Et and PT Rubrics

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Deadline: October 3, 2024
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CATEGORIES Professional Adequate Needs Unsatisfacto
Improvemen ry
Content The student The student The student The student
demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates lacks
thorough understanding little understanding
understanding of the topic. understanding of the topic.
of the topic. The of the topic. The
The information The essay information
information presented is lacks factual presented is
presented is factual and and credible not factual
substantially credible. information. and credible.
factual and
Organization The The The The
of Thought introduction introduction is introduction introduction is
is very engaging. It attempts to be weak. It does
engaging. It attracts the engaging but not provide
attracts the attention of fails to be so. enough
attention of the audience. It lacks effort motivation for
the audience The ideas and to attract the the audience
in a successful information in attention of to pay
manner. the body are the audience. attention.
The ideas and organized. The ideas and The ideas and
information in Generally, information in information in
the body are they flow the body lack the body are
organized smoothly and organization. not organized.
well. The flow logically, The flow of The ideas
is smooth and although there ideas needs to jump from one
logical making are instances be improved to another
it easy for the where the flow to facilitate without clear
audience to of ideas is better flow, resulting
understand problematic understanding in the difficulty
the content. and can be for the of the
The improved. audience. audience to
conclusion The The understand
effectively conclusion conclusion the content.
wraps up the wraps up the fails to wrap The
points made in points made in up the points conclusion
the body. It the body. Its made in the seems rushed
ends strong impact is body. It is and does not
and is very acceptable. weak and dull. make a
compelling. compelling
Writing There are no There are only There are There are
Conventions errors in a few errors in some errors in many errors in
and grammar, grammar, grammar, grammar,
Discourse spelling, spelling, spelling, spelling,
Markers capitalization, capitalization, capitalization, capitalization,
and and/or and/or and/or
punctuation. punctuation. punctuation, punctuation,
There are The discourse without without
sufficient markers are discourse discourse
discourse present. markers. markers.
markers, and
the markers
are used
TOTAL: 45 42 39 36


15 14 13 12
Content (15) The collected The informative The informative The informative
information speech shows speech lacks speech lacks
shows very careful thought. careful thought careful thought
careful thought. in many parts. in most parts.
In most parts, it
It presents presents mostly Some essential Much essential
essential and essential and information is information is
necessary necessary lacking or some missing or a
information information. information is number of
about the unnecessary. details are
chosen topic. unnecessary.
Organization All sentences Most sentences Many sentences Most of the
and are connected are connected are not sentences are
Structure logically. logically. connected not connected
(15) logically. logically.


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