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Submitted to the Department of Library and Information Science, University of Delhi, Delhi
in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement of B- 111 Bachelor of Library and Information
Science: Internship Programme of B.L.I.Sc. for the Award of the Degree of Bachelor of
Library and Information Science.

Submitted by
Exam roll no- 21206782056

Prof. Shailendra Kumar (Head of Department)

Department of Library and Information Science

University of Delhi
Delhi – 110007
Internship Programme During Aug-Sep 2022


I owe my deep sense of gratitude to my respected supervisor prof. Shailendra Kumar, HOD,
Department of Library and Information Science, University of Delhi, for his meticulous and expert
guidance, constructive criticism, patient hearing and benevolent behaviour throughout my ordeal of the
present research. I shall remain grateful to him for his cordial, cooperative attitude, wise and
knowledgeable counsel that acted as an impetus in the successful completion of my Internship Report.

I would like to particularly thank National Informatics Centre’s Officer Librarian, Mr. P.K Upadhyay:
Technical Director & HOD Library for giving me guidance and inspiration during my training period
at National Informatics Centre. I will always be thankful for the kind help extended by the HOD of library
and the help provided by the team members; Mr. Mahesh Raj: Technical Director, Mrs. Rekha
Gupta: Technical Director, and Mrs. Sharda Devi: Staff.
I would also like to sincerely thank Mr. Mahesh Raj for always guiding and helping in preparation of
training report.
I am sincerely thankful to all the teachers of the department viz. Prof. Rakesh Kumar Bhatt, Prof.
(Mrs.) Paramjit Kaur Walia, prof. K.P. Singh, Prof. Margam. Madhusudan, Dr. (Mrs.) Meera, and
Dr. Manish Kumar for their help, encouragement and guidance which helped me in learning and
understanding the philosophy of librarianship. I also convey my thanks to Department Library Staff for
extending their support in my study in the department. At last, but not least my friends in the department
who deserves some words of thanks.

Internship Programme During Aug-Sep 2022


Page No.

Acknowledgement i

Contents ii

Summary v

List of Abbreviations Used vi


1.1 Introduction 7

1.2 Objectives of NIC 8


2.1 NIC library 9

2.2 Library structure 9

2.3 Collection 9

2.4 Classification 9

2.5 Library Computerization/ Automation 9

2.6 Users and membership 10

2.7 Library services 10

CHAPTER 3: MCIT Library Consortium and MietY 13

3.1 MCIT Consortium 13

Internship Programme During Aug-Sep 2022

3.2 About MietY 14

3.3 MietY Organisations 17

3.4 MietY Information and Documentation Centre 18

CHAPTER 4: News NIC: news clipping services 19


5.1 About E-granthalaya 24

5.2 Web address and demo user-Ids/passwords 24

5.3 Development Platform 25

5.4 Hosting server 25

5.5 Modules 25

CHAPTER 6: Current articles and journals from IEEE and ACM 27

CHAPTER 7: Analysis of Digital Government Research in India 34

7.1 Web of Science 34

7.2 Scopus 37


Annexure-I News Clips search query and websites sample News clip 40

Annexure-II E-Granthalaya: Entry & search of books 51

Annexure-III Current Articles from IEEE and ACM 55

Annexure-IV 4,039 Web of science articles on Digital Government Research in India 70

Annexure-V 2,493 Scopus articles on Digital Government Research in India 72

Annexure-VI MietY Organisations Data on Web of Science and Scopus 74

Annexure-VII Graph and chart of digital Government Research in India 78

Internship Programme in NIC during Aug-Sep 2022


Librarianship is a distinct and distinguished profession in modern society. It is engaged in

public service and plays an important role in national development. Librarianship today is
termed as “Library and Information Profession” since the concept of librarianship has changed
in view of the changing information needs of the society. Library and Information Science
(LIS) is a noble profession. In the Paper-B111, the practical training was given to the students
which encouraged to learn and achieve different kind of practical work of library profession. It
gave a good exposure and confidence. With the help of this paper the practical working of
different sections of the library i.e., Acquisition Section, Circulation Section, Periodical Section
and Reference Section. We have also learnt the important skills and ethics of Librarianship.

National Informatics Centre is contributing to our nation by providing computer awareness,

developing and implementing computer-based information systems for decision support. While
the information and communication technology sources developed by NIC helps the nation to
become tech savvy, the information needs of NIC’s staffs and users is fulfilled by its Library
and Information services division. For fulfilling the purpose, the division is equipped with latest
tools of information technology and provides a number of services to its users. The library has
a good collection of different types of documents, mainly in the field of information technology
and allied subjects. The library’s staff is highly qualified and skilled and also provides training
to students in library and information science field.

The main tasks covered during this training period included learning and gathering
knowledge about the various services provided by NIC and its library. Other tasks
included providing daily news-clipping services related to information technology of NIC
and MeitY. Second task included a training session of e- Granthalaya, which is a digital
platform developed by National Informatics Centre and Ministry of Electronics and
Information Technology for government libraries, followed by preparing book entries
and detailed report on e-Granthalaya. Third task included a current journals/article on
Open Data Technology, Environmental Informatics, Digital Government, Electronics
and Semi-Conductor from IEEE and ACM websites. Fourth task included a search of
articles on Scopus and web of science of MeitY’s division such as “C-DAC”, “CMET”,
“STQC”, etc. The final task performed in the training session included gathering articles
affiliated to Digital Government Research in India provided by the websites of Scopus
and Web of Science.

Internship Programme During Aug- Sept 2022


NIC- National Informatics Centre

ACM- Association for Computing Machinery
IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
OPAC- Open Public Access Catalogue
NIC Net - National Informatics Centre Network
UDC - Universal Decimal Classification
WOS - Web of Science
MEITY- Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology
C-DAC- Centre Development of Advance Computing
CMET- Centre for Materials for Electronics Technology
CDOT- Centre for Development of Telematics
STQC-Standardization Testing and Quality Certification
ERNET-Education and Research Network
NIELET- National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology
STPI-Software Technology Park of India
SAMEER- Society for Applied Microwave Electronics Engineering & Research

Internship Programme During Aug-Sep 2022


1.1 Introduction
National Informatics Centre (NIC) is a premiere Science and Technology
institution for providing e- governance solutions, adopting best practices,
integrated services and global solutions in government sector. Information is
provided about activities of the Centre such as antivirus services, computer
aided design, geographical information systems, integrated network systems,
internet data centre, IT training services, etc. Details of web services and web
cast services are also provided.

National Informatics Centre was established in 1976 and is based in New Delhi,
National Informatics Centre (NIC) under the Ministry of Electronics and
Information Technology (MeitY) is the technology partner of the Government
of India.
Through its ICT Network, ""NICNET"", NIC has institutional linkages with all
the ministries and departments of the central government; 36 state governments
and union territories; and about 737 district administrations of India. NIC has
been instrumental in steering e-governance applications in government
ministries and departments thus facilitating improvement in government
services and transparency; and promoting decentralized planning and
All of this results in better efficiency and accountability to the people of India.
NIC has managed to garner much experience in the design, development, and
operationalization of various e-government projects in the areas of public

Internship Programme During Aug-Sep 2022

administration and governance, including agriculture and food, animal

husbandry, fisheries, forestry and environment, industry, health, education,
budget and treasury, fiscal resources, transport, water resources, court
management, rural development, land records and property registration, culture
and tourism, import and exports facilitation, social welfare services, and micro-
level planning.

1.2 Objectives of NIC

NIC has also developed several digital platforms for the socio-economic
development of the country with ‘One-Nation One-Platform’ initiative to
empower citizens digitally. Its services have created a perfect interaction of the
Government with citizens, Government employees and businesses. With an
objective of focused study of new technology, explore and experiment their use
in governance, NIC has set-up Centre of Excellence (CoE) in Data Analytics,
Artificial Intelligence, Block chain and Application Security.
NIC has been continuously working towards a meaningful use of emerging
technologies in governance across all levels of government.
With the objective of focused study of new technology, and explore and
experiment their use in governance, NIC has setup Centres of Excellence for
Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics. Use of mobile technologies has
greatly helped in delivery of services to citizens along with planning and
decision making in the government.
National Informatics Centre (NIC) is a science and technology organization that
provides egovernance and ICT applications, and informatics services.
NIC is responsible for a number of core activities that include the setting up of
ICT infrastructure; implementation of national and state level e-governance
projects; consultancy to the government departments; research and
development; and capacity building.
The organization’s comprehensive service portfolio includes computer-aided
design, digital signature certification, geographical-information system,
domain-name registration for gov.in and nic.in, informatics, internet data
centre, mathematical modelling and simulation, computer networking, office-
procedure automation, training, cyber security, video conferencing, and website
hosting and website development.

Website of NIC: https://www.nic.in

Internship Programme During Aug-Sep 2022


2.1 NIC Library

LIS Division of NIC is an internal division, started with an objective to fulfill
the information needs of staff/users. The library is managed by skilled staff and
has accumulated a good collection of books, journals, manuals, standards, etc.
in the field of Information Technology and allied subjects. The library is
equipped with latest tools of information technology from artificial intelligence
to others and provides a number of services to its users.

2.2 Library structure

The library is located in NIC HQ building (A-Block, CGO Complex, Lodhi
Road, New Delhi) at 4th floor. The books, current issues of journals, manuals
and, standards are housed in halls present there and the bound volumes of
journals are housed in different hall. The reading room is also present there
which is lively and spacious in nature and provides wonderful space to read.

2.3 Collection
NIC library has a very good collection of following types of documents,
particularly in the field of information technology and allied subjects:

Internship Programme During Aug-Sep 2022

Table 1: List of library resources in NIC Library

IPAG collection 5953

NIC collection 14000 (as on 2006)

Bound Journals 4000 (as on 2006)

CDs 300
Manuals 200
Standards 400

Table 2: List of various types of collection in NIC Library

Type of Collection Nos.

Books (IPAG) 5953

Books (NIC) 14000

Bound Journals 4000

Articles 5000

Manuals 200

Standards 500

2.4 Classification
Books are arranged in the shelves of library according to classification number
assigned by UDC (Universal Decimal Classification) scheme. The loose issues
of current journals are displayed on display racks alphabetically by their titles.

2.5 Library Computerization/ Automation

NIC library is a fully computerized library, uses two different library
automation software:

(a) LibSys from 1988 to 1997

Internship Programme During Aug-Sep 2022

(b) Basis Plus/Techlib Plus from 1998 - 2004

Later during 2005, it started to use e-Granthalaya software for computerization of library
activities. Library has also been provided internet connectivity through local LAN and nation-
wide NICNET. As a result of this, library provides a wide range of on-line services to its users.
With the rising e-services, for the purpose of computerization, library has been provided well
advanced systems in terms of hardware, software and connectivity.

2.6 Users and Membership

NIC library membership is open to NIC staff only.
However, temporary membership is also provided to trainees for short period.
No membership fee is charged from any user.

2.7 Library services

NIC library offers a wide range of services such as lending of documents,
reference, current awareness, inter library loan, SDI, etc.

