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Problem #1: Presence of Cough and Colds


Analysis of the problem Inability to provide home environme nt which is conducive for health maintenan ce and personal developme nt due to a. Inadequat e family resources, specifically financial constraints b. lack of knowledge on importanc e of hygiene and sanitation


Nursing Intervention


Method of Contact

Resources required Time, effort, and knowledge of nurse

Expected Outcome

S> O> Most of the family members has cough and colds.

Short term: After 3 hours of home visit, the family will be able to identify problem.

> Discuss the problem to the family >Identify factors that predispose to the occurrence of colds, ways on how it can be acquires

> To give information to the family. >to make family recognize the facts being provided

>Home Visit >interview

Short term: The family was able to identify the problem.

Time, effort and cooperation of the family members. Health teachings Long term: The family was able to gain >to note any abnormal breath sounds knowledge about diarrhea ant to identify proper management of colds

Long term: After 5 days of home visit, the family will be able to identify the proper managem ent of colds.

>auscultate breath sounds

>Emphasize importance of increase fluid intake and Vitamin C that can be acquired from fruits and vegetables >to increase bodys resistance against further complicatio ns

Problem#2: Poor Drainage System

Cues S> O>in cemented walking path

Analysis of the problem >Inability to with taking appropriat e due lity e resources for : or economic/f inancial inaccessibi lity >Inability to provide a home environme nt which is specifically Cost actions Inaccessibi appropriat decisions

Objectives Short

Nursing Intervention > Discuss the problem to the family

Rationale > To give information to the family.

Method of Contact >Home Visit >Observatio n

Resources required Time, effort, and knowledge of nurse Time, effort and

Expected Outcome Short term: After 3 days of home visit, the family should be able to identify the importance of proper drainage system

make term: After 3

respect to hours of home visit, the be able to to: realize the importanc proper drainage in care household of e of

> Discuss the risk factors of the hazard >Discuss the effects of these hazards in their health. >To provide information so that possible injuries could be > Provide proper prevented. > To increase the awareness and consciousn ess of the family on the accident prevention. > To prevent future accidents. >Interview

cooperation of the family members. Health teachings

health family will

Long term: After two weeks of home visit, the family should be able to eliminate health hazard, and know the means of proper management to reduce accident or injury.

constraints Long term: After five days of home visit, the family will be able to maintain a free flowing of

management to reduce the risk of injury.

Problem#3: Health Threat; Poor home condition; Poor toilet facility


Analysis of the


Nursing Intervention


Method of Contact

Resources required

Expected Outcome

problem S> O> the toilet of the colors family is not clean >accident hazards specifically fire hazards related to inability to recognize the presence of condition due to a. inadequat e knowledge b. Attitude in life which hinders recognition Long term: After five days of home visit, the family will be able to After 3-4 hours of home visit, the family will be able to verbalize regarding the managem ent > assess the family knowledge on the existence of the problem including their resources > explain the nature of the problem including its management > to facilitate awareness among home family members >to determine the appropriate manageme nt Health teachings >Interview Short term: >assess the condition of the family >to obtain baseline data >Observatio n Time, effort and cooperation of the family members. Long term: the family shall demonstrated proper garbage disposal >Home Visit Time, effort, and knowledge of nurse Short term: the family shall have verbalized regarding the management

or acceptanc e of the problem. Inability to make decisions with respect to taking appropriat e health action.

demonstra te proper garbage disposal

>discuss the importance of sanitary toilet facility

regarding the identified problem > to stimulate the initiative of the family to take action in order to modify and satisfy home condition

Problem#4: Presence of health care deficit poor personal oral hygiene; presence of dental carries

Cues S> O>the Colors family have been noted having dental carries >The children are fond of eating sweets and their forget to brush their teeth

Analysis of the problem >inability to provide a home environme nt which is conducive to health maintenan ce and personal developme nt due to the inadequat e family resources specifically financial constraints and limited financial resources

Objectives Short term: After 3-4 hours of home visit, the family verbalize understan ding regarding the prevention and managem ent Long term: After four days of home visit, the family will be able to maintain a clean and sanitary toilet facility

