Emulsion SS1, RS-1 - IS 3117, IS 8887
Emulsion SS1, RS-1 - IS 3117, IS 8887
Emulsion SS1, RS-1 - IS 3117, IS 8887
Indian Standard
(First Revision)
ICS 93.080.20
Q BIS 2004
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Bitumen, Tar and Their Products Sectional Committee, PCD 6
This Indian Standard (First Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by
the Bitumen, Tar and Their Products Sectional Committee had been approved by the Petroleum, Coal and Related
Products Division Council.
Most bituminous binders used in the construction of roads and allied applications are viscous semi-solids at normal
temperatures. For surface dressing, mulch treatment, etc, they must be brought to a fluid state by heating before
being applied in thin films to road and allied surfaces. The lack of adequate heating facilities in remote areas led to
a demand for binders which could be used cold. The use of emulsions, which not only flow readily at atmospheric
temperatures but can also be applied to damp and wet road surfaces, therefore, came into vogue.
Bitumen emulsions are dispersions of very fine bitumen particles in an aqueous medium. They are easy to handle
and find wide applications in road construction and maintenance; soil stabilization, grouting, tack coating;
re-treading, seal coating, premixing, dust-spraying, mulch treatment and in various other special circumstances
where cold application of bitumen is desirable.
This standard was first published in 1965. In this revision, the following modifications have been made:
a) Title and scope has been changed to cover the requirements of bitumen emulsion for allied applications
besides roads.
c) In Table 1, water content requirement has been deleted and the bitumen content requirement has been
introduced along with the corresponding test method.
d) Various test methods (Annex A to Annex K) prescribed in this standard have been updated.
In the formulation of this standard due weightage has also been given to international coordination among the
standards and practices prevailing in other countries and this has been met by deriving assistance fi-om the following
Part 1 Specification for bitumen road emulsions’, issued by British Standards Institution, UK
ASTM D 244:1997 ‘Standard test methods and practices for emulsified asphalts’, issued by American Society
for Testing and Materials, USA
ASTM D 977:1998 ‘Standard specification for emulsified asphalt’, issued by American Society for Testing and
Materials, USA .
ASTM D 2397:1998 ‘Standard specification for cationic emulsified asphalt’, issued by American Society for
Testing and Materials, USA
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with IS 2:1960
‘Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised)’. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off
value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
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IS 3117:2004
Indian Standard
(First Revision)
This standard covers the physical and chemical For the purpose of this standard the definition given in
requirements of bitumen emulsion (anionic type) for IS 334 and the following shall apply.
roads and allied applications.
3.1 Anionic Emulsion — An emulsion in which anion
2 REFERENCES of the emulsifier is at the interface with the bitumen
The following standards contain provisions which particles that is negatively charged and the aqueous
through reference in this text, constitute provisions of phase is alkaline.
this standard. At the time of publication, the editions
indicated were valid. All standards are subject to 4 MATERJALS
revisions and parties to agreements based on this
standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility 4.1 Bitumen
of applying the most recent editions of the standards The bitumen straight run or fluxed, used for the
indicated below: manufacture of the emulsion, shall comply with IS 73
and the following requirements:
IS No. Title
a) Penetration shall be between 100 and 3 50;
73:1992 Specification for paving bitumen b) Softening point (Ring and ball) shall not higher
(second revision) than 48”C;
c) Volubility in trichloroethylene shall not be less
269:1999 Specification for 33 grade ordinary
than 99.0 percent; and
portland cement ~ourth revision)
d) Loss of mass after heating for 5 h at 1630C
334:2002 Glossary of terms relating to bitumen shall not exceed two percent of the original
and tar (third revision) mass. After carrying out this test the
penetration of bitumen shall not be less than
460: Specification for test sieves : Part 1
60 percent of its original value.
(Part 1) 1985 Wire cloth test sieves (third revision)
878:1975 Graduated measuring cylinders (jirst 4.1.1 If it is desired to modi& the performance of the
revision) emulsion during periods of low temperature, fluxing the
bitumen with the addition of a quantity of fluxing agent
1201:1978 Methods for testing tar and bituminous not exceeding five percent by mass of bitumen shall be
materials — Sampling (/lrst revision) permitted. Unless otherwise agreed to between the
1211:1978 Methods for testing tar and bituminous manufacturer and the purchaser, the fluxing agents shall
materials : Determination of water comply with the following requirements:
content (Dean and Stark method) (first
revision) a) Initial boiling point not less than 1400C; and
b) Distillate at 3500C not less than 90 percent by
1212:1978 Methods for testing tar and bituminous
materials : Determination of loss on
heating (first revision)
4.2 Emulsify ingAgent
1997:1982 Burettes (second revision) The emulsi&ing agent, in the proportion in which it is
2619:1993 Glass beakers (second revision) present in the bitumen emulsion, shaH not have any
deleterious effect upon the properties of the bitumen.
