Miracles of Hazrat Abdul Quader Jilani
Miracles of Hazrat Abdul Quader Jilani
Miracles of Hazrat Abdul Quader Jilani
Translated by
Mohammed Abdul
E-books author
Published by
© M o h a m m e d A b d u l Hafeez
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IBR Achiever
Mohammed Abdul Hafeez (born on January 10, 1945) of
Hyderabad, Telangana, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for translating a
complete book titled 'Muslim Saints and Mystics' (ISBN: 978-
9830653-54-9), published by ASN Islamic Books, from English to
Kannada using Google translate, as confirmed on August 8, 2024.
from Shirdi Baba. Both the saints were in communion with each
other on the spiritual plane!
Then I was fortunate enough to read the short biography of Taj
uddin Baba written by the same author Master Bharadvaja, which
impressed me immensely. The drawback of this short although very
valuable biography was that facts and details mentioned in it are not
complete or not explained in a logical sequence. Which leads to a
feeling of dissatisfaction. Still the reader gets an idea of the
overwhelming spiritual power and universal love of Taj uddin. But it
kindled my interest to know more about this saint.
This made me always to be in search of a complete biography of the
saint with more details. As I by chance discovered the Work of
Mohammed Abdul Hafeez I was thrilled and I ordered it
immediately and am now a happy possessor of this book.
Many important details from the life of this Sufi Saint, which were
like missing links, I could gather from this book:
1. About the ancestry of the saint.
2. His childhood and transition from the worldly life to that of
godliness; the important incidents which took place and worked as
catalysers on the way to his perfection.
3. His relation with the Maharaja of Nagpur and other members of
the aristocracy.
4. An exhaustive account of his relationship with the Hindu-disciples
and followers.
India is a country of spirituality. Many of its spiritual masters have
transcended the narrow limits of religion, preached and practised
One who has become rich there so his fate could not known
In the resurrection day prophet, Ibrahim will find help there
By A.Hafeez
1.Reaching of prayer
carpet……………………… ...45
2.The prediction of Hazrat Junaid of Baghdad before his
death…………………………………………………… 46
3. The witness of Hazrat Hasan of Basara…………… …46
4.Giving the information by Shaikh Abdul Quader…… .46
5.Giving information by Hazrat Shaikh Mohammed
Shabanki …………………………………………………
6.Giving information byHazrat Shaikh Abu Baker Bin
7.Giving information by Shaikh Muslama Bin Nama Al-
8.Incomparable birth of the holy person among holy
persons of Allah……………
9.Presence of 11 hundred holy persons of Allah……….…
Mohammed Abdul Hafeez
and he will declare this and all holy persons of Allah will
be obedient of him. (Tahrih Qatir)
see each other. So you are mine and beloved of Allah. You
are an heir of saintliness and loveliness after me. I have put
my foot on your neck. And your neck will be there on holy
persons of Allah.”
Abul Wafa Zalim Bin Saeed who was become famous and
well known with his name Ibn Mazhem Zalim and who has
appointed as Qazi by caliph Muqtafi Amar Allah. Then at
that time, Hazrat Abdul Quader Jilani went upon the pulpit
and he has told the caliph that “ Oh caliph you have
appointed one cruel Qazi on his post. Tomorrow what you
will reply to in the court of Allah in this matter.?, When the
living body and souls and as well as Jinns and angels there
will be found. The prophet used to be a presence for the
training and support there. Hazrat Khizer used to be present
much of his time in the meeting place. Hazrat Khizer who
used to meet shaikhs of time then he will advise them to be
a presence in the meetings of Shaikh Abdul Quader Jilani.
He also used to say that “If one who want for welfare and
prosperity then he must attend his meeting always.
