LP FLCT Almacin
LP FLCT Almacin
LP FLCT Almacin
Date: 09-04-2024 Grade and Section: BSED Science, Math, & BEEd III
Subject: EDUC 311 Time: 8:00-9:00
A. Content Standard
The learner demonstrates a deep understanding of Vygotsky’s theory of cognitive
development, particularly the concepts of the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) and
scaffolding, and how these influence student learning.
B. Performance Standard
The learner transfers learning through a group discussion to identify and discover
how Vygotsky’s concepts of the Zone of Proximal Development and scaffolding can be
applied to help and support students in their learning processes, promoting their cognitive
development and overall academic growth.
C. Learning Competencies
Design and implement teaching strategies that effectively utilize the Zone of
Proximal Development and scaffolding to foster cognitive development, encourage social
interaction, and support collaborative learning among students.
D. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. Explain the sociocultural theory of cognitive development;
b. Demonstrate real life applications of the theory; and
c. Reflect on the importance of social interaction and language in cognitive
A. Topic: Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory of Cognitive Development
B. References: Facilitated Learner-Centered Teaching,
a. Prayer
Let us all ask for the guidance of our
Almighty God. Let us all stand for a short
(The teacher will call a student to lead the
prayer.) Lord, we thank you for today and all the
blessings that we are receiving. Please protect
and guide us all throughout this day. Amen.
b. Greetings
Good morning class!
Yes, Aira
(Students will answer)
Sir, they might hurt each other due to anger.
Okay, Thank you!
Okay, thank you so much Yes Sir, because children’s are great imitators
and what they can see from their
Now, do you think their social interactions surroundings, how do people treat them, and
with other could be the reason for their activities that they grow up with, all
actions? constitutes to their behavior.
Yes, Jayven
Good job, Angel! Sir, I can help him understand the topics that
are harder for him to comprehend.
As a fellow classmates what do you think
are the possible ways you can help develop
their cognitive development.
Yes, Cyrille.
Sir I can be friends with him so that he won’t
feel lonely and to build his confidence to
Your absolutely right! interact with our other classmates.
Good Job
D. Application (ELABORATE)
To see if you really love yourself and other (The students will pay attention to what the
people. We will be having a group activity teacher is saying.)
entitled “ACThink!”
Yes, Sir.
E. Generalization
Did you learn something from our lesson
(possible answers)
Now, let’s have this roulette spinning. I am The factors that affects students cognitive
going to spin this roulette with your names development are social interaction and
on it and the person who will be pick will language.
choose a number inside it and will answer
the corresponding question inside it. The three stages of speech development are
social or external speech, egocentric speech
Give the factors that affects the cognitive and inner speech.
development of students based from
Vygotsky? Scaffolding consists of activities provided by
the educator or a more knowledgeable person
What are the three stages of speech to support the student as he or she is led
through the zone of proximal development.
It’s the “how” of guided learning, the specific
strategies and techniques used by a more
knowledgeable other to bridge the gap
What is the meaning of the term between a learner’s current abilities and
“scaffolding” ? potential development.
F. Valuing
Class, take a look at this picture.
(The teacher will show a picture of a man
isolated in an island.)
(Students are allowed to express their
What have you observed on the image? suggestions and opinions regarding the
Do you have experienced the same feeling
as the man on the picture?
I. Assignment (EXTEND)
1. Right a short story about an experience
in your life that you think is a real life (The students will copy their assignment.)
application of Vygotsky’s Sociocultural
Theory of Cognitive Development
The short story will be graded based on
these criteria:
Content- 20 points
Organization – 20 points
Neatness- 10 points None, Sir!
Is there any question or clarifications? Goodbye Sir! See you again next week!