1. Name the group of animals that have 3 chambered and 2 chambered hearts? 2. What is lymph? MCQ 1. A student focussed the leaf epidermal peel under the low power of microscope but could not see all the parts. He should a. uses the coarse adjustment knob again to focus the slide b. uses the fine adjustment knob to increase magnifica on c. focus under high power using coarse adjustment knob d. none of these 2. The func on of KOH in the experimental set up to show that CO2 is released during respira on is a. To enhance respira on b. to remove water vapour from the flash c. to absorb CO2 released by germina ng seeds d. none of these 3. Plant hormone ABA is sprayed on leaves of a plant during day me it will result in a. Stomatal opening b. closure of stomata c. increase in rate of transpira on d. wil ng of leaves SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS – TYPE II (3 MARKS EACH) 1. Compare the func on of alveoli in the lungs and nephrons in the kidneys with respect to their structure and func oning. 2. Differen ate between blood and lymph. 3. Answer the following I) Name the blood vessel that brings oxygenated blood to the human heart. II) Which chamber of the heart received oxygenated blood? III) Explain how is the oxygenated blood from this par cular chamber sent to all the body parts? 4. What is the significance of emulsifica on of fats? 5. What is the advantage if a four chambered heart? LONG ANSWER QUESTIONS (5 MARKS) 1. Describe the structure of human kidney. 2. Describe internal structure of human heart. CONTROL AND COORDINATION VERY SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS (1 Mark each) Asser on : Reflex arc works faster than thinking process of brain Reason : Reflex arc works in case of those animals who do not have thinking process Asser on : Impulse travels from dendrite to cell body and then along the axon to its end Reason : Informa on acquired at the end of the dendrite p of a nerve cell sets of an electric impulse MCQ 1. Reflex arc is formed by i. Muscle-brain-receptor ii. Receptor-brain-muscle iii. Muscle spinal cord-receptor iv. Receptor-spinal cord-muscle 2. Which of the following ssues provide control and coordina on in animals? i. Nervous and skeletal iii. Muscular and skeletal ii. Muscular and transport iv. Nervous and muscular 3. Which of the following is not a ductless gland? i. Adrenal ii. Liver iii. Thyroid iv. Pituitary SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS – TYPE II (3 MARKS EACH) 1. What is reflex ac on ? Where it is found? Write two of its significance. 2. Show reflex arc with the help of a flow diagram. 3. What forms the peripheral nervous system? Write its func on. 4. Write the func on of each of the followings a. Cranium b. cerebellum c. medulla 5. How does auxin promote the growth of a tendril around a support? LONG ANSWER QUESTIONS (5 MARKS) 1. With the help of a labelled diagram find the sequence of events which occur when we touch a hot object. 2. Define tropism. Explain four kinds of tropisms with one example each. HOW DO ORGANISMS REPRODUCE VERY SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS (1 Mark each) 1. The process of asexual reproduc on in Amoeba is ________________ 2. ___________ is common method of mul plica on of Yeast and Hydra. MCQ 1. The development of a seedling from an embryo under appropriate condi on is called (a) regenera on (b)germina on (c) vegeta ve propaga on (d) pollina on 2. Cowper’s glands are found in (a) male mammals (b) female mammals (c)male amphibians (d) female amphibians 3. Which of the following is not an outcome of varia ons present in popula on? (a) Bacterial resistance to heat (b) Maintenance of body design features (c) Different colour of eyes (d) Survival of species over me SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS – TYPE II (3 MARKS EACH) 1. When a cell reproduces, what happens to its DNA? Draw the diagram of cell reproduc on and label its parts. 2. List three techniques to prevent pregnancy. Which of them is not meant for males? How does the use of such techniques have an impact on health and prosperity of a family? 3. Men on the total number of chromosomes along with sex chromosome. Explain how in a sexually reproducing organism chromosome number of parents and their off springs is the same. 4. Write one main difference between asexual and sexual mode of reproduc on. Which species is likely to have compara vely be er chances of survival - the one reproducing asexually or the one reproducing sexually? Give reason to jus fy your answer. 5. What happens when: a. Accidentally Planaria is cut into three different pieces. b. Bryophyllum leaf fall on the wet soil. c. On matura on sporangia of Rhizopus burst.
1) Describe in brief the structure and func on of placenta. 2) a) Draw a diagram of the longitudinal sec on of a flower and label on its sepals, petal, ovary and s gma. b) Write the names of male and female parts of a flower.