Chapter - 1 Electricity
Chapter - 1 Electricity
Chapter - 1 Electricity
Electric Symbols
direction of current is taken as opposite to the
direction of the flow of electrons.
Ohm’s Law
Resistance of conductor ➢ FLOW OF CURRENT IN A METAL
Resistivity Metals show a very different kind of bonding
Combination of Resistances
called metallic bonding. According to this
bonding, the outermost electrons are not bound to
Electric Energy any particular atom, and move freely inside the
Electrical Power
metal randomly as shown in fig. So, these
electrons are free electrons. These free electrons
move freely in all the directions. Different
electrons move in different directions and with
different speeds. So there is no net movement of
the electrons in any particular direction. As a
result, there is no net flow of current in any
Definition : The quantity of electric charge
flowing through cross section of a given particular direction.
conductor in one second is called current. Metallic wire
Electrons move randomly,
Thus, if Q is the charge which flows through a
so no flow of current
conductor in time t, then the current (I) is given
Charge (Q)
Current (I) =
Time ( t ) Fig. Flow of electrons inside a metal wire
The electric current (or current) is a scalar when no potential is applied across its ends
Unit of current
The SI unit of charge (Q) is coulomb (C), and Electrons move from low
that of time (t) is second (s). So, potential to high potential
SI unit of current
I coulomb +Battery–
= = 1 C s–1 = 1 ampere
1sec ond
Low potential
The unit coulomb per second (Cs–1) is called High potential
ampere (A)
Fig. Flow of electrons inside a metal wire
when the two ends of a wire are connected to
Direction of Electric Current : the two terminals of a battery
➢ ELECTRIC SYMBOLS Unit of resistance :
Many different kinds of equipments or The SI unit of resistance (R) is ohm. Ohm is
components are used in setting up electrical denoted by the Greek letter omega ().
circuits. To draw the diagrams of electrical V
circuits on paper these equipments/components From Ohm’s law, R=
are shown by their symbols. Here are some
symbols used in the electric circuit diagrams. Now, if, V = 1 volt and I = 1 ampere
S.N Components Symbols 1 volt
Then, R=
1. Electric cell + – 1ampere
2. Battery + – Thus, 1 ohm is defined as the resistance of a
3. Plug key conductor which allows a current of 1 ampere to
(switch open) flow through it when a potential difference of 1
4. Plug key volt is maintained across it.
(switch closed) Results of Ohm’s law
5. A wire joint
◆ Current flowing through a conductor is
6. Wires crossing without directly proportional to the potential
joining difference across the conductor.
7. Electric bulb or
10. +A–
Ammeter Slope = Resistance (R)
11. Voltmeter +V–
12. Fuse Current (amperes)
◆ When the potential difference in a circuit is
kept constant, the current in inversely
proportional to the resistance of the
Definition : According to the Ohm’s law at conductor.
constant temperature, the current flowing through I 1/R
a conductor is directly proportional to the ◆ The ratio of potential difference to the current
potential difference across the conductor. is constant. The value of the constant is equal
Thus, if I is the current flowing through a to the resistance of the conductor (or resistor).
conductor and V is the potential difference (or V/I = R
voltage) across the conductor, then according to
IV (when T is constant) The movement of electron gives rise to the
flow of current through metals. The moving
V electrons collide with each other as well as
or, I = ...(i)
R with the positive ions present in the metallic
conductor. These collisions tend to slow
where R is a constant called the resistance of the
down the speed of the electrons and hence
oppose the flow of electric current.
Equation (i) may be written as,
The property of a conductor by virtue of
V=I×R ...(ii) which it opposes the flow of electric current
through it is called its resistance.
heating elements of heaters, toasters, electric
◆ Resistance is denoted by the letter R. iron etc.
some others have much higher resistance. In The substances which show very low
general, an alloy has higher resistance than resistivities allow the flow of electric current
pure metals which from the alloy. through them. these type of substances are
* Copper, silver, aluminium etc., have very called conductors.
low resistance. For example, copper, gold, silver, aluminium
and electrolytic solutions are conductors.
