Reuse Study of Sustainable Wastewater in Agroforestry Domain of Marrakesh City
Reuse Study of Sustainable Wastewater in Agroforestry Domain of Marrakesh City
Reuse Study of Sustainable Wastewater in Agroforestry Domain of Marrakesh City
47 724
5 authors, including:
Salvatore Masi
Università degli Studi della Basilicata
All content following this page was uploaded by Tawfik El Moussaoui on 15 June 2019.
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The current work aims to perform a feasibility study of sustainable urban wastewater reuse in agro-
Received 12 May 2017 forestry domain of Marrakesh city in order to assess the environmental and the sustainability of urban
Revised 29 July 2017 wastewater reuse in agroforestry irrigation. To this end, wastewater physicochemical characteristics
Accepted 13 August 2017
from Marrakesh full-scale wastewater treatment plant, soil physicochemical analysis and climate analy-
Available online 18 August 2017
sis were investigated. Finally, treated urban wastewater potential production in Marrakesh WWTP and
challenge related to its reuse are provided. The obtained results of the present study reveals the feasibility
of this practice in Marrakesh region. Regarding the actual situation, climate analysis highlight that the
Urban wastewater
Physicochemical analysis
local climatic conditions is an ultimate challenge for water resources; soil analysis reveals a loss of soil
Wastewater reuse fertility due to the decline in soil organic matter. To face this condition, treated urban wastewater reuse
Climate analysis is a sustainable and promising strategy to face water scarcity, enhance soil fertility, preserve natural
Arid climate resources, develop local products and improve living conditions of agriculture and farmers.
Marrakesh Ó 2017 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University. This is an
open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
1658-077X/Ó 2017 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
T. El Moussaoui et al. / Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences 18 (2019) 288–293 289
not show any kind of problem after 10 years of experimentation 2.2. Analytical methods
(Lopeza et al., 2006; Palese et al., 2009). In the Marrakesh region,
and in order to protect the environment and water resources, by 2.2.1. Wastewater physicochemical analysis
supporting their sustainable management and conservation, the Wastewater physicochemical analysis such as total suspended
FAO project will allow through the treatment and reuse of treated solids (TSS), biological oxygen demand (BOD5 ), chemical oxygen
wastewater in irrigation of forest plantations who settled as part of demand (COD), total kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), nitrate (NO
3 ), nitrite
the creation of a green belt throughout the OuedTensift over an ini- (NO 3
2 ), total phosphorus (TP) and orthophosphate (PO4 ) were
tial area of about 10 hectares, extensible. determined in accordance with Standard Methods (AFNOR, 1997;
The current work aims to perform a feasibility study of urban APHA, 2005; Rodier et al., 2009).
wastewater reuse in agroforestry domain in Marrakesh city in
order to assess the environmental and the sustainability of urban
wastewater reuse in sustainable irrigation. To this end, wastewater 2.2.2. Soil physicochemical analysis
physicochemical characteristics from Marrakesh WWTP, soil Soil physicochemical analysis such as, such as pH, Electrical
physicochemical analysis and climate analysis of the study site Conductivity (EC), Moisture, Organic matter (OM), total organic
were investigated. Furthermore, treated urban wastewater poten- carbon (TOC), total phosphorus (TP) and assimilablephosphorus
tial production in Marrakesh WWTP and challenge related to it is (Polsen) were performed according standard analytical methods
reuse were illustrated and provided. (AFNOR, 2000).
Table 1 pounds (NHþ 4 -N, NO3 -N andNO2 -N) on the aquatic environment
Characteristic of SAADA weather station.
and more stringent legislation on wastewater discharges. To meet
Latitude 31°380 1000 this demand, the most commonly used method for nitrogen
Altitude 411.6 m removal is biological treatment based on aerobic nitrification and
Longitude 8°040 3600
anoxic denitrification, both of which may produce nitrous oxide
(N2O) (Colliver and Stephenson, 2008).
The TKN input effluent average concentration was around
83.76 ± 11.2 mgl1, whereas the output TKN concentration was
plant during the experimental campaign are summarized in
about 15.7 ± 3 mgl1 which is close to the European Standards
Table 2.
