In Class Assessment 3 Problem Solving and Creativity

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In Class Assessment 03

Problem Solving and Creativity

Individual Activity: Field Report

Marks: 15

Go to the field. You can pick any setting you want. (i.e. an organization, a shop, a mall, an institute etc.).
Find an existing problem they’re currently facing and prepare a written proposal, suggesting a creative
approach to solve the problem


Apply a theoretical framework to analyze and describe the problem solving cycle. Propose a creative
solution to the problem considering the theoretical modalities.

The assignment should be submitted as a field study report.

Due Date -6th July 2022

Word count – 2500 (+/- 10%) reports that aren’t within the allocated word limit shall be penalized with


 Font - Times New Roman 12 / Calibri 11

 Spacing - 1.5 or 2

Referencing both in text and end text to be done according to APA 7th edition

Assignments with plagiarized content shall not be marked.

The grading will be done according to the rubric that is provided.

Total Marks 15

The purpose of this assignment is to persuade the students to experience the application of theoretical
psychological knowledge in the field. Psychology is an applied subject that is not limited to clinical
settings and a broad field that goes beyond the boundaries of our clinics. This assignment aims to test
the students’ ability to apply theoretical knowledge into practical problem solving.
Marking Rubric

3 2 1 MARK
Presentation of A detailed background The background story The background story
case and story is presented for the presented is missing a is incoherent. Shows
reader to understand and few key details leaving little to no evidence
background grasp the problem
analysis, gaps of understanding that the search and
situation of the
in the reader. Some analysis was done
identification of organization accurately.
The presented case is fabrications are done genuinely. The
the problem
genuine. A key problem to the story. A key problem
is clearly identified in problem is not clearly identification is
the presented case identified in the either vague or not
presented case don e at all.
Proposition of The solution for the The solution for the No clear solution is
solution /s problem identified is problem identified is proposed that could be
presented clearly step not presented clearly interlinked with the
by step using a step by step using a identified problem.
theoretical framework theoretical framework
Creativity and The proposed solution The proposed solution The proposed solution
originality displays an ultimate level displays an average level displays a poor level of
of creativity. Theoretical of creativity. Theoretical creativity. Theoretical
frameworks related to frameworks related to frameworks related to
creativity are used creativity are somewhat creativity are not used
evidently when proposing used when proposing when proposing
solutions. solutions. solution
Structure and Report is Report is somewhat The content is
Organization comprehensively structured and presented without
structured and organized. organized. The content structure. Leaves the
The content is structured is structured with reader confused after
with clear headings and headings and reading the report.
subheadings in order. subheadings in order.
Language, The content is presented The content is presented The content is
Grammar and in scholarly and precise in standard writing. A presented in informal
writing. Sentences are few incomplete writing. Many
Referencing complete, appropriately sentences and sentences are
punctuated and inaccurate punctuations incomplete, not
structured to give have caused some appropriately
meaning with No meaning to be lost in punctuated and not
grammatical errors. writing. Almost no structured to give
Referencing is done both grammatical errors. meaning with multiple
in text and end text Referencing is done grammatical errors.
accurately according to decently both in text Referencing is either
APA 7th edition and end text. not done completely or
done for only a few
parts in content.

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