SW 124 - Sim
SW 124 - Sim
SW 124 - Sim
College of Arts and Sciences Education
Social Work Program
2nd Floor, DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134
College of Arts and Sciences Education
Social Work Program
2nd Floor, DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134
CC’s Voice: Hello, future social worker! Welcome to this course, SW 124: Knowledge
& Philosophical Foundation of the Social Work Profession. You may be
curious about what social work is really all about, how it began, its
values and how social workers help others. I believe you are now ready
to explore this course.
Let us begin!
College of Arts and Sciences Education
Social Work Program
2nd Floor, DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134
Essential Knowledge
Feelings of Self-worth
College of Arts and Sciences Education
Social Work Program
2nd Floor, DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134
Sikhay Kilos. (2015, March 4). Paglilingkod: The Filipino Social Worker
in a World Out of Balance[Video]. YouTube.
College of Arts and Sciences Education
Social Work Program
2nd Floor, DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134
____________3. The PIE concept views the person interacting with his
____________4. Republic Act 4373 is also known as the Social Work Law
Let’s Analyze
Activity 1. Now that you have acquainted yourself with the basic concepts
let us see if you can relate these to a real-life situation. Watch the
documentary “SERBIS: A documentary (with subtitle) at this
In this activity, you are required to discuss your answers to the following
statement briefly. Write your answers on the spaces indicated.
C. Social welfare
D. Social worker
E. Social functioning
F. Client
G. Need
H. Problem
I. Social welfare goal
J. Person-in-environment situation
In a Nutshell
You can write your views, insights, arguments on the concepts of social
College of Arts and Sciences Education
Social Work Program
2nd Floor, DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134
College of Arts and Sciences Education
Social Work Program
2nd Floor, DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134
4. Judaism in the Old Testament of the Bible became the basis for
principles of social welfare practices of care for the old, sick, handicapped
College of Arts and Sciences Education
Social Work Program
2nd Floor, DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134
and poor.
6. Statute of Laborers of 1349 was the law that set the maximum
wage, compelled workers to work, made illegal for non-disabled men to
8. Martin Luther was a friar with a consistent concern for the poor.
He refused to glorify self-chosen poverty and thought it was a citizen’s
duty to help those who were living in poverty. He established the
“Community Chest.” In Wittenberg, the local “Community Chest,”
received money from individual contributions and other sources. The
Community chest provided welfare for the poor, zero-interest loans to get
impoverished artisans back on their feet, and funds for teachers, church
workers and even a physician to care for those unable to afford medical
10. Speenhamland system of 1795 was the law that determined aid to
the poor according to need and was based on the standard of living and
number of family members.
11. Thomas Chalmers was a Scottish minister who convinced the poor
in his parish not to rely on the official poor relief. Instead, assigned
deacons who made home visits to residents, build a friendly relationship
with the poor and monitor their situation. This would be the basis for
support and care.
15. Juan Luis de Vives was a Spanish philosopher who developed the
concept of individualized attention to the poor. The individualized
attention was done by two senators assigned each quarter and was tasked
to investigate the social conditions of every pauper family and provided
help through vocational training, employment, and rehabilitation.
19. Edwin Chadwick was an English social reformer. He was noted for
his work to reform the Poor Laws and to improve sanitation and public
20. Charles Booth used research data for poverty mapping. The results
were the basis for targeting resources for the most impoverished families.
23. Protestant ethic was the belief that hard work and moral conduct
resulted in material success, which symbolized God’s favor. Poverty was
a sign of God’s condemnation.
25. Jane Addams and Ellen Gates Starr founded Hull House as a
social settlement in Chicago in 1889. They focused on environmental
factors as causes of poverty.
28. Charity organization society in Buffalo, New York, was the first
COS established in the US. The organization became the ‘clearinghouses.’
or registry of applicants for aid, employed ‘friendly visitors’ who assessed
eligibility for assistance and coordinated efforts of private philanthropies.
29. The Social Security Act of 1935 signed by late Pres. Franklin D.
Roosevelt is a federal law for the social welfare system, including the aged,
the temporarily unemployed, dependent children, and the disabled.
31. Hospicio de San Jose was built in 1810 to house the aged,
orphaned, and mentally insane (Camagay, 1988).
34. Insular Board (1902) was created by the American Civil government
to coordinate and supervise private institutions into welfare work after an
outbreak of cholera, bubonic plague, and smallpox.
37. Gov. Gen Frank Murphy designated ACM as Insular Relief Agency to
assist the needy, education to OSY and training for social workers.
Through these programs, Gov. Murphy started the government’s
assumption of full responsibility for the relief of the distressed, regardless
of cause.
College of Arts and Sciences Education
Social Work Program
2nd Floor, DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134
puericulture centers.
In 1922, he began a school of midwifery, which is the forerunner of
the Maternity and Children’s Hospital in Manila, now called the Jose
Fabella Memorial Hospital.
