Cleanse Your Body - From '10 Key Healing Principles'

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10 Key Healing Principles

Principle 2:
Cleanse And Detoxify!

Lisa Robbins, BScHN, RHN, CTT

Copyright 2011 Lisa Robbins ~ All Rights Reserved ~ ~
This report is for educational and informational purposes only.

All the cleanses are extremely safe and have been performed by thousands of
people without injury.

Please pay attention to the warnings on cleanses, particularly if you are

diabetic, pregnant, nursing, or are on medications of any kind.

The author takes no responsibility for any problems arising from performing
the cleanses as outlined in this report.

The information presented here is not intended to replace the care of a


Please consult with your physician or natural health practitioner before

performing any cleanse.

Copyright 2011 Lisa Robbins ~ All Rights Reserved ~ ~

Why should I cleanse naturally?

Detoxification is a continuous process carried
out by your body to eliminate or neutralize
toxins. Your organs of detoxification include
the colon, liver, kidneys, lungs, lymph
system and skin. Today our detoxification
systems are overloaded as our bodies are
exposed to ever increasing amounts of
toxins. These may include excess protein and
Field of Wild Common Burdock, Ontario, Canada. If
carbohydrates, refined sugars, processed or you look closely you can see the burrs just starting to
damaged fats, pesticides, herbicides, form...all parts of this plant; roots, stems, leaves and
fungicides, industrial chemicals and burrs are excellent blood cleansers!
pollutants, heavy metals, excess synthetic or
natural hormones, antibiotics, prescription
and non-prescription pharmaceuticals, Joint or back pain, arthritis
recreational drugs, alcohol and tobacco.
Sinus congestion, asthma
How do I know when it's time
to cleanse? Coated tongue, bad breath, body odor

It is time to cleanse if you are experiencing Low tolerance to stress

any of the following symptoms, if you have Chemical sensitivities to perfumes and
eaten poorly for an extended period of time, odors
or if you simply want to experience the
incredible benefits of a simple, at home Food allergies, bloating, gas, poor
cleanse for your body, it's organs and digestion
Poor memory, insomnia, depression,
Chronic fatigue, frequent headaches irritability
Copyright 2011 Lisa Robbins ~ All Rights Reserved ~ ~
Brittle hair or nails Less dependent on sugar, caffeine,
alcohol, nicotine, drugs as residues are
Psoriasis, eczema, acne removed
Weight gain Helps to minimize poor eating habits
What are the benefits of Bodily awareness is increased and
Cleansing? cravings become more clear
Cleansing has been a healing human ritual Fasting increases the ability to secrete
for thousands of years. It is used to promote ample amounts of digestive juices
wellness, rid the body of toxins, improve the
overall functioning of bodily systems, and Warnings
provide a feeling of well-being. Native
Be gentle with yourself when fasting or cleansing,
American cultures use cleansing and sweat there is no need to starve yourself or suffer – listen
lodges to purify the “living temple”. to your body – start with very short fasts and work
Ayurvedic healing uses cleansing diets to up to longer ones.
remove ‘ama’ or rebalance the ‘body, mind Do not undertake a water fast if you have been on a
and spirit’. nutrient deficient diet for an extended period or if
you have kidney or liver problems.
Removes accumulated waste from
If you are suffering from a serious illness, consult a
digestive tract health practitioner before cleansing to ensure you are
doing the right type of cleanse for your situation.
Symptoms of toxic overload are
eliminated If you are a diabetic or have other blood sugar
related issues, do not undertake any cleansing fast
Helps to prevent chronic degenerative without consulting a health practitioner.
diseases Cleansing is more unpleasant the more it’s overdue.
Symptoms of detoxification include headaches,
Excess mucus and congestion removed slight nausea, fatigue and weakness as toxins are
cleared from the system.
Blood, liver and kidneys are purified
Never fast when you are pregnant as released toxins
Immunity is increased can harm your developing child.

Increased Energy

Feeling of well-being, mental clarity,

and enlightenment

Copyright 2011 Lisa Robbins ~ All Rights Reserved ~ ~
Daily Fast ~ Preventative and Restorative
To fast is to rest, and this very simple cleanse
does exactly that. It allows the body a longer
rest period, without discomfort or starvation.

One of the biggest contributors to chronic

digestive problems and un-health in general
is a short fasting period.

It is important to allow your digestive system

time to rest and rejuvenate, something sleep
does automatically. When we eat late at night and rest your system until 8:00 a.m. ‘Break
and then go to sleep soon after, we are asking your fast’ with a fresh living Chai Green
our body to digest food when it should be Smoothie!
busy doing other things. This is not the ideal
time as digestive juices are limited so food is Be sure to continue to drink water and
sent to the small intestine only partially caffeine free herbal teas throughout
digested. If we wake early to coffee, cereal your rest period.
and fatty, difficult to digest foods our system
becomes even more stressed and waste
begins to build. This continuous stress on our
body over time, never allows it to cleanse
and symptoms of toxicity begin to emerge.

