Miracles of Hazrat Abdul Quader Jilani

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Miracles of the Hazrat Shaikh Abdul Quader


Mausoleum of Shaikh Abdul Quader


Translated by
Mohammed Abdul
E-books author

Published by

© M o h a m m e d A b d u l Hafeez

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Top reviews from India

5.0 out of 5 stars
For book Baba Tajuddin By Mohammed Abdul Hafeez
on Amazon.com

A book for all spiritual seekers

Reviewed in India on 21 June 2020
This is a valuable book with rare and interesting details from the life
of the amazing and one of the greatest Sufi Saints Taj uddin Baba,
who spent most of his life in Nagpur, in the pre independent India.
I had come across the name of this Saint in the life history of Shirdi
Sai Baba written by Master E. Bharadvaja. It is reported there that
once Shirdi Baba confused his disciples by mysteriously drumming
on a water pot with his satka (a short stick he used to carry with
him). He explained his action by saying, that he is extinguishing the
fire which caught the hut of Taj uddin Baba in Nagpur. Taj uddin
Baba on the other hand refused to accept a wealthy visitor called
Bapu Saheb Buty as his disciple. He asked him to seek his salvation

from Shirdi Baba. Both the saints were in communion with each
other on the spiritual plane!
Then I was fortunate enough to read the short biography of Taj
uddin Baba written by the same author Master Bharadvaja, which
impressed me immensely. The drawback of this short although very
valuable biography was that facts and details mentioned in it are not
complete or not explained in a logical sequence. Which leads to a
feeling of dissatisfaction. Still the reader gets an idea of the
overwhelming spiritual power and universal love of Taj uddin. But it
kindled my interest to know more about this saint.
This made me always to be in search of a complete biography of the
saint with more details. As I by chance discovered the Work of
Mohammed Abdul Hafeez I was thrilled and I ordered it
immediately and am now a happy possessor of this book.
Many important details from the life of this Sufi Saint, which were
like missing links, I could gather from this book:
1. About the ancestry of the saint.
2. His childhood and transition from the worldly life to that of
godliness; the important incidents which took place and worked as
catalysers on the way to his perfection.
3. His relation with the Maharaja of Nagpur and other members of
the aristocracy.
4. An exhaustive account of his relationship with the Hindu-disciples
and followers.
India is a country of spirituality. Many of its spiritual masters have
transcended the narrow limits of religion, preached and practised

universal humanism. It hardly mattered for them to which religion

their visitors belonged – they were helped without any
discrimination, because only their merit mattered not their cast or
Swami Veerabhrahmendra’s chief disciple was a Muslim named
Sayyed. Shirdi Baba lived in a mosque and was equally worshipped
by Muslims and Hindus likewise. Taj uddin Baba was not different
in this matter.
As Abdul Hafeez writes in this book about a Hindu-disciple, Venkat
Rao, who worked as a Railway guard. People observed him sitting
near Taj uddin, although he should have left that place and left
Nagpur in a train leaving for Bombay. His job demanded this. But
Venkat Rao does not leave that place, because he is completely
engrossed in the presence of the Baba. To the surprise of the other
people he was also seen at the same time leaving in that train, which
left for Bombay!
Western Occultism calls this phenomenon “bilocation” – a miracle
shown many times by Taj uddin Baba on account of his supernatural
powers. But the narration of Hafeez leaves one question open: Did
the Saint appear in the form of Venkat Rao in the train? Or did he
transfer this supernatural power to his disciple so that he could
appear at two places at the same time? Spiritual masters are capable
of doing both the things.
A very interesting part of this book is that it gives a glimpse into the
Muslim or Sufi occultism (see page 81) and tries to explain how
miracles happen. This theme requires to be elaborated if the author is
planning a second edition.

From the point of view of modern Indian history this book is of

immense importance. Yoga and mysticism have been not yet fully
recognised driving forces behind the Indian freedom struggle.
The chapter called “Gandhi and Ali Brothers” depicts Gandhis
taking the audience of Taj uddin Baba and the Baba making two
predictions – one for Gandhi and another one for the Ali Brothers.
Both of them turn out to be true! I request the author to elaborate this
chapter with more details and photos if possible. That would
increase the value of this book hundredfold!
There are certain short comings in regard to the language. English is
a foreign language. It is not always easy to chose the right
preposition or the helping verb. In spite of this the reader sees the
godly figure of the saint Taj uddin Baba shining behind the linguistic
barbed fence of a foreign language.
This is a book to be recommended for all those who are interested in
mysticism, universal love which overcomes the narrow limits of
religions and for the spiritual seekers.
Dr. Vanamali Gunturu

In the praise of the noble prophet

Mohammed (peace be upon him)

The mausoleum of prophet in Madina city

In Madina is the grave of the prophet, which visited by angels

It is such grave, there is excellence in empyrean and in the sky

Is there any relation between desert of Madina with the

So with the lovely air of Madina, it is envious the garden of

If Madina city is safe then everything is

safe So Allah keeps it as the cause of
the blessing

Madina is such a garden city which is the décor of all

The seasons of the gardens of paradise are due to the

While leaving Madina, so no need to visit the garden of

As it is better than heaven and it is a living paradise on the

Not we but Allah also love the city of

The love of Madina is like the love of the

The beggar of this door is the king of fate and

The beggar of this place is a matter of envy of the

One who has become rich there so his fate could not known
In the resurrection day prophet, Ibrahim will find help there

Oh, Allah help us to reach Madina city to see how it is

Where is the mercy and there is available blessing

If one leaves Madina then he will not find the resort of

If there is a love of Madina then it is guaranteed of the

On the earth, he is called Mohammed and Ahmed in the

His praise is in the world and also his praise is found in
the skies

There is his great rule in Madina also he is a ruler of the skies

Madina is capital and he is the great ruler of the two worlds

What mistake you did Hafeez by leaving the city of Madina ?

As it is such heaven and liked by the angles of the empyrean

Why Hafeez will go to heaven by leaving the city of Madina ?

What is heaven as it is gracefully for the sake of Madina city?


In the praise of Hazrat Shaikh Abdul Quader

Tomb of Hazrat Shaikh Abdul Quader

To call me at your kind door oh Shah Ghouse

Show your kind sight to me oh Shah Ghouse
To improve my condition soon oh Shah Ghouse

To come in a dream of the servant oh Ghouse Azam


For sake of the souls of the martyrs oh Shah Ghouse

And show your face of the wisdom oh Shah Ghouse
To show your face as my condition is down for this
Saying this with much fondness and in a helpless
Peeran Peer, Peeran and the Sultan and Dastagir of
To remove my difficulty soon as I am worried so
All the pious persons are down with necks before
All said in the helpless condition oh Shah Ghouse
With your grace to lighten our chests and as well
Oh great teacher of the religion oh Shah Ghouse
The boat in the sea of grief you are the only saver
for us
Come and help the boat to goal oh Shah Ghouse
Waves of the storm of grief are there from
To save us from such trouble soon oh Shah Ghouse
There is the wish of Fatima to see your tomb in

To call your lowest servant to Baghdad oh Ghouse


By A.Hafeez

The miracle of Hadrat Sheikh Abdul Quader Jilani (R.A.)

Mausoleum of Hazrat Shaikh Abdul Quader

Jilani R.A.

Hadrat Sheikh Abdul Quader Jilani (R.A.), is the leader of

all holy persons like the Prophet Mohammed (peace be
upon him.) who

is the leader of the group of all prophets of Allah which

have been sent down on the world. So, for this reason, he
is called and he is famous as a chief of all the saints. His
spiritual benefits and favours from his miracles were
available in the all period of time and even today is being
continued and till the day of the judgment, such favours
and benefits will be available to the mankind in the world.
Because the favour and benefits of the holy persons which
is available during the life period and which will be also
available in the world after their demise from the world.
Allah the most Merciful and Beneficent has kept the holy
persons in every period of time so that there should
available favours of miracles and benefits to the mankind
from them.
The holy persons due to the nearness of Allah and
perfection in the obedience of the prophet of Allah they
were away from the sins. Allah has given them the most
excellent status of the holy persons of the nation of the
prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) and Allah’s
divine power being manifest by the holy persons

So for getting favour and benefits from the holy

persons is in fact of getting favour and benefits from
Allah because their saying, actions are according to the
commandments of Allah and as per the practice of the last
prophet of Allah.

Hadrat Sheikh Abdul Quader Jilani (R.A.), and who

was the Qutub (highest cadre in spiritual pivot) of all
time’s favour of spiritual miracle is available in his saying
which is as mentioned as follows.

“If my disciple’s hiding will be open and if he will be

there in the East, and if I am in the West then I will cover
In this way, his disciples and devotees were able to get
his favour of miracles and benefits of spiritual powers in
all time and at always. And they think him as a manifest
of the help of Allah and so, for this reason, they see his
favour of miracles and benefits from him. There is saying
of the prophet, which is as follows.
“If your animal will run away from you then you
should call as oh people of Allah help me.”

For the revival of the religion of Islam,

Hadrat Sheikh Abdul Quader Jilani (R.A.), is
such an enormous personality and a great leader
and due to the blessing of his hand while finding
the religion of Islam as a patient in the
exemplary shape and given new life to it and so
then he was becoming famous and well known
by the title of Mohiuddin.


In this book translation of episodes from the Urdu edition

of the book Kramat Ghouse Azam ( The Miracles of
Shaikh Abdul Quader Jilani ) is added by me upon its
translation into the English edition and this book is a well
known and famous book which is written by Mohammed
Sharif Naqshbandi and who wrote this book in the Urdu
language and which is translated by me into English
language first time.
These episodes have been translated by me into the
English language from the above old book of the Urdu
language and in which there are available some great
achievements, as well as his commands and teaching of the
students of the mystic way by Hazrat Shaikh Abdul Quader
Jilani in the area of the Baghdad and which are not yet
known to the general and special persons, are added in this
book and which are available in a very interesting style so
for this reason, the readers will find great interest and
attention in this matter.
Due to the above facts and details, if the readers will start
treading its first page of the book and will not stop reading
till they will reach this book’s last page as some interesting
events and as well as other great miracles and endeavors of
the holy saint of the world Hazrat Shaikh Abdul Quader
Jilani (R.A.) is added in this book and this holy saint was
passed away from the world many centuries and years ago.
Even though this is a small book, but due to its importance
it is so great due to the coverage of many interesting events

and positive information so it is like an ocean of knowledge

and information of Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Quader Jilani
(R.A.) who was passed away from the world upon doing
his great endeavors and many hard tasks for the teaching
and propagation of the Islamic religion and the work of
Islam and he was done in the Baghdad area so this book is
a great book and it will present the ocean of knowledge for
the guidance of people towards the right path of Islam.

To write about this great Saint and the great spiritual

master is not only it is difficult and but it is a very hard task
as Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Quader Jilani (R.A.) was not only
a great pious personality of his time in the area of Baghdad
but he was also a great and famous spiritual master so, in
brief, he was a great holy person of Allah of his time in the
Baghdad region.
For a long time, he was engaged in religious discourses,
sermons, and spiritual training of the people and he did also
many great endeavors for the preaching and propagation
work of Islam in Baghdad and around this region, and also
there was no such personality during his time in the world.


1.Reaching of prayer
carpet……………………… ...45
2.The prediction of Hazrat Junaid of Baghdad before his
death…………………………………………………… 46
3. The witness of Hazrat Hasan of Basara…………… …46
4.Giving the information by Shaikh Abdul Quader…… .46
5.Giving information by Hazrat Shaikh Mohammed
Shabanki …………………………………………………
6.Giving information byHazrat Shaikh Abu Baker Bin
7.Giving information by Shaikh Muslama Bin Nama Al-
8.Incomparable birth of the holy person among holy
persons of Allah……………
9.Presence of 11 hundred holy persons of Allah……….…

10.He did not drink milk in the whole Ramadan month…49

11.The holy foot of the prophet on his neck……………. 50
12.His approach to the empyrean before his birth……… 51
13. Call of Mohiuddin on the empyrean……………… 51
14.Order of the prophet in favour of the Ghouse Azam…51
15.Hazrat Shaikh Abdul Quader is beloved of the prophet
16. One who will not recognize Ghouse Azam then he will
not be the holy person of Allah……… ………………
17. The presence of the soul of the Ghouse Azam…… …
18. A great miracle happened at the time of his birth……54
19. He used to address 13 pieces of knowledge… ………
20.His light of saintliness……………………

In the praise of Shiekh Abdul Quader Jilani (R.A.)

He was known as Shah of Baghdad, and Shah of the world

He was Sheikh and no such person reached such a position

He has written books and his sermons which are known

Even though he was a non-Arabic, he was known in Arabia

Oh, Shah of Baghdad, Hafeez is present with her request

So that book of miracles may much shine in the world

This is a book in which are pearls of wisdom are there in it

As well as sermons of knowledge are known in the world

Shah of Baghdad be kind to Hafeez and help for the book

So that it can shine in the world like a star for the guidance

In this book, his many teaching and miracles are add in

Due to the grace of Allah and for sheikh the book will

This book is small it is full of golden advice of the sheikh

For this reason, it will guide the world toward the right path

Oh Allah due to favour of Shaikh accepts Hafeez’s work

Make this book a source of guidance to all the mankind

Mohammed Abdul Hafeez

Miracles of Shaikh Abdul Quader Jilani

The prophet’s saying

"Oh my son congratulations to you that you have seen me.

And you are benefitted by my graces. It is also
congratulation to that person who has seen you or seen the
person who has seen you. Or seen that person who has seen
your looker’s looker.”
I have appointed you as my minister in both worlds. I
have put my foot on your neck. And your foot will be there
on the neck of all holy persons in the world."

1. The Reaching of the prayer carpet


Hazrat Imam Hasan Askari has given his prayer carpet

to one of his disciples and has given him instruction to
present it in the service of Hazrat Shaikh Abdul Quader.
And advise me to keep it safely with me and at the time of
my demise to advise any responsible and reliable person to
give prayer carpet in this matter. And in this way, this
continuation was there till the middle of the 5th century till
such Ghouse Azam will be born and his name will be
Shaikh Abdul Quader al-Hussaini and al-Hasani and in this
way this entrusted thing of prayer carpet which should be
reached to him.

2. The prediction of Hazrat Junaid of Baghdad

before his death

He has said that from the invisible world he was able

to know that in the middle of the 5th century among sons of
the prophet there will be born one Qutub (Highest cadre in
spiritual pivot) of Qutub persons. And his name will be
Syed Abdul Quader and his
title will be known as Mohiuddin. And he will be called
Ghouse Azam. And he will be born in Jilan. And belong to
the sons of the prophet’s and among them also Imam (/ɪ
ˈmɑːm/; Arabic: ‫ إمام‬imām; plural: ‫ أئمة‬aʼimmah) is an
Islamic leadership position. It is most commonly used as
the title of a worship leader of a mosque and Muslim
community among Sunni Muslims. And companions, as
well as there, will be available to him order to say that his
foot there will be on all the necks of the holy persons from
beginning to end. (Tafrih Khater).