Nursing Intervention >assess the family members dental health

Rationale >to obtain baseline data and provide appropriate interventio

Method of Contact >Home Visit >Observatio n

Resources required Time, effort, and knowledge of nurse Time, effort and

Expected Outcome Short term: the family shall have verbalized understanding to the health teaching given by the student nurses about proper dental hygiene Long term: The family shall have demonstrated improvement in dental hygiene as evidenced by change in lifestyle


cooperation of the family members. Health teachings

>assess the knowledge of the family about proper dental care

n >to determine appropriate health teaching to be given to the family

> Emphasize to the parents the importance of having good dental hygiene by explaining the consequence s of poor dental hygiene >to make the parents be aware of the condition of the children and the consequen ces of having poor dental hygiene

Problem#5: Improper Garbage disposal

Cues S>minsan manugse kmi mu ketang masukal jang nkarin namuas verbalized by mother Red O> Presence of insects like flies

Analysis of the problem >Inability to with taking appropriat e due lity e resources for : or economic/f inancial inaccessibi lity >Inability to provide a home environme nt which is care Cost specifically constraints actions Inaccessibi appropriat decisions

Objectives Short

Nursing Intervention > Discuss the problem to the family

Rationale > To give information to the family.

Method of Contact >Home Visit >Observatio n

Resources required Time, effort, and knowledge of nurse Time, effort and

Expected Outcome Short term: the family shall have realized the importance of proper garbage disposal

make term: After 3 home visit, the be able to to: realize the importanc proper garbage disposal of e of

respect to hours of >Interview >Discuss the effects of these hazards in their health. >To provide information so that possible injuries could be prevented.

cooperation of the family members. Health teachings

health family will

Long term: the family shall have managed the proper segregation of waste

Long term: After five days of home visit, the family will be able to manage the proper segregatio n of waste

Cues S>

Problem# 6: inadequate living space Analysis of Objectives the problem Short

Nursing Intervention >encourage

Rationale >to

Method of Contact >Home Visit

Resources required Time, effort, and

Expected Outcome Short term:

O> condition the lives Colors has

>Inability The housing to provide where a home family environme an nt which is conducive of to health

term: After 3hours of home visit, the family will be able to demonstra te recognitio n on the importanc e of adequate living space Long term: After five days of home visit, the

the family especially the mother to practice proper covering of foods by a basin or plate.

prevent contaminat ion of the food by insects and rodents. >Interview >Observatio n

knowledge of nurse Time, effort and cooperation of the family members.

the family shall demonstrated recognition on the importance of adequate living space Long term:

estimated perimeter

14.14m and has an maintenan area of 11.64 sq. ce and m. from the personal developme the Inadequat the e family measurement 4.46 house. an m on of

Health teachings > To give information to the family.

The family shall have demonstrated improvement on how they maximize their living space.

> Discuss the problem to the family

which is 2.61 m x nt due to: structure

Which resources, inadequate : Financial constraints /limited financial resources

consider as having specifically living space

> discuss to the family that proper hand washing and proper washing of food and utensils to

> to maintain cleanliness to the food

>this will

family will be able to demonstra te improvem ent on how they maximize their living space.

be used is important > provided the family information about the existence of the problem and the problem that could arise from inadequate living space like easy transfer or spread of communicab le diseases to one member of the family to another.

make the family to be aware of the problem and the importance of having adequate living space.

Problem #7: Poor environmental sanitation; presence of breeding sites of insects, rodents and other vectors


Analysis of the problem 1.Inability


Nursing Intervention


Method of Contact

Resources required Time, effort, and

Expected Outcome



> Discuss

> To give

>Home Visit

Short term:

O> Flies all over the place >dirty environment

to recognize the presence of a problem due to: a. Lack of knowledge on the of sanitation. b. Attitude in life which hinders recognition of a problem 2. Inability to make decisions with

term: After 3 hours of nursing interventio n, the family will be able to verbalize the

the problem to the family >Explain importance of good environment al sanitation

information to the family. >To know the complicatio n and provide base line information >Interview >Observatio n

knowledge of nurse Time, effort and cooperation of the family members. Health teachings l

the family was able to verbalized the techniques to prevent further accumulation of insects, rodents and other vectors.

