Pediatric Blood Cancer - 2021 - Fardell - Long Term Health Related Quality of Life in Young Childhood Cancer Survivors
Pediatric Blood Cancer - 2021 - Fardell - Long Term Health Related Quality of Life in Young Childhood Cancer Survivors
Pediatric Blood Cancer - 2021 - Fardell - Long Term Health Related Quality of Life in Young Childhood Cancer Survivors
Joanna Fardell, Kids Cancer Centre, Level 1 Abstract
South, Sydney Children’s Hospital, High St,
Randwick, NSW 2031, Sydney, Australia.
Purpose: Few studies have investigated the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of
Email: [email protected] young childhood cancer survivors and their parents. This study describes parent and
child cancer survivor HRQoL compared to population norms and identifies factors
Funding information
The Kids’ Cancer Project; Career Devel- influencing child and parent HRQoL.
opment Fellowship (NHMRC of Australia),
Methods: We recruited parents of survivors who were currently <16 years, and
Grant/Award Number: APP1143767; Kids with
Cancer Foundation; Kids Cancer Alliance; The >5 years postdiagnosis. Parents reported on their child’s HRQoL (Kidscreen-10), and
Kids’ Cancer Project; Cancer Council NSW Pro-
their own HRQoL (EQ-5D-5L). Parents rated their resilience and fear of cancer recur-
gram, Grant Number: PG16-02; Estate of the
Late Harry McPaul; Victorian Governments’ rence and listed their child’s cancer-related late effects.
Operational Infrastructure Support Program;
Results: One hundred eighty-two parents of survivors (mean age = 12.4 years old and
Cancer Australia’s Support for Cancer Clinical
Trials. 9.7 years postdiagnosis) participated. Parent-reported child HRQoL was significantly
The members of the ANZCHOG Survivorship
lower than population norms (48.4 vs. 50.7, p < .009). Parents most commonly reported
Study Group in alphabetical order: Frank that their child experienced sadness and loneliness (18.1%). Experiencing more late
Alvaro, Richard Cohn, Rob Corbett, Peter
effects and receiving treatments other than surgery were associated with worse child
childhood cancer survivors, health-related quality of life (HRQoL), parents, psychological func-
tioning, resiliency, survivorship
parents. Given most childhood cancers are diagnosed in the first year of diagnosis, sex, whether they were attending a long-term follow-
5 years of life, the foundation for future well-being during survivorship up clinic for survivorship care, and how satisfied they were with this
is critically influenced by parents. Therefore, this study aimed to care (five response options ranging from ‘very unsatisfied’ to ‘very sat-
isfied’). Parents self-reported their current place of residence, level of
1. Describe the HRQoL of young survivors of childhood cancer and education and relationship to the child (e.g., mother, father). We coded
their parents, as compared to normative data, and place of residence into major city (metropolitan) or rural and regional
2. Identify factors associated with HRQoL among survivors of child- using the Accessibility Remoteness Index of Australia (ARIA) classifica-
hood cancer and their parents, which may indicate who is at risk of tion for Australian participants and the New Zealand Area Codebook
reduced HRQoL. for New Zealand participants.
