Aerospace Syllabus

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Karunya University


Code 09AE201 09AE202 09AE203 09AE204 09AE205 09AE206 09AE207 09AE208 09AE209 09AE210 09AE211 09AE212 09AE213 09AE214 09AE215 09AE216 09AE217 09AE218 09AE219 10AE201 10AE202

Name of the Subject Introduction to Aerospace Engineering Aircraft Structures Aircraft Structures Laboratory I Aircraft Structures Laboratory II Aerodynamics Aerodynamics Laboratory Gas Dynamics Space Dynamics Aircraft Propulsion Propulsion Lab Advanced Propulsion Systems Instrumentation & Control Systems Instrumentation & Control Laboratory Navigation, Guidance and Control Aircraft Stability and Control Aircraft Performance Aircraft Design Project CFD Laboratory CAD Laboratory Introduction to Aircraft Industry and Aircraft Systems Basics of Aerospace Engineering

Credits 4:0:0 3:1:0 0:0:2 0:0:2 4:0:0 0:0:2 4:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 0:0:1 4:0:0 4:0:0 0:0:2 4:0:0 4:0:0 4:0:0 0:0:4 0:0:2 0:0:2 4:0:0 3:0:0

Karunya University

09AE201 Credits: 4:0:0


Course Objectives: 1. To introduce the basic concepts of aircrafts, rockets, satellites and their application 2. To familiarise with the basic parts and their function and construction details 3. To introduce the basics of aerodynamics, propulsion, materials, maneuvers, trajectories & orbits and flight testing 4. To familiarise with the national and international aeronautical and aerospace agencies Course Outcomes: Ability to 1. understand nature of aerospace technologies, 2. understand various types of aerospace vehicles, satellites and their applications, 3. Appreciation of various national and international aerospace agencies Unit I Early airplanes, Rockets, Developments in aerodynamics, materials, structures and propulsion over the years. Introduction to Ramjet and Scramjet. Different types of flight vehicles and Classifications, Conventional Control and Powered controls, Basic instruments for flying. Unit II Nomenclature used in aerodynamics, different parts of airplane, Aerodynamic forces on a wing. Lift and drag force, lift to drag ratio. Moment coefficients. Center of Pressure, Aerodynamics of wing. Sources of drag. Aircraft performance parameters, performance in steady flight, accelerated flight, air planes static stability and dynamic stability longitudinal and lateral stability. Unit III General types of construction, Typical wing and fuselage structure. Metallic and non-metallic materials, Use of aluminium alloy, titanium, stainless steel and composite materials. Basic ideas about piston, turboprop and jet engines, Use of propeller and jets for thrust production. Comparative merits, Unit IV Principles of operation of rocket, types of rockets and typical applications, Exploration into space. Satellite Missions and introduction to orbital dynamics, Different types of satellites and their applications, Spacecraft configurations: structures, Systems and subsystems identifications and functions of each, Spacecraft environment. Unit V Introduction to flight-testing: Purpose and Scope of Flight Testing, Types of Wind Tunnels, airport layout and terminologies. Introduction to aerospace industries Research and Development organizations and Academic institutions in India and worldwide. Text Books: 1. Anderson, J.D., Introduction to Flight, McGraw-Hill, 1995. Karunya University

2. Kermode A C: Mechanics of Flight, Pearson Education Low Price Edition, 2005. Reference Books: 1. Khanna, Arora and SS. Jain, Airport Planning and Design NemChand and Brother, Roorkee, 1999 2. Chenna Keshu S and Ganapathy K K: Aircraft Production Technology and Management, Interline Publishing, Bangalore 1993 3. Kermode, A.C., Flight without Formulae, McGraw-Hill, 1997. 4. The Basics of Satellite Communications by Joseph N. Pelton, International engineering consortium, (2003) Chicago, Illinois 09AE202 AIRCRAFT STRUCTURES Credits: 3:1:0 Course Objectives: 1. To introduce the various structural components of aircrafts and aerospace vehicles 2. To study their behaviour under various types of loads 3. To familiarise with different types of beams and columns subjected to various types of loading and support conditions Course Outcomes: Ability to 1. appreciate structural design methods for aerospace vehicles, 2. identify various types of structural components and their loading pattern, 3. understand theoretical approaches Unit I Shear Flow in Open and Closed Sections Concept of shear flow, shear centre, Elastic axis. With one axis of symmetry, with wall effective and ineffective in bending, unsymmetrical beam sections. Bredt Batho formula, Shear flow in single & multicell structures under torsion. Unit II Stress Analysis in Wing And Fuselage Procedure Shear and bending moment distribution for semi cantilever and other types of wings and fuselage, thin webbed beam. With parallel and non parallel flanges, Shear resistant web beams, Tension field web beams (Wagners). Unit III Statically Determinate and Indeterminate Structures Analysis of plane truss Method of joints 3 D Truss. Composite beam - Clapeyron's Three Moment Equation - Moment Distribution Method. Unit IV Energy Methods Strain Energy due to axial, bending and Torsional loads - Castigliano's theorem - Maxwell's Reciprocal theorem, Unit load method - application to beams, trusses, frames, rings, etc. Unit V Columns Columns with various end conditions Eulers Column curve Rankines formula, Maximum Stress theory Maximum Strain Theory Maximum Shear Stress Theory Distortion Theory Maximum Strain energy theory Application to aircraft Structural problems. Karunya University 3

Text Books 1. Peery, D.J., and Azar, J.J., Aircraft Structures, 2nd edition, McGrawHill, N.Y., 1993 2. Donaldson, B.K., Analysis of Aircraft Structures An Introduction, McGraw-Hill, 1993. Reference Books 1. Megson, T.M.G., Aircraft Structures for Engineering Students, Edward Arnold, 1995. 2. Bruhn. E.H. Analysis and Design of Flight vehicles Structures, Tri state off set company, USA, 1985. 3. Rivello, R.M., Theory and Analysis of Flight Structures, McGraw-Hill, 1993. 4. Timoshenko, S., Strength of Materials, Vol. I and II, Princeton D. Von Nostrand Co, 1990. 09AE203 AIRCRAFT STRUCTURES LABORATORY I Credits: 0:0:2 Course Objectives: 1. To introduce the basic testing equipments for various structural components subjected to static loads 2. To familiarise with the measuring equipment and sensors 3. To familiarise with the test procedures Course Outcomes: Ability to 1. select test equipment for different types of static loading , 2. mount sensors and measuring equipment, 3. conduct tests, analyse results and document 4. Compare with analytical/theoretical results Experiments to familiarize 1. Tensile testing using UTM, Mech. & Optical extensometers, Stress Strain curves and strength tests for Steel 2. Tensile testing using UTM, Mech. & Optical extensometers, Stress Strain curves and strength tests for Aluminum 3. Bending tests, Stress and Deflection of Cantilever beams, verification of Maxwells and Castiglianos theorems. Influence coefficients. 4. Bending tests, Stress and Deflection of beams for Simplified supported ends, verification of Maxwells and Castiglianos theorems. Influence coefficients. 5. Bending tests, Stress and Deflection of beams under pure bending moment, verification of Maxwells and Castiglianos theorems. Influence coefficients. 6. Tensile Tests on riveted joints. 7. Tensile Tests on bolted joints. 8. Compression tests on short columns. Critical buckling loads, Euler load by Southwell plot, influence lines, moment indicator, and frame analysis. 9. Compression tests on long columns. Critical buckling loads, Euler load by Southwell plot, influence lines, moment indicator, and frame analysis. 10. Compression tests on thin-walled open sections. Critical buckling loads, Euler load by Southwell plot, influence lines, moment indicator, and frame analysis. Karunya University 4

