Automotive Engineering

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Higher Education Sub-Sector

Identified Competency Focus Areas and Core Courses

for National Exit Examination
Band: ONE

Program: Bachelor of Technology/Science in Mechanical (Automotive Engineering)

(Revised Version-2016 E.C)

Prepared by:

S/No. Instructors Name Academic Institution Email Id & Phone no.

1 Mr.Weyuma Tolera M.Sc AASTU [email protected]

2 Biru Birhanu Hatiya(L.t) M.Tech EDU [email protected]

3 Mr.Besufekad Getachew M.Sc AASTU [email protected]


December ,2023
Identified Competency Focus Areas and Core
Courses for National Exit Examination
Band: ONE

Prepared By:

Ethiopian Defence University Mechanical Engineering (Automotive

Engineering Stream),

AASTU Mechanical Engineering (Automotive Engineering Stream)

Validated By:
S/No. Instructors Name Academic Rank Institution Email Id & Phone no.
Table of Contents

Contents Page No.

1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 1

2. Graduates Profile ............................................................................................................................ 3

3. Competencies And Learning Outcomes .......................................................................................... 4

3.1. Competencies ............................................................................................................................... 4

3.2. Learning Outcomes ...................................................................................................................... 5
4. Courses To Be Included In The Exit Examination ............................................................................ 6

5. Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................... 7
1. Introduction
Mechanical Engineering (ME) is a profession mainly focusing on mechanical systems that
deals with the design, manufacturing, selection, installation, operation, and maintenance of all
forms of machinery, equipment, and industrial systems. Mechanical engineering has involved
broad competencies, and the program was not found suitable to get targeted professionals for
typical sectors like automotive industry. On the other hand, Automotive Engineering (AE) is a
multidisciplinary science and art that integrates various engineering disciplines such as
mechanical, electrical and electronics, material engineering and management. Besides, AE
program has substantial employment and entrepreneur possibility by emerging demand of
automotive sector and consumer preferences. To address the need of automotive professionals
at national level, Mechanical Engineering (Automotive engineering stream) and Automotive
Engineering program has designed and implemented at B. Tech/BSc level in Ethiopian public
and private University. The MEAES program has devised with well-organized curriculum in
line with international standards for automotive expertise education.

Currently, the ministry of education implements exit examinations for selected programs.
The main aim of the exit exams is to assess the graduates’ performance and overall
understanding of the profession with respect to the graduate profiles and the learning outcomes
of the program. Consequently, quality education will be ensured and a common getaway for
the professional license and equal market opportunity will be created for all graduates from
different universities.

Therefore, the aim of this document is to identify relevant competencies and learning outcomes
capable to assess the graduates’ performance and overall understanding of the profession with
respect to the graduate profiles and the learning outcomes of the program. Initially the
objectives of evaluation were mapped with program learning outcomes to assess the overall
competence of the graduates. Thereafter, the most critical competencies were identified and
extracted from graduate profiles of both core mechanical and automotive engineering focus
area. Finally similar courses were clustered into themes with their corresponding credit hours.
Accordingly, the identified competencies and learning outcomes will provide pathway to
formulate appropriate blueprint easily.

Objectives of Exit Examination

The national public administration exit exam shall have the following objectives:

• To produce skilled and competent manpower for national and international markets.
• Inspire graduates in acquiring fundamental skills and knowledge in MEAES core
• Assessing students’ educational achievement in major areas of MEAES/AE.
• Ensuring whether the graduation profile of the MEAES/AE curriculum has
achieved at least common standards of knowledge and practical skills.
• Improving public trust and confidence in graduates working as industry specialists,
entrepreneurs, education sectors, and public administration activities of
• Facilitating the efforts of students to revise the core learning outcomes of the
courses covered by the exit examination.
• Ensuring all graduates from HEIs satisfy the requirements of the labor market and
employability through the national wide implementation of competency-based exit
• Creating a competitive spirit among MEAES/AE departments in Ethiopia with the
view to encouraging them to give due attention to the national standards.

Significance of the Document

It is important to set competency areas of MEAES/AE to measure how much graduates are
acquired skills, knowledge, and attitudes. The following shows us the significance of setting
competencies and identifying core courses of the program.