3. The witness of Hazrat Hasan of Basara

Hazrat Hasan of Basra has said that before him among

holy persons of Allah nobody did not reject his saintliness.
But all of them have given predictions about his arrival.
Hazrat Hasan of Basara has given details of the holy
persons who were passed away from the world from his
period up to Abdul Quader Jilani. And all of them have
given information about the arrival of Shaikh Abdul
Quader Jilani. (Tafrih Khater)

4. Giving the information by Shaikh Abdul


Hazrat Shaikh Abu Ahmed Abed Juni has given

information in the year 468 Hegira in his residence in
Mountain Hird and he has said that soon in the region of
Non- Arab there will be born one boy and who will become
famous and well known for his miracles and supernatural
habits. He will be well accepted and recognized among the
holy persons of Allah. And due to his holy existence, there
will be available excellence to the people of his time. One
who visit him then he will be benefitted in the matter.
(Bahijatal Israr)

5. Giving information by Hazrat Shaikh Mohammed


Hazrat Shaikh Abu Ahmed Abed Juni said that he has

heard by his spiritual master Shaikh Abu Bakr Bin Huwar
that there will be found eight Autad (category of saints
comprising only four at any time in the world ) in Iraq.
1. Hazrat Maruf Karqi
2. Hazrat Imam Ahmed Bin Hanbal
3. Hazrat Basher Hafi
4. Harat Mansur Bin Ammar
5. Hazrat Junaid Baghdadi
6. Hazrat Sirri Saqti
7. Harat Sohail Bin Abdulla Tastari
8. Hazrat Abdul Quader Jilani
I have asked in his higher status service who is Shaikh
Abdul Quader Jilani then he told that he is among
respectable persons of Non-Arab region and who will come
to Baghdad and he will settle down in Baghdad. He will
appear in the 5th century. And he will be among Autad,
Afrad (individual), and Qutub (Highest cadre in spiritual
pivot ) persons. (Bahijtal Israr).

6. Giving information by Hazrat Shaikh Abu Baker Bin


One day Hazrat Shaikh Abu Baker Bin Hawara told

his disciples that “ Soon one Non-Arab person in Iraq who
will have higher status and level with the people and with
Allah. And his name will be Hazrat Abdul Quader Jilani.
And he will come to Baghdad and will settle down there

and he will declare this and all holy persons of Allah will
be obedient of him. (Tahrih Qatir)

7. Giving information by Shaikh Muslama Bin Nama


Somebody has asked by Shaikh Muslama Bin Nama

Al-Saruji that at present who is Qutub of this period.? He
has replied that “The Qutub of this time is in Makkah. And
he is hidden there and except pious person, nobody did not
know him.” And also by pointing toward Iraq he has said
that “Soon one non-Arab person whose holy name will be
Abdul Quader will appear there. There will be many of his
miracles and supernatural habits. And he will be among
Ghouth (one who redresses another’s grievances) and
Qutub of his time. And among general persons,
he will declare and he will right
upon this saying. All holy persons of his time will be under
his foot. For certifying his personality and his higher
geneology record there will be given benefits to these
persons by Allah. (Qalad Jawaher)

8.In-comparable birth of the holy person among holy

persons of Allah
Father of Hazrat Abdul Quader Jilani Hazrat Abu Musa
Saleh Zangi has seen in observation during the night of his
birth that prophet and his companions, leaders of guidance
and holy persons of Allah. The prophet told him that “Oh
my son Abu Saleh Allah has given you one son and who is

my son and my dearly loved one. And who is also a dearly

beloved person by Allah. And his status will be as such
among the holy persons which I have among the prophets.”
After the prophet and all the prophets, who have
given glad tiding in the dream that except leaders of Islam
all holy persons of Allah who will be obedient of your son.
And he will put his foot on their necks. His submission and
obedience which will be the cause of their progress as well
as status. And one who will be refuse his status then he will
be removed from the status of the nearness of Allah and he
will be put in the pit of deprivation for this reason.

9.Presence of 11 hundred holy persons of

On the night in which Hazrat Abdul Quader Jilani was
born and during that night all boys were born in Jilan and
they all were boys and they were all holy persons of Allah.
As per Malfuzat of Shaikh Eisa Burhanpuri, the
following details are available. When holy sperm of Shaikh
Abdul Quader Jilani when it was left from the backside of
his father Hazrat Musa Zangi and was entered in the womb
of his mother. And then at that time, the house was
illuminated. And for his sake by Allah, the sperms of holy
persons left from their backsides of their fathers were
entered into the wombs of their mothers. And they were
born on the same night in which Shaikh Abdul Quader was
born. So that they should benefit by his favour.
10.He did not drink milk in the whole Ramadan

Shaikh Abdul Quader Jilani was born in the month of

Ramadan. And in the whole month of Ramadan from
keeping the time of fast till fast breaking time, he did not
drink the milk of his mother. He has said by pointing about
this event that by details of his beginning of life the
informations which are full in the books. And he said that
“In his fast keeping in the childhood days which was the
cause of my fame.”
11.The holy foot of the prophet on his neck
Hazrat Shaikh Abdul Quader Jilani has said that “ When
there was available Meraj (Prophts’ accession) to my
grandfather and when he has reached The Lote-Tree of the
Furthermost Boundary is his station. Then angel Gabriel
was left behind. And he told him “Oh Mohammed if he
will proceed further then he will be burnt down.” So Allah
has sent my soul there to get benefit in his company. So I
have visited him and was obtained great grace. As well as
saintliness and great caliphate in this matter and was
standing at the place of Borraq (The Burāq (Arabic: ‫اْلُبَر اق‬
al-Burāq or /ælˈbʊrɑːk/ "lightning" or more generally
"bright") is a creature in Islamic tradition that was said to
be a transport for certain prophets.) and my grandfather by
holy holding my bridle and he was sat on Borraq. And he
was reached at the place near the object of his quest that is
two bow length. And he was told me that my foot is on
your neck. And your feet will be on the neck of all holy
persons of Allah. And Ala Hazrat Fazil Braelvi what good
he said in this matter in his Urdu couplet and its English
translation and interpretation is as follows.

“For whom there will be made pulpits of necks of the holy

persons and for such a miracle there will be many lakhs of
salam upon him.”
Allah made me controller upon all Qutub (In Sufism,
a Qutb is the perfect human being, al-Insān al-Kāmil ('The
Universal Man'), who leads the saintly hierarchy.) persons,
so there is my rule is in continuance in all conditions.

12.His approach to the empyrean before his


Shaikh Abdul Quader Jilani was said that when he was

reached to empyrean then there were manifested all lights
of Allah. And he was got such position in this matter. I
have seen empyrean before my birth. Then upon me, all
angels of Allah were manifested and were given my name
as Ghout Azam. And due to look of favour were given to
me the crown of union (with God) and holiness and were
wear the robe of honour of nearness.

13. The Call of Mohiuddin on the empyrean

Hazrat Shaikh Abdul Quader Jilani said that “When
there was available accession to the prophet then at that
time Allah has sent souls of the holy persons and prophets
to welcome me there. And when he has reached near
empyrean then he has found high and for climbing which it
is required must a ladder. Then Allah has sent my soul and
I have placed my shoulder in the place of the ladder. When

he has put his foot upon my shoulder then he has asked

about me. Then there was a revelation that “He is your son.
And his name is Abdul Quader and if you were not the last
prophet then after you he will become your successor.”
And upon this prophet thanked Allah in this matter.
14. Order of the prophet in favour of the Ghouse
Hazrat Shaikh Abdul Quader said my grandfather told
which is as follows. “
"Oh my son congratulations to you that you have seen me.
And you are benefitted by my graces. It is also
congratulation to that person who has seen you or seen the
person who has seen you. Or seen that person who has seen
your looker’s looker.
I have appointed you as my minister in both worlds. I
have put my foot on your neck. And your foot will be there
on the neck of all holy persons in the world."

15. Hazrat Shaikh Abdul Quader is beloved of the

Shaikh Abdul Quader told that “When Allah has granted
grace to see the prophet and he has informed about his
revelation to me and was told to the prophet that “ Oh
Mohammed do you know him.” And he told Allah that “
You know more than me.” Then Allah told him that “ He is
your son among a race of Hasan Ibn Ali. And his name is
Abdul Quader. And I have made him my beloved after you.
And soon his dignity among the holy persons which will be
like your position among the prophets.” Then the prophet
told that “ Oh my son coolness of my eyes we are happy to

see each other. So you are mine and beloved of Allah. You
are an heir of saintliness and loveliness after me. I have put
my foot on your neck. And your neck will be there on holy
persons of Allah.”

16. One who will not recognize Ghouse Azam then he

will not be the holy person of Allah.

This tradition is said by Mashaik (saints) persons that

when the prophet has reached the empyrean after passing
seven skies and he has found it higher. And from sanctity,
he has heard this call that “Oh dear friend come upon so he
has thought how to reach such higher empyrean. Then at
that time one young smart man immediately came there
and as per his status he has paid respect to him and he was
sat there and by his language of innermost, he has
requested him to put his foot on his neck. So then prophet
has put his foot on his neck and afterward that gentleman
began increasing and then he has reached up to the
empyrean then there the prophet has paid attention to him
and asked about him then he has stood before him by
folding his hands with much respect. Then there came a
thought in his mind that his status will be higher and more
than his status of saintliness. Then the prophet has heard
the call from Allah in which is said as follows.
“ Oh, my friend he is your son. And the coolness of your
eyes. And his name is Abdul Quader. At the time of the
majority of the people of the innovators and atheist then at
that time he will give new life and manifest your religion.
And his title is Mohiuddin.”

Upon hearing this address prophet was happy very

much and he has prayed for him very much in this matter.
And he said as follows. “Oh, the light of my eyes. And the
brightness of my house as there is my foot on your neck
and in the same way your foot will be there on the necks of
all holy persons of Allah. One who will accept your foot
then he will be given great status. And one who will not
recognize you then his status of saintliness will be taken
away from him.”
17. The presence of the soul of the Ghouse Azam
Hazrat Shaikh Rasheed Mohammed Bin Junaidi has
written in his book ‘Harz Ashiqin’ that in the night of
accession angel Gabriel has taken with him Borraq which
was very fast than electricity and came into the presence of
the prophet. And the pairs of his foot were shining like
moon and nails in it were shining like the stars. And he was
dancing and jumping and was not stopping the activity that
the prophet may be rides soon upon him. Then the prophet
told him “Oh Borraq why you are not stopping your
activity. So that I can ride up on you”. Then Borraq told
him that “Oh prophet of Allah I may sacrifice on foot of
your dust. I want to make one promise with you that on the
day of judgment you ride upon me and go to heaven.”The
prophet told him that” Yes it will happen like this.” Then
Borraq told him that there is “One request with you that
you strike on my neck so that there will become a mark.”
The prophet strikes upon his neck and so Borraq was happy
very much in this matter. And there was much happiness to
his soul in his body. And due to this happiness, his body
size was increased by 40 hands. The prophet due to the

wisdom of eternal secret was delayed to ride on the Borraq.

And at that time soul of Hazrat Ghout Azam was came
there and told that “ Oh my master put your foot on my
neck and ride on the Borraq.” And the prophet has put his
holy foot on his neck and ride on the Borraq and he said
that “My foot on your neck and your foot on every holy
person of Allah.”

18. A unqie miracle happened at the time of his

Shaikh Abu Saeed Abdallah and Um Jamila have
narrated this tradition a number of times that the Shaikh
Abdul Quader's mother when her son of the good luck
Abdul Quader who was born and who did not use to drink
the milk during daytime in the month of Ramadan and she
has said that once due to cloud the moon in the Ramadan
month could not be seen in the sky. The people have come
to see her and have asked what is the condition? She said
that “My son did not drink milk today.” At last, it was able
to know that it was the day of the Ramadan month.” There
was become the talk of the town of this matter in the whole
city that there was a born a boy in Sadat (Sadat (Arabic:
‫ )سادات‬is a suffix, which is given to females believed to be
descendants of the Islamic prophet, Muhammad. (Bahijatal

19. He used to address 13 pieces of knowledge


Hazrat Shaikh Abdul Haq Muhadith Dehlavi said that

Hazrat Shaikh Abdul Quader Jilani used to address 13
pieces of knowledge.
20.His light of saintliness
There was one boy from the non-Arabian region and
who was very unintelligent and dull. Upon explaining by
him with many endeavors but he could not able to
understand any issue. One day one holy person in his
presence came and his name was Ibn Samhal and at that
time he was teaching that boy and due to not understanding
the boy Ibn Samhal was surprised in this matter. When the
boy left after taking his lesson from there then at that time
Ibn Samhal told him that “ He is surprised that you are
teaching him with many endeavors.” Then he has replied
that “There were left one week of my hard work and
endeavors with this boy and he will leave the world within
one week of time.”Ibn Samahal has said that really one
week was not passed away then boy left this mortal world.
I have attended the funeral of that boy.

21.The removal of one cruel Qazi from

the post

Abul Wafa Zalim Bin Saeed who was become famous and
well known with his name Ibn Mazhem Zalim and who has
appointed as Qazi by caliph Muqtafi Amar Allah. Then at
that time, Hazrat Abdul Quader Jilani went upon the pulpit
and he has told the caliph that “ Oh caliph you have
appointed one cruel Qazi on his post. Tomorrow what you
will reply to in the court of Allah in this matter.?, When the

caliph has heard the order of Shaikh Abdul Quader Jilani

then he began weeping by shivering. And at the same time
that cruel person was removed from the post of Qazi.

22.The discharge of the blood from money


Hazrat Shaikh Abul-Abbas Khizer Hussain Mouseli has

said that “ One night many persons were there in the school
of Hazrat Ghout Azam then at that time caliph Mustanjid
Billah came there in his presence and after saying salam to
him he has before him with much respect. He has brought
ten bags of money with him and he has given him an
offering amount in the money bags. But he did not accept
vow money from him. The caliph has insisting very much
on this matter. Due to such insisting he has accepted two
bags of money. And he has held one bag of money on his
right and another in his left hand and then he began
squeezing them so for this reason there was began coming
of blood from them. And he has told caliph that “You do
not have fear of Allah with you so you have to squeeze the
blood of the people and packed in the money bags and
brought before me. Upon seeing this and hearing this
matter the caliph of Baghdad became un-conscious. Then
he told that “If he did care about caliph’s link with the
prophet otherwise then I would have spread this blood on
your royal palaces.” (Safinat-Al- Auliya)

23.The meeting of the 70,000 persons used to hold


The well-known and famous Sheikh Abdullah Jibai told

that “Shaikh Abdul Quader Jilani told him that in the
beginning time there will be used to sit before him 2 or 3
persons in his meetings. When there was the fame of me
then there was started the meetings of the persons of the
uncountable. At that time I used to sit in the locality of
Jilab Eidgah (A place where mass prayers are offered by
the Muslims on special occasions or festivals, such as
Ramadan(Eid-ul-Fitr), Bakrid (Eid-ul-Zohwa) in Baghdad.
The people used to bring torches and lanterns in the
meeting which will begin in such a large place that Eidgah
will be looking smaller to the persons. So for this reason
the pulpit was moved to outside of the Eidgah. The people
began coming from long-distance places on a camel,
horses, and mules in large numbers. At that time there will
be held a meeting of 70,000 persons. In his meeting, there
were used to find learned persons, Islamic jurists, and
saintly guides. He was engaged for a period of 40 years in
the work of sermons and advice. And for the writing about
the benefits of the Sheikh Abdul Quader, there will be
available approximately 400 clerks and learned persons.
These details were explained by his son Syed Abdul
Wahab. (Bahijatal Israr).

