Child Death
Child Death
Child Death
Review Article
A Systematic Review of Factors Associated with Under-Five
Child Mortality
Received 12 April 2022; Revised 17 November 2022; Accepted 21 November 2022; Published 5 December 2022
Copyright © 2022 Madhav Kumar Bhusal and Shankar Prasad Khanal. This is an open access article distributed under the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
Background. Preventing the life of the newborn and reducing the entrenched disparity of childhood mortality across different
levels is one of the crucial public health problems, especially in underdeveloped and developing countries in the world.
Sustainable development goals (SDGs)-3.2 is aimed at terminating all preventable under-five child mortality and shrinking it to
25 per 1000 live births or lower than this by 2030. Several factors have been shown to be linked with childhood mortality.
Objective. This review is aimed at pointing out the significant determinants related to under-five child mortality by a
systematic review of the literature. Methods. EMBASE, PubMed, Scopus database, and Google Scholar search engine were used
for the systematic search of the literature. Special keywords and Boolean operators were used to point out the relevant studies
for the review. Original research articles and peer-reviewed papers published in the English language till August 10, 2022, were
included in the analysis and synthesis of the results. As per the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-
Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines, out of 299 studies identified from different sources, only 22 articles were ascertained for this
study. Eligible articles were appraised in detail, and relevant information was extracted and then integrated into the systematic
review. Results. Mother’s education, size of child at birth, age of mother at childbirth, place of residence, birth interval, sex of
child, type of birth (single or multiple), and birth order, along with other socioeconomic, maternal, child, health facility
utilization, and community level variables, were observed as important covariates of under-five mortality. Conclusion. Women’s
education and easy access to quality healthcare facilities should be the apex priority to lessen childhood mortality.
1. Introduction deaths per 1000 live birth in 1990. It declined by more than
half during the MDG period to 43 deaths per 1000 live births
Under-five mortality is a prime indicator of both sustainable in 2015; however, the target was to reduce by two-thirds
development goals (SDGs) and millennium development between 1990 and 2015. The progress of 15-year MDGs
goals (MDGs). The SDGs target 3.2 aims to end the prevent- shows a substantial decline in under-five child mortality
able death of under-five mortality and to lower at least as and improvement in maternal health. Neonatal deaths occu-
low as 25 per 1000 live birth for all countries [1]. It is consid- pied a higher proportion of under-five deaths in every region
ered one of the major indicators to evaluate the level of child of the world. Preterm birth complications, complications
health, and it illuminates the overall development in coun- during labor and delivery, and sepsis were reported as the
tries. Under-five mortality rate enables the demographic major causes of these neonatal deaths. Reduction of neonatal
assessment of the country’s population and serves as a major deaths with some effective intervention is the major chal-
indicator of the country’s socioeconomic development and lenge to curtail under-five mortality [3].
quality of life [2]. The MDG vision incepted in 2000 to fight The latest report by the United Nations Children’s Fund
against multidimensional poverty has remained a predomi- (UNICEF) has shown that under-five mortality declined by
nant development framework for the world by its termina- 61 percent globally between 1990 and 2020 as there were
tion in 2015. The global childhood mortality rate was 90 93 deaths per 1000 live births in 1990 to 37 deaths per
2 BioMed Research International
1000 live births in 2020. Despite this significant decline, the literature related to exploring the factors associated with
geographic disparity, economic variations among the coun- under-five mortality.
tries, children in fragile contexts, and variation in sex-
specific child mortality are the major issues of concern to 2.2. Study Selection. Articles selected from different data-
overcome the high under-five child mortality. Moreover, bases and search engine were managed by using the open-
the crisis of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) seems to have source citation manager software Zotero (
a serious impact on the efforts and interventions made to For this, all selected records were exported to
diminish childhood mortality. To cope with this adverse sit- Zotero from databases and search engine. Studies imported
uation, more acceleration and attention are required to were then merged, and duplicate studies were eliminated
maintain and strengthen life-saving interventions [4]. Dif- after confirming if they consist same authors and the same
ferent socio-economic variables, maternal and child-related research topic. After then, all articles were exported to Ray-
factors, and health service utilization factors like household yan ( for further screening. In this phase, all the
wealth status; education level of the mother; older maternal records were categorized into two groups “include” and
age; use of polluting fuel; higher parity; lack of antenatal care “exclude.” The inclusion and exclusion decisions were done
(ANC) visits; lack of skilled birth attendance; use of antena- based on the title and abstract assessment of the articles.
