Effect of Rust On Rice
Effect of Rust On Rice
Effect of Rust On Rice
Michael Ayliffe,1 Rosangela Devilla,1 Rohit Mago,1 Rosemary White,1 Mark Talbot,1 Anthony Pryor,1 and
Hei Leung2
CSIRO Plant Industry, Box1600, Canberra, ACT, 2601, Australia; 2International Rice Research Institute, DAPO Box 7777,
Manila, Philippines
Submitted 20 April 2011. Accepted 26 June 2011.
Rice is atypical in that it is an agricultural cereal that is al. 2006). The potential transfer of rice nonhost rust resistance
immune to fungal rust diseases. This report demonstrates to other cereals is attractive (Borlaug 2000) given the apparent
that several cereal rust species (Puccinia graminis f. sp durability of NHR, extensive rice genomic resources available,
tritici, P. triticina, P. striiformis, and P. hordei) can infect and an example of successful transfer of NHR between cereals
rice and produce all the infection structures necessary for (Zhao et al. 2005).
plant colonization, including specialized feeding cells (haus- The current model of plant NHR (Jones and Dangl 2006)
toria). Some rust infection sites are remarkably large and suggests that all microbes possess a suite of conserved mole-
many plant cells are colonized, suggesting that nutrient up- cules, called microbe- and pathogen-associated molecular pat-
take occurs to support this growth. Rice responds with an terns (MAMPs and PAMPs, respectively) that can be recognized
active, nonhost resistance (NHR) response that prevents by plants, often via a receptor kinase located in the plant plasma
fungal sporulation and that involves callose deposition, membrane (Zipfel 2008). This recognition (PAMP-triggered
production of reactive oxygen species, and, occasionally, cell immunity) evokes activation of an NHR response or basal de-
death. Genetic variation for the efficacy of NHR to wheat fense response that prevents further infection of the plant by
stem rust and wheat leaf rust was observed. Unlike cereal nonadapted pathogen species (Zipfel 2008). In contrast,
rusts, the rust pathogen (Melampsora lini) of the dicotyle- adapted pathogens suppress PAMP-triggered immunity by in-
denous plant flax (Linum usitatissimum) rarely successfully troducing a suite of pathogen molecules (effectors) into the
infects rice due to an apparent inability to recognize host- infected plant cell that suppress this basal defense response
derived signals. Morphologically abnormal infection struc- (Hogenhout et al. 2009). Host plant species, in turn, have
tures are produced and appressorial-like structures often evolved recognition mechanisms for specific effector mole-
don’t coincide with stomata. These data suggest that basic cules of adapted pathogens leading to effector-triggered immu-
compatibility is an important determinate of nonhost infec- nity, which is the underlying molecular basis of the gene-for-
tion outcomes of rust diseases on cereals, with cereal rusts gene model of disease resistance (Jones and Dangl 2006).
being more capable of infecting a cereal nonhost species However, effector-triggered immunity is not just confined to
compared with rust species that are adapted for dicot adapted pathogen recognition and may also play a role in NHR,
hosts. particularly against pathogens that colonize plant species closely
related to the nonhost species (Schulze-Lefert and Pangstruga
Fungal rust diseases caused by members of the genus Puc- Therefore, NHR involves active recognition and an induced
cinia consistently cause yield losses and occasional devastat- defense response in some instances. However, NHR defenses
ing epidemics in the world’s most important crops, cereals also include preformed physical and chemical barriers that po-
(Roelfs and Bushnell 1985). Most cereal rust disease resis- tential pathogens must overcome for successful plant coloniza-
tance genes have transient efficacy due to pathogen mutations tion (Heath 2000). Superimposed on these active and passive
overcoming resistance. The emergence of Ug99, a new patho- defense mechanisms is a pathogen requirement for appropriate
type of wheat stem rust (WSR) (Puccinia graminis f. sp tritici) plant signals, both physical and chemical, for pathogen recog-
that threatens global wheat production, emphasizes the need nition of a potential plant host (Heath 2000).