11. Shear centre for Closed thin walled section 12. Shear centre for open thin walled section 09AE204 AIRCRAFT STRUCTURES LABORATORY II Credits: 0:0:2 Course Objectives: 1. To introduce the basic testing equipments for various structural components subjected to dynamic loads 2. To familiarise with the measuring equipment and sensors 3. To familiarise with the test procedures Course Outcomes: Ability to 1. select test equipment for different types of static loading , 2. mount sensors and measuring equipment, 3. conduct tests, analyse results and document 4. Compare with analytical/theoretical results Experiments to familiarize 1. Determination of Natural frequency and mode shape of plate ( cantilever) Excitation on line symmetry 2. Determination of Natural frequency and mode shape of plate ( cantilever) Excitation away from line symmetry 3. Determination of Natural frequency and mode shape of plate ( Fixed at one edge and simply supported at other edge) Excitation on line symmetry 4. Determination of Natural frequency and mode shape of plate ( Fixed at one edge and simply supported at other edge) Excitation away from line symmetry 5. Determination of Natural frequency and mode shape of composite plate ( cantilever) Excitation on line symmetry 6. Determination of Natural frequency and mode shape of honeycomb panel ( cantilever) Excitation on line symmetry 7. Determination Natural frequency and mode shape of beam - One end fixed, other end free 8. Determination Natural frequency and mode shape of beam - One end fixed, other end simply supported 9. Determination Natural frequency and mode shape of beam - Both ends fixed, 10. Bending tests, Stress and Deflection of Cantilever Composite beams, verification of Maxwells and Castiglianos theorems. Influence coefficients 11. Bending tests, Stress and Deflection of Simply supported Composite beams, verification of Maxwells and Castiglianos theorems. Influence coefficients 12. Bending tests, Stress and Deflection of Composite beams under pre bending moment, verification of Maxwells and Castiglianos theorems. Influence coefficients 09AE205 AERODYNAMICS Credits: 4:0:0 Karunya University 5

Course Objective: 1. To introduce the basics of air flow 2. To familiarise with the airfoils and wings and the flow over them 3. To introduce concepts of forces and moments on flying vehicles under various flight regimes 4. To familiarise with the flow measurement techniques Course Outcome: Ability to 1. Understand the flow behavior over aircraft components 2. Assess the forces and moments due to flow 3. Devise the methods for flow/force measurement Unit I Basics Wing and Airfoil section geometry - Aerodynamic forces and moments-Force and Moment components and coefficients, Pressure distribution on an airfoil, Types of Drag, Estimation of lift, Drag and pitching moment coefficient from the pressure Distribution. Experimental methods, Unit II Elementary Flows Incompressible flow condition, Governing equation for irrotational, incompressible flow: Laplaces equation, Boundary conditions. Elementary flows. Combination of uniform flow with a Source and Sink, Doublet, Flow over a circular cylinder, Vortex flow. Circulation, KuttaJoukowski theorem, Lifting flow over a cylinder, the vortex sheet. Kelvin circulation theorem Unit III Drag and Thrust Evaluations Drag of aerospace vehicle components. Total drag estimation, Methods of drag Reduction, Propellers, Performance analysis. Aerospace engines reciprocating, turbine and rockets. Design features. Performance characteristics. Unit IV Aircraft Performance in Steady Flight Level flight, Stall, Cruise, Maximum speed, Ceiling, Cruise climb, Range and Endurance. Climb performance, Performance optimization, Take off and landing Performance. Unit V Flow Measurements and Model Testing Non-dimensional parameters, Similarity of flows. Model testing in wind tunnels. Pressure, Velocity measurements Hotwire and Laser Doppler anemometer, Turbulence measurements. Flow visualization, Force measurements Wind tunnel balances Text Books: 1. John D. Anderson, Jr., "Fundamentals of Aerodynamics", Third edition, McGraw-Hill publications, 2001 2. Anderson J.D., "Introduction to Flight", McGraw Hill, 1987. References: 1. E L Houghton and PW Carpenter, "Aerodynamics for Engineering students", Fourth edition, Edward Arnold publications, 1993. 2. Kermode A.C., "Flight without Formulae", McGraw Hill, 1985. 3. Theory of wing sections by Ira Herbert Abbott, Albert Edward Von Doenhoff, 1959 Karunya University 6

edition. 4. High speed wind tunnel testing by Alan Pope, R.L. Goin, Kennith L. Goin, 1965 edition. 5. Low speed wind tunnel testing by Alan Pope, William H. Rae, 1984 6. 09AE206 AERODYNAMICS LABORATORY Credits: 0:0:2 Course Objectives: 1. To familiarize with various experimental facilities 2. To familiarize with different sensors and measurement techniques 3. To conduct the test, acquire the data and analyse and document Course Outcomes: Ability to 1. To choose proper experimental facilities 2. To configure the experiment and conduct the test 3. To draw inferences from acquired data Visualization of flow over 2D and 3D bodies by tuft & smoke methods Pressure distribution over 2D and 3D bodies

LIST OF EXPERIMENTS 1. Evaluation of test section speed versus fan speed characteristics of the subsonic wind tunnel by test section static pressure and pitot measurements. 2. Smoke visualization of flow over symmetric airfoil at 0, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 degree angle of attack at 20 m/s. 3. Smoke visualization of flow over cambered airfoil at 0, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 degree angle of attack at 20 m/s. 4. Smoke visualization of flow over a cylinder at 20, 25 and 30 m/s. 5. Smoke visualization of flow over a car model at 0and 5 degree yaw at 20 m/s. 6. Smoke visualization of flow over an aircraft model at 0, and 10 degree angles of attack and 0 and 5 degree yaw angles at 20 m/s. 7. Pressure measurement on the surface of a symmetric airfoil at 0 degree angle of attack at 20 m/s. 8. Pressure measurement on the surface of a symmetric airfoil at 5 degree angle of attack at 20 m/s. 9. Pressure measurement on the surface of a cambered airfoil at 0 degree angle of attack at 20 m/s. 10. Pressure measurement on the surface of a cambered airfoil at 5 degree angle of attack at 20 m/s. 11. Pressure measurement on the surface of a cylinder 20 m/s. 12. Pressure measurement in wake region of a cylinder at 3 downstream locations 20 m/s. Reference Book: 1. Alan Pope, John Joseph Harper, William H. Rae and Jewell Barlow, Low Speed Wind Tunnel Testing, Published March 3rd 1999 by John Wiley and Sons Ltd

