S1 Biology Scheme of Work 2024-2025

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Subject: BIOLOGY&HEALTH SCIENCES Academic year: 2024-2025
No of periods per week: 4
School: ES TYAZO
Class: Senior one

Learning Teaching
Dates Unit title Lesson title objectives methods Resources & References Observations
09/09/2024- Lesson 1:
13/09/2024 Unit 1: Introduction to
(1WEEK) Introduction Biology and its *To be able to
to Biology. different branches. explain the meaning
Lesson 2: of Biology and its Discussion
Importance of application, *Discovery
studying biology. *Recall the approach
Lesson 3: characteristics *Question and
Characteristics of common to all Answer
living things Organisms, *Inquiry
Lesson 4: Safety *Be able to apply approach
rules and safety rules and *Brainstorming
regulations in the regulations in the *Role plays *Biology books of S1
laboratory. laboratory. *Field visits. *Soft documents from internet.

Page 1 of 14
16/09/2024- Lesson 5: First
20/09/2024 aid and the first
aid kit.
Lesson 6: end *Group
unit 1 assessment discussion
To be able to approach
explain the need *Question and
for, apply Answer
classification and *Inquiry
use identification approach
keys to name *Brainstorming
unknown *Role plays *Biology books of S1
specimens. *Field visits. *Soft documents from internet.

23/09/2024- Unit 2: Lesson 1: *Group *Biology books of S1

Introduction Importance of discussion *Soft documents from internet.
to classification. *Discovery
classification. Lesson 2: The approach
concept of *Question and
hierarchical Answer
classification. *Inquiry
Lesson 3: The approach
binomial system *Brainstorming
for genus and *Role plays
Lesson 4: The
five kingdom
system of
classification and
the main features
of each kingdom.
Lesson 5: Use of

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30/09/2024- *Group
04/10/2024 Unit 3: Lesson 1 & 2: discussion
External External structure *Discovery
structure and of a flowering approach
importance of plant limited to *Question and
flowering the shoot system: Answer
plant. stems, leaves and *Inquiry
flowers. approach
Lesson 3: To be able to *Role plays
External structure describe the
of root systems external structure of
and functions. a typical flowering *Biology books of S1
plant. *Soft documents from internet

07/10/2024 - Unit 3: Lesson 4 & 5: To be able to *Discussion *Biology books of S1

External Functions of describe the *Group *Soft documents from internet.
structure and modified stems, external structure of discussion
importance of leaves and roots. a typical flowering *Discovery
flowering Lesson 6: plant. approach
plant. Importance of *Question and
flowering Answer
plants. *Inquiry
End unit *Brainstorming
assessment *Role plays
*Field visits.

Page 3 of 14
Lesson 1: Need
14/10/2024- for magnifying
instruments in
18/10/2024 Biology.
Lesson 2: Features *Group
of hand lens and discussion
Parts of a light *Discovery
microscope. approach
Lesson 3: parts of *Question and
the light To be able to Answer
Unit 4: microscope. identify the *Inquiry
Magnifying Lesson 4: components and approach
instruments Biological proper use and care *Brainstorming
and biological drawings. of a hand lens and *Role plays *Biology books of S1 *Soft
drawings. light microscope. *Field visits. documents from internet.
21/10/2024- *Discussion
25/10/2024 *Group
*Question and *Biology books of S1
Lesson 5: Answer *Soft documents from
Calculation of *Inquiry internet.
magnification. approach
Lesson 3: end *Brainstorming
unit 4 assessment *Role plays
*Field visits.

28/10/2024- Unit 5: Plant Lesson 1: The To be able to *Biology books of S1

and animal cell as basic unit differentiate *Discussion *Soft documents from internet.