IS 3117:2004
Type RS —A quick setting emulsified bitumen c) The sample ofbitumen emulsion shall be drawn
within 24 h after delivery and tested within
used for penetration, surface treatment, tack
7 days from the date of drawing, unless
coating and mulch treatment.
otherwise specified.
b) Type MS — A medium setting emulsified
bitumen used for plant mixes with coarse 7.1.1 Preparation of Samples
aggregate, all of which is retained on 2.80 mm
1S Sieve with practically no material passing Before carrying out any of the tests, the sample shall be
75 micron IS Sieve. mixed by gentle shaking to ensure uniformity.
c) 7jjpe SS — A slow setting emulsified bitumen 7.2 If the single sample from a single run or batch fails
used for fine aggregate mixes in which a to fhlfill the test requirements under 6, samples shall be
substantial quantity of aggregate passes a drawn on the basis of 7.1 for testing in the same manner.
2.80-mm IS Sieve and a portion may also pass If these samples conform to the requirements of 6, the
a 75 micron IS Sieve. lot shall be accepted, otherwise the lot shall be rejected.
9.1 Each container shall be legibly and indelibly marked
6.1 Bitumen emulsion shall be homogeneous. Within with the following:
one year after manufacture it shall show no undispersed a) Name and type of the material;
bitumen after thorough mixing. b) Indication of the source of manufacture;
6.2 The physical and chemical requirements of the three c) Month and year of manufacture;
types of bitumen emulsion shall comply with the d) Batch number;
requirements specified in Table 1. e) Net mass; and
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IS 3117:2004
‘) If the sample of emulsified bitumen being tested fails to conform to the requirement, the sample shall be tested for 5-day settlement
and for miscibility and if the numerical difference between the average percentage of residue in the 5-day settlement test is less than
3, and if the miscibility test shows no appreciable coagulation in 2 h, then the emulsified bitumen shall be considered conforming to
this standard.
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1S 3117:2004
[Table 1, SINO. (i)]
Outside diameter of 32.0 — 33.0
overflow rim, at the
A-1.l Oil Tube — The oil tube shall be made entirely of
top (see Note)
corrosion-resistant metal as shown in Fig. 1, with or
without plating, conforming to the dimensional Diameter of container 29.55 29.75 29.95
requirements shown below:
Depth of cylindrical 88.0 — —
part of container
Requirements Minimum Normal Maximum
m m m Diameter of container’ 9.0 — —
(1) (2) (3) (4) between bottom of
cylindrical part of
Inside diameter of 3.13 3.15 3.17 container and top
outlet tube
of outlet tube
Outside diameter of 4.0 4.3 4.6 NOTE — The section of overflow rim shall be bounded by
outlet tube at lower straight lines, except that a fillet is permissible at the
end junction with the bottom of gallery,
\ r
I \
60 ml& 0.05
__ ————.
1S 3117:2004
A-1. 1.1 Calibrate the oil tube using oils of known furol Table 2 Requirements for Thermometers
viscosity in seconds, or use a tube certified by the (Clause A-1.4.1)
National Physical Laboratory or any other institution
S1 No. Characteristic Requirement
authorized by the Government of India to issue such a
(1) (2) (3)
certificate, or calibrate the tube by comparison with such
a certified tube and apply any correction in excess of O Liquid Mercury
0.2 percent. ii) Filling above liquid Nitrogen gas
iii) Subdivisions O.l”c
iv) Longer graduations line at each 0.5”C
A-1.2 Bath — Bath equipped with a stirring device and v) Graduation numbers at each 1“c
with means for heating or cooling, serves as a support multiple of
to hold the oil tube in the vertical position and as a vi) Immersion Total
vii) Total length 252 to 256 mm
container for the bath liquid. The source of heat or 25 to 35 mm
viii) Bulb length
refrigeration shall be more than 3 cm from the oil tube; ix) Bulb diameter Not less than
and if an external heater is used, it shall be more than 5.0 mm
5 cm fi-om the oil tube. ~) Stem diameter 6.0 to 7.0 mm
xi) Distance of bottom of bulb to 135 to 150 mm
first graduation line
A-1.2. 1 The bath temperature necessary to maintain (corresponding to the beginning
thermal equilibrium, while the liquid in the oil tube is of temperature range)
swell stirred by the oil-tube thermometer, shall vary to xii) Distance of top of thermometer 20 to 35 mm
to last graduation line
within + O.10C, for the specified test temperatures given
(corresponding to the end of
below: temperature range)
xiii) Top finish Glass ring
Temperature Range Temperature of Test xiv) O.l”c
Scale error at any point, Max
T c
19t027 2.5
A-1.5.1 Electrical timing devices are permissible provided
A-1 .2.2 The level of the bath liquid shall be not lower they are accurate and capable of being read to 0.2s.
