Scada in NTDC
Scada in NTDC
Scada in NTDC
6.1 Introduction
This chapter gives discussion on the National Transmission & Dispatch Company (NTDC) network, its operational problem, and proposed test circuits for economic dispatch studies. Finally there are economic dispatch studies on NTDC test systems.
Need for the optimum development of water and energy resources can not be over-emphasized in the view of the cardinal role of agriculture in the national economy, therefore water and power take a very high priority. The Federal Ministry of Water and Power with two main functionaries Water and Power Wings, besides all policy matters for the developments of theses resources perform certain specific functions. The Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) was created in 1958 with power and water wings. The charter of duties, which reads as: investigation, planning and execution of schemes in the fields of Water and Power [82]. WAPDA worked in vertically integrated environment up to 2001. The corporatization of WAPDAs power wing started in 2002. It was divided into four generation companies, transmission & dispatch-company, nine distribution companies and one itself WAPDA. The public sector hydel and thermal generation are in the control of WAPDA and gencos respectively, Independent power producers (IPPs) are in private sector.
6.3 National Transmission & Dispatch Company
National transmission and dispatch company links the power generation units and load centers dotting the entire country, thus creating one of the largest contiguous grid systems of the world. At present NTDC is operating and maintaining nine 500 kV and
twenty four 220 kV grid stations along with 10,167 km length of associated transmission lines [83]. NTDC power system has following mainly four types of power stations connected to the national grid system: a. Hydro power stations b. Steam power stations c. Gas turbine power stations d. Combined cycle power plant stations. e. Nuclear power stations. The generating units are loaded according to the merit order determined by their cost of operation and synchronized with system with the rising trend of load curve. However sometimes it is necessary to take generation at high operational cost subjected to constraints such as less transmission or transformer capacity. All the functions of 500/220 kV power system and power houses are monitored by SCADA system through RTUS installed at the grid/power stations. NTDC is responsible to purchase the power from hydel stations in the north, thermal units in public and private sectors installed mostly in the central southern regions of the country and to sell power to distribution companies through its large network of transmission lines and grid stations of 500 kV and 220 kV voltage capacities.
Pakistan is the one of the most fortunate countries of the world having the lot of water potentials. Their total estimated capacity is about 30,000 MW, and all are almost in the northern areas of Pakistan. WAPDA's hydel power stations consists of five major station located at Tarbela, Mangla, Warsak, Chashma, Ghazi Boratha and nine small hydel power stations. Two hydel power stations are presently commissioned in private sector namely Jagran (AJK) and Malakand( NWFP). Tarbela and Mangla dams are multi-purpose projects with main emphasis on irrigation under the indus water treaty. A schematic of WAPDA hydel power station system
is shown in Figure 6.1 indicating that the Tarbela and Mangla reservoirs are the major feature of the WAPDA system, representing the only significant capacity for the seasonal storage of water. There are two principal effects of wide seasonal variations in hydel generation capability. These are the variations in water releases from the reservoirs and in hydraulic heads available for power generation. Operation of the NTDC system is in practice dominated by these variations. Water management i.e., the use of reservoir storage and planning of water release is dominated by irrigation needs rather than power requirements. Seasonal water management schedules are derived on the basis of data of current and historic water levels in the reservoirs. The seasonal variation of the reservoir is briefly analyzed as follows: 1. Prior to the start of the monsoon and snow melting on mountains, water levels in the reservoirs are low, hence the power output capabilities of the turbines are significantly less than the installed capacity, however, limited release is required by the essentially rain-fed areas early part of Kharif cropping season. The hydro-electric power plant operation is further constrained by the necessary adjustments to planned releases to prevent upstream or downstream flooding or to makeup for deficient rainfalls. 2. Water flows to the reservoirs increase rapidly at the beginning of summer, first on account of snow melt and then with monsoon rains. About beginning of June for Mangla and ending of July for Tarbela, water is usually abundant and plant can run on base load. Some times it may be necessary to spill water from the reservoirs in order to restrict water levels at the dams and allow space for flood control. The seasonal pattern of reservoir and hydro electric plant operation discussed above has considerable implications for WAPDA system operation in general. The system experiences shortages of: 1. Generation capacity and energy during late winter to early summer when reservoir levels are low. 2. Capacity during the period later in summer, before the reservoirs are filled. 3. Energy during the canal closure period in January to early February when reservoir releases are severely restricted.
Considerable load shedding takes place on NTDC system during the above periods. The load distribution pattern of NTDC system is such that 75% of the total load is located to the north of the Multan. So primary transmission system has to transfer the blocks of power from north to south when full hydel generation capacity is available and from south to north in winter when water is in short supply and reliance has to be placed on thermal generation.
Seasonal variations in thermal plant capability also have considerable influence on the system operation. Gas turbines are inherently sensitive to ambient temperature. Hence the power capabilities of gas turbine components of combined cycle plant are significantly lower in summer.