Page 4 of 14
01/11/2024 cells. of life. *Group
Lesson 2: The discussion
structure of a plant *Discovery
cell. approach
Lesson 3: The between animal and
structure of animal plant
cell. cells using a light

04/11/2024- *Discussion
Lesson 4: Uses of discussion
the structures seen *Discovery
under the light approach
microscope in the *Question and
plant and animal Answer
cells. *Inquiry
Lesson 5: Role of To be able to approach
cell organelles. explain the *Brainstorming
Lesson 6: end functions of cell *Role plays *Biology books of S1
. unit 5 assessment organelles. *Field visits. *Soft documents from internet.
11/11/2024- Unit 6: Lesson 1 & 2: To be able to explain *Discussion *Biology books of S1
15/11/2024 Levels of Structure and specialization of *Group discussion *Soft documents from internet.
organization function of ciliated cells, and the link *Discovery
in cells, root hair between levels of approach
multicellular cells, xylem organization in *Question and
organisms. vessels, palisade multicellular Answer
and mesophyll organisms. *Inquiry approach
cells, nerve cells, *Brainstorming
red blood cells, *Role plays
sperm and egg *Field visits.
Lesson 3:

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Advantages of
specialization of
Lesson 4: Levels
of organization in
End unit 6
18/11/2024- Unit 7: Food Lesson 1 : Food To be able to *Discussion *Biology books of S1 *Soft
29/11/2024 nutrients and nutrients and identify the *Group discussion documents from internet.
diet. principal sources in different food *Discovery
food stuffs of food nutrients and their approach
nutrients. significance to the *Question and
Lesson 2 : human body. Answer
Importance of *Inquiry approach
nutrients in human *Brainstorming
body and of having *Role plays
a balanced diet. *Field visits.
Lesson 3:
Composition of
molecules limited to
lipids and proteins.
Lesson 4:
formation of large
molecules (starch,
glycogen, cellulose,
proteins and
lipids)from small
molecules such as

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glucose, amino
acids and fatty
Lesson 5:
symptoms limited
to vitamin C and D
Calcium and Iron .
Lesson 6:
Function of
vitamins, water and
mineral salts.
Lesson 7:
Malnutrition limited
to starvation,
constipation and
Lesson 8: End unit
7 assessment.
2/12/2024- REVISION WEEK

2nd Term

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20/01/2025- Lesson 1 & 2:

24/01/2025 Structure of the
human gas
Unit 8: exchange system. To be able to *Group discussion
Structure and Lesson 3 & 4: describe the *Discovery approach
functions of Functions of the structure and *Question and Answer
human gas parts of the human functions of *Inquiry approach *Biology books of S1
exchange gas exchange human gas *Brainstorming *Role *Soft documents from
system. system. exchange system. plays *Field visits. internet.

27/01/2025- To be able to
31/01/2025 describe
response to light *Discussion *Group
and gravity by discussion *Discovery
Lesson 1, 2, 3,4& plants and approach *Question and
5: The need for explain the Answer *Inquiry
tropisms in plants importance of approach *Brainstorming *Biology books of S1
Unit 9: Tropic (phototropism and tropic responses *Role plays *Field *Soft documents from
responses. gravitropism). in plants. visits. internet.

Page 8 of 14
03/02/2025- Lesson 1 & 2:
14/02/2025 Types of skeletons
Lesson 3 & 4: Parts To be able to
of human skeleton: analyze the *Group discussion
central skeleton different types of *Discovery approach
consisting of the skeletons and *Question and Answer
Unit 10: skull, vertebral identify the main *Inquiry approach *Biology books of S1
Skeletal systems column and thoracic parts of human *Brainstorming *Role *Soft documents from
of organisms. cage. skeleton. plays *Field visits. internet.
17/02/2025- Lesson 5 & 6: The
21/02/2025 peripheral skeleton
consisting of the
upper and lower
limbs, the shoulder
and pelvic girdles. To be able to
Lesson 7: Functions identify the main *Group discussion
of human skeletons. parts of human *Discovery approach
Lesson 8: Practices skeleton and *Question and Answer
Unit 10: that favor good explain its *Inquiry approach *Biology books of S1
Skeletal systems health of the functions and *Brainstorming *Role *Soft documents from
of organisms. skeletal system. health practices. plays *Field visits. internet.