than 0.5 cm above the overflow rim of the oil tube.
A-1.6 Withdrawal llsbe or Pipette— Used for draining
A-1.3 The receiver shall be of glass with the shape, the gallery, with a smooth t;p of about 3 mm outside
dimensions and tolerances as shown in Fig. 1. diameter and about 2 mm inside diameter.
1S3117 :2004
drain out. Theplunger commonly supplied with the A-2.4.1 The test shall be started over again if the tip of
viscometer shall never be used on instruments the withdrawal tube touches the overflow rim. Under
maintained as standards. Insert the cork stopper not no condition shall the excess liquid be removed by
less than 6.0 mm and not more than 9.5 mm into the rotating the withdrawal tube around the gallery.
lower end of the air chamber at the bottom of the o; 1
tube, taking care that the cork fits tightly enough t,) A-2.5 Place the receiving flask in position so that the
prevent the escape of air, as tested by the absence of oil stream of liquid from outlet tube strikes the neck of the
on the cork after it is withdrawn. If the test temperature flask, care being taken that the graduation mark on the
is above that of the room, heat the material to not more receiving flask is not less than 10 cm, not more than
than 1.5oC above the temperature of test, and if the 13 cm, from the bottom of the bath. Snap the cork from
temperature is below that of the room, cool it to not its position and at the same instant start the timer. Stop
more than 1.50C below the temperature of test. the timer when the bottom of the meniscus of the liquid
reaches the mark on the neck of the receiving flask.
A-2.3 Pour the material into the oil tube until it ceases
to overflow into the gallery. Keep it well stirred with the
oil tube thermometer, care being taken to avoid touching
the outflow tube. Adjust the bath temperature until the
A-3.1 Time in seconds as determined by the prescribed
temperature of the material remains constant.
procedure, with the proper calibration correction, is the
Saybolt Furol Vkcosity of the material at the temperature
A-2.3. 1 After thermal equilibrium has been attained, no
at which the test is made.
further adjustments shall be made in the bath
temperature. The test results shall be discarded if the
A-3.2 Report the results to the nearest 0.1 s for viscosity
indicated bath temperature varies by more than+ 0.030C.
values below 200s and to the nearest whole second for
values 200s or above.
A-2.4 After the temperature of the material in the oil
tube has remained constant with * 0.02°C of the desired
temperature for 1 min with constant stirring, withdraw A-4 REPRODUCIBILITY OF RESULTS
the oil tube thermometer and remove the surplus liquid
quickly from the gallery by means of the withdrawal With proper attention to details of method of prfcedure,
tube so that the level of the material in the gallery is results indifferent laboratories with different operations
below the level in the oil tube proper. Insert the tip of under referee conditions of testing shall not differ by
the withdrawal tube at one point in the gallery. more than 0.5 percent.
IS 3117:2004
[Table 1, SINO. (ii)]
B-1 APPARATUS been weighed with the glass rod. Place the beaker along
with the rod in the oven at 163 + 2.8oC for 2 h. At the end
B-1.1 Glass Beakers — low form of 1000 ml capacity of this period remove each beaker and stir the bitumen
made of borosilicate glass. thoroughly. Replace in the oven for another 1 h then
remove and cool at room temperature, weigh the beakers
B-1.2 Glass Rods — With flame polished 6.4 mm in along with the rods.
diameter and 177.7 mm in length.