tal iron and folic acid (IFA) supplementation; and tetanus Decisions for the very few records were made based on the
toxoid (TT) vaccination during pregnancy were found major title assessment of the article in case of the dearth of the
factors associated with childhood mortality by prior studies abstract. Rayyan is a free web-based tool that facilitates sys-
[5–10]. Moreover, some other studies have highlighted the tematic review [17]. It helps to screen each paper quickly by
role of community-level variables along with individual- allowing it to tag the paper into an inclusion or exclusion
level variables for the survival of children. These studies have category after a brief examination. All the records grouped
suggested to include community-level variables in the study in the inclusion category were then exported into Zotero,
for a more accurate estimate and useful epidemiological and then, the full text of each record was reviewed micro-
understanding [11–15]. scopically. Articles satisfying the inclusion criteria were
A proper understanding and identification of important finally decided to incorporate into the study. Any differences
determinants related to under-five child mortality are while examining the records were eliminated from the con-
extremely essential to implement healthcare policies, effec- sensus between authors.
tive allocation of healthcare resources, and to endorse appro-
priate interventions to reduce childhood mortality. This
systematic review is thus aimed at assessing the factors asso- 2.3. Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria. Some restrictions were
ciated with under-five mortality. created while selecting the papers to incorporate in the
review. Articles were included for systematic review if they
were (1) original research articles and grey literature match-
2. Methods ing the objective of the review; (2) peer-reviewed papers; (3)
published in the English language; and (4) published till
2.1. Data Sources and Search Strategy. Preferred Reporting August 10, 2022. Studies were excluded if (1) the full text
Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) of the paper is not available; (2) the studies were thesis; (3)
guidelines were followed to conduct this study [16]. Litera- the studies were based on factors related to medical causes
ture was searched systematically using different electronic of under-five death; (4) the studies were not related to the
databases including EMBASE, PubMed, and Scopus. In objective of this study; (5) studies did not contain adequate
order to include the grey literature like government docu- information; and (6) published using the same dataset as
ments, reports, and working papers, the Google Scholar published by other authors (s). The PRISMA flow chart for
search engine was used. These computer-based searches the selection process of the records is shown in Figure 1.
were done up to August 10, 2022. The exhaustive published
articles were retrieved from a specially designed search strat- 2.4. Data Extraction. All eligible papers were reviewed thor-
egy. To retrieve the relevant articles from the databases as oughly to extract relevant information and were recorded
per the objective of this study, well-constructed keywords into an excel sheet. The information extracted from each
or phrases were formulated. The words were connected by study was as follows: (1) first author of the study, (2) year
“OR” and “AND” operators so that these operators enable of publication, (3) type of study design, (4) major method/
to search the records in databases and search engines in an technique used for analysis, (5) study area/region/country,
exclusive manner. The search strategy used was [(‘childhood (6) major objective of the study, (7) sample size/data source,
mortality’ OR ‘under-five mortality’) AND (‘associated fac- and (8) findings (significant factors associated with under-
tors’ OR ‘risk factors’)]. The articles were searched by apply- five child mortality). MKB thoroughly extracted the data
ing the search strategy in the title search in Scopus, PubMed, from each included record. In order to reduce selection bias
and Google Scholar. In the case of EMBASE, this search and abate individual errors, SPK also verified the extracted
strategy was applied in the title or abstract search to extend information. Disagreement in the process of extracting the
the horizon of searches. This particular strategy was devel- data between authors was solved by reassessing the article
oped after multiple tests of various combinations of key- until having a common conclusion. The extracted data is
words in the database to include the majority of the shown in Table 1.