(Bahijtal Israr)
So she was weeping and stood from there and she has
brought 80 dinars amount remaining from the inheritance
of my father. Among that amount, she has taken 40 dinars
for my brother and balance 40 dinars she has kept and
stitched in my shirt’s cloth under the armpit and she has
given me permission to travel to Baghdad city. She has
taken the pledge from me for not telling lies. And she has
come outside of the house to say God bye to me. And she
has said to me that “For the sake of Allah she has
disconnected with me all her connections and till the day of
judgment she will not see my face.” I have joined the small
group of the caravan to journey to Baghdad. When we have
passed from Hamdan city then in that place 60 horsemen
appeared there and encircled the caravan and nobody did
not care about me. But one person among them came
toward me and has asked “Oh Fakir what you have with
you.? I have told that “ I have 40 dinars with me.” Then he
has asked,” Where are there.?” I have told that under the
armpit stitched into the cloth. He thought that I was joking
with him. So he left me. Another person who came to me
has asked the same question which was asked by the
previous man and I have given a reply which I was given to
another person. Both of them went to the chief of the
robbers and they have said to him what I said to them. And
who has called me. They have taken me to one hillock
where the looted goods were being distributed among the
thieves. The chief has asked me “What you have with
you.?” I have told him that “I have 40 dinars with me.”
Then he has asked where dinars are kept there. I have told
him that it is stitched into the cloth in the armpit. So he was
given the order to tear off my dress and they got whatever I
have told them. So the chief told me that “How I got the
courage to confirm in this matter.?” I have told him that
“My mother was taken a promise from me that I will not
say false and I have not done breach of trust in the promise
which was made by the mother.”
One holy person and his name was Abul Fatah Harvi
and he said that he was in the service of Shaikh Abdul
Quader for a period of 40 years. And during this period I
have seen that he was performed Fajr prayer with ablution
if Eisha prayer. (Jama Karamat)
One holy person and his name is Abdul Mogis Bin Harbi
Baghdadi who said that “We in one group of 50 people
were present in the presence of Shaikh Abdul Quader and
this meeting which was held in Halba locality in Baghdad
and in which he has said some names among 50 saint
persons who present in the meeting are as follows.
1.Shaikh Abu Umro Al-Batai
2.Shaikh Qasim Alaban
3.Shaikh Abul Abbas Ahmed Yamani
4.Shaikh Abul Abbas Ahmed Qazuni
5.Shaikh Dawud
6.Shaikh Ali Bin Haithi
7.Shaikh Baqa Bin Batu
8.Shaikh Abu Saeed Al-Qilawi
9.Shaikh Musa Bin Mahan
10.Shaikh Abu Najib Suherwardi
11.Shaikh Abulkaram
12.Shaikh Abu Umar Wa Usman Al-Quershi
13.Shaikh Makaram Al-Akbar
14.Shaikh Matar
15.Shaikh Jagir
16.Shaikh Khalifa Bin Musa Al-Akbar
17.Shaikh Sadqa Bin Mohammed Al-Baghdad
18.Shaikh Yahiah Al-Martash
19.Shaikh Zia Ibrahim Al-Juni
20.Shaikh Abu Abdallah Mohammed Ul-Khas
21.Shaikh Abu Umro Wa Usman Al-Iraqi Ashkoki
22.Shaikh Sultan Al-Muzain
23.Shaikh Abu Baker Shabani
24.Shaikh Abul Abbas Ahmed Bin Ilustab
25.Shaikh Abul Barkat
26.Shaikh Abdul Quader Baghdadi
27.Shaikh Abul Mohamed Al-Kosaj
28.Shaikh Mubarak Al-Humari
29.Shaikh Abu Masood Al-Attar
30.Shaikh Abu Abdalla Al-Wani
31.Shaikh Abul Qasim Al-Bazaz
32.Shaikh Shuhab Umar Suherwardi
33.Shaikh Abul Baqa
34.Shaikh Abu Hafz Al-Gazali
35.Shaikh Abu Mohammed Al-Farsi
36.Shaikh Abu Mohammed Al-Yakubi
37.Shaikh Abu Hafz Al-Kimyani
38.Shaikh Abu Baker Mazian
39.Shaikh Jamil Sahib Al-Qutwa Wal-Zaqa
40.Shaikh Abu Umro Wasir Yafni
41.Shaikh Qazi Abu Saili Al-Fara
42.Shaikh Abul Hasan Josqi
43.Shaikh Abu Mohammed Al-Harimi
of the Jinns who will come there with his army and he will
ask you while standing outside of the circle, what is your
work.? Then tell him that “Shaikh Abdul Quader has sent
to you. And tell him the story of your girl to him.” The
narrator said that when I have done like this then these
Jinns who have passed in groups in dangerous shapes from
there. Then there came the Jinn’s king on his horse along
with his army. And he was there and standing near the
outside of the circle and he has asked what is there is
needed by you.? And I told him that Shaikh Abdul Quader
has sent me here. So he got down from the horse
immediately and was kissed the earth, then he has sat
outside of the circle and he has asked why he has sent
you.? So I have told about misplaced by my daughter. Then
he was given the order to present the Jinn who has taken
away the girl from his house. And immediately that Jinn
and the girl were presented there. Then he said he is from
Jinn from China. The king has asked “Why you have taken
her from the stirrup of the Qutub.?” Then he was told that
“He was like that girl and who has got a place in his heart.”