(10–15 mgl1) (Jonsson et al., 2001) and bellow Moroccan applied
discharge standards (40 mgl1). The overall total kjeldahl nitrogen
3.1.1. pH and electrical conductivity removal was 81% on annual average. This indicates a good overall
The output effluent pH average was about 8.20 ± 0.03, which is performance during the campaign period.
in the range of Moroccan applied discharge standards limits [6.5– Large quantities of phosphate present in wastewater is one of
8.5] (Arrêté conjoint, 2013). Concerning the electrical conductivity the main causes of eutrophication that negatively affects many
(EC), the output effluent EC average was around 1623.75 ± 112 ms/ natural water bodies, both fresh water and marine. It is desirable
cm, which was close to the Moroccan discharge standards limits that water treatment facilities remove phosphorus from the
(Arrêté conjoint, 2013). wastewater before they are returned to the environment. Total
removal or at least a significant reduction of phosphorus is obliga-
3.1.2. Total suspended solids TSS tory, if not always fulfilled, in most countries (Jeanmaire and
The amount of TSS in the effluent affects the efficiency of the Evans, 2001; Gaterell et al., 2000; Stratful et al., 1990).
disinfection process and defines the recommended TSS value of The TP input effluent average concentration was around
discharged effluent. The TSS average concentration of the final 10.35 ± 2.1 mgl1, whereas the output TP concentration was about
effluent was about 11 ± 1.5 mgl1, which satisfy Moroccan applied 5.36 ± 0.8 mg/l, which is above the Moroccan applied discharge
discharge standards (TSS < 30 mgl1) (Arrêté conjoint, 2013). The standards (2 mgl1) (Arrêté conjoint, 2013). The average TP
TSS average reduction was about 97%, which indicates that the removal was 48%.
Marrakesh WWTP process has performed adequately at conditions
equal to or less than its design capacity with respect to the TSS 3.2. Soil physicochemical characteristics
removal and complied with discharge standards (RADEEMA, 2012).
The site physicochemical analysis result is summarized in the
3.1.3. Organic matter: COD and BOD5 Table 3.
Activated sludge refers to a mass of microorganisms cultivated The pH was relatively high 8.25 ± 0.51 on average (Mallouhi,
in the treatment process to break down organic matter into carbon 1997). The electrical conductivity EC is typically used to indicate
dioxide, water, and other inorganic compounds. The COD and BOD5 soluble salt concentration in soil. Because crops only remove small
are used as the surrogate parameters to measure the organic mat- amounts of salt, salt movement and distribution in soil is directly
ter available for the microorganisms. During this campaign exper- related to water movement (Nakayama, 1986). In our case the EC
iment, the input effluent COD and BOD5 average concentrations average value was about 325.67 ± 107.11 ms/cm.
were 825.29 ± 44 mgl1 and 550 ± 25 mgl1, respectively. In con- The total organic carbon (TOC), organic matter (OM), total kjel-
trast, their concentrations in the output effluent were dahl nitrogen (TKN) and total phosphorus (TP) average contents of
29.93 ± 2.2 mgl1and 6 ± 1.1 mgl1, respectively, which are below
Moroccan applied discharge standards (for COD < 120 mgl1and
for BOD5 < 40 mgl1) (Arrêté conjoint, 2013). Table 3
Soil physicochemical characteristics.
In addition, the COD and BOD5 removal efficiencies were signif-
icant during this campaign period, up to 94% and 95% respectively. Parameters Unit Result (mean ± SD)
This result confirms that the Marrakesh plant performed well with pH – 8.25 ±0.51
respect to COD removal efficiency within the review period and Moisture % 0.12 ±0.03
complied with permit limits and Moroccan applied discharge stan- Electrical Conductivity (EC) ms/cm 325.67 ±107.11
Total organic carbon (TOC) % 0.75 ±0.08
dards (Arrêté conjoint, 2013; RADEEMA, 2012).
Organic matter (OM) % 1.30 ±0.15
Total kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) % 0.10 ±0.01
3.1.4. Nutrients: Nitrogen and phosphorus Ratio C/N – 7.47 ±0.69
Nitrogen removal has become an important part of wastewater Total phosphorus mg/g 1.57 ±1.20
Assimilable phosphorus mg/g 0.04 ±0.02
treatment processes due to the significant impact of nitrogen com-
Table 2
Physicochemical characteristics of wastewater along treatment stage.