BioMed Research International 3
Excluded records
Screened records (n = 57)
(n = 188)
2.5. Quality Assessment. National Institute of Health (NIH) while it was not reported in one (4.45%) cohort study. Addi-
quality assessment tools for observational cohort and tional information on quality assessment is included in the
cross-sectional studies were used for the critical appraisal supplementary file.
of each study [18]. For impartial judgment, both authors
(MKB, and SPK) independently ranked the quality of each 2.6. Synthesis of the Results. An explicit descriptive summary
article. Any discrepancies in the course of appraisal were of all the extracted records was prepared for the synthesis of
resolved by the consensus between authors. All studies the results. For this purpose, Table 1 is constructed. It con-
lucidly stated their objectives and study population and tains different components including the name of the first
had a participation rate of all eligible persons at least 50%. author, year of publication, the objective of the study, data
The subjects were selected from the same population in each source and sample size, and findings. Major findings of
study, and the determination of sample size was justified by included studies were assessed in a descriptive way from
all of them. Exposure of interest was not measured prior to the extracted information to point out the significant deter-
outcome by 21 (95.45%) cross-sectional studies whereas minants of under-five mortality.
exposure of interest was measured by one (4.55%) cohort
study, and it had a sufficient timeframe to observe an associ- 3. Results
ation between exposure and outcome variables. The relation
between different levels of exposure and outcome was exam- 3.1. Search Findings. The purpose of this study is to explore
ined by each study. Exposure measures were clearly defined the factors associated with under-five child mortality.
but not assessed more than once by all studies. The outcome Figure 1 shows the selection procedure and exclusion of
variable was clearly defined in each study, and the confound- records with specific reasons for rejection. Of the total 299
ing variables were adjusted by all of them. None of the stud- records identified from different databases and a search
ies reported outcome assessors blinded to the exposure engine, 245 remained after removing 54 duplicate records.
status of participants. The loss to follow-up after baseline Of the 245 records, 188 were discarded after evaluating the
was not applicable for 21 (95.45%) cross-sectional studies, title and abstract. Only 57 records remained for full-text
Table 1: Characteristics of included studies (n = 22).
Table 1: Continued.
Ethnic group
Marital status
Age of mother at first birth
Use of contraceptive
ANC visits
Birthorder & birth interval
Duration of breastfeeding
Family size
Household's income/wealth index
Type of fuel for cooking
Working status of mother
Birth order
Type of birth (S/M)
Sex of child
Birth space/interval
Place of residence
Age of mother at child birth
Size of child at birth
Mother's education
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Number of studies
Figure 3: Number of studies and factors associated with under-five child mortality identified from studies (n = 22).
Figure 4: Percentage distribution of thematic factors related to under-five child mortality (n = 47).
ANC visits, and mode of delivery are also key variables to birth order and birth interval, mother’s education, use of
measure the under-five mortality. contraceptives, TT vaccination during pregnancy, previous
death of siblings, and age of mother at childbirth as signifi-
3.4.2. Factors Related to Under-Five Child Mortality in the cant determinant are associated with under-five mortality.
Studies Conducted in the South-East Asia Region. Figure 6 The number of children under age 5 at home, ethnic group,
exhibits the maternal, child-related, health service utiliza- delivery complication, and birthplace and mode of delivery
tion, and socioeconomic covariates of under-five child mor- were also obtained as important covariates in this region.
tality in the studies conducted in Asian countries.
Out of two studies [37, 38] conducted in this region, 3.4.3. Factors Related to Under-Five Child Mortality in the
both studies explored that working status of the mother, Study Conducted in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. Only
BioMed Research International 13
Number of studies
Place of residence
Mother's education
Birth space/interval
Type of fuel for cooking
Family size
Ethnic group
Duration of breastfeeding
Marital status
ANC visits
Sex of child
Type of toilet
Mode of delivery
Place of delivery
Working status of mother
Figure 5: Number of studies and factors related to under-five mortality in Africa region (n = 18).
one study [39] selected in this review was conducted in Paki- tality using 2010 and 2014 Cambodian demographic and
stan, an Eastern Mediterranean country. Mother’s educa- health survey datasets. It has explored that type of birth
tion, whether she is educated or not; working status of the whether the birth was single or multiple, birth interval, age
mother, whether she is involved in some work or not; birth of mother at childbirth, mother’s education, place of resi-
interval, mother’s age at first birth and size of child at birth, dence whether the family stay in rural or urban areas, region,
whether the weight of the child at birth was average or small ANC visits, dose of TT vaccine received, and status of child
are the important factors related to under-five child mortal- vaccination whether the child was fully vaccinated or not are
ity obtained by this study. the major covariates of under-five mortality.
