Foundation of Math - 416

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Course title: Foundation of Mathematics Full marks: 100

Course No.: Math Ed. 416 Pass marks: 35

Nature of the course: Theory Periods per week: 6
Level: B.Ed. Total periods: 150
Year: First Time per period: 55 minutes

1. Course Description
This is a specialization course offered to the students majoring Mathematics Education in B.Ed. The
main aim of this course is to develop an in-depth understanding of different aspects of mathematics
and statistics. The first five units of the courses deal with symbolic logic, infinite sets, number
theory, graph theory and linear programming, and the last four units cover correlation and regression,
probability distributions, sampling distributions and test of hypothesis

2. General Objectives
The general objectives of this course are as follows:
 To enable the students in demonstrating the ability of giving judgments with the help of
 To develop ability in students to prove the characteristic properties of infinite sets and
fundamental theorem of arithmetic.
 To make the students able in investigating and establishing important properties in
 To provide in depth knowledge to the students regarding classification of graphs, proving
simple properties of these graphs and discussing their applications.
 To enable the students in solving problems on linear programming.
 To impart practical knowledge and skills in deriving properties of correlation and
regression and applying them to solve problems.
 To make the students familiar with different discrete and continuous probability
 To make the students able to use sampling distribution and estimation, and use test of
hypothesis in research work.

3. Specific Objectives and Contents

Specific Objectives Contents

 Identify tautology and Unit I: Symbolic logic (8)
contradiction. 1.1 Conditional
 Describe the features of different 1.2 Bi-conditionals
methods of examples. 1.3 Algebra of propositions
 Determine the validity of 1.4 Negation of compound statements
arguments. 1.5 More connectives and their truth values and truth
1.6 Tautology and contradiction
1.7 Validity of arguments
1.8 Use of Euler diagram
1.9 Deductive proof and their application.
 Describe countable and Unit II: Infinite sets (9)
uncountable sets with examples. 2.1 Denumerable sets
 Prove the characteristic properties 2.2 Countable sets
of infinite sets. 2.3 Uncountable sets
 Prove Cantor's theorem and 2.4 Cardinality of infinite sets
cardinality. 2.5 Cardinal arithmetic
2.6 Cantor's theorem
2.7 Schoeder Bernstein theorem
2.8 Continuum hypothesis.
 State the divisibility theorem of Unit III: Number Theory (20)
integers with examples. 3.1 Divisibility theory
 Prove the properties of primes and 3.1.1 Division algorithm
unique factorization theorem. 3.1.2 Euclidean algorithm
 Describe congruence modulo and 3.1.3 Diphantine equation
apply it for divisibility tests. 3.2 Primes and their distributions
 State and prove Fermat's little 3.2.1 Unique factorization theorem
theorem, Wilson's theorem and 3.2.2 Goldbach's conjecture
Euler's theorem. 3.3 Theory of congruence
3.3.1 Properties of congruence
3.3.2 Divisibility tests
3.3.3 Linear congruence
3.3.4 Fermat's little theorem and Wilson's theorem
3.3.5 Euler's theorem

 Describe traversability of Eulerian Unit IV: Graph Theory (30)

and Hamiltonian graphs and apply 4.1 Basic concepts
them. 4.1.1 Complete graph
 Prove the properties of trees, planar 4.1.2 Bipartite graphs
graphs and directed graphs. 4.1.3 Connectivity
 Apply the concepts of graph theory 4.1.3 Sub graphs
to solve different problems. 4.1.4 Metric representation of graphs
4.1.5 Isomorphic graphs
4.2 Travers ability
4.2.1 Eulerian & Hamiltonian graphs
4.2.2 Properties and applications
4.3 Trees
4.3.1 Properties of trees
4.3.2 Spanning tree and minimal spanning trees
4.3.3 Rooted and binary tree
4.4 Planar graph
4.4.1 Properties & theorems of planar graphs
4.4.2 Graph coloring
4.5 Directed graphs
4.5.1 Diagraph
4.5.2 Connectivity
4.5.3 Traversability
4.5.4 Tournament
4.5.5 Traffic flows.
 Solve the linear programming Unit V: Linear Programming (8)
problems using simplex methods. 5.1 Formulation of linear programming problem in three
 Use duality principle for or more variables; simplex method
minimization problem. 5.2 Dual problems
 Apply the properties of basic 5.3 Basic feasible solution and application of LPP.
feasible solutions.

 Explain the concepts of correlation Unit VI: Correlation and regression (6)
and regression. 6.1 Correlation
 Derive the properties of correlation 6.1.1 Pearson's correlation
and regression. 6.1.2 Rank correlation
 Apply correlation and regression to 6.1.3 Probable error and properties of correlation
solve problems. 6.2 Regression
6.2.1 Equation of regression
6.2.2 Angle between regression lines
6.2.3 Properties
6.2.4 Standard error of estimate.