Sleep gives us a natural way to rest our

digestive systems, and extending this period
can be extremely beneficial. We can use this
natural pattern to help our bodies to cleanse.

The Daily Fast is something we already do.

Here we extend the rest period without food Continue with this simple Daily Fast for as
to 14 hours. long as you wish, even indefinitely!

14 hours of fasting daily gives our digestive Warning

tract time to empty, rest and restore itself Diabetics should monitor their blood sugar closely or
before it’s next shift. Stop eating at 6:00 p.m. avoid this cleanse.

Copyright 2011 Lisa Robbins ~ All Rights Reserved ~ ~
Simple Water Cleanse ~ Weight Loss and
Quick Detox

Some people underestimate the power of

water. It is the first and most basic of
cleansers. Our body uses water to flush out
toxins on a constant basis. In fact, just
increasing your water intake can have a
dramatic effect on your body’s ability to
cleanse itself.

I love water fasts because they are so simple,

but keep them to one day, unless you are an
expert faster. As you get more experienced at
cleansing, and your body adjusts to this new next day, break your fast gently, with a fresh,
tool, you can lengthen your water fasts to raw green smoothie or fruit for breakfast and
two or more days. a raw, fresh salad for lunch.

If you get too hungry and feel like breaking

I have a friend who owns a health food store.
your cleanse early, that's okay. Next time,
He has fasted for one month on nothing but
you can try to stay a little longer. The key is
water, every year for most of his life. He
to be good to yourself and be persistent, keep
grew up fasting for religious reasons but now
trying. If your symptoms are uncomfortable,
does it for health reasons as well. I do not
add fresh fruit juice to water and continue
recommend this extreme type of fast for
with your cleanse. If the Water Cleanse is too
anyone, it can be dangerous unless you are
intense for you, that's okay too, try the Fresh
very experienced.
Juice Cleanse or the Brown Rice Cleanse
Always remember to trust your body and its
messages. If the water fast makes you ill, You can add fresh lemon juice to your
back off, try again, and ease gently into it. water or drink non-caffeinated herbal tea
on the Simple Water Cleanse.
How do you perform the Water Cleanse? It's
easy. Just drink lots of fresh, clean water, Extend the water cleanse one or two days at
until lunch time or later. Then drink fresh a time, until you are comfortable with a
raw smoothies or eat salads for the rest of the longer cleanse.
day. When you feel comfortable, try a water
cleanse for an entire 24 hour period. The
Copyright 2011 Lisa Robbins ~ All Rights Reserved ~ ~
If your detox symptoms are severe, simply
end your cleanse and congratulate yourself
for doing an excellent job of helping your
body heal. Try the water cleanse again at a
later date and you may find, like other
cleanses, the water fast becomes an excellent
tool that you can fall back on throughout
your life.

The Water Cleanse can release toxins into the
bloodstream very quickly, causing severe symptoms
of detoxification, such as headaches, nausea, fatigue,
and flu like symptoms.

This cleanse is not suitable for diabetics or for

people who have been on a poor diet for an extended
period of time. The Water Cleanse deprives your
body of nutrients which can be destructive if your
body is already in a deficient state to begin with. It is
also not suitable for those with liver or kidney issues
as it can overburden these eliminatory organs.

If you are pregnant, never use the Water Cleanse, as

toxins will be released into your bloodstream, and
quickly reach your developing baby.

Copyright 2011 Lisa Robbins ~ All Rights Reserved ~ ~
Lemon Juice Cleanse ~ Alkalizing and Liver Cleansing

Lemons The Cleanse

Tart and refreshing, used to cleanse the liver On rising
and bilary system, and to break up arterial
congestion. Blend one jug of water with
one fresh organic lemon.
The medicinal properties of Drink one large glass.
lemons has been known and
used for centuries. As well as Mid-day
ample amounts of Vitamin C,
lemons have substantial amounts Drink one large glass.
of Vitamin B6, potassium and folic acid.
Before bed
The lemony flavor and smell comes from
limonene, an important phytochemical with Drink one large glass.
anticancer properties. Limonene, found in
high concentrations in the white pith of
lemons has a dissolving effect on gallstones Greek Salad Dressing:
and congestion in the liver. Lemon Juice, olive oil and dried Greek

‘The Master Cleanse,’ a well known

and useful lemon juice cleanse, uses
fresh lemon juice, hot cayenne pepper
and maple syrup. It was created by
Stanley Burroughs in 1941 and
continues to be used today as a valuable
cleansing regimen. Drink 8-12 glasses
of water with fresh lemon juice, a small
pinch of cayenne and maple syrup to
Fresh tart nutrient rich organic lemons
taste. p.s. He recommends diabetics use
Always use organic lemons when possible molasses instead of maple syrup.
and avoid the skin on regular lemons as most
are contaminated with pesticides.