Parent quality of life was assessed using the EQ-5D-5L, a validated
quality-of-life measure with five items assessing mobility, self-care,
2 METHODS ability to participate in usual activities, pain/discomfort, and anxi-
ety/depression; answered on a Likert scale with response options rang-
2.1 Participants ing from ‘no problems’ to ‘I am unable to’.7,19 A visual analogue scale2
regarding their overall health was also included asking participants
Eligible participants were parents of children (aged <16 years) who to rate their health today on a scale of 0–100, where 0 is the worst
were >5 years post any cancer diagnosis, had completed active treat- possible health they can imagine and 100 is the best possible health
ment, and were alive and in remission. One parent per child was eligi- they can imagine. The first five items are analysed together to deter-
ble to respond. We asked staff at the 11 paediatric hospitals in Aus- mine a quality-of-life index value, while the last indicates current health
tralia and New Zealand to identify a random sample of around 200 perceptions. Index values range from 0 to 1 (0 = death, 1 = perfect
potential participants who were <16 years of age when diagnosed, health). We calculated the EQ-5D-5L index using the UK population
and were now >5 years post any cancer diagnosis and had completed value set to enable comparison to an Australian normative popula-
active treatment through medical records. We then verified survivors’ tion, which also employed the UK value set in calculating HRQoL index
vital status with the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registry in Aus- scores.20 The Australian normative data are derived from 2908 adults
tralia and New Zealand (based on treating centre). After removing any aged over 15 years of age.20 We also calculated the proportion of par-
deceased individuals, we checked contact details with Australian and ents reporting any domain-specific difficulties according to developer
New Zealand residential directories. We expected a high number to instructions.21
be uncontactable given that they were discharged from their hospi- Parent-reported child quality of life was assessed using the Kidscreen-
tal prior to the study. We excluded parents with insufficient English to 10, a validated parent proxy measure of their child’s global HRQoL.22
complete the questionnaire and those deemed inappropriate to con- This 10-item scale addresses functioning in emotional well-being,
tact by their oncologist (e.g., due to severe psychosocial challenges that social functioning, activity levels, school performance, and quality of
would impair participation, e.g., psychosis). relationships with parents/caregivers and friends. Responses are on a
Likert scale and range from ‘not at all/never’ to ‘extremely/always’. We
summed scores across items, assigned Rasch person parameters and
2.2 Procedure then transformed these values into a T-score with a mean of 50 and a
standard deviation of 10 according to the Kidscreen Manual.23 Higher
We mailed potential participants a study pack that included an invita- scores indicate better HRQoL. We also calculated the proportion of
tion letter from the lead clinician at the hospital at which they were parents reporting item-specific problems for their child (0 = not at
treated, consent form, questionnaire (and link to online version of all/never a problem, 1 = any frequency level of problem). We used pub-
the questionnaire), and postage-paid envelope. We followed up nonre- lished norms derived from 16,237 parents who provided Kidscreen-10
spondents via telephone after 4 weeks, up to four times and re-sent the proxy responses.23
questionnaire up to two times. We prevented responses from duplicate Late effects were measured using a purpose-designed question. We
IP addresses, and all responses to the questionnaire were anonymous. asked parents to indicate (yes/no) on a list of late effects all the
The study was approved by the relevant ethics authority for each hos- health issues that they believed their child had experienced associ-
pital (Lead site reference 12/173 12/POWH/345) and was endorsed ated with their child’s cancer or treatment that had occurred since
by the Australian and New Zealand Children’s Haematology Oncology finishing treatment (see Supporting Material). We summed the num-
Group. Data available on request due to privacy/ethical restrictions. ber of late effects to get the total number survivors were currently
Fear of cancer recurrence and fear of late effects were assessed using
2.3 Measures two purpose-designed questions. We asked parents to indicate how
worried or anxious they were about their child experiencing a cancer
Clinical and demographic factors were reported by parents and included recurrence or late effects on a scale with five response options ranging
their child’s diagnosis, treatment type received, child’s current age, from ‘not at all’ to ‘a great deal’.
4 of 10 FARDELL ET AL .
Parent resilience was measured using the two-item Connor– TA B L E 1 Parent and child demographics
Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC2).24 The two items assess
N (%)
whether the participant is ‘Able to adapt to change’, and ‘Tends to
Parent demographics (n = 182)
bounce back after hardship or illness’. Responses range from ‘not at all’
Fathersa 25 (14.5)
to ‘nearly all of the time’.
