2019 - 4-Bit Optimized Coding
2019 - 4-Bit Optimized Coding
2019 - 4-Bit Optimized Coding
ABSTRACT In this paper, a 4-bit reflective coding metasurface with the polarization-insensitive unit cell
is designed for wideband radar cross section (RCS) reduction. The metasurface unit has rotational sym-
metry; therefore, it produces the same electromagnetic scattering response for both x- and y-polarizations.
To attain 4-bit phase response, the dimensions of the unit cell are optimized so that a phase difference of 22.5◦
is realized between respective digital elements and the magnitude of reflection is more than 0.95 from 15 GHz
to 40 GHz. Therefore, 16 digital elements have phases of θ, θ + 22.5◦ , θ + 45◦ , θ + 67.5◦ , θ + 90◦ , θ +
112.5◦ , θ + 135◦ , θ + 157.5◦ , θ + 180◦ , θ + 202.5◦ , θ + 225◦ , θ + 247.5◦ , θ + 270◦ , θ + 292.5◦ , θ + 315◦ ,
and θ + 337.5◦ . Discrete water cycle algorithm (DWCA) is applied to the array factor to get the optimal
coding sequence matrix for better RCS reduction. The coding metasurface can achieve more than 10 dB
RCS reduction from 15 GHz to 40 GHz as compared with the same size of a copper sheet. The simulation
and experiment results validate the ability of proposed coding metasurface for robust control of EM-wave
and wideband RCS reduction.
INDEX TERMS 4-bit, coding, discrete water cycle algorithm, metasurface, reflective, radar cross
section (RCS).
122378 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ VOLUME 7, 2019
Y. Saifullah et al.: 4-Bit Optimized Coding Metasurface for Wideband RCS Reduction
FIGURE 3. The phase response of unit cells vs. frequency with a change in
unit cell length l. FIGURE 5. The accessible phase range for the proposed unit cell from
15 GHz to 40 GHz.
FIGURE 4. The magnitude response of unit cells vs. frequency with a FIGURE 6. The relation of the phase with unit cell length l.
change in unit cell length l.
The proposed design can be used for 1-bit, 2-bit, 3-bit, and
linear response for broadband (15 GHz-40 GHz), and phase 4-bit coding metasurface by proper selection of unit cell’s
difference of 22.5◦ + θ is achieved between respect states length L as illustrated in Table 1. To attain better control
of metasurface unit cell. The proposed unit cell is designed of the scattering patterns, the phase range of the proposed
as a dual resonance structure to accomplish a wide-band unit cell is calculated by changing the width at different fre-
operation. quencies as shown in Fig. 5. Because of the multi-resonance
The unit cell is optimized such that the resonance points structure, the phase coverage of more than 280◦ is observed
are out of working band to get a better reflection magni- from 15 GHz to 40 GHz. To design the unit cell of coding
tude in the operating frequency band (15 GHz-40 GHz). metasurface, the reflection phase variation with respect to the
The first resonance point is before 15 GHz and the second length of the unit cell is shown in Fig. 6. It is evident from
resonance point is after 40 GHz; therefore, the reflection the figure that phase has a linear relation to the length l of the
amplitude value is more than 0.95 for all 16 states of unit cell, which is the most critical design parameter using the
the metasurface unit cell as shown in Fig. 4. To achieve same geometry.
the 4-bit coding metasurface, the reflection phases at 0◦ ,
22.5◦ , 45◦ , 67.5◦ , 90◦ , 112.5◦ , 135◦ , 157.5◦ , 180◦ , 202.5◦ , III. OPTIMIZED ARRAY DESIGN
225◦ , 247.5◦ , 270◦ , 292.5◦ , 315◦ and 337.5◦ as l = Once the metasurface unit cell is designed and optimized,
1.50 mm, 1.60 mm, 1.70 mm, 1.80 mm, 1.94 mm, 2.08 mm, we are going to arrange these unit cells to construct an array.
2.26 mm, 2.48 mm, 2.66 mm, 2.88 mm, 2.96 mm, 3.08 mm, The simplest array is formed by 1-bit coding metasurface
3.18 mm, 3.32 mm, 3.44 mm, and 3.56 mm, respectively. with two digital elements that are placed in an alternative
TABLE 1. The designed 1-, 2-, 3-, and 4- bit coding metasurface using different size of unit cell.
FIGURE 11. E-field distribution at 24 GHz of (a) PEC (b) 4-bit optimized
coding metasurface.