In 1925, he planned for the development of the children’s village and
now known as Welfareville. Child health surveys and studies on the
typical Filipino diet were conducted under his direction. This facilitated
the preparation of standard height and weight chart for Filipino children.
He started the Child Health Day and Healthy Baby Contest and Clean-up
Week. His administration as Secretary of Health and Public Welfare was
abruptly interrupted because of illness.
40. Pres. Manuel Quezon, thru the National Assembly, legislated anti-
usury laws, labor laws, minimum wage laws, housing projects, and relief
45. SWC and PACSA merged into the Social Welfare Administration.
The Division of Public Assistance with two programs: Assistance
to minors, aged, handicapped, unemployed, victims of natural disasters
and dissident operations. The second was Service in the form of
rehabilitation for physically, mentally handicapped and occupationally
maladjusted thru training.
The Child Welfare Division had casework and guidance for children
left at home, delinquent, in need of protection, supervision for child-caring
institutions. The Division of Rural Welfare was tasked to respond to social
problems with services for victims of dissidence and disasters, non-
College of Arts and Sciences Education
Social Work Program
2nd Floor, DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134
The 90s decade saw the shift from service provider to policy
formulation and program development, standard-setting and regulation
enforcement and technical support to LGUs, NGOs and Pos
College of Arts and Sciences Education
Social Work Program
2nd Floor, DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134
a. To promote and maintain professional standards of practice;
b. To strengthen the competence of members through opportunities for
professional growth and development;
c. To work for better understanding, acceptance and recognition of
social work as a profession;
d. To initiate and work for social legislation in social welfare and
e. To expand professional activities through the organization of local
chapters and development of linkages with international
organizations devoted to human service.
For added historical bits, watch Paglilingkod: The Filipino Social Worker
in a World Out of Balance at
Del Castillo, M.L.T. (2012) Foundations of Social work. Social Work Board
Review Notes (Unpublished).
College of Arts and Sciences Education
Social Work Program
2nd Floor, DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134
"Its Beginnings." Asilo Manila. Asilo de San Vicente de Paul. Archived from
the original July 18 July 2014. Retrieved 21 May 2014.
Lee-Mendoza, T. (2008). Social Welfare and Social Work, 3rd ed., Quezon
City: Philippines: Central Book Supply Inc
Wengert, T. (2017 October 30). Reformation 500: 50 things you may not
know about Luther. Living Lutheran. Retrieved from
Willis, J. (2016). The Elberfeld system: poor relief and the fluidity of
German identity in mid-nineteenth century Germany. (Master’s Thesis,
Boise State University, Idaho, USA. Retrieved from
College of Arts and Sciences Education
Social Work Program
2nd Floor, DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134
d. Neighborhood Guild
6. The year the Training School for Applied Philanthropy was set up in
New York
a. 1889
b. 1898
c. 1923
d. 1863
7. The first family welfare agency and the first to use casework method
in the Philippines was the
a. War Relief Office
b. Philippine Civilian Affairs Unit
c. Associated Charities
d. Damas Islas de Filipinas
8. This office was created by Pres. Elpidio Quirino, on January 3, 1951,
as the government agency for social welfare.
a. Social Welfare Commission
b. Social Welfare Administration
c. Bureau of Public Welfare
d. War Relief Office
9. In the 1970s, the service delivery was facilitated through_____ using
existing political structure as the worker’s point of entry and basis for
problem-identification and prioritizing.
a. Individual approach
b. Baranganic approach
c. Community-based approach
d. Program approach
10.The Local Government Code of 1991 or Republic Act 7160 was
passed on _____.
a. October 10,1991
b. December 13,1991
c. July 12, 1991
d. June 19,1990
College of Arts and Sciences Education
Social Work Program
2nd Floor, DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134
Let’s Analyze
Activity 1. Knowing historical information is not enough. You should be
able to connect events across time. You can place your
observations on the lines below.
In a Nutshell
You can write your views, insights, arguments on the history of social
work from Europe, the USA and the Philippines.
College of Arts and Sciences Education
Social Work Program
2nd Floor, DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134
College of Arts and Sciences Education
Social Work Program
2nd Floor, DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134
College of Arts and Sciences Education
Social Work Program
2nd Floor, DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134
College of Arts and Sciences Education
Social Work Program
2nd Floor, DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134
Essential Knowledge
In the previous lessons, you identified the motivation behind the actions of
social reformers in the field. You will have to recall societal, cultural and personal
value systems as these influence your future practice. Online e.g., ebrary,
search.proquest.com and library references will help you identify value systems
shaping beliefs/ideologies and approaches utilized by the profession. Social work
principles flow from the value base of the trade.
Morality refers to doing good or being good. The “good” follows the “norm”.
