In 1998, Andrew Wakefield and 12 of his colleagues published a case series in the Lancet, which suggests that 40. (A) conform to (B) build on (C) take over (D) refrain from
MMR vaccine may be linked to autism. Despite the small sample size, the uncontrollable design, and the 41. (A) come to an end (B) put in service (C) hold in store (D) put an end to
speculative nature of the conclusions, the paper received extensive __(29)__, and MMR vaccination rates began 42. (A) teased (B) thrived (C) translated (D) tolerated
to drop because parents were concerned about the risk of autism after vaccination. 43. (A) Facing with (B) When facing of (C) In the face of (D) Faced the facts of
Scientists and organizations across the world spent a great deal of time and money refuting the __(30)__ study 44. (A) end up as (B) come up with (C) make up for (D) look forward to
in the Lancet and revealing the inaccurate fraud that formed the basis of the paper. Appallingly, parents across the
world did not vaccinate their children out of fear of the risk of autism, thereby __(31)__ their children to the risks 第 45-50 題為題組
of disease and the related complications. Disinformation can contribute to tragic consequences. In 2018, Typhoon Jebi left many tourists from
With such horrible events in mind, we are reminded that we must fight against fake news. Whenever we Taiwan __(45)__ inside Kansai International Airport in Japan. Media platforms in China circulated exaggerated
come across new information, it is important to judge its validity __(32)__ tricked into mistaking it for truth. One reports praising their government’s efforts to __(46)__ its citizens from the airport. After seeing these reports,
notable feature of authentic news is the inclusion of the writer’s name, which enables readers to view that some of the unreasonable Taiwanese people, claiming to be trapped at the airport, __(47)__ Tsai’s
writer’s biography and verify his or her credibility. __(33)__ characteristic of real news is the citing of multiple Administration on social media for not acting with the same level of diligence. Several mainstream media outlets
primary sources, which demonstrates a high level of authenticity. Still another feature to look for is __(34)__ the in Taiwan reported the story without verification, further __(48)__ public anger. These and other factors made
article has been published, which can indicate its reliability. If it has been published by a respected media the director of Taiwan’s representative office in Osaka tragically commit suicide in the end.
platform, such as the BBC or CNN, it is likely reliable. Last but not least, a clear sign of a factual report is In the current age of news overload, we must all watch out for fake news __(49)__we might fall victim to
objective writing that does not appeal to readers’ emotions or use deliberately __(35)__ language. These features it. Useful strategies include thinking critically about what we are reading and conducting further research on
can help us avoid _(36)_ fake news so that we can see the world accurately. news stories to check their __(50)__ before accepting them as truth. With due diligence, we can win the war
against fake news and help improve society.
29. (A) representative (B) coverage (C) journalism (D) entertainment
30. (A) installed (B) harvested (C) flawed (D) charged 45. (A) strand (B) stranded (C) had stranded (D) have been stranded
31. (A) expose (B) exposed (C) to expose (D) exposing 46. (A) represent (B) manipulate (C) acknowledge (D) evacuate
32. (A) no wonder we are (B) so that we will be 47. (A) criticized (B) criticizing (C) to criticize (D) being criticized
(C) lest we be (D) if we are 48. (A) answering for (B) breaking down (C) stirring up (D) tearing off
33. (A) Other (B) Another (C) The other (D) One 49. (A) no matter what (B) in the hope that (C) for fear that (D) as long as
34. (A) which (B) whichever (C) where (D) wherever 50. (A) display (B) resource (C) equipment (D) content
35. (A) conscious (B) provocative (C) magnifying (D) literal
36. (A) falling for (B) stirring up (C) making for (D) tearing down 三. 文意選填: 20% (每題 1 分)
第 51-60 題為題組
第 37-44 題為題組 A series of charming letters were published in a newspaper of New England by Mrs. Silence Dogwood, who
A father writes a letter to his son, giving him directions __(37)__ how to behave righteously. What follows was actually young Benjamin Franklin. For centuries, fiction authors like George Eliot have __(51)__ their true
is what the father says: When people are __(38)__ toward you, remain calm and steady. Have faith in yourself identities and used fake names on the published versions of their works. Such fake names are known as
when others blame or doubt you, but __(39)__ constructive criticism. No less important is the quality of patience, pseudonyms.
for without it, the fruits of your labor may be lost. And if people despise you or spread lies about you, be truthful In the 19th century, for example, it was pretty common for female authors to publish their works using male
and __(40)__ returning the hatred because hatred breeds hatred. Doing so is the only way to __(41)__ the cycle names. One such example was George Eliot, who was a woman named Mary Ann Evans. Her novel Middlemarch
of hatred and dishonesty. In addition, it’s essential to be modest and humble. is generally considered a classic of modern literature. Mary Ann Evans adopted the male pen name George Eliot
Then the father continues to say to his son: “you can dream and think, but your dreams and thoughts should be to publish the book. The novel’s __(52)__ popularity suggests that this decision was indeed effective.
