Physical Fitness Program
Physical Fitness Program
Physical Fitness Program
Coming back to being realistic – do not set goals that are too 2. Find your target heart rate zone
demanding to attain. You shouldn’t be too easy on yourself To find your target heart rate zone, use this
either, by setting yourself up for failure will only demotivate calculation: MHR multiplied by percentage rate in
you and make you hate the path you’re on. A good Personal decimals.
Trainer will lead you to the right goals. So, this looks like: 195 x 0.50 = ~97 and 195 x 0.85 = ~165
According to the American Heart Association Trusted • Intensity Exercise
Source, the target heart rate zone for a 25-year-old is Exercise intensity refers to how hard your body is working
approximately 95 to 162 beats per minute. during physical activity.
• Time
This refers to the duration of each exercise. Experts Examples of the Basic Movement
recommend Trusted Source at least 150 minutes of • Hip Hinge
moderate-intensity exercise or at least 75 minutes of high- This category of exercises is comprised of exercises that
intensity exercise a week. This can look like 30 minutes of involve a hinging motion at the hip joint, with little to no
moderate exercise or 15 minutes of intense exercise a day. knee movement.
• Type
• Hip Dominant
This refers to what kind of exercise you’ll be doing under the
Though this category can include hip hinging movements, it
umbrella of cardio or strength training.
is used to identify all exercises in which the hip joint plays
the primary role.
Cardio is any type of exercise that improves your
cardiovascular system. This includes:
• Vertical Push
➢ running
This category of exercises include all exercises that move the
➢ swimming
load/weight vertically in relation to the torso, or at least in
➢ walking
that direction
➢ dancing
➢ aerobics routines
• Horizontal Push
➢ cycling
This category of exercises involves moving a weight straight
Strength training is any type of exercise that tones and out in front of you, away from the torso.
strengthens the muscles. It usually results in muscular
hypertrophy. • Horizontal Pull
This category of exercises involves moving a weight towards
This includes: he use of weights, like bicep curls and bench the torso.
presses bodyweight exercises, such as:
➢ squats
➢ pushups Dietary Plan
➢ pullups
➢ sit-ups A set of scheduled meals in order to achieve different
metabolic and health goals, such as weight loss, sugar
control, muscle gain.
Types of Exercises:
What is body type?
• Aerobic
Aerobic exercise is the kind that makes you breathe harder Body type, or somatotype, refers to the idea that there are
and builds your fitness up. three generalized body compositions that people are
predetermined to have. The concept was theorized by Dr.
W.H. Sheldon back in the early 1940s, naming the three
• Strength building
somatotypes endomorph, mesomorph, and ectomorph.
Some exercise specifically helps you build muscle. Anything
that works your muscles will do, as long as you do the
It was originally believed that a person’s somatotype was
activity for long enough.
unchangeable, and that certain physiological and
psychological characteristics were even determined by
• Balance Training
whichever one a person aligns to.
Some exercise helps improve your balance by helping you
According to Sheldon, endomorphs have bodies that are
build up core strength. This is especially helpful for people
always rounded and soft, mesomorphs are always square and
who are at risk of falls, including the elderly, but it is good
muscular, and ectomorphs are always thin and fine-boned.
for everyone.
He theorized that these body types directly influenced a
• Endurance
person’s personality, and the names were chosen because he
You can improve your endurance by doing an activity for
believed the predominate traits of each somatotype were set
increasing periods of time.
in stone, derived from pre-birth preferential development of
either the endodermal, mesodermal, or ectodermal
• Flexibility
embryonic layers.
Flexibility is really important and much overlooked when
people think about exercise.
How to identify body type?
• Moderate intensity exercise
We refer to moderate exercise as any activity that increases In light of all this, understanding a client’s current-state body
your breathing rate slightly and makes you a bit warmer and type is quite beneficial for fitness professionals. A simple
your heart beat slightly faster. observation of body composition can help quickly identify
various physiological situations a client might be dealing
• Vigorous Exercise with and allow you to tailor solutions that will preferentially
Vigorous or high intensity exercise is the kind that gets you address each one. Use the following somatotype traits to
sweaty and out of breath, for example running or playing determine which one a person primarily aligns to:
ENDOMORPHIC 150 minutes each week of moderate- to
• Stockier bone structures with larger midsection vigorous-intensity physical activity, in bouts of
and hips. 10 minutes or more
• Carries more fat throughout the body.
