Facilitator Guide-Digital Literacy and ICT Integration Course (William Pious Akakpo's Copy Jul 24 23181
Facilitator Guide-Digital Literacy and ICT Integration Course (William Pious Akakpo's Copy Jul 24 23181
Facilitator Guide-Digital Literacy and ICT Integration Course (William Pious Akakpo's Copy Jul 24 23181
Facilitator Guide
In education, digital literacy and its accompanying resources have the potential to bring
about improvement in learning outcomes; especially, when they are used for the right
purpose with the appropriate content at the right level. This requires that appropriate and
relevant policies and procedures are put in place. In Ghana, efforts have been made to
introduce policies to promote the use of digital literacy for education at all levels. Included
in these policies are the Introduction of Information and Communications Technology in
Education: A Policy Framework (2002), as part of the initiatives of the Ghana Education
Service (GES), to streamline the implementation of ICT programs in pre-tertiary education
institutions and the 2003 Information and Communications Technology (ICT) for
Accelerated Development (ICT4AD), which sets a national goal of transforming Ghana
into an information and knowledge-driven digital literate nation. Others are the ICT in
Education Policy of 2008 with its amendment in 2015, which aimed at ensuring that the
education system provided adequate opportunities for learners to develop the necessary
digital skills at all levels of education (formal and nonformal) and the ICT in Education
Policy 2018 for Colleges of Education with similar objectives.
Thank you.
Executive Summary ................................................................................................. 5
Key Goals and Objectives ......................................................................................... 5
Summary of the Implementation Plan ...................................................................... 5
Expected Outcomes and Impact .............................................................................. 6
Introduction ............................................................................................................. 7
Workshop Organization............................................................................................ 7
Facilitator/Trainer Notes ........................................................................................... 8
Session Structure .................................................................................................... 9
Facilitator/Trainer Responsibilities .......................................................................... 9
Day 1: Innovative Teaching Approaches- Pedagogy ................................................ 10
Introduction -Getting to Know Each Other .............................................................. 10
Innovative Teaching Approaches- Pedagogy .......................................................... 10
Effective Change Management for Successful ICT and Digital Literacy Integration . 19
Day 2: Introduction to the NTC LMS Portal .............................................................. 26
Introduction to Digital Literacy ............................................................................... 26
Introduction to the NTC LMS Portal ........................................................................ 28
Accessing the NTC Portal ....................................................................................... 29
First-time Login and changing password ................................................................ 30
Forgotten Password ................................................................................................. 31
Your Digital Literacy Profile Page ........................................................................... 32
Before You begin a Module ..................................................................................... 33
Accessing and Navigating through a Module .......................................................... 34
Navigating and tracking a module for Completing .................................................. 37
Day 3: Deep Dive Completing Modules ................................................................... 38
Deep Dive: Hands-on Completing Module 1 – 4 ...................................................... 39
Day 4: Regional Level Training and Monitoring ........................................................ 43
Deep Dive: Hands-on Completing Module 5 ........................................................... 43
Final Regional Training Plans Submission .............................................................. 44
Executive Summary
Overview of the Project: The Leaders in Teaching (LiT) programme, spearheaded by
the Ministry of Education (MoE), the Ghana Education Service (GES), and the
Mastercard Foundation, aims to revolutionize the secondary education sector in Ghana.
This initiative focuses on enhancing ICT and digital literacy among students and
teachers in Senior High Schools (SHS) and Senior High Technical Schools (SHTS). By
equipping these key stakeholders with 21st Century Skills, the programme seeks to
foster lifelong learning and improve employability, aligning with national educational
policies and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
KPI 3.4: Roll - out ICT & Digital Literacy training and support to all 702 SHS and SHTS
through dissemination of Digital Literacy training modules and targeted school - level
support through a network of digital trouble - shooters.
The purpose of this manual is to detail the content of face-to-face training sessions for
G-SET Regional Coordinators, GES ICT Coordinators, and ICT Troubleshooters in
Ghana. These sessions will reinforce their existing knowledge of Digital literacy and how
to support quality teaching and learning instruction, which participants have built
through in-person training provided by G-SET, as well as through their own professional
experiences. These trainings go hand-in-hand with the online modules designed by G-
SET on Ghana ICT Handbook on Digital Literacy and ICT Integration.
