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(Sample) : "Underground Communication Networks For Mines and Pathways"

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Mr.Bhoopesh Kumawat, HOD ECE Dept. Poornima College of Engg. ,Jaipur Siddhartha Bhardwaj,student of Final Year ECE, Poornima College of Engg., Jaipur Email-ID: [email protected] 1: ABSTRACT
In this paper electromagnetic methods of diagnostics of technical state of stretched engineering underground communications (such as cables or pipelines) are considered. Formulae for calculating the components of communication electromagnetic field are presented. Technical characteristics of one of the devices for searching underground objects, determination of their coordinates and insulation damages which was designed in the Physico-mechanical Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine are described. Keywords Stretched underground communication electromagnetic field, Insulation damage,Diagnostics of technical state. Electromagnetic methods, based on the measurement of some parameters of the electromagnetic field (EMF) caused by the alternating current that flows along the axis of an underground communication and is introduced there by special generators or by a station of cathodic protection, are now the most effective methods for solution of the mentioned problems [1-3]. Existent electromagnetic searching-measuring systems, that use more effective non-contact methods, measure, as a rule, only the magnetic component of the EMF radiated by a communication [1-3]. And the electrical component, which has some additional information about an investigated object, is measured now only in contact methods. Thus problems of determination, investigation and usage of new informative characteristics of electrical component of underground The authors are with the Karpenko Physico-mechanical Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Naukova 5, 79601 Lviv, Ukraine, Communications EMF are, without doubt, very actual (especially, elaboration of noncontact methods of electrical field (EF) measurement). In the report the problem of determination of the electrical component of EMF of a metallic underground communication which model is represented as a stretched conductor (wire) with taking into account presence of boundary between two mediums (ground and air in our case) is considered according to methods described in [4-6]. Effective usage and fail-safety of underground hidden engineering

Continuous development of new objects of power engineering, various branches of industry and agriculture leads to increase of number and concentration of stretched underground engineering communications (such as oil and gas pipelines, main and town water pipes, urban and longdistance cables of various using and the like), that guarantee communication and power supply. More accurate information about such communication situation and technical state inspection (in particular, determination of insulation covering damages and investigation of corrosion processes) is a condition of their effective usage and trouble-free operation.

communications are guaranteed by possessing information about their location and inspection of their technical state, determination of places of insulation damages, abnormal groundings, and zones of appearance and progress of corrosion processes. Various methods are widely used for solving such problems. For example, direct current measurements are often applied for metallic pipelines corrosion state inspection, because anticorroding protection with the help of polarization current and insulation coverings is used for protection against corrosion damages of underground pipelines caused by environment influence. Corrosion processes in pipelines is caused by electrochemical reactions in places of insulation damages. Now insulation covering state is inspected mainly by contact method in which pipeline polarization potential is measured. Corrosion state of pipeline metal can be determined by excavation that needs much time and big costs. Somewhat similar problems arise during inspection and technical diagnostics of communication and power supply cables. It is needed in these cases to determine the cable axis, depth of laying, cable conductor break [3]. Electromagnetic method as one of the most effective one for solving the mentioned complex of problems has been developed in the Karpenko Physicomechanical Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine during 20 years. Remote inspection of underground communications is realized using the current which is introduced into a wire by a special generator or as harmonics of pipeline cathodic protection current [3,7]. In some cases the parameters of the underground communication magnetic field (MF) are measured in two points situated along the communication and values of current in these points are calculated [3,7]. If difference between two current values is too big we can draw a conclusion that insulation covering is damaged. In other methods changes of EF can give information about such damages.


It is assumed when solving this problem that signal source is connected to one of the conductor ends and external medium is the return conductor. Conductor is considered as a infinite one that corresponds with solving problem for determination points that are situated far enough from the source. Boundary conditions on the conductor surface should be taken into account to determine EMF parameters. So the conductor is considered to have finite value of its crosssection. In the cylindrical coordinate system the OZ axis is combined with the conductor axis (Fig.1). Its EMF is determined by the componentsH,, Ez and E. In the following expressions parameters of all mediums are marked by indexes that correspond with the mediums numbers. Magnetic permeability is assumed to be equal for all mediums: pla = po =47r-107Him. We shall consider a case for which we assume the following conditions of insulated conductor functioning: the current frequency does not exceed 500 Hz, the conductor diameter is less than 1 cm, specific conductivity of external medium 63 is equal to that of salt ground with 3 a3 =1 Sm/m, conductor material specific conductivity a, is equal to that of copper a, =6 .107 Sm/i. In these conditions calculation formulae for EMF components can neglect displacement current both in the external medium and conductor itself.



As it was shown above, one of the most perspective methods of diagnostics of underground pipelines is noncontact method that is based on measurement of parameters of EMF, created by the current flowing in the pipeline. Usually the 100 Hz alternating current component flows along the underground pipeline. This component is present in direct polarization current of cathodic protection of the pipeline. In this connection we consider the spatial distribution of the extemal EMF of the underground pipeline with lowfrequency alternating current for obtaining informative parameters that can be used for main pipeline corrosion inspection using noncontact measurement. The underground pipeline model can be presented as a hollow cylindrical conductor 2 with inner r, and outer radius r2 (Fig.2). The conductor is covered with insulation 3 and is situated in conducting medium with specific conductivity a4. When analyzing the extemal EMF we assume that polarization currents connected with electrochemical processes in damaged places can be neglected.


