Checklist Rectal Temperature

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Student Name: __________________________________ID number: ________ Section: _______ Date: _________

0 – NOT OBSERVED Task was not performed
1 – INSUFFICIENT Task was performed incorrectly
2 – ACCEPTABLE Task was performed well enough
3 - COMPETENT Task was performed quickly, systematically and accurately

Procedure Steps 0 1 2 3 REMARKS

1. Check the Doctor's order.
2. Identify the patient by checking their ID band and ask the name

3. Explain the procedure to the parents and gain oral consent

4. Bring necessary equipment to the bed side stand

Tray contains
 Thermometer
 Small bowel with cotton swabs
 Kidney
 Pen
 Flow sheet
 Lubricant [for rectal method].
5. Perform hand hygiene
6. Close the door and pull the curtains.
7. Rinse and dry the anal area.
8. Lubricate the bulb of the rectal thermometer.
9. Place child in side-lying or prone position.
10. Place infant prone across mother’s lap or supine with knee
flexed toward abdomen
11. Insert the lubricated thermometer 2.5 cm in the rectum and
hold it for one
12. Remove the thermometer and wipe with swab from up down
to the
13. Take the reading.
14. Wash thermometer with soap and water and disinfectant.

15. Perform Hand Hygiene.

16. Replace of articles.
17. Documentation

Total Score: / 51

Comments/feedback by the evaluator:

_________________________________ _________________________________

Signature of the evaluator Signature of the Student

References: Kulkarni ML [2010] clinical methods in pediatrics,3 rd edition, Jaypee publications

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