Copyright 2011 Lisa Robbins ~ All Rights Reserved ~ ~
Watermelon Cleanse ~
Weight Loss, Immune Boosting, Dissolves Kidney Stones
Kahuna Harry Uhane Jim one of the last true
Hawaiian Healing Kahunas taught me about
the Watermelon Cleanse. Harry says that
Hawaiians use watermelon
to cleanse and break up
stones in the kidneys,
bladder and urinary

I believe Harry, so I try

watermelon for my Watermelon - refreshing, sweet and delicious!
diagnosed kidney stone. After
spending only two days eating lots and lots kidney stones use watermelon seed tea, also a
of watermelon, my right kidney pain is strong diuretic, rich in cleansing nutrients.
completely gone. Is my diagnosed kidney
stone gone? Probably ~ this is about six The Cleanse
months later and I haven’t had any kidney Eat lots of watermelon, 2 or 3 watermelons
pain since. over 2 or 3 days, or 1/2 to 1 small round
Watermelon is over 90% water, but has high watermelon daily.
levels of the phytochemical lycopene, the You can begin cleansing while eating your
cancer fighting red pigment, and substantial normal diet, then use the Watermelon
amounts of the important anti-infective Cleanse full on consuming only watermelon
Vitamin A and other life enhancing juice, fresh chunks of watermelon or frozen
carotenoids. cubes in water, for 1 to 3 days.
Watermelon is a high-
To make Watermelon Seed Tea, crush a
volume, low calorie,
small handful of fresh watermelon seeds in
satisfying and
delicious food, which a mortar and pestle. Place in a cup, pour
makes it ideal for a over boiling water and let steep for 20
weight loss cleanse. It minutes before drinking.
fills you up without
causing you to gain fat. To make watermelon ice cubes, juice
organic watermelon and rind with a juicer,
Watermelon is rich in potassium salts and or blend watermelon, without the rind in a
water, and it is these diuretic properties that
blender, and freeze the juice in ice cube
help to break up and flush out kidney stones.
trays. Add two or three cubes to a large
Interestingly many natural remedies for glass of fresh water.
Copyright 2011 Lisa Robbins ~ All Rights Reserved ~ ~
Burdock Root Tea Cleanse ~ Blood Cleansing
Poor simple Burdock - the most
misunderstood herb!

My friend David has fields and fields of

wild, organic burdock growing on his farm in
Southern Ontario. He hates it. Every year, he
and his sons and friends cut down hundreds
and hundreds of large burdock plants. They
work diligently to catch the plants before the
burrs ripen and stick their little hooks into
everyones skin, hair and clothing. We all hate
burrs ~ they are like a curse.
Wild organic Burdock ~ look closely to see the burrs
But David’s Burdock plants hold a secret ~ just starting to form. All parts of this plant are blood
they are one of the best blood cleansing and cleansers. The root is the strongest.
immune enhancing herbs on the planet.
This cleanse can be performed along with
On David’s farm last summer, a horse used your normal diet and activities. You will
burdock leaves to cure an infected frog. That notice a slight change or looseness in bowel
is the soft, fleshy part underneath his hoof. habits, as the burdock works to cleanse and
The infection was quickly moving up his leg, detoxify your entire system.
so David instinctively knew to let the horse
out to pasture. Horses are very smart about You can purchase organic Burdock root from
what cures them, and he systematically a master herbalist or health food store. Or if
stripped the leaves from every burdock plant you are adventurous and it is late summer,
in the pasture. you may dig up fresh Burdock root. Peel it,
then slice and chop the root into tiny pieces.
I asked David what he was doing, because You can dry these by spreading them on a
horses don’t normally eat Burdock, even clean cloth and allowing to air dry under a
when they are hungry. He let out a big laugh ceiling fan. Store in a glass bottle and use in
and said, “He’s healing himself!” the winter months.
Sure enough, within days the swelling in his Put a teaspoonful of chopped burdock in a
lower leg subsided and his frog was healing small teapot with a strainer. Let steep at least
nicely. 20 minutes. Two cups of tea per day, for 2
weeks, is a good start.
Burdock is one of the principal ingredients in
many herbal cancer formulas, including You shouldn’t have diarrhea, and if so,
Bitter Tonic Tea (See The Cancer Journal)
you are putting too much root in your tea.
and it grows in profusion all over the farms
and fields of the world.
Copyright 2011 Lisa Robbins ~ All Rights Reserved ~ ~
Fresh Juice Cleanse ~ Restorative and Energy Producing
Imagine hooking yourself up to a rich flow of This cleanse can be tailored to your tastes
nutrients, flowing through your bloodstream, and needs, so just trust your body, and give it
slowly permeating every cell in your body, what it craves.
cleansing, healing, rebuilding. That's the
Fresh Juice Cleanse. Vary your vegetables and
fruits throughout the cleanse
to provide a balance of
nutrients. Use more vegetables
than fruits. Too much fruit can raise blood
sugar levels quickly, especially if you have
blood sugar issues or are diabetic. Use a
variety of fresh raw organic greens, like
spinach, swiss chard, kale, bok choy, and
lettuce. Use celery, fennel, carrots, beets,
potatoes, endive and a variety of radishes.

