Eigenharmonics Faces Face Recognition Under Generic Lighting
Eigenharmonics Faces Face Recognition Under Generic Lighting
Eigenharmonics Faces Face Recognition Under Generic Lighting
Proceedings of the Sixth IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FGR’04)
0-7695-2122-3/04 $ 20.00 © 2004 IEEE
images of a face was reported in [10]. The above- Ylm is the spherical harmonic function. The real forms
mentioned methods need a number of images and/or 3D of the first nine harmonic faces in are:
scans of each subject in the database, thus requiring ( x, y, z , ) = (sin θ cos φ , sin θ sin φ , cos θ )
specialized equipment and procedures for the capture
of the gallery set, thus limiting their applicability. π
boo ( p i ) = λi ,
In this paper we propose a method that recovers the 4
nine spherical harmonic images of the illumination π
space from just one image taken under arbitrary (b1−1 , b10 , b11 )( p i ) = λi ( y, z , x ) ,
illumination conditions. Our method computes a
15π (2)
statistical model of the harmonic images during a (b2− 2 , b2−1 , b21 ) = λi ( xy, yz, xz ) ,
bootstrap phase, which encapsulates texture and shape 64
information, similar with 3D Morphable Model [6]. 5π
b20 ( p i ) = λi (3 z 2 − 1) ,
The two methods need 3D scans of the subjects in 256
training set. But for test, only a face image is needed. 15π 2
Compared with the 3D Morphable Model [6], Our b22 ( p i ) = λi (x − y 2 ) .
method has following differences: First, we treat the
shape and texture together as harmonic images to Note that b 00 is an image obtained under constant,
consider the correlation between shape and texture data ambient light, and so it contains simply the surface
rather than to recover its texture and shape parameters albedo (up to a scaling factor). The other harmonic
separately; Second, Our method can process arbitrary images b lm contain both information of surface normal
illumination environment rather than illumination and the albedo.
environments with a ambient light and a directional We select 130 aligned 3D face scans with texture
light; Third, we speed the system by simplifying the information from USF Human ID 3D database [5] as
model (no specular reflection, no optimization). Of our bootstrap set. We render nine harmonic images per
course, the performance of the system will be a little face model using Equation set (2).
lower. But we see from the experimental results that the Let H j = (b 00 , b1−1 , b 10 , b11 , b 2− 2 , b 2−1 , b 20 , b 21 , b 22 )
performance is still applicable.
denote the vector composed by the nine harmonics
This paper is organized as follows. In the next
section, we will show how to construct the eigen- images of the j th person. We perform Principal
harmonic faces. In section 3, we explain how to recover Component Analysis [7] on the bootstrap set of H j ,
the parameters of the spherical harmonic images from a j = 1,2, , m, m = 130 . We subtract the average
novel face image. In section 4, we describe our
1 m
experiments and the results. The final Section presents h = ¦ j =1 H j from each harmonic
the conclusions and the future work. m
vector, a j = H j − h , and define a data matrix
2. Eigen-harmonic faces A = (a1 , a 2 , , a m ) . Then we compute the eigenvector
h 1 , h 2 , of the covariance matrix
Assumed the surface of human faces is convex
1 1 m
Lambertian surface, the set of images of face under C = AA T = ¦ j =1 a j a Tj , which can be achieved by
varying lighting can be approximated by a 9D linear m m
subspace spanned by harmonic images [2, 14]. The a Singular Value Decomposition [13] of A . The
harmonic images of face, here called as harmonic faces, eigenvalues of C , σ s21 ≥ σ s22 , , are the variances of
are images of the face seen under harmonic lights. the data along each eigenvetor. We select the first
Harmonic light is a virtual light in which only one n(n ≤ m) eigenvectors form an orthogonal basis,
harmonic component is included. Let λi denote the n
H = h + ¦i =1α i h i . (3)
albedo of a point pi on the face surface and (θ , φ )
n = 60 is used in our experiments, in which covers
denote its normal, the harmonic faces are constructed as:
90% of the variances. The average vector, the first
blm ( pi ) = λi ρ l Ylm (θ , φ ) , (1)
eigenvector and the last eigenvector are visualized as
2π π
where ρ l ( ρ 0 = π , ρ1 = , ρ1 = ) is the spherical four harmonic images in Figure 1. The first
3 4 eigenvectors have the shape of face, while the values of
harmonic coefficients of Lambertian reflectance [2, 14], the last eigenvectors are random.
