EXT Ventilator Weaning and Extubation
EXT Ventilator Weaning and Extubation
EXT Ventilator Weaning and Extubation
Karen E.A. Burns, MD, FRCPC, MSca,b,c,d,*, Bram Rochwergd,e,f,
Andrew J.E. Seelyg,h,i
Ventilator weaning Noninvasive ventilation High flow nasal cannulae Extubation
Increasing evidence supports specific approaches to liberate patients from invasive venti-
lation including the use of liberation protocols, inspiratory assistance during spontaneous
breathing trials (SBTs), early extubation of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease to noninvasive ventilation, and prophylactic use of noninvasive support strategies
after extubation.
Additional research is needed to elucidate the best criteria to identify patients who are
ready to undergo an SBT and to inform optimal screening frequency, the best SBT tech-
nique and duration, extubation assessments, and extubation decision-making.
Additional clarity is also needed regarding the optimal timing to measure and report extu-
bation success and to standardize reporting of weaning (SBT outcome) and extubation
For critically ill patients who are recovering from critical illness requiring invasive venti-
lation, liberation from mechanical ventilation refers to the processes of weaning and
Interdepartmental Division of Critical Care Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario,
Canada; b Department of Medicine and Division of Critical Care, Unity Health Toronto, St.
Michaels Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; c Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, Unity Health
Toronto, St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; d Department of Health Research
Methods, Evidence and Impact, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada;
Department of Medicine, Hamilton Health Sciences, Juravinski Hospital, Hamilton, Ontario,
Canada; f Department of Critical Care, Hamilton Health Sciences, Juravinski Hospital, Hamilton,
Ontario, Canada; g Department of Critical Care, Ottawa Hospital, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada;
Division of Thoracic Surgery, Department of Surgery, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario,
Canada; i Clinical Epidemiology Program, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, University of
Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
* Corresponding author. Unity Health Toronto, St. Michael’s Hospital, 30 Bond Street, Office 4-
045 Donnelly Wing, Toronto, Ontario M5B 1W8, Canada.
E-mail address: Karen.burns@unityhealth.to
Twitter: @KarenBurnsK (K.E.A.B.); @Bram_Rochwerg (B.R.)
extubation and includes efforts made by clinicians to reduce and ultimately remove
the need for invasive or noninvasive ventilation (NIV). The liberation process includes
reversal or improvement of the factors that precipitated respiratory failure and identi-
fication of the earliest time that patients can resume the work of breathing (liberation
from the ventilator) and maintain a patent airway (liberation from the artificial airway).
Extubation is the act of endotracheal tube removal. Patients with acute respiratory fail-
ure spend approximately 40% of the time on invasive mechanical ventilation in the
liberation phase.1 Timely and successful liberation has been identified as a key priority
for critical care.2 An inherent trade-off exists in liberating critically ill patients from
invasive ventilation. Premature failed attempts at liberation may result in airway
compromise, ineffective gas exchange, aspiration, nosocomial respiratory infections,
respiratory muscle fatigue,3 and increase the risk for ventilator-associated pneumonia
(VAP).4 Conversely, delayed and prolonged attempts at liberation may contribute to
patient harm related to ventilator-associated lung injury, diaphragmatic dysfunction,
development of VAP and neuromuscular weakness, and increase costs of care.5 In
this article, we summarize how to identify, test, and optimize patients for liberation
from mechanical ventilation. Additionally, we highlight the use of NIV and high flow
nasal cannulae (HFNC) in liberation and summarize evidence related to assessments
for extubation readiness.
Identifying Candidates for Liberation from Mechanical Ventilation
Liberation from invasive ventilation ideally begins when the underlying cause of acute
respiratory failure that led to the need for invasive ventilation has improved or resolved
and the patient is able to initiate spontaneous breaths.2,6 Clinicians aim to use spon-
taneous modes of ventilation as early as possible in the course of recovery from critical
illness provided that patients do not demonstrate insufficient or excessive effort during
weaning attempts.7 The multistep process typically includes ascertaining patient’s
readiness to undergo a spontaneous breathing trial (SBT), conduct of an SBT, and
extubation after successful completion of an SBT8 (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1. The process of liberation from invasive ventilation. The weaning path. FiO2, fractional
inspired concentration of oxygen; GCS, Glasgow comas scale; O2 saturation, oxygen satura-
tion; PaO2/FiO2, partial pressure of oxygen/fractional inspired concentration of oxygen; PEEP,
positive end-expiratory pressure; RR, respiratory rate; RSBI, rapid shallow breathing index;
SBT, spontaneous breathing trial.