There are many methods of searching underground communications and determining their coordinates. Contemporary searching-measuring devices measure mainly the magnetic fieldof the cathodic protection current (f 100 Hz). They are insufficiently effective in the cases when there are some other communications near the inspected pipeline or cable with similar signal that can be considered as an additive interference. Fig. 7. Scheme of searching an underground communication and determining its coordinates Such interference can be essentially decreased by usage of difference measurements. This method is illustrated by Fig. 7, where linear communication 1 is situated in ground 2.

Electrochemical methods, especially method of polarization impedance, are widely used for corrosion inspection during determination of underground pipeline corrosion state. Polarization impedance is determined by the layer of charge transfer through the double electrical layer in corrosiondangerous areas of contact of the pipeline metal and ground when holes are present in insulation. Corrosion current density, which is one of the characteristics of metal corrosion state, is determined by the polarization impedance value. In this case it is also possible to determine metal loss during corrosion using the Faraday law. Now the polarization impedance method is used as contact one and has essential shortcomings, connected with apparatus problems and methodic errors. The mentioned shortcomings can be avoided using electromagnetic methods based on noncontact measurements of the current distribution in a pipeline. When measuring current distribution along the pipeline its attenuation depends on polarization resistance R,p, of the section with damaged insulation. A pipeline can be presented as a long line with distributed parameters when analyzing a mathematical model of an underground pipeline based on the theory of electrical circuits. Equivalent electrical schemes of a pipeline section for direct and alternating currents were considered. For the pipeline external EMF . Comparison of scheme parameters for corrosion measurement conditions for frequencies up to 1.5 kHz makes it possible to obtain simplified substitution electrical schemes of a pipeline section presented at Fig. 8 for direct current and at Fig for alternating current. In Fig insulation conductivity per unit length, Gg - ground conductivity per unit length, Lg ground inductance per unit length, G, -in insulation damage, Rpo resistance per unit length. pipeline


The IMK-5 device (Fig. 10) is described in this section. It is intended for searching, locating and detecting of insulation faults of main oil, gas and product pipelines and other underground communications (power lines, communication, telecommunication lines and others), and for rapid territory investigation before ground work conduction with the purpose of the indicated communication detection to prevent their damage. The device operates on the basis of investigation of magnetic and electric components of altemate electromagnetic fields radiated by a communication. The device allows determining an axis, a depth and insulation faults of a communication at the depth to 5 m. An axis determination error in less than 20 smi, and a depth error is less than 10O%. Underground communication locating is conducted by difference signal of two magnetic sensors located on the same pole that gives it advantages over analogous devices by noiseimmunity and axis and depth determination precision in the conditions of high noise level from power grid of industrial equipment and neighbor communications. Insulation fault places are localized by remote determination of numerical characteristics of electric component of electromagnetic field on ground surface over communication axis. At determination of axis and depth of a communication, there are three operating modes 50, 100 and 222 Hz. 222 Hz frequency is used at work under close conditions (a great deal of communications is concentrated) or at absence of 50 and 100 Hz currents in metal communications, and also for

insulation fault locating. In the device, there are a sound indication for axis search, a digital one for depth registration and an analog one for insulation fault location registration. The device is powered by accumulator (7D-0, 115-VI or GP15OmAh NiMH 8,4V); drain current 6mA; accumulator is charged form 220 V power grid or +12V accumulator; for work at 222 Hz, IMK-5 device is completed with GS-2 alternating current generator; IMK-5 dimensions are 860 x 230 x 60 mm; device weight - 2,7 kg. Main technical characteristics of GS-2 generator: power - 100 VA; main frequency of output signal - 222 Hz; output voltage range - from 10 to 60 V with 10 V step; power supply is 12 V accumulator; generator dimensions - 300 x 190 x 130 mm; weight - 3,5 kg. Physico-mechanical Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine are given.

[1] V. Gordienko, V. Ubohyi and Ye. Yaroshevs'kyi,Electromagnetic Determination of Engineering Communications and Local Anomalies (in Russian), Kyiv, Naukova Dumka, 1981. [2] V. Bakhmutskiy and G. Zuienko, Induction Cable Finders (in Russian), Moscow, Sviaz, 1970. [3] L.P. Dykmarova, "Equivalent Electrical Substitution Diagrams of Underground Pipelines" (in Russian), Bulletin of Lviv National Polytechnic University. Radioelectronics and Telecommunications, vol. 352, pp. 26-30, 1998. [4] L.P. Dykmarova, "Determination of Polarization Resistance in the Place of Insulation Damage in Underground Pipelines by Current Non-contact Measurement" (in Russian), Information Extracting and Processing, vol. 17 (93), pp. 107-110, 2002.

In the report the following problems were considered: calculation of the EMF of the infinite insulated conductor in conducting medium, calculation of the EMF of the underground pipeline, calculation of the EF of the underground conductor with taken into account the earth-air boundary, design of sensors for searching underground communication and determining they coordinates. The most efficient methods of determination of corrosion state of pipelines by non-contact methods were analyzed. Technical parameters of the IMK-5 device for diagnostics of underground engineering communications that was elaborated in the

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