Education levelb
High school only 45 (24.7)
We used IBM SPSS (IBM Corp, Version 22.0, Armonk, NY) for statis- Place of residencec
tical analyses. We used means, standard deviations and proportions Metropolitan 124 (68.1)
where appropriate to describe our sample. For Aim 1, we used two- Regional or remote 39 (21.4)
tailed Student’s t-tests to compare the HRQoL index and VAS on the Incomed
EQ-5D-5L to Australian normative data.20 We were unable to do
Less than $60,000 p.a. 37 (20.3)
agewise comparisons as we did not collect parent age, so we used the
More than $60,000 p.a. 126 (69.2)
overall mean Index score. We used chi-square goodness-of-fit tests to
compare the proportion of participating parents endorsing problems
Not currently employed 35 (19.2)
or not across the five domains of HRQoL as measured by the EQ-5D-
5L. We considered a reduction of 0.08 on the HRQoL and 7 on the VAS Currently employed (including full- and 144 (79.1)
part-time work)
to be indicative of minimally important difference (MID) in HRQoL.25
Marital status
For parent-reported child HRQoL, we compared the Kidscreen-10
T-score to published norms,23 using two-tailed Student’s t-test. We Not currently married/defacto 25 (13.7)
also considered the rate at which parents reported problems for their Currently married/defacto 157 (86.3)
child across the different items of the Kidscreen-10 using Cochrane’s Child demographics
Q test, with a Bonferroni correction for pairwise comparisons. Male 99 (54.4)
For Aim 2, to identify factors associated with HRQoL for parents of Age, current years (mean, SD) 12.4 (2.2)
childhood cancer survivors (as measured by the EQ-5D-5L index score)
Range 7–15
and parent-reported child HRQoL (as measured by the Kidscreen-
Time since diagnosis, years (mean, SD) 9.7 (2.1)
10 total score), we conducted a series of simple linear regressions
Range 5–15
for continuous and dichotomous variables, and one-way ANOVA for
categorical variables with more than two categories. We considered Diagnosis
child clinical variables, total number of late effects reported, parent ALL and AML 82 (45.1)
socio-demographic variables, parent fear of cancer recurrence and Brain cancer 9 (4.9)
late effects, and parent resilience. We coded child diagnosis accord- Lymphomas 13 (7.1)
ing to International Classification of Childhood Cancer (ICCC) into Neuroblastoma 16 (8.8)
leukaemia, lymphoma, brain cancer and other. We also included child
Sarcomas (bone and soft) 10 (5.5)
HRQoL when considering parent HRQoL and vice versa. We included
Wilms tumour 16 (8.8)
variables from the univariate analyses of parent and child HRQoL with
Other 36 (19.8)
p < .2 in the subsequent multivariable analyses. Results were consid-
ered significant if p < .05.
Surgery 76 (41.8)
Chemotherapy 170 (93.4)
3 RESULTS Radiotherapy 46 (25.3)
Transplant 33 (18.1)
We approached 308 parents of childhood cancer survivors and
Abbreviations: ALL, acute lymphoblastic leukaemia; AML, acute myeloid
recruited 182 parents (59.1% response rate). Parent participants were leukaemia.
mostly mothers (80%) of childhood cancer survivors who were on aver- a
Missing 11.
age 12.4 years old (range 7–15 years) and 9.7 years since diagnosis Missing 2.
Missing 19.
(range 5–15 years; Table 1). Just over a half of survivors were male d
Missing 19.
(54.2%), many had survived leukaemia (46.4%) and the majority were e
Missing 3.
treated with chemotherapy (94.9%). There was no difference between
participating and nonparticipating parents’ residential location or child
characteristics of age and sex (p > .05).
FARDELL ET AL . 5 of 10
F I G U R E 1 Childhood cancer survivor health-related quality of life (HRQoL). In post hoc Bonferroni corrected pairwise comparisons, *parents
were more likely to report their child felt sad (18.1%) than having problems with having fun with friends (8.3%, p = .016), paying attention (7.7%,
p = .007), parents treated them fairly (6.6%, p = .003), got on well at school (6.6%, p = .003), was fit and well (6.6%, p = .001), being able to do the
things they want (2.2%, p < .001), had enough time for themselves (2.2%, p < .001). #Parents were more likely to report their child felt lonely
(18.1%) than having problems with having fun with friends (8.3%, p = .007), paying attention (7.7%, p = .003), parents treated them fairly (6.6%,
p = .001), got on well at school (6.6%, p = .001), was fit and well (6.6%, p = .001), being able to do the things they want (2.2%, p < .001), had enough
time for themselves (2.2%, p < .001)
On average, parents reported that survivors had experienced 3.2 rating for ‘felt fit and well’ (78.6%, Figure 1), followed by ‘had fun with
late effects relating to their cancer and/or treatment (SD 3.1, range 0– their friends’ (74.6%). When compared to normative data from chil-
15). The five most commonly reported late effects were dental prob- dren without special health care needs, childhood cancer survivors
lems (43.4%), fatigue (38.3%), problems relating to immunity (37.7%), had significantly lower parent-reported overall HRQoL (48.4 vs. 50.6,
memory and learning problems (33.7%) and emotional difficulties p < .009).23 Comparison across items in the Kidscreen-10 within our
(30.3%). Parents commonly reported that they were ‘a little worried’ sample using the Cochran’s Q test indicated that parents were signifi-
or ‘somewhat worried’ about their child having a cancer recurrence cantly more likely to report that their child had problems with feeling
(63.2%) or late effects (64.9%), and 23.6% and 25.3% reported they lonely and feeling sad compared to other items (Figure 1).