09AE207 GAS DYNAMICS Karunya University 7

Credits: 4:0:0 Course Objectives: 1. To familiarize with behavior of compressible gas flow 2. To understand the difference between subsonic and supersonic flow 3. To familiarize with high speed test facilities Course Outcomes: Ability to 1. To distinguish between various flow regimes 2. To analyse the flow under different flow conditions 3. To assess the flow behavior and consequent loads due to flow Unit I One Dimensional Compressible Flow Energy, Momentum, continuity and state equations, velocity of sound, Adiabatic steady state flow equations, Flow through converging, diverging passages, Performance under various back pressures. Unit II Normal, Oblique Shocks and Expansion Waves Prandtl equation and Rankine Hugonoit relation, Normal shock equations, Pitot static tube, corrections for subsonic and supersonic flows, Oblique shocks and corresponding equations, Hodograph and pressure turning angle, shock polars, flow past wedges and concave corners, strong, weak and detached shocks, Rayleigh and Fanno Flow. Flow past convex corners, Expansion hodograph, Reflection and interaction of shocks and expansion, waves, Families of shocks, Methods of Characteristics, Two dimensional supersonic nozzle contours. Unit III Differential Equations of Motion for Steady Compressible Flows Small perturbation potential theory, solutions for supersonic flows, Mach waves and Mach angles, Prandtl-Glauert affine transformation for subsonic flows, Linearised two dimensional supersonic flow theory, Lift, drag pitching moment and center of pressure of supersonic profiles. Unit IV Airfoil in High Speed Flows Lower and upper critical Mach numbers, Lift and drag divergence, shock induced separation, Characteristics of swept wings, Effects of thickness, camber and aspect ratio of wings, Transonic area rule, Tip effects. Unit V High Speed Wind Tunnels Blow down, indraft and induction tunnel layouts and their design features, Transonic, supersonic and hypersonic tunnels and their peculiarities, Helium and gun tunnels, Shock tubes, Optical methods of flow visualization. Text Books: 1. Rathakrishnan, E., Gas Dynamics, Prentice Hall of India, 2008 2. Liepmann H W and Roshko A, Elements of Gasdynamics, John Willey & Sons,2001 Reference Books: 1. Shapiro, A.H., Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Compressible Fluid Flow, Ronold Press, 1982. Karunya University 8

2. Zucrow, M.J. and Anderson, J.D., Elements of gas dynamics, McGraw-Hill Book Co., NY, 1989. 3. Mc Cornick. W., Aerodynamics, Aeronautics and Flight Mechanics, John Wiley, NY, 1979. 4. Anderson Jr., D., Modern compressible flows, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York 1999. 09AE208 SPACE DYNAMICS Credits: 4:0:0 Course Objectives: 1. To familiarize with the performance, stability and control of rockets 2. To introduce the Solar system, Reference frames and times 3. To familiarize with various factors effecting the satellite orbits Course Outcomes: Ability to 1. To estimate the trajectory and performance of the vehicle 2. To use proper reference coordinate system for space vehicle analysis 3. To generate Preliminary design of inter-planetary trajectory Unit I Performance of single and multistage rockets, staging, separation of stages. Unit II Rocket Stability and control: Definition of stability, equilibrium, definition of static and dynamic stability; Static Longitudinal Stability and Control , Lateral and directional Stability and Control. Dynamic Stability Unit III The solar system - Reference frames and coordinate systems - The celestial sphere - The ecliptic - Motion of vernal equinox - Sidireal time - Solar time - Standard time - The earth's atmosphere. Space environment - Peculiarities -Effect of space environment on the selection of materials of spacecraft. Unit IV General Aspects of satellite Injections Satellite Orbit Transfer Various Cases Orbit Deviations Due to Injection Errors Special and General Perturbations Cowells Method Enckes Method Method of vibrations of Orbital Elements General Perturbations Approach. Unit V Two dimensional interplanetary trajectories - Fast interplanetary trajectories - Three dimensional interplanetary Trajectories - Launch of interplanetary spacecraft, Trajectory geometry - Optimal flights - Time of flight . Text Books: 1. Rocket Propulsion Elements, Sutton, G.P. John Wiley, 2009.

Karunya University

2. Rocket Propulsion and Spaceflight Dynamics, J.W.Cornelisse, H.F.R. Schoyer, and K.F. Wakker, Pitman, 2001 Reference Books: 1. Orbital Mechanics, Vladimir A. Chobotov, AIAA Education Series, AIAA Education Series, Published by AIAA, 2002 2. Fundamentals of Astrodynamics and Applications, David.A. Vellado, Microcosm and Kluwer, 2001 3. Spaceflight Dynamics, William E.Wiesel, McGraw-Hill, 1997 4. Elements of Astromechanics, Van de Kamp, P,Pitman, 1979. 5. Parker E.R., Materials for Missiles and Spacecraft, McGraw-Hill Book Co. Inc., 1982. Koelle, Astronatical Engineers Hand book,

09AE209 AIRCRAFT PROPULSION Credits: 4:0:0 Course Objectives: 1. To familiarize with Principles of Propulsion 2. To introduce working principles of Compressors and turbines 3. To familiarize with the concept of Matching of compressors and turbines and Off-design performance Course Outcomes: Ability to 1. To assess the performance of different Propulsion cycles. 2. To assess the performance of various sub-systems of the propulsion system and their matching 3. To understand the causes of under-performance and remedial measures Unit I Introduction: Review of thermodynamic concepts, Principles of jet propulsion, Working cycles and airflow, Operational envelope and standard atmospheres. Unit II Centrifugal Compressors: Basic concepts, Principle of operation, Work done and pressure rise, compressibility effects, Compressor characteristics. Axial flow Compressors: Basic operation & Elementary theory. Factors affecting static pressure ratio, Degree of reaction, Off-design performance, Axial flow compressor characteristics. Unit III Combustion systems: Operational requirements, Types of Combustion systems, some important factors affecting combustor design. Axial and Radial flow Turbines: Elementary theory, Vortex theory. Choice of blade profiles, Pitch and Chord, Estimation of Stage performance. Overall turbine performance. Unit IV

Karunya University


Afterburners: Afterburner Components, diffuser, Fuel Injection, Atomisation and Vaporization, Ignition, Flame stabilization. Afterburner liner, Total pressure loss, Afterburner Design Parameters. Inlets and Exhaust nozzles: Introduction to Inlets and Nozzles. Inlets- Types Subsonic Inlet, Supersonic Inlets, Exhaust nozzles. Unit V Prediction and Performance of Simple gas Turbines: Component characteristics. Off-design operation of the Single Shaft Gas Turbine, Equilibrium running of a Gas Generator. Off-design operation of Free Turbine Engine, Incorporation of variable running losses. Performance prediction turbo-fan engines: Matching Procedures for turbo-fan engine. Some notes on the behaviour of twin-spool engines, Transient behaviour of Gas Turbines, Principles of Control systems. Text Books: 1. V. Ganesan, Gas Turbines, Tata Mc Graw - Hill Publishing Company Ltd 1999. Reference Books: 1. J.D Mattingly, William H. Heiser & David T. Pratt Aircraft Engine Design (AIAA Education Series), AIAA, Dec 2002 ISBN - 1563475383. 2. Rolls Royce Plc, The Jet Engine, 1996, ISBN 090212235 3. E. Irwin Treager, Aircraft Gas Turbine Engine Technology, 3rd Edition 1995 'ISBN00201828 4. H. Cohen & F.C Rogers and H.I.H Saravana muthu, Gas Turbine Theory, Edition, Longman 2001. 5. Marcel Barrere, Rocket Propulsion, Elsevier,1960

09AE210 PROPULSION LAB Credit: 0:0:1 Course Objectives: 1. To introduce the concept of combustion and related issues 2. To assess the performance of rocket motors Course Outcomes: Ability to 1. To design the experiment for rocket motor performance 2. To assess the real lie situation and corrective measures associated with rocket motors LIST OF EXPERIMENTS 1. Estimation of Performance of a Rocket motor To measure the thrust of the rocket motor and correlate to the chamber pressure and nozzle parameters 2. Ignition Delay Studies To estimate the time required for a propellant combination to ignite and sustain combustion 3. Studies regarding Injector Performance To assess the performance of the injectors of various types, their flow and atomization characteristics 4. Storage losses in an insulated liquid Oxygen tank Karunya University 11