24. Arrival of prophets and holy persons in his

meeting place

Hazrat Shaikh Abdul Haque Muhadith Dehalavi said that

Hazrat Abdul Quader Jilani said that in his holy meetings
holy persons and prophets who used to be a presence with

living body and souls and as well as Jinns and angels there
will be found. The prophet used to be a presence for the
training and support there. Hazrat Khizer used to be present
much of his time in the meeting place. Hazrat Khizer who
used to meet shaikhs of time then he will advise them to be
a presence in the meetings of Shaikh Abdul Quader Jilani.
He also used to say that “If one who want for welfare and
prosperity then he must attend his meeting always.
(Bahijtal Israr)

25.The coming of the prophet in his meeting

Hazrat Abu Saeed Qilwai said that he has seen many

times the coming of the holy prophet and other prophets
who were present in his meeting place. The angels were
used to be present in the meeting place group-wise. And in
the same way, invisible persons who used to be present
there and they used to be involved in the competition for
their presence in the meeting. (Bahijatal Israr)

26.Stop the rainfall around the meeting place

Shaikh Adi ibn Musafir (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) states,

“On one occasion while Huzoor Ghaus-e- Azam
(Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) was giving a lecture, a shower of
rain descended from the sky. This caused some of the
members of the audience to disperse, so he raised his head
towards the heaven above and said, “Here I am, gathering
people together for Your sake and You are scattering them

away from me like this.” The rain at once stopped falling

on the courtyard where the lecture was taking place, though
the downpour continued unabated beyond the perimeter of
the schoolhouse and not a single drop of rain fell on the

27.The prevalence of un-consciousness upon Muhadit

Ibn Juzi

As per the statement of Shaiken that in the meeting of

Shaikh Abdul Quader Jilani there will not spit by the
persons who will present in the meeting place and nobody
did not talk with other persons in the meeting place and
nobody did not dare to stand there. And due to his heart-
touching speech, there used to be the prevalence of un-
consciousness upon Muhadit Ibn Juzi.

28. Acceptance of Islam by Jews and Christain persons

in his meeting

Hazrat Shaikh Umar Al-Kamyani who has said that there

will be acceptance of Islamic religion by Jews and
Christian persons in his meetings and in his every meeting
there will happen like this.

29.The acceptance of 5000 Jews in his meeting


Shaikh Abdul Quader Jilani has said that “ There is no

doubt upon his hands more than 5000 Jews and Christians
have accepted Islamic religion. And more than 100,000
robbers, pirates, disobedient persons, corrupt, criminals and
innovators in religion and who have repentance in this
matter. (Seerat Ghouse Azam, Akhbar Akhyar)

30. Shaikh Abdul Quader Jilani mentioned in the look

prophet Eisa
One Christain person who came in the meeting place of
Shaikh Abdul Quader Jilani by standing he said that “ Sir I
am from Yemen and there was created this matter in my
heart to enter in the religion of Islam. And it is my firm
decision in this matter to accept Islam in the hands of
Yemen’s great and holy person of Allah. And by thinking
this he slept. And he was seen prophet Eisa in my dream
and who told me that “ Oh Sanan go to Baghdad and enter
into the fold of Islamic religion on the hands of Shaikh
Abdul Quader. Because in the world he is a great and holy
person among all persons. (Bahijat Abrar)
31. The invisible call heard in his favor

Once 13 persons came into the service of Shaikh Abdul

Quader for entering into the circle of the Islamic religion.
Upon accepting Islam, they said that we are Arabic
Christians and we have decided to accept Islam as a
religion, and we were thinking of accepting Islam in the

hands of any perfect Muslim person. And during that time

there was an invisible call heard in which it was said to go
to Baghdad and to accept Islamic religion in the blessed
hands of Shaikh Abdul Quader. So there will be such an
extent of the blessing of Islamic faith from his hands in
your hearts, and it will not be found to such an extent of the
Islamic faith in any other place during this time. (Bahijat

32. His position in the look of Prophet Musa

Shaikh Abdul Quader said that “ He was sitting on a throne

in Baghdad. And he was seen Prophet Mohammed (peace
be upon him) and he was on the carriage. And at one side
there was found Prophet Musa and the Last Prophet of
Allah has asked him “ Oh Musa is there any person in your
nation like the status of Shaikh Abdul Quader. Hazrat Musa
replied to him that “ There is no such owner of status in my
nation.” And then prophet has awarded him robe of

33. The entry of 60 thieves into the fold of the Islam


So she was weeping and stood from there and she has
brought 80 dinars amount remaining from the inheritance
of my father. Among that amount, she has taken 40 dinars
for my brother and balance 40 dinars she has kept and
stitched in my shirt’s cloth under the armpit and she has
given me permission to travel to Baghdad city. She has
taken the pledge from me for not telling lies. And she has
come outside of the house to say God bye to me. And she
has said to me that “For the sake of Allah she has
disconnected with me all her connections and till the day of
judgment she will not see my face.” I have joined the small
group of the caravan to journey to Baghdad. When we have
passed from Hamdan city then in that place 60 horsemen
appeared there and encircled the caravan and nobody did
not care about me. But one person among them came
toward me and has asked “Oh Fakir what you have with
you.? I have told that “ I have 40 dinars with me.” Then he
has asked,” Where are there.?” I have told that under the
armpit stitched into the cloth. He thought that I was joking
with him. So he left me. Another person who came to me
has asked the same question which was asked by the
previous man and I have given a reply which I was given to
another person. Both of them went to the chief of the
robbers and they have said to him what I said to them. And
who has called me. They have taken me to one hillock
where the looted goods were being distributed among the
thieves. The chief has asked me “What you have with
you.?” I have told him that “I have 40 dinars with me.”
Then he has asked where dinars are kept there. I have told
him that it is stitched into the cloth in the armpit. So he was

given the order to tear off my dress and they got whatever I
have told them. So the chief told me that “How I got the
courage to confirm in this matter.?” I have told him that
“My mother was taken a promise from me that I will not
say false and I have not done breach of trust in the promise
which was made by the mother.”

So the chief began weeping and he said that “You are

not guilty of the promise done to your mother. But I am
doing breach of trust with my promise with Allah for some
period of years.” He was repentance upon my hand. So his
companions told him that “ You were the leader in our
robberies so become our leader in our repentance.” And all
were repented upon my hand. And goods and things which
were looted by them were returned back to the caravan
people. The chief was the first person who has repented
upon my hand.
34.To perform Fajr prayer with the ablution of Eisha

One holy person and his name was Abul Fatah Harvi
and he said that he was in the service of Shaikh Abdul
Quader for a period of 40 years. And during this period I
have seen that he was performed Fajr prayer with ablution
if Eisha prayer. (Jama Karamat)

35. He has completed Quran reading in one night for a

period of 15 years continuously

As per the tradition of the saints that Shaikh Abdul

Quader has completed Quran reading in one night for a
period of 15 years continuously and on a daily he used to
perform 1000 supererogatory prayers.

36.The details of his saying “This foot of mine is upon

the neck of all holy saints of Allah ”

One holy person and his name is Abdul Mogis Bin Harbi
Baghdadi who said that “We in one group of 50 people
were present in the presence of Shaikh Abdul Quader and
this meeting which was held in Halba locality in Baghdad
and in which he has said some names among 50 saint
persons who present in the meeting are as follows.
1.Shaikh Abu Umro Al-Batai
2.Shaikh Qasim Alaban
3.Shaikh Abul Abbas Ahmed Yamani
4.Shaikh Abul Abbas Ahmed Qazuni
5.Shaikh Dawud
6.Shaikh Ali Bin Haithi
7.Shaikh Baqa Bin Batu
8.Shaikh Abu Saeed Al-Qilawi
9.Shaikh Musa Bin Mahan
10.Shaikh Abu Najib Suherwardi
11.Shaikh Abulkaram
12.Shaikh Abu Umar Wa Usman Al-Quershi
13.Shaikh Makaram Al-Akbar
14.Shaikh Matar

15.Shaikh Jagir
16.Shaikh Khalifa Bin Musa Al-Akbar
17.Shaikh Sadqa Bin Mohammed Al-Baghdad
18.Shaikh Yahiah Al-Martash
19.Shaikh Zia Ibrahim Al-Juni
20.Shaikh Abu Abdallah Mohammed Ul-Khas
21.Shaikh Abu Umro Wa Usman Al-Iraqi Ashkoki
22.Shaikh Sultan Al-Muzain
23.Shaikh Abu Baker Shabani
24.Shaikh Abul Abbas Ahmed Bin Ilustab
25.Shaikh Abul Barkat
26.Shaikh Abdul Quader Baghdadi
27.Shaikh Abul Mohamed Al-Kosaj
28.Shaikh Mubarak Al-Humari
29.Shaikh Abu Masood Al-Attar
30.Shaikh Abu Abdalla Al-Wani
31.Shaikh Abul Qasim Al-Bazaz
32.Shaikh Shuhab Umar Suherwardi
33.Shaikh Abul Baqa
34.Shaikh Abu Hafz Al-Gazali
35.Shaikh Abu Mohammed Al-Farsi
36.Shaikh Abu Mohammed Al-Yakubi
37.Shaikh Abu Hafz Al-Kimyani
38.Shaikh Abu Baker Mazian
39.Shaikh Jamil Sahib Al-Qutwa Wal-Zaqa
40.Shaikh Abu Umro Wasir Yafni
41.Shaikh Qazi Abu Saili Al-Fara
42.Shaikh Abul Hasan Josqi
43.Shaikh Abu Mohammed Al-Harimi

Among the above-said persons Hazrat Ali Bin Lahti

who stood in the meeting place and went near to pulpit and
he has put the foot of the Shaikh Abdul Quader upon his
neck and after this all other persons present in the meeting
who have put down their necks. (Hadis Bakhsis)

37.His foot on the head of the Hazrat Moinuddin


At the time Shaikh Abdul Qudar has said then at that

time Hazrat Moinuddin Chisti was engaged in the
mountains of the Khurasan.When he has heard his
declaration then he has put his head on the earth. And by
his tongue, he has called that “Oh my master yes your foot
is not only on my neck but it is also your foot is on my
head.” (Tafrid Khater)

38. 300 holy persons and 700 invisible persons who

bend their necks before him

One holy person and his name is Shaikh Abu

Mohammed Yousuf Al-Quli who said that once he was
present in the service of Shaikh Adi Bin Musafir and he has
asked me which place I used to belong.? And it told him I
am resident of Baghdad and disciple of the emperor of
Baghdad. Upon hearing this he has said that it is very nice,
it is very nice. And he is Qutub of his time and when he has
said then at that time 300 holy persons and 700 invisible

persons who were bending their necks. So near of his

greatness, this argument is which is great.

39. Presence of Jinns on his house door

Hazrat Shaikh Majid Kardi said that when Shaikh Abdul

Quader has declared that then at that time there did not
remain any holy person on the earth and who by
recognizing him due to his humility and his status did not
bend their necks. And at that time there was no such
meetings of pious Jinns in which there was not heard a
declaration of Shaikh Abdul Quader. All jinns of the world
who were present on his house door and all Jinns were
given him a present of salam to him and all of them have
repented on his holy hands and were entered into the fold
of the Islamic religion. (Bahijat Israr)

40. Presence of holy persons in his presence and give

him a present of benediction

When Shaikh Abdul Quader has declared that then at

that time a great group of persons came there by flying in
the air. And this group of persons came to visit him. As
Hazrat Khizer was given the order to be present in service
of Shaikh Abdul Quader. Upon his declaration, all holy
persons have given congratulation to him in this matter.

And in this way given their present of benediction as

“ Oh, emperor and guide of the time and oh living
personality as per the order of Allah and heirs of the book
of Allah, and Sunnah of the prophet Mohammed (peace be
upon him) oh higher level personality. And his eating
carpet is in sky and earth. The people of the time are his
family members. Oh, the personality of honour, and there
will be rainfall due to his prayer. And due to his blessing,
there will be milk in the teat of the animals. Before him,
holy persons bend their necks. With him, there will be
stood 40 rows of the invisible persons in the condition of
humility. And in each such row, there will be found, 70
invisible persons. Oh, a person of higher status on his hand
palm it is written that “Allah will fulfill his promise which
was made to him.” And when he was ten years old then at
that time angels will come and go around him. And used to
inform about his saintliness.” (Seeratal Ghouse Saqlin)

Except for one proud person of Isphan nobody did not

refuse and who was unaware of his status. Among holy
persons due to his knowledge and better condition, he has
much respect and admiration. But there was overpowered
ill-lucky upon him. He has such respect like Satan among
the angles of Allah. But there was ill luck which
overpowered upon him. All angels have prostrated Adam
but Satan did refuse to prostrate the light of Mohammed.
And which was there in the forehead of Adam. And its
result was that there was given collar of curse and which
was became garland of his head.

41. The certification of angels in his favour

Hazrat Shaikh Baqa Bin Batur has said when Shaikh

Abdul Quader has declared that then angels have said by
their tongues that “ Oh Allah’s slave you have said right.”
(Bahijatal Israr)

42. The certification of the prophet in his


Hazrat Shaikh Khalifa Akbar has seen the prophet in his

dream and has told him that Shaikh Abdul Quader has
declared that then the prophet told that “ Sidiq Shaikh
Abdul Quader fakif la hua al-qutub wa anarahu. And
Shaikh Abdul Quader said why he did not say that as he
is Qutub of time under his care.?”

43.Presence of the persons of invisible

Hafiz Abu Zara Taher Bin Mohammed Zaher Al-Dari

has said that “One time I was present in the meeting place
of Shaikh Abdul Quader then at that time he has said he has
a conversation with invisible persons and who come from
the mount of Qaf (The Caucasus as the legendary abode of
the fairies) to attend in his meeting place. Then his son
Abdul Razzaq was asked the condition of that time. Then
he has told that at the time of his saying when he has
looked at the upper side then he found many rows of the
invisible persons. And with them horizon was full. And

these persons were hearing the holy speech of Shaikh

Abdul Quader by putting down their heads.

Sheikh Abu Zara Zaher said that “Once I was present in

the meeting of the Sheikh Abdul Quader in the year 557
Hegira. He said that “ Sheikh Abdul Quader said “My
speech for such persons who will present from another side
of the mountain of Qaf (The Caucasus as the legendary
abode of the fairies). Their feet are in the wind. And their
hearts are on celestial. Their caps will be burnt down soon
in the much fondness of the love of Allah. Hazrat Abdul
Quader's son Abdul Razzaq, who was sitting downside on
the foot of the pulpit and who has seen at the sky side for
some time, then he has become unconscious and his head
cap, bowstring of the dress which were burnt down there.
Sheikh Abdul Quader who got down from the pulpit and
extinguished his fire at that time and he was, told him, “ Oh
Abdul Razzaq you are also among them.”

