IEEE-Ai For Cybersecurity
IEEE-Ai For Cybersecurity
IEEE-Ai For Cybersecurity
Presented By - Presented By -
Abstract -The rate with which cyberattacks are taking behavior. Such methods, driven by AI, have the ability
place makes both individuals and organizations highly to evolve dynamically in accordance with new attack
threatened. More advanced detection and response vectors. This method enables real-time detection and
measures to security incidents are needed. Traditional threats before them do much damage.
cybersecurity solutions like signature-based detection
The paper is focused on attacks in two important
systems are now slow because new, sophisticated
cybersecurity areas: anomaly detection and threat
attacks keep emerging at such a rate. This paper
prediction. In anomaly detection, one refers to the
addresses the use of artificial intelligence and machine
identification of nonnormal network behavior, often a
learning techniques to improve cybersecurity through
condition of an ongoing attack or unauthorized
real-time anomaly detection and threat prediction.
activity. On the other hand, threat prediction uses
The paper focuses on AI models for anomaly detection
historical data and predictive models to predict the
and threat prediction. The system architecture is
probability of future threats with enough time for
comprised of several machine learning models, such
protective actions to be initiated beforehand.
as isolation forests, neural networks, to identify
deviation from normal behavior and predict possible This paper is aimed at establishing a robust system
threats. Preliminary results compared to traditional architecture using machine learning algorithms
approaches have depicted better detection accuracy, capable of improving the accuracy and efficiency
fewer false positives, and faster response time. These levels of cybersecurity systems utilizing models for
findings indicate that AI-based solutions shall improve anomaly detection and threat predictions in network
the effectiveness of the cyber intrusion detection environments using isolation forests, neural networks,
system, fraud prevention system, and network and support vector machines. We test the validity of
security systems. This work falls within the use of AI to these models using publicly available datasets for
address emerging cyber threats and protect critical cybersecurity, CICIDS and KDD Cup.
Keywords – Anomaly Detection, Machine Learning,
Cybersecurity, Threat Protection, Intrusion Detection AI and ML have emerged as the best tools in modern
System (IDS), Network Security. cybersecurity to complement loopholes left by
traditional systems; for instance, signature-based
methods, which have proven ineffective against new,
With this ever-expanding space digitally, threats are
sophisticated threats.
growing not only in their scale and scope but also
potentially to harm people, companies, and 1 Anomaly detection: AI techniques - among others,
infrastructures whose failures can unleash devastating Isolation Forests and Autoencoders - are commonly
results. Traditional methods of cybersecurity, firewalls, used for identifying anomalous behaviours in network
and signature-based detection cannot keep up with
traffic. Such models are good at detecting zero-day
the pace of the evolving and fast-changing attack
attacks but normally suffer from high false positive
technology. Traditional systems rely on predefined
rules and signatures of known attacks and therefore rates. Approaches hybridizing anomaly detection with
cannot protect against new unknown or advanced more traditional methods are now becoming relevant
attacks such as zero-day exploits and APTs. to ensure greater improvements in detection accuracy.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my
advisors, mentors, and colleagues for their