5. Impingement and cooling requirement of a Rocket exhaust over a J type jet deflector, thermal response of the deflector 6. Measurement of nozzle heat flux in a convergent-divergent nozzle


Credits: 4:0:0

Course Objectives: 1. To introduce the concepts of Rocket Propulsion 2. To introduce the concept of combustion in RAM Jet and SCRAM Jet 3. To familiarize with Advanced propulsion Techniques Course Outcomes: Ability to 1. To assess the performance of rocket propulsion system 2. To understand the need for different propulsion systems and their usage 3. To make preliminary design of propulsion system Unit I AIRCRAFT GAS TURBINES Impulse and reaction blading of gas turbines Velocity triangles and power output Elementary theory Vortex theory Choice of blade profile, pitch and chord Estimation of stage performance Limiting factors in gas turbine design- Overall turbine performance Methods of blade cooling Matching of turbine and compressor Numerical problems. Unit II RAMJET PROPULSION Operating principle Sub critical, critical and supercritical operation Combustion in ramjet engine Ramjet performance Sample ramjet design calculations Introduction to scramjet Preliminary concepts in supersonic combustion Integral ram- rocket- Numerical problems. Unit III FUNDAMENTALS OF ROCKET PROPULSION Operating principle Specific impulse of a rocket internal ballistics- Rocket nozzle classification Rocket performance considerations Numerical Problems. Unit IV CHEMICAL ROCKETS Solid propellant rockets Selection criteria of solid propellants Important hardware components of solid rockets Propellant grain design considerations Liquid propellant rockets Selection of liquid propellants Thrust control in liquid rockets Cooling in liquid rockets Limitations of hybrid rockets Relative advantages of liquid rockets over solid rocketsNumerical Problems. Unit V ADVANCED PROPULSION TECHNIQUES Electric rocket propulsion Ion propulsion techniques Nuclear rocket Types Solar sailPreliminary Concepts in nozzleless propulsion. Text Books: 1. Sutton, G.P., Rocket Propulsion Elements, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York, 5th Edn., 1993. Karunya University 12

2. Hill, P.G. & Peterson, C.R. Mechanics & Thermodynamics of Propulsion Addison Wesley Longman INC, 1999. Reference Books : 1. Cohen, H., Rogers, G.F.C. and Saravanamuttoo, H.I.H., Gas Turbine Theory, Longman Co., ELBS Ed., 1989. 2. Gorden, C.V., Aero thermodynamics of Gas Turbine and Rocket Propulsion, AIAA Education Series, New York, 1989. 3. Mathur, M., and Sharma, R.P., Gas Turbines and Jet and Rocket Propulsion, Standard Publishers, New Delhi, 1988. 09AE212 INSTRUMENTATION & CONTROL SYSTEMS Credits: 4:0:0 Course Objectives: 1. To provide knowledge on the fundamentals of measurement science and measuring instruments 2. To provide a knowledge on the basics of control system theory Course Outcomes: 1. Students will be conversant with measurement techniques and the use of measuring instruments 2. Students will have working knowledge for dealing with problems involving control system fundamentals Unit I General concepts of Mechanical Instrumentation generalized measurement system. Classification of instruments as indicators, recorders and integrators- their working principles, Precision and accuracy: measurement error and calibration. Unit II Measurement of displacement, time, speed, frequency, acceleration - vibrometer, accelerometer etc. Pressure measurement: gravitational, Bourdon, elastic transducers, strain gauge, pressure cells, and measurement of high and low pressure. Temperature measurement: bi-metallic, resistance thermometer, thermocouples, pyrometer, thermistors. Hot-wire anemometer, magnetic flow meter , ultrasonic flow meter. Unit III Viscosity: Capillary tube viscometer, efflux viscometer, Humidity: absorption hydrometer, Dew point meter. Strain: strain gauges, types, gauge rosettes calibration. Force measurement: scales and torque measurement: Mechanical torsion meter, electrical torsion meter, fibre optic & piezo electric transducer. Unit IV Control systems: Wheatstone bridge circuits. Open and closed systems, servomechanisms, transfer functions, signal flow graphs, block diagram algebra and hydraulic and pneumatic control systems. Two way control, proportional control, differential and integral control. Simple problems. Karunya University 13

Unit V Time response of first order and second order systems, concept of stability, necessary condition for stability, routh stability criterion, Polar and Bode plots, Nyquist stability criterion. Simple Problems. Text Books: 1. Sawheny, A.K. Electrical and Electronics Measurements & Instrumentation, Dhanpat Rai & Co., 1993 2. Nagoor Kani. A., Control Systems, RBA Publications, 1998 ( for units IV & V) Reference Books: 1. Thomas G. Beckwith, Lewis buck N. Ray D. Maragoni, Mechanical Measurements, Narosa Publishing House new Delhi, 1989. 2. Collet. C. V. and Hope. A.D. Engineering Measurements 2nd Edition ELBS 3. Nagrath. M. and Gopal. I.J. Control systems Engineering, Wiley eastern Ltd., 1991. 09AE213 INSTRUMENTATION & CONTROL LABORATORY Credits: 0:0:2 Course Objectives: 1. To introduce different types of Instruments 2. To introduce different types of Controls 3. To train students to measure parameters accurately Course Outcomes: The students will be 1. Work in control room in process Industries 2. Design new control systems 3. Troubleshoot & rectify faulty Instruments List of Exercises 1. Study on different kinds of Instruments and controls 2. Flow measurements using hot wire anemometer 3. Flow visualization using shadowgraph Techniques 4. Flow visualization using Schlieren Techniques 5. Temperature measurements using thermocouples 6. Temperature measurements using pyrometery 7. Instrumentation study of IC engines. 8. Study of Data acquisition system and processing using Labview software 9. Controls in Refrigeration systems 10. Controls in Air conditioning systems 11. Study measurement and analysis of electrical Power using power analyser 12. Various instrumentation part in Boiler control (Depending availability new experiments may be offered) 09AE214 NAVIGATION, GUIDANCE AND CONTROL Karunya University


Credits: 4:0:0 Course Objectives: 1. To introduce the concept of Control system and its analysis 2. To introduce the concept of Navigation and Guidance system 3. To model of Aerospace vehicles and flight control system Course Outcomes: Ability to 1. To analyse the control system and assess its performance 2. To relate the control systems and guidance/control of launch vehicles 3. To design and analyse Auto-pilot for Aerospace vehicles Unit I Introduction to Control System open loop and closed loop control system-Transfer functionpoles and zeroes-block diagram-representation-block diagram reduction-signal flow graphMasons gain formula-Characteristics equation-concept of stability-stability of feedback systems-Rouths stability Criteria Unit II Time Domain Analysis Transient and Steady State Response-Time domain SpecificationsSecond Order system- Impulse and Step Response-Steady State error analysis Unit III Frequency Domain Analysis Closed Loop Frequency Response-Bode Plot-Polar Plot-Gain Margin-Phase Margin-Nyquist Stability Criteria-Stability Analysis from Bode Plot Fuzzy LogicNeural Control-Robust Control Unit IV Introduction to the concepts of navigation guidance and control. General principles of early conventional navigation systems. Geometric concepts of navigation. Reference frames. Direction cosine matrix, Euler angles, Transformation of angular velocities, Quaternion representation in co-ordinate transformation. Comparison of transformation methods. Unit V Modeling of Aerospace vehicles, Linear system analysis, Stabilization and Control of space crafts, Missile control systems and Autopilots, Launch vehicle flight control systems. Longitudinal and lateral autopilots for aircraft. Radar systems command and housing guidance systems Text Books: 1. Gopal.M, Control System, Tata Mc. Ed. 2008 2. Modern Navigation, Guidance and Control Processing, Ching-Fang Lin, Prentice Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1991 Reference Books: 1. Aerospace Avionics System - A Modern Synthesis by George M Siouris, Academic Press Inc.,1993 2. Modern Space Craft Dynamics and Control, Kaplan M , Wiley, 1976 Karunya University 15