B-1.3 Balance — of 500 g capacity and accurate to
+0.lg. B-3.1 Bitumen content = 2(A – B)
[Table 1, S/NO. (iii)]
C-1 APPARATUS each has been thoroughly mixed separately, into separate
600-ml low-form glass heaters and determine the
C-1.1 Cylinders — Two 500-ml graduated cylinders bituminous residue by evaporation at 1630C for 3 h in
(see IS 878) with pressed or moulded glass bases and the apparatus described in IS 1212. After removal of the
cork or glass stoppers. first sample siphon off approximately the next 390 ml
from each of the cylinders. Mix the residue remaining in
C-1.2 Glass Pipette — A 60-ml siphon, glass tube the cylinders thoroughly and weigh out exactly 50 g
pipette or optional form. from each of them, and determine for the two samples
the amount of bitumen residue (all sediment, if any,
included) by evaporation as before.
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IS 3117:2004
[Table 1, SINO. (iv)]
[Tab)e 1, S1 No. (v)]
To about 50 ml of the emulsion, gradually add about 210C and 250C. Allow the mixture to stand for 2 h and
150 ml of distilled water, stirring the mixture while adding then examine it for any appreciable coagulation of
the water. The temperature shall preferably be between bitumen content of the emulsion.
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IS 3117:2004
[Table 1, 57N0. (vi)]
IS 3117:2004
[Table 1, S/No. (vii)]
[Table 1, SINO. (viii)]
H-1 GENERAL has been washed with water and dried before using. All
This test covers the coating of loose aggregates with aggregates shall pass through the 19 mm IS Sieve and
bituminous emulsion. This test is applicable only to not more than 5 percent shall through the 6.3 mm sieve.
emulsions containing a bitumen base of seamy solid
consistency. It is not applicable to rapid setting H-2.5 Balance — Capable of weighing 1000 g to within
emulsion. 0.01g.
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IS 3117:2004
[Table 1, SINO. (ix)]
[Table 1, SINO. (x)]
Bureau of Indian Standards
BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods
and attending to connected matters in the country.
BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.
Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of
‘BIS Catalogue’ and ‘Standards: Monthly Additions’.
This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc : No. PCD 6(341)
Headquarters :
Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi 110002 Telegrams : Manaksanstha
Telephones :23230131,23233375,2323 9402 (Common to all offices)
IS 8887:2004
Indian Standard
(Second Revision)
ICS 75.140:93.080.20
0 BIS 2004
This Indian Standard (Second Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by
the Bitumen, Tar and Their Products Sectional Committee had been approved by the Petroleum, Coal and Related
Products Division Council.
This standard was first published in 1978 and was subsequently revised in 1995. The first revision inco~orated
certain new tests and the deletion of obsolete ones. In this revision the following changes have been made:
a) Rapid setting (RS) grade emulsion has been divided into two different grades of emulsions. The nomenclature
for the proposed emulsions has been indicated as RS- 1 emulsion and RS-2 emulsion. Similarly, slow setting
(SS) emulsion has also been divided as SS-1 and SS-2 emulsion.
b) Recommended use and requirements have been included for RS- 1 and RS-2 grades. Requirements have
been included for SS- 1 and SS-2 grades also.
c) Method for determination of residue on sieving on 600-rnicron IS sieve (see Annex B) and coating ability
and water resistance (see Annex F) have been updated.
Cationic bitumen emulsion usage in India has increased substantially since the introduction of the revised
specifications in 1995. The usage of emulsion as a percentage of total bitumen usage has gone up from 1 to 3 percent
in the last five years. The international status for emulsion usage is 10 percent of total bitumen usage. The proposed
revised Ministry of Surface Transport (MOST) specification for road works is expected to substantially widen the
scope for emulsion usage in various road applications. Therefore, new types of emulsion grades have been
incorporated in this revision.
Out of the present emulsion consumption, nearly 60-65 percent of emulsion is used in tack coat applications.
Introduction of a grade similar to ASTM CRS 1 is being mooted to facilitate better spread of the emulsion within the
recommended quantity especially for State Highways and low volume roads also where the spraying is done
manually in most of the cases. The viscosity of this emulsion is suggested at a lower range between 20-100 SFS at
50°C for ease of application and good coverage on the existing surface (especially since the method of application
is still manual in most cases). The storage stability has been suggested as 2.0 Max since it is revealed that there is
a tendency for emulsions manufactured with lower binder content to have less storage stability but this does not
seriously alter the life or the other characteristics of the emulsion. The aforesaid emulsion is called as RS- 1 emulsion.