The face-to-face workshops allow regional coordinators and ICT Coordinators to form a
community of practice through learning together in an in-person setting, sharing their
own experiences and discussing practical questions and challenges. These
opportunities for reflection and honest professional conversation will foster a close-knit
community of experts and prepare participants to address practical challenges faced by
teachers in using digital tools for teaching. The workshops will also provide them with
hands-on practice with activities and techniques described in the online modules,
ensuring an in-depth understanding of each concept that will better equip them to
support teachers. Finally, it will build their foundational knowledge about the process of
teaching and learning digital literacy, and how to integrate ICT for effective teaching to
support learning.
Workshop Organization
Each workshop will be organized as follows:
Facilitator/Trainer Notes
The role of the facilitator is to bring the sessions to life by modelling interactive and
engaging pedagogies. In other words, the facilitator is responsible not only for delivering
content, but doing so in a way that demonstrates to participants how to actively engage
learners. The sessions include activities and discussions that require participation from
everyone in attendance. The facilitator must therefore engage participants, check
regularly for understanding, adapt their instruction for struggling participants, and deliver
information clearly and faithfully.
This guide serves as a complete toolkit for facilitators to be successful in this role. The
guide is broken into workshops, with each workshop broken into days, and each day
broken into sessions.
Each session contains time allocations and scripts for each activity.
The section for each day begins with detailed information on the objectives, required
materials, and handouts (contained in the participant resources section) for the day. All
full-day sessions include approximately 8 hours per day with a 30 minute tea break in
the morning, and an hour-long lunch. Session time, tea and lunch breaks can be
adjusted. Before delivering the training, it is recommended that the trainer/facilitator
review the content of all sessions to understand what they include and how they fit
Session Structure
The session scripts are organised as follows:
● Normal text: this is the script content that the facilitator says out loud
● Underlined text: this provides the title of the activity
● Italicized text: this provides instructions for actions that the facilitator should take,
such as distributing a handout or arranging participants in pairs
Before each day of the workshop, it is recommended that the facilitator/trainer do the
● Read each session outline carefully. Underline trainer tasks and the instructions
for participants.
● Review times and breaks
● Review the handouts for each session to ensure that you understand the
● Make sure you have a complete set of handouts for each participant, and a set
for yourself
● If you are co-facilitating, clarify in advance who is facilitating which sessions
● Practice each session before leading it
● Order and collect the necessary supplies
● Have fun!
Facilitator/Trainer Responsibilities
The facilitator is responsible for recording participant attendance at the workshop
sessions, and their completion of journal activity reflections for each chapter. Upon
arrival to the training venue each day, ensure that participants check in with you and
show you their activity reflections in their journals. On the tracking sheet, mark whether
they were present, and whether or not their work was complete.
You will also be responsible for administering quizzes to participants on the last day of
the workshop. The quizzes are tablet-based, but you will be provided paper quizzes in
the event of technical issues with the tablet software.
In this session,
Introduction -Getting to Know Each Other
welcome and
discuss the Say: We are going to be learning together, and doing so in a
purpose of manner that is active and participatory. With that in mind, it’s
gathering and important that we get to know one another! In this activity, we will
going through the introduce ourselves to each other.
Overview of Digital
Literacy ICT Do: Introduce yourself as the facilitator and let the rest of the
Integration Course participants also introduce themselves.
Facilitation Techniques
Training Organization
Delivery of Say: Let’s start with the Delivery of Content. Open the envelopes
Content on your table. In each envelope, you will find an A4-sheet with an
activity. Each activity has instructions at the top. Kindly read the
activities and follow the instructions.
Say: Thank you for taking the time to complete the activity. Shall
we pass our activity sheets to the next table groups? The training
technician will help us with that. Great! Great!- 2 minutes
Say: Now, together, let’s complete the table. Starting from table
Plenary A, tell us what you agreed for the first two rows.... (Facilitator
guides participants to complete the table)- 2 minutes
Plenary Say: What training content delivery approaches did you identify
during the activity? Which one is your favourite and why?- 3
Presentation: The Facilitator introduces participants to some
best practices in using presentations, demonstrations, case
studies and group projects to boost engagement in training. –
[Using the training slides as a guide]- 10 minutes only
Say: On your tables, you will find a flip paper with two marker
pens. Use the red marker to indicate the 5 techniques identified
by your group. In steps, use the blue marker to write how you will
use the techniques identified to facilitate training on the topic you
chose from the digital literacy course. You have 15 minutes for
this activity.