3. Guided Weapon Control Systems, Garnele P, Pergamon, 1980 4. Automatic Control of Aircraft and Missiles, Blaklock J H, Wiley, 1990 5. Introduction to Radar Systems, Stolnik R E, McGraw Hill, 1982 09AE215 AIRCRAFT STABILITY AND CONTROL Credits: 4:0:0 Course Objectives: 1. To familiarize with the concept of Stability and control of Aircraft 2. To familiarize with various Aircraft motions and related stability 3. To familiarize with the concept of dynamic stability of Aircraft Course Outcomess: Ability to 1. To analyse the stability of aircraft using dynamical analysis 2. To assess the requirement of control force and power plant 3. To understand the motion of unstable aircraft and related modes of unstability Unit I Degrees of Freedom of a system, Static and Dynamic Stability, Need for Stability in an Airplane, Purpose of Controls, Inherently and Marginally stable Systems Stick Fixed Static Longitudinal Stability Basic equations of equilibrium, Stability criterion, Wing and tail Moments, Effects of Fuselage and nacelles, Effect of CG location Unit II Stick Fixed Static Longitudinal Stability Power effects, Stabiliser settings and CG location, Elevator Effects, Stick fixed Neutral Points Stick Free Longitudinal Stability Hinge moment Coefficients, Stick free neutral point, Symmetric maneuvers, Stick Force gradients and Stick force per g load, Aerodynamic balancing of Control Surfaces Unit III Static Lateral Stability Dihedral Effect, Coupling between rolling moment and yawing moment, Adverse yaw, Aileron power, Aileron reversal Static Directional Stability Weathercocking Effect, Rudder Requirements, One engine Inoperative Conditions, Rudder Lock Unit IV Dynamic Longitudinal Stability Equations of motion, stability Derivatives, Rouths discrimnant, Solving the stability quartic, Phugoid motion, Factors effecting the period and damping Unit V Dynamic Lateral and Directional Stability Dutch roll and Spiral instability, Auto rotation and Spin, Two control airplane Text Books: 1. Perkins, C D and Hage, R E; Airplane Performance Stability and Control, Willey Toppan, 1974 Karunya University 16

Reference Books: 1. Babister A W: Aircraft Dynamic Stability and Response. Elsever 1980 2. McCormic, B W; Aerodynamics, Aeronautics and Flight mechanics, John Willey, 1995 3. Nelson, R C; Flight Stability and Automatic Contril, McGraw Hill, 1989 4. Roskam Jan: Airplane Flight Dynamics and Automatic Flight Controls. Roskam Aviation and Engineering Corporation 1979. Second Printing 1982 09AE216 AIRCRAFT PERFORMANCE Credits: 4:0:0 Course Objectives: 1. To familiarize with the concepts of Flight performance 2. To understand the parameters effecting the performance 3. To familiarize with the various theories of propeller analysis and design Course Outcomes: Ability to 1. To make preliminary performance estimation 2. To make preliminary design of propeller 3. To assess various aircraft parameters and their effect of performance Unit I Streamlined and Bluff bodies, Aerofoil characteristics, Pressure Distribution around circular cylinder and aerofoils, Aerofoil Classification Types of Drag; Effect of Reynolds Number on Skin friction and Pressure drag, Unit II Drag reduction of Airplanes, Momentum Theory of Finite wings, Induces drag, Chordwise and spanwise pressure distribution, Aspect Ratio, Camber and planform Characteristics , Drag polar Unit III Steady Level Flight, Thrust/Power available and required with altitudes, Estimation of Maximum level flight speed, Conditions for minimum drag and minimum power required Unit IV Maximum range, minimum rate of glide, Shallow angle of climb, Rates of Climb and Ceilings, Glide Hodograph Range and endurance of jet and propeller type of airplanes, Estimation of take-off and landing distances, High Lift Devices, use of thrust augmentation and reverse thrust Unit V Bank angle and load factor, Limitation of turn, Pull up and Push over V-n diagram; Froude momentum and blade element theories, propeller coefficients, Use of propeller charts, performance of fixed and variable pitch propellers Text Books: 1. Roskan, Jan and Lan, Chuan-tau E, Airplane Aerodynamics and Performance, DAR Corporation, Lawrence, Kansas, USA, 1997 Karunya University 17

2. Perkins, C D and Hage, R E; Airplane Performance Stability and Control, Willey Toppan, 1974 Reference Books: 1. Houghton, E L and Carruthers, N B; Aerodynamics for Engineering Students, Edward Arnold Publishers, 1988 2. Kuethe, A M and Chow, C Y; Foundations of Aerodynamics, John Willey & Sons, 1982 3. Bertin J J; Aerodynamics for Engineers Pitman, 1986 4. Schlichting, H and Truckenbrodt, E; Aerodynamics of the Airplane, McGraw Hill, 1979 09AE217 AIRCRAFT DESIGN PROJECT Credits: 0:0:4 Course Objectives: 1. To familiarize with inputs required for Aircraft design 2. To familiarize with methodology for aerodynamic design of aircraft 3. To select proper power plant to meet performance requirements 4. To familiarize with methodology for structural design of aircraft Course Outcomes: Ability to 1. To carry out preliminary design of aircraft configuration 2. To carry out preliminary structural design of aircraft components 3. To select a power plant suitable for the required performance The following are the assignments to be carried out. 1. Comparitive study of the different type of the airplanes and their specifications and performance details. 2. Preliminary weight estimations, selection of main parameters, Power plant selection, Aerofoil selection for Wing, Tail and Control surfaces 3. Preparation of lay out of balance diagram and three view drawings 4. Drag estimation, Detailed performance calculation and Stability Estimates, V-n diagram Reference Books: 1. Jan Roskam - Airplane Design Part I-VIII, DAR Corporation, 2000 2. John P Fielding Introduction to Aircraft Design, Cambridge University Press, 2005 09AE218 CFD LABORATORY Credits: 0:0:2 Course Objectives: 1. To familiarize the students with the working of CFD codes 2. To familiarize the students with actual setting up of the problem and solution procedure 3. To extract the required data, post process and compare with available data Course Outcomes: Karunya University