He was given the order to kill such disobedient for
disrespecting the city of Shaikh Abdul Quader and to give
the girl to me.
his body and came out from his collar and it was attched
with his neck. But he did not stop his sermon. And even
he did not move his body. Then the snake came on the
earth. And upon saying something he went away from
there. Then at that time, all people came back to their
places. And all of them have asked him your honour what
snake talked with you. He told that “ “He has tried many
holy persons of Allah but he could not find a person like
you. And not find same like you. (Bahijatal Israr )
the people have done like this and were cured well in this
matter. And after this again this plague disease never came
in Baghdad city.
One Abdal was removed from the post of Abdal for his
mistake. So he began weeping by putting his forehead on
the silt of the door of the school. And at the said time there
was hearing an invisible call in which it was told that “ As
you have put your head by humility on earth of the door of
our deloved so I have forgiven you. And your position was
increased more than before. So you should present in the
court of Abdul Quader and thank for this great favour of
thief the way of guidance and make him Qutub of his time.
So he has made him Qutub. (Tafrih Al-Khater)
So keep you alert so that you will not get benediction from
his visit.” When I visited Shaikh Abdul Quader and able to
look at his face and upon sitting for some time then I have
told him that this is my nephew and his name is Omar and I
have prohibited him a number of times not to read books of
scholastic philosophy by him but he is ignoring my advice
in this matter. Then Shaikh Abdul Quader has asked “Oh
Omar which books of this knowledge you are studying by
you”.I have told I read such and such books by me. Then
sheikh was touched my chest than for this reason there has
not remained any knowledge which I was memorized. But
at that time Allah has opened the door of inspired
knowledge upon my heart. And from there I was standing
by, saying the knowledge of wisdom. He said to me “Oh
Omar, you are among the famous personalities of Iraq who
will come later time. So this happened like this.
drown in the surprise. And all four sides there was uproar
for this reason. Then he has returned back from there
without eating meals there.
ring dove has not been talking. Then Shaikh Abdul Quader
told Rami that “Whatever you have with you so give its
benefit to your owner and told to Qamri (ring dove) “Sataj
Mafak Lil Khaliqaq.”Then ring dove began talking and
Rami began laying the eggs.
Hazrat Shaikh Abu Abd Mulk Zeyal said that one day
he was standing in the school of Shaikh Abdul Quader. At
that time he came from his house with his staff in his hand.
