Cleanse Your Body - From '10 Key Healing Principles'
Cleanse Your Body - From '10 Key Healing Principles'
Cleanse Your Body - From '10 Key Healing Principles'
Principle 2:
Cleanse And Detoxify!
All the cleanses are extremely safe and have been performed by thousands of
people without injury.
The author takes no responsibility for any problems arising from performing
the cleanses as outlined in this report.
Increased Energy
The Water Cleanse can release toxins into the
bloodstream very quickly, causing severe symptoms
of detoxification, such as headaches, nausea, fatigue,
and flu like symptoms.
1/2 avocado sprinkled with unrefined sea
salt, a handful of mixed raw nuts or seeds
and dried fruits; a fresh salad with olive oil
and white wine vinegar dressing, raw fruit,
raw veggies, any smoothie including a Chai
Green Smoothie.
The Raw Vegan Cleanse is rather self- Fresh live salad, fresh vegetable juice,
explanatory. If it’s not raw and vegan, then it Cleansing Green Juice, a smoothie, or a
shouldn’t be eaten during your cleanse. delicious Raw Nori Handroll.
This cleanse was a miracle for me. It cleared This cleanse is so nutritious and well-
up my headaches quickly, but it also proved rounded that you could actually eat like this
to me that cleanses work. It told me what was every day for a very long time, your whole
really wrong and helped me to realize that life in fact. You can eat as much as you want,
Copyright 2011 Lisa Robbins ~ All Rights Reserved ~ ~
whenever you want. There is no need to Yeast containing foods
count calories or weigh portions. Drink lots
of fresh water and herbal tea throughout your Chocolate
Be sure to fill your refrigerator with fresh,
organic fruits and vegetables, grains, and EAT AS MUCH AS YOU LIKE!
snacking foods as listed below.
Stay on this cleansing diet for 7 to 10 days. Organic or farm fresh, chicken, turkey,
You may experience detoxification lamb
symptoms, including headaches, muscle and Wild cold water fish such as salmon,
joint pain, mild digestive upset, decreased tuna and cod
energy and changes in bowel habits.
Chick peas, lima beans, kidney beans,
These symptoms should last navy beans, adzuki beans, pinto beans
for 1 to 3 days.
Red or green lentils
The key to this diet is that it
eliminates all the allergenic Beverages
or troublesome foods.
Mineral or spring water
Fresh unsweetened juices – vegetable or
Allergenic Foods fruit, diluted half with water
Romaine, boston, leaf or iceberg lettuce, Sea salt - unrefined only or Herbamare
spinach, swiss chard
Non-salt herbal seasoning or Mrs. Dash
Okra, onions, parsley, parsnips, peas,
potatoes, radishes, rutabaga, snow peas
Raw or unpasteurized organic honey,
Acorn, butternut, spaghetti squash,
maple syrup, brown rice syrup or agave
sweet potatoes, taro
Tomatoes, turnips, water chestnuts,
Blended dried fruits, date sugar, Stevia
watercress, zucchini, mushrooms
You will feel light and refreshed after several
Grains days with nutritional, supportive and
Brown rice, brown rice cakes, whole cleansing foods. After your cleanse re-
grain rice crackers, whole grain rice introduce allergenic foods one at a time,
cereal, whole grain rice noodles, brown paying close attention to reactions. If your
rice bread pulse rate increases when you re-introduce
corn, for example, it could mean a food
Millet, Quinoa sensitivity. This can cause stress on your
system and an inability to digest and
Raw Nuts and Seeds assimilate this food.
