Tax P&L Re

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CUSTOMER ID :- 131586
CLIENT CODE :- W124662
Financial Year :- 2023-2024
Segment :- CASH
Capital Gain Type :- ALL

Cash Tax P&L report downloaded on 11/05/2024

Category Amount(Rs)
Intraday Profit/Loss 0.00
Intraday Turnover 0.00
Short Term Profit/Loss 19404.22
Short Term Turnover 254306.34
Long Term Profit/Loss -58471.03
Long Term Turnover 257923.12

Long Term
Scrip Qty Buy Date
AHMDSTE 100 31-03-2011
AKSHOPTFBR 48 31-03-2011
ANDREWYU 52 31-03-2011
BPCL 30 22-07-2021
CIPLA 25 31-03-2011
GET&D 50 17-01-2022
JPASSOCIAT 300 31-03-2011
JPASSOCIAT 80 06-04-2016
LASA 50 19-01-2019
NMDC 40 31-03-2011
NMDC 30 19-02-2015
PNB 30 18-02-2015
PRAJIND 40 31-03-2011
RELINFRA 20 31-03-2011
RENUKA 100 31-03-2011
RUBFILINTL 24 21-09-2017
SUNDARAM 300 13-04-2012
TECHM 10 04-07-2013
Short Term
Scrip Qty Buy Date
AEROFLEX 130 30-08-2023
AWL 35 10-08-2023
BSL 100 12-05-2023
JAIBALAJI 500 03-05-2023
JAIBALAJI 250 05-05-2023
LICI 21 13-05-2022
NSLNISP 70 28-10-2022
PLPHAR-RE 21 04-08-2023
PPLPHARMA 78 25-05-2023
SOUTH-RE 125 05-03-2024

Scrip Qty Buy Date


1. Product is still under development and could be susceptible to calculation errors. Clients are advised to review their records

2. This is an additional service provided by Sharekhan. Sharekhan in no manner accepts any responsibility for the information

3. This report shall not in any manner be construed to be an opinion issued by Sharekhan on the taxation or accounting aspect

4. Information displayed is as available with Sharekhan. Client is expected to review the same before relying on these reports.

5. Report is not updated for corporate actions during the clients holding period. The client is expected to account for the same

6. Presently these reports are provided for Equities and Bonds only.

7. Total Buy Price & Total Sell Price includes Security Transaction Tax (STT).

8. This report is based only on the basis of transactions executed through Sharekhan.

9. Sharekhan is not a tax advisor and clients should take independent tax advice while using this report to file his returns.
nloaded on 11/05/2024

Category Amount(Rs)
STT 552.50
CGST 104.20
SGST 104.20
IGST 256.85
UTGST 0.00
Exchange Transaction Charges 107.13
SEBI Turnover Fees 0.54
Stamp Duty 47.32

Buy Rate Buy Value Sell Date Sell Rate Sell Value Days
17.50 1750.00 04-05-2023 19.03 1903.01 4417
26.05 1250.40 02-05-2023 8.88 426.36 4415
47.65 2477.80 02-05-2023 21.91 1139.27 4415
463.88 13916.54 02-05-2023 357.75 10732.61 649
343.10 8577.50 02-05-2023 908.52 22712.99 4415
140.63 7031.30 26-05-2023 189.23 9461.45 494
184.39 55317.00 04-05-2023 7.32 2197.29 4417
7.97 637.87 04-05-2023 7.32 585.94 2584
22.00 1100.00 02-05-2023 24.02 1200.97 1564
301.36 12054.40 04-05-2023 110.89 4435.59 4417
139.58 4187.40 04-05-2023 110.89 3326.69 2996
169.53 5085.82 02-05-2023 52.46 1573.77 2995
102.62 4104.80 02-02-2024 487.51 19500.26 4691
1278.45 25569.00 02-05-2023 157.18 3143.53 4415
91.63 9163.00 02-05-2023 46.73 4673.48 4415
92.03 2208.80 02-05-2023 69.30 1663.24 2049
0.00 0.00 02-05-2023 2.24 671.85 4036
376.55 3765.45 02-05-2023 1037.77 10377.74 3589
Buy Rate Buy Value Sell Date Sell Rate Sell Value Days
108.00 14040.00 31-08-2023 180.87 23512.81 1
377.88 13225.77 18-08-2023 384.23 13448.12 8
194.97 19496.81 11-08-2023 165.24 16523.95 91
60.46 30228.05 09-05-2023 80.33 40166.00 6
61.04 15259.38 09-05-2023 80.33 20083.00 4
889.00 18669.00 02-05-2023 549.27 11534.67 354
0.00 0.00 04-05-2023 38.52 2696.59 188
0.00 0.00 23-08-2023 17.16 360.36 19
83.74 6532.06 15-09-2023 103.03 8036.02 113
0.00 0.00 29-03-2024 3.95 493.75 24

Buy Rate Buy Value Sell Date Sell Rate Sell Value Days


culation errors. Clients are advised to review their records independently.

no manner accepts any responsibility for the information displayed.. Your portfolio has been divided into long term and short term or spec

issued by Sharekhan on the taxation or accounting aspects of the trading activity of the clients. The clients are advised to take independe

ected to review the same before relying on these reports. Clients have been provided the option to change the information as provided he

ding period. The client is expected to account for the same while maintaining their portfolios.


ough Sharekhan.

t tax advice while using this report to file his returns.