After becoming the registered library member, a user can avail the lending
services in the following manner: -

● Only five number of books or bound volumes of journals will be

issued on request to the circulation counter.

● The issued documents can only be retained for a period of one

month only. However, if the documents required further, it may
be re-issued for a further of one month.

● The loose issues of current journals will not be issued for more
than one night. However, back issues (loose) of journals may be
retained for one week only.

● CD-ROMs will not be issued with the books accompanying them.

However, on special request, CD-ROMs may be issued for one
day only.


● The books/ journals not available in NIC library may be received

on inter library loan from other institute/ library for 15 days only.
● This facility is also available to other institute/ library where they
can get 2 number of documents only for a period of 15 days.

Internship Programme During Aug-Sep 2022

● To avail this service, users /libraries /institutes are expected to

make request in writing with full bibliographic details of
document required.

● In case of other library/institute request for ILL from NIC library,

postal charges, if any, shall be borne by the concerned


● Users may get photocopy of articles from journals/books required

for their projects.

● The request for photocopy must be given in a prescribed format

(available from library) and must be signed by OIC, Library.

● At present, photocopy service is available in a very limited way.

Only potential request will be accepted for this service.


Library has installed / provided one computer terminal where any user can
access & browse OPAC of NIC library database of books and journals. The
OPAC provides full bibliographic details of documents, their location on shelf
and their state of availability. No printing is allowed from OPAC.


For information or assistance in the user of library and its services, the user may
approach the reference desk/library staff. In case of specialized information or
any difficulty in getting the assistance, the users may approach Officer in
charge, Library (OIC, LIBRARY NIC)


NIC library provides Current Awareness and SDI services regularly. The library
keeps the records of user-specific subject requirement (user profile) matched
regularly with the incoming documents Profile and thus, SDI output is generated
and passed on to the users. Besides, library generates a list of recent arrivals
(books) as well as articles from current journals and supply these to the users.
Now, the output file for both the services is posted to users by E-Mail.

Internship Programme During Aug-Sep 2022

NEWSNIC (NIC in News) service on world wide web was started on 1 st

November 1998 with the help of ‘Multimedia and Presentation Division’. This
service covers NIC news items and other IT related news from twenty leading
national dailies. The NIC news items/ ITS news items are scanned, converted
to HTML format and made available on world wide web page.


NIC Library is available on Web. This site is accessible to NICNET users only
during working hour from Monday to Friday. Various services of Library are
available through internet. The main library web page links to the various
pages/services/databases like: -

a. BOOKS CATALOGUE- Here the user can search/browse the full

catalogue of books available in NIC Library. At present more than
21,000 books are available in the library collection. This shows the
full bibliographic details along with the current status of the book.
(Free-text searching e-Granthalaya Bibliographic Database)

b. ARTICLES DATABASE- Like books catalogue here the user can

search approximately 12,000 articles indexed from more than 300
journals being subscribed in the library.

c. NEWSNIC SERVICE- A News Clippings Service from Library,

SQL Database, this database is in SQL Server and daily updated
where important news clippings are uploaded from 23 national
dailies. The database can be search over internet by NIC officials
only. The news items indexed are generally about Information
Technology developments.

d. DATAPRO REPORTS (FULL-TEXT Database from M/s. Gartner

Group, Inc. USA) This is a commercial database available from M/s.
Gartner Group, Inc; USA in the field of Information Technology.
This provides more than 25000 state-of the Report in IT field. The
reports are full-text and can be accessed by NIC Officials only.

e. SPECIAL ISSUES OF JOURNALS (1988-2002) - This database has

been designed in SQL and published over Internet. The database
provides special issues of journals available in the NIC library. So
far, this includes special issues from 1988 onwards and can be
searched by journal name, keywords, author name and title, etc.

f. JOURNALS HOLDINGS- This database is in SQL and contains

more than 6000 bound volumes of 700 journals. The database can be
searched journal-wise and accession number-wise.

Website of NIC Library - http://library.nic.in/

Internship Programme During Aug-Sep 2022


3.1MCIT Library Consortium

MCIT Library Consortium comprises organizations from Ministry of
Communication and Information Technology (MCIT); Department of
Telecommunication (DOT). These organizations have their own Libraries,
Documentation Centres and Information Centres to meet the information
needs of their officials. These organizations spend huge amount of their
budget to purchase/subscribe books, journals etc. Sometimes it has been
observed that these libraries purchase common/similar information resources
separately. Thus, there is a need of common purchasing and sharing of
information resources among these organizations for the best utilization of
their library budget as well as information resources.

Internship Programme During Aug-Sep 2022

3.2 About MietY

The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) is an
executive agency of the Union Government of the Republic of India. It was
carved out of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology on
19 July 2016 as a standalone ministerial agency responsible for IT policy,
strategy and development of the electronics industry.

e-Development of India as the engine for transition into a developed nation
and an empowered society.


To promote e-Governance for empowering citizens, promoting the inclusive

and sustainable growth of the Electronics, IT & ITeS industries, enhancing
India’s role in Internet Governance, adopting a multipronged approach that
includes development of human resources, promoting R&D and innovation,
enhancing efficiency through digital services and ensuring a secure cyber


• e-Government: Providing e-infrastructure for delivery of e-services

• e-Industry: Promotion of electronics hardware manufacturing and IT-

ITeS industry

• e-Innovation / R&D: Implementation of R&D Framework - Enabling

creation of Innovation/ R&D Infrastructure in emerging areas of
ICT&E/Establishment of mechanism for R&D translation

• e-Learning: Providing support for development of e-Skills and

Knowledge network

• e-Security: Securing India’s cyber space

• e-Inclusion: Promoting the use of ICT for more inclusive growth

• Internet Governance: Enhancing India’s role in Global Platforms of

Internet Governance.

Website: https://www.meity.gov.in/

Internship Programme During Aug-Sep 2022

3.3 MeitY Organisations

National Informatics Centre (NIC)

National Informatics Centre (NIC) of the Ministry of Electronics and

Information Technology is providing network backbone and e-Governance
support to Central Government, State Governments, UT Administrations,
Districts and other Government bodies. It offers a wide range of ICT services
including Nationwide Communication Network for decentralised planning,
improvement in Government services and wider transparency of national and
local Governments. NIC assists in implementing Information Technology
Projects, in close collaboration with Central and State Governments, in the
areas of (a) Centrally sponsored schemes and Central sector schemes, (b) State
sector and State sponsored projects, and (c) District Administration sponsored
projects. NIC endeavours to ensure that the latest technology in all areas of IT
is available to its users.


Standardisation Testing and Quality Certification (STQC) Directorate is an attached office of

the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India, provides
quality assurance services in the area of Electronics and IT through countrywide network of
laboratories and centres. The services include Testing, Calibration, IT & e-Governance,
Training and Certification to public and private organizations.
STQC laboratories are having national/International accreditation and recognitions in the area
of testing and calibration.
Besides testing and calibration STQC has specialized institutions such as Indian Institute of
Quality Management (IIQM) for quality related training programs and Centre for Reliability
(CFR) for reliability related services.
In the area of IT & e-Governance, STQC provides Quality assurance services for Software
testing, Information Security and IT Service Management by conducting testing, training,
audit and certifications.


C-DAC is a premier research and development Society of DeitY. Spread across 11 cities in
the country, the various labs of C-DAC carry out cutting edge R&D and innovation activities
Internship Programme During Aug-Sep 2022

ranging from conceptualization to field deployment, in a number of areas within the space of
electronics, information and communication technologies having national and international
C-DAC’s thematic areas of current focus include (a) High Performance Computing/
Supercomputing and Grid Computing, (b) Indian Language Technologies, (c) Cyber Security,
(d) Professional Electronics covering VLSI Technologies, Power Systems Technologies,
Intelligent Transport Systems, (e) Health Informatics, (f) Software Technologies covering Free
& Open-Source Technologies and e-Governance Applications, and (g) Education Technologies
covering e-Learning and intelligent Class Rooms. In each of the areas, it has produced
significant results in terms of innovation, system design and development, research publication
as well as deployment.


Centre for Materials for Electronics Technology (C-MET) has been set up as a
Registered Scientific Society in March 1990 under Department of Information
Technology (formerly Department of Electronics) as a unique concept for
development of viable technologies in the area of materials mainly for
electronics. C-MET is operating with 3 laboratories located at Pune (Head
Quarters), Hyderabad and Thrissur with specialized research mandate at each


Education & Research in Computer Networking (ERNET)

ERNET India is an autonomous scientific society under the administrative
control of Dept. of Information Technology, Government of India having one
of the largest nationwide terrestrial and satellite networks with 5 points of
presence located at the premier academic and research institutions in major
cities of the country. Focus of ERNET India is not limited to just providing
connectivity, but to meet the entire needs of the academic and research
institutions by providing consultancy, project management, training and other
value-added services such as web hosting, e-mail services, video
conferencing, domain registration, CUG services.


Internship Programme During Aug-Sep 2022

National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (NIELIT) is an

autonomous scientific society under the administrative control of Ministry of
Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY), Government of India.
NIELIT is actively engaged in Capacity Building and Skill Development in
the areas of Information Technology (IT); Electronics; Communication
Technologies; Hardware; Cyber Law; Cyber Security; Geographic
Information System (GIS); Cloud Computing; Electronics System Design &
Manufacturing (ESDM); e-Waste; Internet of Things (IoT); Big Data; Block
Chain; Data Analytics; e-Governance and related verticals. It offers courses
both in Formal as well as Non-Formal Sectors and is also one of the National
Examination Bodies. NIELIT accredits institutes/ organizations for the
conduct of courses in the Non-Formal Sector. NIELIT is also rolling out IT
Literacy Programmes for many State Governments for its employees and the
masses. NIELIT is also entrusted by many organizations to conducts
their recruitment examinations. NIELIT has vast experience in
conducting Online examinations and Third-party assessments of courses.


SAMEER is a premier R & D Laboratory dedicated to research, design and

development in the field of RF and Microwave systems. SAMEER head quarter
is located in IIT, Powai campus. The R & D activities at this centre mainly
emphasize RF / Microwave systems and applications. However, there is also
interdisciplinary research initiative addressing broader spectrum of electronics
areas like optoelectronics, Digital signal processing, Navigational aids, radars,
atmospheric remote sensing systems and Linear accelerators for cancer therapy.
Many of the R & D programs lead to systems, products and technologies which
are directly usable in diverse applications.


Software Technology Parks of India (STPI)

Software Technology Parks of India was set up in 1991 as an autonomous

society under the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY).
STPI’s main objective has been the promotion of software exports from the
country. STPI acts as ‘single-window in providing services to the software
exporters. The services rendered by STPI for the software exporting community
have been statutory services, data communications services, incubation
facilities, training and value-added services. STPI has played a key
developmental role in the promotion of software exports with a special focus
on SMEs and start-up units

3.4 Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology

Information & Documentation Centre

Internship Programme During Aug-Sep 2022

This Department has a spacious well-planned Library viz Information and

Documentation Centre (I&DC), with an inventory of latest books and journals.
It uses RFID based Library Management System to manage issue & return of
books and journals. I&DC also provides various other services like Inter-
Library loan facility to the officials of the Department through DELNET
(Developing Library Network). Services are also provided to the retired
officials of the Department and trainees who undertake projects in the
Department. The Information & Documentation Centre possesses
approximately 30,000 books on various subjects including Electronics,
Computer, IT, Computer languages, Fiction, Hindi and English literature.
I&DC procures on an average 100 books and approximately 56 journals per
annum. Currently, e-Books service is also available to the authorized users.
Library has RFID system for the issue and return of books.