44.the listening of his conversation by Hazrat


One day Sheikh Abdul Quader was engaged in the

sermon on the pulpit. During the sermon, he was stood and
went into the air for some foot distance, and by his holy
tongue, he has said “ Oh Israeli stop and listen to the
conversation of Mohammadi. With him it was asked what
was this event.? Then he has said that “Hazrat Khizer was
passing from here. I went there to stop him so that he can

listen to my conversation. So he was stopped there.”

(Akbar Al-Akhyar)

45.The presence of the Jinns in his meeting place

Abu Nazer Bin Umar Baghadadi’s father one time has

called practically Jinns in his presence. But they have done
very much delay as per their practice. When Jinns came
there and told me that “When they present in the meeting
of the Sheikh Abdul Quader then at that time do not call
them.” I have asked him whether you also present in the
Hazrat’s meeting.? Then he has replied that “ In the
meeting of Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Quader there will be
present more Jinns comparing with the men.”

46. One Jinn was killed for disrespecting Baghdad city

Abu Saeed Abdalla Bin Ahmed Baghdadi, who said one

day his 16-year-old daughter went upon the upper storey
and from there she was disappeared. Then I went into the
service of Shaikh Abdul Quader and has explained to him
all the details on this matter. He told him “To go the
deserted place of Karq tonight, which is a locality in
Baghdad. And mark the circle on the earth. And upon
marking the circle recite “Bismilla Ali Niyyat Abdul
Quader” and sit in the circle. When there will be a spread
of darkness then Jinns in the large number who will come
there and who will pass from you in many shapes. You
should not afraid of them and in the morning time, the king

of the Jinns who will come there with his army and he will
ask you while standing outside of the circle, what is your
work.? Then tell him that “Shaikh Abdul Quader has sent
to you. And tell him the story of your girl to him.” The
narrator said that when I have done like this then these
Jinns who have passed in groups in dangerous shapes from
there. Then there came the Jinn’s king on his horse along
with his army. And he was there and standing near the
outside of the circle and he has asked what is there is
needed by you.? And I told him that Shaikh Abdul Quader
has sent me here. So he got down from the horse
immediately and was kissed the earth, then he has sat
outside of the circle and he has asked why he has sent
you.? So I have told about misplaced by my daughter. Then
he was given the order to present the Jinn who has taken
away the girl from his house. And immediately that Jinn
and the girl were presented there. Then he said he is from
Jinn from China. The king has asked “Why you have taken
her from the stirrup of the Qutub.?” Then he was told that
“He was like that girl and who has got a place in his heart.”
He was given the order to kill such disobedient for
disrespecting the city of Shaikh Abdul Quader and to give
the girl to me.

47. One Jinn has obeyed his order

The above narrator said that “One Isphani who came to

see Shaikh Abdul Quader and told him that his wife is
suffering from the disease of epilepsy. All magicians and
people of charms have become helpless in this matter for

this reason.” He told him that “He is Dev of Sarandeep and

his name is Dev Janas. If there will have a fits upon your
woman then tell her in-ear that “Oh Janas, to you Shaikh
Abdul Quader who is residing in Baghdad and who is
saying that you should not come there again. And if you
will come again, then he will kill you.” So that person went
back and did as per the saying of the Shaikh Abdul Quader.
(Sainatal Auliya)

48. Satan become helpless before Shaikh Abdul


It was said by Omar Serafini that Shaikh Abdul Quader

told him that “He used to live day and night in a deserted
place and did not come to Baghdad city. During this time
the Satan used to come to see in the line on the horses and
on the foot soldiers with swords in different shapes and
they used to throw fire upon me there. I was satisfied with
my heart. And I will not find any kind of change in my
condition. There will become one call from my innermost
that all Satans will be running away from your there due to
my voice of horror. And one Satan came to me and he said
that “To go from here to another place and he will do
this and that to him.” He began me afraid so I have slapped
him in this matter. Then he began running. So I began
saying “La Hol Wala Quwata” and I have seen him while
going away from there.
Once one person of bad shape and who has bad smell
came into my service and he said he is Satan and he came
there for his service because you have given trouble to me

and my disciples. I said to him to go from there, but he did

not move from there by that time one invisible hand, which
was appeared and which hit on his head and when he was
disappeared from there.
Then he was appeared by holding the spear of the fire
in his hand and come before me to fight with me. Then
there came one person on a horse wearing the coverlet on
his shoulder. And who has given me a sword so for this
reason Satan runs away from there. The third time I have
seen him and who is running here and there upon seeing
me. And who was putting dust on his head. And he was
saying “Oh Abdul Quader you have disappointed me.” I
told him “Oh wicked and worst I am afraid of your frauds.”
Then he said that “He is more afraid in this matter than
afraid comparing of Abdul Quader.”
It is reported by one holy person that he was heard by
Shaikh Abdul Quader that “ He used to live day and night
in the dangerous jungles then at that time Jinns used to
come before me in the shape of dangerous shapes and fight
me there. And they used to throw fireballs upon me. But he
will not feel little danger in his heart for this reason. And
there will be heard the call by an invisible source that “ Oh
Abdul Quader wake up and fight and you will be firm.
There will be available always help of Allah to you in this
matter.” When I proceed to face them then they will flee
from there. Then I will recite “ La Hawla Wa La Quwwata
illa BillAhil Aliyyil Azeem” and during this time whoever
comes before me will be killed by the fire. (Bahijatal Israr)

49.The failure of Satan before him


Shaikh Abdul Quader has said that “One day I went

toward one jungle. In which there was not available
anything to eat and drink there. I have lived there for many
days. There was severe thirstiness before me. Upon my
head, there came one piece of the cloud and from it, there
were fallen some drops of water which I have drunk. Then
I have seen one personality of light and from its light, the
ends of the sky were lighted. And there was heard one call
in which it was told that “Oh Abdul Quader I am your God
and I have declared all illegal things legal to you.” Then I
have recited immediately Laa howla wala quwwata illa
billa hil aliyyil Azeem and that light was immediately over
from there and that light turned into smoke. In the same
way, there was heard one call in which it was said “Oh
Abdul Quader you have saved by your knowledge. And
before him I have put 70 learned persons in the pit of
misguidance. Then he told that “Oh Satan I have not
protected by knowledge but I was saved by favour
of Allah.

50.One snake in a court of Shaikh Abdul Quader

There is one holy person and his name is Shaikh Saleh

Ahmed in Saleh Al-Jaili and who said that one day he was
in the school and explaining the issue to the persons there.
And at that time one big snake which was fallen upon him
from the roof and upon seeing all audience were fled away
from there. But he was not moved from his place. The
snake was entered into his clothes. And visiting all areas of

his body and came out from his collar and it was attched
with his neck. But he did not stop his sermon. And even
he did not move his body. Then the snake came on the
earth. And upon saying something he went away from
there. Then at that time, all people came back to their
places. And all of them have asked him your honour what
snake talked with you. He told that “ “He has tried many
holy persons of Allah but he could not find a person like
you. And not find same like you. (Bahijatal Israr )

51. The repentance of snake in the court of Shaikh

Abdul Quader

Shaikh Abdul Quader said that “Once in Jama Mansouri

mosque he was Imam in the prayer and at that time in the
condition of prayer that snake was stood at my place of
prostration by opening his mouth. I have done prostration
there by removing him from there and the snake clung to
his neck then the snake was entered into one of his sleeve
and went outside of the other sleeve. And when he has
finished the prayer by performing of salam and by that time
snake was left from there.
Next day when I was there in a wide portion of that
mosque and I have seen one person and his eyes were in
big size. And I guess that this is not a man but he is a Jinn
person. Then that person told me that “He is that snake
which he has seen me yesterday. In such a condition, I have
tried many holy persons of Allah. And I could not find any
such firm person like you. Then that snake was repented
upon his hands. (Tabqat Kubra)

52.There is reduce of punishment due to his prayer

One narrator said that one time one Hamadni person

came to visit Shaikh Abdul Quader and he was told that his
father has died. And who told “In my dream today he came
and he said that he is upset with the punishment in the
grave. So go to Abdul Quader Jilani and request him for
prayer for me.” Then Shaikh Abdul Quader asked
“Whether he has passed from his school” and he said
“Yes.” Then Shaikh Abdul Quader has become silent. On
the next day, that person came in the presence of the
Shaikh Abdul Quader. And who said that “I have seen my
father in the dream. And who is very much happier. And
who was wearing a green dress and he was saying that his
punishment was already removed. And this robe of honour
which was given to me due to the reason of the benediction
of the Shaikh Abdul Quader. Oh, son, it is compulsory for
you to live in the service of the Shaikh Abdul Quader.”

53. The well of his water is the cure of all diseases

During the time of Shaikh Abdul Quader, there was

erupt epidemic of plague in the city of Baghdad. And due
to this disease, many thousand persons died. The persons
came in his persons and have requested relief from this
plague disease. And he has told to eat the grass around of
his school and drink the water of the school well and one
who will act this will be cured by this plague disease. So

the people have done like this and were cured well in this
matter. And after this again this plague disease never came
in Baghdad city.

54. Kissing of the silt of his door by learned persons

One darwesh Shaikh Usman Sarfani said that learned

persons of Iraq who were contemporary persons of Shaikh
Abdul Quader and they presence in the court of Shaikh
Abdul Quader then at that time they used to kiss the silt of
the door of the school building.

55. The weeping of one Abdal (an order of saint) on the

silt of the door

One Abdal was removed from the post of Abdal for his
mistake. So he began weeping by putting his forehead on
the silt of the door of the school. And at the said time there
was hearing an invisible call in which it was told that “ As
you have put your head by humility on earth of the door of
our deloved so I have forgiven you. And your position was
increased more than before. So you should present in the
court of Abdul Quader and thank for this great favour of

56. Appointment of the thief on the post of Qutub

Once a thief entered the house of Sheikh Abdul Qadir

Jilani (r.a) with the intention of stealing. On entering the
house, he became blind and could not see anything. He was

unable to find his way out of the house and he eventually

sat in one corner of the house. In the morning, he was
caught and brought before Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (r.a).
When Al-Ghawth al-A’zam (r.a) saw him, he placed his
blessed hands on the thief’s eyes. The thief’s eyesight was
immediately restored. Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (r.a) then
said, “He came to steal materialistic (worldly wealth), I
will bless him with such a treasure that it will remain with
him forever.” On saying these words, Sheikh Abdul Qadir
Jilani (r.a) placed his blessed sight on the thief once and
elevated him to the status of Wilayat (Sainthood). It was
also during this time that one of the appointed Abdaals had
passed away. Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (r.a) took the thief,
now a Wali, and sent him out as the replacement for the
Abdaal that had passed away.
One time Shaikh Abdul Quader was visited Madina and
he was returning back to Baghdad without wearing the
sleepers in his foot. There was find one thief on way for the
theft. So that he can find a traveler to take away his goods.
When he was reached near him and asked him who he is?.
And he has told that he is one villager. But he was able to
know by revelation that he is a thief. That thief thought he
is perhaps Ghouse Azam. And he was able to know his
thinking. And he told him that he is Abdul Quader. Upon
hearing this he was fallen on his foot and he began
repetition of words “ Ya Sayyadi Abdul Quader Shaiallah.”
So there was a feeling of kindness for him. Then he has
paid attention to his correction in the court of Allah then he
has heard an invisible call that “ Oh dear Ghouse show the

thief the way of guidance and make him Qutub of his time.
So he has made him Qutub. (Tafrih Al-Khater)

57. The gown of the blessing

One time Hazrat Ali Bin Jdris went in the service of

Shaikh Abdul Quader along with his spiritual master and
he told him that “ Your honour this is my disciple.” Then
he has given him one piece of cloth and told him “Oh Ali
you got to wear the shirt of health and goodness .” So by
wearing the gown of blessing now, 65 years were passed
away. And there is no illness that did not capture me.

58. He was able to know the affairs of the angelic


In the court of Shaikh Abdul Quader one holy went and

whose name was Abu Umar Wasir to whom Shaikh Abdul
Quader told him that soon Inshallah there will be given you
one disciple and his name will be Abdul Ghani Bin Naqta.
And he will be a great holy person of Allah. And for his
position, Allah will be proud before the angles. Upon this,
he has placed his cap on his head and there was reached
happiness and coolness in my mind. And from mind to
heart there was the revelation of all secrets of the angelic
world to me

59. The discharge of rays of the light from his pure


Hazrat Shaikh Ali Bin Idris Yakubi’s spiritual master

Haqqani who has taken him in the presence of Shaikh
Abdul Quader then Ghouse Azam was silent for some time.
Then he has seen him at his side and he found that there
was the discharge of rays of the light from his pure body
and were going into his body. At that time I have seen the
people of the grave with details of their condition as well as
position and stunts. And also seen the angels. And was
heard different kinds of voices. And from some voices, I
have heard glorification of God. He was able to know
many veils. And he was also able to affairs of the angelic

60. To get inspired knowledge

Shaikh Shabuddin Suherwardi has said that “During his

youth period he was engaged in the reading the books of
scholastic philosophy and some of these books I have
memorized. As such that I have become an expert. And my
uncle Sheikh Najibuddin used to prohibit me in this matter.
But I did not use to hear from him anything in this matter.
And one day he was going to see the Shaikh Abdul Quader.
And he was also taken with me there. When I went near
him then he said “Oh Omar, Allah said “Ya ahi lazina
amanu eza najitam faqadamu baina yadiu najawakam
sadqa.”At this time we are in the presence of such a holy
person and whose heart will give information about Allah.”

So keep you alert so that you will not get benediction from
his visit.” When I visited Shaikh Abdul Quader and able to
look at his face and upon sitting for some time then I have
told him that this is my nephew and his name is Omar and I
have prohibited him a number of times not to read books of
scholastic philosophy by him but he is ignoring my advice
in this matter. Then Shaikh Abdul Quader has asked “Oh
Omar which books of this knowledge you are studying by
you”.I have told I read such and such books by me. Then
sheikh was touched my chest than for this reason there has
not remained any knowledge which I was memorized. But
at that time Allah has opened the door of inspired
knowledge upon my heart. And from there I was standing
by, saying the knowledge of wisdom. He said to me “Oh
Omar, you are among the famous personalities of Iraq who
will come later time. So this happened like this.

61. The discharge of light from his finger

One night Shaikh Abdul Quader went to visit the grave

of Hazrat Imam Hanbal along with Hazrat Shaikh Ahmed
Refai and Adi Bin Musafir and the night was dark. Shaikh
Abdul Quader was ahead of them. When he will pass from
any stone, wall, and grave and when he will give sign then
at that time there will discharge of light from his finger.
And his finger will be manifested like the moon. And in
that light, all of them have reached the grave of Hazrat
Imam Hanbal.

62. The creation of the hen by the bones


A woman of Baghdad who was very impressed by the

fame of Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh)
decided to leave her son in his care and said, “Take this
child as your own, I renounce all right to him. Raise him to
become like you.” The Shaikh accepted the child and
started to teach him piety, spirituality, etc. After some time
the mother came to see her son and found him thin and pale
and eating a crust of bread. She was angry and asked to see
the Shaikh. When she came upon him she found him well
dressed, seated in a pleasant room and eating a chicken.
She exclaimed, “While you eat your chicken my poor son,
whom I left in your care, has nothing but a piece of dry
bread!” The Shaikh placed his hand over the bones of the
chicken and said, “In the name of Allah Who revives bones
from dust, rise!” The chicken immediately became alive
and it ran about the table saying, “There is no God but
Allah and Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) is His
Messenger and Shaikh Abdul Qadir is the friend of Allah
and His Messenger!” Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam (Radiallahu
Ta’ala Anh) then turned to the woman and said, “When
your son can do this, he can also eat whatever he wishes.”