* Nichrome, constantan etc., have higher
◆ Substances having moderate resistivity:
resistance. Nichrome is used for making
The substances which have moderate
resistivity offer appreciable resistance to the V1 = IR1, V2 = IR2 and V3 = IR3 ...(ii)
flow of electric current through them. If, V is the potential difference across the
Therefore, such substances are called combination of resistances then,
resistors. For example, alloys such as
V = V1 + V2 + V3 ...(iii)
nichrome, manganin, constantan and carbon
are typical resistors. If, R is the equivalent resistance of the circuit,
◆ Substances having very high resistivity: then V = IR ...(iv)
The substances which have very high Using Eqs. (i) to (iv) we can write,
resistivities do not allow electricity to flow IR = V = V1 + V2 + V3
through them. The substances which do not = IR1 + IR2 + IR3
allow electricity to pass through them are
called insulators. For example, rubber, or, IR = I (R1 + R2 + R3)
plastics, dry wood, etc. are insulators. or, R = R1 + R2 + R3
Therefore, when resistances are combined in
series, the equivalent resistance is higher than
Series Combination each individual resistance.
When two or more resistances are joined end-to-
end so that the same current flows through each ◆ Some results about series combination :
of them, they are said to be connected in series. (i) When two or more resistors are connected in
series, the total resistance of the combination
R1 R2 R3
I I is equal to the sum of all the individual
Key + Battery (ii) When two or more resistors are connected in
series, the same current flows through each
When a series combination of resistances is
connected to a battery, the same current (I) flows
through each of them. (iii)When a number of resistors are connected in
series, the voltage across the combination
◆ Law of combination of resistances in series
(i.e. voltage of the battery in the circuit), is
: The law of combination of resistances in
equal to the sum of the voltage drop
series states that when a number of
(or potential difference) across each
resistances are connected in series, their
individual resistor.
equivalent resistance is equal to the sum of
the individual resistances. Thus, if R1, R2, R3 Parallel Combination
..., etc. are combined in series, then the When two or more resistances are connected
equivalent resistance (R) is given by, between two common points so that the same
potential difference is applied across each of
R = R1 + R2 + R3 + ... ....(i)
them, they are said to be connected is parallel.
◆ Derivation of mathematical expression of R1
resistances in series combination : Let, R1,
R2 and R3 be the resistances connected in I I
I2 R2
series, I be the current flowing through the
circuit, i.e., passing through each resistance, When such a combination of resistance is
and V1, V2 and V3 be the potential difference connected to a battery, all the resistances have
across R1, R2 and R3, respectively. Then, the same potential difference across their ends.
from Ohm’s law,
◆ Derivation of mathematical expression of Q = I × t = 10 × 10–6A × 1s = 10 × 10–6C
parallel combination : We known,
Charge on an electron = 1.6 × 10–19C
Let, V be the potential difference across the
So, No. of electrons striking the TV screen
two common points A and B. Then, from
10 10 -6 C
Ohm’s law per second =
1.6 10 −19 C
= 6.25 × 1014
Current passing through R1,I1 = V/R1 ...(i)
Current passing through R2,I2 = V/R2 ...(ii)
Current passing through R3,I3 = V/R3 ...(iii) (b) Charge striking the screen per min
If R is the equivalent resistance, then from = (6.25 × 1014 × 60) × 1.6 × 10–19C
Ohm’s law, the total current flowing through = 6.0 × 10–3C
the circuit is given by,
I = V/R ...(iv) Ex.2 A current of 10A exists in a conductor.
and I = I1 + I2 + I3 ...(v) Assuming that this current is entirely due to
the flow of electrons (a) find the number of
Substituting the values of I,I1,I2 and I3 in Eq. (v), electrons crossing the area of cross section
V V V V per second, (b) if such a current is maintained
= + + ...(vi) for one hour, find the net flow of charge.
R R1 R 2 R3
Cancelling common V term, one gets Sol. Current, I = 10 A
1 1 1 1 Charge flowing through the circuit
= + + Charge
R R1 R 2 R3 in one second, Q = 10 C ( = Current)
The equivalent resistance of a parallel
combination of resistance is less than each of (a) We know, Charge on an electron
all the individual resistances. = 1.6 × 10–19C
◆ Important results about parallel So, No. of electrons crossing per second
combination : 10 C
= = 6.25 × 1019
(i) Total current through the circuit is equal to 1.6 10 −19
the sum of the currents flowing through it.
