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Rheology of Drilling Muds

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2015 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 602 012008


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1st International Conference on Rheology and Modeling of Materials (IC-RMM1) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 602 (2015) 012008 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/602/1/012008

Rheology of drilling muds

G Kudaikulova1
Kazakh National Technical University, Almaty, KazakhstanRiga,

[email protected]

Abstract. Therheological properties of drilling muds were studied. It is shown that for receiving
pseudo-plastic liquids with an indicator of nonlinearity of N<0.3 use of polymers with a high
molecular weight or a combination of polymers to various influence on water structure is most

1. Introduction
In the process of drilling wells drilling muds prevent possible technological complications, minimize
layer pollution by components of drilling muds, provide the fullest carrying out of drilling cutting and
let us achieve the highest the technician – economic indicators.
The hydraulic program of washing of wells, which is realized by regulation of rheological indicators
of drilling muds plays an important role in the solution of most of these problems.
Rheological properties of drilling muds have considerable impact on carrying out of drilling cutting
on a day surface, creation of hydrodynamic pressure in well. The major factor in defining the
efficiency of carrying out of cutting is a ratio of plastic viscosity of drilling mud with a dynamic
resistance to shift in the course of a current. Hydrodynamic pressure, in turn, defines possibility of
complications in the course of construction of wells: manifestation or absorption of drilling mud,
hydraulic fracturing of rocks, and also layer pollution [1, 2]. Therefore there is a problem of
management of rheological characteristics of drilling muds in a well occurs which can be solved by
chemical processing of drilling mudsby various polymers.

2. Theory
All existing rheological models reflect the ideal behavior of real bodies. A number of complex models
which are used in various rheological systems were introduced by a combination of three main
Drillers are interested inthose models, received by an experimental or semi-empirical way, only if
they are applicable for the liquids with non-Newtonian behavior.
In order to describe the behavior of drilling muds with the low maintenance of the solid phase,
processed by polymeric reagents (developed by us and considered in present work), Gershel – Balkli's
model is commonly used, whichin its turn was achieved by a combination of viscoplastic model of
Bingham with Ostvald – de Vaale's model.Bingam'sviscoplastic model describes substances which
have the yield point, below which substances aren't deformed, whereas above – they flow like viscous
liquids. There are two rheological parameters at this model – yield point (τ0) and plastic viscosity (ηp):
τ = τ0 + ηрγ, (1)

whereτ– stress of shear, γ – rate of shear.

In Ostvald– de Vaale's model there are two rheological parameters – experimental constants K and
N; K – consistence and N – nonlinearity indicator:

τ = КγN (2)

It is possible to calculate apparent viscositycomparing this equation to Newton's law:

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1st International Conference on Rheology and Modeling of Materials (IC-RMM1) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 602 (2015) 012008 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/602/1/012008

η = КγN–1 (3)

As at the drilling muds developed by us N <1, that points to degree of non-Newtonian behavior of
liquid, so η = K. Thus, Gershel – Balkli's model will look as follows:

τ = τ0 +КγN (4)

Researches of the processes proceeding in a well, show that as drilling muds, it is most expedient to
use the pseudo-plastic liquids possessing size of an indicator of nonlinearity of N<0.3 [2 – 4]. Such
liquids provide effective cleaning a hole of well of drilling cutting and minimum possible losses of
pressure in a well.