were worried ‘a lot’ or ‘a great deal’ about cancer recurrence or late
effects, respectively. Parents had a mean resilience score of 8.56 (range
2–10, SD 1.5). The majority of parents reported that their child cur- 3.2 Parent HRQoL
rently attended a long-term follow-up clinic (78.5%) for survivorship
care. Parents reported that they were ‘satisfied’ (42.9%) or ‘very sat- Survivors’ parents’ average HRQoL was 0.90 (SD 0.12, range 0.14–
isfied’ (37.3%) with the long-term follow-up care they received. 1.00) and 38.5% of parents reported a difference from perfect health.25
Parents commonly indicated problems relating to anxiety/depression
(43.3%), followed by pain (42.3%; Figure 2). On average, parents
3.1 Parent-reported child HRQoL reported their overall health today as 80.1 out of 100 (SD 15.0,
range 30–100). Parents’ overall HRQoL was no different to Australian
On average, parents reported their child’s global HRQoL was 48.4 (SD normative data on both the index score (population mean = 0.91,
10.8, range 27.3–87.9). Parents indicated that their child ‘always’ or p = .475) and overall health rating (population mean = 78.6,
‘very often’ had high HRQoL in most domains, providing the highest p = .163). When considering each domain of HRQoL, the proportion of
6 of 10 FARDELL ET AL .
FIGURE 2 Parents of childhood cancer health-related quality of life (HRQoL) domains compared to population norms. *Significantly different
at p < .05
survivors’ parents experiencing problems did not differ from Australian 3.4 Determinants of parent HRQoL
norms on pain/discomfort (p = .570). Significantly more survivors’ par-
ents reported experiencing problems with anxiety/depression (43.4%) Lower parent HRQoL was significantly associated with lower child
compared to Australian norms (24.7%, p < .0001). Survivors’ parents HRQoL (p = .015), greater fear that cancer would recur in their child
were less likely to report problems with mobility (p < .0001), self-care (p = .001) and lower levels of parent resilience (p = .015; Table 2).
(p = .024), and usual activities (p = .005) when compared to the general No other factors were significant, including age, sex, diagnosis, treat-
population. ment(s), number of late effects experienced, or time since diagnosis.
Given psychological functioning was a particularly vulnerable area
of HRQoL for parents of survivors, in post hoc analyses we sought to
3.3 Determinants of child HRQoL determine factors associated with ratings of problems with anxiety and
depression. The following factors were significantly associated with
We examined the impact that parent and child factors had on overall more anxiety and depression problems in the final logistic multivariable
child HRQoL. In multiple linear regression (Table 2), receiving treat- model: child’s diagnosis of brain cancer (p = .014, OR 22.101, 95% CI:
ments other than surgery (i.e., chemotherapy, radiotherapy, transplant, 1.861–262.514), and lower parent resilience (p < .0001, OR 0.542, 95%
p = .015) and experiencing more late effects (p = .003) were sig- CI: 0.391–0.750). Overall, lower child HRQoL as measured by parent
nificantly associated with worse parent-reported child HRQoL. No report on the Kidscreen-10 was marginally associated with increased
other factors were significantly associated with parent-reported child likelihood of parents reporting problems with anxiety and depression
HRQoL. (p = .053, OR 0.960, 95% CI: 0.921–1.000). No other factors were asso-
In post hoc analyses, we sought to determine factors associated ciated with likelihood of parents reporting problems with anxiety and
with parents rating their child as feeling sad and feeling lonely on depression.
the Kidscreen-10. In the multivariable analysis, only lower parent
resilience was associated with a greater likelihood of their child experi-
encing sadness (p = .039, OR = 0.757, 95% CI: 0.581–0.986). Parents 4 DISCUSSION
were more likely to report their child experienced loneliness if they
had a parent income >$60,000 AUD p.a. (p = .024, OR 1.001, 95% CI: In our study, parents reported that their child’s overall HRQoL was
1.000–1.003) or lower parent resilience (p = .036, OR 0.759, 95% CI: worse than normative data. When individual domains of child HRQoL
0.587–0.982). were considered, parents reported that their child survivor was more
FARDELL ET AL . 7 of 10
Abbreviations: HRQoL, health-related quality of life; ICCC, International Classification of Childhood Cancer; n/a, not applicable.
Excluded due to high correlation with worries about cancer.