(b) Net flow of charge in one hour
(ii) In a parallel combination of resistors the
= Current × Time
voltage (or potential difference) across each
= 10 A × 1 h
resistor is the same and is equal to the applied
voltage i.e. v1 = v2 = v3 = v : 10 A × (1 × 60 × 60 s) = 36000 C
(iii) Current flowing through each resistor is Ex.3 A current of 5.0 A flows through a circuit for
inversely proportional to its resistances, thus 15 min. Calculate the amount of electric
higher the resistance of a resistors, lower will charge that flows through the circuit during
be the current flowing through it. this time.
Sol. Given : Current, I = 5.0 A
Time, t = 15 min. = 15 × 60 s = 900 s
Then, Charge that flows through the circuit,
Ex.1 A TV set shoots out a beam of electrons. The Q = Current × Time
beam current is 10A. = 5.0A × 900 s
(a) How many electrons strike the TV screen
in each second ? = 4500 A.s = 4500 C
(b) How much charge strikes the screen in a Ex.4 A piece of wire is redrawn by pulling it until
minute? its length is doubled. Compare the new
Sol. Beam current, I = 10 µA = 10 ×10–6A resistance with the original value.
Time, t = 1 s
Sol. Volume of the material of wire remains same.
So, when length is doubled, its area of cross-
(a) Charge flowing per second,
section will get halved. So, if l and a are the
original length and area of cross-section of difference of 20 volts is applied across the
wire, combination. Calculate the current through
the circuit and potential difference across the
Original value of the resistance, R = × 6 ohm resistance.
Sol. For better understanding we must drawn a
proper circuit diagram. It is shown in fig.
New value of the resistance, 6 4
R’ = × = × 4 = 4R
a/2 a I I
Ex.5 Calculate the resistance of 100 m long copper 20 V
+ –
wire. The diameter of the wire is 1 mm.
Sol. Using the relationship, We use proper symbols for electrical
components.Resistances are shown connected
R=× =× 2 in series, with 20 V battery across its positive
a r
and negative terminals. Direction of current
We have, r= mm = 0.5 × 10–3 m flow is also shows from positive terminal of
2 the battery towards its negative terminal.
1.6 10 −6 100m Potential difference, V = 20 V
3.141 (0.5 10 −3 m) 2 Potential difference across 6
R = 2.04 ohm V1 = ? (to be calculated)
Ex.6 If four resistances each of values 1 ohm are Total circuit resistance = 10
connected in series. Calculate equivalent V
resistance. From Ohm’s law, Rs =
When a potential difference is applied across ◆ Current : The rate of flow of charge (Q)
a wire, current starts flowing in it. The free through a conductor is called current .
electrons collide with the positive ions of the Current (I) is given by,
metal and lose energy. Thus energy taken Charge Q
Current = or I=
from the battery is dissipated. The battery Time t
constantly provide energy to continue the The SI unit of current is ampere (A) : 1A = 1 C/s
motion of electron and hence electric current The current flowing through a circuit is
in the circuit. This energy is given to ions of measured by a device called ammeter.
the metal during collision and thus Ammeter is connected in series with the
temperature of wire rises. Thus, energy taken conductor. The direction of the current is
from the battery gets transferred in to heat. taken as the direction of the flow of positive
This energy is called electrical energy. This charge.
effect is also called 'Heating Effect of ◆ Ohm’s law : At any constant temperature, the
Current'. current (I) flowing through a conductor is
If directly proportional to the potential (V)
R = Resistance of wire applied across it.
I = Current in wire Mathematically,
V = Potential difference across wire. I = V/R or V = IR
Flow of charge in 't' time = It. ◆ Resistance : Resistance is the property of a
Energy dissipated W = Vq = VIt, conductor by virtue of which it opposes the
V = IR, flow of electricity through it. Resistance is
measured in ohms. Resistance is a scalar
W = VIt = I2Rt = t = Vq quantity.
◆ Resistivity : The resistance offered by a cube
This energy is equal to work done by battery
of a substance having side of 1 meter, when
or heat produced in the wire.
current flows perpendicular to the opposite
faces, is called its resistivity (). The SI unit
of resistivity is ohm.m.
◆ Equivalent resistance : A single resistance
The rate of loss of energy in an electrical which can replace a combination of
circuit is called electrical power. It resistances so that current through the circuit
is denoted by'P' remains the same is called equivalent
W V2 resistance.