3. Experimental
Unfortunately, provisions on management of a nonlinearity indicator at drilling muds aren't developed
yet. It is caused by that studies of properties of drilling mudsand their analytical description in the
course of movement carry out from a position of classical mechanics of continuous mediums[5, 6].
Thus it isn't considered that drilling mud is the continuous mediumat rest which properties are defined
by properties of bonds in it.
We suggest considering of drilling mudas the discrete system consisting of the discrete dispersive
medium and a disperse phase. Thus it is necessary to consider that in drilling mud on an interface
between two phases of disperse system there is a double electric layer (DEL) which charge on the
separate centers is presented by discrete ions.
The indicator of nonlinearity N will depend on ability of hydrogen bonds to form new bonds in mud
and is an indicator estimating its internal continuity, and a consistence indicator K – the size of
durability of hydrogen bonds. According to it for pseudo-plastic liquid it will be fair that than more
size N especially solution is discrete, and than it is more K, that bigger durability hydrogen bonds in
volume of mud possess.
From practice of drilling it is known that at drilling mud have size N<0.3 it keeps a continuity of the
structure, and at values N>0.3 costs of energy of overcoming of internal resistance of liquid sharply
increase that testifies about bigger discrete of drilling mud and fast destruction of bonds in its
Research of rheological parameters of the drilling muds developed was made by FANN –
viscometer, model 35 SA (USA) and the VSN-3 rotational viscometer (Russia).
In this research two types montmorilloniteclays – clay of the Taukentsky field of South Kazakhstan
and the Tagansky field of East Kazakhstan are used. The polymers of French “Promafor” (Polycol
60S, Polycol 60SM, Polyfor 30, Polyfor 50), German “Bayer” (Antisol 100, Antisol 30000), USA “M-
I Swaco” (EZ MUD, Barazan, Modivis)and Kazakh polymer SOP – threefold copolymer of an acrylic
row are used. For each type of drilling mud, polymers are added in different weight concentrations
ranging between 0.03 % to 0.7 %.
Consistence (K) and an indicator of nonlinearity (N) were calculated on formulas (5) and (6) [3]:
τ γ N
K = 300 / 300 = 300 0.511/511N (5)

N = 3.32 lgγ600/γ300 (6)

In present work we discuss results of the received values of rheological parameters of drilling muds, as
major practical parameters connected with speed of a stream of drilling mud in a well and sharp
fluctuations of pressure at lowering-hoisting operations and also at start-up or a stop of drilling pumps.

4. Results and Discussion

Rheograms of the developed drilling muds testify that they aren't ideal viscoplastic liquids as shear
stress at zero stress above viscometer indications at low speeds of rotation. In Figure 1 are presented
developed rheograms such drilling muds. Rheological parameters of drilling muds processed by
various reagents are specified in Table 1.

1st International Conference on Rheology and Modeling of Materials (IC-RMM1) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 602 (2015) 012008 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/602/1/012008

1 – Taganskyclay suspension (CS), 2 – CS + 0.04 % SOP, 3 – CS + 0.04 %

Polyfor 30, 4 – CS + 0.04 % SOP + 0.04 % Polyfor 30

Figure 1. – Rheograms of various drilling muds

In the course of a current of drilling mud owing to deformation of DEL there is an effect of braking of
particles. The more concentration of clay particles (in a case with Taukentsky clay), the more
electrically loaded covers of particles interact by means of attraction or pushing away forces.
Addition of polymers in clay suspension leads to destabilization and decrease in degree of
dispersion of system at the expense of aggregation of particles. This process happens owing to
reduction of thickness of DEL and increase in forces of an attraction of Van der Waals and adsorption
of chains of polymer by surfaces of clay particles. These processes considerably influence viscosity of
system, as is observed at increase in concentration of polymers.
The yield point (τ0)characterizes resistance at a current, caused by the electric forces of an attraction
pushing away existing between solvated particles. Value τ0 depends on concentration of a disperse
phase, extent of ionization, thickness of DEL, the nature of ions, concentration and the nature of ions
in the dispersive medium and concentration of polymer in system. Change of τ0 is caused mainly by
change of concentration of polymers and their adsorption, displacing balance of forces of an attraction
and pushing away.
Apparently from Table 1 values of an indicator of nonlinearity are influenced by structure,
concentration and the nature of reagents. Big values N as it was already specified, testify about bigger
discrete of drilling mud because bonds between reagents and particles of clay are less strong, than their
bonds with water molecules. The hydrated compounds in the course of movement of liquid will
represent a separate phase, similar to a firm phase of mud. Such mud is more similar to viscoplastic
liquid and have nonlinearity indicator more than 0.3. In this way reagents with the increased
concentration in mud – Polycol 60S, Polycol 60SM, Polyfor 50 proved.
Other option when durability of hydrogen bonds in volume of mud is distributed evenly and as a
whole increases not at so considerable value. It conducts to deficient rigidity and the increased
plasticity of communications. According to it solution in the course of mechanical movement doesn't
break the microstructure at the expense of fast restoration of the destroyed bonds. Such reagents give
to mud of property of pseudo-plastic liquids. In this way showed reagents with higher molecular
weight such, as Antizol 30000, EZ MUD, Barazan and Modivis. It is connected with that molecules
with a high weight owing to the size make more uniform changes to water structure in comparison
with molecules of smaller weight and respectively provide more uniform distribution of durability of
hydrogen bonds in volume of mud. Because the number of single contacts at molecules with high
weight above, than at molecules with a low weight, and liquid durability on destruction of structure of
solution is higher also, as well as the speed of formation of single contacts.