subjective parameters that may evaluate weaning and extubation readiness (ie,
reversal of the underlying cause of respiratory failure, cough strength, and secretion
volume); and other parameters (ie, hemodynamic status, no or minimal vasopressor
or inotropic support required, and so forth).13
The RSBI evaluates whether patients can avoid rapid shallow breathing as ventilator
support is reduced. The RSBI is the ratio of the patient’s breathing frequency (f or RR)
divided by the patient’s VT in liters measured during 1 minute of unassisted, sponta-
neous breathing.12 As originally described by Yang and Tobin, an RSBI less than
105 breaths/min/L, measured using a Wright’s spirometer attached to the end of an
endotracheal tube without ventilator support, had a sensitivity of 97% and specificity
of 64% for predicting extubation success.12 Subsequent studies have brought into
question the utility of the RSBI to predict extubation success recognizing that this
outcome confounds both liberation from the ventilator and the artificial airway.14,15
A meta-analysis found that the RSBI had limited value in predicting successful extu-
bation (positive likelihood ratio of 1.49).14 A more recent meta-analysis of 48 studies
found that the RSBI had a sensitivity of 83% and a specificity of 58% for predicting
extubation success.15 In sensitivity analyses, RSBI sensitivity and specificity did not
vary significantly with the use of different thresholds (<80 vs <105 breaths/min/L),
ventilator support used during RSBI measurement (T-piece, Pressure Support [PS]),
or the timing of RSBI measurement.15
The RSBI has also been assessed as a permissive criterion to decide whether inva-
sively ventilated patients area ready to undergo an SBT (RSBI <105 breaths/min/L
along with other safety criteria). An international survey of intensivist’s stated practices
in liberating critically ill adults from invasive ventilation identified that only one-third of
respondents reported using an RSBI threshold of 105 breaths/min/L to determine pa-
tient readiness to undergo an SBT.16 In a randomized trial, Tanios and colleagues
found that inclusion of the RSBI in an SBT protocol delayed successful extubation
and did not reduce the rate of extubation failure.17
394 Burns et al
Criteria to determine SBT outcome (pass/fail) have largely been derived from clinical
trials and clinical practice guidelines.18–21 Additional research is needed to elucidate
the best combination of criteria for clinicians to identify patients who are ready to un-
dergo an SBT and the optimal screening frequency, SBT technique, and SBT duration.
Moreover, the impact of specific interventions on both liberation from the ventilator
(time to first successful SBT) and the endotracheal tube (time to successful extubation)
require clarification and standardization. Additional clarity is also needed regarding the
optimal timing to measure and report extubation success (48 hours vs 72 hours vs
7 days).
Fig. 2. Effect of noninvasive weaning (vs invasive weaning) on mortality. COPD, chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease; M-H, Mantel-Haenszel. (Granton, David MD, et al., High-
Flow Nasal Cannula Compared With Conventional Oxygen Therapy or Noninvasive Ventilation
Immediately Postextubation: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Critical Care Medicine
48(11):p e1129-e1136, November 2020. https://doi.org/10.1097/CCM.0000000000004576.)
In the largest single trial conducted to date comparing the alternative weaning
strategies, Perkins and coworkers found significant differences in the duration of
invasive ventilation and total duration of ventilation.53 In contrast to the aforemen-
tioned meta-analysis, the authors of this trial did not find differences in rates of mor-
tality or tracheostomy.53 It is important to note 2 key differences in the design of this
trial. First, the trial by Perkins and colleagues enrolled patients with various reasons
for acute respiratory failure and only 4% of their participants included patients with
COPD. Second, the authors were diligent in using protocolized weaning strategies in
both groups and thereby may have reduced performance bias. The difference in
duration of invasive ventilation is, in part, directed by the protocol and early extuba-
tion of patients in the NIV arm. Similarly, the total duration of ventilation is of greatest
interest when it is restricted to the postrandomization period because the preran-
domization period does not reflect the interventions being studied. These factors,
may in part, explain the discordant findings between the results of this large trial
and the meta-analysis.
Compared with a prior meta-analysis conducted by Yeung and colleagues published
in 2018,54 the more recent meta-analysis52 included more trials and documented similar
beneficial effects of NIV on mortality, VAP, duration of invasive ventilation, and ICU stay.
