Postal Manual Vol IV
Postal Manual Vol IV
Postal Manual Vol IV
1. A Candidate within the maximum age limit at the time of recruitment , but is
over aged at the time of appointment
a) No person who has been dismissed for misconduct from any post may be
b) The paper showing result of enquiry into the character and antecedents official
should be kept with their character sheets/ CR as the case may be
c) In the ED agents enquiry papers may be kept with their security bond
d) All the above Ans: d(3)
5. Calculation the time spent on training for the purpose of confirmation leave
other than casual leave must be
a) Included b) Excluded
c) Cannot say d) None of these Ans: b(27b)
6. Every important event in the official career of a gezetted Govt servant affecting
his pay and other conditions of service e.g appointment, promotion, leave, retirement,
removal, dismissal etc. should be notified in the
a) Memorandum b) DG Order
c) Gezette of India d) None of these Ans: c(29)
7. Notification made by the government of India are published in _____ and those
by the _________ and _______and administrative offices in _________ of Gazette India
a) Two, 1st Jan, DG Post, APP 43 b) Three, 1st Jul, HOC, APP 43
c) Five, 1st Jul , HOC, APP 44 d) None of these And: c(32a)
10. The time limit prescribed for representing against discrepancies in the
gradation list
12. When there are two are or more officials of the same name in a particular cadre,
they should be
13. No appeal against such alternative will lie to a higher authority unless it is
submitted within the usual time limit of _______ from the date of communication
14. Where recruitment made partly form departmental candidates and partly form
outsider, the departmental candidates should always ____from the outsider in orde
a) Junior b) Senior
c) Equal d) None of these Ans: b(32e)
15. All transfers, changes of HQ and special duties of gezetted officers should be
communicated to the
a) Permanent b) Temporary
c) Quasi permanent d) None of these Ans: a(38)
18. Transfer of officials, who are not permanent in grade, may in deserving cases,
be permitted with the personal approval of the
a) ACG 67 b) ACG 63
c) ACG 61 d) ACG 40 Ans: c(43)
21. An officer transferred may not, without urgent necessity or special orders of the
Head of the circle, leave the station
22. In the event of any disagreement between the relieved and the relieving officers,
a reference should be made to the
a) SSP/SP b) PMG
c) Head of the Circle d) DG Post Ans: c(47)
23. Reports of transfer of charge of gezetted officer including Head of the circle and
P&T Accountant should be sent by post (not telegraph) to the
25. The age limits for appointment to the post are to be followed
26. A post office clerk transferred from one division to another division in the same
a) Will loss his seniority in the circle gradation list for promotion to LSG
b) Will not lose his seniority in the circle gradation list for promotion to LSG
c) Will have his seniority regulated both in the divisional and the circle gradation
d) None of these Ans: b
a) APP 45 b) SR1
c) SR 5 d) SR 10 Ans: b(9)
a) SSP/SP b) PMG
c) Head of the Circle d) DG Post Ans: c(53)
31. Postmaster of HO who are subordinate to the super indent, Inspectors and SP,
Head clerk also report every transfer or assumption of chart to the
38. Who has been delegated to power to grant rules 38 transfer of official
belongings to Postmen/Mail guards?
a) Senior Supdt. of Post office b) Super indent of Post office
c) Postmaster General d) Head Post master of HO Ans: c
39. Officiating arrangement can be made in leave vacancies of less than 45 day
a) No one can be claim the max number days casual leave as a matter of right
b) Casual Leave should not be sanctioned more than 5 days at a time
c) The persons appointed middle of the year the authority competent to sanction
Grant such leave will have discretion to grant either the full period or 8 days
Or only proportion
d) CL not a form of leave and not treaded as absent
e) All the above; Ans: e(99)
41. By payment of overtime allowance
a) Est 51 b) Est 57
c) Est 56 c) None of these Ans: b
43. When pension cannot be sanctioned at the time of retirement due to some
reasons the officer concerned should be sanctioned
44. ________ will review every year in __________ and __________ all pension
cases of ministerial servants serving under
a) Head of the circle, Mar, Oct b) Head of the office, Apr, Oct
c) PMG, Oct, Jan d) None of these Ans: (109)
45. _________ must make a point of knowing the names of his subordinates who
are likely to retire within the six month from__________ and from___________.
55. Mark the incorrect option relating to Inspector Post office examination
a) A candidate must fulfill the conditions of min service limit and max age limit as
on 1st Jul preceding the date fixed for the examination.
b) If they have not already availed themselves of the max number of chances
before joining the APS, the will be allowed to have max of two chances while
serving in Army Postal Service.
c) If a candidate is unable to ride bicycle at the time of the application he should
be given two months time to learn if after he has been selected.
d) None of these Ans:d(279)
56. Check supervisor in RMS the standard for test sorting will be
a) The police officer who is not a pensioner may not be employed as an ED agent
without the previous sanction of the DG
b) Disabled ex-servicemen who are in receipt of disability pension and are not
disqualified for further service in civil dept may also be considered as ED sub
or branch postmaster
c) No person holding an elective office shall be considered for the post of an ED
d) None of these Ans:d(284)
a) Delivery agents, in cases where full time postman are not justified
b) Mail carriers in cases where departmental runner are not justified
c) Stamp vendors & Chowkidars
d) All the above Ans:d
63. A value return is a statistical statement showing the quantum of different items
of work performed in a Post office ie.
65. A value return in form Est 5 or Est 6(a) as the case may be should be submitted
with every proposal
66. Mark the correct option relating to how are the postal income and postal cost of
any office calculated in rural area.
a) 2/5 of the value of all postage stamps and stationery sold at the office plus 20%
( This represents in come on account of article received for delivery)
b) 7/20 of the value of all postage stamps and stationery sold at the office( This
represents in come on account of article received for despatch)
c) 3/4 of the postage collected on unpaid and insufficiently paid articles delivered
by the office
d) 1/8 of the postage due on unpaid and insufficiently paid article posted at office.
e) All the above Ans:e)
67. Mark the correct option relating to how are the postal income and postal cost of
any office calculated in urban area.
a) 43/120 of the value of all postage stamps and stationery sold at the office plus
20% ( This represents in come on account of article received for delivery)
b) 37/20 of the value of all postage stamps and stationery sold at the office( This
represents in come on account of article received for despatch)
c) 5/7 of the postage collected on unpaid and insufficiently paid articles delivered
by the office
d) 5/42 of the postage due on unpaid and insufficiently paid article posted at
e) All the above Ans:e)
68. Mark the correct option relating to how are the postal income and postal cost of
any office calculated in all office rural/urban area.
69. The period of which the experimental PO is at firs sanctioned should not exceed
a) 6 month b) 1 year
c) 2 year d) 3 year Ans:a
70. No experimental post office opened in rural area may be made permanent
unless its total income covers its total cost plus