The Department is spearheading an Intra – Ministerial Initiative viz the

Library Consortium, Ministry of Communication & Information Technology
(MCIT), Consortium of the Department (MCIT Consortium) comprises the
users from the National Informatics Centre (NIC), C-DAC, NIELIT,
and Department of Posts. The Department provides on-line access to various
e-Resources i.e., IEL, ACM Digital Library and ISO Standards to its users
through MCIT Library Consortium.

Internship Programme During Aug-Sep 2022


News media plays a great role in generating public opinion by keeping

informed in current developments. There are thousands of news channels
and newspapers in India. NIC library has been providing news clipping
service (News NIC) as a part of the current literature alerts service (CLAS)
to NIC officers since long time. News clips are captured from important
national dallies from internet and print news media.
News NIC service covers the news items related to information technology
and allied subjects. This news compilation also includes news items on
NIC project activities and events.
News clipping service is one of the common services provided by libraries
and information centres. In the old days under this service, libraries used to
provide copy of the important NEWS items published in various national
and international newspapers. During those days, libraries used to cut and
paste these news items on plain papers or take xerox of these news items
and then circulate these among the key officials in their organizations. Now,
use of information technology has changed the mode of news clipping
service in libraries and information centres. This certainly has facilitated
wide circulation of the news items in networked environment with better
archives searching. Moreover, with the availability of web technology and
user-friendly database technology. It has become possible now to provide
news clipping service in full-text over the world wide web.

Internship Programme During Aug-Sep 2022

Step1: First Go to Web site: https://news.google.co.in
Web site: https://news.google.co.in/ Web site: https://google.com/ >> News >>
Tools -
>Recent->Recent Sorted by relevance-> Sorted by date

Step2: click any relevant and latest news

Internship Programme During Aug-Sep 2022

Step3: Copy and paste news headlines a long with full text in MS Word file.
Only NIC and Meity news as full text and other news heading and summary
Step4: Hyper link news title with original newspaper and news web site.
Samples of News clippings of NIC done by Aakriti are provided below:

Internship Programme During Aug-Sep 2022


 “National Informatics Centre"

 “Neeta Verma”

 राष्ट्रीय सचनाू विज्ञान कें द्र

 एनआईसी

 “इलेक्ट्रॉननक्ट्् स और सचनाू प्रौद्योविकी मंत्रालय”

 “इलेक्ट्रॉननक्ट्् स एं ड इनफामेशन टे क्ट््नोलॉजी”

 “Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology” OR “ Ministry of Information
Technology ”

➢ “Centre for Development of Advanced Computing” OR CDAC OR C-DAC

 “Electronics and Information Technology” OR “Electronics and IT”

 “Electronics & Information Technology” OR “Electronics & IT”

➢ “Ajay Prakash Sawhney”

 “Ravi Shankar Prasad”

 “Sanjay Shamrao Dhotre”

 “Software Technology Parks of India” OR STPI

 STQC or Standardisation, Testing and Quality Certification

Internship Programme During Aug-Sep 2022

 “CERT-IN" and India

 Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (ICERT)

 Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI)

 National Informatics Centre Services Inc.(NICSI) (PSE under control of NIC)

 National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (NIELIT -

Formerly DOEACC Society)

 “Cyber security” and MEITY

 “Cyber security” or NIC

 “Cyber security” OR “cybercrime” OR “cyber-attack” OR “cyber threat” OR

“website hack” AND India

 "Websites hacked" OR "website hacked" OR "website hack" OR " hacking

website “

 [1] https://government.economictimes.indiatimes.com/nic

 [2] https://government.economictimes.indiatimes.com/tag/digital+india

 [3] https://cio.economictimes.indiatimes.com/

 [4] https://ciso.economictimes.indiatimes.com

 [5] https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/tech

 [6] https://www.bing.com/news?FORM=Z9!H4

 [7] https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/info-tech/

 [8] https://www.financialexpress.com/industry/technology/
 [9] https://www.expresscomputer.in/
[10] https://cio.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/digital-security

Internship Programme During Aug-Sep 2022


5.1 About e-Granthalaya:

e-Granthalaya is a Digital Agenda for Automation and Networking of
Government Libraries. It is a Digital Platform developed and maintained by
National Informatics Centre, Ministry of Electronics and Information
Technology, Government of India. Under this platform, NIC Provides Library
Management Software with Digital Library Module and Cloud Hosting facility
to Government Libraries on request basis.
e-Granthalaya is useful to transform traditional libraries to e-Library with
Digital Library Services which includes, automation of in-house activities of
libraries, digital library integration, and to provide various online member
services using Single Window Access System.
The various organizations under Ministry of Electronics and Information
Technology, Government of India have their own Libraries, Documentation
Centres and Information Centres to meet the information needs of their officials.
This forms a complete cluster is dedicated to these libraries where all these
libraries are using e-Granthalaya 4.0 hosted in NIC National Cloud.
The cluster provides online mode for data entry and member services. It
provides access to Union Catalogue of these libraries as well as access to e-
Books and Digital Repository.
Version of e-Granthalaya: Current version e-granthalya in use is version
4.0,developed in the year 2015 and is an enterprise edition based on PostgreSQL
an open source DBMS.

Internship Programme During Aug-Sep 2022

5.2. Web Address and Demo User-Ids/Passwords:

Web address of e-granthalaya: https://eg4.nic.in/mcit/
Web address of e- granthalaya 4.0 Demo: https://eg4.nic.in/demo/
First account:

• Demo user Id 1: DEMOUSER1

• Password: Dem$123
Second account:

• Demo user Id 2: DEMOUSER2

• Password: Dem$123
To access the OPAC: https://eg4.nic.in/MCIT/OPAC/

5.3 Development Platform:

The current version of e-Granthalaya came in 2015 with enterprise edition. The
e-Granthalaya software is not installed in libraries, rather it is hosted in NIC
cloud libraries need to use it online
Tools used: -

• Front –End: ASP.Net 4.0 Framework

• Back – End: Postgre SQL- an open-source DBMS

• Report: Crystal report

5.4 Hosting Server:

e-Granthalaya application is hosted in NIC National Cloud (Meghraj) and used
SAAS type of cloud computing. e-Granthalaya used .NET programming.

5.5 Modules Under e-Granthalaya:

1.Library Administrator

2.Master Data

3.Books Acquisition

Internship Programme During Aug-Sep 2022



7.Micro Documents

8.Bills Processing

9.Search and Reports


Internship Programme During Aug-Sep 2022

Task1: IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Step1: go to IEEE Explore https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/browse/periodicals/title

Screenshot1: Home Page of IEEE Explore

Step2: At menu select Browse, under browse select Journals & Magazines

Internship Programme During Aug-Sep 2022

Step3: select ‘By title’ & type subjects like “Electronics and Semi-conductor
keywords one by one

Step4: Go to Search for results

Screenshot3: showing result screen of IEEE Explore

Internship Programme During Aug-Sep 2022

Task -2 Articles Search on IEEE

Step -1 Visit the website of IEEE- https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/browse/periodicals/title

Step -2 Click on Advance search for the articles on “Digital Government”, “Open Data
Technology” and “Environmental Informatics”.

Step -3 Go to search for results

Internship Programme During Aug-Sep 2022

Task3: ACM (Association for Computer Machinery)

Step1: Go to website https://dl.acm.org/

Screenshot4: Home Page of ACM

Step2: Click on journal option on the main search page

Internship Programme During Aug-Sep 2022

Step3: Select journal and use phrase like: “Electronics” and “Semi-conductor”
one by one.

Task -4 Search Articles on ACM

Internship Programme During Aug-Sep 2022

Step1: Go to website https://dl.acm.org/

Step-2: Click on the Advance search for research articles on

“Environmental Informatics”, “Digital Government” and “Open
Data Technology”.

Step-3: Go to search for results

Internship Programme During Aug-Sep 2022

Internship Programme During Aug-Sep 2022


7.1 Web of Science

Nowadays, research community has been publishing an enormous number of papers in
different fields. In such an environment, it is essential to know right kind of database to
search literature. It has been seen that two most extensive databases are Web of Science and
Scopus. WoS from Thomson Reuters was the only citation database and publication covering
all domains of science for many years. However, Elsevier Science introduced the database
Scopus in 2004 and it rapidly became a good alternative. There are several scholarly papers
which compared the coverage, features, and citation analysis capabilities these two major
systems. Scholars have observed advantages and limitations of one database with that of
other. The competition among WOS and Scopus is intense. The competition has led to
improvements in the services offered by them.

Thomson Reuter's Web of Science (WoS): The Web of Science™ is the world’s
most trusted publisher-independent global citation database. Guided by the legacy of Dr
Eugene Garfield, inventor of the world’s first citation index, the Web of Science is the most
powerful research engine, delivering your library with best-in-class publication and citation
data for confident discovery, access and assessment. provides access to a network of
scholarly articles linked by their references. Articles have been indexed from journals since
1960 and 12,000 journals are currently covered. WoS is the online version of the Science
Citation Index with some differences. Separate annual editions covering science, social
sciences, and the arts and humanities have been integrated into a multiyear multidisciplinary
system. WoS covers nearly 23 million source papers from the 1940s to the present, and
frequently updated.

Web of Science is updated with approximately 25,000 articles and 700,000 cited
references added each week.
• Covers 12,311+ journals from 256 categories, 110,000 proceedings
from conferences, symposia, seminars, colloquia worldwide
• Journal backfiles to 1900, cover-to-cover indexing, cited reference and
chemical structure searches
• Science – 7100 international journals and highly cited book series in 170
categories back to 1900
• Social Sciences – 1,750 international journals and highly cited book
series in 50 subject categories back to 1954

Internship Programme During Aug-Sep 2022

• Arts & Humanities – 1,200 international journals and highly cited book
series in 25 categories back to 1975
• Complete backfiles to 1945 however put total at ~37 million records
• Cited reference and chemical structure searches
• Author identification tools
• Analysis capabilities
• Direct links to your full-text collections

Step1: Access the web of science through Du E-library login details and Go to
website of Web of Science https://www-webofscience-com
Step2: click on the document option and paste in Boolean search (("information
technology" OR ict OR "data processing" OR "information and
communication technology") AND government) OR TOPIC: ("electronic
government" OR e-government OR "digital government" OR e-governance
OR "electronic governance") AND ADDRESS: (India)
Timespan: All years. Indexes: SCI-EXPANDED, SSCI, A&HCI, ESCI.

Screenshot1: Search Screen of Web of Science database

Step-3: After 2nd step we got 3,528 results which are affiliated to Digital Governance

Internship Programme During Aug-Sep 2022

Screenshot2: showing result screen of web of science

Following query for searching ‘Digital Government in India’ scholarly literature

was used.