Parameters input effluent primary treatment secondary treatment tertiary treatment Removal efficiency
pH 7.89 ± 0.01 7.59 ± 0.02 8.05 ± 0.01 8.20 ± 0.03
EC (ms/cm) 1964.43 ± 125 1790.71 ± 115 1641.71 ± 120 1623.75 ± 112
TSS (mg/l) 346.86 ± 2.5 82.67 ± 3.2 53.79 ± 1.5 11.15 ± 0.5 97%
BOD5 (mg/l) 550 ± 25 325 ± 15 20.4 ± 1.5 6 ± 1.1 98%
COD (mg/l) 825.29 ± 44 488.43 ± 31 34.87 ± 3 29.93 ± 2.2 96%
TKN (mg/l) 83.76 ± 11.2 65.71 ± 8 15.96 ± 2.1 15.7 ± 3 81%
NO3 (mg/l) – 0.83 ± 0.2 5.61 ± 0.5 6.13 ± 0.7
NO2 (mg/l) – – 0.65 ± 0.1 0.58 ± 0.2
TP (mg/l) 10.35 ± 2.1 8.1 ± 0.7 4.96 ± 0.1 5.36 ± 0.8 48%
PO4 (mg/l) 6.83 ± 0.5 6.16 ± 0.2 4.68 ± 0.7 5.05 ± 0.7 26%
T. El Moussaoui et al. / Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences 18 (2019) 288–293 291
soil were 0.75%, 1.30%, 0.10% and 1.57 mg/g respectively. In addi- curve analysis showed a significantly increase of average monthly
tion C/N was about 7.47 (less than 10) which indicate that the soil temperature from January to August. Thereafter, the significant
of site study is mineralized with low organic matter reserves. In decrease took place until January. In addition, July and August
front of this situation, treated wastewater reuse could be an attrac- are the hottest months with a monthly average temperature of
tive option in order to improve soil fertility through (El Moussaoui 27.64 °C; by contrast, January was the coldest month with a
et al., 2014; Lopeza et al., 2006). monthly average temperature of 10.96 °C.
Concerning precipitation, the analysis of monthly and annual
rainfall can reveal a rainy period represented by five months (Octo-
3.3. Climate analysis ber, November, January, February and March), as more than 65% of
annual rainfall received, and a dry season from May to September.
The Fig. 2 represents the daily observed data of monthly Tem- The ombrothermic diagram, which is the graphical depiction of
perature (minima and maxima T°C) and precipitation (P mm) dur- temperature conditions and the monthly precipitation for the
ing the period 1998–2012 form SAADA weather station whose region of Marrakech during the period between 1998 and 2012,
characteristics are presented in Table 1. reveals a dry season form the end of May to the end of September.
According to Emberger, the zone of Marrakech is located in the
arid bioclimatic stage characterized by scarce precipitation,
grouped during the cold season, from September to May. The city 3.4. Treated urban wastewater reuse in agroforestry
is subject to an arid continental climate (hot and dry in summer,
cold and wetter in winter). High evaporation and a high average 3.4.1. Potential of treated urban wastewaters in Marrakesh
temperature, with large temperature deviations (monthly and Every year significant amounts of wastewater are discharged in
daily). The prevailing winds are from the west and northwest. the environment. The annual discharged volumes of Moroccan
The temperature is influenced by the topography of region cities strongly increased during the last three decades. Therefore,
(Alain and Robert, 1966). As presented in Fig. 2 the temperature they increased from 48 to 600 million m3 from 1960 to 2005 to
Fig. 2. Graphical representation of T-P Omrothermic diagram (1998–2012) (El Moussaoui et al., 2012).
reach approximately 666 million m3 in 2010 (Fig. 3). In the same conventional water resource that must be valorised in agriculture,
way, the established forecasts show that wastewater produced vol- forestry and agroforestry domains. However, the current frame-
ume will continue to increase sharply to reach 900 million m3 in work does not allow an important development of this sector, to
2020 (MnEnvr, 2015). this end several points must be solved and/or improved.
In Marrakech, the annual volume of urban wastewater treated
by Marrakech activated sludge treatment plant was 33 million m3
3.4.3. Constraint and challenge in urban wastewater reuse
(RADEEMA, 2012). This WWTP the first activated sludge full-scale
Compared to the total wastewater amount produced in Mor-
treatment plant in Morocco, which collects and treats urban
occo urban area, the current wastewater treatment rate is still
wastewater of Marrakesh city in order to meet both standard
low and reflects the shortage of municipal wastewater treatment
requirements of the discharge into the natural environment and
plants (WWTP). In late 2012, the wastewater treatment level was
the health requirements for reuse of treated water in irrigation of
around 37%. About 81 WWTP were in operation: 29% equipped
green areas, including golf courses. The activated sludge plants
with primary treatment, 45% with secondary treatment and 26%
represent the most widely used biological aerobic treatment pro-
with tertiary treatment (Makhokh and Bourziza, 2011). As a
cesses, in which the biological degradation of both soluble organic
response to this situation the National Program of Sanitation and
and inorganic components and particulate matter carried out by
Wastewater Treatment has been implemented since 2005. Among
microbial flocs. These flocs are traditionally separated from the liq-
its main objectives, the PNA aims to achieve a connection rate to
uid stream through gravity sedimentation. This medium load
sewerage systems in urban areas of 75% in 2016, 80% in 2020
WWTP has a nominal capacity of 90,720 m3day1 and treats since
and 100% in 2030, to reach a treatment rate of collected wastewa-
2011 the pollution equivalent of 1.3 million inhabitants per day
ter of 50% in 2016, 60% in 2020 and 100% in 2030, and to treat
characterized by 53 tonsday1 of TSS, 58 tonsday1 of BOD5 and
wastewater with tertiary treatment and reuse at 100% in 2030
145 tonsday1 of COD (RADEEMA, 2012). It is considered as the
(PNA, 2015).