Then he was feeling that today he will show his miracle
with his staff. He has seen me smiling. And he was fixed
his staff in the earth. The staff while fixing in the earth then
began shining by giving light. It was continued shining for
one hour time. With the light of the staff, there was shining
One holy person and his name is Abul Farj Bin Hamami
one time he went to the locality of Bab Azhaj and while
returning from there I was passed from the school of
Shaikh Abdul Quader at that time there was time for Asar
prayer. And there was calling Takbir (Allāhu ʾakbar
meaning "God is greater or "God is the greatest". It is a
common Arabic expression, used in various contexts
by Muslims and Arabs across the world:
informal Salah (prayer) and there thought in heart to pray
Asar prayer there. As well as to say salam to Shaikh Abdul
Quader and due to hurry, there was no thought that I was
without ablution. So in such condition, I was joined in the
prayer. When he has finished the prayer then he told “ Oh
my son your memory is very weak and you have prayed the
prayer without ablution now with your intention. Upon
hearing his order I was become very much worried that he
was able to know my hidden condition and also he has
informed me in this matter. (Seerat Ghouse Saqlain)
One day one woman came into his service and she has
requested Shaikh Abdul Quader to pray in the court of
Allah for the grant of children. So he went into meditation
and checked the tablet and was not find any children in the
luck of that woman. Then he was prayed for 2 sons. There
was heard invisible call from a court of Allah that there is
Hadrat Abul Mali said one time one person came into
the presence of Shaikh Abdul Quader and he has said that
this shrine building which is as the asylum of the world and
the center of one’s hopes and from here he is requesting a
male child. After this, that person who used to come into
the presence of benediction, the sheikh of time and he used
to say some time in Indication and sometimes he used to
say in describing his wish and as the person of desire will
be as a mad person. When his request was exceeded, then
sheikh told him that not disturb me a number of times in
this matter and whatever you want I have seen him in his
mother’s womb. When the pregnancy days were over then
the baby girl was born instead of a baby boy so he has
taken his girl child and came into the presence of the
sheikh of the world and he told him that “ He has requested
for the male child for him.” Then he told him that “ Cover
the baby girl in the cloth and go back to your house and see
what will be there happen by invisible source?.” When he
has reached back to his house then he has found a baby boy
instead of a baby girl.
said to him that “He has arranged one caravan and want to
go to Syria.” Then he told him that “ If you travel to Syria
during this year, then you will be killed in this journey.
And all your goods and properties will be damaged. ”Due
to dis-appointment from that place, he went into the
presence of the Shaikh Abdul Quader and he has told him
all details in this matter. So Shaikh Abdul Quader told him
to go. He went on the journey with security. And he has
sold away from his goods for better profits. And one day he
has reached Halab from his return journey. And whatever
with him the goods he has kept in one place and went to
attend the natural call. And when he was free from it, then
he forgot about his goods at that place. When he went into
his sleeping place then in his dream he has seen that one
Arabian group of robbers attacked his caravan of the
merchandise and they looted goods and killed the travelers.
One person came and cut his neck with a knife. When he
was waking up from the dream, then he has seen the mark
of blood on his neck and there was a pain in his neck. Then
he was thinking about his goods and group and he has
remembered the place where he has kept his goods. And he
was going there and found his goods at that place. And
from Halab, he came to Baghdad and he was thinking to
whom he should see first. Shaikh Hammad was going to
Sultan Bazaar and who told him “Oh Abul Muzafar first to
go to see Shaikh Abdul Quader because he is a beloved
person of Allah. And he prayed 17 times with Allah and
Allah was changed this event from wake up condition into
the dream and damaged of the goods which were changed
to forgetfulness.
stomach. The dog then dragged the lion and threw it before
Huzoor Ghaus-e- Azam (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh). On
seeing this, Shaikh Ahmad Jaam (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh)
humbled himself before the great Ghaus (Radiallahu Ta’ala
Anh) and asked for forgiveness for his arrogant behavior.
This shows the strength of a weak old dog due to its
Nisbath (connection) with the blessed stoop of Huzoor
Ghaus-e-Azam (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh). It also shows that
even animals recognize and are loyal to the Awliya Allah.
May Allah Ta’ala grant us true love for Huzoor Ghaus-
e-Azam (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) and may we, like the
weak old dog, always be at the feet and service of Sultan ul
Awliya Hazrat Shaikh Sayyid Abdul Qadir Jilani
Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh, Ameen. (Tuhfa Quaderia)
“ My sins are like waves of the sea but even more than it.
And like higher mountains. But even more than them.