importance technique s to prevent further accumulat ion of insects, rodents and other vectors in their house Long term:

>Encourage to clean the area where most flies breed

and acknowledg e the presence of the problem >Bury or burying is the safest method on eradicating the vectors and

Long term: the family was able to practiced proper techniques to prevent further accumulation of insects, rodents and other vectors in their house

respect to taking appropriat e actions due to: a. Low salience of the problem 3. Inability to provide a home environme nt which is conducive to health maintenan ce and personal developme nt due to: a. Inadequate family

After 5 home visits, the family will be able to practice proper technique s to prevent further accumulat ion of insects, rodents and other vectors in their house.

> Instruct the family to set a time for cleaning.

rodents from accumulati ng.

>To promote good environme ntal sanitation

resources b. Lack of skill in carrying out measures to improve environme nt

Problem#8: unsanitary food handling and preparation

Cues S> O> lack of food storage and containers >dirty containers

Analysis of the problem >Inability to provide a home environme nt which is conducive to health maintenan ce and personal developme nt due to: Inadequat e family resources, specifically : Financial constraints /limited financial resources

Objectives Short term: After 3-4 hours of home visit, the family will be able to identify the presence of the problem and the importanc e of proper hand washing Long term: After five days of home visit, the family will be able to maintain

Nursing Intervention >encourage the family especially the mother to practice proper covering of foods by a basin or plate.

Rationale >to prevent contaminat ion of foods by insects and rodents.

Method of Contact >Home Visit >Observatio n

Resources required Time, effort, and knowledge of nurse Time, effort and

Expected Outcome Short term: the family shall have identified the presence of the problem and the importance of proper hand washing Long term: The family shall have maintained and comply with


cooperation of the family members. Health teachings

> To give > Discuss the problem to the family information to the family.

the health teachings given by the student nurses to the problem as evidenced by the leftover being

> discuss to the family that proper hand washing and proper washing of food and utensils are important

> to maintain cleanliness of food

covered tightly with a basin or plate and absence of GI problems.

Problem #9: Unhealthful Lifestyle and Personal Hygiene, practice (Poor personal Hygiene)


Analysis of the problem Inability to recognize importanc e of proper hygiene and its effect to health due to lack of knowledge .


Nursing Intervention


Method of Contact

Resources required Time, effort, and knowledge of nurse Time, effort and

Expected Outcome

S> O> the children are seen dirty, with dirty fingernails and toe, wearing dirty t-shirt and short > Colors family was seen with long and dirty fingers and toe nails and Presence of pediculosis. > The Colors family was seen with uncombed hair, dirty clothes and having dental carries.

Short term: After 3 hours of home visit, the family will be able to know the effect of not having good personal hygiene.

>Discuss the problem to the family >Assess the status of the health and environment of the family especially the children. > Instruct the family to observed well groom

>To give information to the family. >To gather and obtain baseline data and to be able to assess familys condition.

>Home Visit >Observatio n >Interview

Short term: The family shall have the effect of not having good personal hygiene

cooperation of the family members. Health teachings Long term: The family shall have gained

> To reduce the chances of acquiring illness. > To enhance body image.

knowledge on how to have a good personal hygiene

Long term: After 5 days of home visit, the family will be able to gain knowledge on how to have a good personal

body. > Instruct family to change cloths if necessary.

>Instruct children to take a bath >to

Problem #10: Family beyond what family recourse can adequately provide


Analysis of the problem Inability to make decisions with respect to taking appropriat e actions due to: a. Low salience of the problem b. Inadequat e resources


Nursing Intervention


Method of Contact

Resources required Time, effort, and knowledge of nurse Time, effort and

Expected Outcome

S> O> number of family, and the family is a extended type of family > An average monthly income of P4000.00

Short term: After 3 hours of nursing interventio n, the family will be able to identify on how to budget their income properly. Long term: After 5 home visits, the family will be able to practice and demonstra te proper budgeting of money in relation

> Discuss the problem to the family > Assess the living condition of the family.