__(42)__ into rational and direct action in the real world. __(43)__success and failure in life, you need to treat In more recent times, authors have used pseudonyms for a __(53)__ of other reasons. Sometimes, an author
those two impostors just the same in either case. Furthermore, if your plans __(44)__ failures, you should pick who is known for writing a particular __(54)__ of novel wishes to switch to a different one. Such an author may
yourself up and try whatever you can to start again. then decide to use a fake name so as not to create false expectations among their fans. One famous example of
this __(55)__ is The Cuckoo’s Calling written by Robert Galbraith. It was later revealed that this __(56)__ crime
37. (A) regarding (B) requiring (C) rejecting (D) restricting novel was written by none other than J. K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter series and one of the most famous
38. (A) positive (B) hostile (C) flexible (D) considerate writers of the __(57)__ era. Perhaps Rowling wished to distance herself from the fantastical nature of her earlier
39.. (A) be receptive to (B) account for (C) be reduced to (D) turn out works as she __(58)__ into the world of crime fiction.
臺中市立臺中第二高級中等學校 “Shichigatsu Bon” (Bon in July) is based on the solar calendar and is celebrated around 15 July in eastern
111 學 年 度 第 1 學期 3 年級 全 類組 英文 科 第 1 次 期 中 考 試 題 Japan (Kantō region such as Tokyo, Yokohama and the Tohoku region), coinciding with Chūgen.
本科電腦代碼: 10 年 班 姓名 座號 號 “Hachigatsu Bon” (Bon in August) is based on the lunar calendar, is celebrated around the 15th of August
本試卷計 3 張共 4 面 and is the most commonly celebrated time. “Kyu Bon” (Old Bon) is celebrated on the 15th day of the seventh
month of the lunar calendar, and so differs each year.
The past centuries have __(59)__ numerous examples of pseudonyms. Whatever Rowling’s reason, the use “Kyu Bon” is celebrated in areas like the northern part of the Kantō region, Chūgoku region, Shikoku, and
of pseudonyms remains a common practice among authors of fiction and one that is __(60)__ here to stay. the Okinawa Prefecture.
Bon Odori, meaning simply Bon dance, is a style of dancing performed during Obon. Originally
(A) likely (B) high-profile (C) contemporary (D) delved (E) concealed
a Nenbutsu folk dance to welcome the spirits of the dead, the style of celebration varies in many aspects from
(AB) seen (AC) subsequent (AD) phenomenon (AE) genre (BC) variety
region to region. Each region has a local dance, as well as different music. ___(72)___ Consequently,
the Bon dance will look and sound different from region to region.
第 61-69 題為題組
The way in which the dance is performed is also different in each region, though the typical Bon dance
The prickly pear cactus is such a powerful symbol in Mexico that it occupies a prime spot on Mexico’s
involves people lining up in a circle around a high wooden scaffold made especially for the festival called
national flag. The plant was considered sacred by the __(61)__ Aztecs, and modern-day Mexicans eat it, drink it,
a yagura. The yagura is usually also the bandstand for the musicians and singers of the Obon music. Some
and even use it in medicines and shampoos. Now scientists have come up with a new use for the bright green
dances proceed clockwise, and some dances proceed counter-clockwise around the yagura. Some dances reverse
plant: producing renewable energy.
during the dance, though most do not. At times, people face the yagura and move towards and away from it.
Known locally as nopal, the prickly pear is farmed on a __(62)__ scale in Mexico. Over the years, only the
The dance of a region can depict the area’s history and specialization.
__(63)__ soft inner flesh has been used. The cactus’s thick outer layer (i.e., husk), with all those spines, had
___(73)___ In Kyoto, most of the main public and family Obon rituals take place between the 14th and the
always been viewed as a waste product until __(64)__ developed a biogas generator to turn the husks into
16th of August, however there are quite a few before and after this period as well.
The __(65)__ project dedicated to developing the cactus biogas generator began in the south of Mexico City.
(A) Japan’s unique Obon Festival, an ancient religious rite to honor the souls of one’s ancestors,
The area produces 200,000 tons a year of prickly pear cactus—up to 10 tons of which has become waste on the
is held throughout Japan.
floor of the cactus market each day. Then, a local green energy startup company got the idea to turn that waste
(B) These three days are not listed as public holidays, but it is customary that people are given
into energy. The generator is now in place at the cactus market, where the __(66)__ are enthusiastic about this
new way to __(67)__ the tons of cactus husks that once went directly into the trash.
(C) This Buddhist-Confucian custom has evolved into a family reunion holiday during which
The prickly pear has a number of advantages over other biofuel crops, one of which is that the cactus
people return to ancestral family places and visit and clean their ancestors’ graves.
requires minimum water, and thus is not grown on traditional agricultural pasture. This means that no increased
(D) The music can be songs specifically pertinent to the spiritual message of Obon, or
__(68)__ arises for the water or land presently used for food production.
local min’yō folk songs.
The project in Mexico City is hoping to __(69)__ the use of fossil fuels. If it can be expanded, the prickly
pear could be the key to Mexico’s energy future.