3.4.4. Factors Related to Under-Five Child Mortality in the 3.4.5. Common Factors Related to Under-Five Child
Study Conducted in the Western Pacific Region. One study Mortality in the Studies Conducted in African, South-East
conducted in Cambodia [40] representing from Western Asia, Eastern Mediterranean, and Western Pacific Regions.
Pacific region studied the determinants of under-five mor- Among the significant determinants of under-five child
14 BioMed Research International
Number of studies
Working status of mother
Delivery complications
Birthorder & birth interval
Ethnic group
Figure 6: Number of studies and factors related to under-five mortality in South-East Asia region (n = 2).
mortality observed in this review, only one determinant has one study carried out in Cambodia from the Western Pacific
appeared common in all four regions while some other region were place of residence, region, type of birth whether
determinants appeared common only in two and three the birth was single or multiple, child vaccination, and the
regions as depicted in Figure 7. The education of the mother number of ANC visits.
was observed as a common significant covariate in all four
regions. Out of 18 studies carried out in African countries, 3.4.6. Uncommon Factors Related to Under-Five Child
7 (38.9%) studies [23–25, 27, 29, 31, 36] have reported that Mortality in the Studies Conducted in African, South-East
a mother’s education is a significant determinant of under- Asia, Eastern Mediterranean, and Western Pacific Regions.
five child mortality while both the studies conducted in In contrast to the factors that appeared common and signif-
South-East Asian countries [37, 38] and one study [39] con- icant at least in two regions as discussed above, interestingly,
ducted in each of Eastern Mediterranean and Western various factors were found uncommon and appeared signifi-
Pacific region [40] found education of mother as a signifi- cant to explain under-five child mortality in the studies
cant covariate of under-five mortality. Working status of conducted in the same regions. Figure 8 shows the several
the mother was obtained as a common covariate of under- socioeconomic, maternal, paternal, child, and community
five mortality in Africa, South-East Asia, and Eastern Medi- level determinants of childhood mortality in different studies.
terranean regions. Likewise, the variables age of the mother Sex of child, birth order, type of fuel for cooking, house-
at childbirth were found common in three regions except hold’s wealth index, family size, duration of breastfeeding,
for the Eastern Mediterranean region while birth interval marital status, religion, mode of delivery, type of toilet, and
appeared common except in the studies conducted in coun- place of delivery were obtained as significant determinants
tries of the South-East Asian region. Birth order and birth of under-five child mortality along with other factors as
interval, use of contraceptives, and ethnic group of mothers shown in Figure 8 in the studies carried out only in the Afri-
were observed as common covariates of under-five mortality can countries, whereas previous death of sibling, number of
in Africa and South-East Asian regions. TT vaccine taken children under age 5 at home, delivery complications, and
during pregnancy is another important covariate reported birthplace and mode of delivery were found important to
by the two studies conducted in South-East Asian countries explain childhood mortality only in the studies conducted
and one study conducted in a country belonging to the in South-East Asian countries [37, 38].
Western Pacific region. The size of the child at birth and
the age of mother at first birth are the next equally important 4. Discussion
variables reported by the studies conducted in African coun-
tries and one study conducted in Pakistan, belonging to the A large body of literature is available to explain the relation-
Eastern Mediterranean region. ship between the survival of under-five children and its
Similarly, other significant common factors explored by determinants around the globe. Our study examined the
the studies conducted in different African countries and results of such 22 studies selected from a systematic
BioMed Research International 15
ANC visits
Child vaccination
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Number of studies
Figure 7: Number of studies with common factors affecting under-five child mortality in different regions (n = 22).
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Number of studies
Figure 8: Number of studies with factors affecting the under-five child mortality separately in African and Asian countries (n = 22).