Realised P&L Gain Type ISIN FMV Cost of Acquisition
153.01 Long Term INE868C01018 0.00 17.50
-824.04 Long Term INE523B01011 39.50 26.05
-1338.53 Long Term INE449C01025 0.00 47.65
-3183.92 Long Term INE029A01011 0.00 463.88
14135.49 Long Term INE059A01026 608.50 608.50
2430.16 Long Term INE200A01026 0.00 140.63
-53119.71 Long Term INE455F01025 20.90 184.39
-51.93 Long Term INE455F01025 20.90 7.97
100.97 Long Term INE670X01014 0.00 22.00
-7618.81 Long Term INE584A01023 144.60 301.36
-860.71 Long Term INE584A01023 144.60 139.58
-3512.05 Long Term INE160A01022 175.20 169.53
15395.46 Long Term INE074A01025 107.95 107.95
-22425.47 Long Term INE036A01016 512.75 1278.45
-4489.52 Long Term INE087H01022 16.00 91.63
-545.57 Long Term INE642C01025 78.30 92.03
671.85 Long Term INE108E01023 4.45 2.24
6612.29 Long Term INE669C01036 626.20 626.20
Realised P&L Gain Type ISIN FMV Cost of Acquisition
9472.81 Short Term INE024001021 0.00 0.00
222.36 Short Term INE699H01024 0.00 0.00
-2972.86 Short Term INE594B01012 0.00 0.00
9937.95 Short Term INE091G01018 0.00 0.00
4823.63 Short Term INE091G01018 0.00 0.00
-7134.33 Short Term INE0J1Y01017 0.00 0.00
2696.59 Short Term INE0NNS01018 0.00 0.00
360.36 Short Term INE0DK520011 0.00 0.00
1503.96 Short Term INE0DK501011 0.00 0.00
493.75 Short Term INE683A20015 0.00 0.00

Realised P&L Gain Type ISIN FMV Cost of Acquisition

ong term and short term or speculation, purely on the basis of the holding period. Sharekhan does not take any responsibility

are advised to take independent view from the relevant experts in the said fields for such aspects. Sharekhan shall not be liable fo

the information as provided herein. Sharekhan shall not be liable for the information displayed or the information that may be
Total Cost of Acquisition Taxable Gain/Loss
1750.00 153.00
1250.40 -824.16
2477.80 -1338.48
13916.40 -3183.92
15212.50 7500.50
7031.50 2430.16
55317.00 -53121.00
637.60 -52.00
1100.00 100.97
12054.40 -7618.80
4187.40 -860.70
5085.90 -3512.10
4318.00 15182.40
25569.00 -22425.40
9163.00 -4490.00
2208.72 -545.52
672.00 0.00
6262.00 4115.70
Total Cost of Acquisition Taxable Gain/Loss
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00

Total Cost of Acquisition Taxable Gain/Loss

harekhan does not take any responsibility

or such aspects. Sharekhan shall not be liable fo

on displayed or the information that may be

CUSTOMER ID :- 131586
CLIENT CODE :- W124662
Financial Year :- 2023-2024
Segment :- FNO
Capital Gain Type :- ALL

F&O Tax P&L report downloaded on 11/05/2024

Category Amount(Rs)
P&L -3830.00
Future Turnover 0.00
Option Turnover 88661.33
Total Turnover 88661.33
Realised P&L -8899.09

Market Segment Type Scrip Symbol

Future Total Future
FNO Option ABCAPITAL OPT 26OCT 23 CE @ 187.5
FNO Option ADANIENT OPT 31AUG 23 CE @ 2600
FNO Option ADANIENT OPT 31AUG 23 CE @ 2700
FNO Option AXISBANK OPT 27JUL 23 CE @ 970
FNO Option AXISBANK OPT 31AUG 23 CE @ 960
FNO Option BHARATFORG OPT 26OCT 23 CE @ 1140
FNO Option BHARATFORG OPT 28SEP 23 CE @ 1140
FNO Option BHARATFORG OPT 31AUG 23 CE @ 1030
FNO Option BHEL OPT 29JUN 23 CE @ 90
FNO Option DLF OPT 31AUG 23 CE @ 480
FNO Option FINNIFTY OPT 30MAY 23 PE @ 19500
FNO Option INDUSINDBK OPT 28SEP 23 CE @ 1480
FNO Option NIFTY OPT 01JUN 23 CE @ 18550
FNO Option NIFTY OPT 24AUG 23 CE @ 19500
FNO Option NIFTY OPT 27JUL 23 PE @ 19000
FNO Option NIFTY OPT 29JUN 23 PE @ 18500
FNO Option RAMCOCEM OPT 29JUN 23 CE @ 900
FNO Option VEDL OPT 25MAY 23 CE @ 285
Option Total Option

Note:‘Realised P&L’ is inclusive of brokerage and taxes whereas ‘P&L’ is exclusive of brokerage and taxes.


