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S.Y. 2024 - 2025

Preliminary Examination

Name: _________________________________________________ Date: _____________

Teacher: K U Total:
Esher Jabes B. Escalante Score: _____/40 _____/21 _____/61

A. The Discipline of Counseling
Directions: Read the statements carefully. If the statement is true, write T. If the
statement is false, underline the word or phrase that made it wrong, then write the
correct word in the space provided. (2 points each)

____________ 1. As a general definition, counseling as an art refers to the objective

definition involving the skills to formulate observations and inferences.
____________ 2. In practical definition, counseling occurs when a person needs help and
calls for another person to connect to.
____________ 3. It is in informal helping that a person is entitled to a greater degree of
confidentiality and objectivity.
____________ 4. The art and science of counseling signify an intensification of the
scientist-practitioner model or the Bouldering Model by Myers in 2007.
____________ 5. The key component of individual, group, organizational, and community
success is the setting of goals.
____________ 6. David Shakow headed the APA’s Committee on Training in Clinical
Psychology [CTCP] in 1947.
____________ 7. The three forms of expertise in the model were diagnosis, therapy, and
explicate research.
____________ 8. Enhancement goals of counseling refer to the assistance of a person’s
acquiring and advancing of growth and development in the different
aspects of his/her life.
____________ 9. Exploratory goals of counseling refer to the person’s examination of
different options, testing of skills, and trial of new and different
____________ 10. Psychological goals involve acquiring a fundamental understanding and
habits for good health.
____________ 11. The scope of counseling includes individual counseling, group
counseling, marital and premarital counseling, and family counseling.
____________ 12. The BACP Educational Framework for Good Practice identified sets of
core values that all practitioners should possess.
____________ 13. Autonomy of Individuals, as a principle, is based on the right to freedom
of action and freedom of choice.
____________ 14. Principles of Justice refer to the instruction to all helpers of healers that
they must, above all, not harm.
____________ 15. Principles of Fidelity refers to the rule of confidentiality encompassing
the relationship of counselor-counselee.

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B. The Counselor, The Counselee, The Castle
Directions: Read the statements carefully. Identify the word that fits the description.
Write it in the space provided.

____________ 1. It is an area of specialization of counselors referring to the efforts to

establish good relationships with a couple or family.
____________ 2. It is an area of specialization for counselors addressing and aiding
individuals’ decisions and planning for their work and livelihood.
____________ 3. It is an area of specialization for counselors focusing on reaching out to
student’s issues such as drugs, family, peers, and gang involvement.
____________ 4. It is an area of specialization for counselors that includes problems such
as child abuse, neglect, depression, and antisocial behavior.
____________ 5. As a client, these people are treated to address their weakness of self-
control and self-discipline.
____________ 6. As a client, these people are given empowerment and appreciation of
their contributions, abilities, interests, and values as they face
discrimination towards the predominant control of certain individuals.
____________ 7. As a client, these people are guided through their transition from a busy
life to retirement stage.
____________ 8. A work setting of counselors who decided to do full-time work as private
practitioners or engage in part-time practice by community agencies.
____________ 9. A work setting of counselors referring to employment outside the school
situations, commonly in mental health agencies, and rehabilitation and
correctional institutions.
____________ 10. A work setting of counselors that can be found in accredited social
welfare, health, and education led by LGUs.

A. Counseling: Agent of Healing and Change
Directions: Read the three situations below. Answer the questions that follow.

Situation 1 – Aidan’s Diagnosis

A 16-year-old male, currently experiencing an identity crisis, was struggling socially in

school and community due to false and malicious rumors about his gender identity. These
rumors were affecting his mental health as he was an extreme extrovert. The isolation he was
experiencing was leading him to think dark and depressing thoughts, and even triggering his past
experiences that he was hiding ever since. Due to these occurrences, he met a group of
individuals who somehow helped him cope up with his stresses. After a few months, he was
encouraged by his new-found peers to re-evaluate his identity and ask his family’s permission to
transition into a gender he is comfortable with. His family was against this sudden decision, as he
was too young for it, and suggested that it was better to ask for a counselor’s help instead. Aidan
was prohibited from engaging with his new peers as he underwent therapy sessions with his
family’s counselor. A year later, it was revealed that he was molested when he was 7 years old
by a former caretaker of their family. Aidan’s response to this trauma was manifested in the
identity crisis he was going through. He began exploring options presented to him by his
counselor to recover from this, and slowly, through the help of his family, and authorities in his

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school and community, his struggles were resolved, as he was more understood, not just
Situation 2 – Ayesha’s Relationship

A 35-year-old career woman, a CEO of a big cosmetic company, who has a 10-year
relationship with a man who pursues art and music, was beginning to doubt her partner’s
satisfaction towards her. She was feeling as if she was not able to give time to her partner,
leading her to overthink that her partner may no longer be faithful to her. Due to this, she began
accusing her man of infidelity. Her boyfriend remained constant with her in terms of assurance
and transparency. He suggested to his partner, that as early as now, even though they are still not
married, to attend counseling sessions to address their current situation. Ayesha appreciated the
gesture and joined the consultation for almost a year. During the sessions, it was uncovered that
her stresses were not mainly due to her relationship, but because of her work and responsibilities.
She was envious of her partner’s pursuit of his passion, leading her to becoming burned out, as
she proved to herself that she was happy with her current success. She attended another session
focusing on her self-discovery and was supported by her now, husband, Miguel.

Situation 3 – Allan’s First Session

A 30-year-old man, a newly licensed counselor, was a diligent, hard-working man. He

was very passionate about his work, and he attended numerous seminars and trainings in his first
year in the field. He has equipped himself with the technical skills necessary to become an
excellent counselor. In his first case, he faced a client struggling with substance abuse. His first
client was very rude and bossy. He often complains about the expensive fees and how wasteful
the session was for him. He repeatedly showed disgust towards his work and that he was only
waiting for the last session and the signature he needed to be cleared as a drug user. He was keen
in his observations and interviews and organized his recordings and profiling. He gave critical,
yet considerate questions to help the client himself discover the roots of his addiction. Despite all
of this, the client seems to be uncooperative with him. He told the client that he would not be
cleared of his drug issue if he did not cooperate. The client threatened to look for another
counselor that would sign him for money. Allan was beginning to consider checking his client’s
background to better understand the root of his attitude, and somewhat use this to motivate the
client to take the sessions seriously.

QUESTIONS: (Use the rubrics as your guide in answering)

1. Who were the clientele mentioned in the three situations? Describe their characteristics, their
issues, and their ideas about counseling.

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2. What goals of counseling were displayed in the three situations? Explain why you considered
those goals to be appropriate for the situation.

3. Based on the three situations, how can counseling and its underlying principles help address
issues of individuals, families, and communities leading towards a progressive society?

7 6 5 4 3
The answer has complete The answer is sufficient The answer lacks The answer fails to The answer is incomplete
descriptions and includes and appropriate to explanation on some express the necessary and lacks the correct
applications of the lesson address the question. It parts of the question. It details to address the idea.
learned in Social Science, follows grammar rules, may have a few errors in questions. The answers
following the necessary punctuation, etc. its grammar and content. are vague, and several
rules of grammar. errors are visible.

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