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Installation Method Statement

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Innovation Park PS

Odor Control Unit

1 Safety Precautions

Electrical Supplies

The electrical motors for the pumps are 380~480 V, 3 Phase, 50/60 Hz

Should an electrical fault occur resulting in electric shock, overheating or fire then
the relevant motor should be isolated by operating the isolator on the control

Rotating Machinery

All rotating or moving parts supplied within the scope of the air pollution control
system are fully protected during operation.

Ductwork and Carbon Filter

Prefilter and all ductwork feeding the filter may be under negative pressure whilst
the fan is running and under positive pressure between the fan and the filtter.
Before carrying out any maintenance works on the filter or ductwork which
involves gaining access to the inside of the filter or ductwork, the fan motor should
be turned off and electronically locked to prevent accidental start up.

Emergency Services

It is advisable that the Fire Brigade, Ambulance Brigade and local hospital are
aware of the chemicals which are stored and used at the plant.

Warnings, Remarks

! Will be used where danger of persons

life and sanity directly will appear.


Innovation Park PS
Odor Control Unit

! Will be used where danger of persons

life and sanity is possible.

! Will be used where damages on machines or

physical components can appear.

First Aid

Bleeding due to cutting

- Lay casualty down

- Apply direct pressure to the site of bleeding
- Raise and rest the injured part when possible
- Loosen tight clothing
- Give nothing by mouth
- Seek medical aid urgently

Material Safety Data Sheet

Identification Supplier & Product
Supplier: Amerair International
Product details: Activated carbon

Composition/Data on components
Chemical characterization: Pelletised activated carbon, steam activated
CAS No. Designation: 7440-44-0


Innovation Park PS
Odor Control Unit

Hazards identification

First aid procedures

Inhalation: inhalate fresh air
Skin contact: non-irritant, wash thoroughly with soap and water
Eye contact: flush with excess water and consult physician

Fire fighting measures

Suitable extinguishing media: sand, powder, foam and water mist.
Not to be used: CO2
Protective equipment: no special equipment or measures required

Accidental release measures

Methods for cleaning up – Sweep up carefully and shovel into a container for
disposal. Remove from the spill location. If released report in accordance with the
local and national regulations.

Handling and storage

Storage requirements: keep activated carbon in dry place.
Store in covered, cool, dry and ventilated storage
Handling: avoid contact with skin or eyes. Avoid breathing or dust.

Exposure controls and personal protection

Breathing protection: Maximum permissible exposure limit: general threshold.
Value for inert dust.

An approved particulate filter is recommended if excessive dust is generated

Physical and chemical properties

Form: solid
Colour: black
Smell: typical
Danger of explosion: under normal conditions: no danger of explosion
Bulk density: +/- 600 kg/m³
Solubility: insoluble
PH-value: 7-9 (suspended in water)
Ignition temperature: >250°C
Auto-ignition: none

Stability and reactivity

Conditions to be avoided: contact with strong oxidants

Toxicological information
No toxically properties

Ecological information
No ecological risk.


Innovation Park PS
Odor Control Unit

Disposal considerations
Disposal in accordance with local and national regulations.

Transport information
Steam activated carbons are exempt from IMDG Code and ADR Code. This
product is exempt under the “Special Provisions” section of IATA.

Regulatory information
Classification not necessary

Other information
This Safety Data Sheet has been written to comply with Directives 91/155/EEC
(the Safety Data Sheet Directive) and 88/379/EEC (the General Preparations

The above information’s are based on our present knowledge. They describe in
relation of safety the relevant data of the products. A guarantee for specific
properties in not given.


Innovation Park PS
Odor Control Unit

2 Carbon Filter Installation

The carbon filter is consisting of 2 parts flanged to each other; shell and stack-

1- Arrange for a long beam

crane with 10 Tons capacity
and proper belts and log.

2- There are two lifting lugs

on vessel side. The lugs
should be used for lifting the
parts. Also lifting belts could
be used.

3- To transfer filter parts from

storage area to concrete pad
a truck must be used. Using
crane to transfer the filter may
cause severe damages to
filter body or safety risks to
working team.

4- Make sure filter pad is

clean and dimensions are as
specified in related drawings.

5- Find and mark assigned

point of the concrete pad.

6- Place the shell on concrete

pad and make sure it is
positioned based on what is
shown in layout drawing.

7- Drill holes on concrete pad

and use anchor bolts to fix
filterer through its legs.


Innovation Park PS
Odor Control Unit

8-Make sure pipe installed inside the stack-header is

vertically aligned and spray nozzle connection is exactly
in middle of the stack top. Then screw and install spray
nozzle in the tee. Make sure that spray nozzle is quite
vertical. Place the stack-header on dish and make sure
it is positioned based on what is shown in layout
drawing. Use nuts and bolts to fasten the flanges. Make
sure you placed rubber gasket between flanges

9- Connect the filter earthling wire to designated point.

10- Place the carbon inside the filter through the access
manhole port on the dish. Please note that the explosion
hazard is generated due to carbon dust, so make sure the carbon is poured

11- Install connection GRP duct for inlet nozzle using bolt and nuts. Make sure you
placed rubber gasket between flanges properly.

12- Connect the scrubber drain nozzle, spray line, differential pressure gage line,
and sample port.


Innovation Park PS
Odor Control Unit

3 Prefilter Installation

The prefilter is consisting of 2 parts; shell and cap.

1- Make sure prefilter pad is clean and

dimensions are as specified in related

2- Find and mark centre point of the

concrete pad.

3- Place the shell on concrete pad and

make sure it is positioned based on
what is shown in layout drawing.

4- Drill holes on concrete pad and use

chemical anchor bolts to fix prefilter
through its legs.

5- Place the filter inside the prefilter

through the top.

6- Find the matching mark on flange of

shell and cap then place the cap on shell and make sure it is positioned based on
what is shown in layout drawing. Use nuts and bolts to fasten the flanges. Make
sure you placed rubber gasket between flanges properly.

7- Install connection GRP duct for inlet/outlet nozzle using bolt and nuts. Make
sure you placed rubber gasket between flanges properly.

8- Connect the prefilter drain nozzle to PVC drain line.


Innovation Park PS
Odor Control Unit

4 Fan Installation

1- Unpack the fan/unit on delivery and check

it for transport damage.

2- Arrange for a forklift with 1 Ton capacity

and proper belts and log.

3- Fasten suitable load take-ups to the base.

Larger fans have two bores in their sheet
metal base for fastening load take-ups.

4- Transportation eyes of the motor must not

be used for fan suspension.

5- The fan must be transported in its working

position (without vibration isolators put
underneath) and protected reliably against
getting out of place, tilting, and collision. If
selecting means of transportation take care
that plastic fans are susceptible to shocks.

6- Make sure fan pad is clean and

dimensions are as per specified in related

7- Find and mark centre point of the

concrete pad.

8- Place the fan on concrete pad and make sure it is positioned based on what is
shown in layout drawing.

9- Drill holes on concrete pad and use chemical anchor bolts to fix fan.

10- Connect the suction/discharge to inlet/outlet duct.

11- Connect the fan drain nozzle to PVC drain line


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