FIGURE 13. The scattering patterns of the metal (left column) and the
4-bit coding metasurface (right column) in 3D at (a) 15 GHz, (b) 24 GHz,
and (c) 40 GHz.
FIGURE 12. The scattering pattern of different arrangements. (a) All ‘‘0’’
elements. (b) The distribution of ‘‘0’’ and ‘‘1’’ in an alternative
arrangement. (c) The distribution of ‘‘0’’ and ‘‘1’’ in chessboard
arrangement. (d) The optimized coding metasurface.
FIGURE 15. The fabricated sample of propose metasurface. FIGURE 16. Experimental setup in an anechoic chamber.
A 4-bit reflective coding metasurface with the polarization-
insensitive unit cell is presented for wideband radar cross
section (RCS) reduction. To attain 4-bit phase response, the
dimensions of the unit cell are optimized in such a way that
to 18 GHz where RCS reduction is more than 7.8 dB. a phase difference of 22.5◦ is realized between respective
The small deviation between simulation and measured digital elements and magnitude of reflection is more than
results is considered as fabrication error and measurement 0.95 from 15 GHz to 40 GHz. Discrete water cycle algorithm
tolerance. is applied to array factor to get the optimal coding sequence
The comparison of this paper with previous research matrix for better RCS reduction. The proposed metasurface
is presented in Table 2. The proposed design has an has achieved more than 10 dB RCS reduction from 15 GHz
advantage in the bandwidth expansion of RCS reduction to 40 GHz. The simulation and measurement results validate
with a ratio bandwidth (RBW) of 2.6:1 and fractional the ability of 4-bit coding metasurface for robust control of
bandwidth (FBW) of 91% and also has less thickness EM-wave and wideband RCS reduction.
(0.13λo ) which contributes to lower weight as well as less
cost. Binary optimization techniques are not applicable for REFERENCES
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GUO-MIN YANG (S’07–M’10–SM’17) was born FENG XU (S’06–M’08–SM’14) received the B.E.
in Zhejiang, China. He received the B.S. degree degree (Hons.) in information engineering from
(Hons.) in communication engineering from the Southeast University, Nanjing, China, in 2003, and
Xi’an University of Technology, Xi’an, China, the Ph.D. degree (Hons.) in electronic engineering
in 2002, the M.S. degree in electronic engineering from Fudan University, Shanghai, China, in 2008.
from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, From 2008 to 2010, he was a Postdoctoral Fel-
China, in 2006, and the Ph.D. degree in electri- low with the NOAA Center for Satellite Appli-
cal and computer engineering from Northeastern cation and Research, Camp Springs, MD, USA.
University, Boston, MA, USA, in 2010. In 2010, From 2010 to 2013, he was with Intelligent
he joined the Faculty of the School of Information Automation Inc., Rockville, MD, USA. He was a
and Technology, Fudan University, where he is currently an Associate Pro- Research Scientist with the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt,
fessor. He has authored 46 journal publications and 40 conference articles. MD, USA. He is currently a Professor with the School of Information
His research interests include antenna miniaturization, magneto-dielectric Science and Technology and the Vice Director with the MoE Key Laboratory
materials, metamaterials, frequency selective surfaces, microwave wireless for Information Science of Electromagnetic Waves, Fudan University. He
power transfer, RF energy harvesting, and inverse scattering problems in has authored more than 30 articles in peer-reviewed journals, coauthored
electromagnetics. two books, and holds two patents, among many conference articles. His
research interests include electromagnetic scattering modeling, SAR infor-
FUHENG ZHANG received the B.E. degree in mation retrieval, and radar system development.
electronic engineering from the Changshu Insti- Dr. Xu was a recipient of the Second-Class National Nature Science Award
tute of Technology, Suzhou, China, in 2012. He of China, in 2011, the Early Career Award of the IEEE Geoscience and
is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree with the Remote Sensing Society, in 2014, and the SUMMA Graduate Fellowship
Key Laboratory for Information Science of Elec- in the advanced electromagnetics area, in 2007. He is currently the Founding
tromagnetic Waves, Fudan University, Shanghai, Chair of the IEEE GRSS Shanghai Chapter, which was awarded as the GRSS
China. Best Chapter, in 2017. He also serves as an Associate Editor for the IEEE
His research interests include wideband GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING LETTERS.
microstrip antenna design and synthesis, metasur-
face design and synthesis, and signal integrity.