Try apples, pears, bananas, berries, oranges,

pineapple, pomegranate seeds, tomatoes,
avocados, cucumbers, mangoes and papaya.
What I love about the Fresh Juice Cleanse is
that it is so invigorating. You just feel so Supplement with essential fatty acids such as
much more energetic, clear headed and flax seed oil or wild fish oil during extended
happy. fasts of more than two days.
A fresh juice cleanse can To enhance weight loss by juice cleansing,
be used for one day or up avoid apple, carrot and orange juices which
to many days, and is an are high in sugar and focus on leafy greens
effective cleanse for longer with grapefruit, celery, fennel and cucumber
periods. Start with one day and instead.
work up to 7 days.

A fresh juice cleanse quickly and effectively

removes toxins from your body. It deeply Green smoothies, Cleansing Green
cleanses and rejuvenates your tissues and Juice, vegetable broth, herbal tea and
organs. It rebalances your pH levels, helping water can be added to the Fresh Juice
to stabilize your body systems during Cleanse to help with the elimination
detoxification. It provides a nutrient process and to reduce hunger pangs.
cornucopia of carbohydrates, protein,
essential fats, antioxidants and detoxifying
phytochemicals, vitamins and minerals.
Copyright 2011 Lisa Robbins ~ All Rights Reserved ~ ~
Raw Vegan Cleanse ~ Enlightening and Rejuvenating

Raw veganism can take worn Family’s books. My new favourite

out, sick bodies and transforms recipe, a sweet and moist almond
them into energetic, rejuvenated, orange cake with tangy lemon icing
comes from their newest and I think
younger replicas of their former
most delicious book, “Fresh, The
selves. Ultimate Live Food Cookbook.
It’s also a perfect tool for
cleansing. Imagine massive Here are some ideas to help you get started
amounts of all necessary with the Raw Vegan Cleanse:
nutrients for cleansing, repair
and rebuilding your body, its Breakfasts
tissues and organs.
Try Green smoothies, or a delicious variation
Because of the magnitude of nutrients you like the Chai Green Smoothie, Chocolate
will take in on the Raw Vegan Cleanse, your Strawberry Hemp Smoothie,
body will require much less food, so you Fresh raw fruit or vegetable
will find yourself thinking less and less about juices, Rainbow Breakfast
it! Fruit Salad, Cranberry
Ginger Oatmeal with Fresh
This cleanse like most here, does not follow Nut Milk, delicious Wild
strict guidelines, so eat what you like, as long Black Raspberry fresh fruit sorbet, or any
as it’s raw and plant based. chopped fresh fruit.

1/2 avocado sprinkled with unrefined sea
salt, a handful of mixed raw nuts or seeds
and dried fruits; a fresh salad with olive oil
and white wine vinegar dressing, raw fruit,
raw veggies, any smoothie including a Chai
Green Smoothie.


The Raw Vegan Cleanse is rather self- Fresh live salad, fresh vegetable juice,
explanatory. If it’s not raw and vegan, then it Cleansing Green Juice, a smoothie, or a
shouldn’t be eaten during your cleanse. delicious Raw Nori Handroll.

If you are looking for a good raw

vegan cookbook, try any of The Raw
Copyright 2011 Lisa Robbins ~ All Rights Reserved ~ ~
Brown Rice Cleanse ~ Comforting and Supportive
This is a cleanse I really enjoy doing. It's
easy to follow and you never feel deprived
because you can eat a huge variety of foods.
It's safe and even beneficial for diabetics, as
it evens out sugar levels in the blood.

For months and months I was having chronic

headaches and reactions to certain foods.
This happened immediately when I ate MSG,
caffeine, spicy foods, sodium benzoate, and a
few other chemicals and preservatives. It also
happened when someone sprayed perfume
near me, or when I was in a stressful even though Rosacea was common, there
situation, or got emotionally worked up was an underlying problem - my body was
about something. full of junk.
Clearly, I needed to detox. During these After months and months of headaches,
episodes, which had increased in frequency seven days on this cleanse and I could eat
to 2 or 3 times per day, my face would go anything without getting a reaction. I was
beat red, to the point where I could defrost a ecstatic as I hadn't been without a headache
small ice pack in a matter of minutes from for what seemed like ages.
the heat on my cheeks alone. When you look
at my cheeks now you can see the vascular But…my poor eating habits (I thought I was
damage, where the tiny vessels underneath eating healthy food) caught up with me about
my skin had broken from the heat. 2 and 1/2 months later, and the headaches
returned slowly and steadily. This was
When I visited my doctor, she several years ago, and I've since performed
told me it was Rosacea. I many cleanses, and eat delicious healthy
asked how to stop it from foods every day. I haven't experienced
happening, but she didn't symptoms for a few years now.
have an answer, and simply
said it was very common. This didn't make I think it's important to point out that this
me feel any better. The headaches were cleanse was instrumental in helping me to
tiresome and my hot, red face, was detoxify and heal my body, when I was just
embarrassing. beginning my healing journey.