for durable rust resistance in cereals (Ayliffe et al. 2008; Several studies have investigated the attempted infection of
Stokstad 2007). rust pathogens on nonhost plant species. Mellersch and Heath
Rice (Oryza sativa) is atypical in that it is an intensively (2003) examined the infection process of bean rust (Uromyces
grown agricultural cereal that is a nonhost of rust pathogens, vignae) on the nonhost plant species, Arabidopsis. Of 17
unlike wheat, barley, maize, rye, triticale, millet, oat and sor- Arabidopsis accessions examined, 1 (WS-0) allowed signifi-
ghum, which are all hosts. Nonhost resistance (NHR) is a cantly more rust growth, with 20% of infection sites each pro-
poorly characterized defense mechanism that makes a plant ducing a few haustoria. The remaining accessions generally
species resistant to most potential phytopathogens (i.e., a non- restricted fungal growth after the formation of short infection
host). The genetic elucidation of NHR components in Arabi- hyphae within the apoplast. Arabidopsis mutants (eds1 and
dopsis demonstrates that NHR is not as intractable as previ- ndr1) which are defective for signaling pathways essential for
ously regarded (Collins et al. 2003; Lipka et al. 2005; Stein et nucleotide-binding site leucine-rich repeat (NBS-LRR) resis-
tance gene function did not show increased rust growth, sug-
gesting that these effector recognition pathways are either not
Corresponding author: Michael Ayliffe; E-mail: [email protected] involved in the NHR of Arabidopsis to this nonadapted patho-
* The e-Xtra logo stands for “electronic extra” and indicates that supplemen- gen or are redundant due to alternative resistance mechanisms.
tary data is published online. In contrast, Arabidopsis plants deficient in salicylic acid (SA)
Fig. 1. Infection of rice with Puccinia graminis isolate 21-0 and P. hordei. A, Germinated P. graminis spore on the surface of a rice leaf showing germ tube
and appressorium development. B, P. graminis substomatal vesicle, infection hyphae, and haustorium formation inside a rice leaf. C, P. graminis haustorium
located in a rice leaf mesophyll cell. D and E, Two P. graminis appressoria growing on rice leaves. Note altered morphology when compared with F and G. F
and G, P. graminis appressorium development on wheat stomata. H, Confocal microscopy showing infection structures of a P. hordei infection site on rice.
The spore, germ tube, and appressorium are present on the surface of the leaf, while the underlying substomatal vesicle is inside the leaf and seen as a paler
structure at the bottom right of the panel. I, Haustorium produced by a P. hordei infection site on rice. J, The same infection site shown in I, demonstrating
the epidermal cell location of the P. hordei haustorium. K and L, Morphology of P. hordei appressoria on rice leaves. M and N, Morphology of P. hordei
appressoria on barley leaves. O, Variation in P. hordei infection site sizes observed on a single rice leaf. P, Callose production associated with P. hordei infec-
tion sites on a rice leaf. In B, C, I, and J, white arrowheads indicate the position of haustoria.
Table 1. Percentage of germinated rust spores that produce appressoria on rice compared with host species
Spores producing germ tube only Spores producing germ tube and Number of germinated
Cultivar, plant Rusta (%) appressorium (%) spores examined
IR64 rice WSR 21-0 46 54 116
Kyeema rice WSR 21-0 52 48 99
Namaga rice WSR 21-0 38 62 116
Morocco wheat WSR 21-0 20 80 97
IR64 rice BLR 58 42 69
Purple rice BLR 79 21 114
Wild rice BLR 39 61 90
Pelde rice BLR 67 33 60
Namaga rice BLR 20 80 97
Amaroo rice BLR 57 43 81
Koshihikara rice BLR 57 43 74
Golden Promise barley BLR 21 79 172
WSR = wheat stem rust and BLR = barley leaf rust.