In several states, single coat/two coat surface dressing including synchronized surface dressing is being carried out
to improve the road connectivity at low cost especially in rural areas. It has been proven that an emulsion with a
higher viscosity range is ideally suited for such application. Considerable assistance has been derived from ASTM
D 2397 in formulation of this standard. The suggested viscosity range for RS-2 is similar to ASTM CRS-2 from 100
to 300 SFS at 50° C. The recommended uses of five grades of emulsified bitumen of the cationic type prescribed in
this standard are given in Annex A.
The composition of the Committee responsible for formulation of this standard is given in Annex K.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with IS 2:1960
‘Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised)’. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off
value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
IS 8887:2004
Indian Standard
(Second Revision)
This standard covers the physical and chemical For the purpose of this standard, the definition given in
requirements of bitumen emulsion (cationic type) for IS 334 and the following shall apply.
road works.
3.1 Cationic Emulsion
2 REFERENCES An emulsions in which the cation of the emulsifier is at
The following standards contain provisions, which the interface of the bitumen particle; an emulsion in
through reference in the text, constitute provisions of which the particles are positively charged and the
this standard. At the time of publication the editions aqueous phase is acidic. Breaking of these emulsions
indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision occurs by neutralization of charge.
and parties to agreements based on this standard are
encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying 4 MATERIALS
the most recent editions of the standards listed below: 4.1 Any suitable grade of bitumen as given in IS 73
with or without addition of suitable flux, maybe used.
IS No. Title
4.2 Any emulsifying agent or any other ingredient,
73:1992 Paving bitumen (second revision) which either quality-wise or quantity-wise, is likely to
269 1989 Ordinary Portland cement 33 grade affect or harden the residue bitumen beyond the limits
(/iourth revision) specified in S1No. (ix) of Table 1 shall not be used.
IS 8887:2004
4) Solubllity : 98 98 98 98 98 1216
In trichloroetbylene,
percent by mass, Min
2) 225°C 30- 75
3) 260”C 40- 90 —
4) 315°C 60-100 —
‘) ‘[’his requirement shall be applicable only under situations where the ambient temperature IS below 15°C
IS 8887:2004
7 SAMPLING 7.2 If the single sample from a single run fails to fulfil
7.1 For the purpose of testing, the size of the sample the test requirements specified in 6, sample shall be
and the sampling procedure from drums, barrels or bulk drawn on the basis of 7.1 for testing in the same manner.
supply shall be as described in IS 1201 subject to the If these samples conform to requirement of 6 the lot
following: shall be accepted otherwise the lot shall be rejected.
IS 8887:2004
A-1 The recommended uses of five types of emulsified retained on 2.36 mm IS Sieve and
bitumen of the cationic type suggested in this revision practically none of which passes 180
are given below: micron IS Sieve, and also for surface
dressing and penetration macadam.
‘ljpe Recommended Uses
Ss-1 SS- 1 is used for other applications such
as fog seal, crack sealing, prime coat
Rs-1 Rapid setting emulsion grade RS- 1 is
specially recommended for tack coat
applications. SS-2 A slow setting emulsion used for plant or
road mixes with graded and fine
RS-2 Rapid setting emulsion grade RS-2
aggregates, a substantial quantity of
specially recommended for surface
which passes a 2.36 mm IS Sieve, and a
dressing work.
portion of which may pass a 75 micron IS
MS A medium setting emulsion used for plant Sieve. Examples of its uses are cold mixed
or road mixes with coarse aggregates MSS, SDBC and slurry seal.
minimum 80 percent, all of which is
[Foreword and Table 1, S1No. (i)]
B-1 APPARATUS and weigh, together with the dish, to the nearest 0.01 g
( JVl).Remove the sieve from the dish and moisten with
B-1.1 600 Micron IS Sieve — A circular sieve
the solution. Remove uniformly the 4-litre sample by
approximately 100 mm in diameter and 40 mm height.
gentle agitation and strain immediately through the sieve
into the clean, dry, weighed container (W+). Sieve the
B-1.2 Metal or Glass Dish — A small metal or glass
low and high viscosity emulsion at room temperature
dish about 110 mm in diameter (such as a clock glass).
and 50”C respectively. When whole of the emulsion has
been passed through the sieve, remove the sieve and
B-1.3 Oven — A well ventilated oven thermostatically
weigh the container to the nearest 1g (WI). Wash the
controlled to 100 to 110 “C.
sieve repeatedly with distilled water until the washings
run clear. Place the sieve in the small dish to dry for 2 h
B-1.4 Balances — One of capacity 250 g and accuracy
in the oven at 105 f 5°C, Cool and reweigh together to
of 0.01 g and one of capacity 10 kg and accuracy of 1 g.
the nearest 0.01 g (J4’J.
