LP FLCT Almacin

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Date: 09-04-2024 Grade and Section: BSED Science, Math, & BEEd III
Subject: EDUC 311 Time: 8:00-9:00

A. Content Standard
The learner demonstrates a deep understanding of Vygotsky’s theory of cognitive
development, particularly the concepts of the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) and
scaffolding, and how these influence student learning.
B. Performance Standard
The learner transfers learning through a group discussion to identify and discover
how Vygotsky’s concepts of the Zone of Proximal Development and scaffolding can be
applied to help and support students in their learning processes, promoting their cognitive
development and overall academic growth.
C. Learning Competencies
Design and implement teaching strategies that effectively utilize the Zone of
Proximal Development and scaffolding to foster cognitive development, encourage social
interaction, and support collaborative learning among students.
D. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. Explain the sociocultural theory of cognitive development;
b. Demonstrate real life applications of the theory; and
c. Reflect on the importance of social interaction and language in cognitive
A. Topic: Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory of Cognitive Development
B. References: Facilitated Learner-Centered Teaching,

C. Materials: visual aids, laptop, television, PowerPoint presentation

D. Values Integration: Teamwork, Creativity, and Kindness
E. SUBJECT INTEGRATION: English, Social Science
F. Teaching Strategies: Cooperation, Inquiry Method

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Daily Routines

a. Prayer
Let us all ask for the guidance of our
Almighty God. Let us all stand for a short
(The teacher will call a student to lead the
prayer.) Lord, we thank you for today and all the
blessings that we are receiving. Please protect
and guide us all throughout this day. Amen.

b. Greetings
Good morning class!

Good Morning Sir!

I’m so happy that everyone is doing well
and doing fine. It’s another great day for
you to learn and prosper.
Who’s ready to learn? If you’re ready, say “
Ready, Set, LEARN!!!
Ready, Set, LEARN!!!
c. Putting the class in order
Again, remember our subject, FLCT which
stands for :
F- follow classroom rules and regulations
L- listen and pay attention attentively
C- cooperate in class
T- ell your questions and clarifications
Yes, Sir.
Before we discover and learn today, may I
request everyone to pick-up the pieces of
paper that you see around and arrange your
(The students will follow.)
chairs properly.
(The teacher will roam around to check the
orderliness of the classroom.)

You may now take your seats.

Thank you, Sir.
d. Checking of Attendance
Let’s take a look first if everyone is here.
Mark, is everybody present today?
Yes, sir everybody is present!

Very good! It only means that all of you are

really excited and interested to learn and
discover new things today.
Yes, Sir!
e. Checking of Assignment
Last meeting, I have given all of you an
Did you make your assignment?
Wow! Let me see.
Yes, Sir!
Yes, Lady Jane kindly show us your
Very good! (Lady Jane will show her assignment.)
Yes, Jasmine.
Good job! (Jasmine will show his assignment.)
Let’s find out more about the different
social and affective factors that affects a
student like you.
Now, pass your assignment forward. (The students will pass their assignment.)

f. Review of the Past Lesson

Who among you could share their learnings
and understanding on what we have
discussed last meeting?
Yes, Michelley.
Sir, our lesson last Wednesday was all about
Piaget’ Cognitive Development Theory.
Again, what does Piaget’s Cognitive
Development Theory emphasize?
Yes, Cheska
Sir, it emphasizes that children go through
distinct stages of cognitive growth, where
their thinking evolves from basic reflexes to
That’s Right!
complex reasoning.
And what are the four Stages of Cognitive
Yes, Rex
Sir, Sensorimotor Stage (Birth to 2 years),
Preoperational Stage (2 to 7 years),
Concrete Operational Stage (7 to 11 years),
Very good!
Formal Operational Stage (11 years and up)
Is there any questions or clarifications
regarding our past lesson?
None, Sir.
B. Motivation (ENGAGE)
Before we proceed to our next lesson, let us
have an activity entitled “CLUE’S Here,
WHO’S there”

I will get three volunteers from the class.