63. The rebirth of the eagle

It is narrated by Mohammed Gaid Al-Wani that “One day

there was the progress of sermon of Shaikh Abdul Quader
in the meeting and there was blowing off the air very fast.
And It is narrated by him that “One day there one bad voice
eagle who was wandering over meeting place. The meeting

place was facing a problem due to her bold voice. Then he

was given orders to the cold wind to separate her head from
the body. And immediately her head was separated from
the body and fallen near him. While paying attention to her
condition he got down from the pulpit and he has held her
in his hands and he has said is alive by the order of Allah.?
Then at that time eagle was becoming alive and flown from

64. The cutting of the head of the mouse

Shaikh Abul Muzaffar said that “Once Shaikh Abdul

Quader was in his house and he was writing something
there and at that time there was fallen some soil from the
roof and he has removed the soil. And there was happened
this event three times like this. At the fourth time he was
seen at the roof side of the house and he was found one
mouse was there and who was playing. He said there
should be removed, your head from your body and
immediately his head was removed from his body. After
that, there came tearing in the eyes of the Shaikh Abdul
And immediately it was happened as such. And he was
worried upon seeing the scene. I have asked him “ Your
honour why you are worried.? And he said that he is
worried that “If there will be harm to him by Muslim then
his condition will be same as the mouse.”

65. The death of the bird


Shaikh Abul Qasim, who was has said that “Once

Shaikh Abdul Quader who was doing ablution in the school
building and at that time one bird from flying in the air and
there was dropping of the bird upon him. And when he had
looked at the bird with his look of anger so, for this reason,
the bird was fallen down on the earth and she died
immediately. When Shaikh has performed ablution then he
has washed the portion of the cloth of his shirt and he was
given me his dress and asked me to sell away this dress and
distribute its amount as charity among poor and needy
persons. And he said that “If that has gone, then it is for its
expiation in this matter.”

66. His hand was key to the cure

One day one patient of ascites who was a relative of the

caliph of Baghdad Almasjd Billah brought in the service of
Shaikh Abdul Quader and due to illness of ascites, his
stomach was being inflated. When he touched his stomach
with his hand of mercy and so for this reason immediately
the stomach became in normal size. And the patient was
seen as such that he was not ill before. (Bahijtal Israr)

67.There will be recovery from fever by hearing his


Abu Abdallah Mohammed Bin Qidher Hussaini said

that one-time Abul Mani Ahmed Bin Zafar, who was in the
presence of Shaikh Abdul Quader and he said that for a

period of 15 years his son’s fever is not decreasing and his

body parts have become bending. Sheikh Abdul Quader
told him in his two ears “Oh Um Maalm Shaikh Abdul
Quader is telling you to leave from my son and go toward
Hala side.” Then Abul Mani said that he went from there
and he did as per the saying of the Shaikh Abdul Quader.
After this there was no fever came again and then I was
come to know the news that many persons of Hala are
affected by the fever.

68. The blind person was given sight

Shaikh Abul Hasan Qureshi said in his a statement that

he and Ali Bin Ali Nasar were present in the service of
Shaikh Abdul Quader and at that time there came Abu
Ghaleb Fazel Allah Bin Ismail Baghdadi merchant into his
service and told him that he wants to arrange feast in his
favour and he was accepted his invitation. And he was a
ride on a mule and went to his house. At that place present
a large number of learned and saint persons of Baghdad.
Abu Ghaleb placed eating carpet and placed different kinds
of food items. And he was also put one big pot there. Due
to his greatness and horror, there was prevailed silence on
the audience. He was given an indication to Abu Ghaleb to
brought near him the big pot and he also told him to open
it. When it was opened and it was seen that there was one
blind and naked boy was found inside of the big pot. He
told him you should become healthy by order of Allah and
stood. So at the same time boy was become healthy and
began running here and there. Upon seeing this all audience

drown in the surprise. And all four sides there was uproar
for this reason. Then he has returned back from there
without eating meals there.

69. The repentance of people of Rawafiz

One group of persons from Rawafiz has brought two

closed baskets in his service. And they were asked him
what is in it,? He has put his hand on the basket and told
that there is one ill boy in it. When it was opened then there
was found really an ill boy in it. He was holding his hand
and told to him stood. Then that boy began running like a
healthy boy. After that, he has put his hand on the second
basket and told that there one healthy boy in it. When it
was opened then there was found really a healthy boy in it.
Then that boy began walking. He caught his forehead and
told him to sit down then he sat there immediately there.
Upon seeing this miracle there was the repentance of the
people of Rawafiz at the hands of Shaikh Abdul Quader.

70. Given health to the ill pigeon

The above narrator told that Shaikh Abul Hasan Ali,

who becomes ill. And Shaikh Abdul Quader went to his
house to see him there. And in his house, there is Rami,
which is an alike bird of ringdove and the pigeon.
Regarding them, he said to him, “Oh my chief for six
months Rami did not lay eggs. And since nine months of

ring dove has not been talking. Then Shaikh Abdul Quader
told Rami that “Whatever you have with you so give its
benefit to your owner and told to Qamri (ring dove) “Sataj
Mafak Lil Khaliqaq.”Then ring dove began talking and
Rami began laying the eggs.

71. Dry trees began giving fruits

Hazrat Shaikh Abu Muzafar Ismail said that Shaikh Ali
Bin Abi Nasar when he will become ill then he will come
to my garden. One time in the condition of illness he came
to my garden. Shaikh Abdul Quader came there to visit him
at the time of his illness and he came into my garden. Two
trees were dried up. And were not giving fruits for four
years. There were thinking to cut those trees by me for this
reason. Shaikh Abdul Quader stood and did ablution under
one tree in the garden. And was prayed in another tree.
Upon them after one week began coming of the fruits as
there was no season of the dates at that time.

72. The Coming of the light of his


Hazrat Shaikh Abu Abd Mulk Zeyal said that one day
he was standing in the school of Shaikh Abdul Quader. At
that time he came from his house with his staff in his hand.
Then he was feeling that today he will show his miracle
with his staff. He has seen me smiling. And he was fixed
his staff in the earth. The staff while fixing in the earth then
began shining by giving light. It was continued shining for
one hour time. With the light of the staff, there was shining

in surrounding areas. And its light began moving high

toward the sky. When he has taken back his staff by his
hand then staff became same as before. And after this, he
was told to Zeyal that this was your desire which you have

73. The stoppage of the river water of Tigris

One time there was a flood in the river Tigris. And so

for this reason water was also entered around the Baghdad
city. The Beduin people were worried and came into the
presence of Shaikh Abdul Quader and they have told him
in this mater. He has taken his staff and went to the bank of
river Tigris. And he was fixed his staff at the bank of the
river and told to the river that “ It enough does not reach
further.”Then water level decreased to its original level.

74. Coming of unseasonal fruits by an invisible


One day Imam Mustanjid Billah has requested in the

service of Shaikh Abdul Quader your honour to show any
miracle. He has asked him “What is your real aim in this
matter.?” And Imam Mustanjid Allah said that “He wants
one apple.” He has spread his hand of mercy and two
apples were coming in hands. As a matter of fact, there was
no season of apples. And he was given one apple to him
and he has kept one apple with him. When they cut the
apples and in one apple there was find the fragrance and in
another apple was find one insect there. When it was asked

its reason he told to Imam Mustanjid Allah that as there

was a touch of the cruel person to your apple so there is
find an insect in your apple and to my apple there was a
touch of holy person so it is with fragrance in it.

75.The kissing of the hands of Shaikh Abdul Quader

by fishes

There is a statement of Hazrat Sohail Bin Tastari that one

time Shaikh Abdul Quader was away from the look of the
people of Baghdad and people has searched for him on all
sides. And suddenly one person has seen him that he was
going towards the side of the river Tigris. All people went
toward the side of the Tigris river to search for him there.
When they reach there and find that he was coming toward
them by walking on the water. And fishes of the river were
coming near to him and kissing his hands. There was a time
of Zuhar prayer and there was shown one prayer carpet like
the throne of Soleman and which was hanging in the air
and which was put there in the air. And the color of the mat
was green. On it, there were written two lines as follows.
1. “Verily, on the friends of Allah there is no fear, nor
shall they grieve.” (Sura Yunus, 10:62)
2.Oh Allah shower thy blessing on Mohammed and
decedents of Mohammed.

76.Prediction invisible news


Shaikh Abdul Quader was told that if there will be no

restriction of the Islamic law upon his tongue then I would
inform you all things which you eat in your houses. All of
you are like things in bottle before me. And these are things
which are in manifest and innermost which I can see.
(Tafrih Qater)

77.The prediction of the matters which will be happen


Hazrat Khizer Al-Hussuani said that Shaikh Abdul

Quader told me that “You will go Musil and there will be
born sons to you there and first son will be born one boy
and his name will be Mohammed. When he will be seven
years old then one blind person from Baghdad and his
name will be Ali will memorize him the Quran. And you
will die at the age of 94 years six months and four days in
Arbal city. Your hearing and sight and power of your body
parts will be good and healthy at that time.”
So Abu Abdallah Mohammed son of Hazrat Khizer Al-
Hussaini said that “My father lived in Mousil city and I
was born there and I have got knowledge of Quran from
that person as mentioned above. After this, my father told
me that all these matters were predicted to him by Shaikh
Abdul Quader before.” And in Arbal city, my father died at
the age-predicted by him in this matter. And till his death,
all of his power of body parts were in good and healthy

78. Prediction of birth of one boy


His son Syed Abdul Wahab said that “One-time father

was becoming seriously ill. And we all have sat around him
in worrying condition. He was told us while we were
sitting around him he said that “He still he will not die and
with him, there will be born one boy and his name will be
Yahiah and who will be born surely. So in this way, his
prediction was found correct. And the boy’s name given
Yahiah. Then he was lived for a long period of time.
(Seerat Ghouse Saqlain)

79. Hunger is like a treasure

One day one person Shaikh Abu Mohammed Aljoni

came into the service of Shaikh Abdul Quader he has said
that he was hungry very much at that time and his
household persons were also hungry for many days. I have
said salam in his presence then he has replied my salam
and he has said that “ Oh Joni hunger is one treasure in the
treasures of Allah. One who keeps it his friend then he will
be given.”

80. The knower of matter of hearts

Hazrat Zainuddin said that I and my friend came to

Baghdad after performing the Hajj pilgrimage. And they do
not know any person there. We have with us the only bow.
And we have sold it and purchased rice and cooked and eat.
But with such a quantity of rice, our hunger was not

finished. After this, we went to the meeting place of Shaikh

Abdul Quader and there we have engaged his sermon and
during his sermon, he told that there came two fakirs from
Hejaz and they do not have except the bow with them.
They sold it and purchased rice and cooked and eat. But
such a quantity of rice was not covered their hunger. Upon
hearing this we were surprised in this matter. After the end
of the meeting, he was placed eating carpet for us. Then I
have asked my friend his liked dish there and he told me
that he will like Halwa (sweet) dish And I have the desire
of honey in my heart. There were these wishes in our
hearts. And he was given the order to his servant to bring
Kash Draji (sweet) and to put honey before me. So it has
happened like this. He told the servant that to replace
honey and to put there the sweet in its place.

81. The embezzlement in the entrusted thing

Abu Baker Qaimi told that in the childhood period I

used to work camel grazing. And while going to Makkah
there was an agreement with one person for performing the
Hajj pilgrimage. There was feeling for that person that he
will die soon so then he has given me one coverlet and ten
dinars and told me to give to Shaikh Abdul Quader and to
tell from his side for his favor toward him. After his advice,
that person died. Upon return I came back to Baghdad there
was thought in his heart that there is no information of
these things to anybody and he was taken these things by
him. One day he was going somewhere. Then at that time,
there was a meeting of Shaikh Abdul Quader and I have

said salam and shaken his hand. Then he caught my hand

by force and he told me that for ten dinars you have not
feared of Allah. And you embezzlement in the entrusted
thing of this non-Arab person. And you have discontinued
coming and going to his place. Upon saying this I was
fallen into an unconscious condition. When there was
normal condition went immediately to the house and
brought ten dinners and coverlet presented in his service.

82. The information on praying without ablution

One holy person and his name is Abul Farj Bin Hamami
one time he went to the locality of Bab Azhaj and while
returning from there I was passed from the school of
Shaikh Abdul Quader at that time there was time for Asar
prayer. And there was calling Takbir (Allāhu ʾakbar
meaning "God is greater or "God is the greatest". It is a
common Arabic expression, used in various contexts
by Muslims and Arabs across the world:
informal Salah (prayer) and there thought in heart to pray
Asar prayer there. As well as to say salam to Shaikh Abdul
Quader and due to hurry, there was no thought that I was
without ablution. So in such condition, I was joined in the
prayer. When he has finished the prayer then he told “ Oh
my son your memory is very weak and you have prayed the
prayer without ablution now with your intention. Upon
hearing his order I was become very much worried that he
was able to know my hidden condition and also he has
informed me in this matter. (Seerat Ghouse Saqlain)

83. A infidel become Muslim and was appointed on the

post of Abdal

In the country of Syria, one Abdal

(Abdāl (Arabic: ‫ )أبدال‬lit: substitutes, but which can also
mean "generous" [karīm] and "noble" [sharīf]) is a term
used in Islamic metaphysics and Islamic mysticism,
both Sunni and Shiite, to refer to a particularly important
group of God's saints ) died. So then he was reached
immediately to Syria from Iraq. And after this Hazrat
Khizer and all other Abdals were also reached there and all
persons have arranged the funeral of the Abdal person.
After the funeral, Shaikh Abdul Quader told Hazrat Khizer
to bring such and such infidel person from Constantpole
and present him here. Hazrat Khizer presents him
immediately in the service of Shaikh Abdul Quader. And
he was made Muslim and was appointed as the post of
Abdal. And after that, he told the remaining Abdals that
upon the place of the deceased Abdal he has appointed this
person as Abdal. And upon this, all Abdals have bent their
heads before him.

84. He has given that woman seven boys

One day one woman came into his service and she has
requested Shaikh Abdul Quader to pray in the court of
Allah for the grant of children. So he went into meditation
and checked the tablet and was not find any children in the
luck of that woman. Then he was prayed for 2 sons. There
was heard invisible call from a court of Allah that there is

not written any boy for that woman. Then he was

questioned for 2 boys and then he was questioned for 3
boys. And he has received the same reply as before. Then
he was questioned about 4 boys and then he has received
the same reply as before. Then he was questioned for 7
boys and he was heard calling “Oh Ghouse it is enough.
“And there was also received glad tiding that a woman will
be granted, 7 boys.