Percentage retained = x 100
B-2.1 Solution — Distilled water w,– w,
B-2.2 Solvents — Xylene and acetone.
W, = mass, in g, of sieve and small dish;
Wz= mass, in g, of container and emulsion;
W,= mass, in g, of sieve, small dish and
Wash the sieve with xylene and then with acetone. Place residue; and
it in the dish, dry in the oven at 100 to 11O°C for lh, cool J7q= mass, in g, of container.
IS 8887:2004
[Table 1, SINO. (iii)]
C-1 APPARATUS tube from warm water and plunge into the beaker
C-1.l Glass Boiling Tube — 150 mm long and 25 mm in containing iced water at the bottom of which crushed
internal diameter, provide with a cork and central hole ice is retained by piece of wire gauge. During the cooling
13 mm in diameter. process stir slowly. Lower the temperature of water by
adding common salt, to– 1 to – 1.5°C so that the
C-1.2 Sieve — 600-micron IS Sieve. temperature of the emulsion is reduced to O “C. At O°C
discontinue stirring and transfer the tube to another
C-1.3 Beaker — Two, 600-ml capacity. beaker with a freezing mixture at a temperature of– 3 to
– 4°C and allow the emulsion to remain quiescent for 30
C-1.4 Water-Bath — Thermostatically controlled. min. Remove the tube from the freezing mixture without
disturbance and allow the temperature of the content to
rise spontaneously to room temperature. Moisten the
sieve with cetrimide and pass the emulsion through the
C-2.1 Solution sieve. Wash the tube free from emulsion and other
One percent solution of cetrimide (a mixture of residue with cetrimide and pass the washings through
alkyltrimethyl ammonium bromide) in N/l Ohydrochloric the sieve. The coagulated bitumen, if any, will be retained
acid. on the sieve.
[Table 1, SINO. (iv)]
IS 8887:2004
D-1.2 Glass Pipette—A 60rnl siphon glass tube NOTE — Care shall be taken to prevent loss of bitumen
from the beaker through foaming or spattering or both.
For this reason, 1 000 ml beakers are recommended. Also,
the placing of beakers and emulsion samples in a cold or
D-1.3 Balance, capable of weighing 500 g within warm oven and bringing the oven and sample up to a
*o.lg. temperature of 163°C together is permissible. If preferred,
preliminary evaporation of water may be accomplished by
careful heating on a hot-plate followed by oven treatment
D-1.4 Glass Beakers — Three glass beakers of 600 or
at 163°C for I h.
1 000-ml capacity, made of borosilicate glass.
D-2.3 After removal of the sample, siphon off the next
D-1.5 Glass Rods, with flame polished ends, 6.5 f 390 ml (approximate) from each of the cylinders.
0.5 mm in diameter and 175 t 5 mm in length. Thoroughly mix the emulsion remaining in the cylinders
and weigh 50 ? 0.1 g into separate weighed 600 or
D-1.6 Oven — Thermostatically controlled, capable of 1000 ml glass beakers. Determine the bituminous residue
maintaining temperature of 163 f 2.8 “C.
of these samples in accordance with D-2.2.
IS 8887:2004
[Foreword and Table 1, Sl No. (vi)]
F-1.2 Mixing Blade — A putty knife with a 30 mm x F- 2.3 Water — Tap water of not over 250 ppm CaCO,
90 mm steel blade with rounded comers. A 254 mm hardness for spraying over the sample.
kitchen mixing spoon may be used as an alternative.
F-1.3 Sieve — Standard sieve of 19 mm and 4.75 mm The sample shall be representative of the bitumen
conforming to IS 460 (Part 2). emulsion to be tested.
F-1.4 Constant Head Water Spraying Apparatus — F-4 PROCEDURE FOR TEST WITH WET
An apparatus for applying tap water in a spray under a AGGREGATE
constant head of 775 mm. The water shall issue from the
apparatus in a low velocity spray. F-4.1 Carry out the test at 24 t 5.5°C.