Ability to 1. To define the body shape in a CFD code 2. To set up solution domain and grid generation 3. To set up boundary conditions and generate the solution 4. To derive aerodynamic quantities from computed data It is planned to have flow simulation for different flow regimes for simple bodies 1. Flow past simple 2D body such as Cylinder-wedge-flat plate at M=0.1, =0o 2. Flow past simple 2D body such as Cylinder-wedge-flat plate at M=0.1, =10o 3. Flow past simple 2D body such as Cylinder-wedge-flat plate at M=0.8, =0o 4. Flow past simple 2D body such as Cylinder-wedge-flat plate at M=0.8, =10o 5. Flow past simple 2D body such as Cylinder-wedge-flat plate at M=01.2, =0o 6. Flow past simple 2D body such as Cylinder-wedge-flat plate at M=01.2, =10o 7. Flow past simple 2D body such as Cylinder-wedge-flat plate at M=2.0, =0o 8. Flow past simple 2D body such as Cylinder-wedge-flat plate at M=2.0, =10o 9. Flow past simple 2D body such as Cylinder-wedge-flat plate at M=3.0, =0o 10. Flow past simple 2D body such as Cylinder-wedge-flat plate at M=3.0, =10o 11. Flow past simple 2D body such as Cylinder-wedge-flat plate at M=5.0, =0o 12. Flow past simple 2D body such as Cylinder-wedge-flat plate at M=5.0, =10o 13. Flow past simple 3D body such as Sphere-Cone-Cylinder at M=0.1, =0o 14. Flow past simple 3D body such as Sphere-Cone-Cylinder at M=0.1, =10o 15. Flow past simple 3D body such as Sphere-Cone-Cylinder at M=0.8, =0o 16. Flow past simple 3D body such as Sphere-Cone-Cylinder at M=0.8, =10o 17. Flow past simple 3D body such as Sphere-Cone-Cylinder at M=01.2, =0o 18. Flow past simple 3D body such as Sphere-Cone-Cylinder at M=01.2, =10o 19. Flow past simple 3D body such as Sphere-Cone-Cylinder at M=2.0, =0o 20. Flow past simple 3D body such as Sphere-Cone-Cylinder at M=2.0, =10o 21. Flow past simple 3D body such as Sphere-Cone-Cylinder at M=3.0, =0o 22. Flow past simple 3D body such as Sphere-Cone-Cylinder at M=3.0, =10o 23. Flow past simple 3D body such as Sphere-Cone-Cylinder at M=5.0, =0o 24. Flow past simple 3D body such as Sphere-Cone-Cylinder at M=5.0, =10o This will expose students to differences between flow field over 2D and 3D bodies and also difference in flow pattern for different flow regime ( M=0.1, 0.8, 1.2 2.0 3.0,5.0) at different angle of attack (=0o and =10o) Suitable exercise will be chosen from among these. Later, an exercise may be taken up for flow simulation over real life geometry of interest ( Any 12 experiments can be offered)

09AE219 CAD LABORATORY Credits: 0:0:2 Course Objectives: To train the students with CAD packages like PRO-E. To impart the 2D and 3D modeling skills to the students. Course Outcomes: Karunya University 19

Students will be able to design different parts of mechanical equipments Students will be able to apply their skills in various designing and Manufacturing industries

LIST OF EXPERIMENTS 1. Scaling, rotation, translation, editing, dimensioning Typical CAD command structure. 2. Wire frame modeling surface modeling 3. Solid Modeling. 4. Computer aided modeling of typical aircraft wing. 5. Computer aided modeling of typical fuselage structure 6. Computer aided modeling of landing gear 7. Three view diagram of a typical aircraft 8. Lay out of control systems 9. Taper Turning Straight Interpolation 10. Taper Turning Circular Interpolation 11. Incremental programme G 90 operation. 12. Mirroring. 13. Incremental Programme G 91 operation 14. Absolute Programme G 90 operation ( Any 12 experiments can be offered)

Karunya University


10AE201 INTRODUCTION TO AIRCRAFT INDUSTRY AND AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS Credit: 4:0:0 Remarks: This syllabus is adopted from the Faculty Enablement programme offered by Infosys through Infosys Campus connect programme. This subject can be offered as an Elective for the 6th Semester or 7th Semester Mechanical Students This course will add credit to the students when they appear for Infosys placement. Course Objective: To enable the student to get an exposure to the Aerospace Industry and understand the Basics of Aircraft Systems and Aircraft Structures. This course will also impart Industry Practices on Design of Aircraft Structures and enable the student to understand the applicability of Design aspects in Aircraft Design so that he/she can relate the theoretical knowledge with the design of Aircraft Structures. UNIT - I AIRCRAFT INDUSTRY OVERVIEW Evolution and History of Flight, Types Of Aerospace Industry, Key Players in Aerospace Industry, Aerospace Manufacturing, Industry Supply Chain, Prime contractors, Tier 1 Suppliers, Key challenges in Industry Supply Chain, OEM Supply Chain Strategies, Mergers and Acquisitions, Aerospace Industry Trends, Advances in Engineering/CAD/CAM/CAE Tools and Materials technology, Global and Indian Aircraft Scenario. UNIT - II INTRODUCTION TO AIRCRAFTS Basic components of an Aircraft, Structural members, Aircraft Axis System, Aircraft Motions, Control surfaces and High lift Devices. Types of Aircrafts - Lighter than Air/Heavier than Air Aircrafts Conventional Design Configurations based on Power Plant Location, Wing vertical location, intake location, Tail Unit Arrangements, Landing Gear Arrangements. Unconventional Configurations-Biplane, Variable Sweep, Canard Layout, Twin Boom Layouts, Span loaders, Blended Body Wing Layout, STOL and STOVL Aircraft, Stealth Aircraft. Advantages and disadvantages of these Configurations. UNIT III FUNDAMENTALS OF AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS Types of Aircraft Systems. Mechanical Systems. Electrical and Electronic Systems. Auxiliary systems. Mechanical Systems: Environmental control systems (ECS), Pneumatic systems, Hydraulic systems, Fuel systems, Landing gear systems, Engine Control Systems, Ice and rain protection systems, Cabin Pressurization and Air Conditioning Systems, Steering and Brakes Systems Auxiliary Power Unit, Electrical system. Introduction to Avionics. UNIT - IV BASIC PRINCIPLES OF FLIGHT Significance of speed of Sound, Air speed and Ground Speed, Properties of Atmosphere, Bernoullis Equation, Forces on the airplane, Airflow over wing section, Pressure Distribution Karunya University 21

over a wing section, Generation of Lift, Drag, Pitching moments, Types of Drag, Lift curve, Drag Curve, Lift/Drag Ratio Curve, Factors affecting Lift and Drag, Center of Pressure and its effects. Aerofoil Nomenclature, Types of Aerofoil, Wing Section- Aerodynamic Center, Aspect Ratio, Effects of lift, Drag, speed, Air density on drag, UNIT - V BASICS OF FLIGHT MECHANICS Mach Waves, Mach Angles, Sonic and Supersonic Flight and its effects Stability and Control - Degree of Stability- Lateral, Longitudinal and Directional Stability and controls of Aircraft. Effects of Flaps and Slats on Lift Coefficients, Control Tabs, Stalling, Landing, Gliding Turning, Speed of Sound, Mach Numbers, Shock Waves Aircraft Performance and Maneuvers - Power Curves, Maximum and minimum speeds of horizontal flight, Effects of Changes of Engine Power, Effects of Altitude on Power Curves, Forces acting on a Aero plane during a Turn, Loads during a Turn, Correct and incorrect Angles of Bank, Aerobatics, Inverted Maneuvers, Maneuverability Text books: 1. John D Anderson Jr, Introduction to Flight,Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, NewDelhi, 5th Edition, 2009. 2. Karunya notes & website links (only for Unit I) Reference books: 1. David A Lombardo, Aircraft Systems, Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, NewDelhi, 2nd Edition, 1998. 2. A.C Kermode, Flight without Formulae , Pearson Education,5th Edition, 2008. 3. Course material of Faculty Enablement Programme on Introduction to Aircraft Industry, conducted by Infosys, Mysore through Campus connect programme from June 21st-30th, 2010. 10AE202 BASICS OF AEROSPACE ENGINEERING Credit 3:0:0 Course Objective To introduce the basic concepts of aerospace engineering and the current developments in the field. UNIT I HISTORICAL EVOLUTION Early airplanes, biplanes and monoplanes, Developments in aerodynamics, materials, structures and propulsion over the years. UNIT II AIRCRAFT CONFIGURATIONS Components of an airplane and their functions. Different types of flight vehicles, classifications. Karunya University 22