P= = I 2 R = IV =
t R
units of power = joule/sec, watt, horse power
◆ Law of combination of resistances in series : 1 1 1 1
= + +
When a number of resistance are connected in R R1 R 2 R3
series, their equivalent resistance is equal to The equivalent resistance of a number of
the sum of the individual resistances. resistances connected in parallel is less than
If R1, R2, R3, etc. are combined in series, then each of all the individual resistances.
the equivalent resistance (R) is given by,
R = R1 + R2 + R3 + .....
The equivalent resistance of a number of
resistances connected in series is higher than
each individual resistance.
◆ Law of combination of resistances in
parallel : When a number of resistances are
connected in parallel, the reciprocal of the
equivalent resistance is equal to the sum of
the reciprocals of the individual resistances.
If R1, R2, R3, etc. are combined in parallel,
then the equivalent resistance (R) is given by.
Q.20 A Piece of wire is redrawn by pulling it until
A Very Short Answer Type Questions its length is doubled. Compare the new
resistance with the original value.
Q.1 Define current.
Q.2 Define one ampere. C Long Answer Type Questions
Q.3 What is the conventional direction of electric Q.21 Define charge. What do you understand by
current? How does it differ from the direction positive and negative charge ? Write down
of flow of electrons? the expression for force between two charges.
Q.4 What do you mean by elementary charge?
Q.22 State Ohm’s law. How it can be verified
Q.5 State Ohm’s law. experimentally?
Q.6 Define one ohm.
Q.23 Describe the conditions for constituting an
Q.7 Write the formula for resistance of a wire of electric current. Explain the mechanism of
length l and cross-section A. flow of electrons in a conductor.
Q.8 Define specific resistance. Q.24 Derive the expression for the equivalent
Q.9 Write the unit of specific resistance. resistance when two resistors are joined in
Q.10 Distinguish between resistance and
resistivity. Q.25 Derive the expression for the equivalent
resistance when two resistors are joined in
Q.11 Two resistors R1 and R2 are joined in series.
Find the equivalent resistance.
Q.12 Two resistors R1 and R2 are joined in parallel. D Numerical Problems
Find the equivalent resistance.
Q.26 If the charge on an electron be 1.6 × 10–19 C,
B Short Answer Type Questions how many electrons should pass through a
conductor in 1 second to constitute 1ampere
Q.13 Define current. Is it a scalar quantity or a
vector quantity ? What is meant by the current ?
conventional direction of current ?
Q.27 How many electrons pass through a lamp in
Q.14 Define resistance. one minute if the current be 200 mA?
Q.15 On what factors does the resistance of a (Charge on an electron, e = 1.6 × 10–10 C).
conductor depend?
Q.28 A conductor carries a current of 0.2A. Find
Q.16 Define resistivity. Write the formula for
resistivity. the amount of charge that will pass through
the cross-section of the conductor in 30 s.
Q.17 What is the formula for the combination of How many electrons will flow in this time-
resistances when they are combined in : interval?
(i) series and
(ii) parallel ? (Charge on an electron, e = 1.6 × 10–19 C.)
Q.18 Why is the series arrangement not used for Q.29 The potential difference between the two
domestic circuits? points of a wire carrying 2 amperes current is
Q.19 How does the resistance of a wire vary with 0.1 volt. Calculate the resistance between
its cross-sectional area ? these points.
Q.30 A resistance of 12 ohm is connected in Q.36 Figure shows a part of an electric circuit. The
parallel with another resistor X. The resultant reading of the ammeter is 3.0 A. Find the
resistance of the combination is 4.8 ohms. currents through the 10- and 20- resistors.
What is the resistance X?
10 +A –
Q.31 Three resistances 12 ohms each are connected
in parallel. Three such combinations are 20
connected in series. What is the total
resistance? Q.37 Three resistors of resistances 10 , 20 and
30 are connected in parallel with a 6-V
Q.32 How will you connect three resistors of 3 ,
cell. Find (a) the current through each
4 and 7 respectively so as to obtain a resistor, (b) the current supplied by the cell,
resultant resistance, of 3.5 ? and (c) the equivalent resistance of the circuit.
Q.33 Find the current through the circuit shown in Q.38 When two resistors are joined in series, the
figure. Also find the potential difference equivalent resistance is 90 . When the same
across the 20- resistor. resistors are joined in parallel, the equivalent
20 15 resistance is 20. Calculate the resistances of
the two resistors.