Results: 4,039
(From Web of Science Core Collection)
searched for: TOPIC: ((“information technology" OR ict OR "data
processing" OR "information and communication technology”) AND
government) OR TOPIC: ("electronic government" OR e-government OR
"digital government" OR e-governance OR "electronic governance") AND
ADDRESS: (India)
Results: 300
Timespan: All years. Indexes: SCI-EXPANDED, SSCI, A&HCI, ESCI.
But this result of 4,039 papers from WoS included papers from inside India
authors even after filtering using below query:
Searched without address:(India)

Results in 2022: 303

Internship Programme During Aug-Sep 2022

7.2 Scopus

Scopus: Elsevier’s Scopus [11] indexes 53 million records, 21,915 titles and
content from 5,000 publishers, and claims to be the largest abstract and citation
database of research literature and quality web sources. Elsevier is the owner
of Scopus and is also one of the main international publishers of scientific
• Scopus contains 53 million records, 70% with abstracts
• Nearly 22,000 titles from 5,000 publishers worldwide
• 4.9 million conference proceedings, 1,200 Open Access journals
• 100% Medline coverage
• 20+ million records back to 1996 with references
• 20+ million pre-1996 records go back as far as 1869
• 40,000 monographs or books
• 386 million scientific web pages
• 22 million patent records from 5 patent offices
• Links to full-text & other library resources
• Innovative tools to review results and refine to relevant hits

Step-1: Access the Scopus through Du E-library login details Go to Scopus
search for article searching
Step-2: Click on the document option and paste in Boolean search TITLE-
ABS-KEY ("electronic government" OR e-government OR "digital
government" OR e-governance OR "electronic governance" OR "Digital
India" ) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY( ( "information technology" OR ict OR
"data processing" OR "information and communication technology" ) AND
government ).

Step-3: Click on Add Search field and type India. Select affiliation option

Internship Programme During Aug-Sep 2022

Step-4: After 3nd step we got 2,493 results which are affiliated to Digital

Results: 2,493
Following query for searching ‘e-Governance in India’ scholarly
literature in Scopus database was used ("electronic government"
OR e-government OR "digital government" OR e-governance OR

Internship Programme During Aug-Sep 2022

"electronic governance" OR "Digital India") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY

(("information technology" OR ict OR "data processing" OR
"information and communication technology") AND government)
Results in 2022 of Digital Government: 137

Internship Programme During Aug-Sep 2022


News clipping of NIC

07 -09-2022

N1- Chander Shekhar, Haryana IAS officer who introduced night ...
The Indian Express- September 01, 2022
National Informatics Centre (NIC) senior technical director M P Kulsreshtha said as many
as 8,000 files of the divisional office have also been digitised.

IAS officer Chander Shekhar, who had introduced the initiative of night stays at villages,
retired from the service after over 33 years Wednesday. Chander Shekhar had joined the
Haryana Civil Services (HCS) in 1989 and was promoted as an IAS officer in 2011. He was
the commissioner of the Hisar division before retiring.
As deputy commissioner of Kaithal, Chander Shekhar in 2012 had started the concept of
night stays in villages. Under this initiative, Chander Shekhar, along with all district-level
officers, used to stay in a village periodically to gain first-hand experience of the problems
being faced by villagers. Under this initiative, the officers used to resolve the problems faced
by villagers on the spot.
Later as the director general of the school education department too, Chander Shekhar
continued his initiative by spending a night at a school almost every Friday to interact with
teachers. The next day, he used to interact with students of the same school to resolve their
As Faridabad DC in 2016, Chander Shekhar had allotted a village to one officer to ensure its
all-around development. On November 1, 2021, the Haryana government too launched a
similar scheme for “adoption” of the villages by officers in the entire state.

Most recently, during his tenure as the commissioner of the Hisar division, over 30,000 files
related to the judgements of the division’s revenue court were digitised which will facilitate
their easy access to the people of the four districts of Hisar, Fatehabad, Sirsa and Jind.

Internship Programme During Aug-Sep 2022

Chander Shekhar told The Indian Express that the exercise was being carried out for the past
nearly one and a half years. Chander Shekhar said: “The Hisar division came into existence in
1973. Since then, the appeals related to village common land and other land disputes were
being heard in the divisional court. In the absence of digitisation, it was difficult to locate
files of a specific case. Realising this problem, I ordered to weed out the unnecessary files
and digitise the remaining documents. This exercise will provide documents to the people in
response to the RTI applications too.”

National Informatics Centre (NIC) senior technical director M P Kulsreshtha said as many as
8,000 files of the divisional office have also been digitised. As part of the exercise, a modern
record room has been set up in Hisar’s divisional office.

Meanwhile, on Monday, additional chief secretary (revenue) P K Das launched the first
divisional commissioner (Hisar) website of the state which has the details of all four districts
of the Hisar division. The website https://commhsr.haryana.gov.in will have historical
information on the districts under the division as well as information related to citizen
charter, tourist places, and wildlife.

Das, who also retired on Wednesday, suggested that copies of important records of the four
districts should also be made available on this website so that the common man can know
their history.

News Source- https://indianexpress.com/article/cities/chandigarh/chander-shekhar-haryana-


N2- Maharashtra: Biometric Attendance Mandatory At Government Offices In Nagpur

Outlook India- September 02, 2022
The collector has asked the National Informatics Centre (NIC) and e-district project
manager (Maha-IT) to present biometric attendance at 10.30 am every day...

Internship Programme During Aug-Sep 2022

The district collectorate in Maharashtra's Nagpur has made biometric attendance system
mandatory government offices in the region, an official said on Friday.

As per a release issued by the district information office (DIO), collector Vipin Itankar has
made biometric attendance mandatory in all collectorate offices from Thursday.

All officers and workers will have to register their attendance in the biometric format and
their salary will be released based on their attendance, the official said. The collector has
asked the National Informatics Centre (NIC) and e-district project manager (Maha-IT) to
present biometric attendance at 10.30 am every day, he added.

News Source- https://www.outlookindia.com/national/maharashtra-biometric-attendance-


MeitY News
07 September, 2022

M1-IT Ministry releases security guidelines for mobile devices and.

MediaNama- September 06, 2022
The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) on July 20 released draft
security guidelines for mobile devices open for public consultation...

MeitY has taken down the draft MSG guidelines from its website. It’s not clear if the
guidelines are still open for consultation or/and if MeitY will reupload the draft.

The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) on July 20 released draft
security guidelines for mobile devices open for public consultation until September 21, 2022.
Called the Mobile Security Guidelines (MSG), the document outlines various voluntary
measures that participants in the mobile ecosystem can adopt to ensure the security of mobile
devices, applications, networks, and services and the privacy of users.

“Mobile application-based services in every domain including education, health and social
media have become integral part of daily life of Mobile Users of all age groups and genders.
The exposure risk of Mobile Phone Users gives rise to security threats of sensitive
information loss and misuse of personal data by adversaries. Therefore, privacy and personal
data protection of mobile user are of utmost importance. […] The central objective of MSG is
to ensure privacy, protect sensitive data and provide security of transactions of every mobile

Internship Programme During Aug-Sep 2022

device user, by following the mobile security control measures prescribed for various
stakeholders involved in the mobile service ecosystem.” — MSG Draft

Who prepared the draft: The draft has been prepared by the Working Group on Mobile
Device Security (WG-MDS), which was set up by MeitY, in coordination with the Centre for
Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) and Standardisation Testing and Quality
Certification (STQC).

How to participate? Interested stakeholders can submit their feedback to Pallavi D, Joint
Director, CDAC Pune and Member Convener of the Working Group at the email-id:
pallavid[at]cdac[dot]in and cc to headits[at]stqc[dot]gov[dot]in.

Who are these guidelines for?

• Manufacturers of mobile phones, hardware components, peripheral equipment, etc.
• Developers of mobile software services like applications, APIs, operating systems,
browsers, etc.
• Service providers of software, applications, app stores, government and non-
government bodies providing m-Governance and mobile services, social media
services, etc.
• Network providers such as mobile network operators, providers of internet, satellite,
and Wi-Fi services, etc.
• Regulatory bodies such as regulators, standardisation bodies, and enforcement
• Testing agencies such as mobile security testing labs and forensics organisations,
quality assurance bodies, etc.
• Academia and researchers
• Mobile users and subscribers
What’s the goal of MSG?
Mobile Security Guidelines (MSG) are prescribed to ensure the achievement of “mobile
security goals” and protect the “data privacy of mobile users “:
Mobile security goals
• Confidentiality: Ensuring confidentiality means ensuring the secrecy of information
such as login credentials, passwords, personal files or photos, transaction information
of payment details, location data of MD etc. Techniques based on information hiding,
coding, encryption and decryption can be used to achieve confidentiality.
• Integrity: Ensuring integrity means maintaining the original data, message or
information, accurate and intact without any change, modification, tampering or
alteration at the stored, transit or transmission state. “For example, if a customer sends
mobile payment instruction of Rs.50 and Rs.500 is debited from his account, it is

Internship Programme During Aug-Sep 2022

integrity violation,” the draft states. Standard Hash Functions and checksums can be
used for integrity checks.
• Availability: Ensuring availability means making the services or resources available
for access to users from anywhere and anytime without any disruption. It can be
ensured by maintaining all hardware bug-free, performing hardware repairs
immediately when needed and applying system and security upgrades periodically.
• Authentication, authorisation and access control: This refers to the verification
process to check whether a claiming entity is genuine or not before granting
permission to access entitled resources. Subsequent to authentication, an authenticated
entity is stopped access from using any other resource, to which it is not, entitled to or
authorised to use. For example, a rogue mobile app trying to collect mobile users’
data should be stopped. On the other hand, a genuine entity should not be denied
access to a privileged service. This is achieved by access and permission controls,
monitoring state changes, movement of the entity and detecting misbehaviour.
• Non-repudiation: It means that an entity cannot deny if it has actually done a
transaction or genuinely did an action. This can be achieved by using Public Key
Infrastructure (PKI) with digital certificates & digital signatures issued to mobile
• Traceability: It means that the actual path traversed for the completion of a transaction
from source to destination is traceable. This is feasible using position, time, and status
• Accountability: It means that an entity involved in the mobile ecosystem is
responsible for the actions that it has performed as per its role, rules of service and
prescribed guidelines.
• Trust and reliability: It ensure that the participating entity is or publicly evolves to be
trustworthy. An entity’s past actions of adherence to rules and positive traits count in
declaring an entity as trustworthy. An entity is considered reliable provided it is
trustworthy. An entity may be assigned trust and reliability scores of low, medium,
and high based on various past factors.
Data privacy
The MSG draft state that the personal data of a mobile user is to remain private to the mobile
user and protected as per the Personal Data Protection (PDP) Act 2019. Interestingly, the
PDP Bill was withdrawn from the parliament a few days after these guidelines were
published. Nevertheless, the MSG draft adopts many of the data security and privacy
measures proposed in the PDP Bill including rules around consent, purpose limitation,
transfer of sensitive personal data, transfer of data to third parties, etc. A few of the privacy
measures include:
• No personal data of a mobile user shall be processed by any person, except for any
specific, clear and lawful purpose.