Entered into multiple linear regression.
likely to experience sadness and loneliness compared to all other areas Similar to existing literature,9 our results show psychosocial func-
of functioning except feeling full of energy. Parents were more likely tioning as reported by parents of young survivors may be an area
to report that their child had poor HRQoL if they had received treat- of ongoing vulnerability years after treatment completion. Approxi-
ments other than surgery and had more health issues (late effects) after mately 18% of parents reported that their child experienced prob-
treatment. Lower parent resilience was related to likelihood of parent- lems with feeling sad and feeling lonely. Consistent with others,15,17
reported child sadness and loneliness. Parents of childhood cancer sur- our results indicate that parents of survivors adapt relatively well to
vivors reported that their own overall HRQoL in survivorship years was their child’s cancer when considering overall HRQoL or overall func-
no different to normative data. However, 43.5% parents reported prob- tioning in survivorship. Yet, similarly parents may also remain psycho-
lems with anxiety and/or depression on the EQ-5D-5L. Parents at risk logically vulnerable long after treatment completion. Qualitative par-
of poor HRQoL were those reporting lower child HRQoL, lower levels ent interviews in other studies complement our results and suggest
of resilience and greater worry about the risk of cancer recurrence in parents and young survivors continue to grapple with the emotional
their child. No treatment or diagnostic factors were consistently asso- upheaval and disruption that occurs during diagnosis and treatment in
ciated with parent HRQoL. survivorship.26
8 of 10 FARDELL ET AL .
We found physical symptoms, as measured by more late effects hood cancer survivors. While fathers may initially adapt faster to
experienced in survivorship, and having received treatments other their child’s life-threatening illness/injury, they may experience worse
than surgery (i.e., chemotherapy, radiotherapy and transplant) were mental health in the long-term when compared to mothers.33 Future
significantly associated with worse parent-reported overall child research recruiting both parents would allow better understanding of
HRQoL.12 These results may be related to the symptom burden and the impact of childhood cancer on the family and parent’s long-term
concomitant medical treatment needs experienced by patients and HRQoL. Furthermore, lower educational attainment is a risk factor for
the associated caregiving burden experienced by parents during sur- poorer HRQoL,34 and the results obtained here may not reflect the
vivorship. For example, parent’s perceptions of their child’s cancer experiences of parents with lower educational attainment during their
severity and interference with life have been found to be signifi- child’s survivorship years.
cantly associated with ratings of HRQoL.27 However, caregiving bur- Our response rate was moderate and lower than published psycho-
den mediated this relationship, with high caregiving burden associated oncology study participation rates.35 Although there were no differ-
with reduced HRQoL.27 Previous research has found that some diag- ences between participating and nonparticipating parents on avail-
noses (i.e., brain cancer) and more intense treatment (severity and fre- able demographic characteristics, nonparticipating parents may have
quency of hospitalisations) are associated with worse parent psycho- been those experiencing greater psychological concerns. We were also
logical functioning.28,29 Whilst we found no association between par- unable to undertake age-stratified comparisons on parent HRQoL.
ent HRQoL and treatment and diagnostic factors in our study, we did Combined with our sample size, the generalizability of our results may
find that having a child diagnosed with brain cancer was significantly be compromised. We relied on parent proxy ratings for child HRQoL,
associated with worse psychological functioning in post hoc analyses. which may be discrepant with child self-ratings. Namely, children tend
Our results reinforce the interrelatedness of child and parent to rate themselves as having better HRQoL than their parents.36 How-
HRQoL. Parents who reported they were generally psychologically ever, parent perceptions of their child’s HRQoL may influence health
resilient also reported better HRQoL for their child and themselves. care engagement and transition to self-management of medical follow-
Similarly, parents who perceive their child’s cancer as more uncer- up as young survivors become adults.15,37 Research suggests parent
tain, and have negative attitudes towards illness, are more likely to proxy ratings and child ratings of HRQoL are similar, especially when
report worse adjustment and HRQoL for themselves and their child.30 the child is younger (as in our sample), and when considering domains
Therefore, parent adjustment and coping with their child’s diagnosis of HRQoL that are readily observable.36,38,39 However, future research
may be critical for determining later psychological functioning for the would benefit from including child-reported HRQoL. A further limita-
whole family,12,16,26,29 potentially more so than diagnosis, treatment, tion is our reliance on a sole informant (i.e., parent), which may influ-
subsequent late effects. Further comprehensive research on parental ence the observed relationship between parent and child HRQoL and
psychological functioning and its influence on their child’s health care the predictors due to common method variance.
engagement and survivorship care is therefore warranted.
4.1 Clinical implications
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How to cite this article: Fardell JE, Wakefield CE, De Abreu
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