85. The girl became a boy

Hadrat Abul Mali said one time one person came into
the presence of Shaikh Abdul Quader and he has said that
this shrine building which is as the asylum of the world and
the center of one’s hopes and from here he is requesting a
male child. After this, that person who used to come into
the presence of benediction, the sheikh of time and he used
to say some time in Indication and sometimes he used to
say in describing his wish and as the person of desire will
be as a mad person. When his request was exceeded, then
sheikh told him that not disturb me a number of times in
this matter and whatever you want I have seen him in his
mother’s womb. When the pregnancy days were over then
the baby girl was born instead of a baby boy so he has
taken his girl child and came into the presence of the
sheikh of the world and he told him that “ He has requested
for the male child for him.” Then he told him that “ Cover
the baby girl in the cloth and go back to your house and see
what will be there happen by invisible source?.” When he

has reached back to his house then he has found a baby boy
instead of a baby girl.

86. The thief was appointed on the post of Abdal

Hazrat Dawud said that in the court of Shaikh Abdul

Quader there were used to come there all kinds of persons.
The servants of this shrine were people of wealth and
richness. So one thief thought shaikh of the shrine will be
a person majesty and status as well as a person of wealth.
So he made his intention to go to his house for robbery and
to take away from his wealth and treasure. When he was
entered into the house and he became a blind person. And
all this matter was in his look. He thought that this matter is
against humility that he came to our house for taking
something and so it is not good to went away from here
with empty hands. Still in this thinking Hazrat Khizer came
in his service and told him that “ Oh dear Ghouse one
Abdal died so the order may be given so that there may be
appointed some other person on this post. He told that there
is one broken heart person lying in our house bring him
into our presence. So that he may be appointed on this post.
Hazrat Khizer went from there and brought him in his
presence. And due to one of his looks, he made him an
Abdal. ( Seerat Ghouse Saqlain)

87. His prayer changed the fate

Shaikh Abu Saeed Qurmi said that one-time Abul

Muzaffar merchant who went to see Hammad Dabbas and

said to him that “He has arranged one caravan and want to
go to Syria.” Then he told him that “ If you travel to Syria
during this year, then you will be killed in this journey.
And all your goods and properties will be damaged. ”Due
to dis-appointment from that place, he went into the
presence of the Shaikh Abdul Quader and he has told him
all details in this matter. So Shaikh Abdul Quader told him
to go. He went on the journey with security. And he has
sold away from his goods for better profits. And one day he
has reached Halab from his return journey. And whatever
with him the goods he has kept in one place and went to
attend the natural call. And when he was free from it, then
he forgot about his goods at that place. When he went into
his sleeping place then in his dream he has seen that one
Arabian group of robbers attacked his caravan of the
merchandise and they looted goods and killed the travelers.
One person came and cut his neck with a knife. When he
was waking up from the dream, then he has seen the mark
of blood on his neck and there was a pain in his neck. Then
he was thinking about his goods and group and he has
remembered the place where he has kept his goods. And he
was going there and found his goods at that place. And
from Halab, he came to Baghdad and he was thinking to
whom he should see first. Shaikh Hammad was going to
Sultan Bazaar and who told him “Oh Abul Muzafar first to
go to see Shaikh Abdul Quader because he is a beloved
person of Allah. And he prayed 17 times with Allah and
Allah was changed this event from wake up condition into
the dream and damaged of the goods which were changed
to forgetfulness.

When he went into the presence of the Shaikh Abdul

Quader then he told him that “Whatever Shaikh Hammad
said in the Bazaar of Sultan which is all right. There is the
swearing of respect of Allah upon me that for 17 times I
have prayed to Allah, then there was changed of your wake
up killing in the dream and damage of the goods which was
changed to forgetfulness.”

88.The Shaikh Ahmed’s tiger and Shaik Abdul

Quader’s dog

There was a great Saint by the name of Shaikh Ahmad

Jaam (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) who used to travel on a lion
wherever he went. In every city that he visited it was his
habit to ask the people of the city to send one cow for his
lion’s meal. One day he traveled to Baghdad, and sent one
of his disciples to Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam (Radiallahu
Ta’ala Anh) and commanded that a cow be sent to him, as
a meal for his lion. The great Ghaus (Radiallahu Ta’ala
Anh) was already aware of his coming and had already
arranged for a cow to be kept for the lion. He sent one of
his disciples with the cow to Shaikh Ahmad Jaam
(Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) and as the disciple took the cow
with him, a weak and old stray dog which used to sit
outside the home of Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam (Radiallahu
Ta’ala Anh) followed him. The disciple presented the cow
to Shaikh Ahmad Jaam (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) who
signaled to the lion to commence feeding. As the lion ran
towards the cow, this weak old dog pounced on the lion. It
caught the lion by its throat and killed it by tearing open its

stomach. The dog then dragged the lion and threw it before
Huzoor Ghaus-e- Azam (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh). On
seeing this, Shaikh Ahmad Jaam (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh)
humbled himself before the great Ghaus (Radiallahu Ta’ala
Anh) and asked for forgiveness for his arrogant behavior.
This shows the strength of a weak old dog due to its
Nisbath (connection) with the blessed stoop of Huzoor
Ghaus-e-Azam (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh). It also shows that
even animals recognize and are loyal to the Awliya Allah.
May Allah Ta’ala grant us true love for Huzoor Ghaus-
e-Azam (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) and may we, like the
weak old dog, always be at the feet and service of Sultan ul
Awliya Hazrat Shaikh Sayyid Abdul Qadir Jilani
Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh, Ameen. (Tuhfa Quaderia)

89. Ghouse Azam and his visit to Kaba

Shaikh Abu Mohammed Saleh has stated that Shaikh

Abu Mohammed Madin has sent him to Baghdad in service
of Shaikh Abdul Quader for obtaining knowledge of Fakir
persons there. He was asked me to sit at the door of his
residence for a period of 20 days. After 20 days while he
was pointing toward Ka’aba he told me to that “ Abu Saleh
look at this side. When I have looked at that side then he
has asked me what you have seen at that side.”? Then I
have told that “I have visited Ka’aba” and after that, he was
pointed out towards the west and he was told me to look at
that side. When I have looked at that side then he has asked

me “What you have seen.”? So I have told him that I am

seeing my Shaikh Abu Madin. (Seerat Ghouse Saqlin)

90. The hands of the prophet on the head of Shaikh

Abdul Quader

One time Shaikh Abdul Quader was reciting the

following couplet while standing at the mausoleum of the
holy prophet in Madina.

“ My sins are like waves of the sea but even more than it.
And like higher mountains. But even more than them.
When the Merciful Allah will forgive then it will become
like a feather of the mosquito. But even smaller than it.”

The second time when he was present there then he has

recited the following couplet and its meaning and
interpretation are as follows.
“ In the condition of a dream, I am sending my soul into
your service. It is kissing the earth from my side. And now
I come here. So stretch your hand so that my lips will
become the pride of kissing them.”
So at that time merciful hand of the prophet came
outside of his grave then he has shaken and kissed it and
put it on his head.

91. Imam Hanbal embrace him by his chest


This tradition is reported by Ali Bin Haiti that one time I

and Shaikh Baqa Bin Batur went for a visit to the grave of
Imam Hanbal along with Shaikh Abdul Quader. At that
time I have seen Imam Ahmed Bin Hambal and details as
Sheikh Sayyidi Baqaa (r.a) states that once he
accompanied Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (r.a) to the tomb of
Imam Ahmed bin Hambal (r.a). He says: “I saw Sheikh
Imam Ahmed bin Hambal’s (r.a) grave split open, and I
saw him emerge from his blessed grave. He embraced al-
Ghawth al-A’zam (r.a) and then said, ‘Even I am
dependent on you in Tariqah’”.
Imam Sahib came outside of his grave and he was
embraced by Shaikh Abdul Quader by his chest. And he
was told that “Oh Shaikh Abdul Quader I am helpless to
you for the knowledge of Islamic law Shariat and
knowledge of reality as well as knowledge of rapture.
(Safinatal Auliya, Seerat Ghouse Saqlain)

92.Saying of salam on the grave of Maroof Karqhi by

Shaikh Abdul Quader

This tradition is reported by Ali Bin Haiti that one time I

went with Shaikh Abdul Quader on the grave of Maroof
Karqhi then he told that “Salam oh Maroof we are one
degree ahead of you. The second time when he visited his
grave that time, I was with him and he told that “Salam oh
Maroof Kargqhi we are two degrees ahead of you. Then
Hazrat Maroof Karqhi was replied from his grave that “Oh

leader of the time Walikum Salam.” (Bahijat Israr, Seerat

Ghouse Saqlain)

93. The quarrel between Muslim and Christian person

Shaikh Abdul Quader once going from one locality and

he was found there was a quarrel between one Muslim and
one Christian persons and he was asked the reason of
quarrel. So the Muslim person told that “This Christian
person is telling that his prophet superior to Muslim
prophet. And I am saying our prophet Mohammed is
superior to his prophet Eisa. Then he asked with Christian
person to inform any reason for excellence. So he told that
he will used give life to the dead persons.Upon hearing this
Shaikh Abdul Quader told him that “He is not a prophet but
he is a slave of our prophet. And if I will give life to a dead
person then you will accept the religion of Islam.? So that
Christain said yes he will accept the religion of Islam. Then
he told him to show any old grave so that you have faith in
the excellence of our prophet. The Christain showed him
one old grave. He was addressed to the Christain and asked
him what his prophet say by giving life to the dead persons.
The Christin told him that “ He used to say Qum Bizin
Allah’. He told him that person of the grave who used to
work in the world as singer and music work. If you want I
can do that he will stand from his grave by singing and by
making music. The Christain told him that “ Yes it is
required like this.” He by paying his attention told Qum
Bizin Allah and grave was broken and a dead person stood
in the grave by singing. When the Christian has seen this

miracle and he has accepted the religion of Islam in his

hands of righteousness.

94. His holy name is a great name

One women’s boy was died by drowning in the river

water. That woman came into service of Shaikh Abdul
Quader and she has told that “Your honour my boy died by
drowning in the river water. I have faith that you can give
life to my boy and so return my boy to me. “He told him
you go to your house then you will find your boy in your
house.” She went to the house but could not find his boy
there. Then the second time she came into his service and
began weeping there. And he told him” To go to her house
then you will find your boy in your house.” Then she went
to the house but could not find his boy there. The third time
she by weeping and crying went into his service then he did
meditation and by moving his head he told that “You go to
your house then you will find your boy in your house.” She
went to the house and but could find his boy there. Shaikh
Abdul Quader in the condition of his love he told “ Oh
Allah you have made my condition of regret for two times
before that woman.” There came a call came from the side
of Allah that “In your conversation there is truth. But first-
time angles have gathered his different parts. And the
second time I have given life to him. And the third time I
have taken out from the river and sent to his house. He told
“Oh Allah you created all the world by word be (kun) and
in which there was no delay. And on the day of judgment,
you will gather different parts of the persons at one

moment and in which there will be no delay at all. And for

the collection of the body parts of one person and giving
life to him and sending to the house is a partial thing. At
last, what is wisdom in it.”? There was a call from the side
of Allah whatever you can ask which will be given to your
broken heart. Upon hearing this Shaikh Abdul Quader went
into prostration and he said that “Oh, Allah I am your
creation and my demand should be at the level of the
creation. You are the creator and your offer should be
according to your greatness and as per the creator”. Then
there was an address of Allah to him that “One who will
see you then he will become nearness in the court of Allah.
And if you look earth then it will become gold.” Then he
told that “ Oh Allah I do not have benefit from these two
things. And grant such thing which is more important than
above two things. And which will continue after my death.
So that it will give benefit to the people in both worlds. So
there came a call in which was heard that “I have effect and
result of your names with my names and one who calls you
name is as such that he has called my name.” (Tafrid Qatir)

95.The snatching of the souls from angel


There was the death of one of the servants of the Shaikh

Abdul Quader. And his wife while crying and weeping
came into his service. And she told him that her husband
should be given life. He was done meditation and was seen
by knowledge of manifest that angel Azreal (Azrael,
Arabic ʿIzrāʾīl or ʿAzrāʾīl, in Islam, the angel of death who

separates souls from their bodies; he is one of the four

archangels (with Jibrīl, Mīkāl, and Isrāfīl) was going to the
sky by collecting all souls of that day. He told angel
Azreal to stop and to give away the soul of such and such
person. And angel Azrael and the Islamic counterpart of the
Judeo-Christian angel of death, who is sometimes called
Azrael told him that he is going to the sky by collecting the
souls of the persons as per the order of Allah. And present
souls in the court of Allah. So how it is possible to give the
soul of that person to you which was taken by me as per the
order of Allah. He was insisting on this matter but angel
Azreal did not agree and he has one haversack in which
there were souls of the persons of that day which were
collected by him. So by the power of the love of the friend
he was taken away haversack of souls from angel Azreal
and due to this reason scattered the souls and were return
back to their bodies. Angel Azreal in hymn was told “Oh
Allah you know well what was happened in between me
and your beloved friend Abdul Quader. And he has seen
snatched all souls of the persons.” He was heard reply by
Allah that no doubt Ghouse Azam is my friend and my
beloved but why you did not give back the soul of the
servant of the Abdul Quader.? If you would have returned
back one soul then all other souls would not return back to
their human bodies. (Tafrid Qater)

96. Causing death upon saying

the name without ablution

It is written in Gulzar Mani that in the beginning there

was an overpowering of majestic upon him that one person
who said his name without ablution then his head will be
cut from his body. When the person died Shaikh Abdul
Quader has seen his grandfather was seen in his dream and
said told him “My son leave this condition. Because there
is coming such time in which people will take my name
and creator’s name without manners.” Shaikh Abdul
Quader by paying mercy on the nation of his grandfather
has left his condition for this matter. (Tafrid Qater)

97. There will be available respect by the blessing of his


The holy persons have said that when his condition of

majestic was well known then at that time nobody will holy
say his name without ablution due to fear of death. The
holy persons of Baghdad went in his service and they have
said that “Your honour pay mercy to the people and forgive
this strictness.” He said that he did not like the condition
but Allah has addressed me and said that “You have given
respect to me so we will also give respect to your name.
And one who gives respect to his name will become
honorable.” (Tafrih Qartir)

98.His remembrance is the cure of every disease

The holy persons have said that somebody who will


say his holy name without ablution then will face scarcity
poverty. And one owes offering of his name so then he
should fulfill it so that he may not any face problem. One
who cooks sweet on Thursday and recites verse Fatah and
passes this reward to his soul and distribute sweet among
the Fakir persons and if he will need help in any of his
work then Shaikh Abdul Quader will help him in this
matter. And if any person if some time spends some
amount on food and recite on it ks and send it to reward on
his holy soul then his difficulties of religion and world will
be solved. One who will say his holy name sincerity and
with ablution then he will be good and happy indeed
throughout the day time. And Allah will remove all of the
sins written in his name. (Tafrih Qatir)

99. Ghouse Azam is the sword of Allah

The holy persons have said that when Shaikh Abdul

Quader used to read Hezar Yamani and due to its excess of
daily recital in the beginning period there will be prevailed
condition of majestic upon him that like the sword to cut
the neck of the atheist persons. And arrow of reaching liver
of the enemy persons. So among atheists and unprogressive
persons who will say his name without ablution so his neck
was cut by the sword of Allah. In the revelation, there was
a meeting of the prophet. And he told him that “You have
become sword so discontinue reading of Hezar Yamani
now.” So upon this, he has discontinued reading this for

some time. Afterward, upon order of the prophet, he began

reading it.

