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Verbal Communication is divided into:

❖ Oral Communication
Principles, Process, Types, Level, Barriers ❖ Written Communication
and Tools

- Communication is a process of
exchanging informations
- Behavior
- Channel In oral communication, Spoken words are used.
It includes face-to-face conversations, speech,
telephonic conversation, video, radio, television,
voice over internet.

Communication is influenced by pitch, volume,

speed and clarity of speaking.


It brings quick feedback. In a face-to-face

conversation, by reading facial expression and
body language one can guess whether he/she
should trust what's being said or not.
In face-to-face discussion, the user is unable to
deeply think about what he is delivering, so this
TYPES OF COMMUNICATION can be counted as a fault.

People communicate with each other in a WRITTEN COMMUNICATION

number of ways that depend upon the message In written communication, written signs or
and its context in which it is being sent. Types of symbols are used to communicate.
communication based on the communication
channels used are - In written communication messages can be
transmitted via email, letter, report, memo etc.

❖ DISADVANTAGES: Written Communication is the most common
❖ > Written communication doesn't bring form of communication being used in business.
instant feedback. It takes more time in
composing a written message as ADVANTAGES:
compared to word-of-mouth and the Messages can be edited/revised.
number of people struggling for writing
ability. Written communication provides record and
❖ Verbal Communication backup. A written message enables the receiver
❖ Nonverbal Communication to fully understand it and send appropriate

Written communication doesn't bring instant
feedback. It takes more time in composing a
written message as compared to word-of-mouth
It refers to the form of communication in which a
and the number of people struggling for writing
message is transmitted verbally, communication
is done by word of mouth and a piece of writing.
> In verbal communication remember the
acronym "KISS" Keep It Short & Simple.
Nonverbal communication is the sending or
receiving of wordless messages. Such as 1. Physical Barriers
gestures, body language, posture, tone of voice 2. Perceptual Barriers
or facial expressions, is called nonverbal 3. Emotional Barriers
communication. > Nonverbal communication is 4. Cultural Barriers
all about the body language of the speaker. 5. Language Barriers
6. Gender Barriers
7. Interpersonal Barriers
Communication How to Overcome Barriers of
● Speaker - clothing, hairstyle, neatness, ● Taking the receiver more seriously
use of cosmetics. ● Crystal clear message
● Surrounding - room size, lighting, ● Delivering messages skilfully
decorations, furnishings. ● Focusing on the receiver
● Body Language - facial expressions, ● Ensuring appropriate feedback
gestures, postures. ● Be aware of your own state of
● Sounds - Voice Tone, Volume, Speech mind/emotions/attitude
rate. ● Using multiple channels to communicate
instead of relying on one channel.

LEVEL OF COMMUNICATION Tools of effective Communication

● Be Brief
● Manners
It is a communication that occurs in your own ● Be Positive
mind. It is the basis of your feelings, biases, ● Good listener
prejudices, and beliefs. ● Spice up your words
● Clarity
It is the communication between two people but
can involve more informal conversations
It is communication within formal or informal Local and Global communication in Multicultural
groups or teams. It is group interaction that Setting
results in decision making, problem solving and Global communication can be defined just as
discussion within an organization. any communication can: a message is sent from
one person or group to another anywhere in the
ONE-TO-GROUP COMMUNICATION world, which can be described as a five-step
It involves a speaker who seeks to inform, process:
persuade or motivate an audience.
1. A person or an organization in one
country sends a message.
MASS COMMUNICATION 2. The message is encoded.
It is the electronic or print transmission of 3. The message travels through a channel
messages to the general public. or medium.
4. The receiver in another country decodes
Outlets called mass media include things like the message.
radio, television, film, and printed materials 5. The recipient receives the message
designed to reach large audiences.
When it comes to communicating globally, it is BENEFITS OF GLOBAL COMMUNICATION
usually in the encoding and decoding that
problems occur. As with any communication, Despite the risks, operating a business on a
ensuring that the message is received as it was global level has many benefits that far outweigh
indeed, is the responsibility of the sender. those risks. Not only does doing business on a
global level open up new markets for selling
products and services, it can give you access to
Language Barriers Of Global Communication resources and talent that may not be available
➢ Whenever you are communicating
with someone in their language, it is
your responsibility to ensure that the Evaluating messages and or images of
words you use are correct. This includes different kinds of text reflecting different
advertising and marketing. Over the cultures
past several decades there have been
many large and successful companies The Text or Message
that have made mistakes when
translating what they wanted to say to a Message
different language, often with offensive, is the information conveyed in the
or even hilarious, results. communication process. It comprises verbal
and/or nonverbal content, which may be spoken,
written or manual (for sign language).
Cultural Barriers in Global Business
➢ A common way small businesses first refers to any recorded message such as writing,
become involved in global operations is audio recording, audio and video recording that
by hiring a firm or consultants from is physically independent of its sender or
another country, like a company in the receiver
United States hiring a software
development team in India with more Medium
affordable rates than those who are includes such broad categories as speech and
available locally. writing or print and broadcasting, or relate to
specific technical forms with the mass media
Complications Inherent with Global (radio, television, newspapers, magazines,
photographs, films and records).
➢ Communication Increasing
communication from a local to a global In order to produce quality text, you need to
scale has many ramifications beyond consider the following:
cultural pitfalls and language barriers. ● Text type
One example is the increase in emails ● Purpose
and other messages people receive ● Audience
every day, many of which are sent from
different time zones, often when the These factors have implications for structure,
recipient is not even awake to read them language, and presentation
in a timely manner. Business people
must be diligent in trying to ensure that Structure
the most important emails don't get lost refers to how the information is organized. You
in the volume may use text genres (kinds of texts based on its
development): texts using logical order such as
exposition –
ex: cause and effect, comparison, analogy,
definition, classification, problem-solution,
Texts using chronological or time order: Semiotics, therefore, refers to a kind of social
● Narration interaction among individuals who try to make
● Process sense out of the different interpretation
Texts using spatial or space order: possibilities of the sign.
● description