Conventional control, Powered control, Basic instruments for flying, Typical systems for control actuation. Introduction to Avionics and its components. UNIT III PRINCIPLES OF FLIGHT Physical properties and structure of the atmosphere, Temperature, pressure and altitude relationships, Evolution of lift, drag and moment. Aerofoils, Mach number, Maneuvers. UNIT IV AEROSPACE STRUCTURES General types of Aircraft construction, Aerospace materials, metallic and non-metallic materials, Typical wing and fuselage structure. Landing Gear Structure UNIT V AEROSPACE POWER PLANTS Basic knowledge about piston, turboprop and jet engines, Use of propeller and jets for thrust production. Comparative merits, Principles of operation of rocket, types of rockets and typical applications. Text book: 1. John D Anderson Jr, Introduction to Flight, Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, New Delhi, 5th Edition, 2009. Reference Books 1. A.C Kermode, Flight without Formulae , Pearson Education,5th Edition, 2008. 2. David A Lombardo, Aircraft Systems, Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, New Delhi, 2nd Edition, 1998. 3. Course material of Faculty Enablement Programme on Introduction to Aircraft Industry, conducted by Infosys, Mysore through Campus connect programme from June 21st-30th, 2010.

Karunya University


Karunya University

Department of Aerospace Engineering

ADDITIONAL SUBJECTS S.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sub. Code 11AE201 11AE202 11AE203 11AE204 11AE205 11AE206 Name of the Subject Introduction to Aerospace Engineering Aircraft Structures Aircraft Structures Lab Flight Mechanics and Performance Aerodynamics Aircraft/Launch vehicle Design Project Credits 4:0:0 3:1:0 0:0:2 3:1:0 4:0:0 0:0:4

11AE201 INTRODUCTION TO AEROSPACE ENGINEERING Credits 4:0:0 Course Objectives: To introduce the basic concepts of aircrafts, rockets, satellites and their application To familiarize with the basic parts and their function and construction details To introduce the basics of aerodynamics, propulsion, materials, maneuvers, trajectories & orbits and flight testing To familiarize with the national and international aeronautical and aerospace agencies Course Outcome: Ability to understand nature of aerospace technologies, understand various types of aerospace vehicles, satellites and their applications, Appreciation of various national and international aerospace agencies UNIT I HISTORICAL EVOLUTION History of aviation, early development of airplanes, biplanes and monoplanes, history of spaceflight, development of space vehicle, classification of duct jet propulsion, rocket propulsion, advance propulsion and applications. UNIT II CONFIGURATIONS Anatomy of flight vehicles, components of an airplanes and their function, configuration of space vehicle, earths atmosphere and gravitational field, bluff bodies v/s streamlined body, airfoil. lift generation, significance of L/D ratio, aerodynamic forces. UNIT III PROPULSION Classification and essential features of propulsion, jet propulsion, general characteristics of rocket engines, theory of propulsion, elementary gas dynamics, spacecrafts and aircraft performance. UNIT IV AEROSPACE STRUCTURES AND MATERIALS General types of construction and structural layout, flight envelope and V-n diagrams, monocoque, semimonocoque, corrugated, sandwich structure, reinforced and honeycomb structures, geodesic construction, aerospace materials, metallic and non metallic materials, use of aluminum alloy, titanium, stainless steel, composite and ceramic materials. UNIT V ROCKETS AND SPACE APPLICATION Principles of operation of rocket, types of rockets and typical applications, Exploration into space. Satellite Missions and introduction to orbital dynamics, Different types of satellites and their Academic Information 1

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Department of Aerospace Engineering

applications, Spacecraft configurations: structures, Systems and subsystems identifications and functions of each, Spacecraft environment. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Shevel, Fundamentals of Flight, Prentice Hall, 1989. 2. Sutton, G.P., Rocket Propulsion Elements, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York, 1993. REFERENCES: 1. Anderson, J. D., Introduction to Flight, McGraw-Hill, 2000. 2. Kermode, A. C., Flight without Formulae, Pitman, 1970. 11AE202 AIRCRAFT STRUCTURES Credits 3:1:0 Course Objectives: 1. To introduce the various structural components of aircrafts and aerospace vehicles 2. To study their behaviour under various types of loads 3. To familiarise with different types of beams and columns subjected to various types of loading and support conditions Course Outcome: Ability to 1. appreciate structural design methods for aerospace vehicles, 2. identify various types of structural components and their loading pattern, 3. understand theoretical approaches UNIT I: STATICALLY DETERMINATE AND INDETERMINATE STRUCTURES Analysis of plane truss Method of joints 3 D Truss. Composite beam - Clapeyron's Three Moment Equation - Moment Distribution Method. UNIT II: ENERGY METHODS Strain Energy due to axial, bending and Torsional loads - Castigliano's theorem - Maxwell's Reciprocal theorem, Unit load method - application to beams, trusses, frames, rings, etc. UNIT III: COLUMNS Columns with various end conditions Eulers Column curve Rankines formula, Maximum Stress theory Maximum Strain Theory Maximum Shear Stress Theory Distortion Theory Maximum Strain energy theory Application to aircraft Structural problems. UNIT IV: Shear Flow in Open and Closed Sections Concept of shear flow, shear centre, Elastic axis. With one axis of symmetry, with wall effective and ineffective in bending, unsymmetrical beam sections. Bredt Batho formula, Shear flow in single & multicell structures under torsion. UNIT V: STRESS ANALYSIS IN WING AND FUSELAGE Procedure Shear and bending moment distribution for semi cantilever and other types of wings and fuselage, thin webbed beam. With parallel and non parallel flanges, Shear resistant web beams, Tension field web beams (Wagners). TEXT BOOKS 1. Peery, D.J., and Azar, J.J., Aircraft Structures, 2nd edition, McGrawHill, N.Y., 1993 2. Donaldson, B.K., Analysis of Aircraft Structures An Introduction, McGraw-Hill, 1993.
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Karunya University

Department of Aerospace Engineering

REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Megson, T.M.G., Aircraft Structures for Engineering Students, Edward Arnold, 1995. 2. Timoshenko, S., Strength of Materials, Vol. I and II, Princeton D. Von Nostrand Co, 1990. 3. Rajput, Strength of materials 4. Bansal Strength of materials 11AE203 AIRCRAFT STRUCTURES LABORATORY Credits: 0:0:2 Course Objectives: 1. To introduce the basic testing equipments for various structural components subjected to static loads 2. To familiarise with the measuring equipment and sensors 3. To familiarise with the test procedures Course Outcome: Ability to 1. select test equipment for different types of static loading , 2. mount sensors and measuring equipment, 3. conduct tests, analyse results and document 4. Compare with analytical/theoretical results Experiments to familiarize 1. Tensile testing using UTM, Mech. & Optical extensometers, Stress Strain curves and strength tests for different materials 2. Deflection of beams with various end conditions. 3. Verification of Maxwells Reciprocal theorem & principle of superposition 4. Column Testing - South wells plot. 5. Tensile testing using UTM on riveted joints and bolted joints 6. Torsion on circular shaft 7. Unsymmetrical bending of beams 8. Shear centre location for open sections 9. Bending stiffness on composite beam 10. Stresses in circular discs and beams using photoelastic techniques 11. Vibrations of beams 12. Wagner beam Tension field beam

11AE 204 FLIGHT MECHANICS AND PERFORMANCE Credits: 3:1:0 Course Objectives: 1. To familiarize with the concepts of Flight performance 2. To understand the parameters effecting the performance 3. To familiarize with the concept of Stability and control of Aircraft 4. To familiarize with the concept of dynamic stability of Aircraft Course Outcome: Ability to
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Karunya University

Department of Aerospace Engineering

1. 2. 3. 4.