1st International Conference on Rheology and Modeling of Materials (IC-RMM1) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 602 (2015) 012008 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/602/1/012008
Table 1.Rheological parameters of drilling muds

Compositionofmud(claysuspensi Plastic YieldPoin Consis Nonlinearity

№ on CS +polymer) Visco t, tence indicatorN
sity τ0 К
mPаs Pа Pа·s
1. CS 1 (Taukentskyclay 10 % + 6.0 28.73 9.34 0.22
2. CS 2 (Таganskyclay5 % + H2O) 1.0 30.24 28.51 0.022
3. CS 2 + 0.03 % SOP 0.5 53.52 37.1 0.006
4. CS 2+ 0.04% SOP 0.0 64.32 68.47 0
5. CS 2+ 0.05 % SOP 2.0 56.64 53.14 0.023
6. CS2+ 0.03 % Polyfor 30 6.0 100.60 75.96 0.063
7. CS 2+0.04 % Polyfor 30 7.5 107.75 88.2 0.048
8. CS 2+0.05 %Polyfor 30 8.5 129.54 111.86 0.038
9. CS 2+0.06 % Polyfor 30 17.0 115.65 63.28 0.122
10. CS 2+0.07 % Polyfor 30 23.0 115.89 58.5 0.137
11. CS 1+ 0.1 % Polycol60S 6.0 28.73 9.33 0.22
12. CS 1+0.3 % Polycol60S 8.0 16.28 5.35 0.30
13. CS 1+ 0.5 % Polycol60S 8.5 22.51 3.92 0.34
14. CS1+0.7 % Polycol60S 13.0 16.76 1.08 0.53
15. CS 1 + 0.1 % Pol. 60SM 6.5 29.21 9.00 0.23
16. CS 1 + 0.3 % Pol.60SM 9.0 18.67 4.11 0.34
17. CS 1 + 0.5 % Pol.60SM 10.0 22.03 3.57 0.38
18. CS 1 + 0.7 % Pol.60SM 15.0 12.93 0.65 0.61
19. CS 1+ 0.1 % Polyfor 50 3.5 28.25 17.03 0.13
20. CS 1 + 0.2 % Polyfor 50 7.0 26.34 6.24 0.28
21. CS 1 + 0.3 % Polyfor 50 7.5 27.30 6.84 0.27
22. CS 1 + 0.5 % Polyfor 50 9.5 22.03 3.30 0.37
23. CS 2 +0.04%Аntisol100 1.9 31.13 12.48 0.18
24. CS 2 +0.04% Аntisol30000 4.8 35.92 23.36 0.09
25. CS 2 + 0.04 % EZ MUD 6.0 31.60 10.76 0.21
26. CS 2 + 0.04 % Barazan 7.0 34.48 19.35 0.12
27. CS 2 + 0.04 % Modivis 3.5 34.96 19.35 0.12

