Abelmoschus Esculentus: The Effect of Different Types of Organic Fertilizers On Growth and Yield of L. Moench (Okra)

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Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 23 (No 1) 2017, 119–125

Agricultural Academy




Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Faculty of Bioresources and Food Industry, School of Agricultural Sciences and
Biotechnology, 22000 Besut, Terengganu, Malaysia


Khandaker, M. M., N. Jusoh, N. H. Al A. Ralmi and S. Z. Ismail, 2017. The effect of different types of organic
fertilizers on growth and yield of Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench (okra). Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 23 (1): 119–125

The experiment was carried out at the University Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA) farm to study the effect of different types
of organic fertilizers on yield performances of Albemoschus esculentus L. Moench (okra). Six different treatments (no fertil-
izer, NPK fertilizer, poultry manure, rat manure, goat manure and rabbit manure) were replicated three times in three beds. The
experiment, arranged in Randomize Complete Block Design (RCBD), was carried out from January 2015 till May 2015. The
data were collected on the growth and yield parameters including plant height (cm), leaf area (cm2), number of branch/plant,
number of flower/crop, chlorophyll content, number of pods/plant, number of seeds/pod, photosynthesis rate, internal CO2,
transpiration rate, weight of pods and lastly total soluble solids. From this study, the application of poultry manure increased
significantly the growth and yields performances on okra compared to other types of organic fertilizers. The results indicated
a significant increase in growth parameters of okra including (plant height, number of branch, leaf area, chlorophyll content,
photosynthesis rate, number of flower, weight of pod, number of pod and lastly number of seeds). Poultry manure significantly
increased the plant height with 52.64 cm, while the lowest of 35.98 cm was from control plot. Okra yield of poultry manure
plot had the highest number of pods with 9.67, while control plot had the lowest number of pods with 2.00. Based on the find-
ings of the experiments, it can be concluded that application of poultry manure significantly increased the growth and yields
performances on Albemoschus esculentus L. Moench (okra) compared to other types of organic fertilizers.

Key words: organic fertilizer; okra; growth; yield; quality

Introduction Organic fertilizers are defining as those derived exclu-

sively from decomposed or decomposing plant or animal
Okra (Albemoschus L. Moench) known in English speak- remains (Buob, 2008). Some examples of common organic
ing countries as ladies’s fingers, bhindi, bamia, ochro or gum- fertilizers are raw or composted animal manures, compost
bo is the flowering plant in the mallow family. Okra is one of without synthetic additives, green manure and organic
the most popular vegetable crops grown throughout the tropics mulches such as legume hay or leaves. Organic fertilizers
of the world during spring and summer seasons. It is valued used in this study are using different types of animal manure
for its edible green seed pods. The plant is cultivated in tropi- such as cow dung, poultry manure, rabbit and goat manure
cal, subtropical and warm temperate regions around the world. directly from available livestock operation. There are many
The present study was carried out by choosing Albemoschus advantages of animal manures in which they make an ex-
as the main crop to study on the effect of different types of or- cellent garden soil amendment by building organic matter
ganic fertilizers on the yield and growth performances of okra. and can contribute significant amounts of plant nutrients al-
*Corresponding author: [email protected]
120 Mohammad; Moneruzzaman Khandaker; Noraizzati Jusoh; Nurul Hafiza Al Abadiyah Ralmi; Siti Zuriani Ismail