Do: Supervise discussions by visiting each table group and
listening to submissions by members. Monitor the training room
ensuring that all participants are actively contributing to the
discussions. 15 minutes
Plenary Say: Starting from table group ......., give us a brief overview of
your discussions. You each will have 3mins to share with us.- 25
Assessment and Say: Feedback is important for any learning discourse. It helps
Feedback you to understand the entering behaviours of learners or
participants. As a facilitator, it is important to know what your
participants know about a topic, that way you can tailor activities
during your facilitation to help them improve and connect their
previous knowledge to the new knowledge. Therefore, you can
gather feedback at the beginning of a training, during a training
and after a training session. Let’s discuss a powerful tool/
technique with which you can gather feedback during a training
Do: Allow for 3 minutes for table groups to identify and agree on
the three approaches they will employ in facilitating their training.
Say: Please submit your training outline, and plan for how you
will facilitate the training you have facilitated in your envelopes.
Tomorrow morning, we shall discuss the plans that each group
Plenary has developed and identify best practices that we can learn from
each group.
2. Agenda
Module Description
3. Training Modules
Module 1: Introduction to Change Management
Objective: To provide a foundational understanding of change
management and its critical role in successfully integrating ICT
and digital literacy in schools.
Key Concepts:
● Definition of Change Management
● Importance of Change Management in educational settings
● Types of change (e.g., transformational vs. incremental)
● Discussion: Ask participants to share their experiences
with change in their schools or organizations.
● Exercise: Create a mind map that illustrates what "change
management" means to the group.
Facilitator Notes: Emphasize the role of change management in
addressing both the human and organizational sides of change.
Explain how effective change management leads to smoother
transitions and more sustainable outcomes.
Do: Ask participants this question: What is digital literacy in the first
Say: Digital literacy refers to the ability to use, understand, and navigate
digital technologies and information in various forms. It encompasses a
range of skills and competencies that enable individuals to effectively
engage with the digital world. Digital literacy goes beyond basic
computer skills and includes the ability to critically evaluate information,
use digital tools for communication and collaboration, and navigate the
complexities of the online environment.
Do: Ask participants to take their jotter, and ask them this answer this
How do you think the knowledge and use of digital technologies
support your teaching and learning?
Say: This online course is mandatory because the knowledge and use of
technology to support teaching and learning are essential because of the
continuous development and potential to influence how, what, and why
teachers teach, as well as how, what, and why learners learn.
This course is also important in developing soft skills and new ways of
knowledge acquisition and use, which are the basis for the sustainable
development of the teaching profession. education in Ghana aims to
equip learners with knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values as well as the
spirit of inquiry, innovation, and creativity that will enable them to adapt to
changing conditions and engage in lifelong learning.
Say: Now that you know Why this online training course is mandatory for
all teachers let's move on to the next session on the introduction to the
NTC LMS Portal
This session
take Introduction to the NTC LMS Portal
through the
introduction to Say: Let now move on to what is required to be able to access the
the NTC LMS Digital Literacy and ICT Integration course hosted on the National
Portal, going
Teaching Council (NTC) Learning Management System (LMS) portal.
through the
Sign-ups By now you now, you should have access to your login details. This is a
process and combination of your ‘Username’ and ‘Password’ when you sent your
Accessing the
details through the coordinators of this program implementation. Your
NTC Portal
‘Username’ and ‘Password’ should be the combination of your ‘email
address’ and the ‘Password’ you received.
Do: Take a moment to find out from participants if they have received
their login details.
Say: Now that we know what we need to be able to login into the LMS
Portal, let’s find out where we need to go on the internet to access the
links to the portal.
To access the link to the portal, Open your internet browser (Google
Chrome, Mozilla Firefox etc) on your laptop or your smartphone. Enter
the website address link below:
https:// ilearn.ntc.gov.gh
Once the page loads enter your username and password provided to
you: e.g.
Username: [email protected] Password: xXx123ZZZ
1. Provide the old password (changeme) and set up a new password for
Do: Allow each participant time to login to the LMS port with their
username and password shown above.
Do: Take some time to introduce participants to the course home page.
Take them through the interface, ‘My Course’ tab, The list of Course
assigned to them and their profile.
Say: The course home page is the first page you see each time you
login to the LMS portal.
● My Course Tab, when clicked will list the courses assigned to you as a
● The General tab gives general information about the digital literacy
course. This section provides information for users to follow on how to
participate and go through the online modules.
Do: Ask a participant to read the Welcome to the Ghana Digital Literacy
Say: We are coming to hear a message from the Ministry of Education
(MoE) and Ghana Education Service (GES) on what they have to say
about the digital literacy course.
Do: Play the video on the Statement from MoE Agencies on Digital
Literacy and ICT Integration.
Say: Now that we have heard from the various government agencies,
let's move on to the next session on what we need to know before we
start the online course.
Say: Now that you understand the things to consider before starting a
module let’s look at how to access each module and units.