16 BioMed Research International
procedure and obtained several significant covariates associ- sibility of facing different obstetrics complications in those
ated to under-five child mortality. We have observed that mothers with short birth space as compared to those who
education of the mother, size of child at birth, age of mother have long birth intervals [47]. Type of birth, whether it was
at childbirth, place of residence, and birth interval are the a singleton or multiple, also affects the health of a newborn.
predominant factors of under-five mortality along with Different studies have revealed that multiple births have an
other covariates. Moreover, some factors appeared common inverse association with under-five mortality [19, 20, 23,
irrespective of the regions the studies were conducted, while 30–32, 40]. Such a relationship may exist due to the conse-
some covariates were not found common in the studies con- quences of many reasons. Some prevalent reasons are poor
ducted in different regions but were observed as important management of multiple births, higher possibility of birth
determinants of under-five child mortality. defects in multiple births, higher risk in pregnancy in com-
The education of mothers appeared as a key factor to parison to single birth, multiple births may cause growth
reduce under-five mortality [23–25, 27, 29, 31, 36–39]. Edu- retardation or premature birth, and other delivery complica-
cated mother seems to be highly sensible and aware of the tions [48, 49].
importance of health care utilization, nutrition, and sanita- In different studies carried out to assess the determinants
tion to improve the health of child than their counterpart. of child survival, birth order also emerged as another leading
Moreover, it is observed that even after controlling the fam- variable. The first-born child and child born with order four
ily socioeconomic status, lower maternal and paternal edu- and above (however differ from one study to another)
cation are both risk factors for under-five mortality [41, exhibit a higher risk of mortality in comparison to those in
42]. The size of the child at birth is another important risk the middle. The association between birth order and survival
factor for childhood mortality. Previous studies have shown of a child is found to be influenced by other variables, espe-
significantly less relative odds of under-five death among cially by birth spacing, age of mother, and variations in the
children whose sizes are average or above at birth as com- family [23, 49, 50]. Employment of women is one of the
pared to those whose sizes are small at birth [29, 36]. This important components of their empowerment, to make
fact implies the necessity of a balanced diet for the mother them financially independent and for the recognition of gen-
to improve the nutritional status of the child which ulti- der roles and gender relations. But many studies have shown
mately helps to have a normal size of child. The age of a higher risk of under-five mortality in those mothers who
mother at childbirth is another protective variable responsi- are employed [22, 37–39]. Such a result indicates that there
ble for the survival of the child. Poor biological and social should be feasible child-care alternatives for working women
mechanisms at young age mothers have an adverse effect instead of discouraging them to work. The regional disparity
on the health of their first child. A child born to adolescent of under-five mortality is another important issue to be
mothers exhibits fragile health outcomes and leads to a solved. Different studies found a significant relationship
higher risk of under-five death [43]. Different studies [19, between regions and under-five mortality [20, 22, 32, 33,
32, 33] have shown that younger age (generally below 20 40]. Such discrepancies in under-five mortality across the
years) of mother at childbirth revealed significantly higher region could be due to uneven access to healthcare facilities
odds of under-five mortality with reference to middle age or there might have different levels of childhood survival
(20-34) of childbearing; however, there is no particular com- programs, policies, and interventions. It is imperative to
mon age to segregate. Another prime dominant factor of explore the reasons and develop intervention strategies in
childhood mortality is the place of residence. The rural area order to reduce the gap. Many studies have revealed the
exhibited a higher risk of under-five mortality than the inverse relation between the economic status of a family
urban area in many studies [22, 25, 31, 33, 34, 40]. The and under-five mortality. Poor families are compelled to
significant disparity between rural and urban child mortality have higher risks of under-five mortality compared to rich
shows the immediate need for healthcare interventions and families [31, 39]. This disparity might exist due to several
exploration of its causes. Substantial variation in rural- reasons. Families with poor economic status become unable
urban child mortality across socio-economic, biodemo- to afford for expensive health care services in need, they may
graphic, and proximate factors was observed in a review not provide sufficient nutritional foods for mothers and may
study conducted using data from 35 (sub-Saharan) coun- be ignorant about the overall health care of child and
tries. To safeguard the survival of children, particularly in mother, etc.