Almonds, cashews, pecans, pine, You may return to the Brown Rice Cleanse
macadamia, walnuts anytime you feel congested. Pay close
attention to your symptoms and your body
Poppy, hemp, pumpkin, sesame,
will tell you when it is ready for your next
sunflower seeds, flax
Copyright 2011 Lisa Robbins ~ All Rights Reserved ~ ~
Liver Gallbladder Purge ~ Expels Gallstones
Your liver produces bile which is stored Gallstones clog the liver, gall
inside your gallbladder until needed. Your bladder and ducts leading to the
gallbladder is a small green sac underneath small intestine. In acute
your liver. Here the alkaline bile is stored situations, they can clog any of
until you eat a meal with fat and protein, then the ducts throughout the bilary
it pumps bile into your small intestine where system, not allowing digestive juices or bile
it facilities the absorption of vitamins D and to get through. This can be a serious situation
E and the emulsification and breakdown of if fluids begin to back up. If gallstones back
fats in the small intestine. up into the pancreatic duct, pancreatitis or
infection of the pancreas can result, which
Bile travels to and from the gallbladder can be serious or even fatal.
through the cystic duct. Pancreatic enzymes
for digesting foods travel through the An accumulation of gallstones over time can
pancreatic duct to the common bile duct. weaken digestion, and cause malfunctioning
The common bile duct meets the small of the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, and small
intestine, where bile and pancreatic enzymes and large intestines. It stresses the immune
flow into the small intestine to aid digestion. system, and wears down the body in general
(Abrahams, 2007) as toxins accumulate and pathogens begin to
colonize. Organs of detoxification, the liver,
Excess cholesterol, fats and toxins can kidneys and skin become overworked and
accumulate in the liver and gallbladder over begin to degenerate. The gallbladder has
many years of poor eating habits, such as difficulty pumping out bile when it is
high intakes of dairy and meat products, clogged, so the amount of bile getting
hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated fats through to the small intestine is reduced.
and refined grain products and sugars. Without enough bile, it becomes difficult to
break down foods, especially fats. When
Birth control pills also contribute to ‘gall
foods are not properly digested, all kinds of
bladder disease’ by raising hormone levels.
problems result. It becomes a vicious circle.
(Canadian Pharmacists Association, 1998)
Not enough bile getting through causes more
High levels of synthetic hormones slow the cholesterol to accumulate, which causes
natural production of steroid hormones from more gallstones to form.
dietary cholesterol, which allows it to build
Bile is very alkaline. When the mixed up
to dangerous levels inside the liver and
foods and stomach acids enter the small
gallbladder. This accumulation of cholesterol
intestine, bile buffers the acidity. Without
forms the basis of gallstones.
alkaline bile salts, acidic waste builds and
irritates the intestinal lining, causing
Here is the exact cleanse I Around 2:00 p.m. mix together in a large jar,
performed adapted from Hulda 4 tablespoons Epsom salts, 2 cups water and
Clark’s Cleanse. 1 cup fresh squeezed grapefruit juice. Shake
well and refrigerate.
At 6:00 p.m. drink ¾ cup of the Epsom salt
Begin with Chinese Gold Coin Grass. This and grapefruit juice mixture.
herb softens and crushes the stones, which
are then more easily flushed. The stones can At 8:00 p.m., two hours later, drink another
be hardened, with sharp edges so it is ¾ cup of the Epsom salt mixture. You may
important to soften them before they are experience diarrhea soon afterward.
pushed through the tiny ducts. Purchase it in
pill or tea form for gallstones (it can also be At 10:00 p.m. drink ½ cup olive oil mixed
used for kidney stones, called Gall Bladder with ½ cup fresh squeezed grapefruit juice.
Tea). Use two bottles of the herb as directed Get it down as quickly as possible. Lie down
or three boxes of tea, until finished. Chinese immediately on your back with your head
pharmacies or grocers carry this herb. This is propped on a pillow. Lay still for 20 minutes
an important step and should not be while the gallstones trickle out of your liver
eliminated. and gallbladder. You may be able to feel
them move. After 20 minutes you may turn
Ingredients on your right side and go to sleep.
Learn and understand how to make your To find out more, click on the link below:
own powerful herbal medicines in your
own kitchen. The Cancer Journal ~ Heal Yourself!
and the 10 Key Principles of Healing