though the nutrient content of animal manures varies widely ary 2015 to June 2015. Materials used in this field experi-
with type and age of the animals, feeds and manure manage- ment include seeds of okra (Albemoschus esculentus L.
ment methods. Organic fertilizer which is farm yard manure Moench), hoe, shovel, compost, NPK fertilizer, rat manure,
gave resulted in significant increase in soil carbon, nitrogen, poultry manure, rabbit and goat manure.
pH, cation exchange capacity, and exchangeable calcium,
magnesium and potassium which invariably enhance crop Experimental Design
yield and productivity (Bhata and Sukla, 1982). There are Seeds were planted at a spacing of 50 cm × 50 cm and
high availability of NPK content for suitability and useful- two seeds were put per hole and later were thinned to one
ness of organic fertilizers (Waddington, 1998), that capable seedling per stand after their germination. Each plot consist-
to enhance soil fertility (Thomas, 1997). Some of the organic ed of 5 plants with total of 6 plots for each bed. Overall of
manure may give the high yield and growth performance on the plants including all three beds are 90 plants with each bed
okra, thus the study is to investigate which animal manure or consisted of 30 plants. The area of each plot is 2.25 m × 2.3
organic fertilizer is the best to be applied on plants. m. The experiment was arranged in Randomize Complete
Generally, excessive amounts of inorganic fertilizers are Block Design (RCBD) of 6 treatments replicate 3 times.
applied to vegetables in order to achieve a higher yield (Stew-
art et al., 2005) and maximum value of growth. However, the Trial Management
use of inorganic fertilizers alone may cause problems for hu- Before data were collected, compost was applied by
man health and the environment (Arisha and Bradisi, 1999). broadcasting and thoroughly into experimental plot. The plot
Used of chemical fertilizer also may cause negative impact then were watered and left for one week before planting the
on soil health. The other problem regarding this study is that seed. After two weeks the data were collected.
the potentialities of organic source is very limited to afford
higher crop production due to slow release of plant nutrient Treatments
from organic matter. Only one fifth to half of the nutrient There were six treatments including the positive control
supplied from manure was recovered and reminder was re- (NPK fertilizer), negative control (no fertilizer), T1 (poultry
leased after 24 hours per annum (Miah, 1994). In tune with manure), T2 (rat manure), T3 (goat manure), T4 (rabbit ma-
the contemporary problems the present study was carried out nure). For positive control, NPK blue was applied 10 g per
to test the effect of difference types of organic fertilizers on plant. The rates of different organic manures amounted to 5
growth performances of Okra. kg per plant during vegetative growth of plant.
Organic fertilizers are very essential for proper devel-
opment of plants as they offer rapid growth with superior Data Collection
quality by containing some nutrient that necessary for better In this experiment, ruler was used for measuring plants
development. It has been reported that application of vermi- height (cm). Other growth parameters such as number of
compost and poultry manure subsequently increase yield at- branches/plant, number of flowers/crop, number of pods/
tributing characters and yield of okra (Sameera et al., 2005). plant, and number of seeds/pod were measured manually.
It was also reported that poultry manure seems to promote Meanwhile, weights of pod were determined by weighing
higher growth and yield of okra (Tiamiyu et al., 2012). In scale. In addition, leaf area (cm2) was measured by leaf area
addition, organic matters help in improving the soil fertil- meter. The average for each result was calculated and the
ity and also the physical properties of soil. Organic fertilizer data was recorded.
also have potential to replace chemical fertilizer in order to
reduce negative impact of intensive use of chemical fertil- Measurement of chlorophyll content
izer in agricultural. Thus, the objectives of this study were to Chlorophyll content was measured by using a SPAD-502
evaluate the growth and yield performances of okra in differ- meter (Minolta, Japan). This SPAD meter was hand-held de-
ent types of organic fertilizers and identify the best organic vice that widely used for rapid, accurate and non-destructive
fertilizer which enhances both growth and yield of okra. measurement of leaf chlorophyll content by means of absor-
bance or transmittance measurements. Before use the meter,
Materials and Methods it was calibrated about 15 minutes so that readings can take
accurately. The measurement was taken by meter was simply
Experiment material clamp over leafy tissue. After that, meter showed an indexed
Experiment was carried out at the University Sultan chlorophyll content reading in less than 2 seconds. The read-
Zainal Abidin (UniSZA), Tembila Campus farm from Janu- ing has scale from -9.9 to 199.9 then readings were recorded.
The Effect of Different Types of Organic Fertilizers on Growth and Yield of Abelmoschus Esculentus L.... 121

Measurement of photosynthesis rate (Pn), transpira-

tion rate, and internal CO2
The photosynthesis rate (Pn), transpiration rate, and
internal CO2 were determined by using portable photosyn-
thesis system CI-340 Handled Photosynthesis System. The
measurement was taken at 9.00 a.m to 1.00 p.m. The clip of
this system was clamped over the leaf for 15 minutes. The
readings were observed and recorded.