Internship Programme During Aug-Sep 2022

• The consent of the data principal should be explicitly obtained in a clear, informed,
specific, and free manner.
• The personal data should be collected only to the extent that is necessary for the
purpose of processing such personal data and should be deleted at the end of the
• Every data fiduciary should inform the data principal or mobile user information on
the purposes for which the personal data is to be processed, the nature and categories
of personal data being collected, information of the right to consent, and the
individuals or entities with whom such personal data may be shared, etc.
• The data fiduciary should take necessary steps to ensure that the personal data of
mobile users processed is complete, accurate, not misleading, and updated.
What are the types of mobile security risks?
• Device-based: Mobile devices store a significant amount of sensitive data, which can
get compromised due to vulnerabilities in insecurely designed devices that lead to
unauthorised access to data.
• Network-based: Mobile devices are constantly connected to the internet. The end-
users might use untrusted public networks enabling malicious parties to access and
intercept transmitted data through rogue access points, Wi-Fi sniffing, eavesdropping,
skimming, and sophisticated Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attacks.
• User-behaviour related: End-users might indulge in risky behaviours primarily due to
a lack of awareness that could compromise data. Risky behaviours include
jailbreaking/rooting devices to bypass security controls, using unapproved cloud-
based apps to share and sync data, using unapproved productivity apps that maintain
copies of corporate data, using malicious apps from unapproved app stores, etc.
• Third-party apps related: Malicious apps and mobile malware can steal sensitive data
and collect user data.
What are the types of mobile security threats and vulnerabilities?
Threat actors, which includes adversaries, attackers, hackers, intruders, interceptors,
impersonators, eavesdroppers, malware, spyware, virus etc. intend to identify vulnerabilities
in the mobile ecosystem and exploit them to gain unauthorised entry into mobile
devices. Vulnerabilities are weaknesses, gaps or loopholes in protective systems or
mechanisms or interfaces, which can be exploited by threat actors. The MSG draft classifies
mobile device security vulnerabilities as:
• Device-based vulnerabilities such as the use of a mobile device without any or with
weak password protection may provide a way for an adversary to easily enter into and
steal secret information and do identity theft.
• Communication-based vulnerabilities such as weak transport level security, rogue Wi-
Fi devices, untrusted Bluetooth devices, and misuse of specific electromagnetic
waveforms of mobile antennas to spoof and inject commands via the audio interface.

Internship Programme During Aug-Sep 2022

• Mobile service-based vulnerabilities such as security vulnerabilities present in old

versions of mobile web browsers, operating systems, applications, APIs and mobile
interfaces, and unencrypted data storage.
What are the prescribed mobile security control measures?
Mobile Security Control Measures (MSCM) are countermeasures to prevent mobile security
threats from adversaries and to avoid exploitation of mobile security vulnerabilities. These
measures are classified into three categories
1. Policy-based measures: This includes regulatory guidelines, security policies, and
mobile security standards.
2. Technology-based measures: These include measures to fulfil the “mobile security
goals” outlined above using technological solutions.
3. User-oriented measures: These include measures to increase user awareness of mobile
device security.
Technology-based measures
The MSG draft predominantly focuses on technology-based measures, which are further
classified as:
Mobile Device Security: These measures apply to mobile hardware, firmware, operating
system, and pre-installed apps. The measures especially focus on threats applicable to the
operating system and SIM. “As Mobile Operating System and Subscriber Identity Module
(SIM) are significant, so their security threats, vulnerabilities and control measures are
presented in separate sections. SIM is a gateway for a mobile device connected world and a
potential target by adversaries to steal mobile user identity and commit frauds, so it needs to
be properly protected,” the draft states. Some of the prescribed measures include:
• Sharing of data with apps: Mobile app permissions should take into consideration data
minimisation, control, and transparency and apps should be isolated from each
other so as to prevent data leakage between apps. Apps must seek explicit permission
to access resources like location, camera, and microphone. Apps being installed on a
mobile device must come from a valid and trusted source and this should be verified
by the OS.
• Support for VPN: There should be built-in support for Virtual Private Network
(VPN) clients which in turn support different profiles such as personal and work.
“This helps the business-related applications to secure their assets and data on a
mobile device. This also helps in addressing the privacy-related concerns of mobile
users. Even though it is possible for some mobile users to misuse the VPNs to access
banned content and hide their identity, use cases of the VPNs outnumber the misuse
cases and hence need to be supported by the Mobile operating system with care,” the
draft states.
• Remote wipe features: If a mobile device is lost, users must be able to remote wipe
the device.

Internship Programme During Aug-Sep 2022

• Kernel level measures: The guidelines also prescribe various steps that can be adopted
at the hardware level to ensure secure boot loaders, robust security at the kernel
levels, enabling secure device drivers, full-disk encryption, etc.
• SIM security measures: The guidelines prescribe various measures to secure SIMs
and eSIMs including measures to ensure safety in the production and supply chain of
Mobile Communication Security: These measures aim to address mobile communication-
based vulnerabilities. “In general, mobile devices are constantly connected to the internet.
The end-users might use untrusted public networks, which may enable malicious parties to
access and intercept transmitted data through rogue access points,” the draft
states. Communications security involves defence against the interception of communication
transmissions through means like crypto security (encryption or decryption), transmission
security, emission security, and physical security.
The guidelines state that the evolving and latest standards issued by standard-setting bodies
like the ITU, IMT, 3GPP, ETSI, TSDSI, IEEE, NIST, LORA, NFC Forum, and Global
Platform need to be followed for the various aspects of mobile and wireless communication
such as WIFI, Near Field Communication (NFC), Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID),
Bluetooth, QR code, GPS, GSM (3G/4G/5G), SMS, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), etc.
Mobile Services Security: Mobile service-based vulnerabilities include security
vulnerabilities present in old versions of mobile web browsers, operating systems,
applications, APIs and mobile interfaces, unencrypted data storage, etc. Measures to address
these include:
• Regular updating of apps to fix vulnerabilities
• For cloud-related services, the guidelines prescribe that cloud service providers store
data of Indian users in the country.
• For app-related security concerns, the guidelines prescribe better restrictions by OS
on what apps can and cannot be installed, and more accountability from app stories,
including by registering in India, as a legal entity with the appointment of a nodal
officer and grievance management facility.
• Following recommended security settings by browsers and OS
• Not clicking on suspicious links
• The guidelines also outline best practices in cryptography, which is used in a variety
of security functions.
• For app developers, the guidelines prescribe secure coding practices such as
reviewing source code before using them in an app, ensuring the APIs used are safe,
secure sharing of data across apps, providing regular updates, etc.
Framework for mobile device security testing
The draft guidelines outline requirements and operating procedures for mobile device
security testing and mobile device forensics. These are primarily targeted at mobile device
security testing organizations and labs. “Mobile Security Testing is necessary to gain the

Internship Programme During Aug-Sep 2022

confidence that the mobile device, Firmware, OS, mobile communication and mobile apps
within the mobile device are able to counter the various threats and vulnerabilities
highlighted in MSG,” the draft states.
In addition to outlining how to carry out testing and the various methods and tools, the
guidelines also discuss how to carry out mobile forensics for data recovery for cybercrime
purposes and cryptanalysis, which is the study of cryptographic security systems to gain
access to encrypted messages, even if the cryptographic key is not known.
The MSG draft guidelines conclude by providing comprehensive checklists (based on
measured outlines throughout the MSG) for all the various affected stakeholders such as
device manufacturers, mobile users, app developers, network providers, regulators, testers,
etc. “The adoption of the prescribed guidelines with checklists provided for each category of
entities would ultimately ensure enrichment of mobile user’s experience towards secure and
trust-worthy mobile services with privacy protection,” the draft states.
News Source- https://www.medianama.com/2022/09/223-mobile-security-guidelines-draft-

M2- Draft on data anonymisation missing from website week after release
Business Standard – September 6, 2022
The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) has not said why the document,
'Guidelines for Anonymisation of Data (AoD) and Mobile...

Two draft documents listing guidelines on data anonymisation and mobile security were on
Tuesday missing from a government website, a week after being put up for public

Anonymisation is a technique that removes or modifies personally identifiable information,

resulting in data that cannot be associated with any one individual. The Ministry of
Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) has not said why the document, 'Guidelines
for Anonymisation of Data (AoD) and Mobile Security Guidelines (MSG), was removed
from the official portal for e-governance standards after being put up there on August 30.
Details shared with the documents had said public comments about them will be accepted till
September 21.

The document included guidelines for all stakeholders involved in processing personal data
and its subtypes through e-governance projects. It aimed to lay down recommended practices
for processing data gathered by e-governance portals such as Cowin vaccination, Aarogya
Setu, National Health Mission, etc. A second document on Mobile Security Guidelines
included measures to help protect privacy, sensitive data, and the security of transactions.

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Civil society organisations and advocacy groups said the documents' removal showed the
lack of clarity and accountability in the consultation process.

“This is the third such instance that a public consultation process has been interrupted
without any notice or acknowledgment this year,” said Prateek Waghre, director--policy at
Internet Freedom Foundation.

The draft India Data Accessibility & Use Policy, 2022 was updated without any notification,
and similarly the draft amendment to the IT Rules, 2021 was taken down during public
consultations. “The broader concern is that this has become a kind of a trend. It is affecting
how the people would view the public consultation process,” he said.

Advocacy groups said they were also surprised that the documents were released on a new
website, instead of the official website of MeitY.

“It was hard enough to determine that this document was open for public feedback in the first
place. No press release accompanied these documents. The draft was not made available on
the MeitY’s website. It was difficult to find the draft that was said to be open for public
review,” Waghre said.

A spokesperson of a global trade organisation, who does not wish to be named, said: “We
predicted this to happen after seeing the way in which the documents were introduced. It is
concerning that this has become the pattern in public consultation processes now.”
News Source- https://www.business-standard.com/article/current-affairs/draft-on-data-

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Entry Of 2 Books with Screen Shots:

Book Entry-1

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Book Entry -2

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OPAC Search of 2 Books:

Book Search-1

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Book Search- 2

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Subject: “Open Data Technology”

1. Systematic Mapping of Open Data Studies: Classification and Trends

from a Technological Perspective
Robert Enriquez-Reyes; Susana Cadena-Vela; Andrés Fuster-Guilló; Jose-Norberto Mazón;
Luis Daniel Ibáñez; Elena Simperl
IEEE Access, Vol.9, pp. 12968 – 12988, 18 January 2021
DIO: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3052025
The objective of this paper is to classify and analyse all research on open data performed in
the scientific community from a technological viewpoint, providing a detailed exploration
based on six key facets: publication venue, impact, subject, domain, life-cycle phases and
type of research. This paper therefore provides a consolidated overview of the open data
arena that allows readers to identify well-established topics, trends, and open research issues.
Additionally, we provide an extensive qualitative discussion of the most interesting findings
to pave the way for future research. Our first identification phase resulted in 893 relevant
peer-reviewed articles, published between 2006 and 2019 in a wide variety of venues.
Analysis of the results shows that open data research grew slowly from 2006 but increased
significantly as from 2009. In 2019, research interest in open data from a technological
perspective overall decreased. This fact could indicate that research is beginning to stabilise,
i.e., the open data research hype is over, and the research field is reaching maturity. Main
findings are (i) increasing effort in researching on Semantic Web technologies as a
mechanism to publish and reuse linked open data, (ii) software systems are proposed to solve
open data technical problems; and (iii) considering technological aspects of legislation and
standardization is needed to widely introduce open data in society. Finally, we provide
complementary insights regarding open data innovation projects, with special emphasis on
publication (e.g., open data portals) and consumption (e.g., open data as business enabler) of
open data.