1. Product is still under development and could be susceptible to calculation errors. Clients are advised to review their records

2. This is an additional service provided by Sharekhan. Sharekhan in no manner accepts any responsibility for the information

3. This report shall not in any manner be construed to be an opinion issued by Sharekhan on the taxation or accounting aspect

4. Information displayed is as available with Sharekhan. Client is expected to review the same before relying on these reports.

5. Report is not updated for corporate actions during the clients holding period. The client is expected to account for the same

6. Presently these reports are provided for Equities and Bonds only.

7. Total Buy Price & Total Sell Price includes Security Transaction Tax (STT).

8. This report is based only on the basis of transactions executed through Sharekhan.

9. Sharekhan is not a tax advisor and clients should take independent tax advice while using this report to file his returns.

Category Amount(Rs)
STT 329.37
CGST 89.97
SGST 89.97
IGST 540.54
UTT 0.00
Exchange Transaction Charges 534.13
SEBI Turnover Fees 1.02
Stamp Duty 15.90

Option Type Qty Avg.Buy Rate Buy Value Avg.SellRate

0 0.00 0.00 0.00
CE 10800 2.23 24092.22 2.49
CE 600 70.89 42538.78 76.10
CE 3000 73.24 219720.58 75.14
CE 625 14.15 8845.76 14.93
CE 1250 21.83 27291.28 22.85
CE 3000 8.37 25136.51 3.73
CE 4000 12.49 49975.66 12.42
CE 1000 4.72 4726.55 5.71
CE 1000 14.81 14818.25 16.32
CE 10500 1.40 14767.45 2.79
CE 1650 8.16 13479.49 13.16
PE 40 29.49 1179.70 33.48
CE 2500 13.16 32913.55 6.54
CE 50 41.65 2082.77 17.54
CE 100 11.57 1157.90 0.57
PE 50 99.09 4954.57 0.00
PE 50 136.36 6818.24 150.68
CE 850 16.12 13710.03 16.46
CE 4000 6.28 25135.10 3.58
0 586.11 533344.38 474.58


ed to review their records independently.

bility for the information displayed.. Your portfolio has been divided into long term and short term or speculation, purely on the basis of th

ation or accounting aspects of the trading activity of the clients. The clients are advised to take independent view from the relevant expert

relying on these reports. Clients have been provided the option to change the information as provided herein. Sharekhan shall not be liab

d to account for the same while maintaining their portfolios.

ort to file his returns.

Sell Value Net Realised PL
0.00 0.00
26919.85 2827.63
45661.92 3123.14
225445.44 5724.86
9335.76 490.00
28565.65 1274.38
11215.39 -13921.12
49718.28 -257.38
5719.37 992.83
16320.96 1502.71
29305.84 14538.38
21729.83 8250.33
1339.29 159.59
16361.84 -16551.72
877.35 -1205.41
57.67 -1100.22
0.00 -4954.57
7534.21 715.97
13991.33 281.30
14345.31 -10789.79
524445.29 -8899.09

ulation, purely on the basis of the holding period. Sharekhan does not take any responsibility on how

t view from the relevant experts in the said fields for such aspects. Sharekhan shall not be liable for any

rein. Sharekhan shall not be liable for the information displayed or the information that may be modi
CUSTOMER ID :- 131586
CLIENT CODE :- W124662
Financial Year :- 2023-2024
Segment :- COMM
Capital Gain Type :- ALL

Commodity Tax P&L report downloaded on 11/05/2024

Category Amount(Rs)
P&L -3288.00
Future Turnover 20214.66
Option Turnover 0.00
Total Turnover 20214.66
Realised P&L -4113.70

Market Segment Type Scrip Symbol

COMM Future Light Sweet CrudeOil 16JUN2023
Future Total Future
Option Total Option

Note:‘Realised P&L’ is inclusive of brokerage and taxes whereas ‘P&L’ is exclusive of brokerage and taxes.


1. Product is still under development and could be susceptible to calculation errors. Clients are advised to review their records
2. This is an additional service provided by Sharekhan. Sharekhan in no manner accepts any responsibility for the information

3. This report shall not in any manner be construed to be an opinion issued by Sharekhan on the taxation or accounting aspect

4. Information displayed is as available with Sharekhan. Client is expected to review the same before relying on these reports.