is the means by which the information is as a sign, creates misunderstanding when used
expressed verbally and/or nonverbally. by second language users.
Ideas may be conveyed using any of the five Errors are often seen in translation.
language registers: very formal, formal, neutral,
informal, or very informal. Ex:
“Come Alive with the Pepsi Generation” was literally
translated in Germany as “Rise from the grave with
The formality of vocabulary, grammar, and Pepsi.
In China, it was translated as “Pepsi brings your
mechanics needed are dictated by the register ancestors back from the grave.”
you are to use.
covers the layout, format, length, oral delivery A text is multimodal when it combines two or
(voice, body language, timing) and any other more of the five semiotic systems.
conventions, such as spelling and referencing

SEMIOTIC AND TEXT ANALYSIS 1. Linguistic or textual system

Semiotics is concerned with “everything that can comprising aspects, such as vocabulary,
be taken as a sign.” generic structure, and the grammar of
oral and written language
It involves the study not only of what we refer to 2. Visual system,
as “signs” in everyday speech, but of anything consisting of aspects, such as color,
which stands for something else; in a sense, vectors, and viewpoint in still and
signs take the form of words, images, sounds, moving images.
gestures, and objects 3. Audio system
with aspects, such as volume, pitch, and
Signs rhythm of music and sound effect.
Consist of signifiers (sounds and images) and 4. Gestural system
signifier (concepts). The sign is the whole that Including aspects, such as movement,
results from the association of the signifier with speed, and stillness in facial expression
the signified. and body language.
5. Spatial system
The relationship between the signifier and the covering aspects, such as proximity,
signified is referred to as signification. direction, position of layout, and
organization of objects in space.
For example, if you hear the sounds represented by
the letters “b-o-y” or a picture of a boy (the signifier),
you think of a concept “male child” (the signified) the
sounds of the word (or the picture) and the concept
created by the sounds from a sign.

A term borrowed from Charles Sanders Peirce

SEMIOTICS can be understood as the “mental

concept it represents, which is common to all
members of the same culture, who share the
same language.”
Examples of multimodal texts which be delivered CREOLE
via different media or technologies: When people and children start learning a pidgin
as their first language and it becomes the
1. Picture book, in which the textual and mother tongue of the community it becomes a
visual elements are arranged on creole it is a distinct language which has taken
individual pages that contribute to an most of is vocabulary from another language but
overall set of bound pages has its own unique grammatical rules.
2. Web page, in which elements, such as
sound effects, oral language, written Ex.
language, music, and still or moving chavacano or chabacano refers to the number
images are combined. of spanish based creole language variety
3. Live ballet performance, in which spoken in the philippines chavacano or
gesture, music, and space are the main philippine creole spanish is a spanish based
elements. creole spoken in the part of the philippines
especially in the land around the city of
zamboanga by over 600,000 people there are
also speakers of the zamboanga dialect of
VARIETIES AND REGISTERS OF SPOKEN chavacano in semporna malaysia

