International Journal of Current Advanced Research International Journal of Current Advanced Research
International Journal of Current Advanced Research International Journal of Current Advanced Research
International Journal of Current Advanced Research International Journal of Current Advanced Research
Key words:
Denture marking,Denture labelling,
CAD/CAM, CEREC,Magnets, Bio functional
prosthetic system.
Copyright©2020 Dr.M.A. Eswaran et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Fig 3A
Fig 3B
Fig 2 A Fig 2b
These areas are chosen because: Visible to the reader, adequate
,6 thickness of resin to incorporate without any technical
The American Dental Association 5 has described certain
criteria for denture marking: difficulties, aesthetics of the denture is not affected. Other sites
The identification should be specific. are: Within the palate or buccal to tuberosity regions, in case
The technique should be simple.
The mark should be fire and solvent resistant.
of fixed prosthesis like crowns the initial or identification
The denture should not be weakened. number is marked usually on lingual surface of anterior and
The mark should be cosmetically acceptable. posteriors. Occlusal surface of the posteriors is not preferred
because of chance of loss of details during occlusal
Denture Marking
Surface marking methods5,7 Inclusion methods5,7
Engraving method Lose inclusion method Denture Labelling and its importance in forensic dentistry
Embossing method Youngs method
Invisible ink method Dippenars method In the finding of the following, marking dentures has been well
Fibre tip pen method Reesons method documented as a useful aid: Victims of fatal disasters,
Heaths method Clear acrylic T bar method misplaced dentures in hospitals, nursing homes, and
Stevensons method Olivers method institutions, as well as patients who suffer from
Weckers electro pen method Lenticular card method
Laser etching method Bar coding method unconsciousness or psychiatric problems such as traumatic or
Radio frequency identification senile loss of memory.8More often denture may be found close
Onion skin paper method
tag to the scene where body is found and chances of finding of
Denture bar coding method Lead foil method edentulous person wearing denture are less difficult in
Metallic band according to
Swedish guidelines comparison to those in a dentate patient. Hence denture
Photograph inclusion method labeling is very important.9
MinI Dent method
Data matrix code In the recent Highland Towers Condominium disaster at Ulu
Microlabelling Kelang, Selangor there were five edentulous victims wearing
Cast embossed identification dentures. The investigating forensic odontologist did not find
any of their dentures having any form of identifying markings,
Ceramic crown engraving
method thereby frustrating the dental victim identification team from
Memory card method. making any conclusive identification.10The denture should be
Sites for Location of the Denture Marker labeled and include the country code prefixed before the
Usually polished surface of denture is preferred but if esthetics identity card number is proposed by the author in the study.
is concerned, internal surface or impression surface is used. If The driving license number, social security number or the
Advancements in Complete Denture Prosthesis-A Review
income tax file number can be used in countries where no Components: All CAD/CAM system consist of three
identity cards are issued to their citizens is the recommended components: Digitalization tool/scanner, Software,a
identifying number to be employed.11 It has been observed in production technology scanner.
numerous incinerated bodies the lower lingual posterior, and
There are two different scanning possibilities: 1) Optical
the upper palatal posterior portions of the dentures are usually
scanners 2) Mechanical scanners
spared. These sites become the option of areas for the
marking.10 Denture marking should also not be restricted to Optical scanners: The basis of this type of scanner is the
acrylic dentures only but also be extended to those made from collection of three-dimensional structures in a ‘triangulation
cobalt-chromium. Cobalt-chromium appliances withstand procedure’. Here, the source of light (E.g. laser) and the
melting even in some cases of incinerated remains. Identifying receptor unit are in a definite angle in their relationship to one
markings can also be incorporated in orthodontic appliances, another. Computer can calculate a three-dimensional data set
maxillo-facial reconstructive prostheses, crowns, and from the image on the receptor unit through this angle.
bridges.11Denture labeling was evaluated in an Indian sample. Examples: LAVA Scan ST (3M ESPE, white light projections)
In European studies the results are different wherein the most and es1 (etkon, laser beam).
of patients agreed to denture marking, indicating patient
Mechanical scanner: The master cast is read mechanically
background (E.g., Education level).12
line-by-line by means of a ruby ball and the three-dimensional
Advantages Disadvantages structure is measured in this scanner variant. This type of
All the ADA specifications are scanner isdifferentiatedby a high scanning accuracy, whereby
not fulfilled by the denture
marking systems. the diameter of the ruby ball is set to the smallest grinder in the
If the denture labelling milling system as shown in FIG 5, with the result that all data
Patient identification in natural systems are placed on the collected by the system can also be milled. Example: Procera
and mass accident. internalsurface, they become Scanner.
Appliance identification in old invisible when relining is
people institutions. done.