Proceedings of the Sixth IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FGR’04)
0-7695-2122-3/04 $ 20.00 © 2004 IEEE
Then the rest of the vertices are aligned with image
warping technique.
The feature points on the 2D image are marked with
an enhanced Active Shape Model [20]. An example is
illustrated in Figure 2.
(a) (b)
Figure 2. The input face image (a) and its aligned image
(b) (the white pixels is invisible). The face image is from
CMU-PIE database.
Proceedings of the Sixth IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FGR’04)
0-7695-2122-3/04 $ 20.00 © 2004 IEEE
4.1. Results of lighting estimation
Proceedings of the Sixth IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FGR’04)
0-7695-2122-3/04 $ 20.00 © 2004 IEEE
set a and set b). We have not tried the LDA metric of images under generic lighting and they capture the
the PCA coefficients yet, which is declared better than intrinsic shape and texture of the facial surface. The
angle metric in [6]. We can expect its performance will eigen based methods can represent the common and
be better than the angle metric in our experiments. differences of human faces. Tested on CMU-PIE
Since we have already estimated the PCA database of images covering large variations in
coefficients of the spherical harmonic images, we can illumination (the illuminations range point light to
reconstruct the spherical harmonic with Equation (3). ambient light, from extreme direction to frontal
Then faces can be recognized using the 9D linear direction), our algorithm achieved promising results.
subspace in [2]. So far, we have not addressed non-frontal view
images. If the pose of a non-frontal face image is
5. Conclusion known, the average 3D face mesh can be rotate to that
pose. Then we can detect every pixel whether it is
With the discovery that the effect of illumination on visible. The visible pixels are used in recovering the
diffuse object is low dimension with analytic analysis, PCA coefficients of the harmonic images. For the
it will not be more difficult to deal with generic extreme pose, i.e., profile, only half of the face is
illumination than to deal with simple light source visible. As the number of PCA coefficients is much less
model. In this paper, we propose an eigen-harmonic than the visible pixels, the half face is still enough for
faces technique for face recognition under generic reconstructing the harmonic images of the face. Face
illumination based on this discovery. The spherical recognition with various lights and poses are one of our
harmonic images are very convenient for processing next works.
Classi fi cati on Rate
0. 95
0. 85
0. 75
0. 65
0. 55 Manual
0. 45
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Flash No.
Classi fi cati on Rate
0. 95
0. 85
0. 75
0. 65
0. 55 Manua
0. 45 l
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Flash No.
Figure 6. The results of lighting estimation. (a) Classification rate of on image set a;
(b) Classification rate of on image set b;
Table 1. Recognition rate comparisons using various metric on CMU-PIE face database
Performance of Subset No. (%)
Gallery Probe Metric
1 2 3 4
Co-rrelation 96 58 24 9
a(11) a
Angle distance 98 93 87 65
Co-rrelation 100 97 85 45
b(11) b
Angle distance 99 97 93 85
Proceedings of the Sixth IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FGR’04)
0-7695-2122-3/04 $ 20.00 © 2004 IEEE
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Foundation of China (under contract No. 60332010), [14] R. Ramamoorthi and P. Hanrahan, “An efficient
National Hi-Tech Program of China representation for irradiance environment maps”, Proc.
(No.2001AA114190 and No. 2002AA118010), and SIGGRAPH’2001, pp.497-500, 2001.
ISVISION Technologies Co., Lt. Portions of the [15] R. Ramamoorthi, “Analytic PCA Construction for
research in this paper use the USF Human ID 3-D Theoretical Analysis of Lighting Variability in Images
database and the CMU-PIE database. The authors wish of a Lambertian Object,” IEEE Trans. on PAMI, vol.24,
no. 10, pp. 1-12, 2002.
to thanks everyone involved in collecting these data.
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Class-Based Re-Rendering and Recognition with
References Varying Illuminations”, IEEE Trans. on PAMI, vol.23,
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Proceedings of the Sixth IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FGR’04)
0-7695-2122-3/04 $ 20.00 © 2004 IEEE