They will be given a person that they will
characterize just by doing gestures, that will
serve as the clue, in order for the class to
discover the answer.
Yes, Sir.
Are you ready?
(The class will perform the activity.)
Is it fun? You have guess the right answer
Yes, Sir.
just by watching the gesture of the
presenter, meaning you have already seen
that moves or you already know how to do
it. And later on we will find out the
connection of those interpretation on our

C. Presentation of the Lesson

Before we delve to our lesson. Let’s have
first our lesson objectives.

(the teacher will present the lesson


Everyone, kindly read our learning

(Everyone will read the lesson objectives)
At the end of the lesson, students should be
able to:
a) Explain the sociocultural theory of
cognitive development;
b) Demonstrate real life applications of
the theory; and
c) Reflect on the importance of social
interaction and language in cognitive

Thank you, everyone. Those are the lesson

objectives that we need to achieve
throughout the whole period of our class
today. So please listen attentively and
participate actively on our discussion ad
activities that were going to have later.
Is that clear?

EXPLORE (pre activity)

As I was entering the classroom, I have
seen two of my students fighting over a
stuffed toy. Class, what do you think will
happen next if the stuffed toy got ripped?
(The teacher will present a picture showing
two preschoolers fighting over a stuffed toy)

(Students will raise their hands)

(Aira will answer)
Sir, I think both of them will cry.

Yes, Aira
(Students will answer)
Sir, they might hurt each other due to anger.
Okay, Thank you!

How about the others what’s your

Sir, if I were one of the girl I tend to cry
Yes, I get your point when I get involved in a fight.

If you were one of the child, what will you

do? Sir, it depends if I am the owner of the toy
Yes, Kyla. then I will going to get angry and might hurt
her but if I’m not the owner I will just walk
How about you Mary? away.

Okay , Thank You

EXPLAIN Sir, as a teenager we tend to be emotional so

there anger can get worst that may lead to
From the pictures above, how about if two serious trouble.
teens are the one whose fighting over a
Yes, Karl

Okay, thank you so much Yes Sir, because children’s are great imitators
and what they can see from their
Now, do you think their social interactions surroundings, how do people treat them, and
with other could be the reason for their activities that they grow up with, all
actions? constitutes to their behavior.
Yes, Jayven

Thank you, for a comprehensive insight!

As we grow older our speech also develops
and our experiences highly affects our
thinking and reasoning and this manifest on
how we manage situations that comes to our
(The teacher will show a picture of a child
that is always alone.)

(The teacher will show a picture of a child

with a More Knowledgeable Others)

Sir, that only means that inside the classroom

there are students who need more attention
Let’s say that the two children in the image and care because their cognitive abilities are
were on a classroom. What can you infer not well-develop because of the lack of
from this image? proper guidance at home.
Yes, Angel

Good job, Angel! Sir, I can help him understand the topics that
are harder for him to comprehend.
As a fellow classmates what do you think
are the possible ways you can help develop
their cognitive development.
Yes, Cyrille.
Sir I can be friends with him so that he won’t
feel lonely and to build his confidence to
Your absolutely right! interact with our other classmates.

How about the others ?

Yes, Dado

With the help of more knowledgeable and

cultural tools we can reach the zone of
proximal development where the ability
that the student can’t learn before can be
learned with the help of assistance.
Let’s take this situation and try to find out Sir the teacher can use the student’s hand to
the probable solution to help the student show how to add and subtract by using the
reach the zone of proximal development. fingers as the numbers.
Situation: “A five year old child still don’t
ow how to add and subtract ”
Yes, Louise Sir the teacher can use videos that shows
animals or other things that teaching how to
add or subtract using songs.
Very well said

Another one, Carrel


What you have said are the ways a teacher

can do to help students achieve ZPD and
that technique is called “scaffolding”.