In a sensitivity analysis of 9 trials involving 788 patients who failed an initial SBT, Yeung
398 Burns et al
of 45 intensivists in the United States identified only fair agreement between physicians
in extubation decision-making but with low accuracy (receiver operating characteristic
area under the curve of 0.35, sensitivity [57%], and specificity [31%]).76 Additionally, a
single-center longitudinal study found that protocolized assessments of extubation
readiness decreased extubation failure rates.77
Postextubation management must be planned before extubation to ensure clarity of
action in the event of patient deterioration. Prompt reintubation is warranted for patients
who demonstrate signs of impending respiratory failure postextubation. However, rein-
tubation and prolonged life-support with a tracheostomy may not be aligned with the
goals of care of some patients. Therefore, a discussion with the patient’s family and le-
gally authorized representatives to clarify goals of care is warranted before extubation.
Occasionally, based on the patient’s preexpressed wishes or values, optimal care may
include extubation with full care while optimizing conditions for success; yet with a clear
plan not to pursue reintubation in the event that the patient deteriorates or is unable to
tolerate breathing on his/her own. A “one-way extubation” may be used for patients
who want an opportunity to recover and regain their prior functional status but do not
wish for prolonged life support, hospitalization, tracheostomy, and rehabilitation.
Risk mitigation of extubation failure involves recognizing specific risk factors and tar-
geting therapies to address modifiable factors. Risk factors may be airway-related (eg,
airway obstruction, excessive secretions, impaired cough, aspiration, and decreased
level of consciousness) or breathing-related (eg, congestive heart failure, hypoxemia,
hypoventilation, pulmonary disease, and impaired consciousness).78 Once identified
these factors should be addressed, where feasible, before extubation. For example,
patients with hypertension, especially in the presence of left ventricular systolic func-
tion, should undergo afterload reduction before and after extubation.79 Diuresis is
commonly used to mitigate risk of extubation failure in the setting of a positive cumula-
tive fluid balance.80 Delirium may increase the risk for extubation failure and should be
treated based on clinical judgment. Instituting risk mitigation strategies before extuba-
tion is appropriate, and it is reasonable to delay extubation if the risk of extubation failure
may be meaningfully reduced.59 Finally, for patients who are at an increased risk for
extubation failure, clinicians must decide whether to apply HFNC81 or NIV82,83 prophy-
lactically after extubation.
HFNC is more widely used to help with the transition off invasive mechanical
ventilation after extubation. The sudden loss of positive pressure during extubation
may be abrupt, and many patients experience postextubation dyspnea with a
smaller proportion require reintubation. NIV is used in this setting but is associated
with limitations, especially related to patient comfort and delivery of care. When
considering oxygen support in the postextubation period, prophylaxis is key
because data suggest once postextubation respiratory failure develops, the use
of noninvasive supports may just delay reintubation and worsen patient out-
comes.87 When used for prophylaxis following extubation, data demonstrate that
HFNC probably reduces the need for reintubation (pooled RR, 0.46; 95% CI,
0.30–0.70; moderate certainty, Fig. 4) although with no effect on mortality (RR,
0.93; 95% CI, 0.57–1.52; moderate certainty). Based on this, a recent guideline
suggested that the use of HFNC as opposed to conventional oxygen therapy
(COT) for patients who are intubated more than 24 hours and have any high-risk
feature (conditional recommendation, moderate certainty evidence).84 The data un-
derpinning these recommendations were derived from 5 trials81,88–91 that
compared HFNC to COT and 3 trials92–94 that compared HFNC with NIV (bilevel
or CPAP). The definition for high risk varied with the largest trial92 defining high
risk as at least one of the following: age older than 65 years, congestive heart fail-
ure, moderate–severe COPD, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II
score greater than 12, body mass index greater than 30, airway patency or secre-
tion problems, difficulty weaning, 2 or more comorbidities, or duration of ventilation
greater than 7 days. The guideline panel also suggested continued use of NIV as
opposed to HFNC (conditional recommendation, low certainty evidence) for pa-
tients who clinicians would normally extubate to NIV, especially those with
COPD. This practice is supported by recently updated meta-analysis that demon-
strated a reduction in mortality (RR, 0.57; 95% CI, 0.44–0.74; high certainty), wean-
ing failure (RR, 0.59; 95% CI, 0.43–0.81; high certainty), and ICU/hospital length of
stay when using NIV to facilitate weaning from invasive mechanical ventilation in
selected patients, mostly those with underlying structural lung disease such as
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