Determination of total soluble solids (TSS)

The TSS content of pod was evaluated by using Atago
8469 hand-held refractometer (Atgo Co. LTD., Tokyo, Japan)
and was expressed as percentage Brix (% Brix). The samples Fig. 1. Plant height (cm) of OKRA versus different types
were collected from each different fertilizer used. The sam- of organic fertilizer used at 10 WAP. Bars indicate (±S.E)
ples then were cleaned and air dried. Then, it was weighed
about 1g for each treatment by using electronic balance. The Table 1
weighed samples were crushed in mortar and pestle and 1 ml Effect of different types of organic fertilizer on number
of distilled water was added to produce juice. Two drops of of branches, number of flowers, number of pods and
juice were placed to the refractometer sensor. The readings number of seeds
showed in percentage and the data were recorded. Treatments Branches/ Flowers/ Pods/ Seeds/
plant plant plant pod
Insect and pest management No Fertilizer 3.00c 2.00c 2.00c 60.00b
The plants were observed regularly for heliothis, eggfruit cat- NPK Fertilizer 7.00a 9.00a 10.33a 91.67a
erpillar, fruit fly, aphids, mites and silverleaf whitefly. The plants Poultry Manure 5.67ab 8.33ab 9.67a 77.67ab
will also be monitor for the present of bacterial spot, bacterial Rat Manure 4.33bc 2.33c 2.33c 63.00b
wilt, mosaic, sclerotium base rot, sudden wilt, tomato spotted wilt Goat Manure 5.33ab 6.67ab 7.00b 73.33ab
virus, grey mould (Botrytis), powdery mildew and sclerotinia rot. Rabbit Manure 4.33bc 3.67c 3.67bc 72.67ab
Appropriate chemicals were used to apply to the plants. Means within the same column followed by the same letter, do not
differ significantly according to LSD test at α=0.01
Statistical Analysis
ganic manure and NPK fertilizer used. The NPK fertilizer
Data obtained were subjected to statistical analysis us-
plot had the highest number of branches with mean of 7.00
ing Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) to determine if the treat-
followed by 5.67 from poultry manure while no fertilizer had
ments have any significant effect on parameters measured.
the lowest number of branches with mean 3.00.
All data were analyzed according to One-Way ANOVA us-
ing SPSS software version 20.0. Besides that, the numbers of flower per plant were sig-
nificantly (P ≤ 0.05) increased by the application of differ-
ent types of organic fertilizer. More number of flowers was
recorded in NPK fertilizer plot which is 9.00 followed with
Figure 1 showed effects of different types of organic ma- poultry manure which was 8.33. The lowest was no fertilizer
nure on plant height of OKRA at 10 week after planting. The plot, with only 2.00 for mean value and control with 2 flow-
result showed that plant height was significantly (P ≤ 0.05) ers only.
affected by different types of organic manure used. The NPK Figure 2 showed that the highest is NPK fertilizer with
fertilizer plot had the highest height mean value which was mean value of 28.33 following with poultry manure with
64.77 cm followed by poultry manure plot with 52.64 cm 22.67 and the lowest is negative control plot with 16.67. The
and the lowest height was no fertilizer plot with 35.98 cm. result showed that, the effect of different type of organic fer-
tilizer on weight of pod was not significant.
The effect of different types of organic fertiliser on yield In addition, result showed that number of pod also was
of OKRA significantly (P ≤ 0.05) affected by different types of or-
In this experiment, Table 1 showed that number of branch ganic fertilizer. The results also showed the same with the
was significantly (P ≤ 0.05) affected by different types of or- previous result which NPK fertilizer plot had the highest
122 Mohammad; Moneruzzaman Khandaker; Noraizzati Jusoh; Nurul Hafiza Al Abadiyah Ralmi; Siti Zuriani Ismail