It means that the “good” follows standards. The term norm comes from
“norma” or the carpenter’s square. The emphasis is on
rectitude/correctness/straight-ness in relation to a fixed point. Norms can be
- using reason as guide for actions that lead one to Heaven or that
ideal society, all the while embracing his or her strengths and
weaknesses and rootedness.
College of Arts and Sciences Education
Social Work Program
2nd Floor, DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134
Articulate the dilemma. What values are at play? What is bothering
List the alternatives. Brainstorm options. Eliminate untenable ones.
Come up with a third alternative
Compare alternatives with principles. Eliminate alternatives if the
moral values that they uphold are not that important to you
Weigh the consequences. Consider both positive and negative
Make a decision. The decision must reflect one's values. There are
no easy and painless solutions to ethical dilemmas.
Eucracy- Gr. Eu (good, well) -kratia (rule) the rule of what is good.
-A firm reliance in another person’s virtues of honesty, dependability and strength
of character (Hyler Bracey)
a. Contextual Trust- trust found in its specific areas, competence or expertise.
Context can refer to occupation or profession.
Example: trusting a social worker to help with a person’s needs but not in
solving health problems.
Context can also refer to geography, religion, organizational membership
-Important to establish universal trust
who promised to be sober, will drink again “just a bottle of beer” for old friends’
sake. Another illustration would be that of a mother will join a group of mothers
for a training initially, to avoid hurting the feelings of the leader who invited them.
College of Arts and Sciences Education
Social Work Program
2nd Floor, DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134
b. Emotional closeness
and family security may
be seen in personal
sacrifices for the good of
the family members. The
term is like familism where
family interests take
precedence over individual
interests, decisions are
made for the family’s good. For instance, the mother’s decision to join an
organization will depend on the benefits the family will receive. Or, the emotional
closeness may be shattered in the case of internal problems like adultery or
c. Authority value rests on the belief that the family will remain close if
someone has a firm hand. Traditions and rituals are respected and obeyed.
Authority figures are consulted in decision making.
d. Personalism is of
significant importance attached to
kinship and friends in getting
things done whether it is a job
application, a request for help or
solicitation for funds or votes.
“Kilala” (personal preference),
“Tiwala” or trust are some of the
specific values under personalism.
In community work, social
workers build relationships or tap
College of Arts and Sciences Education
Social Work Program
2nd Floor, DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134
One resource is the use of Filipino maxims or proverbs. They provide insight
into the Filipino psyche and behavior.
An example of a proverb would be “Ipagtanong ang dadaanan nang di
maligaw.” He who asks his way will never go astray. This proverb can be
College of Arts and Sciences Education
Social Work Program
2nd Floor, DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134
A copy of the Code of Ethics for Philippine Social workers can be found at
The Code of Ethics is grounded on the belief in the worth and dignity of
man, his rights and responsibilities, his capacity to change and values of unity and
diversity, poverty needs to be changed, the family as basic unit of society,
government/private/public sector partnership responsibility to promote social
justice, social workers as agents and advocates of change and social work
practice rooted in values. The Code continues to define the standards of ethical
conduct in
A. Relative to Self and the Profession
B. Relative to Clients
C. Relative to Colleagues
The Unwritten duties and obligations expected of a social worker are found in the
The Ethics of Social Work: Principles and Standards https://www.ifsw.org/global-
social-work-statement-of-ethical-principles/. This was adopted by the International
Federation of Social Workers of which PASWI is a member.
The Ethics spell out the Duties toward clients, towards colleagues and the
College of Arts and Sciences Education
Social Work Program
2nd Floor, DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134
In observance of the
Code of Ethics, the social
worker faces ethical
dilemmas in the following
1. Manipulation. This
can occur in many levels,
client, community, agency
among others. Are there
situations when
manipulation occurs? Is it
4. Cultural and other realities. Our cultural values put the social worker in
a dilemma. In an organization, the social worker follows rules and
procedures. But personalism values call for tapping ones ‘connections’
to facilitate a need for a client. Political influence in our work may run
counter to hiring policies, aid distribution procedures or supporting a
policy among others. What are the limitations of support and
Seven Guiding Principles of Social Work. These principles proceed from values
College of Arts and Sciences Education
Social Work Program
2nd Floor, DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134
Note that the principle does not imply acceptance of wrongdoing done by the
person. The principle implies a demonstration of warmth and interest in the client’s
concern, allowing ventilation of feelings without agreeing or disagreeing. It also
requires personal discipline of the worker in controlling emotional expressions of
shock, acceptance of biases, eccentricities among others. When the client accepts
the worker and vice versa, rapport or positive client worker relationship will exist.
For example, a child-in-conflict with the law may be required to report to the
social worker on a periodic basis. In the initial meeting, the child may be observed
to be sullen and may manifest resistance. The worker will pick up these cues to
understand behavior coming from past or present situations. By communicating
acceptance, the client may realize the behavior may be unnecessary and respond
with counter-acceptance. Rapport between client and worker is established.