This cleanse was a miracle for me. It cleared This cleanse is so nutritious and well-
up my headaches quickly, but it also proved rounded that you could actually eat like this
to me that cleanses work. It told me what was every day for a very long time, your whole
really wrong and helped me to realize that life in fact. You can eat as much as you want,
Copyright 2011 Lisa Robbins ~ All Rights Reserved ~ ~
whenever you want. There is no need to Yeast containing foods
count calories or weigh portions. Drink lots
of fresh water and herbal tea throughout your Chocolate
Be sure to fill your refrigerator with fresh,
organic fruits and vegetables, grains, and EAT AS MUCH AS YOU LIKE!
snacking foods as listed below.
Stay on this cleansing diet for 7 to 10 days. Organic or farm fresh, chicken, turkey,
You may experience detoxification lamb
symptoms, including headaches, muscle and Wild cold water fish such as salmon,
joint pain, mild digestive upset, decreased tuna and cod
energy and changes in bowel habits.
Chick peas, lima beans, kidney beans,
These symptoms should last navy beans, adzuki beans, pinto beans
for 1 to 3 days.
Red or green lentils
The key to this diet is that it
eliminates all the allergenic Beverages
or troublesome foods.
Mineral or spring water
Fresh unsweetened juices – vegetable or
Allergenic Foods fruit, diluted half with water

Alcohol, Coffee, Black Tea, Soft Drinks Herbal teas

Barley, Rye, Wheat, Oats (the gluten Rice milk

Almond, cashew, coconut, or
Corn macadamia nut milk

Beef, Pork, Shellfish Hemp, sunflower seed or pumpkin seed

Dairy products of all kinds
Apples, apricots,
Soy products bananas, blueberries,
cherries, grapes, kiwi,
Refined and/or processed foods, (white
mango, papaya,
flour, white rice or sugar)
peaches, pears, pineapple,
plums, raspberries, strawberries
Copyright 2011 Lisa Robbins ~ All Rights Reserved ~ ~
Dried fruits, organic non-sulphured Oils

Vegetables Cold pressed organic flax seed oil (keep

refrigerated, do not use for cooking)
Alfalfa sprouts, artichoke, asparagus,
avocado, yellow and green beans Olive oil, sesame oil, sunflower oil,
hemp Oil, coconut oil
Beets, beet greens, carrots, red, green or
yellow sweet peppers, celery, cucumber Herbs and Spices
Bok choy, broccoli, Fresh garlic, ginger and onion
brussel sprouts,
cabbage, cauliflower, Fresh or dried herbs, such as dill,
kaleEggplant, endive, coriander, parsley, mint, sage, rosemary,
escarole, kohlrabi, leeks thyme, oregano

Romaine, boston, leaf or iceberg lettuce, Sea salt - unrefined only or Herbamare
spinach, swiss chard
Non-salt herbal seasoning or Mrs. Dash
Okra, onions, parsley, parsnips, peas,
potatoes, radishes, rutabaga, snow peas
Raw or unpasteurized organic honey,
Acorn, butternut, spaghetti squash,
maple syrup, brown rice syrup or agave
sweet potatoes, taro
Tomatoes, turnips, water chestnuts,
Blended dried fruits, date sugar, Stevia
watercress, zucchini, mushrooms
You will feel light and refreshed after several
Grains days with nutritional, supportive and
Brown rice, brown rice cakes, whole cleansing foods. After your cleanse re-
grain rice crackers, whole grain rice introduce allergenic foods one at a time,
cereal, whole grain rice noodles, brown paying close attention to reactions. If your
rice bread pulse rate increases when you re-introduce
corn, for example, it could mean a food
Millet, Quinoa sensitivity. This can cause stress on your
system and an inability to digest and
Raw Nuts and Seeds assimilate this food.
Almonds, cashews, pecans, pine, You may return to the Brown Rice Cleanse
macadamia, walnuts anytime you feel congested. Pay close
attention to your symptoms and your body
Poppy, hemp, pumpkin, sesame,
will tell you when it is ready for your next
sunflower seeds, flax
Copyright 2011 Lisa Robbins ~ All Rights Reserved ~ ~
Liver Gallbladder Purge ~ Expels Gallstones

