Spe 144196 Pa
Spe 144196 Pa
Spe 144196 Pa
This paper (SPE 144196) was accepted for presentation at the SPE European Formation Theory
Damage Conference, Noordwijk, the Netherlands, 7–10 June 2011, and revised for
publication. Original manuscript received for review 27 July 2011. Revised paper received for Khilar and Fogler (1998) presented all the effective forces
review 23 May 2012. Paper peer approved 15 July 2012. between fines and the pore surface. Generally, these surface forces
Constant Value
Fe2O3 TiO2 CaO K2O SO3 P2O5 SiO2 Al2O3 MgO Na2O LiO Comp.
0.925 0.118 1.528 3.087 0.155 0.141 80.843 8.236 0.873 2.073 2.02 wt%
The energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDXA) (Ebnesajjad,
2010) performed for samples extracted from Experiments 1 and 2
confirms the presence of MgO NPs on surfaces, thus affecting the
30 fines attachment. Table 9 presents component analysis in weight
20 percent for Experiments 1 and 2.
10 Table 9 shows that MgO NPs are adsorbed on glass beads as
0 the main body of synthetic porous media because of strong attrac-
1 10 100 1,000 1,0000 tion between MgO and the silica surface. This coating process
Size (d.nm)
prevents the fines migration. SEM pictures presented in Figs. 9
through 11 provide a proper qualitative observation of fines
Fig. 2—Statistical graph of size distribution of suspension-
containing fines based on the intensity.
adsorption on glass beads for Experiments 1 and 2.
Fig. 12 presents the effluent fines concentration with respect to
NP concentration and fluid velocity. The results show that any
reference case) were performed. Table 7 presents these parame- increase in NP concentration leads to a fines migration reduction.
ters and the values selected by means of experimental design. Furthermore, the hydrodynamic effects of fluid in porous media is
In the reference case, the vacuum-dried porous model was sat- also shown in Fig. 12, representing a critical velocity for fines
urated with distilled water. In the other tests, it was saturated with detachment from the surfaces, because the measured effluent fine
NFs at different concentrations. Calibrated spectrophotometer concentrations for 1000- and 1300-mL/h fluid rate are equal.
analysis was used to investigate the concentration of fines in the
effluent samples. Table 8 shows the main test results: effluent
Effect of Injection Rate
fines concentration by means of spectrophotometer analysis, pres-
sure differences between the inlet and outlet of the bead-packed One of the important repulsive forces for fines release in porous
core, and the measured zeta potential for each MgO NP concen- media is the hydrodynamic force, releasing the fines mechani-
tration by Zetasizer Nano series (Malvern Instrument Incorpo- cally. To investigate the effects of fluid rate, nine pore volumes
rated, London, UK, ZEN 3600). of fluid were injected through the models at three different
Often, fluid flows in a porous medium in laminar flow; thus,
three injection rates were selected in the laminar region with a
Effect of MgO NPs Concentration
Reynolds number of less than unity. Eq. 9 defines Reynolds num-
The results presented in Table 8 show that effluent fines concen- ber as the dimensionless representation of this force in the fines
tration for the reference test is the highest, whereas it decreases migration process (Takahashi and Kovscek 2010). Table 10
for test models soaked with NFs. The turbidity of effluent samples shows the fluid rates and calculated Reynolds number based on
for Experiments 1 and 2 is shown in Fig. 8. The results indicate Darcy velocity.
that, although the zeta potential of the surface increased posi-
tively, it affected the attraction and repulsion forces, thus increas- qus d
ing efficiency of the fines remediation process. When the porous NRe ¼ ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð9Þ
lð1 /Þ
medium was soaked with MgO NPs for 24 hours, MgO NPs fixed
fines on the surface. Because zeta-potential values changed from where q is the fluid density, us is the Darcy fluid velocity, / is the
34 to þ14.2, double-layer repulsion was reduced; thus, the total porosity, d is the spherical glass-bead diameter, and l is the
interaction energy had the effect of more attraction. viscosity.
Sample turbidity, because it was also measured through spec- Fig. 13 presents effluent fines concentration at different dis-
troscopy analysis, is representative of fines presence in the outlet tilled water injection rates for three NP concentration treatments.
Separatory funnel
containing fine
Nano particle
Adsorbed fines
Filter paper Passed fines
Property Value
0.2 wt% NP Con. at CC
Reference at CC
Distance of seperation (nm)
Fig. 14—Comparison of total energy of interaction derived for different NP concentrations among the CP and constant charge,
considering the hydrodynamic effect at 800 mL/h.
800 cc/hr
500 1,000 cc/hr
Dimensionless total energy of interaction
1,300 cc/hr
Distance of seperation (nm)
Fig. 15—Dimensionless total energy of interaction vs. distance of separation at different fluid velocities.