Table 2. Percentage of rust infections that, upon forming an appressorium, subsequently produce only an appressorium (App.), an appressorium and
substomatal vesicle (ssv), or an appressorium + ssv + infection hyphae (ifh) on rice and host species
Cultivar, plant Rusta App. only (%) App. + ssv (%) App + ssv + ifh (%) Number of infection sites examined
IR64 rice BLR 4 6.5 89.5 46
YRM54 rice BLR 4.5 2 94.5 44
Opus rice BLR 0 0 100 80
Langi rice BLR 7.5 2.5 90 40
Namaga rice BLR 0 1 99 76
Amaroo rice BLR 4 11 85 55
Koshihikara rice BLR 0 9 91 57
Golden Promise barley BLR 2 0 98 61
IR64 rice WSR 21-0 17 0 83 71
Kyeema rice WSR 21-0 25 0 75 27
Morocco wheat WSR 21-0 1 0 99 130
BLR = barley leaf rust and WSR = wheat stem rust.
Fig. 2. Large, single cereal rust infection sites observed on rice. From left to right: rice infected with Puccinia hordei (P.h), P. graminis (P.g), P. triticina (P.t),
and P. striiformis (P.s). Upper row shows extensive growth of infection hyphae (i) within the leaf, while spores (s), germ tubes (g), and appressoria (a) are
present on the leaf surface. Lower row shows haustoria (marked with an arrowhead) present within rice mesophyll cells. Each image in the upper row is a
composite of stacked photographs.
Fig. 3. A, Puccinia graminis appressorium on the surface of a rice leaf with underlying infection structures inside in the leaf visible in a different focal plane.
B, Autofluorescent mesophyll cells associated with the P. graminis infection site shown in A. C, P. hordei substomatal vesicle (ssv) and infection hyphae
inside a rice leaf. D, Autofluorescent mesophyll cells associated with the P. hordei infection site shown in C. E, P. striiformis infection site showing extensive
ramification of infection hyphae within a rice leaf. F, Autofluorescence of rice mesophyll cells at the P. striiformis infection site shown in E. G and H, 3-
3Diaminobenzidine (DAB) staining showing hydrogen peroxide production associated with P. graminis infection sites on rice leaves. I and J, Hydrogen
peroxide production associated with a P. hordei infection site on a rice leaf. I shows wheat germ agglutinin-alexa 488 staining of the rust infection site while
panel J shows localization of hydrogen peroxide around this same site by DAB staining. K, Attempted appressorium formation of a P. hordei germ tube on
the surface of a rice leaf. L, Hydrogen peroxide formation in stomatal guard cells associated with the attempted P. hordei appressorium formation shown in
K. M, Melampsora lini infection site growing on a flax leaf. The germinating spore, germ tube, and appressorium are evident on the surface of the leaf while
underlying infection hyphae can be seen inside the leaf. N, Germinated M. lini spore showing appressorium development on the surface of a flax leaf. O,
Appressorium development of M. lini on the surface of a rice leaf. P and Q, Appressorium development of an M. lini infection site on rice that is not
associated with a stomate. In Q, the arrow indicates the position of the nearest stomate. R, Two M. lini infection sites on rice. The upper infection site has
produced an appressorium over a stomate (arrow), while the lower infection site has produced an aberrant appressorium-like infection structure that is not
associated with a stomate. S and T, M. lini infection sites that have produced appressoria with additional hyphal-like extensions. Stomates are indicated in
each panel with arrows. U, Two M. lini infection sites on rice that produce aberrant appressoria-like structures that are not associated with stomata. V, Two
M. lini infection sites on rice. The upper spore has germinated to produce an appressorium with a short infection hyphae (indicated with a white arrow) that
has entered the leaf. The lower infection site has produced an appressorium only. W, M. lini infection site showing a germinated spore that has produced an
appressorium over a rice leaf stomate and short infection hyphae (indicated with a white arrow) within the leaf apoplast.