• To set competencies that help to assess the basic skills, knowledge, and attitude of
graduating students.
• To systematically identify the core courses which will be included in the exit exam.
• To give clues in expected competency and learning outcomes for graduates and host

The remaining content of this document is divided into four sections. The expected profession
of graduates is described in the ‘Graduates Profile’ section. The most essential competencies
identified and learning outcomes are presented in the ‘Competencies and Learning Outcomes’
section. The courses included in the exit exam and their thematic category with corresponding
credit hours are presented in section ‘Courses identified and included in the exit exam’. The

overall approach to identify competencies and learning outcomes are summarised in the
Conclusions section.

2. Graduates Profile
After the successful completion of the Bachelor of Technology/Science in Mechanical
Engineering in Automotive Engineering stream/Automotive Engineering the graduates would
have the following profiles:

➢ Recall knowledge to write easy-to-understand reports and paper-based data collections and
➢ Apply the Concepts of basic and applied sciences in designing of Vehicle components.
➢ Understand conceptual-based mathematics, numerical analysis, statistics and aspects of
computer programming in support analysis and use of models applicable to engineering.
➢ Using fundamental engineering economics and management, basic and applied
mechanical engineering, basic and applied electrical, electronics, mechatronics and control
systems in automotive industry.
➢ Design, construct, diagnose, maintain, manufacture and control the mechanisms of various
types of engines (propulsion units) and their sub systems (Fuel, lubrication, cooling,
supercharging systems).
➢ Design, develop, diagnose, maintain, and manufacture chassis under structure and power
train components and systems.
➢ Design, make, assemble and maintain of vehicle structures.
➢ Design, construct, assemble, diagnose, maintain and control of Electrical and Electronics
of electric and hybrid vehicles, off-road vehicles and special purpose vehicles.
➢ Use logical reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions,
conclusions or approaches to the problems.
➢ Lead, motivate and care professionals.
➢ Be communicative and effective in diverse teamwork.
➢ Deliver professional service that must be practiced with integrity, honesty, and objectivity.
➢ Demonstrate the ability to manage time for oneself, others and projects.
➢ Keen to explore and learn new technologies and adapt them for improvement.
➢ Work independently and realize responsibilities.
➢ Be co-operative, disciplined, polite, loyal and self-expressive.
➢ Enhance the professional credentials through long-life learning.

3. Competencies And Learning Outcomes

3.1. Competencies
S.No Areas of
Expected Competencies to be achieved
1. Cognitive Generally, Graduates will be able to

➢ Apply the concepts of engineering principles and concepts

related to engineering mechanics, thermodynamics, fluid and
engineering material to in production of automotive systems.
➢ To maintain, modify and upgrade various automotive systems
including the powertrain, vehicle structure and body, vehicle
interior safety and comfort, vehicle under chassis, Autotronics
and infotainment.
➢ Create and implement models to solving complex problems
related to automotive powertrain, structure, under chassis and
control systems.
➢ Evaluate the performance, efficiency, and sustainability
modern automotive propulsion including electric, hybrid, and
internal combustion engine, as well as automatic transmission.
➢ Apply design considerations and models to create new
automotive system or assemble.
➢ Integrate the future of designing, developing, and launching
vehicles to ensure efficient solutions to mobility challenges.
➢ Inspect and maintain modern automotive systems by using the
concepts of applied electrical, electronics, mechatronics and
control systems.
➢ Develop an understanding to exciting modern automotive
technologies including advanced driver assistance and fully
autonomous driving systems.

2. Psychomotor ➢ Apply engineering skills in designing and manufacturing

automotive engine, structure, body and under chassis
components and systems.
➢ Manage time and resources within a team to meet commercial
and engineering objectives.
➢ Specify technical document of modern vehicles to meet design
requirements and user needs.
➢ Diagnose faults and maintain automotive systems and
➢ Identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
➢ Apply management techniques of the fleet and transport
➢ Conduct onboard diagnosis and various maintenance
approaches on modern automotive systems.
➢ Apply problem solving, design, analysis and testing of
automotive systems and components.