To make preliminary performance estimation To assess various aircraft parameters and their effect of performance To analyse the stability of aircraft using dynamical analysis To assess the requirement of control force

UNIT I DRAG ON THE AIRPLANE International Standard Atmosphere - Forces and moments acting on a flight vehicle - Equation of motion of a rigid flight vehicle - Different types of drag - Drag polars of vehicles from low speed to high speed - Variation of thrust, power and SFC with velocity and altitudes for air breathing engines and rockets - Power available and power required curves. UNIT II AIRCRAFT PERFORMANCE Performance of airplane in level flight - Maximum speed in level flight - Conditions for minimum drag and power required - Range and endurance - Climbing and gliding flight (Maximum rate of climb and steepest angle of climb, minimum rate of sink and shallowest angle of glide) -Turning performance (Turning rate, turn radius). Bank angle and load factor - Limitations of pull up and push over - V-n diagram and load factor. UNIT III STATIC LONGITUDINAL STABILITY Degree of freedom of rigid bodies in space - Static and dynamic stability - Purpose of controls in airplanes -Inherently stable and marginal stable airplanes Static Longitudinal stability - Stick fixed stability - Basic equilibrium equation - Stability criterion - Effects of fuselage and nacelle Influence of CG location - Power effects - Stick fixed neutral point - Stick free stability-Hinge moment coefficient - Stick free neutral points-Symmetric maneuvers - Stick force gradients - Stick force per 'g' - Aerodynamic balancing. Determination of neutral points and maneuver points from flight test. UNIT IV LATERAL AND DIRECTIONAL STABILITY Dihedral effect - Lateral control - Coupling between rolling and yawing moments - Adverse yaw effects - Aileron reversal - Static directional stability - Weather cocking effect - Rudder requirements - One engine inoperative condition - Rudder lock. UNIT V DYNAMIC STABILITY Dynamic longitudinal stability: Equations of motion - Stability derivatives - Characteristic equation of stick fixed case - Modes and stability criterion - Effect of freeing-the stick - Brief description of lateral and directional. Dynamic stability - Spiral, divergence, Dutch roll, auto rotation and spin. TEXT BOOKS 1. Perkins, C.D., and Hage, R.E., Airplane Performance stability and Control, John Wiley & Son:, Inc, New York, 2000. 2. J D Anderson, Aircraft performance and Design, McGraw-Hill, , New York, 2000. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Etkin, B., Dynamics of Flight Stability and Control, Edn. 2, John Wiley, New York, 1982. 2. Nelson, R.C. Flight Stability and Automatic Control, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1991


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Karunya University

Department of Aerospace Engineering

Credits: 4:0:0 Course Objectives: 1. To introduce the basics of air flow 2. To familiarise with the airfoils and wings and the flow over them 3. To introduce concepts of forces and moments on flying vehicles under various flight regimes 4. To familiarise with the flow measurement techniques Course Outcome: Ability to 1. Understand the flow behavior over aircraft components 2. Assess the forces and moments due to flow 3. Devise the methods for flow/force measurement UNIT I REVIEW OF BASIC FLUID MECHANICS Continuity, momentum and energy equations, Inviscid flow, Euler equation, incompressible Bernoullis Equation. Circulation and Vorticity, Greens Lemma and Stokes Theorem, Barotropic Flow, Kelvins theorem, Streamline, Stream Function, Irrotational flow, Potential Function, Equipontential Lines, Elementary Flows and their combinations. UNIT II TWO DIMENSIONAL INVISCID INCOMPRESSIBLE FLOW Ideal Flow over a circular cylinder, DAlemberts Paradox, Magnus effect, Kutta Joukowskis Theorem, Starting Vortex, Kutta condition, Real flow over smooth and rough cylinder. UNIT III AIRFOIL THEORY Cauchy-Riemann relations, Complex Potential, Methodology of Conformal Transformation, KuttaJoukowski transformation and its applications, Karman Trefftz Profiles, Thin Airfoil theory and its applications. UNIT IV INTRODUCTION TO LAMINAR AND TURBULENT FLOW Boundary layer and boundary layer thickness, displacement thickness, momentum thickness, Energy thickness, Shape parameter, Boundary layer equations for a steady, two dimensional incompressible flow, Boundary Layer growth over a Flat plate, Critical Reynolds Number, Clasius solution, Basics of Turbulent flow, Prandtls mixing length hypothesis, Free shear layers. UNIT V SUBSONIC WING THEORY Vortex Filament, Biot and Savart Law, Bound Vortex and trailing Vortex, Horse Shoe Vortex, Lifting Line Theory and its limitations TEXT BOOKS 1. John D. Anderson, Jr., "Fundamentals of Aerodynamics", Third edition, McGraw-Hill publications, 2001 2. E L Houghton and PW Carpenter, "Aerodynamics for Engineering students", Fourth edition, Edward Arnold publications, 1993. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Anderson, J.D., Fundamentals of Aerodynamics, MaGraw Hill Book Co., 1999 2. Kermode A.C., "Flight without Formulae", McGraw Hill, 1985. 3. Milne Thomson, L.H., Theoretical Aerodynamics, Macmillan, 1985 4. Theory of wing sections by Ira Herbert Abbott, Albert Edward Von Doenhoff, 1959 edition
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Karunya University

Department of Aerospace Engineering

11AE206 AIRCRAFT/ LAUNCH VEHICLE DESIGN PROJECT Credits: 0:0:4 Course Objectives: 1. To familiarize with inputs required for Aircraft/ Launch vehcle design 2. To familiarize with methodology for aerodynamic design of Aircraft/ Launch vehcle 3. To select proper power plant to meet performance requirements 4. To familiarize with methodology for structural design of Aircraft/ Launch vehicle Course Outcome: Ability to 1. To carry out preliminary design of Aircraft/ Launch vehicle configuration 2. To carry out preliminary structural design of Aircraft/ Launch vehicle components 3. To select a power plant suitable for the required performance The following are the assignments to be carried out. 1. Comparitive study of the different type of the Aircraft/ Launch vehicles and their specifications and performance details. 2. Preliminary weight estimations, selection of main parameters, Power plant selection, Aerofoil selection for Wing, Tail and Control surfaces 3. Preparation of lay out of balance diagram and three view drawings 4. Drag estimation, Detailed performance calculation and Stability Estimates, V-n diagram Reference Books: 1. Jan Roskam - Airplane Design Part I-VIII, DAR Corporation, 2000 2. John P Fielding Introduction to Aircraft Design, Cambridge University Press, 2005

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