulative
a. Show the students a short video clip that contains various forms of
media such as films, television information and media such as
multimedia information and media, such as images, text, audio,
c. Presenting shows, and animation. advertisements, political
and video.
examples/instances of the b. Discuss the elements of motion propaganda and misleading
b. Ask the students to identify the different dimension or multimedia
new lesson media, including camera news articles. The teacher will ask
information and media present in the video clip.
angles, lighting, sound and the students to identify the
c. Discuss the students answers and provide feedback.
editing techniques. characteristics of these examples
that make them manipulative.
a. Define motion media and its
different dimensions, such as
time, space, and motion.
b. Discuss the different types of
The teacher will discuss the
motion media including film,
different dimensions of a. Define multimedia information and media and explain its different
video, animation, and virtual
manipulative information and dimensions, such as visual, audio, textual and interactive.
media, such as emotional b. Discuss the importance of each dimension in creating multimedia
d. Discussing new concepts and c. Identify the different elements
manipulation, framing, and content and how they affect the interpretation and dissemination
practicing new skills #1 of motion media such as
censorship. The students will be of the content.
camera angles, lighting,
asked to identify examples of c. Provide examples of how multimedia content is used in different
sound, and editing
each dimension and explain how fields, such as entertainment, education, and marketing.
they are manipulative
d. Practice analyzing different
examples of motion media
and identifying the different
dimensions and elements.
e. Discussing new concepts and a. Discuss the different The teacher will present scenarios a. Divide the students into small groups.
practicing new skills #2 techniques used in creating wherein students will be given b. Assign each group a multimedia project to work on, such as
motion media such as filming, different examples of creating a short video, a digital presentation, or a multimedia blog
editing and post-production. manipulative information and post.
b. Identify the different roles media. They will be asked to c. Ask each group to identify the different dimensions of multimedia
involved in creating motion analyze and evaluate the information and media that they will be using in their project.
media such as director, manipulative nature of the d. Provide guidance and feedback to the students as they work on
cinematographer, editor and
example given. their projects.
sound designer.
To develop mastery of the lesson,
the teacher will provide an
interactive activity where the
students will work in groups to
a. Ask each group to present their multimedia project to the class.
analyze a selected news article
b. Encourage the students to ask questions and provide feedback to
or advertisement. The students will
each other.
f. Developing Mastery be given a checklist of the
c. Evaluate each group’s project based on their use of the different
different dimensions of
dimensions of multimedia information and media, as well as their
manipulative information and
creativity and effectiveness in communicating their message.
media and they will be asked to
identify and explain how these
dimensions are used in the article
or advertisement.
a. Discuss the practical
The teacher will ask the students
applications of motion media
to reflect on the practical a. Discuss with the students how they can use multimedia information
in everyday life, including
applications of the concepts and and media in their daily lives, such as creating presentations for
g. Finding practical applications entertainment, education,
skills they learned from the lesson. school projects, sharing videos with friends and family, and using
of concepts and skills in daily and marketing.
The students will be asked to give social media to promote their interests and ideas.
living b. Discuss the impact of motion
examples of how they can apply b. Provide tips and guidelines for using multimedia content responsibly
media on society, including its
what they learned in their daily and ethically.
ability to influence public
opinion and shape culture.
The teacher will summarize the
different dimensions of
a. Summarize the key concepts, manipulative information and
and skills learned in the lesson. media and their characteristics. a. Summarize the key concepts and skills learned in the lesson.
b. Encourage students to reflect The students will be asked to b. Ask the students to reflect on their learning and identify how they
h. Generalizing and abstractions
about the lesson on how they can apply what generalize and abstract the can apply these concepts and skills in their future studies and
they have learned in their lesson by identifying the different careers.
future studies and careers. strategies they can use to avoid
being influence by manipulative
information and media.

c. Evaluating Learning Evaluate student projects based To evaluate learning, the teacher Administer a quiz or assessment to evaluate the students’
will give a short quiz to the
on the understanding and students to measure their
understanding of the different dimensions of multimedia information
application of the concepts and understanding of the different
and media.
skills learned in the lesson. dimensions of manipulative
information and media.
a. Have students create a short-
written reflection on what they
have learned in the lesson and
how it can be applied in their Provide additional resources and activities for students who need extra
d. Additional Activities for
lives. support or want to further explore the topic, such as online tutorials,
Application or Remediation
b. Provide additional resources multimedia projects, or research assignments.
for students who need further
practice and support in
understanding motion media.


A. No. of learners who earned

80% in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%.
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did this work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?

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