3. Affective ➢ Recognize ethical and professional responsibilities of
Automotive engineering in global, economic, environmental,
and societal contexts for proper utilization of resource.
➢ Strengthen the ability to develop engineering and business
practices and develop cross-cultural leadership competencies.
➢ Aspire for further studies to acquire new knowledge and
emerging technologies to be a competitive automotive
engineer globally.
➢ Integrate concepts of innovation and entrepreneurship in
pursuit of opportunities to innovate solutions for complex
➢ Characterize integrative thinking by seeing problems from
multiple viewpoints, taking them all into consideration via a
transformative approach.
➢ Communicate effectively and function within a team to
collaborate and create an inclusive environment with the
scientific community and stakeholders.

3.2. Learning Outcomes

After completing Mechanical Engineering (Automotive stream) /Automotive Engineering
program, graduate students will be able to:

➢ Analyze the behavior of different machine members under various loading conditions
such stresses and deformations, which is mandatory in the design of any automotive
➢ Develop understanding of basic principles that are applied in Machine design, to
synthesize and analyze different simple mechanisms using mathematical relations.
➢ Understand, analyze, and design the hydraulic and pneumatic system components,
circuits, and control system.
➢ Comprehend the fundamental knowledge and skills on structure-property relationships,
processing techniques, and the importance of engineering materials.
➢ Understand and apply the basic concepts of equation of state, laws of thermodynamics
for closed and open system, and concepts of entropy and exergy.
➢ Understand and analyze fundamentals of different fuel and combustion process,
thermodynamic property relation, vapor power cycle, gas power cycle, refrigeration
cycle and automotive air conditioning system.
➢ Be familiar with different modes of heat transfer and their applications in various
thermal machines.

➢ Understand and analyze the working principles and operating characteristics of internal
combustion engines and reciprocating machines.
➢ Understand and analyze the electrical and electronic systems of the Automobiles.
➢ Understand and apply various modern features incorporated in the current state-of-art
automobile systems and sub-systems.
➢ Understand a systematic approach of diagnostic, maintenance and rebuilding
techniques for automotive engines and their systems.
➢ Design, analyze and simulate different systems and sub systems of internal combustion
➢ Analyze and design various automotive powertrain components and structures.
➢ Understand and perform over all maintenance reliability and fleet managements
including fleet planning, vehicle acquisition, vehicle insurance, driving license, life
cycle management and disposal of vehicles/ Equipment.
➢ Understand and conduct tests for engine performance, vehicle fuel system, lubrication
system, cooling system, emission and its control mechanism.


The courses to be considered for the exit examination have been selected in view of assessing
the competencies and learning outcomes that graduates are expected to attain. Therefore, a total
of 13 (six core mechanical and seven automotive engineering focus area) courses are selected
for exit exams under a specified thematic area.

S/No. Themes Course Name AE

1 Engineering Mechanics Strength of material 3
and materials Engineering material 3
Mechanism of Machinery 3
Subtotal 9
2 Thermos-fluid power Engineering thermodynamics I 3
System Engineering thermodynamics II 3
Heat and mass transfer 3
Fluid power system 3
IC engines and Reciprocating machines 3
Subtotal 15
3 Automotive system Engine Design & Simulation 3
design Powertrain and Structural Design 3
Subtotal 6
4 Autotronics / Autotronics I/Automotive electrical system 3
Automotive electrical Autotronics II/Automotive Electronic 3
and Electronics system system

Subtotal 6
5 Automotive Automotive maintenance including Diesel 3
Maintenance and Fleet and Gasoline engine overhauling
management Fleet and Maintenance management 3
Vehicle Performance evaluation & 3
Subtotal 9
Total 45

The exit examination will have a vital role in improving academic programs’ quality and
effectiveness. It is clear that evaluating the graduates against the core competencies set out by
the curriculum and in line with the industrial needs would be important to enhance the trust of
the employers in the graduate’s skills. To realize this, it is important to have a guideline that
could be used as a reference to prepare for a comprehensive exit exam that address the relevant
focus areas of the program.

Based on the identified graduate profiles, competencies, and learning outcomes five thematic
area and 15 mandatory courses for the exit exam B.Tech./ B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering
(Automotive Engineering Stream) / Automotive Engineering are developed.

The exam questions based on the selected courses are believed to test the knowledge, skills,
and attitudes that are expected as the attainment of the competencies and learning outcome of
B.Tech./ B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering (Automotive Engineering Stream) /
Automotive Engineering Degree.

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