Fig. 2. Weight of pod versus different types Fig. 4. Chlorophyll content (SPAD value) of okra plant
of treatments. Bars indicate (±S.E) versus different types of organic fertilizer at 10 WAP.
Bars indicate (±S.E)
number of pods with mean of 10.33 followed by 9.67 from
poultry manure while no fertilizer had the lowest number The effect of different types of organic fertilizer on pho-
of pods with mean 2.00. For the seed yield also, similar re- tosynthesis rate, transpiration rate and internal CO2 of okra
sult showed that NPK fertilizer was the highest with mean Photosynthesis rate of OKRA plants using different types
value 91.67. Meanwhile, poultry manure is the second with of organic fertilizer at 10 WAP was shown in Table 2. The
mean value 77.67 and the lowest is no fertilizer with 60.00. result showed that the effect of different types of organic fer-
Figure 3 showed the effects of different types of organic tilizer on photosynthesis rate was not significant. The plants
fertilizer on leaf area of Okra plant. It was shown that the at the poultry manure plot showed the highest mean value
effect of different types of organic fertilizer on leaf area of 13.67, followed by the goat manure plot with mean val-
was significant (P < 0.05). The plants at poultry manure ue 13.50 while the lowest was the NPK fertilizer plot with
plot had the highest value of 628.0 cm2, followed by NPK 9.60. Furthermore, it was shown that transpiration rate was
fertilizer, rabbit manure, goat manure, rat manure and the significantly (P≤ 0.05) affected by different types of organic
last was the control plot with 164.86 cm2. fertilizer. The highest was goat manure with mean value of
2.37 and the lowest was NPK fertilizer with 1.07. It was also
The effect of different types of organic fertiliser on shown that internal CO2 was significantly (P ≤ 0.05) affected
chlorophyll content of OKRA by different types of organic fertilizer. The highest was for
Figure 4 showed chlorophyll content of OKRA plant ver- no fertilizer plot (T0) with mean value of 38.67 and the low-
sus different types of organic fertilizer. The result showed est was goat manure plot (T4) with only 31.90.
that, the effect of different types of organic fertilizer on chlo- Table 2
rophyll content was not significant. The highest reading is Effect of different types of organic fertilizer on photosyn-
poultry manure and the lowest one is NPK fertilizer. thesis rate, transpiration rate and internal CO2 of OKRA
Treatments Photosynthesis Transpiration Internal
rate (μmol/m2/s) rate (mmol/m2/s) CO2 (ppm)
No Fertilizer 11.67a 1.40ab 38.67a
NPK Fertilizer 9.60a 1.07b 34.50b
Poultry Manure 13.67a 1.13ab 32.67c
Rat Manure 13.07a 1.60ab 34.67b
Goat Manure 13.50a 2.37a 31.90c
Rabbit Manure 13.47a 1.27ab 32.53c
Means within the same column followed by the same letter, do not
differ significantly according to LSD test at α=0.01

The effect of different types of organic fertilizer on Total soluble

solids (TSS)
Fig. 3. Leaf area of OKRA plant against different types Figure 5 showed that TSS was significantly (P≤ 0.05) af-
of organic fertilizer at 10 WAP. Bars indicate (±S.E) fected by different types of organic fertilizer. The highest is
The Effect of Different Types of Organic Fertilizers on Growth and Yield of Abelmoschus Esculentus L.... 123