Okay, let’s have another image.

(The teacher will show a picture of a

teacher collaboratively teaching with her

Sir, as we can see from the picture the teacher

is having a hand’s on demonstration for his
students making the discussion more
What have you notice from the picture?
interactive and the students can also get a
chance to ask questions to the teacher and his
Yes, Liza.
classmates can hear also intervene and tell
their opinions.

Teachers need to pay attentively to strengths

That’s right!
and weaknesses of his student so she can
monitor the needs they needed and have an
How can teacher continuesly help improve
intervention activity to know whether they
the cognitive development of students?
achieve the expected outcome.
Yes, Jomar
That’s right!

Very well said, Jomar. Teachers must

clearly assess their students and always
create activities and tasks that can stimulate
and enhance their higher order thinking
skills. Instruction can be planned to provide practice
within the ZPD for individual children or
Based from this, what do you think are the groups of children. For example, hints and
implications of Sociocultural Theory of prompts that helped children during a
Cognitive Development of Vygotsky? preassessment could form the basis of
Yes, Diana instructional activities.

Cooperative learning activities can be planned

with groups of children at different levels
who can help each other to learn.
Very Good

Any other hand, Yes Gwen

Good Job

D. Application (ELABORATE)
To see if you really love yourself and other (The students will pay attention to what the
people. We will be having a group activity teacher is saying.)
entitled “ACThink!”

Listen carefully to my instructions.

I already grouped the class into three
according to your respective majors. Each
group will be given a word to work with.
They will think of a specific scenario related
to the given word to them that showcase the
theory of Cognitive Development of
Vygotsky. Each group will be given 3
minutes to do the activity and afterwards
each group will present it to the class in just
1 minute.

Your group will be graded using the

following criteria:

Content and Organization – 40 points

Presentation –30 points
Timeliness - 20 points
Cooperation –10 points
Total. =100 points Yes, Sir
(The students will perform the activity and
The group with the highest point will have a will present it in front of the class by group.)
chance to reveal the remaining codes to
open the padlock.

Are my instructions clear? 1,2,3 , 1,2,3 Ey..Eyy!....Eyyyyyyyy

You may now proceed to your respective

Yes, Sir.

Let’s give ourselves an Eyy-some Clap!

E. Generalization
Did you learn something from our lesson
(possible answers)
Now, let’s have this roulette spinning. I am The factors that affects students cognitive
going to spin this roulette with your names development are social interaction and
on it and the person who will be pick will language.
choose a number inside it and will answer
the corresponding question inside it. The three stages of speech development are
social or external speech, egocentric speech
Give the factors that affects the cognitive and inner speech.
development of students based from
Vygotsky? Scaffolding consists of activities provided by
the educator or a more knowledgeable person
What are the three stages of speech to support the student as he or she is led
through the zone of proximal development.
It’s the “how” of guided learning, the specific
strategies and techniques used by a more
knowledgeable other to bridge the gap
What is the meaning of the term between a learner’s current abilities and
“scaffolding” ? potential development.

F. Valuing
Class, take a look at this picture.
(The teacher will show a picture of a man
isolated in an island.)
(Students are allowed to express their
What have you observed on the image? suggestions and opinions regarding the
Do you have experienced the same feeling
as the man on the picture?

How can you help those students who are

experiencing the same situation?

Based on your experiences, what are your

suggested strategies/ways that you think
will be the best to help a teacher to enhance
their student’s social abilities and to give
them voice ?

(The teacher will listen to the students’


I am really happy that all of you have care

and concerns not only for yourself but also
for other people around you.

Thank you for your positive responses and

I believe that you will become better
individuals who can help to uplift your
fellow students. C. Social interaction and cultural tools

IV. Evaluation (EVALUATE)

Test I. Choose and encircle the letter of the
correct answer.