Say: From the home page or course page the Modules list/menu is
located on the left-hand side of the screen.
Say: If you can’t find or locate the Modules list/Menu look for the Menu
list Icon or the Course Index icon as shown below
Say: Click Course Index, and it will display the Module list as shown
above. The course list will display the first module assigned to you.
Say: Click on a Module title to view the lesson contents. Each Module
has a unit or units. (E.g. Unit 1, Unit 2, etc.) Each Unit has a set of
content for the same lesson
● Video Lesson: the video lesson for each unit
● Audio Lesson: the audio file for the same lesson if users are not
able to access the video
● Transcript: This is the Test or Scripted lesson that was used to
produce the video and audio files. You can use this if you are not
able to access the video and audio files where you have a weak
network connectivity.
Do: Show participants how to access the various modules and lessons
as described above.
Navigating and tracking a module for Completing
Say: By now you are becoming familiar and comfortable with navigating
through the online portal and feeling confident about getting started on
your own.
Tracking each module as you go through the online course is important.
You can track and see your progress through each unit under a module.
Let us go through a few steps
In this ● To navigate to the next unit, click on the unit title to move to the next unit.
session take
● To navigate between the Previous and Next Activity
● Follow the Progress Bar to know the percentage of completion for each
module. Note that the system has been configured so that, you must
complete module one before you can move on to module two. This is to
ensure that participants are following the course as planned.
I believe you have learned a lot from this session, and you will be able to
go through all the modules from start to finish. There would be a support
channel in place if you need assistance in the process of taking the
online course from the regional coordinators.
Say: From our previous sessions you have been taken through
the signup process, on how to access the NTC LMS Portal and
I believe you have login to the portal with your login details
provided, that is your USERNAME and PASSWORD, and you
have tried them out.
Do: Check with the participants who have and tried their login
details. Follow up with those who do not have it and assist
Total no. of
Region No. of participants Training Venue Date
30 SHS Troubleshooters
1 GSET Coordinator
Upper West (Wa) 37
2 GES Regional Reps
4 GSET Facilitators
35 SHS Troubleshooters
1 GSET Coordinator
Upper East (Bolga) 42
2 GES Regional Reps
4 GSET Facilitators
12 SHS Troubleshooters
1 GSET Coordinator
Savannah (Damango) 19
2 GES Regional Reps
4 GSET Facilitators
14 SHS Troubleshooters
North East (Nalerigu) 1 GSET Coordinator 17
2 GES Regional Reps
28 SHS Troubleshooters
Northern (Tamale) 1 GSET Coordinator 31
2 GES Regional Reps
17 SHS Troubleshooters
Ahafo (Goaso) 1 GSET Coordinator 20
2 GES Regional Reps
36 SHS Troubleshooters
1 GSET Coordinator
Bono (Sunyani) 43
2 GES Regional Reps
4 GSET Facilitators
46 SHS Troubleshooters
1 GSET Coordinator
Greater Accra (Accra) 53
2 GES Regional Reps
4 GSET Facilitators
93 SHS Troubleshooters
1 GSET Coordinator
Eastern (Koforidua) 100
2 GES Regional Reps
4 GSET Facilitators
75 SHS Troubleshooters
1 GSET Coordinator
Central (Cape Coast) 82
2 GES Regional Reps
4 GSET Facilitators
35 SHS Troubleshooters
1 GSET Coordinator
Western (Takoradi) 42
1 Regional IT Coordinator
4 GSET Facilitators
67 SHS Troubleshooters
1 GSET Coordinator
Volta (Ho) 72
2 GES Regional Reps
4 GSET Facilitators
25 SHS Troubleshooters
1 GSET Coordinator
Oti (Jasikan) 32
2 GES Regional Reps
4 GSET Facilitators
Day 4: Regional Level Training and Monitoring
Objective: Completing Modules 1 – 4 on the LMS Portal
Time: 9:00 – 5:00 pm
Materials: None
Say: Since we have already gone through modules one and two
In this session,
together, it’s now time to go through module three on your own to
participants will
go through spend some time going through all the units under module Five (5).
module Five to While you go through this session on your own, feel free to call for
support and you will be assisted on any issues you may be having.,
themselves with
the content Do: Get all participants to go through module three. Try and visit each
participant to ensure they can go through the module without any
The MEL team will be giving us in detail the activities that would be
required of us and the things we should consider when monitoring
teams visit your training centers. We ask you to give them your full
support to carry out their activities as well.
They will be coming up with monitoring and evaluation tools that will be
used in collecting data from the field.