try manure and the lowest was no fertilizer plot. Onwu et al.
(2014) also reported that the application of poultry manure
recorded the highest number of branches and was signifi-
cantly different from all other treatments. Similar to number
of flowers, Nweke et al. (2013) reported that more number
of flowers were recorded in poultry manure compared to the
other treatment.
Besides that, number of pod also was significantly (P ≤
0.05) affected by different types of organic fertilizer. The
NPK fertilizer plot had the highest number of pods with
mean of 10.33 followed by 9.67 from poultry manure while
no fertilizer had the lowest number of pods with mean 2.00.
The result was supported by Onwu et al. (2014) who report-
Fig. 5. Total soluble solid versus different types of or- ed that the application of poultry manure gave the most in
ganic fertilizer. Bars indicate (±S.E) pod yields while the least was from control plot.
Based on the Table 1, the number of seed was highest
goat manure with 3.00 and the lowest is no fertilizer plot in NPK fertilizer with mean value of 91.67 followed with
with 1.77. poultry manure plot with 77.67 and the lowest was no fer-
tilizer with 60.00. Alaisiri and Ogunkeyede (1999) reported
Discussions that application of poultry manure gave the optimum seed
yield of okra. The result showed that number of seeds per
Organic manure have gained a lot of attention from pub- pod was significantly (P ≤ 0.05) affected by different types
lic as they are available abundantly, free from any chemicals, of organic fertilizer.
as well as can increase the soil fertility. The soil fertility can Figure 2 showed weight of pods versus different types
be improved by organic and inorganic fertilizers application of treatments. The highest was NPK fertilizer with mean
depends on several factors such as soil type, nature of crop value of 28.33 following with poultry manure with 22.67 and
and socio-economic conditions of the area. Organic manures the lowest was negative control plot with 16.67. The result
improve soil fertility by activating soil microbial biomass showed that, the effect of different type of organic fertilizer
(Ayuso et al., 1996). Application of manures sustains crop- on weight of pod was not significant. The increase in fresh
ping system through better nutrient recycling (El-Shakweer pod weight of okra was due to poultry manure application
et al.,1998). Manures provide a source of all necessary mac- could be attributed to easy solubilization effect of released
ro- and micro-nutrients in available forms, thereby improv- plant nutrient leading to improved nutrient status and water
ing the physical and biological properties of the soil (Abou holding capacity of the soil. The results obtain were in agree-
El-Magd et al., 2006). Toriman et al. (2009) reported that ment with the findings of (Premsekhar and Rajashree, 2009)
BRIS soil is sandy and nutrient deficient and the presence of in which they reported that higher yield response of crops
sodium (N), zinc (Zn), iron (Fe), lead (Pb), copper (Cu) and due to organic manure application could be attributed to im-
manganese (Mg), albeit in small quantities. proved physical and biological properties of the soil result-
Our result showed that plant height was significantly (P ≤ ing in better supply of nutrients to the plants.
0.05) increased by different types of organic fertilizer. High- The importance of leaf area in relation to basic plant
est height mean was obtained from OKRA plants in NPK metabolic processes, such as photosynthesis and respiration,
fertilizer plot which is 64.77 cm. Then followed by poultry is generally recognized. Furthermore, the quantification of
manure plot with 52.64 cm and the lowest height was no fer- several growth analysis parameters requires the measure-
tilizer plot with 35.98 cm. The result was supported by Ajari ment of leaf area at several stages during the life cycle of the
et al. (2003) that organic manure especially poultry manure plant (Bueno, 1979). It was observed that organic fertilizer
could increase plant height of crops when compared with treatment significantly increased the leaf area of okra plant
other sources of manures. under field conditions. The plants at poultry manure plot had
For the effect of different types of organic fertiliser on the highest value of 628.0cm2, followed by the control plot
yield of OKRA which includes number of branches, number with 164.86cm2.This finding was supported by the results of
of flowers, number of pods and number of seeds, the highest Ufera et al. (2013) who stated that the largest leaf area was
result achieved was using NPK fertilizer, followed by poul- produced by the application of poultry manure.
124 Mohammad; Moneruzzaman Khandaker; Noraizzati Jusoh; Nurul Hafiza Al Abadiyah Ralmi; Siti Zuriani Ismail