五.閱讀測驗: %(每題 2 分)
(A) pilot (B) competition (C) vendors (D) researchers (E) utilize
第 74 至 77 題為題組
(AB) reduce (AC) ancient (AD) massive (AE) edible
Benjamin Franklin, one of the Founding Fathers of the United States, was not only a great politician but
also a highly accomplished scientist and inventor. Of his many achievements, probably the least well-known
四. 篇章結構: 8% (每題 2 分)
are his accomplishments in music. He invented an instrument for which both Mozart and Beethoven composed
第 70-73 題為題組
music—the glass armonica.
Obon or just Bon is a Japanese Buddhist custom to honor the spirits of one’s ancestors. ___(70)___ At that
In 1761, while living in England, Franklin heard a performer playing musical glasses. Franklin was
time the spirits of ancestors are supposed to revisit the household altars. It has been celebrated in Japan for more
charmed by the music, but felt that there was a better way to create the same sound. He had a glassmaker
than 500 years and traditionally includes a dance, known as Bon-Odori.
create thirty-seven hemispheres made of glass, with each being a different size and thickness to produce
The festival of Obon lasts for three days; however, its starting date varies within different regions of Japan.
different pitches. The glass hemispheres were color coded with paint to identify the notes. Franklin ran an iron
When the lunar calendar was changed to the Gregorian calendar at the beginning of the Meiji era, the localities in
rod through a hole in the top of each hemisphere so that they could nest together from largest to smallest. He
Japan reacted differently and this resulted in three different times of Obon.
linked all of this to a device shaped like a spinning wheel, with a foot control that turned the rod, making the
glass hemispheres rotate. Franklin moistened his fingers and held them against the rims of the glass 一、 文意字彙: 7% (每題 1 分)
hemispheres as they turned, producing a unique sound. He mastered the instrument and took it to parties and
gatherings to play for his friends and acquaintances. The instrument became so popular that thousands were 1 The family was o______n by a terrible tragedy a year ago, and they still haven’t recovered. .
built and sold. 2 The retired lady was d______ed into revealing her banking details to criminals over the phone.
But musical fashions changed. Music was moving out of the relatively small halls of Mozart’s day into 3 Three judges will e______e each singer’s performance and then give him or her a final score out of one
the large concert halls of the 19th century, and without amplification, the glass armonica simply couldn’t be hundred.
heard. Concert reviews from the period mourned the fact that the armonica sounded wonderful—only when it 4 After the midterm exam, John i______ged himself in playing the online game for five hours in a row.
could be heard. So, alas, Franklin’s marvelous invention was ultimately abandoned. The popularity of the 5 The President of the Teachers’ Union is a person of the highest i______y, who is honest and have strong
instrument faded early in the 19th century, but it is still played occasionally today. moral principles.
6 The scandal has undermined the mayor’s c______y as a good politician. What she is trying to do is
74. Which of the following is the closest illustration of Benjamin Franklin’s invention? restore her reputation.
A B 7 The o______e of this course is to improve your English speaking skills. Ten useful skills will be
introduced and you will be asked to practice a lot.
二、翻譯題 8% (每題 4 分)
1. 我們有時會違背自己的意願去做某些事情,就只為了要取悅朋友。
2. 其實,在面對同儕壓力的時候,我們應該學習堅持自己的原則。
75. Which of the following statements is true about how the glass armonica works?
(A) Colored paint makes it possible to identify the notes.
(B) An iron rod is used to strike the thinner glass hemisphere.
(C) Mozart and Beethoven showed Franklin how to create the glass armonica.
(D) The rims of the glass hemispheres have to be submerged in the water to produce a unique
76. According to the passage, what factor made the glass armonica gradually lose its popularity?
(A) The process of playing this musical instrument was too complicated to learn.
(B) Franklin had problems finding the students and disciples to learn this musical instrument.
(C) Concert reviewers from the period mourned the fact that Beethoven stopped composing for
(D) The sound of this musical instrument was not loud enough to be heard in huge concert
77. What does the highlighted “thousands” in the second paragraph refer to?
(A) The concert halls.
(B) The thirty-seven hemispheres of the glass armonica.
(C) The glass armonica invented by Franklin.
(D) The parties and gatherings attended by Franklin’s friends and acquaintances.
(when we face= when facing = when we are faced with =when faced with)
答 案 公 佈 表 附註:1.本表請隨同試題、命題袋 一併繳送教務處。
臺中市立臺中第二高級中等學校 2.命題教師: Jonathan 簽章 Jonathan
111 學 年 度 第 1 學期 3 年級 全 類組 英文 科 第 1 次期中考試題答案 2022 年 9 月 25 日
第一部分: 選擇題(占 85 分)
二、翻譯題 8% (每題 4 分)
1. 我們有時會違背自己的意願去做某些事情,就只為了要取悅朋友。
Sometimes we will do certain things against our own will simply to please our friends.
2. 其實,在面對同儕壓力的時候,我們應該學習堅持自己的原則。
In fact, we should learn to stick to our own principles when we face peer pressure.