rural areas, it is paramount to provide easy access and qual- Family size is another influential variable of child sur-
ity healthcare services and to strengthen maternal and child vival. The study conducted to explore the risk factors for
health programs [44]. The next significant covariate of childhood mortality in sub-Saharan Africa found lower
under-five mortality is birth space. Prior studies have shown mortality risks for those who were born in large households
that short birth intervals and child survival are inversely [21], whereas another study observed higher infant mortality
related. Women with short birth intervals possess higher in those households having a large number of children (3-5
odds of under-five mortality [45, 46]. Among various possi- and ≥6) in comparison to those having 1-2 children [51].
ble causes, this significant association may exist because a These two findings imply that rather than the number of
mother within the short birth interval (≤ to 18 months) family members, a large number of children could be a det-
could not be fit biologically for subsequent birth due to loss rimental factor in child mortality. The duration of breast-
of nutrients and blood loss during breastfeeding and preced- feeding is also a significant covariate of under-five child
ing pregnancy, respectively. Moreover, there is a higher pos- mortality. Past studies have shown that a longer period of
BioMed Research International 17
breastfeeding reduces the risk of under-five mortality [20, nomic, maternal, child-related factors allied to healthcare
26, 30, 33]. Breastfeeding yields sufficient natural nutrition utilization and community-level variables as important
to the newborn and protects them from different ailments, determinants of under-five mortality. Education of mother,
and it also enhances the immune system of children [52]. size of child at birth, age of mother at childbirth, place of
ANC is a maternal health care program offered by trained residence, and birth interval were the significant and most
health workers to pregnant women. Its main objectives are frequently observed covariates of under-five mortality.
to recognize the risk, prevention, and control pregnancy-
related diseases. It also offers health education for mothers Conflicts of Interest
and children [53]. Results from earlier studies revealed that
an increase in the number of ANC visits reduces under- There are no competing interests between authors regarding
five mortality [23, 24, 32, 40]. This finding suggests imple- the research, publication, and authorship of this article.
menting appropriate intervention programs to encourage
ANC visits in order to significantly reduce under-five mor- Authors’ Contributions
tality. The use of contraceptives is an important measure
to reduce childhood mortality. The likelihood of under-five MKB designed and conceptualized the proposal of the study,
mortality decreases with the use of contraceptives [23, 26, reviewed and developed a search strategy, executed searches,
37, 38]. Its uses increase the successive birth interval and and reviewed all articles satisfying the inclusion criteria.
contribute to increasing the survival of mothers and reduc- MKB extracted the relevant information from these articles,
ing childhood mortality [54]. performed the review, and prepared the manuscript. SPK
This study contains some limitations. Although the prin- verified the extracted records and reviewed and edited this
cipal objective of this study is to explore the exhaustive document. Both authors critically reviewed the content and
determinants of under-five mortality, the factors associated approved it for final submission.
with medical causes responsible for under-five mortality
are overlooked in this review. Identification of such factors Acknowledgments
besides socio-economic, maternal, child-related, health care
utilization, and community level variables may provide more We are very much grateful to all the researchers whose arti-
comprehensive information in the effort making to mitigate cles were used in this study and to all anonymous reviewers
under-five mortality. Furthermore, the prior studies which for their insightful comments and suggestions. The authors
were not available in the database and were not accessible would also like to acknowledge the Central Department
in the exploration through search engines are excluded from Research Committee (CDRC) members for their candid
this study. The results and interpretations made in this comments and suggestions as this study is part of a Ph.D.
review could be different if such studies were included in research work.
the analysis. Also, the possible discrepancies in the factors
explored by reviewed articles as a consequence of the appli- Supplementary Materials
cation of distinct statistical models for a particular study
design are disregarded in this study. Despite these limita- The supplementary information associated with this study
tions, this study, to the best of our understanding is an up- contain results of NIH quality assessment tools employed
to-date systematic review to identify the factors associated to evaluate the study. Each study was appraised using four-
with childhood mortality. The rigorous and meticulous teen different tools, and outcomes are summarized in a sup-
review process followed to ascertain the factors of childhood plementary table 1. (Supplementary Materials)
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