When the Merciful Allah will forgive then it will become
like a feather of the mosquito. But even smaller than it.”
say his holy name without ablution then will face scarcity
poverty. And one owes offering of his name so then he
should fulfill it so that he may not any face problem. One
who cooks sweet on Thursday and recites verse Fatah and
passes this reward to his soul and distribute sweet among
the Fakir persons and if he will need help in any of his
work then Shaikh Abdul Quader will help him in this
matter. And if any person if some time spends some
amount on food and recite on it ks and send it to reward on
his holy soul then his difficulties of religion and world will
be solved. One who will say his holy name sincerity and
with ablution then he will be good and happy indeed
throughout the day time. And Allah will remove all of the
sins written in his name. (Tafrih Qatir)
towards his chest and he has a fixed mark of the great name
on his heart. As fingers of the hand are in the shape of word
Allah. And at the same time, he has seen Allah. When there
was well known this matter among the people and they
have asked in this matter so he told that this is one favour
and this is one benefit of that night in which Shaikh Abdul
Quader was given to me. And the reason for his name Shah
Naqshband is the fixation of the mark of great name in his
heart. (Tafrid Qater)
something from it. He told him that you take back these
gold and silver utensils as my grandfather was said it is
illegal to eat food in the utensil of gold and silver. Upon
hearing this that person left from there. At the time of fast-
breaking, there was came one angel from the sky by
holding one tray of food in his hands. And he told him that
“Oh Ghouse Azam there is an arrangement of the fast-
breaking from the side of Allah for you. And he was taken
the tray from angel’s hand and eat food itmes from it along
with his darwesh persons and thanked Allah very much in
this matter.
along with his students to recite Fatah and on the way, they
have seen one black snake there. And he was killed the
snake by his staff. After that, there was a dust storm for a
long time and that learned person vanished away from
there. Upon seeing this students were surprised. And after
some time the learned person came back there by wearing a
fine dress there. The students went forward and welcomed
his master and were asked him about his condition and fine
dress. Then he told that “When there was dust storm upon
him then Jinns have taken him into one Island and by
drowning him into river water they have taken before their
king. And who was standing on his throne by holding one
nake sword in his hand. And before him, there was found
one corpse of one young man there. and his head is injured
and there was the discharge of blood from his body. And
about me, he was asked who is this person.? And the Jinns
told that he is the killer of the boy. Also, he has seen me
with a look of anger and told me that “Oh teacher of the
city you have killed this boy in just away.” And by refusing
I told him that “ By God swearing, I did not kill him. This
is false charge by your servants upon me.” They told their
king that “ There is blood on his hand and his staff is proof
in this killing.” When I have seen my staff and found there
was blood on it. When it was asked about it then I have told
that I have killed one black snake and it was the blood of
that snake. The king told that “Oh ignorance person that
snake is my son.”Upon hearing this he was surprised and
was paid attention to the Qazi and told him that “This
person has accepted his killing. So you give an order of his
killing.” The king by taken of his sword began to strike to
One Shaikh Baqa Bin Batu told that “I have seen disciple
of Shaikh Abdul Quader in the meeting of holy persons as
such that there is shining of light on the foreheads of his
disciples.” One person has questioned him about pious and
sinner disciples. And he said that “My pious disciple is for
me and and I am for the sinner disciple”
but one 90 years old woman was still there and she has
filled her pot with water and put it on the riverside and she
began loud and cry there. When Shaikh Abdul Quader was
heard her loud and cry then he was told that some cruel
person has done severe cruelty to her. So she is making
loud and there. God knows in which trouble she is passing.
One of his one of servant told him that “ He knows well
about details of this old woman that why she did loud and
cry and he said that “She has her one son and who was the
very smart son and the old lady was arrange the marriage
of her son with splendid and pomp and show. Upon its
grand arrangement, she was taken her boy’s marriage
process to the bride’s house. The bridge groom was taking
back his bride after marriage to his house. And he was
boarded on the large boat on the riverside and the boat was
drowned in the river water. All party of the marriage was
drowned in the river water. This event happened 12 years
ago. This old woman is still feeling the sad and tragic
event. And she used to come on the riverside on the pretext
of water but engage daily in the loud and cry. When Shaikh
Abdul Quader has heard her story then there came waves in
the river of the kindness of Ghouse Azam. He told his
servant to go immediately there and give satisfaction and
assurance from our side and ask her not to do loud and cry
and have patience for some time then her will and wishes
will be fulfilled. The old woman has heard his message but
she did not satisfy with this matter and she began louder
and cry than before. Then he told his servant to go and say
the old woman that “ Your son will come back with all his
all his goods with which he was drowned in the river water.