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Social Work Program
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Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134
motivation to continue.
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College of Arts and Sciences Education
Social Work Program
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7. Client-worker relationship refers to the means for carrying out social work’s
functions. The professional relationship must have purpose and direction. The
purpose is to help client in some problematic area of social functioning. The
direction is where the relationship should be aimed at to achieve the purpose or
goal. The purpose should be anchored on worker’s role and agency policies
and procedures. Worker and client expectations must be clarified. Purpose
guides all activities done by worker and client, defines content of interviews,
limits data to be collected, identifies resources to be mobilized and interventions
to be used.
among others. Clients go through ambivalence when giving up a child for
adoption, loving or hating family members, entering or leaving a job among
Affirming emotions is crucial but should not be a ground for
manipulation of client decisions. Worker can help client by presenting
different angles of the situation, presenting options and implications for
decision making.
A wife contemplating leaving or staying with an abusive husband
comes to you. Worker may discuss considerations are the effects on
children, economic support, property, in-law issues, psychological support,
legalities, short term and long-term plans. If the client is undecided, worker
may offer partial help by suggesting that she take time to think things over.
aware of this, the worker does not take the comment personally. Statements
like, “You sound like my mother” can be responded to in general statements.
The worker can go back to discussion of the problem presented by the
client. The reverse can also happen, and the term used is “counter-
transference.” The worker’s subconscious response to the client’s
subconscious reactions can affect the helping process. Self-understanding
of the worker can be reached by reflecting on the pattern of her reactions.
In cases of conflict among youth groups, with whom does she take
sides, the male or female? Is she biased on the appeal to knowledge or
appeal to emotions?
These principles are rooted in the belief of human worth and dignity
and have influenced by Filipino culture. How these universal principles are
embodied in Filipino social work practice deserve an interesting in-depth
College of Arts and Sciences Education
Social Work Program
2nd Floor, DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134
them later.
College of Arts and Sciences Education
Social Work Program
2nd Floor, DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134
Activity 1. Identify the concepts in the following items. Write your answer on the
College of Arts and Sciences Education
Social Work Program
2nd Floor, DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134
______________1.} Smooth interpersonal relations are expressed
______________2.} in _____ and ____.
______________3. It is important that one knows somebody to approach to get
things done.
______________4. It contains the Code of Ethics and unwritten rules and
______________5.} The Code of Ethics continues to define the standards
______________6.} of ethical conduct
______________7.}in these areas.
______________8. Three sources of community sanction
Let’s Analyze
Activity 1. Imagine yourself as the social worker in these situations. Take the
challenge to apply the principles by circling the letter of your answers.
2. (Refer to #1). Which among the responses of the social worker violates the
social work principle?
a. Inform the client of the implications of keeping the information to himself
b. Assure and promise the client to keep the information confidential
c. Identify possible resources for protection of the client
d. All of the above
3. Ana, a social worker has been working with youth from a depressed
community. She was asked to organize a group of female teens for a skills training
program. Ana prepared the case study, copying an existing case study of another
group, reasoning that their situations are the same, because they come from the
College of Arts and Sciences Education
Social Work Program
2nd Floor, DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134
4. Worker to client: “If I were you, I will give up your baby for adoption. What
kind of life can you give her? She deserves a better life.” These statements do not
fulfill the principle of
a. Acceptance
b. Individualization
c. Non-judgmental attitude
d. Client-worker relationship
5. When the disaster assistance was distributed, Pete, the social worker, was
instructed by the barangay leader to include his wife in the list. Pete informed the
leader, she was not qualified to receive the assistance. Which Filipino value was
in operation with the leader’s request to Pete?
a. Smooth Interpersonal relations
b. Emotional Closeness and Family Security
c. Authority
d. Personalism
Discuss briefly how University values hone a social work student towards
imbibing social work values.
College of Arts and Sciences Education
Social Work Program
2nd Floor, DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134
In a Nutshell
You can write your views, insights, arguments on this topic, the
philosophy, beliefs and values of social work profession.
Questions/Issues Answers
College of Arts and Sciences Education
Social Work Program
2nd Floor, DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134
Assumptive Counter
knowledge transference Transference Ambivalence
College of Arts and Sciences Education
Social Work Program
2nd Floor, DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134
human behavior
10.Social Work Practice. Commonly referred to as Social Work Methods,
this area refers to the knowledge and skills applied to the individual, group
or community.