Your liver produces bile which is stored Gallstones clog the liver, gall
inside your gallbladder until needed. Your bladder and ducts leading to the
gallbladder is a small green sac underneath small intestine. In acute
your liver. Here the alkaline bile is stored situations, they can clog any of
until you eat a meal with fat and protein, then the ducts throughout the bilary
it pumps bile into your small intestine where system, not allowing digestive juices or bile
it facilities the absorption of vitamins D and to get through. This can be a serious situation
E and the emulsification and breakdown of if fluids begin to back up. If gallstones back
fats in the small intestine. up into the pancreatic duct, pancreatitis or
infection of the pancreas can result, which
Bile travels to and from the gallbladder can be serious or even fatal.
through the cystic duct. Pancreatic enzymes
for digesting foods travel through the An accumulation of gallstones over time can
pancreatic duct to the common bile duct. weaken digestion, and cause malfunctioning
The common bile duct meets the small of the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, and small
intestine, where bile and pancreatic enzymes and large intestines. It stresses the immune
flow into the small intestine to aid digestion. system, and wears down the body in general
(Abrahams, 2007) as toxins accumulate and pathogens begin to
colonize. Organs of detoxification, the liver,
Excess cholesterol, fats and toxins can kidneys and skin become overworked and
accumulate in the liver and gallbladder over begin to degenerate. The gallbladder has
many years of poor eating habits, such as difficulty pumping out bile when it is
high intakes of dairy and meat products, clogged, so the amount of bile getting
hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated fats through to the small intestine is reduced.
and refined grain products and sugars. Without enough bile, it becomes difficult to
break down foods, especially fats. When
Birth control pills also contribute to ‘gall
foods are not properly digested, all kinds of
bladder disease’ by raising hormone levels.
problems result. It becomes a vicious circle.
(Canadian Pharmacists Association, 1998)
Not enough bile getting through causes more
High levels of synthetic hormones slow the cholesterol to accumulate, which causes
natural production of steroid hormones from more gallstones to form.
dietary cholesterol, which allows it to build
Bile is very alkaline. When the mixed up
to dangerous levels inside the liver and
foods and stomach acids enter the small
gallbladder. This accumulation of cholesterol
intestine, bile buffers the acidity. Without
forms the basis of gallstones.
alkaline bile salts, acidic waste builds and
irritates the intestinal lining, causing

Copyright 2011 Lisa Robbins ~ All Rights Reserved ~ ~
symptoms of indigestion. These can be shoulder pain. Loss of appetite. Wanting to
diagnosed as irritable bowel syndrome, sit down or lie down. Low energy. Lethargy.
irritable bowel disease, colitis and Crohn’s
disease. Pathogens are able to grow in the Conventional medicine attempts to fix the
lower and upper intestine, emitting toxic liver and gallbladder congestion problem by
wastes and gases that damage the intestinal choleocystectomy or removal of the
wall. gallbladder. This causes bile to be constantly
pumped from the liver, directly to the small
An accumulation of stones in the intestine. A recent study published in
liver can result in a diagnosis of PubMed showed a correlation between
Fatty Liver Disease. A poorly cholecystectomy and colon cancer. In the
functioning liver means fatigue, study’s conclusions the authors stated,
depression, nutrient deficiencies, headaches, “Cholecystectomy is associated with a
irritability, insomnia and toxic buildup in the modestly increased risk of colon
blood and tissues. Our liver is the “seat” of cancer...” (Shao & Yang, 2005)
anger, and when it is congested, feelings of
anger and frustration build. As toxicity Removing the gallbladder does nothing for
increases, so do symptoms, and disease the congestion that remains in the liver,
progresses. where digestive function is impaired and the
body may continue to degenerate. Cleansing
As cholesterol levels build and accumulate, the liver and gallbladder, and changing to a
we are more at risk of developing cancer and natural, vegetarian diet actually reduces the
heart disease. With a buildup of cholesterol amount of cholesterol taken in and restores
in the liver and gallbladder, it is only a matter health and functioning to the entire digestive
of time before the buildup continues into the system, organs of detoxification and the body
arteries, and tissues beyond, leading to in general.
artherosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes.
There are many versions of this cleanse on
What are the symptoms of liver and the internet and in natural health books, all
gallbladder congestion? Poor digestion, adapted from Hulda Clark’s original
intolerance of fats, dairy, meat, eggs, wheat, instructions. It rids the body of gallstones and
avocados, spicy foods and citrus. Pale excess cholesterol. Some people claim to
floating stools. Bloating, indigestion, have purged thousands of stones with
cramping, gas, intestinal inflammation and multiple cleanses. After each cleanse people
infection. Pain or discomfort in the right side, report feeling progressively better, with
under the ribcage, especially just before, improved energy and digestion.
during and after a meal with fat. Heat and a
feeling of inflammation and swelling in the I followed the directions to this cleanse
liver and gallbladder area. Lower back pains. VERY carefully, and I suggest you also be
Fatigue, depression, anger and frustration. A sure this cleanse is right for you before you
feeling of being full and clogged. Right do it.

Copyright 2011 Lisa Robbins ~ All Rights Reserved ~ ~
The cleanse causes a watery diarrhea, and and gallbladder, like drinking lots of water,
proved itself to me when hundreds of tiny taking regular exercise, and following the
gallstones were floating in the toilet. tips below.