• Gains fat fast and loses it slow. There are different levels, or intensities, of physical activity
based on how hard your body has to work.
Naturally slow metabolism; potentially due to chronic
Moderate intensity
conditions (e.g., thyroid deficiency, diabetes) but too
frequently the result of a sedentary lifestyle and chronically- You can usually tell that you are doing a moderate-
positive daily energy balance. intensity physical activity if you can talk but not sing a song
while doing an activity.
• Medium bone structure with shoulders wider than Examples include:
the hips. ➢ brisk walking,
• Developed athletic musculature. ➢ playground activities, and
• Efficient metabolism; mass gain and loss both ➢ bike riding.
happen with relative ease.
Vigorous intensity
ECTOMORPHIC You can usually tell that you are doing a vigorous-
• More narrow shoulders and hips in respect to height. intensity physical activity if you are not able to say more than
• Relatively smaller muscles in respect to bone a few words without pausing for a breath.
• Naturally fast metabolism makes it difficult for Examples include:
many to gain mass. ➢ running, and
• Potentially indicative of disordered eating (e.g., ➢ swimming.
anorexia, bulimia) when BMI is ≤17.
Strength and balance
Once you identify which somatotype a client most aligns to,
For ages 5 to 18, it is important to include activities that
consider the structural and metabolic challenges that are
strengthen muscle and bone at least three times per week.
associated with it. Then, tailor the exercise programming and
For adults 18 years and older, it is beneficial to add muscle
dietary coaching to overcome those hurdles. This will
and bone strengthening activities using major muscle groups
preferentially develop the necessary foundation that each
at least twice per week. For adults 65 years and older it's
client individually requires.
important to perform activities to enhance balance and
prevent falls.
Physical Activity Examples include:
➢ lifting weights,
Physical activity is any movement that increases your ➢ working with resistance bands,
heart rate and breathing. Being physically active improves ➢ Tai Chi,
your health and well-being. It has benefits for all ages, ➢ yoga, and push-ups or modified push-ups
including reducing your risk for chronic diseases, improving
your sleep, increasing your energy, and improving self-
confidence and mental health. Adding more physical activity What is aerobic exercise?
to your day provides extra health benefits.
Aerobic exercise provides cardiovascular conditioning.
Some examples of physical activity are: The term aerobic actually means "with oxygen," which
• Going for a walk, bike, or run (join our indoor means that breathing controls the amount of oxygen that can
walking program). make it to the muscles to help them burn fuel and move.
• Doing household chores.
Benefits of aerobic exercise
• Taking the stairs instead of the elevator. ➢ Improves cardiovascular conditioning.
• Playing at the park. ➢ Decreases risk of heart disease.
• Raking leaves or shoveling snow. ➢ Lowers blood pressure.
➢ Increases HDL or "good" cholesterol.
Physical activity is important throughout your life, but ➢ Helps to better control blood sugar.
what about physical literacy? Just as children learn language ➢ Assists in weight management and/or weight loss.
skills through reading and writing, they also need to learn ➢ Improves lung function.
movement skills through running, kicking, throwing, ➢ Decreases resting heart rate.
catching and jumping. When children learn these movement ➢ Exercise safety
skills, they improve their physical literacy and become more
confident and comfortable with doing these movements, and It is recommended that you talk with your physician
when this happens children want to play and be active for a before you start an exercise program. Ask what, if any,
lifetime. limitations you may have. People who suffer from diabetes,
hypertension, heart disease, arthritis, pulmonary conditions,
Physical activity recommendations by age:
or other health conditions may need additional safety
➢ 0 to 4 years
guidelines for exercise.
180 minutes daily, spread throughout the day
➢ 5 to 17 years Note: If you develop symptoms during exercise including,
60 minutes each day of moderate- to vigorous- but not limited to, unusual shortness of breath; tightness in
intensity physical activity the chest; chest, shoulder, or jaw pain; lightheadedness;
➢ 18 years and older
dizziness; confusion; or joint pain, you should stop • Increases bone strength and density
exercising immediately and contact your physician.
Anaerobic activity — like resistance training — can increase
the strength and density of your bones. This can also
What are some examples of aerobic exercise? decrease your risk of osteoporosis.