In addition, chlorophyll is an extremely important bio- fertilizer which produce pod that had higher soluble solids
molecule, critical in photosynthesis, which allows plants to content and the lowest was no fertilizer plot with only 1.77.
absorb energy from light. This makes chlorophyll content is Shin et al. (1998) reported that increased photosynthetic ac-
an important experimental parameter in agronomy and plant tivity enhanced the yield and sugar content of fruits.
biology research (Lamb et al., 2012). The result showed that, From all the results, we concluded that aside from posi-
the effect of different type of organic fertilizer on chlorophyll tive control (NPK fertilizer) and negative control (no fertiliz-
content was not significant. The highest reading was poultry er), the best organic manure that can be used as a media was
manure and the lowest one was NPK fertilizer. According poultry manure due to its excellent effect to growth and de-
to Sevik et al. (2012), amount of chlorophyll shows altera- velopment of OKRA’s plants. This was proven by Ali (2005)
tion depending on many edaphic and climatic factors such that poultry manure has been reported to contain more plant
as salt stress, water stress, light, air pollution, fertilizer and nutrients than all other organic manures.
also it shows alteration depending on time in vegetation pe-
riod. Premsekhar et al. (2009) reported that the chlorophyll Conclusion
content in the leaves might have been significantly improved
with the application of organic sources of nutrients. Regardless of positive control: NPK fertilizer and nega-
All living organisms in nature depend on photosynthe- tive control: no fertilizer, poultry manure showed the best ef-
sis in terms of energy. Photosynthesis is the production of fect in most of the growth parameters including (plant height,
organic compounds by using luminous energy in living crea- number of branch, leaf area, chlorophyll content, photosyn-
tures having chlorophyll (Sevik et al., 2012). Through pho- thesis rate, number of flower, weight of pod, number of pod
tosynthesis process, living creatures get sources of nutrients and lastly number of seeds). It can be concluded that applica-
and oxygen. Chlorophyll absorbs sun light and converts it tion of poultry manure significantly increase the growth and
to chemical energy (Yakar and Bilge, 1987). Therefore, the yields performances on Albemoschus esculentus L. Moench
main factor is chlorophyll in photosynthesis having vital im- (okra) compared to other types of organic fertilizers. By
portance for living creatures. Table 2 showed the photosyn- comparing together with the positive control and negative
thesis rate of OKRA plants using different types of organic control, NPK fertilizer was the best and no fertilizer was the
fertilizer at 10 WAP. The plants at the poultry manure plot least. The differences between NPK fertilizer and organic
showed the highest mean value of 13.67, followed by the manure are due to the differences in rates of decomposition
goat manure plot with mean value 13.50 while the lowest and nutrient release pattern. Therefore NPK fertilizer is good
was the NPK fertilizer plot with 9.60. The increased applica- for those who want to harvest their yield early but by using
tion of farm yard manure or organic fertilizer, which contains organic manure especially poultry manure they can save the
appreciable quantities of magnesium, might have helped in production cost, and improving the soil physical properties
chlorophyll synthesis which in turn increased the rate of pho- because organic manure is friendly to environment.
tosynthesis. The results are in agreement with the findings of
Nehra et al. (2001) and Sanwal et al. (2007). Acknowledgements
Furthermore, the process of transporting water through The first author acknowledges the financial grant from
an actual, vegetated plant into the atmosphere is known as University Sultan Zainal Abidin, Terengganu, Malaysia.
transpiration process. According to Wallace et al. (1962),
factors that affect transpiration rates are species, light, tem-
perature, humidity, availability of water, stage of develop-
ment of plants, root aeration, wind velocity, cutinization, and Abou El-Magd, M. A., M. El-Bassiony and Z. F. Fawzy, 2006.
size, number, and distribution of stomata. It our experiment, Effect of Organic Manure With or Without chemical Fertilizer
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Received December, 26, 2015; accepted for printing January, 9, 2017

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