Warnings Your liver and gallbladder may also be gently

cleansed over a longer period by drinking
Do not perform this cleanse if you have had lots of fresh lemon juice in water and eating
your gallbladder removed. a raw vegetarian diet with a focus on liver
supporting foods like radishes and cabbage.
The diarrhea is caused by the use of
Eat lots of fresh, raw, highly unsaturated oils
Magnesium Sulfate, or Epsom Salts. Please
like hemp, flax and olive oils, and those
consult with your doctor before performing
found in avocados, raw nuts and seeds. The
this cleanse, to be sure it does not conflict
raw, liquid, slippery fats are what lubricate
with any medications you are taking or any
and nourish your cell walls, organs and blood
pre existing condition that may exist.
vessels, eat more of these. The sticky
Grapefruit has a particular way of enhancing saturated, hydrogenated, processed and
medications. If you are on any medications cooked fats congest your liver and
that may conflict with Grapefruit, please be gallbladder, stick to arteries and cell walls,
sure to consult your physician before compromise the delivery of nutrients into
performing any cleanse. Some Liver/Gall cells and hinder the wasting of garbage and
Bladder purges similar to this one use fresh toxins out of cells. Liver supporting herbs
Apple Cider in place of Grapefruit include Milk Thistle, Dandelion Root and
juice, which may be a safer option Burdock Root, which can all be made into
if you are on medications and you teas alone or combined. Changing to a raw
are not sure about their vegetarian diet temporarily is a way of
interaction with Grapefruit juice. cleansing in itself and will reduce the load on
your liver, so it may turn to cleaning out
Even though thousands of people have instead of keeping up.
performed this cleanse multiple times safely,
(I performed the cleanse 4 times over 2 There is a possibility if your stones are very
months, and now once annually) there is large that they could become stuck in the bile
some controversy over taking Magnesium ducts, which could require emergency
Sulfate. I caution you to be sure this is safe surgery to remove either the stones or the
before you perform the cleanse, as fatalities gall bladder. You may ask your physician
have been reported from people taking too what types and size of stones you have
much Magnesium. Please see your doctor before attempting this cleanse, if you are sure
first. from ultrasound that you definitely have
gallstones. If a stone becomes stuck you may
Of course, a pregnant women or diabetic experience excrutiating pain, in which case
should never perform this cleanse, but should you should seek medical help immediately.
use more gentle ways of cleansing the liver

Copyright 2011 Lisa Robbins ~ All Rights Reserved ~ ~
If you are on synthetic hormones, please read After 2:00 p.m, do not eat or drink anything
The Secrets to Liver and Gall Bladder other than what is included in the cleanse. It
Disease to learn more about the connection is important to not eat, otherwise you may
between gallstones and synthetic hormones. feel very ill.

Here is the exact cleanse I Around 2:00 p.m. mix together in a large jar,
performed adapted from Hulda 4 tablespoons Epsom salts, 2 cups water and
Clark’s Cleanse. 1 cup fresh squeezed grapefruit juice. Shake
well and refrigerate.
At 6:00 p.m. drink ¾ cup of the Epsom salt
Begin with Chinese Gold Coin Grass. This and grapefruit juice mixture.
herb softens and crushes the stones, which
are then more easily flushed. The stones can At 8:00 p.m., two hours later, drink another
be hardened, with sharp edges so it is ¾ cup of the Epsom salt mixture. You may
important to soften them before they are experience diarrhea soon afterward.
pushed through the tiny ducts. Purchase it in
pill or tea form for gallstones (it can also be At 10:00 p.m. drink ½ cup olive oil mixed
used for kidney stones, called Gall Bladder with ½ cup fresh squeezed grapefruit juice.
Tea). Use two bottles of the herb as directed Get it down as quickly as possible. Lie down
or three boxes of tea, until finished. Chinese immediately on your back with your head
pharmacies or grocers carry this herb. This is propped on a pillow. Lay still for 20 minutes
an important step and should not be while the gallstones trickle out of your liver
eliminated. and gallbladder. You may be able to feel
them move. After 20 minutes you may turn
Ingredients on your right side and go to sleep.

3 or 4 medium sized pink grapefruits The Next Morning

Epsom salts, not scented, also called Upon wakening, drink ¾ cup Epsom salt
Magnesium Sulfate mixture. Lay down again.

Olive oil 2 hours later, drink last ¾ cup Epsom salt

mixture. Lay down again.
In another 2 hours, you may begin to drink
The day of the cleanse eat no fat foods until and eat very lightly. Fresh fruit is fine.
2:00 p.m. You may eat fruit or juice, except Continue to eat as you wish throughout the
bananas or avocados. Some prefer not to eat day, but still only lightly; fruit, salad, soup
food and just drink beverages like herbal tea and small amounts of bread. (Clark, Hulda
and water. This allows bile to build up in the Refehr, Ph.D., N.D., The Cure for All
gall bladder. Your liver manufactures about a Cancers, 1993, New Century Press)
quart or more of bile every day.

Copyright 2011 Lisa Robbins ~ All Rights Reserved ~ ~
Do not take more magnesium sulfate than For more information about liver and
suggested as too much can cause a serious gallbladder congestion, fatty liver and
electrolyte imbalance. gallstones, visit The Secrets To Gall
Bladder and Liver Disease
At first you may see chaff floating on top
of the water in the toilet. This is excess
cholesterol and a good sign of

Soon you may see pea-green, waxy stones

also floating on the water. These are
gallstones. For the next few hours you will
be eliminating water and gallstones. Make
sure to rest as this procedure is draining.

When you have purged all the gallstones

that were released, you should begin to
feel better and more energetic. As the
gallbladder and ducts are cleared of
gallstones, more will move forward from
the liver. The procedure must be repeated
until all stones are purged. Many people
report cleansing six or seven times before
all stones are excreted. You must wait at
least three weeks or more between
cleanses to regain energy and allow the
remaining stones to move forward.