11.Social functioning – see ULOa
12.Helping process/problem-solving process describes the steps taken
to respond to a need of the client
13. Field Instruction refers to opportunities for application of theory in
actual settings under supervision of a registered social worker.
a. Individual and Group efforts
b. Major societal institutions and their roles and responsibilities such as
family, church, government, economic institutions and the forces that
bring change in these institutions
c. The social agency as provision for helping people and part of
community network of services
College of Arts and Sciences Education
Social Work Program
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Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134
e. Outcomes
8. Organization Theory with contents on
a. Distinguishing characteristics: specialization, emphasis on
rules, role assignments and areas of authority
b. Factors affecting bureaucracy: size, professionalism of
personnel, auspices
c. Strengths and weaknesses; advantages and disadavantages
9. The Community with topics on
a. Definitions, nature and characteristics of Filipino
b. Community forces
i.Physical (floods, pollution, water supply, soil fertility, etc)
ii.Social (population factors, mass media, etc)
iii. economic (technology, urbanization, etc)
iv. political (government system and structure; role of dissent,
participation in government, etc)
v. culture (values, customs, etc)
K. Social Action
1. Social action as concerted effort by different groups to effect social
2. Social action as a professional responsibility
3. Forms of social action
4. Ethical considerations
5. Social action process of identification of needs, possible solutions,
decision-making, implementation
L. Social Research
1. Research as a disciplinal practice
2. Social work research focuses on enhancing practice, services,
3. Processes involving research are develop a hypothesis, data
collections, conclusion and recommendation
4. Social Research Methods used like historical, case method,
statistical, inter-disciplinary, experimental, applied, evaluative,
College of Arts and Sciences Education
Social Work Program
2nd Floor, DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134
2.Choose one social welfare agency. Describe the programs, services and
clients it serves.
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Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134
3.Referring to the same agency, describe the steps the agency uses to
help a client.
Let’s Analyze
Review the Bachelor of Science in Social Work (BSSW) curriculum
used in the University of Mindanao. Available at this link:
Based on your understanding of the three major areas of knowledge,
list courses under each curricular area. Discuss the relationship of the
subjects to the major areas.
1. 1. 1. 1.
2. 2. 2. 2.
3. 3. 3. 3.
4. 4. 4. 4.
5. 5. 5. 5.
College of Arts and Sciences Education
Social Work Program
2nd Floor, DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134
In a Nutshell
You can write your views, insights, arguments on this topic, the
knowledge base of social work.
Questions/Issues Answers
College of Arts and Sciences Education
Social Work Program
2nd Floor, DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134
This part discusses the most essential terms relevant to the study of
planned change. To demonstrate ULOa, concepts will be operationally
defined so we will have a common understanding. You will encounter
these terms as we go through the topics. Please refer to these definitions
and the previous definitions in case you will encounter difficulty in
understanding social work concepts.
College of Arts and Sciences Education
Social Work Program
2nd Floor, DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134
The essential elements in social work practice are the client, worker,
problem and process. Lippit, Watson and Westley place these elements in
a framework of “planned change” which is useful because social work is
planned change (Lee-Mendoza, 2008).
Lippit, et al. uses the social systems theory to describe the client’s
environment and elements of that environment. The decision to change
may be made by the system itself, after undergoing breakdown
(malfunctioning/problem), or after finding out the opportunities for
improvement. An external source of change can be a change agent who
observes the need for change in a particular system and initiates a helping
relationship with that system through a process.
1.Client system is the specific system that is being helped. The term can
a. the personality of the person or
College of Arts and Sciences Education
Social Work Program
2nd Floor, DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134
College of Arts and Sciences Education
Social Work Program
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Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134
Lee-Mendoza, T. (2008). Social Welfare and Social Work. 3rd ed. Central
Book Supply, Inc. Philippines
Activity 1. Now that you are familiar with the concepts of planned
change, let us check your understanding. Describe the terms briefly in
your own words.
1. Client
2. Problem
3. Process
4. Professional agent
College of Arts and Sciences Education
Social Work Program
2nd Floor, DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134
5. Planned change
Let’s Analyze
Activity 1. Read the situation. Using concepts you learned, identify the
concepts used in the situation. Write your answer on the space before the
Situation. Juan went to your agency’s help for purchase of medicines. His
90-year old mother needs to sustain her hypertension medication. She is
a member of the Senior Citizen Association (SCA). The group has been
using their identification card for discounts on medicines. But Juan’s
wages were not enough for medical needs. The social worker referred Juan
to Tulay sa Mahirap, a program for health needs of low-income groups.
__________2. The need for cash to buy medicines refers to this concept.
In a Nutshell
You can write your views, insights, arguments on this topic, the social
work helping process.
College of Arts and Sciences Education
Social Work Program
2nd Floor, DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134
Resistance force
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This session covers the first part of the social work helping process. The
topics will be from Assessment up to Planning. You will need to be familiar
with these terms for common understanding.
The steps indicate movement, not linear but more of a back and forth
spiral) heading toward termination phase. Why is this so? As new
information comes up, the plan needs to be revised and the intervention,
shifted or calibrated. The activities may depend on availability,
College of Arts and Sciences Education
Social Work Program
2nd Floor, DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134
1. Assessment involves gathering of crucial information,
investigation and explanation to understand the client, problem
and context. The aim is to provide needed understanding for
proper planning. Major tasks include data collection and problem
definition. These tasks lead to writing the Assessment Statement
or a Problem Definition.