100. There is a sword under the


One holy person said in the court of Shaikh Abdul

Quader that “To give salvation to the people.” Then he told
him to engage in meditation. And he was seen in mediation
one sword hanging under the empyrean and upon it, bees
were falling and cut themselves into two pieces. Then he
was told” To open his eyes and he said bees are fighting
with this sword. And from it, there will be many benefits.
And in all conditions who will hold the edge of shirt of
forgiveness and salvation firmly. And the opposite and
atheist persons who will involve in killing due to
disrespect. He said that “My sword is well known. And the
bow is ready. And arrow it at the target. And the horse is
fixed with the saddle. I am burning the fire of Allah.” Upon
recommendation of the people of Baghdad, he was
withdrawn his condition of majestic against the people

101. One lover of Shaikh Abdul Quader was safe from


Miya Azmatallah Bin Qazi Emad Bin Miya Nizam

Mohamed Bin Shah Bin Mohammed one learned and holy
person of his time who said that there was one wealthy
Hindu fire worshipper who lived in Burhanpor. And his

house and our house were near in the locality. He was a

great devotee of Shaikh Abdul Quader and who used to
think of himself as a disciple of the shaikh of time.
Every year he used to cook many kinds of food dishes
and call for learned and fakir persons on his eating carpet.
And arrange lights and torches for lighting. He will arrange
many decorations in the meeting place and will be found
many kinds of scents and aroma there. He will do all such
things due to the love and devotion of Shaikh Abdul
Quader. When he died then he was placed on the wood and
placed ghee upon him and make fire upon his dead body.
Due to the kindness and favour of Allah, there was no
effect of the fire on his corpse. When Hindus have seen this
they began a discussion of many kinds among them. And at
last, they agreed that he should be thrown in the running
water. When he was thrown in the running water then
Shaikh Abdul Quader advised one holy person in a dream
that such and such Hindu is my spiritual son and his name
is well known as Sad Allah among holy persons of Allah.
Give him funeral wash and bury him and you pray his
funeral prayer and then buried him by yourself.No doubt
there is the promise of Allah with me that he will safe from
the fire of hell for my disciples in both worlds. And I will
arrangement of their good and happy ending in the world.
And there are thanks of Allah for this grace.

102.Prediction of the birth of Khaja


Hazrat Shaikh Abdulla Balqi in his book Khoraq Al-

Ahbab Fi Marital Aqtab in the 25th chapter in which he has
written events of Khaja Naqshanbad that one day Shaikh
Abdul Quader was standing with a group of persons and he
was paid attention toward Bukhara and smell breeze and he
said that after my death of 157 years one Qalandar person
follower of Mohammadi religion will be born and his name
will be Bahuddin Mohammed
Naqshaband and who will be blessed with my special
grace. (Tafrid Qater)

103.The meeting of Hazrat Naqshband with Hazrat


The holy persons have said that when Khaja

Naqshband was obtained teachings by Amir Kalal then he
has advised him to read the great name of the personality of
Allah but there was not fixed mark of the name of
personality. And due to this, he was dishearted in this
matter. In such a condition of worry, he went toward the
jungle and on the way, he has met with Hazrat Khizer. He
welcomed and said salam to him. Hazrat Khizer told him
that from a court of Shaikh Abdul Quader he has got the
great name of the personality and I advised also this name
to you. And you also pay attention to the court of Shaikh
Abdul Quader and get his blessing and then you will be
successful soon. And next night Hazrat Naqshband has
seen Shaikh Abdul Quader in his dream and by his
finger of a right hand he has pointed

towards his chest and he has a fixed mark of the great name
on his heart. As fingers of the hand are in the shape of word
Allah. And at the same time, he has seen Allah. When there
was well known this matter among the people and they
have asked in this matter so he told that this is one favour
and this is one benefit of that night in which Shaikh Abdul
Quader was given to me. And the reason for his name Shah
Naqshband is the fixation of the mark of great name in his
heart. (Tafrid Qater)

104. He made rejected person as accepted


During the period of Shaikh Abdul Quader, there was

taken away his saintliness from one holy person. And small
and big persons told him as rejected one. He went into the
presence of 360 holy persons and all have prayed in the
court of Allah for his recommendation but their requested
was not accepted. And all have seen that his name was
written on the tablet as unlucky and miserable. And this
information was given to him that he will not come back at
his previous status. Upon hearing this his face was
becoming black. At last, he went into service of Shaikh
Abdul Quader. And he told him that “If you have rejected a
person then he can make him as an accepted person by
unfortunate person of Allah.” He was prayed for him and
then he has heard an invisible call in which it was heard
that whether do you know that 360 holy persons have
prayed for him but their request was not accepted as his
name is written, an unfortunate person. Shaikh Abdul

Quader requested Allah that “You have empowered to

make an unfortunate person an accepted one. If there is
your decision that he will be unlucky then why have
enabled me to pray for him as an accepted person.” Then
he was heard that “ I have to surrender him to you so you
can make him as per your likeness. And your rejected
person is rejected one for me too.” Then he has given him
the order to wash his mouth. And Allah has added his name
to the list of pure persons. “Oh Ghouse Azam I have given
you all powers of dismissal and appointment and your
rejected person is my rejected person and your accepted a
person is my accepted person.”

105. Questioning of angels Monkir and Nakir with a

devotee of Shaikh Abdul Quader

During the time of Shaikh Abdul Quader, there was

lived one sinfulness and impiety Malang (mendicant)
person. And he has much love with him. And when was
died and buried in the graveyard. Then at that time angels,
Monkir and Nakir came into his grave and began
questioning him that who is your creator ? and what is your
religion? and who is your prophet.? In reply to all these
questions, he said Shaikh Abdul Quader. There Was heard
invisible call from Allah at that time “Oh Monkir and Nakir
even this man is a sinner but he has true love with my
beloved person Shaikh Abdul Quader in his heart.So I have
forgiven him. And widened his grave.

106. He was given a turban of 70,000 dinars to one


The writer of Tafrih Qatar said the dress of Shaikh

Abdul Quader will be used to wear very fine dress. And
his one dress will be of ten dinars. And one time he has
fixed a turban of 70,000 dinars on his hand. And he has
seen on beggar then he has given that turban to him at the
same time.
107. The coming of Iftari (light breakfast) from the sky

The author of Tafrih Qatar has mentioned in his book

that Shaikh Abdul Quader has observed a Chilla
(Chilla (Persian: ‫چله‬, Arabic: ‫أربعين‬, both literally "forty")
is a spiritual practice of penance and solitude
in Sufism known mostly in Indian and Persian traditions. ...
The word chilla is derived from the Persian word chehel
"forty". Chilla is commonly performed in a solitary cell
called a chilla-khana.) of 40 days. And he has decided that
at the time fasting breaking except for water he will not eat
food items of the world. Till as such that if there will be
sent food from Allah from the sky he will break his fast
from the sky food provisions. Two days before the roof of
his room was broken and from it, one person came inside
of the room and he was brought one golden pot with its
gold chain in his right hand and on his left hand there was a
silver pot with silver chain. And these two utensils were
full of fruits and that person kept before him. And he was
asked what about these pots.? He told that he was brought
these utensils from the other world. So that you can eat

something from it. He told him that you take back these
gold and silver utensils as my grandfather was said it is
illegal to eat food in the utensil of gold and silver. Upon
hearing this that person left from there. At the time of fast-
breaking, there was came one angel from the sky by
holding one tray of food in his hands. And he told him that
“Oh Ghouse Azam there is an arrangement of the fast-
breaking from the side of Allah for you. And he was taken
the tray from angel’s hand and eat food itmes from it along
with his darwesh persons and thanked Allah very much in
this matter.

108. The soul of the mystic knowledge oh Shaikh

Abdul Quader

Hazrat Shaikh Abu Madian said that he was met Hazrat

Khizer and during my visit, I have asked him about Shaikh
of the east and west. And also asked about Shaikh Abdul
Quader then he said that Shaikh Abdul Quader is a guide of
the true persons and health of pious persons and soul of the
mystic knowledge and his position and status is most
higher and great.

109. Killing one Jinn by the disciple of Shaikh Abdul


The author of Tafrih Qatar was said the following.

Among learned persons of Baghdad one learned person
after performing the Friday prayer went to the graveyard

along with his students to recite Fatah and on the way, they
have seen one black snake there. And he was killed the
snake by his staff. After that, there was a dust storm for a
long time and that learned person vanished away from
there. Upon seeing this students were surprised. And after
some time the learned person came back there by wearing a
fine dress there. The students went forward and welcomed
his master and were asked him about his condition and fine
dress. Then he told that “When there was dust storm upon
him then Jinns have taken him into one Island and by
drowning him into river water they have taken before their
king. And who was standing on his throne by holding one
nake sword in his hand. And before him, there was found
one corpse of one young man there. and his head is injured
and there was the discharge of blood from his body. And
about me, he was asked who is this person.? And the Jinns
told that he is the killer of the boy. Also, he has seen me
with a look of anger and told me that “Oh teacher of the
city you have killed this boy in just away.” And by refusing
I told him that “ By God swearing, I did not kill him. This
is false charge by your servants upon me.” They told their
king that “ There is blood on his hand and his staff is proof
in this killing.” When I have seen my staff and found there
was blood on it. When it was asked about it then I have told
that I have killed one black snake and it was the blood of
that snake. The king told that “Oh ignorance person that
snake is my son.”Upon hearing this he was surprised and
was paid attention to the Qazi and told him that “This
person has accepted his killing. So you give an order of his
killing.” The king by taken of his sword began to strike to

kill me with his sword.” So at that time I was paid attention

to my master Shaikh Abdul Quader and asked for his help
in this matter. Soon there arrived one person of grace and
he told the king do not to kill this person. And he disciple
of Shaikh Abdul Quader Jilani and if there will be a
punishment from his side then what you will reply to
him?.” Upon hearing his name he was thrown his sword
beneath his hand and he told me that “Oh teacher of the
city due to respect and honor of Shaikh Abdul Quader I
have forgiven capital punishment of killing of my son.
Now you lead the funeral prayer of my son. And in the
pray ask Allah for his salvation. And he was given me to
wear the dress of honor and said me God bye with Jinns
and they have brought me here and were went away from
my look.”

110. Helping his lady disciple from cruel person

A young girl who was a follower of Huzoor Ghaus-e-
Azam (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) lived in Ceylon. One day
she was attacked in a lonely place by a man intending to
dishonor her. Helpless, she shouted, “Save me O my
Shaikh Abdul Qadir!” At that moment the Shaikh was
performing his ablution in Baghdad. People saw him stop,
angrily grab his wooden shoe, and throw it in the air.
However, they did not see the shoe fall down. That shoe
fell on the head of the man who was attacking the girl in
Ceylon and killed him. That shoe is still kept in Ceylon as a

111.Calling of the merchant disciple for

The author of the book Tafrih Qater said that “One
merchant of red sugar went on a journey with the caravan
and on the way, his camels were lost. So he was worried
very much. He was a disciple of Shaikh Abdul Quader. So
he called in loud voice “ My master my camels were
missing with goods.” And during this time he has seen one
holy person in white dress and he was there and by his edge
of the shirt, he was giving a signal to come at his side.
When I went to his side then he did not find the pious
person there. But I found the camels with my goods at that
112. The stamp of Shaikh Abdul Quader on the status
of saintliness
There is a tradition that Hazrat Shah Hashim who was
written in his magazine that when Allah wants to make any
person holy then he will give an order to present in the
court of his noble prophet Mohammed (peace be upon
him). When he will be sent into the court of the prophet
then the prophet will give the order to send that person to
his dear son Abdul Quader so that he can check whether he
is eligible for saintliness or not.? Then he will send to the
court of Shaikh Abdul Quader and if he will suitable then
he will write his name in the register of Mohammadan
people and put his seal on it. Then he will send in the court
of the prophet. In the letter of Shaikh Abdul Quader, it will
be written that as per the order of the prophet and he will
be intimated about the dress of saintliness. And which
given to him by hands of Shaikh Abdul Quader. And that

person will be given the saintly dress and so he will

become well known and famous in the world of invisible
and witness. In this post, Shaikh Abdul Quader will be
there till the day of judgment. On this status, no other holy
person is not equal and partner of him. Always and in every
time Ghouse ( helper), Qutub and all holy persons will be
benefitted from him.
113.Change of the religion upon the advice of the
The author of Tafrih Qater written that one day there was
came thinking of changing the religion in the mind of
Shaikh Abdul Quader and the same night he has seen the
prophet along with companions. And Imam Hanbal by
holding his beard in a standing position he is requesting in
the presence of the prophet “Oh prophet tell your dear son
Mohiuddin Abdul Quader to help me. He was by smiling
told Oh Abdul Quader to accept his request. So on the
advice of the prophet he has accepted the religion of Imam
Hanbal. And on the Fajr prayer, he was performed on the
prayer carpet of Hanbali. On that day except for the leader,
there was no follower there so that there may not be
organized congregational prayer in the mosque. Upon his
arrival, there was so much rush of mankind that there was
not left even a small space in the mosque there. The
narrator said that “If Shaikh Abdul Quader would not lead
the Fajr morning congregation prayer on the prayer carpet
of Hanbali then the religion of Hanbali (school ) would be
rooted out from the world.
114.Giving of the shirt to Shaikh Abdul Quader by
Imam Hanbal

One day Shaikh Abdul Quader went to visit the grave of

Imam Hanbal along with a group of holy persons. And he
has seen that his grave was split and Imam Hanbal came
out of his grave with one shirt in his hand. And which he
was given to Shaikh Abdul Quader and shake his hands.
And then he said that “ Syed Abdul Quader in the
knowledge of Islamic and mystic way and knowledge of
Halal (Dhabīḥah (‫ )َذِبْيَح ة‬is the prescribed method of
slaughter for all meat sources, excluding fish and other sea-
life, per Islamic law) you are alone and one.”
115. One question of Imam Azam (Imam Abu Hanifa)
with Shaikh Abdul Quader
Author of Tafrih Qater has written that Hazrat Imam
Azam has visited Shaikh Abdul Quader in a spiritual way.
And he said that “Oh Imam Auliya in the Islamic why you
have adopted the religion of Imam Hanbal.? As I have
lived in the company of your ancestor Imam Jaffer Sadiq
for a period of two years and was benefited by him. Then
Imam Abu Hanifa told that” If these two years of his age in
which I was benefitted by Imam Jaffer Sadiq which will
not be there then I (Noman ) would have been dying.”Then
Shaikh Abdul Quader told that there are two reasons for it.
1.His religion was become weak due to fewer followers of
his religion.
2.Imam Ahmed Hanbal is an indigent person and I am also
an indigent person and my grandfather has demanded
indigence from Allah. So the prophet told “Oh Allah keep
me in the condition of indigence and bring death in the
condition of indigence and raise him among indigent
people on the day judgment.”