Table 3. Comparison of wheat stem rust 21-0 (WSR) and wheat leaf rust (WLR) infection site areas on three rice cultivars
Comparison Rust Experiment 1a Expriment 2a Expriment 3a Expriment 4a
Namaga vs. IR64 WSR 3,948 vs. 65 (91) (36) 3,443 vs. 496 (95) (61) 4,144 vs. 2,240 (101) (113) 2,920 vs. 1,281 (147) (75)
P < 0.0001 P < 0.0001 P < 0.007 P < 0.0017
Kyeema vs. IR64 WSR 4,353 vs. 55 (71) (36) 7,435 vs. 496 (23) (61) 15,623 vs. 2,240 (117) 4,394 vs. 1,281 (73) (75)
P < 0.0001 P < 0.0001 (113) P < 0.0001 P < 0.0001
Kyeema vs. Namaga WSR 4,353 vs. 3948 (71) (91) 7,435 vs. 3443 (23) (95) 15,623 vs. 4,144 (117) 4,394 vs. 2,920 (73) (147)
0.24 < P < 0.47 P < 0.01 (101) P < 0.0001 P < 0.0015
Namaga vs. IR64 WLR 353 vs. 182 (58) (84) 480 vs. 195 (37) (55) 270 vs. 136 (87) (63) 691 vs. 150 (56) (49)
0.0005 < P < 0.001 P < 0.0001 P < 0.0001 P < 0.0001
Kyeema vs. IR64 WLR 196 vs. 182 (48) (84) 282 vs. 195 (70) (55) 249 vs. 136 (72) (63) 320 vs. 150 (49) (49)
0.24 < P < 0.48 P < 0.0017 P < 0.0003 P < 0.001
Kyeema vs. Namaga WLR 196 vs. 353 (48) (58) 282 vs. 480 (70) (37) 249 vs. 270 (72) (87) 320 vs. 691 (49) (56)
0.015 < P < 0.03 0.023 < P < 0.046 0.15 < P < 0.29 0.006 < P < 0.013
The median rust infection site area in square micrometers measured on each rice cultivar being compared. The number of infection sites measured for each
cultivar in each experiment is shown in parentheses with Mann Whitney U test probability values comparing the spectrum of infection site areas measured
on each cultivar shown beneath. Statistically significantly different distributions of infection sites areas (P < 0.01) are in bold. The area of a single rice
mesophyll cells is approximately 80 µm2.
Table 4. Growth of wheat stem rust (WSR) isolates 21-0 and 326 on ‘IR64’ and ‘Namaga’ rice
WSR 21-0 WSR 326 U test of 21-0 vs. 326 U test of 21-0 WSR growth on U test of 326 WSR growth on
Cultivar Exp.a median ISAb median ISAb rust growthc Namaga vs. IR64c Namaga vs. IR64c
IR64 1 123 (33) 175 (14) 0.25 < P < 0.51 P < 0.0001 0.0018 < P < 0.0035
Namaga 1 255 (52) 300 (43) 0.18 < P < 0.37 … …
IR64 2 139 (57) 179 (51) 0.0004 < P < 0.0008 P < 0.0001 P < 0.0001
Namaga 2 269 (46) 420 (64) 0.02 < P < 0.05 … …
IR64 3 147 (43) 157 (55) 0.35 < P < 0.72 P < 0.0001 0.0004 < P < 0.0008
Namaga 3 265 (33) 253 (40) 0.2 < P < 0.4 … …
In each experiment (Exp.), different leaves of the same IR64 and Namaga seedlings were inoculated with either WSR 21-0 or WSR 326 at the same time
and incubated for the same period. Infection site areas in square micrometers were then determined for each rust isolate by pooling leaves from seedlings of
the same cultivar infected with the same isolate. The area of a single rice mesophyll cells is approximately 80 µm2.
ISA = infection site areas. Numbers in parentheses indicate the number of infection sites measured.
Mann Whitney U tests were used to compare the distribution of ISAs observed for WSR 21-0 and WSR 326 growth on each rice cultivar. Significantly
different infection site areas (P < 0.01) are in bold.