11 12 14 Cilsfvrs
11 12 14 Cilsfvrs
11 12 14 Cilsfvrs
The Sci'ferne sh<\l) be called Coal India Special Female Voluntary Retirement
Title Scheme 2014 (Revised) I
The Scheme shall be effective from 26.11.2014 for a period 0(06 months Le. up-to
Effective date 25.05.2015.
1. SFVR:5 Optee: A female. work'ef d �pleyed 'in non'technical job may opt for
of seni'lce,t,ut 'must-
receipt o(her'appfication. i . �
2. Nominate,dson:
a. The �ge of nominated son oLa SFVRS optee must be within the .
group"of 18 to 35 years, on Imedale
of receipt of ihe application of
. the
female VRS optee.
,� .
• The Management will, .t;J0w.ever, have the ,igl1t not to grant Voluntary
Savings Clause retirement for reasons to be recor�e(j ih writing. The management reserves the
right to close the scheme any time or may extend the period of scheme as it
may think f� and reasonable keeping in view the interest and requirement of
the Company.
• Any interpretation of the Clauses under the Scheme shall be subject to the
deCision of Director (Personnel & IR) of CIL.
1, Any eligible female employee may apply for voluntary retirement und'ei
competent authority through proper channel in the prescribed format
2, For the purpose of determining the age and length of service of retiring emf}loyee, the records
as per Service Records available in the Company will 'be final.
3, The application received at ,colliery/Unit shall be received o.n a prescribed form, duly filled in
for which formal receipt Will be given by the Colliery/Unit, .
. ."
4. On receipt of the llPplication,:th�" controliing o'lfic�r,. ilfte r sGfutiny of the application, will
recommend to the.c'ompetE\Ji1t'ayJ,lilPiify:" with,if�aS6f]§ to"be recordeq in writii(tg
' for atceptance
or rejection as the' c��e ,r:n�y be; of'lhe requesHor Voluntary Ret, ir�rriE!nt
. . .:: . . ,
. ' "
- �
6, The scrutini� � d app,lic<i,i l OI1S, for voluntary re\ii:irnl\. li1 under this sche.me will be processed by
the PersoQ�el Depa�fT1e (,ii
of COlliery/Li riil
acceptance-lrejection ontre' Voluntary Retir¢i'I)ept>prdppsaL
·Area Office and §!t,Headq'u'arters for
' ,
" . , c
' .
7. If the date of birth of the employee is nOLavaiiable. in the service records or if there is any
dispute pending with the company regarCIinii(age/d<lte of birth, the case for Voluntary
Retirement�nder the Scheme should n'ofi?e considered.
8, In case of u.
scheme, F0r this purpose, invariably ,ihe. at!eq,dimpe for.tl)e last 12 months preCeding the
month in which the application is oi�de, sti 1d;'be 'c:i.ertlf!e ((Cjnd submitted along With the VR
application proposal. This should C,� main" $n.!I,ttesle , .r:iQotqcopy of the first page ,of Service
Sheet and Service Sheet Excerp,t'. lrye 'act�ar ptiy&iCi\1 al;!en.dance, leave, sick, un<luthorised
' ,
absence etc: during the preceding lZm0nt�$. '
�_ \, L
9, The cases .,1 the employees againstwJ:!. J% i de, par!rrt en�l,p roCeeding is pending mw also not
be conside�ed for Voluntary Retiremerit.unaer thiiS, 1l'C!J:feme. ' "
ti�" .
1 O. All applica nsurider th[s �cheme will fi·
' al(\tJ? �.I-"�
� linized centrally', �t the Heaq arters at �
the General ,�anage; ;(f.l'e'tS"l )1nel) level of tne.;;Q9i:l\pany, For the p:ffirpq�� 01 the;�drutlny, all
applicatlons,'puly chepked , 'o/ rtlfled and recOlJll1!l!!nded by thel"re'<ilRe[$onnel �anager and
the CGM/GMQf the P1(e<i, shOUld be sent to the General Man<!ger.. (f'ersonnel), HQrs. together
with the duly fillild-in checklislan� other required doCuments, ", '
11. The IME of the nominated sQIJ of a VR$ optee is ,to �e, G;9ilducted by th'
and order as rega'rato separation of'female V�S :C?ptel'l. under Coal !n!!iia Special Female
Voiuntary Retirement§cheme-261'4(#eviS'ed) w,oufg be issued by �ubsidiary concerned
subject to her nominatedisqn is found medically fi(during IME. In cas,e a nominated son is not
found medically fit, the application of such SFVRSoptee would be rejected.
, ' '
..................... ..............
The Director (Personnel) Attested
photograph uf the
Dear Sir,
I, daughter/wife of
Shri hereby propose to apply for retirement
under Coal India Special Female Voluntary Retirement Scheme-2014 (Revised) for Non
executive female employees of .. I have understood the conditions
laid down in the Scheme which are acceptable to me.
It is, therefore, requested that my V.R application may kindly be considered and
· .
accepted in favour of my son whose details are given in the annexed Enclosure-1 .
Yours faithfully,
Name of the Applica nt : Name of Nominated Son
(as per service sheet)
Designation: Witness: (sign)
Employee No, Witness: (sign)
Whether SC / ST / aBC 2) N am e :
.. Design:
\ :
Unit / Area:
Employee No.
.: 2 :.
(1) Name:
a) General:
b) Technical:
c) Experience, if any:
(6) Whether dependent on the employee:
Signature of the Female employee Signature of the dependent son
Qate: Date:
. .
-_ . . . . . . .- ..... ...
.__._-_ -�.•.--- ... .
- .- ..
4. Date of appointment
8. Date of application
put in
It is certified that the particulars given above have been checked from the record
(Service Sheet etc.) and found correct.
2. Father'slHusband's Name
3. I.b.Card No.
4. Employee No.
5. CMPF Number
6. Designation
7. Date of Birth
(as per Office record)
8. Grade/Category
15.Certified that the above particulars have carefully been checked and are corrett as
per the Company records (SeNice Book etc.).
.. . . -----.- -_ _-'---_ .. ..
_-----,,-'--_._-------- ------- --
-: 5 :-
__ _
_ � De Signation
Colliery ____
Recommended for
Gener al Ma nage
r (Pers.)
Director (Personn