116.There is shining of light found on the forehead of

his disciples

One Shaikh Baqa Bin Batu told that “I have seen disciple
of Shaikh Abdul Quader in the meeting of holy persons as
such that there is shining of light on the foreheads of his
disciples.” One person has questioned him about pious and
sinner disciples. And he said that “My pious disciple is for
me and and I am for the sinner disciple”

117. His holy name is a cure for all problems and


Hazrat Jalaluddin Bukhari said that if there is the effect

of Jinn for anybody then say into his ear “Ya Hazrat shaikh
Qutub Alam Muhi al-Haq Wa-din Syed Abdul Quader Al-
Jilani” recite and blow then Jinn will be fled from him for
this reason. If there is an infidel army attack on Islamic
country and if there is fear of robbers then at that time take
some black soil from the earth and recite the name of
Ghouse Azam upon it and throw that soil on that side.As
said by Shaikh Abdul Quader that if any person does as
such by throwing the earth in the eyes of the enemy. So
Allah will make blind the enemy. And on them, Allah will
send his anger and fury. If any person is in difficulty and
prayer for sake of Shaikh Abdul Quader then Allah will
take away from his difficulty. And he will be free from
humility. And he will find happiness. And one who will get
a dress of his caliphate then not only he will free from the

difficulty of the two words as well as he will reach to

higher grade status. Because he has prayed especially for
disciples and devotees and he is Qutub of the world and his
prayers are acceptable in the court of Allah.

118. The promise of Allah with Shaikh Abdul Quader

Shaikh Najibuddin Suherwardi said that one day he was

with Hazrat Shaikh Hammad bin Muslim and Shaikh
Abdul Quader was also available there. At that time Shaikh
Abdul Quader said a big conversation. So then Shaikh
Hammad told “Oh Shaikh Abdul Quader you have told the
strange matter. You have no fear that Allah will degrade
you.”Then Shaikh Abdul Quader has put his holy hand on
his chest and asked him to see by eyes of his heart what is
written on my hand.” Hammad was done meditation and he
was seen. Then he was taken away his hand from his chest
so Shaikh Hammad told him and which is as follows.
“There is no doubt he has permanent promise for 70 times
with Allah that Allah will not degrade him from a position
of status.” Then Shaikh Hammad told him that there is no
fear for you, there is no fear for you. He said this two times
and this is the grace of Allah to be given by him to any
person. And he is the owner of great grace.”

119. Reaching Baghdad from Jerusalem in one step by

one the disciple

In the book Bahijatal Israr it is written that Shaikh

Sadqa Baghdadi said some phrases which were against

apparently the Islamic law of Shariah. The caliph was

informed of this matter. So he was given an order to take
him into the Qazi court for legal action. When shaikh was
reached there then they have made naked his head. Upon
seeing this one disciple of the shaikh was cried. The person
who was decided to legal action and then his hands became
crippled. And Allah has put horror in the heart of the Qazi.
When the minister was known in this matter and Allah has
put horror in the heart of the minister. When the caliph was
able to know in this matter then there was horror in his
heart. And he has given the order to release him. Upon the
release, he went into cour of Shaikh Abdul Quader. He was
seen there that saints and general persons were present
there sitting for the start of the sermon and Shaikh Abdul
Quader came there and he was sat in the circle of saintly
Shaikh Abu Masood Ahmed bin Abu Baker Harami
Attar and Shaikh Abu Abdalla Mohammed bin Gaid and
who said that “One day Shaikh Abdul Quader who was
standing on the pulpit still he was not told anything or the
Quran reciter did not read by that time. But there was a
prevailed rapture of the audience of the meeting. Shaikh
Sadqa who was present at that time and he thought in his
heart what is the reason for this rapture.? Then Shaikh
Abdul Quader paid attention to him and he said that “Oh
Sheikh one of my disciples who came to here from Masjid
al-Aqsa (Bayt al- Maqdis) in one step. And he was
repentance in this matter. And the audience is his host.
Then Shaikh Sadqa thought again that the man who came
here from Masjid al-Aqsa (Bayt al-Maqdis) in one step and

why he has repented and what there will be the requirement

of the sheikh for him.? Then Shaikh Abdul Quader told
him that “Oh Sheikh he has repented that again he will not
fly in the air. And he has a need with me for the teaching of
the knowledge of the love of Allah.”
After this Shaikh Abdul Quader said that “ My sword is
like ready and my bow is ready for blowing action. And the
target of my arrow is without mistake. And spear is
straight, and my horse with saddles, and I am a burning fire
of my God. I am the person to seizure the conditions. And I
am an endless sea. I am line of reasoning of the time.
(Tafrid Qater)

120. His Sight on Lauh-e-Mahfooz (The Protected


It is written in one narration that Sheikh Abul Hafs (r.a)

states: “Our Sheikh Abd al-Qaadir Jilani (r.a) used to fly in
the air and would say, ‘The sun does not rise before
presenting Salams in my court. By the Wrath and Honour
of Allah! All the good and bad persons are before my sight.
My eyes are fixed firmly on Lauh-e-Mahfooz. Time and
again, I immerse myself in the sea of knowledge and
wisdom blessed by Allah and I am the Sign (Nishaan) of
Allah to the people, and the specially appointed
representative of my forefather, Nabi Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬and
his viceroys on this earth.’

121. Two flags of his saintliness


One time there was a discussion of Shaikh Abdul

Quader with Shaikh Hammad then he was told that he has
seen two flags of saintliness on the head of Shaikh Abdul
Quader and which fixed from the lower region to the
angelic world. And I was heard in the higher horizon
saying by one person with the title of Siddiq ( truthful) to

122. The generosity of 40 horses

The author of the book Tafrih Qater was entred one

event and he has written that in the region of Aqsa when he
has heard the fame of Shaikh Abdul Quader then he has a
fondness to visit him. In that fondness by the journey, he
came to Baghdad. And he went on the way to the stables of
Shaikh Abdul Quader and he has seen that there 40 higher
kinds of horses are there. And fixed in peg of gold and
silver. And cradles are made of silk. And there was came
thought in his heart that holy persons of Allah do not
demand the world and worldly things. The things I have
seen here do not find even with the kings. This shows the
argument of the demand of the world and its love. Due to
evil-minded, he did not stay in the shrine building and he
stayed in the house of some other person. And affected by
one serious illness. And doctors said it is an incurable
disease caused to him. And one Hakeem (doctor) told that
he will be getting healthy if there will be given livers of
such and such kind of 40 horses. The people told that these

kinds of horses except Shaikh Abdul Quader which will not

found at another place. So the people have a discussion in
this matter and there will be asking in the court of Shaikh
Abdul Quader and he is Syed of generosity and they will
not come back empty from his court. The people have
asked with him for such kind race of horses with him. He
was given an order to give them one horse. When they
came the next day then he was told to be given 40 horses
on the basis of one horse daily. They daily ask him for a
horse and he used to give one horse to them. When that
person was becoming well then all people came to his court
to thank him. He told to that person that “The horses you
have seen I have purchased for you. Because when you
have left on a journey towards me from your house for love
and fondness of mine then I was able to know that you will
be suffered by such and such disease and for such
complaint, there is no other cure of that disease is 40 livers
of the such and such kind of horses. So then I have
purchased for you. When you have passed from the stables
of horses and have seen pegs and bridal of horses you
have evil-minded from me and have stayed in another
house. Then it was happened as such as per your fate.”
Upon hearing this he was repentant for his bad thinking and
was requested with him for his forgiveness and was
become his devotee. He was given pegs and bridle to the
Hakeem (doctor) and who was Christian before but upon
hearing this story was accepted Islamic religion on his
hands of reality.

123. He has .answered questions of a hundred



It is well known that the lectures of al-Ghawth al-A’zam

(r.a) attracted scores of scholars to Baghdad from all over
the world. Once, a hundred Jurists formed a group and each
one chose a difficult question. They all decided to present
themselves in the gathering of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani
(r.a) and each would ask his question during the lecture in
an attempt to cause Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (r.a) to be
confused. The one hundred Jurists chose what they thought
to be the most difficult question and traveled to Baghdad.
They sat in the gathering of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (r.a)
waiting for the appropriate time to ask their questions. It
was during this gathering that a bright ray of light emerged
from the blessed chest of al-Ghawth al-A'zam (r.a) and
traveled into the heart of each of the one hundred Jurists.
This light could only be seen by them and to those whom
Almighty Allah desired to see. As this light entered their
hearts, each one of them entered a state of spiritual ecstasy.
Each one of them fell at the feet of al-Ghawth al-A'zam
(r.a) and repented from their improper intentions. The great
Saint, with great compassion, embraced each one of them,
filling their hearts with Noor (light),and at the same time
answering every one of their questions, even though they
had not asked.

124. He has great manners

Shaikh Abdul Quader has fear in the court of Allah and

he was horror with him. And he whose prayers are

accepted by God and generous person. And with good

manners and a person of fragrance. And away from
obscenity deeds. He was a great seeker of the nearness of
Allah than other persons. He will not angry with anybody
for his personal sake. Except for the will of Allah he did
not help any person. And will not send any beggar empty
from his door. Even there will be one question of two
clothes wear by him on his body. And divine help was his
coverlet and support of Allah was his assitant and
knowledge was civilization. And the nearness of Allah was
his manner. And discourse was his treasure. And
knowledge was his helper. And love was his friend. And
expansion was his habit. And the truth was his flag. The
discourse was his capital. And the order was his work.
Remembrance was his minister. And the address was his
advisor. And sight was his ambassador and thought was his
storyteller. And the revelation was his food. And the
revelation was his cure for him. And manners of Islamic
law (Shariat) was his appearance and attributes of reality
were his secrets of innermost.

125. All his disciple of belongs to heaven

The author of the book Tarih Qater who has written by

reference to Bahijatal Israr that Shaikh Abdul Quader said
“He was given a lengthy book and in which names of
friend persons and all names of disciples till the day of

judgment day all their names will be found in it. And it is

said that all these names were handed over to you.” I have
asked with a guard of the hell that whether any of my
disciples are there in your hell and who told that no. Then
he was told that “For there is swearing for me for the
respect and majesty of Allah that my hands are as such on
my disciples like sky controlling on the earth. If my
disciple is not good then I am good. And for me, there is
the swearing of respect and majesty that I will not leave the
court of Allah unless and until I will not take my disciples
to the heaven.”

126. There is favour of his look upon his every


Shaikh Qutub Bin Ashraf Rumi was written in his book

Mazji Nafas that Shaikh Abdul Quader said that “If his
disciple is not pious then he is enough for him. By God’s
swearing, my hands are on my disciple. If he will be there
in the East, and if I am in the West and if my disciple’s
hiding will be open it means he has done any mistake then
from the long distance I will stretch my hands and cover
his mistake.” “God swearing that I will stand on the door
of hell on the day of the judgment till such that all my
disciples passed away from there. There is the promise of
Allah that he will not put any of my disciples into hell. One
who says as my disciple then I will accept him and include
him in my disciples. And will pay attention to him. I have
to take promise by Monkir and Nakir that he will not afraid
my disciples in the graves.”

127. Kissing of his finger

Shaikh Arif Abu Mohammed Shader Sabsti Mahalli said

that “He came to Baghdad to visit him there and I stayed in
his house. And after some period of time for endeavor, he
was intended to go Egypt and he has asked his permission
to leave from Baghdad. Then he told shaikh that he should
not ask anything on the way of his journey and upon saying
this he has put two fingers into his mouth and told him to
suck it very much. I was able to understand his matter.
Then he told me to return back. Shaikh Arif came to Egypt
from Baghdad. And he said on the way he did not eat
anything but his health was very good than before.

128. Visiting of his grave is the felicity of the two


Hazrat Shaikh Ahmed Rifai used to advise his

disciples to visit Shaikh Abdul Quader. One day one person
came to see him upon his visit to Baghdad. Then he told
him that “ When you go to Baghdad then you first visit
Shaikh Abdul Quader if he is living and if he will be died
then visit his blessed grave. Because there is the promise
of Allah that one who goes to Baghdad and did not visit
him then his condition will be unlucky. Even if he will
unlucky then he has copies his saying as follows.
“ Unlucky is such a person who did not visit him.”

129. Given the information of his death before seven


The author of Tafih Qater was told that when there

came time of his death than at the evening time angel
Azrael has brought one closed envelope from the side of
Allah and given to his son Hazrat Shaikh Abdul Wahab.
There was the following writing on the backside of the
envelope which is as follows.
“ From friend to reach his beloved.”

Hazrat Shaikh Abdul Wahab wept upon seeing that

letter. And he went to see his father along with angel
Azrael. Seven days before this he was got information of
his shifting to the world of celestial and for this, he was
very much happy in this matter. And he has prayed for his
disciples, friends, sincere persons for salvation. And from
all of them, he has already an agreement of intercession on
the day of judgment.

130. Twelve years old drowned large boat was

recovered safely

One day Shaikh Abdul Quader went to the riverside for

fun purposes there and he saw some women came there for
the collection of river water in their pots. All women filled
the water in the pots and they went away from the riverside

but one 90 years old woman was still there and she has
filled her pot with water and put it on the riverside and she
began loud and cry there. When Shaikh Abdul Quader was
heard her loud and cry then he was told that some cruel
person has done severe cruelty to her. So she is making
loud and there. God knows in which trouble she is passing.
One of his one of servant told him that “ He knows well
about details of this old woman that why she did loud and
cry and he said that “She has her one son and who was the
very smart son and the old lady was arrange the marriage
of her son with splendid and pomp and show. Upon its
grand arrangement, she was taken her boy’s marriage
process to the bride’s house. The bridge groom was taking
back his bride after marriage to his house. And he was
boarded on the large boat on the riverside and the boat was
drowned in the river water. All party of the marriage was
drowned in the river water. This event happened 12 years
ago. This old woman is still feeling the sad and tragic
event. And she used to come on the riverside on the pretext
of water but engage daily in the loud and cry. When Shaikh
Abdul Quader has heard her story then there came waves in
the river of the kindness of Ghouse Azam. He told his
servant to go immediately there and give satisfaction and
assurance from our side and ask her not to do loud and cry
and have patience for some time then her will and wishes
will be fulfilled. The old woman has heard his message but
she did not satisfy with this matter and she began louder
and cry than before. Then he told his servant to go and say
the old woman that “ Your son will come back with all his
all his goods with which he was drowned in the river water.

So have some patience and watch what will be happening

from the veil of the invisible.? When his message was
preached to the woman then she became silent. He was
raised his hands and prayer in the court of Allah to accept
his prayer and for 2 or 4 minutes did not happen anything
so Shaikh Abdul Quader said “Oh Allah why there is so
much delay.?” There was received reply that “ Oh my dear
beloved this delay is not against fate and policy as our
works are done by easy going. If we want then create sky
and earth by word be (Kun) but as per the requirement of
wisdom purpose, we have created the universe in six days
time. This event happened 12 years ago now there is no
sign of the boat and also there are no small particles of
human flesh are found. And all flesh was eaten by river
animals. Upon collection of small particles and again there
is an arrangement of the process of life for them and now
there is time near of their arrival. Still, this conversation
was not completed then and from the storm, that boat came
out with all goods, and bridegroom and bride and all other
marriage party persons came safely from the river water.
When the old woman has seen his miracle then she was
fallen on his foot and marriage party persons after taking
permission left from him and have come back to their
house with pomp and show.
Upon hearing this event many thousand persons have
accepted Islamic religion on his hands.
(Sultan Al-Azkar Fi Manaqab Ghosue Al-Abrar reference
from Nadir Karmat)


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