Page 9 of 14
24/02/2025- Lesson 1 & 2:
28/02/2025 Health and disease.
Lesson 3 & 4:
Classification of
diseases. The spread
and prevention of
diseases: sickle cell, To be able to *Discussion *Group
allergies, ageing, classify diseases. discussion *Discovery
osteoporosis, To be able to approach *Question and
cancer, identify the Answer
cardiovascular noninfectious *Inquiry approach
Unit 11: diseases, eating diseases; their *Brainstorming *Biology books of S1
Classification of disorders, causes and *Role plays *Field *Soft documents from
diseases. deficiency diseases. consequences. visits. internet.
03/03/2025- *Discussion *Group
14/03/2025 discussion *Discovery
Unit 12: To be able to approach *Question and
Human Analyze the Answer
reproductive structure of *Inquiry approach
system. Lesson 1 & 2: human *Brainstorming *Role
External and reproductive plays *Field
internal system. visits. *Biology books of S1
reproductive *Soft documents from
organs. Lesson 3 internet.
& 4: The process
of sperm and ovum

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3rd TERM



28/04/2025- Unit 12: Lesson 5: To be able to determine *Discussion *Group *Biology books of S1
Human Determination of the human sex and to discussion *Discovery *Soft documents
reproductive sex. explain the functions of approach *Question and from internet.
system. Lesson 6 &7: hormones. Answer
Role of hormones in *Inquiry approach
growth, development *Brainstorming *Role
and the regulation of plays *Field
reproductive organs visits.
and sexual functions.
Lesson 8&9:
influence of culture,
tradition and religious
practices on one’s
thinking about sex,
gender and

Page 11 of 14
Lesson 10: end unit
12 assessment
12/05/2025- *Discussion *Group
Lesson 1& 2: discussion *Discovery
Puberty is a time of approach *Question
sexual maturation and Answer
Unit 13: which leads to major To be able to Analyze *Inquiry approach
Puberty physical and the physical, emotional *Brainstorming *Biology books of S1
and sexual emotional changes and social changes *Role plays *Soft documents from
maturation. and can be stressful. related to puberty. *Field visits. internet.
Lesson 3& 4: Male
and female *Discussion *Group
hormones differ and discussion *Discovery
have a major To be able to Analyze approach *Question and
influence on the the physical, emotional Answer
Unit 13: emotional and and social changes in *Inquiry approach
Puberty physical changes males and females *Brainstorming *Role *Biology books of S1
and sexual that occur over one’s caused by different plays *Field *Soft documents from
maturation. lifetime. hormones. visits. internet.

19/05/2025- Lesson 5& 6:

23/05/2025 Hormones can affect
body shape and size, *Discussion *Group
body hair growth, discussion *Discovery
development and To be able to identify the approach *Question and
other changes. male and female Answer
Unit 13: Lesson 7: The secondary sexual *Inquiry approach
Puberty menstrual cycle. characteristics and *Brainstorming *Biology books of S1
and sexual Lesson 8: end unit explain the menstrual *Role plays *Soft documents from
maturation. 13 assessment cycle. *Field visits. internet.

Page 12 of 14
20/05/2024 *Discussion *Group
- discussion *Discovery
approach *Question and
Lesson 1, 2, 3 & 4: Answer
Unit 14: Reproduction: male *Inquiry approach
Reproduction, and female To be able to Analyze *Brainstorming *Role *Biology books of S1
pregnancy and reproductive the process of plays *Field *Soft documents from
childbirth. systems. reproduction. visits. internet.
26/05/2025- *Discussion
30/05/2025 *Group discussion
Lesson 1 & 2: *Discovery approach
Intercourse and *Question and Answer
Unit 14: fertilization. *Inquiry approach
Reproduction, Lesson 3 & 4: To be able to Analyze *Brainstorming *Biology books of S1
pregnancy and Pregnancy and its the process of pregnancy *Role plays *Soft documents from
childbirth. signs. and related signs. *Field visits. internet.
06/06/2025 *Discussion
Lesson 1, 2, 3 & 4: To be able to explain the *Group discussion
Fetal development, Fetal development, *Discovery approach
ante-natal care, antenatal care, childbirth *Question and Answer
Unit 14: childbirth and health and health risks *Inquiry approach
Reproduction, risks associated with associated with teenage *Brainstorming *Biology books of S1
pregnancy and teenage pregnancy pregnancy and early *Role plays *Soft documents from
childbirth. and early childbirth. childbirth. *Field visits. internet.

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End Of Academic Year 2024-2025.
Done at ……………………………………ON……/09/2024.

Prepared By :……………………………………………….

Approved By:…………………………………………………

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