2. Quality of Metadata in Open Data Portals

Javier Nogueras-Iso; Javier Lacasta; Manuel Antonio Ureña-Cámara; Francisco Javier Ariza-
IEEE Access, Vol. 9, pp. 60364 – 60382, 15 April 2021
DOI - 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3073455
During the last decade, numerous governmental, educational or cultural institutions have
launched Open Data initiatives that have facilitated the access to large volumes of datasets on

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the web. The main way to disseminate this availability of data has been the deployment of
Open Data catalogs exposing metadata of these datasets, which are easily indexed by web
search engines. Open-Source platforms have facilitated enormously the labour of institutions
involved in Open Data initiatives, making the setup of Open Data portals almost a trivial task.
However, few approaches have analysed how precisely metadata describes the associated
datasets. Taking into account the existing approaches for analysing the quality of metadata in
the Open Data context and other related domains, this work contributes to the state of the art
by extending an ISO 19157 based method for checking the quality of geographic metadata to
the context of Open Data metadata. Focusing on metadata models compliant with the Data
Catalog Vocabulary proposed by W3C, the proposed extended method has been applied for
the evaluation of the Open Data catalog of the Spanish Government. The results have been
also compared with those obtained by the Metadata Quality Assessment methodology
proposed at the European Data Portal.

3. Collaborative Aspects of Open Data in Software Engineering

Johan Linåker; Per Runeson; Anneke Zuiderwijk; Amanda Brock
IEEE Software, Vol.39, no. 1, pp. 31-35, 23 December 2021
DOI: 10.1109/MS.2021.3118123
Engineers require high-quality data for the design and implementation of today’s software,
especially in the context of machine learning (ML). This puts an emphasis on the need for the
publication and sharing of data from and between organizations, public as well as private.
Following the paradigm of open innovation, open data provide a mechanism to increase the
availability of information, offering utility and improving innovation and user choice through
the inevitable interoperability this enables.

4. A Research Agenda on Open Data Impact Process for Open Innovation

Diego Corrales-Garay; Marta Ortiz-De-Urbina-Criado; Eva-María Mora-Valentín
IEEE Access, Vol. 8, pp. 34696 – 34705, 17 February 2020
DIO: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2974378
Open data and open innovation are two topics currently attracting the attention of academics.
But no previous studies consider these fields in combination while using a bibliometric
approach. Thus, the aim of this paper is to understand the relationship between open
innovation and open data. Two research questions have been formulated: 1) What are the
main topics studied in the literature that combine both lines of research? and 2) How can the
open innovation paradigm be integrated in the open data impact process? To address the first
question, a co-word analysis is used to identify the main topics investigated in the open
innovation and open data literature. Based on our results, to answer the second research
question, the topics are grouped and analyzed considering a model of the open data impact
process. Finally, some future research lines to analyze the open data impact process for open
innovation are presented. For example, future research could focus on questions such as (1)

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What kind of applications can be created through the reuse of open data?; and (2) How do
open innovation processes influence the reuse of open data?

5. Open Data Consumption Through the Generation of Disposable Web APIs

IEEE Access, Vol.9, pp. 76354 – 76363, 20 May 2021
DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3082182
The ever-growing amount of information in today's world has led to the publication of more
and more open data, i.e., that which is available in a free and reusable manner, on the Web.
Open data is considered highly valuable in situational scenarios, in which thematic data is
required for a short life cycle by a small group of consumers with specific needs. In this
context, data consumers (developers or data scientists) need mechanisms with which to easily
assess whether the data is adequate for their purpose. SPARQL endpoints have become very
useful for the consumption of open data, but we argue that its steep learning curve hampers
open data reuse in situational scenarios. In order to overcome this pitfall, in this paper, we
coin the term disposable Web APIs as an alternative mechanism for the consumption of open
data in situational scenarios. Disposable Web APIs are created on-the-fly to be used
temporarily by a user to consume open data. In this paper we specifically describe an
approach with which to leverage semantic information from data sources so as to
automatically generate easy-to-use disposable Web APIs that can be used to access open data
in a situational scenario, thus avoiding the complexity and learning curve of SPARQL and
the effort of manually processing the data. We have conducted several experiments to
discover whether non-experienced users find it easier to use our disposable Web API or a
SPARQL endpoint to access open data. The results of the experiments led us to conclude
that, in a situational scenario, it is easier and faster to use the Web API than the
corresponding SPARQL endpoint in order to consume open data.

SUBJECT- “Digital Government”

1. Standard and guideline development for the interoperability of a digital

government system
Putchong Uthayopas; Urachada Ketprom
2022 International Conference on Digital Government Technology and Innovation (DGTi-
Date of Conference: 24-25 March 2022
DOI: 10.1109/DGTi-CON53875.2022.9849199
In the time of crisis with Covid-19, the digital government has become a necessity for all
countries. To continuously provide services to citizens staying at home, government adapts
and creates ways to reach out to citizens digitally. Many new applications emerged, and these
new applications accessible via mobile phone and through website and platforms must be
standardized for citizens’ convenient usage. There must exist a series of standards to ensure

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interoperability among the government digital service systems. This paper describes the
standard and guideline development process invented and adopted at the Digital Government
Development Agency (public organization) or DGA. It further summarizes the work that
needs to be done for a complete solution and the groups such as standard committees
involved in achieving this goal. The focus of the paper is on the standard development for
interoperable digital government systems in Thailand. The development of the data catalog
standard is presented as an example of applying the proposed approach. Standard and
guideline development are a necessity for aligning digital government systems together.

2.Collective Data Governance for Development of Digital Government

D. R. Mukhametov
2021 International Conference on Engineering Management of Communication and
Technology (EMCTECH)
Date of Conference: 20-22 October 2021
DOI: 10.1109/EMCTECH53459.2021.9619164
The article analyzes the role of collective data governance for development of digital
government. Digital government is characterized by the introduction of new data-driven
services and tools. These tools improve the quality and convenience of services, but their
implementation requires that the data governance system adequately reflects the complexity
of the management object. In this context, digital government is considered as the regulation
of the virtual space for the value extraction and the rationalization of social structures.
Collective data governance is necessary for the development of digital government as a
flexible management system with extensive communication networks and mutual control
circuits. There are three main formats for collective data governance. 1) Data commons
correspond to the function of decentralized management, increasing collective value and
reducing transaction costs, 2) data trusts are necessary for representing interests and fiduciary
data management, 3) data marketplaces are in demand for increasing individual value and
creating the legal data market. The introduction of collective data governance requires legal
regulation of data access, use and dissemination. In addition, the formats of collective data
governance can be tested in pilot projects, including smart cities, projects in fintech, biotech,
govtech, adtech etc. The paper provides definition of digital government, formats of
collective data governance and their functions, decisions for scaling and testing of collective
data governance.

3. The Impact of IT on Changing Business Models in Government Services: A Case

Study of The Investment Board and One Stop Service in Jakarta
AM Sjarif Hidayatullah; Muhammad Rifki Shihab
2021 International Conference on Information Management and Technology (ICIMTech)
Date of Conference: 19-20 August 2021
DOI: 10.1109/ICIMTech53080.2021.9535094

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Digital government is imperative to public service in this era. Having digital services is now
inherent in government forward facing offering to citizen. The use of website and mobile
application in providing service to citizens have impact to business model/mission model of
the government agency. This paper elaborates the impact of IT to mission model in The
Investment Board and One Stop Service (DPMPTSP) DKI Jakarta to give better service to its
citizens and business owners. The use of the principles of public service in industry 4.0 and
IT-enabled services has brought the use of website and mobile application to manage
citizen’s personal and business permits/non-permits to be evaluated against DPMPTSP’s
strategy. DPMPTSP business model/mission model has changed from manual process to
process redesign enabled using IT, namely Service Website and JakEVO. The research
methodology to be adopted for this research will be a qualitative method accordance with the
information and data from sources, and the evidence related to change that have been made.
The result of this research is DPMPTSP services has become simpler, faster, and streamlined
because of the use of IT-enable services, increases the number of applicants applying for
permits and non-permits, and increase tax revenues collected from retribution fees permits
and non-permits.

4. Smart Government using Digital Twin in Japan

Toshio Obi; Naoko Iwasaki
2021 International Conference on ICT for Smart Society (ICISS)
Date of Conference: 02-04 August 2021
DOI: 10.1109/ICISS53185.2021.9533190
This paper summarizes the lessons learned from the case studies of Digital Twin in Japan on
building an AI government and smarter city for a resilient society. This paper suggests that
Indonesia had better work with Japan toward the establishing smarter AI digital government
utilizing DX technology such as AI. As for the aging society issues that Japan is facing with,
similar issues will occur in Indonesia in the future. As for digital strategy in Indonesia, it is
meaningful to introduce Digital Twin based upon our research on successful case studies.

5. Hindrances for e-Government adoption by government officials in small-sized local

governments in Thailand
Narong Kiettikunwong
2022 International Conference on Digital Government Technology and Innovation (DGTi-
CON) 24-25 March 2022
DOI: 10.1109/DGTi-CON53875.2022.9849195
The objectives of this paper are to unveil the factors that slow down the adoption of e-
Government by Thai officials in small-sized local governments and then to propose a model
for e-Government adoption. To address this problem, a qualitative exploratory research

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approach was employed to identify the difficulties and obstacles that have been experienced
by government officials in small-sized local governments in Thailand. The results indicate
that the three key barriers to adoption are: 1) failure to realize the purpose for the existence of
the organization of local government, 2) lack of awareness of how digital technology will
significantly increase the value of the work assigned to them, and 3) lack of knowledge about
the existing electronic service (e-service) or digital technology and how these will increase
the productivity of the assigned tasks. The model proposed in this paper to improve the
adoption rate is based on understanding and recognizing the organization’s culture,
revitalization of business processes, and identifying technology tools and the competitive
advantage to be gained from the adoption of e-Government.