1. What is Sociocultural Theory, and what

aspect of it does Vygotsky emphasize? C. Language
a. Biological maturation
b. Independent exploration
c. Social interaction and cultural tools
d. Genetic predisposition

2. What of the following is regarded as a

cultural tool in Vygotsky’s theory?
a. Reflex actions B. A teacher or adult who guides learning
b. Natural instincts
c. Language
d. Genetic inheritance

3. According to Vygotsky’s theory, which other

person is deemed to be More Knowledgeable
Other (MKO) ?
a. A peer with less experience C. Ages 3-7
b. A teacher or adult who guides learning
c. A child of the same age
d. A sibling who is learning the same task

4. According to Vygotsky at what age do

children start utilizing the so-called ‘egocentric
a. Birth to Age 2
b. Ages 2-4 C. Oral illustrated information given by an
c. Ages 3-7 adult or a fellow student
d. Ages 7-12

5. What does the term ‘scaffolding’ mean in

context to the Vygotsky’s theory?
a. Allowing a child to work alon
b. Direct instruction without interaction
C. Inner Speech
c. Oral illustrated information given by an
adult or a fellow student
d. Promoting nonattached play

6. Which type of speech enables in Vygotsky

regulation of thinking and behavior?
a. External Speech
b. Egocentric Speech
c. Inner Speech B. Actual activities that may be performed by
d. Social Speech a child under the assistance of a MKO
7. What is the concept of the ‘Zone of Proximal
Development’ or the ZPD?
a. Skills whereby a child does not need
anyone’s help at all
b. Actual activities that may be performed
by a child under the assistance of a
c. Skills that are innate in a child or that
he or she has developed but are not
d. Skills beyond a child’s capability for D. Expressing of simple desire or feelings
learning during any given age

8. What are the features of the social or

external speech stage?
a. complex-sentence-use
b. Speech as the source of behavioral
c. Inner voice or self talking
d. Expressing of simple desire or feelings A. Giving assistance that enables a child take
on a task to its completeness.

9. According to Vygotsky’s theory what is the

concept of ‘scaffolding’?
a. Giving assistance that enables a child
take on a task to its completeness.
b. Self arguing for children’s ability to
study on their own
c. A lecture delivery method which does
not involve the students.
D. A sibling who is learning the same task
d. Learning with technology only

10. Identify one of the methods described in

the lesson which can be attributed to co-
constructed learning process?
a. A peer with less experience
b. A teacher or adult who guides learning
c. A child of the same age
d. A sibling who is learning the same task

Test II. Tell whether the statements depict

practices supportive of cognitive development
according to the sociocultural theory of
Vygotsky. Write S (supportive) if the stated
action supports cognitive development, NS if S
not supportive. Write your answer before each NS
1. Father models to his son how to saw wood. S
2. Mrs. Reyes permits the learners to use trial
and error to solve a difficult task. S
3. Mr. Cruz requests Jose's parents to tutor
their son. NS
4. Kenneth seeks the help of his friend, Mario,
the Math wizard, to teach him to divide. NS
5. Ann asks why Mom has to peel the carrot;
her mom has no time to explain. S
6. After one example of adding binomial, Mr.
Andres gives board exercises. NS
7. Instead of confiscating cell phones, Mr. Cruz
uses them to test spelling among learners.
8. Expensive toys bought by the Mother are just S
for display, not for her child's play.
9. Miss Melad groups the class by two's, with S
members critiquing each other's work.
10. Mr. Rivad relies on peer tutors in enhancing
poor learners' achievement.

I. Assignment (EXTEND)
1. Right a short story about an experience
in your life that you think is a real life (The students will copy their assignment.)
application of Vygotsky’s Sociocultural
Theory of Cognitive Development
The short story will be graded based on
these criteria:
Content- 20 points
Organization – 20 points
Neatness- 10 points None, Sir!

Is there any question or clarifications? Goodbye Sir! See you again next week!

If that is so, Goodbye class!

Prepared by:
Charls Jess M. Almacin
General Science, Student Teacher

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