A. Data Collection
• Data source can be primary (client), secondary (significant
others), existing data (records) and worker’s own
observations. The worker should observe data gathering
• Initial contact between client and worker may be done when
a. Client-initiated also known as walk-in client, voluntary
b. Client is referred by authorities, other workers. Also called
involuntary client
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Social Work Program
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B. Problem Definition
During intake, client lays down “presenting problem”
which may be changed as new data is collected. Problem
that client and worker agree to work on is called the
Worker uses partialization and prioritization processes
for multi-problem clients.
STUDY_REPORT The document was edited for clarity.
Mark grew up without the presence of his maternal relatives. His
mother passed away when he was 3 years old and never met his maternal
relatives until his early college years. Further, his father had been accused
by the latter as the cause of death of his mother. His father moved to
another municipality to work to avoid the wrath of his maternal relatives.
He was left under the care and supervision of his paternal grandparents
whom he considered as his close family.
However, the death of grandfather on September 2018 saddened him.
He felt one of his closest support systems was gone and they were part of
his dreams. His grandparents had been his strength in pursuing his
dreams. The SSS pension ended when he reached 21 years old. The
emotional pain as well as financial struggles led to stress affecting his
school performance. Nonetheless, he is determined to finish his studies
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Social Work Program
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Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134
The financial needs are the immediate needs be addressed to meet all
necessary requirements for graduation. In this connection, the financial
assistance is deemed necessary. Nevertheless, when he graduates, he can
concentrate on looking for a job to help his family. He feels obliged to return
all their sacrifices especially his aging grandmother whom.
College of Arts and Sciences Education
Social Work Program
2nd Floor, DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134
>Units of Attention are other persons, aside from the client, who
have to be given attention because they are involved in the situation.
>Strategy refers to an overall technique to transform a situation. In
social work, this refers to the models or approaches to practice.
>Plans are influenced by the community, agency, problem, worker,
>Helping contract should be agreed by client and worker in writing.
It contains problem statement, goals and objectives, specifics of WHAT
should be done and WHO should do it and time frame. The contract
will be basis for evaluation and accountability. Some agencies practice
affixing signatures of client and worker to the intake sheet after the
Goal: By the end of May 2019, Mark will have graduated from college
and landed a job that will provide him and his family a stable source
of income.
Specific Objectives:
At the end of summer, Mark will be able to:
a. receive financial assistance through University Student’s Assistance
Program to concentrate on his school performance so he can graduate
this summer;
b. be linked to other government welfare services office to seek
College of Arts and Sciences Education
Social Work Program
2nd Floor, DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134
assistance from them if the school assistance program will not meet his
c. work with the social worker who will be in constant communication
in preparation for his job hunt after graduation and his plan of setting
up an online travel and tours.
d. be employed as a regular employee with a stable income for his needs
and his family.
e. begin to establish his travel and tours business plan.
Lee-Mendoza, T. (2008). Social Welfare and Social Work. 3rd ed. Central
Book Supply, Inc. Philippines
1. _______________________
2. _______________________
3. _______________________
4. _______________________
5. _______________________
Let’s Analyze
Activity 1. Partner with another student. Read the Social Case Study
Report presented earlier.
A. Comment on the data in Identifying information and Family
information section. Are the data clear? Are the data enough? Are there
data that should be added?
Person: What are Mark’s strengths and limitations? How can the
strengths be used to solve the problem?
College of Arts and Sciences Education
Social Work Program
2nd Floor, DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134
In a Nutshell
You can write your views, insights, arguments on the information on
client, family, environment, presenting and underlying problem and
College of Arts and Sciences Education
Social Work Program
2nd Floor, DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134
College of Arts and Sciences Education
Social Work Program
2nd Floor, DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
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College of Arts and Sciences Education
Social Work Program
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College of Arts and Sciences Education
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College of Arts and Sciences Education
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College of Arts and Sciences Education
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College of Arts and Sciences Education
Social Work Program
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Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134
4. Evaluation
A. Evaluation is critical for theory-building and for professional
accountability. Two aspects of accountability are:
i. Effectiveness- did the plans achieve their goals?
ii. Efficiency – how much did it cost in terms of money, time, etc?
B. Requisites for evaluation are
Clear statement of goals, objectives and documentation of results.
C. Two types of evaluation are:
a. Ongoing evaluation done during reassessment
b. Terminal evaluation conducted upon ending the helping
D. Evaluation is done on two levels:
1. Direct practice with clients
2. Program implementation done by
a. Measuring outcomes (dependent variable)
b. Measuring change processes (independent variable)
c. Use a research design when doing
i. Summative evaluation or evaluation of outcomes or
effectiveness and
College of Arts and Sciences Education
Social Work Program
2nd Floor, DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134
Basic logic model for evaluating chemistry communication experiences.
o Worker must determine when to terminate based on:
a. Achieved goals
b. Slow or no movement toward goals
c. Client can now do problem-solving on his own
d. Lack of agency resources or agency disapproval of worker’s
e. Systems outside of client make it difficult for client to continue
f. Worker leaves the agency
Activity 1. List the remaining basic steps in the social work problem-
solving process. Without peeking at the course notes, explain each
step briefly in your own words.