Retrieval of dental records in After inclusion of the marker
cases of emergencies like in the dentures changing the
accidents. patients detail becomes a
Diagnostic and decision tedious job.
support in medico legal issues. Certain denture marking
Recording and storage of systems are expensive and
patient’s details on an easily require special equipment’s to
accessible system. read the data.
Complete and assured There is fading of certain
documentation of patient’s identification marks like
details since the marked photograph, bar codes micro
dentures are fabricated by labels etc. over a period of
trained professionals. time.
Surface engraving methods
leads to food lodgment and the
details can be changed without
the consent of the patient and
the dentist. Fig 5
International Journal of Current Advanced Research Vol 9, Issue 02(B), pp 21217-21222, February 2020
framework is designed to be 20% larger to compensate for technician then verifies the fit of the milled coping or
sintering shrinkage.13,14 framework.14
Procera: This system has combined pantographic reproduction
with electrical discharge machining. It uses an innovative
concept for generating its alumina and zirconia copings. A
scanning stylus require 3D images of the master dies that are
sent to the processing center via modem. The processing center
then generates enlarged dies designed to compensate for the
shrinkage of the ceramic material. Copings are developed by
dry pressing high-purity alumina powder (> 99.9%) against the
enlarged dies. These densely packed copings are then milled to
the desired thickness. The Procera restorations have excellent
clinical longevity and strength.14
DCS Precident: It is comprised of a Preciscan laser scanner Fig 6a CEREC 1
and Precimill CAM multitool milling center. It can scan 14
dies at the same time and mill up to 30 framework units in 1
fully automated operation.10 Materials used: Porcelain, Glass
Ceramic, In- Ceram, Dense Zirconia, metals, and Fiber-
Reinforced Composites. This system is one of the few
CAD/CAM systems that can mill titanium and fully dense
sintered zirconia.14
CICERO System: The computer desegregated crown
reconstruction was developed by CICERO Dental System B.V.
(Hoorn, The Netherlands). The system makes use of optical
scanning, near net-shaped metal, ceramic sintering and
computer-aided fabrication techniques.15
Fig 6b CEREC 2
CEREC System: The computer- aided design/computer-aided
manufacture (CAD/CAM) CEREC (computer-assisted ceramic
reconstruction) system is used for electronically designing and
milling restorations.
Cerec 1: In this, the ceramic block could be turned on the
block carrier with a spindle and feed against the grinding
wheel, which grinds the ceramic block to a new contour with a
different distance from the axis at each feed step. (FIG 6A)
Cerec 2: The introduction of an additional cylinder diamond
enables the grinding of partial and full crowns. It introduced
the design of the occlusion in three modes: extrapolation,
correlation and function. However, the design still was Fig 6c CEREC 3
displayed two-dimensionally.16 (FIG 6B)
E4D Dentist System: Presently it is the only system besides
With CEREC 1 and CEREC 2, by using couple charged device CEREC that permits same day in-office restorations. This
camera an optical scan of the prepared tooth is made, and a 3- system includes a laser scanner (Intraoral digitizer), a design
dimensional digital image is generated on the monitor. The center and a milling unit. The scanner is placed near the target
restoration is then designed and milled.14 tooth, and has 2 rubber feet that hold it to specific distance
from the area being scanned. The software gradually creates a
Cerec 3: This system skipped the wheel and introduced the
3D image as each picture is taken. The design system
two bur-system. The “step bur”, reduced the diameter of the
automatically detects the finish lines and marks them on the
top onethird of the cylindrical bur to a small- diameter tip
screen. As soon as the restoration is accepted, the data are
enabling high precision form grinding with reasonable bur
transmitted to either the in-house milling machine or a dental
life.16 The most important factor for three-dimensional
laboratory. The office milling machine will then manufacture
scanning with the Cerec 3 intraoral camera is that tooth
the restoration from the chosen blocks of ceramic or
preparations for crowns and inlays have a unique
characteristic: all points of interest can be seen from a single
viewing line, representing the preparation and insertion axes, Restorative materials for CAD-CAM processing: According
respectively.17 (FIG 6C) to the fabrication method: Pre-sintered, densely sintered, Glass
CEREC in Lab: Is a laboratory system in which working dies
are laser-scanned and a digital image of the virtual model is Stages in fabrication of prosthesis with CAD/CAM
displayed on a screen. After designing the framework, the technology: Computer surface digitization, Computer-aided
laboratory technician inserts the suitable VITA In-Ceram designing, Computer assisted manufacturing, Computer-aided
block into the CEREC in Lab machine for milling. The esthetics, Computer-aided finishing.
Advancements in Complete Denture Prosthesis-A Review
Fig 7
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How to cite this article:
Dr. M.A. Eswaran, Dr. Rathika Rai, T. Sangeetha and S.G.Devika (2020) 'Advancements in Complete Denture Prosthesis-A
Review', International Journal of Current Advanced Research, 09(02), pp. 21217-21222.
DOI: 21222.4164