> To give information to the family. >To know the family is beyond what family recourse can adequately provide

>Home Visit >Observatio n >Interview

Short term: The family shall have identified on how to budget their income properly.

cooperation of the family members. Health teachings

Long term: The family shall have practice

> Teach the mother on how to monitor the budget properly by prioritization of needs. > Help in planning with their budget. > So that they could save money in order to avail their necessities > To increase their knowledge regarding proper

dand demonstrated proper budgeting of money in relation to their necessities as evidenced by making list whenever she goes to the market and going to stores which offers low prices of goods

Problem #11: Inadequate lighting: at night


Analysis of the problem Lack of inadequat e knowledge about the


Nursing Intervention


Method of Contact

Resources required Time, effort, and knowledge of nurse Time, effort and

Expected Outcome Short term: The family shall have determined the importance of proper lighting.

S> O > Only one light is seen, with the use lamp

Short term: After 3 hours of home visit, the family will be able to determine the importanc e of proper lighting. Long term: After 5 days of home visit, the family will be able to know the consequen ces of not having adequate lighting.

> Discuss the problem to the family > Discuss the importance of having enough lighting and the consequence s of not having enough light.

> To give information to the family. > To make the family aware of the problem and the consequen ces of it.

>Home Visit >Observatio n >Interview

>The house has 1 importanc window located at e of having the door. The size adequate of the window is lighting. 1.12 m width, 1.7m length. window Fruits The total opening house is

cooperation of the family members. Health teachings

that is available at 1.90 m2 (1.12 m * 1.7m=1.90 m2).

Long term: The family shall > to have known the consequences of not having adequate lighting.

> advise the family to organize their things inside the house and move things that may block the passage of lighting

provide more lighting to come in during day time

Problem#12: presence of health treats: accident hazards specifically fire hazards Cues S> O> charcoal stove inside the house. >hanging lamp during at night that uses gas. >their house is made of wood and covered with tolda that is easy flammable. >accident hazards specifically fire hazards related to inability to recognize the presence of condition Long term: After five After 3-4 hours of home visit, the family will be able > assess the family knowledge on the existence of the problem including >to determine the appropriate manageme nt Health teachings >Interview Analysis of the problem Objectives Short term: Nursing Intervention >assess the condition of the family Rationale >to obtain baseline data >Observatio n Time, effort and cooperation of the family members. Method of Contact >Home Visit Resources required Time, effort, and knowledge of nurse Expected Outcome Short term: the family shall be able recognized health hazards present on the environment Long term: The family shall have rearranged the house such as moving the charcoal stove to a safer place to

due to a. inadequat e knowledge b. Attitude in life which hinders recognition or acceptanc e of the problem. Inability to make decisions with respect to taking appropriat e health action.

days of home visit, the family will be able to rearrange the house such as moving the charcoal stove to a safer place to minimize health hazards.

their resources > explain the nature of the problem including its management > to facilitate awareness among home family members >discuss the importance of sanitary toilet facility regarding the identified problem > to stimulate the initiative of the family to take action in order to modify and satisfy

minimize health hazards.

home condition

Problem #13: Presence of Accident Hazards: overhang nails


Analysis of the problem Inability to recognize the presence of hazards. It is a health threat to every member of the family, especially to their children.


Nursing Intervention


Method of Contact

Resources required Time, effort, and knowledge of nurse Time, effort and

Expected Outcome

S> O> Pointed objects like hanging nails and wires were present and in the reach of the children

Short term: After 2 hours of home visit, the family will be able to identify health hazards.

> Discuss the problem to the family > Discuss the risk factors of the hazard. >Discuss the effects of these hazards in their health.

> To give information to the family. > To prevent future accidents.

>Home Visit

Short term: The family was able to identify health hazards and ways to reduce occurrence of injuries.

cooperation of the family members. Health teachings

>To provide information so that possible injuries Long term: The family was able to eliminate health hazard, and know the means of proper > To increase the awareness and consciousn ess of the family on the accident management to reduce accident or injury.

Long term: After five home visits, the family will be able to eliminate presence of health hazards. > Provide proper management to reduce the risk of injury.

could be prevented.

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