1. Plan Implementation
2. Monitoring and Evaluation
3. Termination
Let’s Analyze
Activity 1. Review the Implementation Plan of Mark’s social case
A. Goal: How is the goal related to the identified problem?
E. Termination
Write your justification for ending the helping relationship with Mark
College of Arts and Sciences Education
Social Work Program
2nd Floor, DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134
In a Nutshell
You can write your views, insights, arguments on the implementation,
monitoring, evaluation and termination steps of social work helping
College of Arts and Sciences Education
Social Work Program
2nd Floor, DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134
Transfer Referral
o Documentor/Social Critique
As implementer the social worker is familiar with how agency policies,
programs and services are implemented, how it should be implemented
and using skills to analyze gaps and deficiencies. This interventive
model uses results as feedback to planners, as basis for new programs
or enhancing current programs.
o Advocacy
This model requires the worker to support issues affecting a sector of
the community and propose changes. This proposal is delivered to
powerholders who can be convinced or pressured to act on it. The
professional association can put out position papers or lobby in
legislative hearings. Skills in these roles mean wider opportunities for
helping the client.
B. Intercession-Mediation Model
Roles/ Client
Concepts / Key Points Goal Strategies situations
D. Problem-Solving Model
E. Task-Centered Model
College of Arts and Sciences Education
Social Work Program
2nd Floor, DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
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College of Arts and Sciences Education
Social Work Program
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College of Arts and Sciences Education
Social Work Program
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Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134
1. Sustaining
to lower guilt,
anxiety and
2. Direct
procedures like
giving advice,
advocating a
course of
action, warning
clients of
of maladaptive
3. Direct
intervention in
situations like
suicide or rapid
4. Reflective
techniques as
the client
becomes more
work and activity
with collaterals-
agency, other
professionals and
support systems
to achieve rapid
Focus on
a. Tasks
College of Arts and Sciences Education
Social Work Program
2nd Floor, DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134
b. Adaptive
c. Ties built with
persons and
resources in
the community
d. Future
activity on his
own planned
C. Treatment
Direct and Indirect
A. Direct
1. Indirect treatment
a. Obtaining resources
using her roles of :
creator, interpreter of
needs, mediator,
advocate, and /or
b. Modifying client
College of Arts and Sciences Education
Social Work Program
2nd Floor, DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134
2. Direct treatment
a. Sustaining
(supportive remarks)
b. Direct influence
(suggestion and
c. Catharsis or
(discharge of pent-up
feelings and
emotionally charged
d. Reflective
consideration of
(helping client
understand better
present functioning)
e. Encourage client to
reflect on responses
(think about behavior
f. Encouragement of
client to think about
effects of the past on
current functioning
H. Functional Approach
environment prescribe
2. Agency purpose guides treatment but with
worker’s goals, giving client, will discover
focus, direction and
what client can do
content to practice.
3. Social work is a process with services
through which an agency’ offered
service is made available 3. Ending phase-
with the social work termination of the
method. Client problem is helping relationship
not diagnosed. But worker
and client agree on what
the client can do with the
available service.
Five principles
o Diagnosis is most effective
when related to service
o Effectiveness of social
worker peaks when worker
is conscious of and
maximizes phases of the
o Agency functions gives
focus, content and
direction to helping
o Conscious use of time,
place, agency policy and
procedure shape the work
o Worker’s use of
relationship engages the
client in decision-making
to achieve goals, which is
related to agency purpose
J. Family Intervention
Techniques /
Concepts Goal Phases Example
B. Family-focused work
with individuals or
treatment or (family
casework) works with
an individual member
with members involved
in the helping process,
in pairs (couple) or as a
group (whole family
with significant others).
This is seen in the cases of
Maricel, Oscar and Nilo.
1. Life Cycle Matrix
determines at what
stage and tasks are the
family members in.
Matrix helps worker to
understand the
psychological, social
and spiritual needs
associated with each
life cycle stage.
2. Ecomap
The diagram of a family
in its social context.
Points out supports,
stresses, conflicts,
bridges to be built,
available resources.
