Flyer Triplet A4 V3
Flyer Triplet A4 V3
Flyer Triplet A4 V3
edu European Communication Research and Education Association ECREA is the learned society for communication scholars across Europe and beyond. ECREA hosts three networks (Central and East-European (CEE) Network, Womens Network and Young Scholars Network (YECREA) as well as 17 thematic sections, each developing their own sets of activities, as it is the case of Organizational and Strategic Communication Section (OSCS). Every year, dozens of PhD students gather together with leading scholars during the ECREA Summer School. ECREA also manages its own Book Series which publishes at least one volume of original and innovative academic work every year. All activities within ECREA are developed and organised to serve the community, enhance the quality of communication research and higher education, provide opportunities to exchange, share and collaborate, and to promote the interests of communication scholars. More importantly, ECREA is a bottom up organisation where various projects and ideas are emerging and materialising, driven by the energy and enthusiasm of the members. LabCom Laboratory of Online Communication The Laboratory of Online Communication (LabCom) is a communication sciences research unit created in 2002 and integrated in the Faculty of Arts of the Universidade da Beira Interior (UBI), Covilh, Portugal. The main purpose of the LabCom is to develop research programs about the status of the new communication technologies to assess their impact on everyday life and the different kinds of resulting communication phenomena on the public sphere. LabCom includes 3 inter-related research groups: i) on online information and persuasion, with special focus on journalism; ii) on media and identities, with special focus on public sphere and participative democracy; iii) on cinema and multimedia. The most distinctive characteristic of LabCom is its strong online presence with 3 online libraries: BOCC - Communication Sciences; BOAL - Audio Literature; LUSOSOFIA - Philosophy; 3 online journals: Communication Studies, Documentary Cinema and Rhthorik Journal; and 1 online publisher: LabCom Books.
In the contemporary marketplace, perceptions about corporations and their products are framed by multiple sources of information. Shifts in media access and consumption, the multiplication of marketing and corporate messages along with the demand for more corporate responsibility have pushed strategic communication into a new paradigm. Today, different groups of interest are continuously shaping brand perception and corporate reputation. Publics are no longer passive receivers of corporate messages. They want to participate in their favourite brands and companies and expect more attention, feedback and information. To be effective, different levels of communication strategies must be planned to develop dialogue within the organization and with different groups of stakeholders and publics. Each stakeholder group requires focused and continuous attention and it is an organizational imperative to nurture this relationship. This workshop aims to analyse and debate how contemporary developments in strategic and organizational communication theory contribute to understand the new dialogic paradigm. It intends to be an occasion to discuss new tendencies in strategic and organizational communication by looking to campaigns, instruments and messages that promote dialogue with different publics. Special attention will be paid to theoretical approaches on dialogue and to the following themes: dialogue on sustainability and reputation, integrated communication strategies, interactive communication campaigns and dialogue in crisis communication.
paneL 2 Dialogue on Sustainability and Reputation CHaiR: Anabela Gradim Alves Understanding stakeholder expectations. Laura Olkkonen University of Jayvaskyla Organizational Communication and Sustainability, studying European public campaigns. Raquel Evangelista, Teresa Ruo University of Minho Stakeholder dialogue in the context of corporate sustainability reporting. A comparative analysis of selected European banking companies. Katharina Hetze University of Lunenburg Strategic Integrated Communication in non-profit organizations for citizen participation, activism and campaigns for changes. Evandro Oliveira, Helena Pires University of Minho
paneL 4 Interactive Communication Campaigns. CHaiR: Eduardo Camilo The bad, the bold and the beautifull: conflicting attitudes towards advertising. Ana Duarte Melo, Helena Sousa University of Minho Liquid Logos: An Analysis of Google Doodles. Louise Elali, Danielle Keiser & Ozen Odag Jacobs University, Bremmen Branding events. Herlander Elias University of Beira interior
panel discussion Coffee Break ConfeRenCe Thoughts on imperative dialogue through the state of the art of PR in Spain. Jordi Xifra Universidad pompeu fabra, Barcelona Lunch paneL 5 Dialogue in Crisis Communication. CHaiR: Antnio Fidalgo Media Relations and Health News Coverage: the dialogue on Influenza A in Portugal. Teresa Ruo University of Minho Whos afraid of social media? A normative approach to corporate discourse on the web. Gisela Gonalves University of Beira interior NATO Strategic Communication - The reflection of Crisis in National Newspapers. Patricia Marcelino, Nuno Brando inp - institute of new professions, Lisbon Managing Corporate Communication During Volcanic Ash Crisis: The Case of Emirates Airlines. Khayrat Ayyad University of sharjah Contribution of the new information technologies to the eficacy of communication in crises situations. Their incidence in small and medium-sized companies in the north of Portugal,Euro.Region Galicia. Jorge Remondes Lusiada University
panel discussion Coffee-Break paneL 3 Integrated Communication Strategies CHaiR : Joo Carlos Correia Strategic and organizational communication in Mexican smes. Types of companies according to their integrated communication practices. Victoria Duran, Juan Luis Tato, Mara Garca Garca University of extremadura The science discussion groups as organizational communication strategy. Paula Nogueira University of Minho The bidirectional communication and interaction between Journalist and Press Officer. Case-Study Logica. Nade Caldeira, Nuno Brando inp institute of new professions An identity-based approach to communication Arminda S Sequeira University of Minho, isCap - porto
12.15h 14.00h
opening session
Joaquim Paulo Serra Head of UBi faculty of arts and Humanities Antnio Fidalgo LabCom director Adela Rogojinaru eCRea organizational and strategic Communication section Chair
opening ConfeRenCe The place of dialogue in communication management Magda Pieczka Queen Margareth University, edinburgh paneL 1 Theoretical Approaches on Dialogue CHaiR: Joaquim Paulo Serra Public Relations or the communication as understanding Mafalda Eir Gomes polytechnic institute of Lisbon Public Relations and Dialogical Ethics Rui Sampaio University of aores From dialogues to conversations: understanding the polemic of symmetry in communication and public relations. Adela Rogojinaru University of Bucharest
17.50h 18.15h
panel discussion eCRea organizational and strategic Communication section Meeting Conference dinner
12.00h 12.30h
16.00h 16.30h