5. Report is not updated for corporate actions during the clients holding period. The client is expected to account for the same

6. Presently these reports are provided for Equities and Bonds only.

7. Total Buy Price & Total Sell Price includes Security Transaction Tax (STT).

8. This report is based only on the basis of transactions executed through Sharekhan.

9. Sharekhan is not a tax advisor and clients should take independent tax advice while using this report to file his returns.
on 11/05/2024

Category Amount(Rs)
STT 197.04
CGST 0.00
SGST 0.00
IGST 90.10
UTT 0.00
Exchange Transaction Charges 102.55
SEBI Turnover Fees 0.00
Stamp Duty 39.48

Option Type Qty Avg.Buy Rate Buy Value Avg.SellRate

10 5838.84 58388.41 5856.57
750 244.97 183731.18 236.20
1000 217.83 217837.02 219.84
3 72345.28 217035.86 72950.76
5 72465.50 362327.53 71856.04
6 71876.87 431261.24 71453.30
7 71903.21 503322.48 72481.59
0 294892.53 1973903.72 295054.34
0 0.00 0.00 0.00

d taxes.

vised to review their records independently.

nsibility for the information displayed.. Your portfolio has been divided into long term and short term or speculation, purely on the basis o

axation or accounting aspects of the trading activity of the clients. The clients are advised to take independent view from the relevant exp

ore relying on these reports. Clients have been provided the option to change the information as provided herein. Sharekhan shall not be

cted to account for the same while maintaining their portfolios.

eport to file his returns.

Sell Value Net Realised PL
58565.71 177.30
177155.72 -6575.46
219845.04 2008.02
218852.30 1816.44
359280.21 -3047.33
428719.85 -2541.39
507371.20 4048.72
1969790.03 -4113.69
0.00 0.00
eculation, purely on the basis of the holding period. Sharekhan does not take any responsibility on h

ent view from the relevant experts in the said fields for such aspects. Sharekhan shall not be liable for an

herein. Sharekhan shall not be liable for the information displayed or the information that may be mod
CUSTOMER ID :- 131586
CLIENT CODE :- W124662
Financial Year :- 2023-2024
Segment :- CUR
Capital Gain Type :- ALL

Currency Tax P&L report downloaded on 11/05/2024

Category Amount(Rs)
P&L 0.00
Future Turnover 0.00
Option Turnover 0.00
Total Turnover 0.00
Realised P&L 0.00

Market Segment Type Scrip Symbol

Future Total Future
Option Total Option

Note:‘Realised P&L’ is inclusive of brokerage and taxes whereas ‘P&L’ is exclusive of brokerage and taxes.


1. Product is still under development and could be susceptible to calculation errors. Clients are advised to review their records

2. This is an additional service provided by Sharekhan. Sharekhan in no manner accepts any responsibility for the information

3. This report shall not in any manner be construed to be an opinion issued by Sharekhan on the taxation or accounting aspect

4. Information displayed is as available with Sharekhan. Client is expected to review the same before relying on these reports.
5. Report is not updated for corporate actions during the clients holding period. The client is expected to account for the same

6. Presently these reports are provided for Equities and Bonds only.

7. Total Buy Price & Total Sell Price includes Security Transaction Tax (STT).

8. This report is based only on the basis of transactions executed through Sharekhan.

9. Sharekhan is not a tax advisor and clients should take independent tax advice while using this report to file his returns.
wnloaded on 11/05/2024

Category Amount(Rs)
STT 0.00
CGST 0.00
SGST 0.00
IGST 0.00
UTT 0.00
Exchange Transaction Charges 0.00
SEBI Turnover Fees 0.00
Stamp Duty 0.00

Option Type Qty Avg.Buy Rate Buy Value Avg.SellRate

0 0.00 0.00 0.00
0 0.00 0.00 0.00

is exclusive of brokerage and taxes.


ulation errors. Clients are advised to review their records independently.

o manner accepts any responsibility for the information displayed.. Your portfolio has been divided into long term and short term or specu

ssued by Sharekhan on the taxation or accounting aspects of the trading activity of the clients. The clients are advised to take independen

cted to review the same before relying on these reports. Clients have been provided the option to change the information as provided her
ng period. The client is expected to account for the same while maintaining their portfolios.


ugh Sharekhan.

tax advice while using this report to file his returns.

Sell Value Net Realised PL
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00

ng term and short term or speculation, purely on the basis of the holding period. Sharekhan does not

are advised to take independent view from the relevant experts in the said fields for such aspects. Share

he information as provided herein. Sharekhan shall not be liable for the information displayed or t

Note: To view the Tax report for Mutual Fund, kindly download the same from the MF section on the dashboard.
on the dashboard.

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