In order toreceive the drilling muds being pseudo-plastic liquid with value N less than 0.3 was of
interest to find combinations of the reagents, capable to provide uniform distribution of durability of
hydrogen bonds in structure of water of a drilling mud.For this purpose we developed recipesof the
drilling muds containing mutually compatible reagents, allowing to operate durability of hydrogen
bonds in volume of mud. Drilling muds were prepared with Tagansky clay. Results of the carried-out
researches are given in Table 2.
The mechanism of action of binary composition of reagents such is. At introduction of composition
of reagents in clay suspension one reagents will create an initial grid on the basis of hydrogen bonds,
to set thereby mud structure, others at the expense of the hydration will redistribute it among
themselves, with simultaneous alignment of durability of hydrogen bonds on mud volume. Therefore,
for example, the combination in drilling mud of reagents with the various nature of dissolution, or
strongly differing on molecular weight, promotes obtaining optimum properties of bonds. Example of
similar combinations are combinations Antisol(improved cellulose) and the SOP acrylic copolymer, or
Antisol with the Polycol 60S and Polycol 60SM reagents representing a mix of polyacrylamides and
sodium acrylates.
Combinations Antisol with Barazan or Modivis biopolymers, and also Polyfor 30 reagents with
Barazan or Modivis allow to receive muds with a nonlinearity indicator N <0.3 where biopolymer
plays the priming role, focusing original structure of mud.
In case of combination use reagent Polyfor 30 with Antisol arises strong synergetic increase of
durability of bonds in mud (high value K), but without
4 change of an indicator of nonlinearity in
comparison with the mud processed only by Polyfor 30 reagent.
1st International Conference on Rheology and Modeling of Materials (IC-RMM1) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 602 (2015) 012008 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/602/1/012008

Table 2. Influence binary composition of reagents on rheological parameters drilling muds

№ Compositionofmud(claysuspen Plastic Shear Shear Consis Nonlin

sion CS +polymer 1 + polymer Visco Streng Streng tence earity
2) sity th1 th10 К indicat
mPаs Pа·s or N
1. CS + 0.04 % SOP 30.0 19.68 20.16 50.32 0.154
+ 0.04 % Аntisol
2. CS+ 0.04 % SOP 33.5 21.60 22.56 44.58 0.175
+ 0.05 % Аntisol
3. CS+ 0.04 % SOP 26.5 22.08 23.04 55.50 0.140
+ 0.06 % Аntisol
4. CS+ 0.04 % SOP 22.0 33.12 33.60 50.45 0.129
+ 0.07 % Аntisol
5. CS + 0.04 % SOP 22.5 32.64 36.00 58.13 0.125
+ 0.08 % Аntisol
6. CS + 0.04 % SOP 12.0 17.28 19.44 63.11 0.081
+ 0.04 % Роlyfor30
7. CS + 0.04 % SOP 14.5 17.76 20.40 58.96 0.096
+ 0.05 % Роlyfor30
8. CS + 0.04 % SOP 22.0 18.48 19.44 46.98 0.138
+ 0.06 % Роlyfor30
9. CS + 0.04 % SOP 26.8 17.28 20.88 45.47 0.155
+ 0.07 % Роlyfor30
1 CS + 0.04 % Роlyfor30 + 10.5 41.76 45.60 107.42 0.051
0. 0.08 % Аntisol
1 CS + 0.04 % Polycol 60S + 10.0 2.85 9.56 13.66 0.17
1. 0.04 % Аntisol 30000
1 CS + 0.04 % Polycol60SM + 8.0 4.86 6.04 5.83 0.30
2. 0.04 % Аntisol100
1 CS + 0.04 % Аntisol 30000+ 5.5 4.2 4.7 11.01 0.20
3. 0.04 % Barazan
1 CS + 0.04 % Аntisol 30000+ 4.5 7.05 7.55 14.7 0.16
4. 0.04 % Modivis
1 CS + 0.04 %Роlyfor30 + 5.5 1.01 5.03 12.03 0.19
5. + 0.04 % Barazan
1 CS + 0.04 %Роlyfor30 + 4.5 4.86 5.03 16.03 0.15
6. + 0.04 %Modivis

5. Conclusion
Thus, proceeding from specification of ideas of interaction of reagents in volume of drilling muds and
the given experimental results, follows that for receiving pseudo-plastic liquids with an indicator of
nonlinearity of N<0.3 use of polymers with a high molecular weight or a combination of reagents to
various influence on water structure is most expedient.

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