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Social Work Program
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K. Developmental Approach
Concepts Goal Stages / Activities Example
Proponent: To tap 1.Beginning stage
Emmanuel Tropp unused Members: The Case
Views man as potential a. Are oriented to of San
moving toward of group the new situation Vicente
self-realization members b. Understand Mothers’
moving from in reasons for group Group,
adequate, interpersonal membership and pp. 354-
inadequate to good development tasks to be done 361, Lee-
functioning c. Experience Mendoza,
Focuses on man doubts or enthusiasm (2008)
with untapped Worker:
potentials, a. Clarifies
therefore, a purpose and
resource to be structure of group
utilized and social b. Establishes
role performance. contract
3 major themes: c. Facilitates
a. Humanistic- /supports task
‘viewing of one selection
human being by d. Facilitates
another’-worker climate conducive to
respects the unity /cooperation
b. group purpose and
member-to- 2.Middle stage
member helping Members:
phenomena a. More open
c. as key to growth expression
d. Phenomenological- b. Increasing
current behavior- understanding and
oriented acceptance of values
e. Developmental- of group experiences
College of Arts and Sciences Education
Social Work Program
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Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134
3. Ending stage
a. Show varying
degrees of task
b. Inventory gains
from group
c. Show varying levels
of satisfaction from
d. Show concern /
anxiety from ending
group membership
and separation
from worker and
College of Arts and Sciences Education
Social Work Program
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Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134
e. Accept reality of
ending group
a. Helps group with
b. Evaluates gains
from group
c. Objectively
uncompleted tasks
d. Smooths ending of
group membership
e. Helps group with
L. Interactionist Approach
4. Ending and
a. Members take
ending seriously,
learning lessons
b. Ending with
substance and
M. Remedial Approach
Concepts Goal Treatment Sequence Examples
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Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134
influences nature,
development and
experiences of the
group. Purpose
determines worker
actions on program
and activities and
affect client’s
attraction to and
satisfaction with
b. Selection of group
members refer to
goals and purpose of
membership. Worker
should consider
compatibility of
attributes and
interests of members
c. Group size is
determined by
individual treatment
goals as identified by
the worker.
d. Group operating and
procedures are
influenced by
treatment goals and
e. Group development is
guided by the worker
as a tool for
treatment or service.
3. Extra group means of
influence refer to
modifying attitudes of
people outside of the
group but within the
group’s social
environment. These
persons occupy
College of Arts and Sciences Education
Social Work Program
2nd Floor, DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134
Locality Social
Development Planning Social Action
1.Task and Heavy emphasis Stress on task Task or
Process Goals on process goals goals process goals
follow another
model of social
Case examples Community Social Social Action
Development in Planning for a in Silang,
Sitio Pamingitan, Dam Project pp.403-408.
pp. 394-398. (Lee- pp.398-403. (Lee-Mendoza,
Mendoza, 2008) (Lee-Mendoza, 2008)
College of Arts and Sciences Education
Social Work Program
2nd Floor, DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134
Lee-Mendoza, T. (2008). Social Welfare and Social Work. 3rd ed. Central
Book Supply, Inc. Philippines
Activity 1. Now that you know the basic concepts of each model /
approach, test yourself through application to a sample case situation.
You are required to apply one model/approach to Mark’s case. You may
rewrite the case study following the steps in the model.
College of Arts and Sciences Education
Social Work Program
2nd Floor, DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134
Let’s analyze
Activity 1. You have adequate knowledge on the three models for
community intervention. In this case, you are the social worker assigned
to Barangay ABCD to deal with the Covid 19 situation. Discuss one model
applicable to the community situation. You are required to submit a report
on the proposed model. You can use Rothman’s matrix as guide for
discussion. You can use the rubric as guide for writing the report.
In a nutshell
The social work models and approaches are guides to implement social
work interventions.
College of Arts and Sciences Education
Social Work Program
2nd Floor, DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134
College of Arts and Sciences Education
Social Work Program
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College of Arts and Sciences Education
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College of Arts and Sciences Education
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College of Arts and Sciences Education
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Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134
10) Students shall not allow anyone else to access their personal LMS account.
Students shall not post or share their answers, assignment or examinations to
others to further academic fraudulence online.
12) By enrolling in OBD or DED courses, students agree and abide by all the
provisions of the Online Code of Conduct, as well as all the requirements and
protocols in handling online courses.
1) The Deans, Asst. Deans, Discipline Chairs and Program Heads shall be
responsible in monitoring the conduct of their respective OBD classes through
the Blackboard LMS. The LMS monitoring protocols shall be followed, i.e.
monitoring of the conduct of Teacher Activities (Views and Posts) with generated
utilization graphs and data. Individual faculty PDF utilization reports shall be
generated and consolidated by program and by college.
2) The Academic Affairs and Academic Planning & Services shall monitor the
conduct of LMS sessions. The Academic Vice Presidents and the Deans shall
collaborate to conduct virtual CETA by randomly joining LMS classes to check
and review online the status and interaction of the faculty and the students.
3) For DED, the Deans and Program Heads shall come up with monitoring
instruments, taking into consideration how the programs go about the conduct of
DED classes. Consolidated reports shall be submitted to Academic Affairs for
endorsement to the Chief Operating Officer.
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