 Describe probability Unit: VII Probability Distributions (15)

distribution and distribution 7.1 Axioms of probability, some theorems on probability,
function of discrete and continuous Baye's theorem.
variables. 7.2 Discrete random variables: probability distribution,
 Derive mean and variance of cumulative distribution, mathematical expectation,
binomial distribution and normal moments, mean and variance; uniform distribution and
distribution. binomial distribution:– mean and variance, binomial
 Use binomial table and normal probability table, recurrence relation.
table. 7.3 Continuous random variables: probability density,
 Prove Chebyshev's theorem. cumulative distributions, mean and variance,
 Solve problems on binomial and Chebyshev's theorem and laws of large numbers;
normal distribution. Normal distribution – properties, mean and variance,
area under standard normal curve, normal
approximation to binomial distribution.

 Apply the concepts of standard Unit: VIII Sampling distribution and Estimation (20)
error of the mean and central limit 8.1 Parameter and statistics
theorem. 8.1.1 Sampling distribution of mean, variance and chi-
 Estimate the population mean for Square,
large and small samples. 8.1.2 Standard error of statistics (concept only),
8.1.3 Central limit theorem (concept only).
8.2 Estimation of parameters
8.2.1 Confidence interval for mean
(difference between means)
8.2.2 variance

 Describe the basic concepts Unit IX: Test of Hypothesis (34)

underlying hypothesis test. 9.1 Basic concepts
 State the steps in hypothesis tests. 9.1.1 Null hypothesis
 Test the significance of difference 9.1.2 Alternative hypothesis
between two means for large 9.1.3 One - tailed and two - tailed tests
samples. 9.1.4 Type I and Type II errors
 Test the significance of difference 9.1.5 Level of significance
between two means for small 9.1.6 Critical region
samples. 9.1.7 Value
 Apply chi-square significance test 9.1.8 Test statistics
of independence. 9.1.9 Steps in hypothesis testing.
 Apply significance test for 9.2 Z-test: difference between two means of large samples
correction coefficients. with unknown population variance.
9.3 T-test: difference between two means of small samples
with unknown common variance.
9.4 Chi-square test: significance test of independence.
9.5 Significance test for correlation coefficient.

Note: The figures in the parentheses indicate the approximate periods for the respective units.

4. Instructional Techniques
Because of the theoretical nature of the course, teacher-cantered instructional techniques will be
mostly used in teaching learning process. The teacher will adopt the following methods/techniques.

4.1 General Instructional Techniques

 Lecture and illustration.
 Discussion
 Demonstration.
4.2 Specific Instructional Techniques
 Inquiry and question answer.
 Individual and Group work/project
 Report writing and classroom presentation

5. Evaluation
Students will be evaluated on the basis of the written classroom test in between and at the end of the academic
session, the classroom participation, presentation of the reports and other practical activities. The scores
obtained will be used only for the feedback purposes. The Office of the Controller of Examinations will
conduct the annual examination to evaluate student’s performance. The types, number and marks of the
subjective and objective questions will be as follows.
Types of questions Total questions Number of questions Total
to be asked to be answered and marks marks
Group A: Multiple 20 questions 20 x 1 mark 20
choice items
Group B: Short answer 8 with 3 'or' 8 x 7 marks 56
questions questions
Group C: Long answer 2 with 1 'or' 2 x 12 marks 24
questions question

6. Recommended Books and References

Recommended Books
Burton, D. M. (2004). Elementary number theory. New Delhi: Universal Book Service. (For unit
Freund, J. E. (2006). Modern elementary statistics. New Delhi: Prentice-Hall of India. (For units
VII to IX)
Maharjan, H. B. & Sharma, L. N. (2008). An introduction to graph theory. Kathmandu: Paluwa
Prakashan. (For unit IV)
Maskey, S. M. (1998). First course in graph theory. Kathmandu: Ratna Pustak Bhandar. (For
unit IV)

Maskey, S. M. (2005). Introduction to modern mathematics. Vol I & II. Kathmandu: Ratna
Pustak Bhandar. (For units I, II, V to VIII)
Pandit, R. (2008). Elementary modern mathematics. Kathmandu: Indira Pandit. (For units I, II,
V to VII)
Pandit, R. (2008). Mathematical statistics. Kathmandu: Indira Pandit. (For units VII to IX)

Crawshaw, J. & Chambers, J. (2002). Advanced level statistics. Cheltenham: Nelson Thorne.
Freund, J. E. (2001). Mathematical statistics. New Delhi: Prentice-Hall of India.
Garrett, H. E. & Woodworth, R.S. (2000). Statistics in psychology and education. New York:
Longman, Green and Co. Inc.
Koshy, T. (2005). Elementary number theory with applications. Delhi: Academic Press.
Pokharel, T. R. (2062). Fundamentals of number theory with application. Kathmandu: Sunlight
Upadhaya, M. P. (2000). Introduction to linear programming. Kathmandu: Sukunda Pustak
West, D. B. (2002). Introduction to graph theory 2nd edition. Pearson Education Asia.
Wilson, R. J. (2002). Introduction to graph theory (4th ed. , 2nd Indian reprint).


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