Various transmission constraints have effected the system operation in recent years. Power flows on NTDC network are from north to south in summer and from south to north in winter and both the times power transfer is limited by transmission capability subjected to the constraints such as line or transformer overloading, stability problems and difficulty with control of voltage or reactive power.
The seasonal variation in electricity demand also effects the system operation. This variation arises principally from increased air-conditioning loads in summer and heating load in winter.
Figure 6-1 WAPDA Hydroelectric Generation System 6.5 Test Circuits for NTDC System
The following four test circuits close to the original network of NTDC have been prepared: 1. Test System 1: 77-bus system shown in Figure 6.2 2. Test System 2: 55-bus system shown in Figure 6.3 3. Test System 3: 44-bus system shown in Figure 6.3 4. Test System 4: 32-bus system shown in Figure 6.4 The bus-bar data has been prepared from the original loadings of the system for the Test System 2, 3, and 4 [84-85]. However, due to constraints of data the work on test system 1 is left for future exercise. Test systems 2 and 3 may be extended up to 59 and 50 buses respectively. However, presently 55 and 44 buses have been considered. Test systems 2, 3, and 4 have been tested for their performance using load flow analysis based on Newton-Rapshon algorithm. Summary of load flow analysis is given in Table 6.1. The voltage profiles of these systems are shown in Figure 6.5.
Figure 6-5 32-Bus Test System Table 6-1 Summary of Load Flow Results S.No. Test System Generation (MW) Load (MW) Loss (MW) No. of Iterations
1 2 3 4
06 09 07 10
The test system of NTDC network for economic dispatch using thermal machines has been prepared by selecting 32-bus system. This system has generation at 12 points in the system. The system has been scale down in terms of power generation; system data and load demand keeping the number of lines and number of generation point same. Using the tuned bus-bar and system-data, load flow analysis of this system has been carried. The loss coefficients have been calculated using steps given in chapter 5. Summary of the load flow analysis is given in Table 6.2 and voltage profile is shown in Figure 6.6. The 12-Machines 32bus test circuit with load demand of 1600 MW is thus proposed for ED dispatch studies The following three test systems with cost curves close to the original machines in the system have also been prepared for ED analysis neglecting transmission losses: 1. 2. 3. 15-Machine NTDC Test Circuit with PD = 2400 MW 25-Machine NTDC Test Circuit with PD = 2800 MW 34-Machine NTDC Test Circuit with PD = 3000 MW The potential of the application of AI tools for WAPDA system [86] has also been explored. However in the discussion to follow the GA based economic dispatch problem will be investigated.
Table 6-2 Summary of Load Flow Result: NTDC 32-Bus Test Circuit For ED studies Test System Generation (MW) 1625.85 Load (MW) 1600 Loss (MW) 25.85 No. of Iterations 10
Case Studies
The cost curves and B-coefficients for 12-Machine system are given in Tables A.12 and A.13 respectively placed in appendix A. The cost curves of the 15, 25 and 34 machines are given in Tables A.14, A.15 and A.16 respectively placed in appendix A. For GA based economic dispatch each test system runs 20 times for both -Search and Real Power-Search and results corresponding to minimum generation cost has been recorded and compared with the -iteration method. The transmission loss has been calculated using B-coefficients. The detailed output results in tabular form are given in appendix C. The summary and comparison of results is given in this chapter.
Evolution Model: Evolution model with GA parameters for four test systems for both
Search and RP-Search are given in Table C.16 and Table C.17 respectively placed in appendix C.
Output Results: Tables C.18, C.19, C.20 and C.21 placed in appendix C lists the details
of output results of the 12-Machine, 15-Machine, 25-Machines, 34-Machines system respectively. The Table 5.4 presents the comparison of the results. The observations are as follows:
The generation cost is almost the same for -Iteration and -Search techniques for all test systems. In RP-Search the generation cost is higher than the other two techniques. Maximum increase is 2.7% with 12-Machines system and minimum increase is 0.7% with 15-Machine system.
The execution time is higher in -Search techniques and RP-Search from Iteration. The increasing trend in time varies from system to system. The standard deviation is very low in -Search as compared to RP-Search The trends for standard test systems in chapter 5 for convex ED studies are almost repeated on the NTDC test circuits.
Table 6-3 Comparison of the Results for NTDC System GA Results After 20 Runs Corresponding to Minimum Test System
-Iteration -Search
Cost RP-Search
Gen Cost ($/h)
4664527.9400 5512087 6654911.7586 7073164.5506 1.3440 13.907 21.0150 16.3440 1.3123 0.00000 14.7640 12.2968 -0.1081 0.0000 0.0000 -0.0007
4785261.2186 5546108.2504 6712903.1928 7225943.9370 0.3600 2.4690 0.3130 0.9060 114251.7916 60195.1588 81079.3851 38343.8 -2.6992 -0.6172 -0.8714 -2.1607
Execution Time