Q.39 Consider the circuit shown in figure.
Calculate the current through the 3- resistor.
i 4 i1 3
Q.34 Find (a) the equivalent resistance, (b) the i2
current passing through the cell, and (c) the
current passing through the 30- resistor in
the circuit shown in figure.
Q.40 (a) How will you join three resistors of
15 resistances 4, 6 and 12 to get an
30 equivalent resistance of 8 ?
(b) What would be the highest and the lowest
equivalent resistances possible by joining
6V these resistors ?
5 10
Single Correct Answer Type Questions Q.9 Conventionally, the direction of the current is
Q.1 How many electrons in 1 s constitute a current taken as-
of 1 A? (A) the direction of flow of negative charges
(A) 6.25 × 1018 (B) 6.25 × 1012 (B) the direction of flow of atoms
(C) 6.25 × 10 (D) 6.25 (C) the direction of flow of positive charges
(D) the direction of flow of molecules
Q.2 1 Coulomb is equal to -
(A) 1 amp × 1 sec
Q.10 Figure shows, current in a part of electrical
(B) 1 amp / 1 sec
circuit, then the value of current is-
(C) 1 joule × 1 amp
2A 1A
(D) 1 joule / 1 sec A
Q.3 When a body is negatively charged by friction,
2A iA
it means- (A) 1.7 A (B) 3.7 A
(A) the body has acquired excess of electrons (C) 13 A (D) 1.0 A
(B) the body has acquired excess of protons
(C) the body has lost some electrons Q.11 When the temperature of a metallic conductor is
(D) the body has lost some neutrons increased its resistance-
(A) always decrease
Q.4 If a charged body attracts another body, the (B) always increase
charge on the other body- (C) may increase or decrease
(A) must be negative (D) remain the same
(B) must be positive
Q.12 Specific resistance of wire depends upon-
(C) must be zero
(A) its length (B) its cross-section area
(D) may be negative or positive or zero
(C) its dimensions (D) Its material
Q.5 A suitable unit for expressing the strength of Q.13 The unit of resistivity is-
electric field is - (A) ohm (B) ohm mete
(A) V/C (B) C/m (C) ohm meter–1 (D) mho metre–1
(C) N/C (D) C/N
Q.14 A wire of resistance R is cut into n equal parts.
Q.6 One ampere equals - These parts are then connected in parallel. The
(A) 106A (B) 10–6A equivalent resistance of combination will be –
(C) 10 A
(D) 10mA (A) nR (B) R/n
(C) n/R (D) R/n2
Q.7 What constitutes current in a metal wire ? Q.15 A piece of wire of resistance 4 is bent through
(A) Electrons (B) Protons 180° at its mid point and the two halves are
(C) Atoms (D) Molecules twisted together, then resistance is -
(A) 1 (B) 2
(C) 5 (D) 8
Q.8 If I is the current through a wire and 'e' is the
charge of electron then the number of electrons Q.16 Three resistance each of 8 are connected to a
in t seconds will be given by - triangle. The resistance between any two
Ie terminals will be:
(A) (B) e/It (A) 12 (B) 2
(C) It/e (D) Ite (C) 6 (D)
Q.17 In how many parts (equal) a wire of 100 be Q.23 How much electrical energy in kilowatt hour is
cut so that a resistance of 1 is obtained by consumed in operating ten, 50 watt bulbs for 10
connecting them in parallel ? hours per day in a month of 30 days ?
(A) 10 (B) 5 (A) 15 (B) 150
(C) 100 (D) 50 (C) 1500 (D) 15000
26. 6.25 × 1018
27. 7.5 × 1019
28. 6C, 3.75 × 1019
29. 0.05
30. 8
31. 12
32. 3 & 4 in series corrected, in parallel with 7.
33. 0.2A, 4V
34. (A) 10 (B) 0.6A (C) 0.2A
35. 0.5A
36. 2A, 1A
37. (A) 0.6 A, 0.3 A, 0.2 A (B) 1.1A (C) 5.5
39. 1.33 A
40. (b) 22 2
Ques 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Ans A A A D C A A C C A B D B D A
Ques 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Ans D A C D C C D B B D B B C B C
Ques 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
Ans A C B C D A A A