SUBJECT- “Environmental Informatics”

1. Accident & Emergency Informatics: Terminologies and Standards are needed for
Digital Health in the Early Rescue Chain
Thomas M. Deserno; Robert Jakob
2020 IEEE 14th International Conference on Application of Information and Communication
Technologies (AICT) 07-09 October 2020
DOI: 10.1109/AICT50176.2020.9368745
Recently, the World Health Organization (WHO) has released a draft of its Global Strategy
on Digital Health 2020-2024. Accident & emergency informatics (A&EI) addresses these
targets providing fully automatic and specific rescue calls, which are generated by smart
implants, smart clothes, smart wearables, smart vehicles, smart homes, or the Internet of
Things (IoT). These smart environments monitor unobtrusively and continuously
environmental, behavioural, physiological, or psychological parameters. In near future, they
will autonomously generate specific alerts on adverse (health) events. A&EI interconnects the
information and communication technology (ICT) systems in the early rescue chain. It
enables semantically interoperable information exchange by the International Standard
Accident Number (ISAN). In this paper, we describe key ICT components of the early rescue
chain: alarming, responding, and curing instances. We suggest a minimum dataset that
contains an event identifier, time and location, the type of event, and the number of victims
including - if available - their identity. Concerning location, we address navigation on static
as well as dynamic sites, within buildings, and brute-force getting into vehicles. Here, there is
a lack of international classifications, terminologies, and standards to support semantically
interoperable information exchange in the early rescue chain without any humans in the loop.

2. Improved Remaining Useful Life Estimation of Wind Turbine Drivetrain Bearings

Under Varying

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Taufik Hidayat; D Sianturi Tigor Franky; Rahutomo Mahardiko

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Vol.17, no.3, pp. 1742-1752, March 2021
DOI: 10.1109/TII.2020.2993074
The failure progression of wind turbine bearings comprises of multiple degraded health states
due to applied load by varying operating conditions (VOC). Therefore, determining the VOC
impact on the failure dynamics severity is an essential task for bearing failure prognostics.
This article introduces a hybrid prognosis method using real-time supervisory control and
data acquisition (SCADA) and vibration signals to predict remaining useful life (RUL) for
wind turbine bearings. The SCADA data are utilized to define the role of environmental
conditions such as wind speed and ambient temperature in bearing failure dynamics.
Afterward, for each environmental condition, failure dynamics are identified by the vibration
signal. Finally, RUL of the faulty bearings is forecast via an adaptive Bayesian algorithm
using the failure dynamics, conditional to the VOC. The efficacy of the method is validated
using experimental data, and test results indicate a higher RUL accuracy compared to the
Bayesian algorithm.

3. Data Architecture for Digital Twin of Commercial Greenhouse Production

Daniel Anthony Howard; Zheng Ma; Jesper Mazanti Aaslyng; Bo Nørregaard Jørgensen
2020 RIVF International Conference on Computing and Communication Technologies
(RIVF) 14-15 October 2020
DOI: 10.1109/RIVF48685.2020.9140726
There is an increasing demand for industry-specific solutions for optimizing production
processes with the transitions towards Industry 4.0. The commercial greenhouse sector relies
heavily on optimal use of energy with multiple new concepts introduced in recent years e.g.
vertical farming and urban agriculture. Digital twins allow utilizing the Internet of Things
and big data to simulate the alternative operation strategies without compromising current
operation. This paper aims to present the development of a digital twin of the commercial
greenhouse production process as a part of the recently launched EUDP funded project
Greenhouse Industry 4.0 in Denmark. This digital twin allows using big data and the Internet
of Things to optimize the greenhouse production process and communicate with other digital
twins representing essential areas in the greenhouse (climate and energy). This digital twin
can estimate future states of the greenhouse by using past and real-time data inputs from
databases, sensors, and spot markets. This paper also introduces a Smart Industry
Architecture Model Framework for the discussion of the required data architecture of the
digital twin for the greenhouse production flow which ensures a correct data architecture for
the data exchange across all entities in the system.

4. Xception Architecture Transfer Learning for Garbage Classification

Rismiyati; Sukmawati Nur Endah; Khadijah; Ilman Nabil Shiddiq

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2020 4th International Conference on Informatics and Computational Sciences (ICICoS)10-

11 November 2020
DOI: 10.1109/ICICoS51170.2020.9299017
Solid waste management issue is main problem especially in developing countries, including
Indonesia. Several efforts are made to solve waste management problem. Indonesia
government has launched movement to sort different type of garbage on September 2019.
Automatic garbage sortation is able to help this program. In order to be able to perform this
task, the computer needs to differentiate each type of garbage. This process can be done by
using machine learning method to differentiate garbage type. In this research, Transfer
learning is used to perform classification task on TrashNet dataset. The models used in this
research are ImageNet pretrained VGG16, ResNet-50 and Xception. The experiment result
shows that Xception model is able to achieve highest accuracy of 88%, average precision of
84%, and average recall of 84%

5. ICT Enabling Technologies for Smart Cities

Dzung Van Dinh; Byeong-Nam Yoon; Hung Ngoc Le; Uy Quoc Nguyen; Khoa Dang
Phan; Lam Dinh Pham2020 22nd International Conference on Advanced Communication
Technology (ICACT)16-19 February 2020
DOI: 10.23919/ICACT48636.2020.9061541
A smart city adjusts its social, business, and natural needs, improving the assets it has
accessible. Information and Communications Technology (ICT) for shrewd urban areas is to
give city answers for encourage an improvement and manageability of a city for the
advantage of its population, its economy, and the greater ecosystem in the city. It is to gauge
a keen city as far as the enhancements in personal satisfaction and monetary prosperity that
are accomplished through applying ICT innovations to design, outline, fabricate, and work
the city foundation. In smart city applications, the initial phase in the information's voyage
through the application is its gathering by the diverse advancements conveyed all through the
city. This paper surveys data acquisition technologies such as Sensor Networks, MANETs,
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANETs), Internet of
Things (IoT), Software-Defined Networking (SDN), Network Functions Virtualization
(NFV), 5G. Next, it demonstrates information processing technologies, for example, Cloud
Platform, IoT Platform, Big Data Platform, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and IoT
Analytics. Encouraging data spread between various nodes is vital to savvy city
acknowledgment. Last, because of the presence of various types of end users (e.g., residents,
organizations, government offices, and so forth.) requiring distinctive levels of nature of
management, the paper exhibits a proposed testbed solution and recent associated

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SUBJECT- “Digital Government”

1. Conceptualizing Smart Government: Interrelations and Reciprocities with Smart

Leonidas Anthopoulos, Kleanthis Sirakoulis, Christopher G. Reddick
Digital Government: Research and Practice, Vol.2, no. 4, Article no. 33, pp. 1–28, October
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3465061
Smart government (SG) is an emerging topic, which increasingly attracts attention from
scholars who work in public administration, political, and information sciences. Smart city
(SC) on the other hand, is an emerging and multidisciplinary domain of study. It is not clear
whether the two terms SG and SC co-exist or concern different domains that interrelate and
interact. The aim of this paper is to investigate the term SG; to conceptualize it with
components; to define the importance of these components to the SG with their relative
strengths; and to clarify its relationship with the SC term. In this respect, this paper follows a
multi-method approach: a comprehensive literature review to define and conceptualize the
SG, and determine its components, and a Delphi study for validating the literature findings
and for calculating the relative components’ strengths. The SG definitions that are in
literature have several weaknesses and the authors proposed a definition to the SG that
overcomes them, while a model with three rings, three dimensions and 13 components
conceptualizes it. The Delphi study showed that all the SG conceptual entities are useful, and
highlighted that Citizens Engagement, Economic Growth, and Accountability are more
important compared to the others, but it is hard to decide about the less important component.
Third, the ICT Innovation entity appears to be the most important compared to emerging
technologies and data. Finally, SC and SG are indeed related but, SC is proved to be a
complimentary part of the broader SG term.

2. Regional E-governance Development Index for Developing Nations

Rajan Gupta, Sunil Kumar Muttoo, Saibal Kumar Pal
Digital Government: Research and Practice, Vol.1, no. 3, Article no. 20, pp. 1–26, July 2020
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3386163
E-governance has proven to be instrumental in the expansion and evolution of how
governments interact with and deliver services to their citizens. The United Nations (UN) E-
Governance Development Index (EGDI) is the most widely used metric for assessment of e-
governance development; however, this metric is not appropriate for assessment at the

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regional level, especially for developing nations. Therefore, the authors have studied various
factors in the context of developing nations, such as the Online Availability and Performance
Index, Telecommunications Index, Human Capital Index, E-governance-related Infrastructure
Index, and E-governance Performance Index, with the aim of analysing the success and
implementation rate of e-governance activities across the different regions of a developing
nation like India. The results showed that the UN's EGDI is not suitable for assessment at a
regional level and that adding new components to the model helps to achieve better results
for around 30% of the regions under study. The rankings, which were calculated through the
new model and compared against other standard indices, obtained good correlations, proving
the validity of the new model. India, as a developing nation, was the region selected for the
experimental work. Central governments, state governments, investors, stakeholders, and
government consultants can obtain benefits through this research.

3. Contributions of Data Science to Digital Government Research: Contributions of

Data Science to Digital Government Research
Loni Hagen, Teresa Harrison, Mary Falling
The 22nd Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research June 2021, pp
DOI- https://doi.org/10.1145/3463677.3463683
In this study we reflect on the past ten years of data-driven research in the field of digital
government in order to understand how researchers have embraced Data Science (DS) to
enhance knowledge about digital government research and practices. Using a total of 248
unique articles, we conducted a systematic literature review. We found that applications of
DS methods have been increasing and the ways in which DS methods are applied have been
evolving. Some DS methods were more frequently used to accomplish specific types of
outcomes. Although description is the major purpose of using DS methods, we found active
efforts to engage in predictive modeling and tool development. We conclude the paper by
discussing how DS contributes to digital government research and practices.

4.Why Real Citizens Would Turn to Artificial Leaders

Nicolas Spatola, Karl F. Macdorman
Digital Government: Research and PracticeVolume 2Issue 3July 2021 Article No.: 26pp 1–
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3447954
Governments are increasingly using artificial intelligence to improve workflows and services.
Applications range from predicting climate change, crime, and earthquakes to flu outbreaks,
low air quality, and tax fraud. Artificial agents are already having an impact on eldercare,
education, and open government, enabling users to complete procedures through a
conversational interface. Whether replacing humans or assisting them, they are the
technological fix of our times. In two experiments and a follow-up study, we investigate
factors that influence the acceptance of artificial agents in positions of power, using

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attachment theory and disappointment theory as explanatory models. We found that when the
state of the world provokes anxiety, citizens perceive artificial agents as a reliable proxy to
replace human leaders. Moreover, people accept artificial agents as decision-makers in
politics and security more willingly when they deem their leaders or government to be
untrustworthy, disappointing, or immoral. Finally, we discuss these results with respect to
theories of technology acceptance and the delegation of duties and prerogatives.

