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function segyoutput(sgyfile, datain, sampint, numsamps, numtraces, format, platf orm) % function segyoutput(sgyfile, datain, sampint, numsamps, numtraces,

format, pla tform) % % Writes seismic data from Matlab workspace to a segy format file on disk. % The name of the segy file and the platform must both be given in single quotes . % 'Platform' tells Matlab to write the data in the associated machine byte % order. The SEG-Y stadard calls for big-endian mapped files. % Possible platform designations, quoted from the FOPEN help file in the Matlab help % files, most likely formats first: % % 'b' = data written in UNIX format (big endian, IEEE floating point) % 'l' = data written in PC format (little endian, IEEE floating point) % 'c' = Cray floating point (big endian) % 's' = 64 bit long data type (big endian, IEEE floating point) % 'a' = 64 bit long data type (little endian, IEEE floating point) % 'n' = defaults to the format the machine running Matlab uses % 'd' = VAXD floating point with VAX ordering % 'g' = VAXG floating point with VAX ordering % % 'format' refers to the segy standard codes indicating data sample format code. % Options for format are: % 1 = 4 byte floating point, ieee % 2 = 4 byte fixed point % 3 = 2 byte fixed point % 4 = fixed point with gain code (not writable with this code) % 5 = IBM/360 32-bit floats (not writable with this code) % % datain = a structured array containing four fields, textheader, % binaryheader, traceheaders, and data % sampint = sampling interval % numsamps = number of samples per trace % numtraces = number of traces in the segy record % sgyfile = new segy format file name % % Written by C. Osborne, January 2002, Revised March 2002 % Check the file name for problems. strlength = max(size(sgyfile)); test1 = sgyfile((strlength - 3):strlength); if (test1 ~= '.sgy') (test1 ~= '.seg') disp(' ') disp('This data will not have a ".sgy" or ".seg" extension.') disp('Do you wish to continue?') intest = input('Type y for yes, n for no then hit the enter key.\n', 's') if intest == 'n' break end end % Close any previously opened files. fclose('all'); % Open or create the file for writing. fid = fopen(sgyfile, 'w', platform);

% Get the 3200 byte text header ready for writing. temp = (datain.textheader)'; temp = ascii2ebcdic(temp); % Write the text header. count = fwrite(fid, temp, 'uchar'); % Check if writing went successfully. if count ~= 3200 error(['EBCDIC header is too short. Size is only ', num2str(count), '.']); else disp('EBCDIC header written successfully.') end clear temp % Now fill in the binary header. temp = datain.binaryheader; temp(6:6, :) = sampint*1000000; temp(8:8, :) = numsamps; temp(10:10, :) = format; test1 = temp(1:3); test2 = temp(4:27); test3 = zeros(170, 1); count2 = fwrite(fid, test1, 'int32'); count3 = fwrite(fid, test2, 'int16'); count4 = fwrite(fid, test3, 'int16'); % Check if writing went successfully. if (count2 == 3) & (count3 == 24) & (count4 == 170) disp('Binary header read in successfully.') else error('The binary header has been truncated.') end clear temp clear count* clear test* % Determine the units used for the survey. units = datain.binaryheader(25:25, :); if units == 2 % feet used units = 0.3048 else units = 1; % metres used end if format == 1 dformat = 'float32'; % 4 bytes. elseif format == 2 dformat = 'int32'; % 4 bytes, signed. elseif format == 3 dformat = 'int16'; % 2 bytes, signed. elseif format == 4 error('Can not write this format. (Fixed point with gain code.)'); elseif format == 5 dformat = 'float32'; % 4 bytes else error(['Can not write data format ', num2str(format), '.']); end

% Write out the data traces and trace headers. % Other initializations needed for the while loop. tracewrit = 1; trcount = 0; while tracewrit <= numtraces trcount = fwrite(fid, datain.traceheaders(:, tracewrit:tracewrit), 'float32' ); if (format == 5) (format == 4) error(['Cannot write this format ', num2str(format), '.']); else temp = (datain.data(:, tracewrit:tracewrit))/units; count = fwrite(fid, temp, dformat); if count ~= numsamps error(['Problem writing trace ', num2str(tracewrit), '.']) else disp(['Trace ', num2str(tracewrit), ' written successfully.']) end end tracewrit = tracewrit + 1; end fclose(fid) disp('Segy data written out successfully.') ...

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