LANGUAGE VARIETY It is not a distinct language but a variety of
It a specific set of linguistic term of human languages spoken in a particular area of the
speech patterns sound word grammatical country. Some regional dialects have been given
feature which can be associated with some traditional names which mark them out as being
external factor geographical area or social group significantly different from standard varieties
a language itself can be viewed as a variety of spoken at the same place.
human languages (Wardhaugh, 1986)
Different kinds of language variety Sometimes member of the particular minority
❖ Pidgin ethnic group have their own variety which they
❖ Creole use as marker of identity usually along side of a
❖ Regional Dialect standard variety.
❖ Minority Dialect
❖ Indigenized Variety INDIGENOUS VARIETY
These are mainly spoken as s languages in
PIDGIN ex-colonies with multilingual population the
Pidgin is a new language which develops in difference from the standard variety may be
situations where speakers of different languages linked to english proficiency or maybe a part of a
need to communicate but don't share a common range of varieties used to express identities.
language. The vocabulary of the pidgin comes
mainly from one particular language.


Conyo - it has a colloquial meaning that differs
from its spanish origin and isn't vulgar at all i The register of language
said in definition above it refers to one way of
speaking or one who speaks taglish and or with The perceived attitude and level of formality
an english accent usually associated with upper associated with variety of language
class citizen because such is the stereotype in
filipino pop culture. Major division of language register:
➢ Formal
➢ Informal
more appropriate professional writing such as refers to the specialized language of
letters to a boss or a stranger professional or occupational group such
language is often meaningless to outsiders
ex. American poet “David Lehman” has describe
❖ business letters jargon as "the verbal sleight of hand that make
❖ complaint letters the old hat sims newly fashionable gives it an air
❖ reports of novelty and spacious profundity to ideas that
❖ official speeches if slated directly would seem superficial stale
❖ announcement frivolous or false."
❖ professional emails

Rules of the formal language when writing Colloquialism and Slang as informal
1. do not use contractions registers
2. spell out numbers less than 100
3. avoid using too much passive voice it is Colloquialism or pambansa
better to use an active voice the everyday use of language commonplace
4. avoid using slangs idioms hyperbole parlance or vernacular language that tends
and clichés people their identity the informal use of language
5. avoid abbreviation and acronym consisting words expressions used by common
6. do not start a sentence with the word people.
like and so but and also
7. always write in complete sentence ex.
8. write longer and more complex Filipino English
Kamo hey whats up?
Ewan how's it gonna be?
uses conversion a language and appropriate Nasa'n
when writing or talking to friends and people you
know very well
Slangs or pa balbal
ex. the usage off language especially by certain
❖ blog or vlogs group of people such as teenager and specific
❖ chatting with friends and family fields or professions more informal colloquial
❖ diaries and journals language used in any culture or society
❖ friendly letters
❖ personal email ex.
❖ phone text Filipino English
❖ messenger conversation
❖ short notes Yosi hang out
Syota chill out
Bagets cool
Common informal Chika awesome
● Register slang and clichés Jowa wheels
● Figurative language symbols and Ahas babe
abbreviation Jeproks blast
● acronym Praning dumped
● in complete sentence Japayuki hooked
● short sentences Chugi dunno
● personal opinions Churva rip-off
● jokes Senglot ace
● first person second person and third
person point of view
● paragraph or no paragraph
● extra punctuation
● passive and active voice
Levels of the register of language Why do language registers matter?

➢ Intimate It helps us speak or write with appropriate

➢ casual language in a specific context
➢ consultative Avoid casual writing or speaking when a
➢ formal different level of register must be used
➢ frozen or static Enhance our communicative competence.

Language between lovers takes into account
certain private language such as terms of
endearment code words blank or expression
whose meaning shared with a lover.

Casual or informal
language use in conversation with friends
often very relax and focus on just giving are
getting the information vernacular slangs
colloquialism of colored language are quite often

➢ Language used for the purpose of
seeking assistance
➢ Often used between a superior and
➢ Language dynamism is between lawyer
and client doctor and patient employer
and employee and teacher and student
colleagues peers etc.
➢ May use standard or nonstandard
variety of English yet in level of
detachment is maintained

Language used to show respect in places such
as the workplace, school, public offices etc.
Complete sentence and specific word usage

Frozen or static.
➢ Language is based on a strict formula
➢ Does not change (set speech)
➢ The word order is fixed and the speaker
will just regurgitate.

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