If at any time during the cleanse you get

severe pain or vomiting, consult a
physician immediately.

You will feel tired and drained the day of

the cleanse. The next day you will start to
feel lighter, better, with more energy.
Every time you do the cleanse, you will
feel better still as you purge more and
more toxins, cholesterol and stones. Soon,
you’ll be back to your old self. Good

Copyright 2011 Lisa Robbins ~ All Rights Reserved ~ ~
Next Steps
I hope you’ve enjoyed this free report. In Understand the 10 Key Principles of
your cleansing experience you have gained Healing and know how to apply these
wisdom about your body and what it needs simple principles to your own life right now,
to heal. You are now ready for next steps to heal your body.
which are to learn how to implement the
other nine key principles of healing. See exactly what other people have done to
cure cancer themselves and know how you
The 10 Key Principles of Healing are can do the same.
outlined in detail in The Cancer Journal ~
Heal Yourself! Clear action steps so you can stay focused
on healing.
The 10 Key Healing Principles can be used
by anyone to prevent and heal disease in Gain a powerful understanding of exactly
your body, no matter what place your health how to heal yourself no matter what place
is in at this moment. You don’t need to have you are in at this moment.
cancer to benefit from reading this book.
These principles are universal in their ability The Book:
to cleanse, heal and rebuild our bodies and The Cancer Journal ~ Heal Yourself!
prevent and heal disease. available in interactive online version at,
From The Back Cover: and in print version at
A how to book with complete instructions ~ a
on healing yourself ~ with colorful practical translation of
photographs, detailed directions and the truth about cancer
connection to hundreds of essential and exactly what you
resources including delicious healing can do to heal yourself
recipes, key studies and journal articles, ~ including the 10
incredible healing stories, videos, audios Key Principles of
and much, much, more. Here’s a taste of Healing, true stories
what’s coming your way: of curing cancer,
simple recipes for
Know precisely which foods to eat more of delicious disease fighting foods, expert
and which foods to eat less of, to cleanse, nutrition advice, recipes for incredible
nourish, heal and rebuild your body, its healing and disease fighting herbal
tissues, fluids and organs. medicines and much, much more.

Learn and understand how to make your To find out more, click on the link below:
own powerful herbal medicines in your
own kitchen. The Cancer Journal ~ Heal Yourself!
and the 10 Key Principles of Healing

Copyright 2011 Lisa Robbins ~ All Rights Reserved ~ ~
Abrahams, Dr. Peter., Hoffman, David (1996)
General Editor (2007) The Complete Illustrated
How The Body Works. Holistic Herbal
London: Amber Books. Maryland: Element
Books Limited.
A Safe and Practical
Guide to Making and
Using Herbal Remedies.
Beautifully illustrated,
over three hundred full-
color pictures, comprehensive guide of
Bowden, Jonny (2007) herbal medicine covers treatment of a wide
The 150 Healthiest range of complaints and diseases, gathering
Foods on Earth herbs and preparing remedies; A-Z herbal
Maryland: Fair Winds with over 200 herbs, clear explanations of
Press body’s systems.
Nutrition Reference
Guide: Surprising,
Unbiased Truth about Marentette, Madeleine
What You Should Eat (2007)
and Why! Learn the latest research findings Grail Springs Holistic
and recommendations from around the world Detox
~ amazing discoveries ~ about the health Toronto: McArthur &
benefits of nutrient packed foods you’ve Company.
loved since you were a kid, and some you’ve Holistic Detox for Body,
never tried! Mind and Spirit is a
wellness guide full of
sound advice about how to detox your mind,
Canadian Pharmacists Association. (1998) body and soul using healing recipes and life
CPS, Compendium of Pharmaceuticals and lessons from Madeleine Marentette,
Specialities, Thirty-third edition. Ontario: Canada’s “Queen of Detox,” and Moira
Canadian Pharmacists Association. Nordholt, the “Feel Good Guru.”

Clark, Hulda Refehr (1993)

The Cure for All Cancers.
California: New Century

Copyright 2011 Lisa Robbins ~ All Rights Reserved ~ ~
Murray, Dr. Michael Visit us on the web:
The Encyclopedia of Facebook:
Healing Foods Twitter:!/thegoodwitchca
New York: Atria Books. LinkedIn:
The most comprehensive,
user-friendly A-to-Z ~ Delicious healing
guide available on the recipes, simple tips, empowering stories of
nutritional benefits and real healing, favorite videos, bookshelf,
medicinal properties of food. Also includes resources, free tools, downloads, cauldron
specific food prescriptions for more than 70 shop and much more.
common ailments. ~
Dedicated to healing our world by sharing
true stories of natural healing, in an uplifting,
Shao, T., & Yang, Y.X. (2005)
caring and supportive environment.
‘Cholecystectomy and the risk of colorectal
cancer.’ PubMed. Abstract obtained February, ~ 10 Key Principles
2010 from of Healing Transformational Experience.

Copyright 2011 Lisa Robbins ~ All Rights Reserved ~ ~

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