first WWTP in North Africa to integrate wastewater treatment, bio-
Despite this important progress in urban wastewater treatment.
gas recovery from sludge, electricity and heat cogeneration, air
There still a lack and a delay in urban wastewater reuse compared
treatment and water reuse.
to the total treated volume of wastewater (El Moussaoui et al.,
2012; PNA, 2015). The current framework does not allow a signif-
3.4.2. Wastewater reuse in agroforestry
icant development of this sector. Several points must be solved
The interest in reusing and managing wastewater for irrigation
and/or improved, in particular:
is a rapidly growing practice in the world. Moreover, it is consid-
ered an attractive and environmentally option to minimize the
Clear definition of wastewater statute (owner/operator);
ecosystems contamination by the direct wastewater disposal. In
Identification of an organization or service provider in charge of
addition, it can improve soils physicochemical proprieties and
their valorisation;
nutrients contents (Sommers, 1977; Pomares et al., 1983;
Definition of technical and administrative constraints to ensure
Heidarpour et al., 2007).
the protection of users, residents and consumers of crops;
The increase in water consumption and awareness of users to
Establishment of specifications for project development, imple-
protect water resources and the environment is encouraging a
mentation, monitoring and follow-up of installations;
greater recovery of wastewater and more efficient and sustainable
Taking into account the additional cost related to additional
use of conventional water resources. The treated urban wastewater
required treatment;
reuse is an important part of the cycle and is a growing practice.
Definition of financing method of the infrastructure needed for
The present interest is due to social, economic and technical factors
related to local situations (Mandi and Ouazzani, 2013). Obviously,
Technical training of treatment and reuse project managers and
the most important factor is the lack of traditional water resources
caused by the growing population, supply increase linked to eco-
The direct involvement of actors and users at all levels;
nomic development (industrial, agricultural, tourism and civil)
The establishment of a policy for the training of technical per-
and change the hydrological cycles. This fact primarily concerns
sonnel specialized in the sector is necessary at all levels from
semi-arid and/or arid regions, but it is also of growing interest in
the conception to the implementation and management of the
areas with heavy rainfall, where the growth of urban centers deter-
mines a localized disproportion between resources and need.
Similarly, difficulties exist for the development of this sector
Therefore, it is necessary to find new water resources at increasing
because of sociocultural blockages, encouraging to opt for a
distances. In front of this situation, the wastewater can be an alter-
developed and adequate policy of information, consultation
native to the use of clean water for agriculture, leaving fresh water
and participation of users;
used for other purposes including drinking water supply (WHO,
In view of the additional costs incurred in using wastewater, it
1989; WHO, 2006), also an interesting opportunities to protect
seems desirable to have a financial incentive policy;
water resources and environmental.
Integrated management of treated urban wastewater reuse in
In Mediterranean countries, the agricultural sector has the big-
order to protect environment and public health.
gest impact on the water consumption balance; therefore treated
wastewater reuse for agricultural irrigation would significantly The combination of the results reported in this research study
reduce global water consumption, allowing better transfer of water reveal the feasibility of sustainable wastewater reuse in especially
resources to more appropriate uses, such as drinking water. Fur- in Marrakech region and generally in Moroccan context.. However,
thermore, the treated wastewater recovery for irrigation may rep- the country has experienced strong growth in its urban population
resent an effective alternative to discharge into lakes, rivers or seas and a proliferation of peripheral areas. Therefore, the population
with a lower environmental impact. growth, excessive exploitations of groundwater and climate
In a context of environmental degradation and water scarcity, changes, stress on clean water availability and supply required
urban wastewater reuse in agroforestry is an attractive and sus- the need to find alternatives water resources. In front of this situ-
tainable option for Morocco. Indeed, this practice could improve ation, urban wastewater treatment and reuse is a sustainable and
soil fertility, crop productivity and environmental sustainability. promising strategy. In addition, it is an interesting opportunities
Indeed, the treated urban wastewater is regarded as a non- to protect water resources and environment.
T. El Moussaoui et al. / Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences 18 (2019) 288–293 293