F-1.5 Thermometer — It shall be of the mercury in- F-4.2 Weigh 460 g of the air dried/graded limestone
glass type nitrogen filled, with the stem made of lead aggregates in the mixing pan.
glass or other suitable glass. It shall be engraved and
enamelled at the back and provided with an expansion F-4.3 Weigh 4 g of CaC03 dust in the mixing pan and
chamber and glass ring at the top. The bulb shall be mix with the 460 g of aggregate for approximately 1 min
cylindrical, made of suitable thermometric glass. The by means of a mixing blade to obtain uniform film of
dimensions, tolerances and graduations of the dust on the aggregate particles. The total weight of
thermometer shall be as follows: aggregate shall be 460 g.
Range : –2 “C to 80°C
F-4.4 Pipette 9.3 ml of water to the aggregate and CaCO,
Graduation at each : 0.2 “c
dust mixture into the mixing pan and mix thoroughly to
Longer lines at each : l°C
obtain uniform wetting.
Figures at each : 2°c
ImersioL mm : Total
F-4.5 Weigh 35 g of bitumen emulsion into the aggregate
Overall length, mm : 378-384
in the pan and mix vigorously with the mixing blade for
Length of graduated
5 min by a back and forth motion in an elliptical path of
portion, mm : 243-279
the mixing blade of spoon. At the end of the mixing
Length of bulb, mm : 9-14
period, tilt the pan and permit any excess emulsion not
Bulb diameter : No larger than stem diameter
Stem diameter, mm : 6.0-7.0 on the aggregate to drain from the pan.
Distance from bottom
of bulb to O°C, mm : 75-90 F-4.6 Remove approximately one half of the mixture from
Scale error, J4ax : 0.2°C the pan and place it on absorbent paper and evaluate
the coating.
F-1.6 Balance, capable of weighing 1 000 g within
fo.lg. F-4.7 Immediately spray the mixture remaining in the
pan with tap water from the constant head water
F-1.7 Pipette, of 10-ml capacity. spraying apparatus to cover the mixture. The distance
from the spray head to the sample shall be (305 f
F-2 MATERIALS 75 mm). Then carefully pour off the water. Continue
F-2.1 Aggregate — Standard limestone aggregate shall spraying and pouring off the water until the overflow
be a laboratory washed and air cooled aggregate graded water runs clear. Carefully drain off the water on the
to pass 19 mm sieve and retained on 4.75 mm sieve. pan. Scoop the mixture from the mixing pan on to
IS 8887:2004
absorbent paper for evaluation of coating retention in F-5.2 At the end of the mixing period record the coating
the washing test. of the total aggregate surface area by the bitumen
emulsion as good, fair or poor. Where a rating of good
F-4.8 Evaluate the mixture immediately by visual means filly coated by the bitumen emulsion is exclusive
estimation as to the total aggregates surface area that is of pinholes and sharp edges of the aggregates; a rating
coated with bitumen. of fair coating applies to the condition of an excess of
coated area over uncoated area; and a rating of poor
F-4.9 Report the evaluation by visual estimation of the applies to the condition of an excess of uncoated area
coating of the aggregate surface area by bitumen after over coated area.
the mixture has been surface air dried in the laboratory
at room temperature. A fan may be used for drying if F-5.3 After spraying with water record the coating of
desired. the total aggregate surface area by the bitumen as good,
fair or poor.
F-5.4 Comments about the results of the test may be
F-5.1 Evaluate and report the following information for
included in the valuation.
tests with both dry and wet aggregates.
[Table 1, SINO. (vii)]
IS 8887:2004
[Table 1, SINO. (viii)]
H-1 PROCEDURE of 20- 30”C. Allow the mixture to stand for 2 h and
Gradually add 150 ml distilled water, with constant stirring examine it for any appreciable coagulation of the bitumen
to 50 ml of emulsion in a 400-ml beaker at a temperature content of the emulsion.
[Table 1, SINO. (ix)(l)]
Orgflrrizalion Representative(s)
IS 8887:2004
Organization Representative(s)
Member Secreta~
Director (PCD), BIS
Methods of Test for Bitumen Tar and Their Products Subcommittee, PCD 6:1
Bureau of Indian Standards
BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
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This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc : No. PCD 6 (1964).
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