5. How the Accuracy and Confidence of Sensitivity Classification Affects Digital

Sensitivity Review
Graham Mcdonald, Craig Macdonald, Iadh Ounis
ACM Transactions on Information Systems Vol. 39, no.1, Article-4, pp. 1-34 January 2021
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3417334
Government documents must be manually reviewed to identify any sensitive information,
e.g., confidential information, before being publicly archived. However, human-only
sensitivity review is not practical for born-digital documents due to, for example, the volume
of documents that are to be reviewed. In this work, we conduct a user study to evaluate the
effectiveness of sensitivity classification for assisting human sensitivity reviewers. We
evaluate how the accuracy and confidence levels of sensitivity classification affects the
number of documents that are correctly judged as being sensitive (reviewer accuracy) and the
time that it takes to sensitivity review a document (reviewing speed). In our within-subject
study, the participants review government documents to identify real sensitivities while being
assisted by three sensitivity classification treatments, namely None (no classification
predictions), Medium (sensitivity predictions from a simulated classifier with a balanced
accuracy (BAC) of 0.7), and Perfect (sensitivity predictions from a classifier with an
accuracy of 1.0). Our results show that sensitivity classification leads to significant
improvements (ANOVA, p < 0.05) in reviewer accuracy in terms of BAC (+37.9% Medium,
+60.0% Perfect) and also in terms of F2 (+40.8% Medium, +44.9% Perfect). Moreover, we
show that assisting reviewers with sensitivity classification predictions leads to significantly
increased (ANOVA, p < 0.05) mean reviewing speeds (+72.2% Medium, +61.6% Perfect).
We find that reviewers do not agree with the classifier significantly more as the classifier’s
confidence increases. However, reviewing speed is significantly increased when the
reviewers agree with the classifier (ANOVA, p < 0.05). Our in-depth analysis shows that
when the reviewers are not assisted with sensitivity predictions, mean reviewing speeds are
40.5% slower for sensitive judgements compared to not-sensitive judgements. However,
when the reviewers are assisted with sensitivity predictions, the difference in reviewing
speeds between sensitive and not-sensitive judgements is reduced by ˜10%, from 40.5% to
30.8%. We also find that, for sensitive judgements, sensitivity classification predictions
significantly increase mean reviewing speeds by 37.7% when the reviewers agree with the
classifier’s predictions (t-test, p < 0.05). Overall, our findings demonstrate that sensitivity
classification is a viable technology for assisting human reviewers with the sensitivity review
of digital documents.

Internship Programme During Aug-Sep 2022

SUBJECT- “Open Data Technology”

1. Empowering Cities through Open Data - Open Government Data Initiatives in India
Gayatri Doctor Prajakta Joshi
ICEGOV 2021:14th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic
Governance, pp.352-361, October 2021
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3494193.3494241
Open Data is data that can be freely used, re-used, and redistributed by anyone. Open
Governmental Data (OGD) can be defined as “all stored data of the public sector which could
be made accessible by the government in the public interest without any restrictions on usage
and distribution”. This paper explores the journey and evolution of OGD. It covers various
initiatives done worldwide comparing them with the rating systems of Open Data. The
research further focuses on understanding the Open Data and accessibility status in India.
Though there are several challenges, India has developed plans for democratizing public data
at varying scales. An analysis is done on an Indian scenario where a series of country, state,
city level and Smart Cities Open Data portals are studied, through live case studies and
interviews. Additionally, a user-based survey is conducted; to understand the need and
efficiency of having such platforms in place, thus clearly help identify challenges and areas
requiring improvements that can ease the efficiency of the data approach.

2. Characterizing Disinformation Risk to Open Data in the Post-Truth Era

Adrienne Colborne, Michael Smit
Journal of Data and Information Quality, Vol.12, no. 3, Article no.13, pp. 1–13, September
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3328747
Curated, labelled, high-quality data is a valuable commodity for tasks such as business
analytics and machine learning. Open data is a common source of such data—for example,
retail analytics draws on open demographic data, and weather forecast systems draw on open
atmospheric and ocean data. Open data is released openly by governments to achieve various
objectives, such as transparency, informing citizen engagement, or supporting private
enterprise. Critical examination of ongoing social changes, including the post-truth
phenomenon, suggests the quality, integrity, and authenticity of open data may be at risk. We
introduce this risk through various lenses, describe some of the types of risk we expect using
a threat model approach, identify approaches to mitigate each risk, and present real-world
examples of cases where the risk has already caused harm. As an initial assessment of
awareness of this disinformation risk, we compare our analysis to perspectives captured
during open data stakeholder consultations in Canada.

Internship Programme During Aug-Sep 2022

3. The role of open data in enabling fiscal transparency and accountability in

municipalities in Africa: South Africa and Nigeria case studies
Paul Kariuki, Jude A. Adeleke, Lizzy Oluwatoyin Ofusori
ICEGOV 2020: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Theory and Practice of
Electronic Governance, pp. 410–418, September 2020
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3428502.3428558
This article explores the role of open data in the monitoring of budgets as a citizen-centered
accountability mechanism that could benefit budget allocation and spending by
municipalities in Africa. Annually, municipalities allocate significant amounts of financial
resources towards better provision of basic services. However, often these budgets are drawn-
up with minimal citizen engagement and limited scrutiny of how the budget is being spent.
This study used a mixed-methods approach to collect its data. It found that there are limited
citizen-oversight and weak fiscal accountability by local governments in both countries. The
article premises that open data has the potential to increase citizen scrutiny of municipal
budgets thereby improving fiscal transparency. Effective use of open data has the potential to
enhance credible participatory governance at the local government level. This requires
significant political will to make all important data accessible to the public, so they can use it
in holding the local government accountable.

4. The Open Data Canvas–Analyzing Value Creation from Open Data

Yingying Gao, Marijn Janssen
Digital Government: Research and Practice, Vol. 3, no. 1, Article no. 5pp 1-15 January 2022
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3511102
Expectations to derive value from open data are high. However, how value is created from
open data is still largely unknown. Open data value is usually generated in constellation of
actors in which each player has different capabilities and roles. To understand the open data
value creation process, the business model canvas is introduced in this article. The typical
components of the business model canvas and open data value creation are derived from the
literature. By combining these two research streams, the open data value model canvas is
created. The case of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) worldwide dashboard developed
by the Johns Hopkins University is used to evaluate the model's utility. Key components of
the open data value model are creating an overview of various data sources from public and
private organizations, having capabilities to combine heterogeneous data, and connecting data
and needs. In this way, the open data canvas helps to grasp the value creation logic.

5. Metadata Harvesting and Quality Assurance within Open Urban Platforms

Philipp Lämmel, Benjamin Dittwald, Lina Bruns, Nikolay Tcholtchev, Yuri Glikman, Silke
Cuno Mathias Flügge, Ina Schieferdecker

Internship Programme During Aug-Sep 2022

Journal of Data and Information Quality, Vol. 12 no. 4, Article no. 22, pp. 1–20
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3409795
During the past years, various activities and concepts have shaped and prepared the path for
the development of urban environments toward smart cities across the world. One of the
initial activities was relating to the opening of vast amounts of data from various public
administrations and utility companies within a city in order to create a viable eco-system of
urban services and applications. Thereby, the harvested metadata needed to be verified in
terms of correctness and a corresponding level of quality had to be assured. In addition, the
concept of an Open Urban Platform emerged as an overall solution for smart cities
Information Communication Technology (ICT) in the sense that an abstract reference model
was established and standardized, providing an overall picture of the ICT structures within a
city. Within this article, we use the Open Urban Platform concept as the basics to describe
and map our activities within the Open Data domain, focusing mainly on the Open Data
prototype for German Open Governmental Data—namely GovData.DE. Thereby, we
describe our metadata harvesting and metadata quality assurance approach and discuss on
lessons learned, which flow into the definition of metadata quality metrics and have the
potential to lead to a corresponding standard within the Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V.
(DIN) German national standardization.

Current Journals List on Electronics and Semi- Conductor

S.No. Journal Name Publisher Date Source

1. IEEE Journal on Flexible IEEE 2022 - IEEE Xplore

Electronics Present

2. IEEE Open Journal of IEEE 2020 - IEEE Xplore

Power Electronics


3. IEEE Consumer IEEE 2013- Present IEEE Xplore

Electronics Magazine

4. IEEE Journal of Emerging and IEEE 2020-Present IEEE Xplore

Selected Topics in Industrial

5. IEEE Open Journal of the IEEE 2020- Present IEEE Xplore

Industrial Electronics Society

Internship Programme During Aug-Sep 2022

6. IEEE Journal of Quantum IEEE 1965-Present IEEE Xplore


7. IEEE Transactions IEEE 1982 -Present IEEE Xplore

on Industrial


8. Microelectronics International Emerald 1982- present Scopus


9. IEEE Aerospace and Electronic IEEE 1986-present IEEE Xplore

Systems Magazine

10. ACM Transactions on Design ACM 2021-present IEEE

Automation of Electronic
Systems Xplore

11. International Journal of High- World 1990-present Scopus

Speed Electronics and Systems Scientific

12. Journal of Systems IEEE 1990 - IEEE Xplore

Engineering and


13. IEEE Transactions on IEEE 1965 - IEEE Xplore

Aerospace and

Electronic Systems

14. ACM Transactions on ACM 1983-present ACM

Information Systems

15. IEEE Transactions IEEE 1989-Present IEEE Xplore

on Semiconductor Manufacturing

Internship Programme During Aug-Sep 2022


Sample of some of the 4,039 web of science titles

Internship Programme During Aug-Sep 2022

Sample of 4,039 Web of science results in Excel sheet

4,039 Results of web of science

Internship Programme During Aug-Sep 2022


Sample of some of the 2,493 Scopus titles

Internship Programme During Aug-Sep 2022

Sample of 2,493 Scopus results in Excel file

2,493 Results of Scopus

Internship Programme During Aug-Sep 2022


Name of the Organization’s No. of results in Web of No. of results in Scopus

Members Science (All Years) (All Years)

CDAC: Centre Development of 501 1148

Advance Computing

Sameer: Society for Applied 317 864

Microwave Electronics
Engineering & Research

CMET: Centre for Materials for 1112 958

Electronics Technology

CDOT: Centre for 50 187

Development of Telematics

STPI: Software Technology 4 9

Park of India

ERNET: Education and 4 102

Research Network

STQC: Standardization Testing 117 28

and Quality Certification

NIELIT: National Institute of 68 130

Electronics and Information

Internship Programme During Aug-Sep 2022

Sample 1


SCOPUS Results on Organisations:

CMET - 958

Internship Programme During Aug-Sep 2022

STQC- 28
CDOT- 187
ERNET- 102

MietY Organisations Data on Web of Science and Scopus of 2022

Name of the Organization’s No. of results in Web of No. of results in Scopus

Members Science (2022) (2022)

CDAC: Centre Development of 35 47

Advance Computing

Sameer: Society for Applied 3 16

Microwave Electronics
Engineering & Research

CMET: Centre for Materials for 30 37

Electronics Technology

CDOT: Centre for 1 8

Development of Telematics

STPI: Software Technology 0 2

Park of India

ERNET: Education and 0 7

Research Network

STQC: Standardization Testing 0 3

and Quality Certification

Internship Programme During Aug-Sep 2022

NIELIT: National Institute of 11 17

Electronics and Information

Internship Programme During Aug-Sep 2022



Internship Programme During Aug-Sep 2022

Internship Programme During Aug-Sep 2022

Web of Science:


Internship Programme During Aug-Sep 2022

Web of science categories

Documents type

Internship Programme During Aug-Sep 2022




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